Linear Programming problems in two variables may be solved using the graphical solution.
There are two ways of solving the LP problem graphically: a) using the Method of Corners (based on the
Extreme Point Theorem and b) using the Objective Function Line Method (commonly referred to as
Isoprofit/Isocost Line Method).
To find the optimal solution (or the best feasible solution), it is necessary to display graphically
where the feasible solutions are. The solutions permitted by all the constraints are the feasible solutions
and the portion of the two-dimensional graph where the feasible solutions lie is referred to as the feasible
If a linear programming problem has a solution then it must occur at a vertex, or corner point, of the
feasible set S associated with the problem.
Suppose we are given an LP problem with a feasible set S and the objective function 𝑍 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦,
a. If S is bounded, then 𝑍 has both a maximum and minimum value on 𝑆 (Figure 1-A).
b. If S is unbounded and both 𝑎 and 𝑏 are nonnegative, then 𝑍 has a minimum value on S provided
that the constraints defining S include the inequalities 𝑥 ≥ 0 and 𝑦 ≥ 0 (Figure 1-B).
c. If S is the empty set, then the linear programming problem has no solution; that is, 𝑍 has neither a
maximum nor a minimum value (Figure 1-C).
Steps in Solving LP Problems Using The Method of Corners (Based on the Extreme Point
Formulate the LP problem and solve graphically using the Method of Corners:
1. Moonlife Financials has a total of P100 million earmarked for home and auto loans. On the
average, home loans have a 10% annual rate of return while auto loans yield a 12% annual rate of
return. Management also stipulated that the total amount of home loans should be greater than or
equal to 4 times the total amount of automobile loans. Determine the total amount of loans of
each type Moonlife Financials should extend to each category in order to maximize its returns.
Non-negativity constraint: 𝑥, 𝑦 ≥ 0
The graph, feasible solution, 𝑆, and corner points (A, B and C) are shown:
The coordinates of the corner points may be obtained using solution of systems of linear equations. To do
this, one must identify the lines that intersect at the corner points. Hence, for corner point B, solve the
system 𝑥 – 4𝑦 = 0 and 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 100𝑀 in order to obtain its coordinates. The values of the objective
function Z are obtained after evaluating the function at each corner point.
We can see from the table that the maximum for the objective function
𝑍 = 0.10𝑥 + 0.12𝑦 occurs at corner point B. Thus, Moonlife Financials should extend PhP 80M to
home loans and PhP 20M to auto loans to realize a maximum annual returns of PhP 10.4M.
2. A nutritionist advises an individual who is suffering from iron and vitamin-B deficiency to take at
least 2400 mg of iron, 2100 mg of vitamin B1 and 1500 mg of vitamin B2 over a certain period of
time. Two vitamin capsules are suitable, Neuro-Iron and Sango-Iron. Each Neuro-Iron capsule
costs P6 and contains 40 mg of iron, 10 mg of vitamin B1 and 5 mg of vitamin B2. Each Sango-
Iron costs P8 and contains 10 mg or iron and 15 mg each of vitamins B1 and B2. What
combination of each brand should the individual purchase in order to meet the minimum iron and
vitamin requirements at the lowest cost?
Objective: To minimize cost, z
Let x be the number of capsules of Neuro-Iron
Decision Variables:
y be the number of capsules of Sango-Iron
Objective Function: Minimize z = 6x + 8y
Constraints: Iron Requirement: 40x + 10y ≥ 2,400
The graph, feasible solution, 𝑆, and corner points (A, B, C and D) are shown. Notice that S is unbounded.
The values of the objective function Z are obtained after evaluating the function at each corner point.
Corner Points 𝑍 = 6𝑥 + 8𝑦
A (0, 240) 𝑍𝐴 = 6(0) + 8(240) = 𝑃ℎ𝑃 1,920
B (30, 120) 𝑍𝐵 = 6(30) + 8(120) = 𝑃ℎ𝑃 1,140
C (120, 60) 𝑍𝐶 = 6(120) + 8(60) = 𝑃ℎ𝑃 1,200
D (300, 0) 𝑍𝐶 = 6(300) + 8(0) = 𝑃ℎ𝑃 1,800
We can see from the table that the minimum for the objective function
𝑍 = 6𝑥 + 8𝑦 occurs at corner point B. Thus, the individual must purchase 30 Neuro-Iron capsules and
120 Sango-Iron capsules at a minimum cost of PhP 1,140.
An objective function line (or isoprofit/isocost line) is a line whose points all have the same value
of the objective function.
1. ABC Furniture produces tables and chairs. Both require labor hours for carpentry and painting
jobs. Each table requires 4 hours of carpentry time and 2 hours of painting time. Each chair
requires 3 hours of carpentry and 1 hour of painting time. During the next production period,
there are 240 hours available for carpentry and 100 hours for painting. Each table yields P100
profit and each chair, P50. Determine the best product combination to optimize profit.
function line
Observe that the rightmost objective function line coincides with segment BC, hence, there are
infinitely many solutions to the LP problem, not just corner points B and C. The values of the objective
function Z are obtained after evaluating the function at points B and C. Since 30 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 50, other
solutions may be obtained by assigning values of x within the given range of values, using the equation of
segment BC, which is 2x + y = 100. Some possible optimal solutions are:
Subject to: 2𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 30
2𝑥 + 3𝑦 ≤ 54
𝑥 ≤ 12
𝑥, 𝑦 ≥ 0
The graph, feasible solution and corner points are shown in the graph. From z = 10x + 15y, the slope
−10 −2
of the objective function line is 𝑚 = 15
= 3
. After drawing the first objective function line, a series of
parallel objective function lines may be drawn until the right-most corner point is reached.
Optimal Objective Function Line
Here, the rightmost objective function line coincides with segment BC, hence, there are infinitely
many solutions to the LP problem, not just corner points B and C. The values of the objective function Z
are obtained after evaluating the function at points B and C. Since 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 9, other solutions may be
obtained by assigning values of x within the given range of values using the equation of segment BC,
2x + 3y = 54. Some possible optimal solutions are:
3. A nutritionist advises an individual who is suffering from iron and vitamin-B deficiency to take at
least 2400 mg of iron, 2100 mg of vitamin B1 and 1500 mg of vitamin B2 over a certain period of
time. Two vitamin capsules are suitable, Neuro-Iron and Sango-Iron. Each Neuro-Iron capsule
costs P6 and contains 40 mg of iron, 10 mg of vitamin B1 and 5 mg of vitamin B2. Each Sango-
Iron costs P8 and contains 10 mg or iron and 15 mg each of vitamins B1 and B2. What
combination of each brand should the individual purchase in order to meet the minimum iron and
vitamin requirements at the lowest cost?
Objective: To minimize cost, z
Let x be the number of capsules of Neuro-Iron
Decision Variables:
y be the number of capsules of Sango-Iron
Objective Function: Minimize z = 6x + 8y
Constraints: Iron Requirement: 40x + 10y ≥ 2,400
B1 Requirement: 10x + 15y ≥ 2,100
Optimal objective
function line
Corner point B is the leftmost-most corner point intersected by the objective function line.
Hence, it is the optimal solution.
Corner Points 𝑍 = 6𝑥 + 8𝑦
B (30, 120) 𝑍𝐵 = 6(30) + 8(120) = 𝑃ℎ𝑃 1,140
Thus, the individual must purchase 30 Neuro-Iron capsules and 120 Sango-Iron capsules at a
minimum cost of PhP 1,140.
Anderson, D. R. (2008). Quantitative Methods for Business, 11th edition. Mason, Ohio, USA: South-Western.
Tan, S. T. (2009). Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences, 9th Edition. Singapore.
Cengage Learning.
Taylor, B. W. (2007). Introduction to Management Science, 9th Edition. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia.
Optimal Solution:
B. Solve graphically using the Objective Function Line Method.
𝑋, 𝑌 ≥ 0
Optimal Solution:
C. Formulate the LP problem and solve graphically using the Method of Corners.
J&T Chemicals produces two products that are sold as raw materials to companies manufacturing
bath soaps and laundry ingredients. Based on an analysis of current inventory levels and potential
demand for the coming month, the management has specified that the combined production for products
A and B must total at least 2,100 liters. Separately, a major customer’s order for 750 liters of product A
must also be satisfied. Product A requires 20 minutes of processing time per liter while product B
requires 10 minutes of processing time per liter, and for the coming month, 600 hours of processing time
are available. The firm wants to satisfy these requirements at a minimum total production cost.
Production costs are P20 per liter for product A and P30 per liter for product B. Determine the volume of
each product that must be produced to minimize the cost of production.
Decision Variables:
Objective Function:
Optimal Solution:
D. Formulate the LP problem and solve graphically using the Objective Function Line Method.
JAM, Inc. is a small manufacturer of sports and school bags. Its distributor believes that a
market exists for both medium-priced school bags, Product A, and high-priced sports bags, Product
B. The distributor is so confident of the market that, if JAM can make the bags at a competitive price,
the distributor will purchase all the bags that it can manufacture over the next three months. A careful
analysis of the manufacturing requirements resulted in the following table, which shows the
production time requirements for the four required manufacturing operations and the accounting
department’s estimate of the profit contribution per bag:
Optimal Solution: