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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Bulacan
Calumpit South District


Describe mixtures into uniform (homogeneous) and non– uniform (heterogeneous)



Topic: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixture

References: CG Code S6MT-Ia-c-1
Science – Teacher’s Guide pages 11-37
Science – Learner’s Materials pages 4-28
The Science Links 6 pages 65-69
Materials: Self- Learning Kit (Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixture), laptop, real
objects, pictures, charts answer sheet


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the
new lesson
1. Review: Mixture is made up of two or more substances
What is mixture? that are combined physically.

2. Motivation:
Decode the missing words to complete the sentence.
Use the legend below.

1 13 9 X 20 21 18 5 3 1 N 2 5 3 12 A MIXTURE CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS

A 19 19 9 6 9 5 4
A 19 5 9 T 8 5 18 8 15 13 15 7 E 14
E 15 21 19 15 18 HETEROGENEOUS.
8 5 T 5 18 15 7 5 14 5 15 21 19.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7
H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=1 N=14
O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21
V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The pupils will read the conversation
Read and understand the conversation carefully.
Jay is a kind and helpful brother, he always helps
her sister in their store.
One afternoon, after class, Jay is answering
his assignment. His sister Len is curious about
what her brother is doing. “What is the topic of
your assignment?” Len asked. “It is about
describing mixtures from uniform to non-uniform
mixtures,” Jay answered.
“I can help you understand your
assignment. You can use the materials here in the
store to describe the mixtures.” Len said. “Let us
have an experiment on mixing different materials
for us to know if they will mix together or not,” she
“Yehey! I am ready and excited,”
exclaimed Jay.
a. What is the assignment of Jay? a. The assignment of Jay is about describing
mixtures from uniform to non-uniform mixtures.
b. Len told Jay to use the different materials in
b. What did Len do so that Jay will the store.
understand the assignment?

C. Presenting Examples/instances of new


1. Setting of Standards/Safety Tips The pupils will give some rules in doing an
2. Activity1 experiment.
Problem: What happened to the materials when
mixed with water?

coffee flour The pupils will perform the activity.

powdered juice sand

cooking oil fruit soda

evaporated milk soft drink

sago’t gulaman Tap water

sliced banana spoon

10 glasses
What to do:

1. Fill half of the 10 glasses with tap water. Label

each glass with letters A-J.
2. Pour the coffee into glass A, fruit soda in glass
B, powdered
juice in glass C, soft drink in glass D,
evaporated milk in
glass E, flour in glass F, sand in glass G,
cooking oil in glass H,
sliced banana in glass I, and sago’t gulaman
in glass J.
3. Get a spoon, stir the water with the material in
each glass.
4. Observe and describe what happened to the

Guide Questions:
1. Did all the materials dissolve in water? No ma’am because some are soluble and
insoluble materials.

Describe the appearance of each material. There is no change in the appearance of

The powdered juice dissolves in the water.
The evaporated milk is mixed completely in
the water.
The fruit soda retains its color.
The soft drinks retain its color too.
The water becomes cloudy when we mix the
The cooking oil goes up in the water.
The sliced banana settles at the bottom.
The syrup of sago’t gulaman retains its color.
The sand settles at the bottom and forms
sediment while the water becomes cloudy.

2. What types of mixture are shown in the Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixture
The pupils will give some examples of
3. Give examples of homogeneous mixtures. homogeneous mixture.
The pupils will give some examples of
4. Give examples of heterogeneous mixtures. heterogeneous mixture.
The homogeneous mixtures are mixed
5. Compare and contrast homogeneous and completely while the heterogeneous mixtures
heterogeneous do not mix completely because the substances
mixtures? we mix are still visible.

Value Infusion: Drinking soft drink is not good for your

What values can you learn in the activity? health.
Helping others in doing an assignment.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills #1


Describe the appearance of the solution. Put a The pupil’s will answer the activity
check on the right column.
Did the Did the
materials materials
dissolve dissolve
thoroughly Materials thoroughly
when mixed when mixed
with water? with water?

Yes No Yes No

A. coffee A. coffee /

B. fruit soda /
B. fruit soda

C. powdered juice /
C. powdered juice

D. soft drink /
D. soft drink

E. evaporated milk /
E. evaporated milk


Describe the appearance of insoluble materials. Describe the appearance of insoluble materials.
Put a check on the right column. Put a check on the right column.

Did the
Did the materials dissolve
materials dissolve thoroughly when
thoroughly when Materials
Materials mixed with water?
mixed with water?
Yes No
Yes No
A. flour /
A. flour

B. sand /
B. sand

C. cooking oil /
C. cooking oil

D. sliced banana /
D. sliced banana
E. sago’t gulaman /
E. sago’t gulaman

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills #2

Put a check on the correct column. The pupil’s will answer the activity 2
Characteristics of the Characteristics of the
material material

Materials Non- Materials Non-

Uniform/ Uniform/
uniform/ two uniform/ two
single single
or more or more
appearance appearance
appearance appearance

1. mixed 1. mixed /
nuts nuts

2. sago’t 2. sago’t /
gulaman gulaman

3. pizza 3. pizza /

4. coffee 4. coffee /

5. milk 5. milk /

6. paint 6. paint /

7.alcohol 7.alcohol /

8.aluminum 8.aluminum /
foil foil

9. halo- 9. halo- /
halo halo

10. fruit 10. fruit /

salad salad

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment)



Complete each open-ended statement. Classify the The pupil’s will give their possible answer
following types of matter as either homogeneous or ( answer may vary)
heterogeneous. Write Homogeneous or
Heterogeneous on the first line and your reason in
describing the mixtures on the second line. Number
1 is done for you.
1.Chocolate chip ice cream is heterogeneous
because it is non-uniform and the chocolate chip
1.Chocolate chip ice cream is heterogeneous
in the ice cream is visible.
because it is non-uniform and the chocolate chip in
2. Black coffee is homogeneous
the ice cream is visible.
because the coffee is mixed completely in the
2. Black coffee is ________________
liquid substance.
3. Sugar water is homogeneous because the
3. Sugar water is _________________
sugar particles can no longer identified and
completely dissolves in the water.
4. Orange juice with pulp is ______ 4. Orange juice with pulp is heterogeneous
because________________________. because the pulp is still visible in the juice.
5. Lemonade is _________________ 5. Lemonade is homogeneous__ because the
because________________________. lemonade is mixed completely.
6. Pizza is________________________ 6. Pizza is_ heterogeneous because the different
Thebecause________________________. toppings of the pizza is still visible .
7. Mixed nuts is __________________ 7. Mixed nuts is heterogeneous because we
because_________________________. can still see or pick the different kinds of nuts.
8. Fruit salad is __________________ 8. Fruit salad is heterogeneous because we can
because________________________. still see the different ingredients of the salad .
9. Alloy is ______________________ 9. Alloy is homogeneous because it is made up of
because________________________. pure metal.
10. Water and oil is ______________ 10. Water and oil is heterogeneous because the
because________________________. oil particles is seen on top of the water and do not
mixed completely.

G. Finding Practical applications of concepts

and skills


Activity 4: I CHOOSE YOU

Direction: Analyze each question carefully. Choose 1.Which of the following dissolves in water?
the letter of the correct answer. a. sugar c. sand
1.Which of the following dissolves in water? b. cooking oil d. flour
a. sugar c. sand 2. Which of the following is an example of a
b. cooking oil d. flour homogeneous mixture?
2. Which of the following is an example of a a. water and flour
homogeneous mixture? b. fruit salad and milk
a. water and flour c. powdered juice and water
b. fruit salad and milk d. sand and water
c. powdered juice and water 3. Which of the following is an example of a
d. sand and water heterogeneous mixture?
3. Which of the following is an example of a a. coffee and water
heterogeneous mixture? b. fruit salad dressing
a. coffee and water c. chocolate drink
b. fruit salad dressing d. lemonade
c. chocolate drink 4. Describe the appearance of a homogeneous
d. lemonade mixture.
4. Describe the appearance of a homogeneous a. The substance is made up is evenly distributed.
mixture. b. Visible particles do not dissolve.
a. The substance is made up is evenly distributed. c. Solid particles settle at the bottom.
b. Visible particles do not dissolve. d. The substance dissolve partially.
c. Solid particles settle at the bottom. 5. Describe the appearance of a heterogeneous
d. The substance dissolves partially. mixture.
5. Describe the appearance of a heterogeneous a. The separate components can be seen.
mixture. b. The materials mixed can no longer be
a. The separate components can be seen. distinguished.
b. The materials mixed can no longer be c. The taste of materials became sweet.
distinguished. d. The color of the substance was changed.
c. The taste of materials became sweet.
d. The color of the substance was changed.
Create and enjoy making orange juice and fruit
salad. Follow the simple steps below.

A. How to make an orange juice.

The pupils will perform the activity.
1. Prepare the ingredients; orange powder, water
and ice.
2. Collect the materials needed like pitcher, spoon
and glasses.
3. Pour 1 liter of water into the pitcher.
4. Add the orange juice powder.
5. Stir with the spoon to mix it well, and then add
the ice.
6. Pour into the glasses then serve.
B. Follow the simple steps to make a fruit salad.
The pupils will perform the activity.
1. Prepare the ingredients: sliced fruits (any fruits
that are available in your place), and salad sauce
(condensed milk and all-purpose cream).
2. Collect the materials needed like a mixing bowl,
spoon and saucer.
3. Wash your hands before doing the activity.
4. Put the sliced fruits into the mixing bowl.
5. Pour the salad sauce over the fruits and mix it
6. Scoop them into the saucer then serve.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions

about the lesson

What are the two kinds of mixture? The kinds of mixture are homogeneous and
How will you differentiate it? heterogeneous mixture.
The homogeneous mixtures are mixed completely
while the heterogeneous mixtures do not mix
completely because the substances we mix are still
I. Evaluating Learning

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is incorrect. FALSE if it is incorrect.
______1. A uniform or homogeneous is a mixture TRUE 1. A uniform or homogeneous is a mixture
of different substances that are evenly distributed of different substances that are evenly distributed
throughout the mixture. throughout the mixture.
______2. Cereals are example of non- uniform or TRUE 2. Cereals are example of non- uniform or
heterogeneous mixture. heterogeneous mixture.
______3. When two or more substances are FALSE 3. When two or more substances are
combined they retain their physical properties. combined they retain their physical properties.
______4. A mixture is a combination of two or TRUE 4. A mixture is a combination of two or
more substances with different properties. more substances with different properties.
______5. All solid materials are soluble. FALSE 5. All solid materials are soluble.

J. Additional activities for application or



Give 2 examples of homogeneous and 2

heterogeneous mixtures that you can find at
Prepared by:


Teacher I


Principal III

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