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5S Management techniques enhance
Productivity & Competitiveness.

To become world class manufacturer,

organisation has to

• Identify, Reduce, Eliminate waste

• Enhance teamwork
• Enhance operation effectiveness
• Form model for productivity & quality

Each 5S management technique begins

with “S”, hence this technique is named
as 5S.

5S Management Techniques

To sort and systematically discard items
that are not needed in the workplace.

5S Management Techniques


To arrange necessary items in a neat

and systematic manner so that they can
be easily retrieved for use and to return
after use.

5S Management Techniques

To clean and inspect the workplace
thoroughly so that there is no dirt on
the floor, machines and equipments.

5S Management Techniques

To maintain a high standard of workplace
organisation by keeping everything clean
and orderly at all times.

5S Management Techniques

To train people to practise the 5S system
continuously so that it becomes habitual
and ingrained in the culture of the

5S Management Techniques

WHY 5S ?

The 5S concept is easy for everyone to understand because:

It does not require the understanding of difficult terminologies. It is simple,

driven by logic and natural to human behaviour.
It is within the reach of all type and size of industry or organisation.


A housekeeping exercise
A way to blame people for defects
A way to force people to do their work
A way to make people work harder and faster A monthly or yearly flavour
e.g. Quality Month


Today, many organisations have implemented the 5S system with

astonishing results as voiced by companies, the CEO’s and MDs of these
companies :

“We have not seen any approach to improvement that is SIMPLER or more
POWERFUL that can be implemented at LOWER COST”

The benefits are :

Workplace becomes cleaner and better organised. Shopfloor and office

operation becomes safer.
Visible results enhance the generation of more and better ideas.

5S Management Techniques

Lead-time reduced
Changeover time reduced by streamlining operations.
Breakdowns and minor stops eliminated on production lines.
Defects reduced by mistake proofing.
Clear methods and standards are established.
In-process inventory is reduced.
Space usage is improved. Customer complaints are reduced.


In order for the 5S system to be successful, the most important factor

is the commitment, participation and involvement of EVERYONE and
strong visible support from top management. Generally, 5S activities
should be carried out systematically as follows:

Visit 5S model companies for continual improvement.

Train everyone adequately on 5S Practices.
Promote 5S Campaign.
Plan systematic approach following the Plan-Do-Check-Act (P-D-C-
A) Cycle.
Practise Performance Measurement and Reward System.

5S Management Techniques


The 5S approach required for imlementation is a simple and

systematic methodology which can be introduced and implemented
in any size and type of organisation.

To start the 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation, each phase must be

thoroughly analysed and addressed using the P-D-C-A Cycle and
5W2H approach as follows:


Provide training and education for everyone.
Form 5S Council.
Set-up 5S Zones.
Determine 5S objectives, goals and implementation phases.
Plan 5S action plan and 5S Launch.


Identify what is necessary.

Set in Order:
Define what and how to arrange.

Identify dirt sources. Identify root causes.
Take action to eliminate dirt sources and root causes.

5S Management Techniques

Who is responsible ?
What actions to take to maintain the desired condition ? When must those
actions be taken ?
Where must they apply ?
What procedures need to be followed ?

Everyone understands, obeys and practises the rules and procedures
Continual efforts at sustaining the desired condition



Conduct Internal 5S Audit.

Benchmark within the department and with other organisations. Ensure
the established 5S procedures are followed through


Continual Improvement:
Develop 5S practices into a HABIT.
Compare actual goals with set goals.
Reward and recognise efforts of staff.
Register 5S Certification.
Participate in National 5S Competitions.
Review Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle.

5S Management Techniques


Improving organisation performance is an ongoing challenge and

organisations benefit best from a holistic approach, and here is an
extremely useful ROADMAP TO 5S IMPLEMENTATION. It provides
an excellent framework for establishing:

• The fundamental process for Productivity and Quality Improvements

A firm foundation for Continual Improvement
• Best Practices
• Key Performance Results

PHASE 1 and 2 are the ENABLERS.

PHASE 3 and 4 are the actual RESULTS achieved.

After each cycle review:

The phase which require improvement

The approaches which will impact on the results
The self-assessment to gauge the effectiveness of actions taken

Take five minutes to jot down your answers:

What are some of the benefits you might

experience from implementing 5S in your
workplace ?

Phase 1: Guidelines for 5S Preparation



To enhance total participation at all levels of employees and develop

a continuous improvement culture and best performance spirit in the
5S Council
5S Council structure need to be comprises the following:

5S Steering Committee

Managing Director as Advisor

General Manager as Chairman
Head of Departments as Facilitators

5S Training Committee

5S Promotion Committee

5S Audit Committee
Phase 1: Guidelines for 5S Preparation


5S Chairman:
Communicates with everyone involved.
Ensures total organisation participation.
Supports 5S implementation activities.
Establishes accountability for assigned responsibilities.

5S Coordinator:
Communicates with everyone involved.
Facilitate work group implementation activities.
Motivate and monitor implementation activities.
Ensure total organisation participation.
Act as a resource for information.

5S Facilitators:
Support 5S implementation.
Communicate with everyone involved.
Motivate work groups.
Ensure employee implementation plan.
Monitor measurement systems.

5S Leaders:
Participate in work group implementation process.
Communicate with everyone involved.
Monitor progress of group activities.

Employees’ responsibilities:

Participate in group activities with full commitment

Phase 1: Guidelines for 5S Preparation


5S Coordinator will demarcate the zones. 5S Facilitators will assign

responsibilities, to everyone and divide activities into manageable tasks.
This involves:

Obtaining the layout of the entire work area and dividing each section into
small zones.

Assigning one team to each section, determining the number

of people per team, and displaying the names of team members
and their areas.

Ensuring that at least one person is assigned to each section and there is
a leader for every team.

Ensuring that section size and team strength are uniform Defining who is
responsible for shared spaces.

The role of 5S Coordinator/Facilitators/Leaders is of paramount

importance in the application of 5S so that 5S activities occur as planned.

Phase 1: Guidelines for 5S Preparation


Objectives :
To disseminate 5S methodology and prepare the workforce for
meaningful participation in 5S activities.

This training programme, which is the starting point of 5S: Step-by-Step

Implementation, encourages workers to become actively involved in the
application exercises.This is the responsibility of the 5S Training

Once the preliminary training is completed, everyone will have the required
basic knowledge, and be responsible for action in progress. Plans
describing implementation of the 5S phases must be prepared and released
during the 5S declaration.

The most common mistake organisations make when implementing the 5S

system, is the failure to train adequately at the outset. Training should
proceed as follows:

5S Awareness for Top Management 5S Awareness for Operators

Step-by-Step 5S Implementation for Facilitators Step-by-Step Internal 5S

Phase 1: Guidelines for 5S Preparation



To announce the promotion plan for the sole purpose of promoting

the establishment of 5S activities.

Guidelines for 5S Launch

At this point, management must endorse the 5S plan, set targets,

policy, and goals for the Step-by-Step Implementation.

Announcement of 5S Policy, Objectives and Goals Announcement of

5S Zones
Announcement of the 5S Slogan

After the successful 5S Launch, proceed to the Step-by-Step

Implementation plan.

Phase 1: Examples of 5S Preparation


Steering Committee


Training Promotion Audit

The Steering Committee assist in implementing 5S activities.

An example of 5S policy and goal

We shall continuously maintain a high standard of 5S
practices at our workplace, through teamwork and self
discipline. In doing so, we shall achieve :-
• Improved productivity
• Consistent high quality products and services
• Timely delivery
• Reduced cost
• Safe working environment
To be recognised as a National 5S Model Company

Phase 1: Examples of 5S Preparation



•Identify 5S training for everyone.

•Schedule all types of 5S training.

5S Awareness Training
Step-by-Step 5S implementation for Facilitators
Step-by-Step Internal 5S Audit



•Promote 5S campaigns.

•Identify and recommend promotional activities.

•Recommend and grant rewards or recognition

to individuals / groups who have participated
or won in the promotional activities.

•Review the effectiveness of promotion


Phase 1: Examples of 5S Preparation



•Develop 5S evaluation criteria, guidelines and 3S

Improvement stickers.

•Assist in sustaining 5S activities through 5S Internal


•Submit monthly audit summary report to top


•Develop guidelines for measuring the impact of audit.

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Guidelines for Practising SORT Description:

The first S focuses on eliminating unnecessary items in the



It is the series of steps which keep only what is needed

the amount needed and
when it is needed

To implement the first S the Red-Tag process is commonly employed.

The Red-Tag strategy helps to identify unwanted items and determine
their usefulness. There are six steps involved in creating a successful
Red-Tagging process.

Step 1: Launch the Red-Tag Project

This is usually done by the 5S Steering Committee by creating
holding areas and planning for the disposal of unwanted items using
the Red-Tag form.

Step 2: Identify the Red-Tag Targets

Specify the type of items and the physical work areas to be

Step 3: Set Red-Tag Criteria

Three questions need to be asked to determine if an item is

Is it useful ?
How often is it needed ? How much is needed ?

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Step 4 : Attach the Tag.

The Red-Tagging event must be quick and decisive. The target scope
must be completed before the 5S Launch.

Step 5 : Evaluate Red-Tagged Items.

Decide what to throw and the actions required as illustrated in Figure


Items having no value Throw away immediately

and easy to dispose

Items having Look for buyer who

some sale value offers the best price

Items having no value Work out the least costly

and their disposal is costly and safest way for disposal

Figure 1. First S Action Plan

Step 6 : Document the Results of Red-Tagging.

Results must be logged for accounting purposes so that the
organisation can measure the improvements and savings
realised through the process.

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

When Red-Tagging is completed and action taken as in Figure 1,

workflow is reduced, communication between workers is improved
and productivity is enhanced.

The key word in this description is the elimination of unnecessary

items in the workplace. Sorting is an excellent technique to transform
a cluttered workplace layout into an effective area to improve
efficiency and safety.

Potential Impacts:

Necessary items are identified and positioned in the right workplace

and location.
Unwanted items are eliminated. Searching time is reduced.
Working environment is improved. Space utilisation is maximised.

Take five minutes to jot down your answers:

What are the problems that occur in your

workplace that are due to the accumulation of
unwanted items ?

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation


Example of Red Tag form

Actual Examples of Sorting Activities

Sorting activities using Red-Tag forms

Space created after Pallets arranged neatly for use

sorting activities after Red-Tag strategy

Lesson1: Clearing the Workplace

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Guidelines for Practising SET IN ORDER Description:

The second S reflects a very popular saying: “A place for everything

and everything in it’s place”. It emphasises safety, efficiency and
effective storage and consequently improves the appearance of the


Once the first S has been successfully implemented, what is left

should be arranged so that there is ease of use and storage as
illustrated in Figure 2.



Items frequently used Must be placed near

the point of use

Items sometime used Can be placed

further away

Items not used at all Must be stored separately

but must be kept with clear identification

Figure 2. Second S Action Plan

The process shown in Figure 2, eliminates

waste in production or in clerical activities and
ensures all materials, tools and equipments
have designated locations which are easy to
Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

The second S includes activities such as:

• Mark reference materials with an oblique line to detect disorder

from a distance.
• Put names and numbers on all jigs and tools.
• Store tools beside the machine with which they will be used
according to sequence of work operations.
• Organise files and store using colour code to make it easy to
identify materials at a glance.
• Store similar items together.
• Store different items in separate rows.
• Do not stack items together, use rack or shelf. Use small bins to
organise small items.
• Use colour for quick identification of items.
• Label clearly each item and its storage area (Visual Control) Use
see-through cover for better visibility.
• Use specially designed carts to organise tools, jigs and measuring
devices that are needed for each particular machine.
• Create tool boards.

The key word in this description is anyone. Labelling is specifically

for other people who need what is in the area, when the area owner
is away. The benefit is searching time reduced. When orderliness is
established, there is no human energy waste or excess inventory.

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Potential Impacts:
Items easily returned to its designated location after use.
Required items easily located, stored and retrieved.
First-In First-Out (FIFO) is practised. Retrieval time is reduced.
Right Item, Right Place, Right Quantity and Right Method (4R)
are in place.

Take five minutes to jot down your answers:

Name the three types of action required for

an efficient and effective storage method ?

Actual Examples of Set In Order Activities


Visible filing system enhances work

discipline and reduces searching time

In-use forms arranged neatly Systematic and traceable

with numbering for fast pick-up

Organised and traceable with In-use forms in the

visual index to eliminate errors designated trays

Actual Examples of Set In Order Activities

Keeping everything in its Organise work area for

designated location maximum efficiency

Visible arrangement to enhance

work discipline

Efficient space utilisation and

organised workplace

Lesson 2: Designated
Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Guidelines for Practising SHINE Description:

The third S stresses on cleanliness because it ensures a more

comfortable and safer workplace, as well as better visibility, which reduces
retrieval time and ensures higher quality work, product or service.


The third S is to thoroughly clean the work area. Daily follow-up cleaning
is absolutely necessary to maintain a clutter-free workplace and a
desirable environment. SHINE speaks for itself. Everyone enjoys working
in a clean environment which raises morale and increases productivity.

To successfully implement the third S as a daily value-adding activity, the

following steps must be practised.

Step 1: Delegate Cleaning Assignments.

Cleanliness is the responsibility of EVERY employee and the workplace
must be divided into distinct cleanliness areas, which can be based on:

5S Zones:
Show all the cleanliness areas and the names of the people responsible
for them.

5S Schedules:
Show in greater detail the different areas and the names of those
responsible for them, including daily rosters.

Step 2: Determine What is to be Cleaned.

Develop targets and categorise them for ease of use.

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Step 3: Determine the Methods to be Used.

Decide on the tools and materials required and what is to be cleaned in
each area. Cleanliness must be practised daily and must take only a short
time to execute. Standards must be adopted to ensure people do the
cleaning efficiently.

Step 4: Prepare the Cleaning Tools and Materials.

Set up cleaning tools and the required materials in such a manner so that
they are easily retrieved for use.

Step 5: Implement Cleanliness.

All equipment malfunction or defects must be fixed or reconditioned.

The key word in this description is keeping the workplace and everything
in it clean and in good functional condition. This is achieved through the
combination of the cleaning function and defect detection.

Higher quality work and products.

More comfortable and safer work environment Greater visibility and
reduced retrieval time Lower maintenance cost
Creates positive impression on visitors and during customer inspections

Take five minutes to jot down your answers:

Name the two types of problems in your workplace that could be

avoided by implementing the cleanliness procedures?

Actual Examples of Shine Activities


Arrange and label neatly □

Daily cleaning roster to Neatly organised wiring

enhance teamwork for easy cleaning

Prevention of spillage to Rules to follow for clean

maintain floor cleanliness toilet maintenance

Lesson 3: Cleanliness and Workplace Appearance

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Guidelines for Practising STANDARDISE Description:

The continued employment of the 3S will ensure a high standard of

workplace organisation.


Once the 3S are in place, the next step is to concentrate on standardizing

best practises.The plan must include the creation of procedures and
simple daily checklists which are to be visibly displayed at every

The checklists must serve as visual signpost to ensure that the daily 3S
requirements are carried out habitually as best practices in the work area.
Examples of checklists are:

Job responsibilities that include: Who is responsible? (ownership)

What actions must be taken to maintain the desired condition?
When must those actions be taken? Where must they apply?
What procedures will be followed to ensure compliance?

Work-in-progress / inventory rules. Cleaning procedures.

Maintenance schedules.
Regular work activities integrated with 3S duties.

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

The key word is to consolidate the 3S by establishing standard

procedures. This activity is carried out to determine the best work
practices and find ways of ensuring that everyone carries out their
individual activity in their workplace.

Potential Impacts:

Better workplace standards. Better Visual Control Systems.

Establishment of Rules and Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)
Information sharing on required standards.
Improvement in operation and workflow.

procedures as daily checklist at your

workplace ?

Actual Examples of Standardised Activities

Well organised for ease of use

Colour coding with numbering for visual control

Simple rules to follow and maintain as daily work habit

First-In First-Out (FIFO) instructions

Actual Examples of Standardised Activities

Simple rules to follow and maintain as daily work habit

Colour coding racks Safety Signage to avoid accident

for designated items

Right at the First Time Person In Charge of

“visual control” machine maintenance

Lesson 4: Everyone Doing Things the Same Way

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

Guidelines for Practising SUSTAIN Description:

The fifth S is to make it a habit of maintaining the momentum of the

previous four S to ensure sustainability of the system and to make further
improvement by encouraging effective use of P-D-C-A Cycle.


Build awareness of the importance of 5S through retraining. Reward and

recognise efforts of staff.
Use techniques / approaches / strategies to sustain activities.


5S Slogans and Posters

5S Newsletters to share the progress of 5S activities
5S Achievements - standards and performance indicators

Phase 2: 5S: Step-by-Step Implementation

The last S stands for SUSTAIN which requires self-discipline without

which it is impossible to maintain consistent standards of quality,
safety and cleanliness.

The key word in this description is shared values. Shared values are
achieved through coaching and team participation, not shouting
orders and imposing penalties. The implementation of 5S involves
coaching to get the workers to do the simple things right. Buying in to
these basic values is the essential starting point to develop a World
Class organization.

Potential Impacts:

Compliance to workplace rules.

Team spirit and discipline are developed.
The ‘Kaizen’ mentality is inculcated in the employees. Adoption of
best practices.
Enhance operation effectiveness in a better working environment

Take five minutes to jot down your answers:

How does sustaining activities contribute to productivity


Actual Examples of Sustain Activities

Rules to follow as daily work habits

Instructions to follow before and after use of the forklift

Items placed according to SOP 5S Corner - Information Sharing

5S Notice Boards

Lesson 5: Ingrain it in the Culture

Phase 3: 5S Self-Assessment and 5S Certification


To ensure that the organisation can assess its strength as well as the
areas for improvement and where the organisation stands in the 5S

Guidelines for 5S Self-Assessment

Activities from Phase 2 would have provided direct progressive 5S

momentum. The 5S self-assessment is to be monitored and
documented through 5S Internal Audit methodology.


Internal 5S Auditors from the organisation will be in the best position

to deal with 5S self-assessment. Organisations that have successful
5S activities measure their performance through weekly or monthly
audits using 5S Checklists, Audit Summary Sheet and 3S
Improvement Stickers. Results of the audits must be displayed at the
5S Corner of every department. This creates an atmosphere of
friendly competition and will help to instill pride in the teams.

This evaluation and competition must be linked with a reward system;

most successful organisations offer monthly rewards for the winning
teams in the various 5S categories.

Self-Assessment is the basis for the 5S Certification.

Phase 3: 5S Self-Assessment and 5S Certification

Examples of 3S Improvement Audit Stickers

Phase 3: 5S Self-Assessment and 5S Certification

Examples of 5S Excellent Stickers

Rewards and recognition Audit results displayed

by management at the 5S corner

Lesson 6: There Need to be Continuity and Consistency


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