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Bharat Broadband Network Limited

(A Government of India Undertaking)

O/o The CGM(Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha

Room No. 318, 3rd Floor
Door Sanchar Bhawan, Unit-IX


Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017

Total No. of Pages - 32

Price (including GST) Rs. 560/-

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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O/o- The CGM(Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha
Room No. 318, 3rd Floor
Door Sanchar Bhawan, Unit-IX
E-Tenders are invited by CGM (Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha, BBNL, Bhubaneswar (herein after
referred to as the purchaser), on behalf of CMD, BBNL (A Govt. of India Undertaking) for hiring of A/C,
Diesel driven cars registered as taxi & not more than 2 years old i.e. not purchased before 01.10.2015
for BBNL Officers at Odisha, from the prospective bidders who can supply commercial vehicles as per
following requirements:

Sr No. Vehicle Type Quantity For BBNL office at

1 TATA INDIGO or Equivalent (A/C ) 2 (Two) Bhubaneswar
1(One) Berhampur(Gm)

The schedule of activities is as follows:

Activity/Item Description Time and Date
1 Issue of NIT 28/12/2017

2 Start of Downloading tender document From 17:00 Hours of 29/12/2017

Closure of Downloading tender
3 13:00 Hours of 16/01/2018
4 Vendor Training (Optional) 11:00 Hours of 10/01/2018
Last date and time for seeking
5 17:00 Hours of 05/01/2018
Last date and time for uploading
6 17:00 Hours of 08/01/2018
Last date and time for submission of Bids
7 13:30 Hours of 17/01/2018
on line and offline documents
8 Opening of Technical Bids 15:00 Hours of 17/01/2018
9 Estimated cost of tender Rs 14,00,000/-
10 Amount of EMD to be deposited Rs 28,000/-

Purchaser: Designation : CGM (Project) & Sate Head, BBNL, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Phone/ : 0674-2544700/9437050607
Email id : [email protected]
Office address : O/o The CGM (Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha
Room No. 318, 3rd Floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Unit-IX

Intending eligible bidders may download the tender document from or or and deposit the cost of the tender form
Rs 560/- (in the form of Demand Draft (issued after the NIT date) drawn in favour of “BHARAT
BROADBAND NETWORK LIMITED” payable at New Delhi before the last date/time of submission of
tender. However, bids are to be submitted online only on No
offline bid will be accepted.

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S No Documents Yes/No/(N/A)

1. Cost Of Tender Documents. (DD No ................Amt............ Date…………………)

2 EMD/Bid Security (DD No......................... Amt.............. Date………………)

3 Whether all the pages are signed & stamped?

4 Whether Bid Form is filled up and signed?

5 Whether Bidder’s Profile is filled up?

6 Whether Self attested Copy of Registration of the Firm is attached?

7 Self attested copy of Partnership Deed OR Proprietorship Deed / Memorandum

of Association/ Articles, as applicable.

8 Documents of Ownership of Vehicles by the agency and the consent of the

owners of vehicles to be hired

9 Self attested copy of latest Income Tax Return (FY 2016-17)

10 Self attested copy of PAN Card

11 Self-attested copy of GSTN Certificate

12 Declaration that Commercial Vehicle of registration (Purchased on or after

01.10.2015) will be Supplied (Section- VIII)
13 Bio Data of Bidder (Section IX)

14 Declaration Regarding No Near Relative(s) Working in BBNL (Section X)

15 Letter of Authorisation for attending Bid Opening (Section XI)

16 Declaration of Non Tampering of Tender Document (Section XII)

17 Declaration Regarding Blacklisting / Non-Blacklisting (Section XIII)

18 Pre Receipt for Refund of Earnest Money (Section XIV)

19 Proforma for Performance Security Bond (Section XV)

20 Certificate for work experience of similar work for one year

21 Technical Bid (Section XVI)

22 Financial Bid (Section V)

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1. Eligibility Conditions

a) The bidder must have experience of supplying commercial vehicles registered as taxi for
one year period of contract value not less than Rs 4,65,000/- (Approximately 1/3rd of
estimated tender cost).
b) The bidder should own at least 1(one) vehicle (Tata Indigo & equivalent), with
registration not more than two years old, i.e. not purchased before 01.10.2015)
registered as taxi in the name of the firm. In case of proprietorship firm, the vehicle can
be owned by the family members. The bidder shall submit full details of the vehicle. He
shall give clear declaration that the firm will be able to supply commercial vehicles with
registration not older than 2 years, i.e. not purchased before 01.10.2015) (Section VIII).
c) The bidder must be registered under GST for purpose of Tours and Travels and
Registrar of Companies, if applicable.

2. Documents required to be submitted along with the bid.

The bidder shall furnish the following documents along with the completed/signed bid
a. Documents showing ownership of vehicles owned by the agency.
b. Documents of 3 (Three) vehicles offered for hiring (Tata Indigo & equivalent) with
registration not more than 2 years old, i.e not purchased before 01.10.2015 &
registered as Taxi of type as listed or higher.
c. Bio Data of Bidder. (SECTION IX)
d. Bid Security of required amount in form of Demand Draft (to be deposited in the Tender
Box kept in O/o the State Head, BBNL, Odisha, Bhubaneswar before last date/time of
dropping of bids)
e. Valid GSTN Registration Certificate.
f. Latest Income Tax return (FY 2016-17) along with copy of PAN card.
g. Registration with Registrar of the Companies under Companies Act / Firm Registration
/Proprietorship /Partnership deed or Article / Memorandum of Association as the case
may be.
h. Certificate of Near Relative not working in BBNL as per (Section X). (To be executed &
attested by Public Notary/Executive Magistrate on Rs. 20/- stamp paper by the bidder.
i. Declaration of Non-tampering of Document in case of Downloaded Tender (Section XII).
j. Declaration of Non Blacklisting (Section XIII) ( To be executed & Attested by Public
Notary/Executive Magistrate on Rs.20/- Stamp paper by the bidder)
k. Pre-receipt of refund of EMD (Section XIV).
l. Letter of Authorisation for Attending Bid Opening (Section XI)
m. Cost of tender document (to be deposited in the Tender Box kept in O/o the
CGM(Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha before last date/time of online submission of
n. Experience Certificates of work experience for at least Rs 4,65,000/- during 2015-16 or
Failure to furnish all the information required as per Bid Documents or submission of the
bids not substantially responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect may result in
rejection of the Bid. All the pages of the tender document and certificates shall be duly

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signed by the bidder, which will constitute the agreement of all terms & conditions
mentioned in this bid document.

3. Submission of Bid Documents:

The bidder shall submit his bid ONLINE only complying all eligibility conditions, other terms
and conditions of tender document to be read alongwith clarifications and amendments
issued (if any) in respect of Section XVI TECHNICAL BID. Only cost of tender document and
Earnest Money will have to be deposited before last date/time of submission of tenders in
a sealed cover in the Tender Box kept in the Office of the State Head, BBNL, Odisha.
a) Tender will be opened in the presence of Bidders or their authorised representatives on
due date & time of opening of tender. Technical Bids of the Tenders received will be
opened on that day. The Financial Bids of only technically qualified bidders will be
opened later. Incomplete Tender is liable to be rejected. Also, if Financial bid is found
alongwith Technical bid, same will be rejected. All Columns should be furnished with
relevant details and no column should be left blank. All rows and columns of the
financial bid vide section-V of the bid document must be filled. Non-filling of all rows
and columns will make the tender non-responsive/invalid.

b) Only the cost of tender and EMD are to be submitted offline before the last date/time
of submission of tender. All other documents, certificates and tender document
(completely filled, signed and stamped on every page) are to be uploaded/submitted
online only.

c) The Financial bid should contain the schedule of Rates at Section V in excel file only.
The format of Financial Bid Form should not be changed in any manner. Addition /
deletion / alteration of the text will automatically render the tender invalid and
therefore, will be summarily rejected.

4. Prescribed Format

Tender offers shall be submitted in the prescribed format along with the downloaded
tender document and enclosed Financial/Price bid (to be submitted separately). Price
bids not adhering to the prescribed format are liable to be rejected summarily.

5. Price Bid

The supplier shall quote in original in the Scheduled Rates format attached along with
bid document for types of vehicles given in the “Services to be provided”.

Rate quoted in any other format /sheet will not be considered. Rate should be quoted
in enclosed sheet both in figures & words without any overwriting, corrections, errors,
omissions etc. In case of variation in rates in words and figures quoted, the rates in
words will be considered. Any corrections in bid or rate sheet are required to be signed
by the bidder otherwise tender may be rejected summarily.

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6. Bid Security (EMD)

6.1 The bidder must deposit prescribed Bid Security/EMD (Non-Interest Bearing). The Bid
Security/EMD shall be in the form of Demand Draft (drawn after date of NIT) from any
nationalized bank in favour of “BHARAT BROADBAND NETWORK LIMITED” payable
at New Delhi, and it shall be valid for at least 90 days from the date of tender

6.2 The successful bidder’s bid security will be discharged/adjusted upon the bidder’s
acceptance of the award of contract satisfactorily in accordance with Clause 10 of
Section II and furnishing the performance security.

6.3 The bid security will be forfeited

a) If the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of validity specified in the bid form.
b) If the successful bidder fails to sign contract within 7 days of the issue of LOI (letter
of intent).
c) If the successful bidder fails to furnish performance security in accordance with
Clause 10 of Section II.
d) If the bidder is not able to provide the vehicle after signing the contract from the
date decided by the purchaser.

6.4 The bid security of the unsuccessful bidder will be discharged/returned as early as
possible, but not later than 30 days after the finalization of the tender.

7. Submission of Bid:

a. The bids should be addressed to the purchaser and submitted ONLINE only before last
date & time.
b. Since submission is online, no bid will be allowed to be submitted after last date/time
c. Only the cost of Tender Document and EMD are to be submitted offline in a sealed
cover in the O/o the CGM (P) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha before last date/time of
submission of the bid.

8. Tender Opening

a. The bids shall be opened in the presence of the bidder or their authorized
representative, who wish to be present at the time of opening of bids on due date. The
bidders can also see the bids submitted by logging through their user id /password on
the Tender wizard portal

b. In case the date fixed for the opening of the bids is declared as holiday/bandh, the bids
will be opened on the next working day, time and venue remaining unaltered.

9. Bid Evaluation

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a. Bids shall be evaluated to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether documents have been properly signed
and whether bids are generally in order.

b. If there is any discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
prevail. Prior to detailed evaluation, the purchaser will determine the substantial
responsiveness of each bid to the bid document. A substantially responsive bid is one,
which fulfils all the eligibility criteria and conforms to all the terms and conditions of the
bid document, without material deviation. A bid determined as substantially non-
responsive will be rejected by the purchaser.

c. The purchaser shall evaluate in detail and compare the substantially responsive bids
and comparison of bids shall be on the services offered inclusive of all the levies and
charges as indicated in the Schedule of Rates in Section V and Evaluation of the bid as
per Section VI.

d. The bidder whose quoted rate is minimum (Section V) will be declared as L1 bidder
and given work order for supply of all three vehicles. However, if the L1 bidder fails to
sign agreement/accept work order/supply vehicle or gives non-satisfactory
performance during contract period, the competent authority reserves the right to
rescind him with forfeiture of his Performance Security (Bank Guarantee) and award
whole contract/part (as the case may be) to the L2 bidder at L1 rate.

10. Performance Security

a. The successful bidder will be required to deposit an amount equal to 5 % of the value of
the contract within ten days of issue of letter of intent conveying BBNL’s intention for
accepting the bid, as performance guarantee.

b. The performance guarantee shall be submitted either in the form of Bank

Guarantee on prescribed stamp paper in the Performa as per Section-XV or Bank Draft
from a scheduled Bank, in favour of “BHARAT BROADBAND NETWORK LIMITED”
payable at New Delhi.

c. The performance guarantee shall remain with BBNL for a period of six months from the
date of expiry of contract and shall be released thereafter provided there are no
outstanding claims against the contractor.

d. If the bidder fails or neglects any of his obligations under the contract, it shall be lawful
for the BBNL, to forfeit either whole or any part of performance guarantee furnished by
the bidder as aforesaid as compensation for any loss resulting from such failure.

e. BBNL shall not be liable to pay any interest on security money deposited.

11. Award of Contract

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The purchaser shall consider placement of letter of intent to those bidders whose offers
have been found technically, commercially and financially acceptable.

12. Right to vary Quantities

The purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the required quantity of
vehicles by 50 % (i.e a maximum of 2 vehicles beyond the present requirement of three
vehicles) in the schedule of requirements without any change in the hiring charges of
the offered quantity and other terms and conditions.

13. Signing of Contract

Signing of Agreement shall constitute the award of hiring contract on the bidder.

14. Annulment of Award

Failure of the successful bidder to comply with any of the tender/contract conditions
shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of award and forfeiture of the bid
security in which event the purchaser may make the award to any other bidder at the
discretion of the purchaser or call for new bids.

15. Right to Accept or Reject

The purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to accept whole or a
portion of tender as it may deem fit, without assigning any reason.

16. Termination of Contract

16.1 The purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right/remedy for breach of
contract, terminate the contract in whole or in parts:

a) If the contractor fails to arrange the supply of any or all of the vehicle(s) within
the period specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by the

b) If the contractor fails to perform any other obligations under the contract

16.2 The purchaser may, without prejudice to any other rights under the law or the
contract provided, get the hiring done at the risk and the cost of the contractor,
in the above circumstances.

16.3 Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the purchaser also reserves the
right to terminate the contract at any time or stage during the period of
contract, by giving notice in writing without assigning any reason and without
incurring any financial liability to the service provider/contractor.

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17. Termination for Insolvency

The purchaser may also by giving written notice and without compensation to the
contractor to terminate the contract if the contractor becomes unwilling, bankrupt or
otherwise insolvent without affecting its right of action or remedy as hirer.

18. Miscellaneous Conditions:

18.1 The purchaser reserves the right to counter offer price against price quoted by
the bidder.
18.2 The purchaser reserves the right to disqualify such bidders for a suitable period
who fail to honour their bid without sufficient ground.

19. Force Majeure

If during the continuance of this contract, the performance in whole or in part by either
party of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any
war, or hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods,
explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts or act of god
(hereinafter referred to as events) provided notice of happenings, of any such
eventuality is given by either party to the other within 21 days from the date of
occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason of such events be entitled to
terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against the
other in respect of such on performance or delay in performance under the contract
shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such an event may come to an end or
cease to exist, and the decision of the purchaser as to whether the supplies/services
have been so resumed or not shall be final and conducive, provided further that if the
performance in whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or
delayed by reason of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may, at
his option terminate the contract.

20. Arbitration

20.1 In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under the agreement in
connection therewith (except as to matters, the decision to which is specifically
provided under this agreement) the same shall be referred to sole arbitration of the
Director(Planning) BBNL CO, New Delhi, In case his designation is changed or his office is
abolished then in such case to the sole Arbitration of the officer for the time being
entrusted whether in addition to the function of the Director(Planning) BBNL CO, New
Delhi or by whatever designation such officer may be called (herein after referred to as
the said officer) and if the Director(Planning) BBNL CO, New Delhi or the said officer is
unable or unwilling to act as such , than to the sole arbitration of some other person
appointed by the Director(Planning) BBNL CO, New Delhi or the said officer. The

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agreement to appoint an arbitrator will be in accordance with the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996. The adjudication of such Arbitrator shall be governed by the
provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, or any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof or any rules made thereof.

20.2 The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of both the parties extend the
time frame for making and publishing the award. Subject to aforesaid Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules made there under, any modification thereof for the
time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this

20.3 The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be the office of Director(Planning) BBNL
CO, New Delhi or such other place as the arbitrator may decide.

21. Set-Off (Recovery of Sum Due):

Any sum of money due and payable to the contractor (including security deposit
refundable to him) under this contract may be appropriated by the purchaser and set-
off the same against any claim of the purchaser for payment of a sum of money arising
out of this contract or under any other contract made by contractor with the purchaser.

22. Terms of Payment:

Payment shall be made on monthly basis on certification of bills by respective users

after deduction of penalties, if any. The bill may be submitted with valid R/C of vehicle,
Valid GST registration (printed on the bill), valid pollution certificate, valid license of
driver and PAN number.

23. Duration of the Contract

Normally the contract will be awarded for One year, further extendable by ONE YEAR if
mutually agreed under same terms & conditions and rate.

24. Exemption from submission of Tender Document cost & EMD/Bid Security

Eligible MSME bidders are exempted from submission of Tender Document cost &
EMD/Bid Security subject to their submission of proper supporting documents (valid
NSIC/MSME Certificate) along with the bid.

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1. The special conditions of contract shall supplement the General (commercial)

conditions of the contract as contained in Section II and wherever there is a conflict,
the provisions herein shall prevail over those in Section II.

2. The office of the purchaser, reserves the right to blacklist a bidder for a suitable
period in case he fails to honour his bid without sufficient ground.

3. Any liability under any Act or Statute shall be of the contractor and under no
circumstances shall the purchaser assume responsibility.

4. The engagement and employment of drivers and payment of wages to them as per
minimum wages Act & existing provisions of various labour laws and regulations is
the sole responsibility of the contractor. Observance of such laws or regulations
shall be the responsibility of the contractor.

5. No sub-contracting is permissible.

6. The near relatives of all employees working in the BBNL either directly recruited or
on deputation are prohibited from participation in this tender.

7. The contractor shall assign the job of driving of hired vehicles to experienced drivers
having appropriate license and also assume full responsibility for the safety and
security of officers/officials as well as essential store items while running the vehicle
by ensuring safe driving. The purchaser shall have no direct or indirect liability
arising out of such negligent, rash and impetuous driving which is an offence under
Section 29 of IPC and any loss caused to the purchaser have to be suitably
compensated by contractor.

8. The contractor shall send the vehicle for periodical servicing at the cost of the
contractor, the purchaser will not pay any mileage run for such servicing. The cost of
lubricants, repairs, maintenance, taxes, insurance etc. will be to the contractor’s
liability. When the vehicle is sent for the servicing then for that day any other
vehicle of same or higher type is to be provided up to the satisfaction of the user.

9. Regular checking of meter by the designated transport authority may be done by

the contractor and copy of the requisite certificate is to be produced in every six
months along with pollution control certificate, if demanded by the purchaser.

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10. Shortage in utilizing the contracted mileage per month in any particular month shall
be adjusted in next month.

11. In case of bill for the first/last month of the contract period, the payment will be
done on pro-rata basis, if applicable.

12. Normally the vehicle may be used anywhere in the territorial jurisdiction of the
purchaser but can even be outside the jurisdiction as per the need basis. The vehicle
engaged by the purchaser is considered to be associated with the office and hence
the same should not be used by any other organization or person during contract
period. Hence, the vehicle engaged for providing the service to the purchaser
cannot be used as taxi on part time basis during contract period. If it is found that
the vehicle is used as taxi or on any other hiring contract after office hours or on
holidays or when the controlling officer is on leave etc., then it will be considered as
the sufficient reason to cancel the contract.

13. Change of vehicle with similar type or higher will be allowed during break down of
contract vehicle and with written approval of controlling officer.

14. Applicable TDS will be deducted from the payable amount of the bill.
15. The vehicle is to be parked at office premises or any other place of choice of the
contractor but not more than 10 (ten) kilometres per day or the actual distance
covered in round trip between user delivery address and the garage (provided by
vehicle owner), whichever is less, will be given for counting of distance on days the
vehicle is actually called for duty. For this purpose, the contractor will have to
submit the address (at the start of month and also along with the monthly bill) of
garage/ normal parking place.
16. The contractor shall abide by all Local/Municipal/State/Central laws and regulations.

17. Payment of all kinds of Government taxes or duties for supplying vehicles will be
the liability of the contractor. The Vehicles should be fully insured during the
contract period, the cost of which is to be borne by the contractor.

18. The drivers shall be provided working mobile phone at the cost of the contractor, so
as to enable the purchaser to contact them as and when required, during the period
of the contract. In case, it is not possible to contact the driver, due to any reason,
then the same will be intimated to the contractor on the number provided in
“Bidder’s bio data”. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to make alternate
arrangement of the driver and vehicle.

19. Tampering of meter reading, non adherence to vehicle usage timings, overwriting of
summary/log book sheets and “misbehaviour” by the drivers while on duty shall be
viewed seriously and may lead to even cancellation of the contract at the discretion
of the purchaser.

20. The Service provider/contractor shall not engage any person below the age of 18
years. Vehicles shall be maintained in good condition. Vehicles so hired may be
inspected by user or any officer of the purchaser.

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21. In case of night halt, only the night halt charges will be paid but the time from 7:00
PM to morning 9:00 AM will not be counted for duty hours.


1. Service: The services include supply of TATA INDIGO or equivalent AC, diesel driven cars
registered for commercial use, along with drivers with valid driving licenses on hiring
basis for running in the state of Odisha. The bidder shall be registered with GST for
purpose of Tours and Travels.

2. Contract Period: Under normal circumstances the contract shall be valid for a period of one
year extendable by another ONE YEAR on mutual agreement on same rate, terms &

3. Quantity of vehicles: 3 (Three) Nos with provision for increase or decrease by 50 percent
(additional two vehicles).

4. Duty hours: 26 days and 260 hours in a calendar month. The vehicle has to be available on
all the days of the month (except Sundays). The duty hours shall be 0900 AM to 0700
PM (reporting and up to release including recess). The duty hours should be clearly
explained to the driver and compulsorily recorded in log book. The vehicle if required
on Sunday for official purpose, then same will be intimated to the driver/contractor in
advance and the vehicle has to be provided by making suitable arrangement. However
the duty hours of Sunday shall be compensated by any other weekly off or paying
overtime charges as applicable on per hour rate.

5. Notice Period: For regular requirements one hour in advance. The telephonic
intimation/sms to the driver or contractor shall be considered as notice.

6. Reporting Place & Jurisdiction: The reporting place may be any place within the jurisdiction
of the purchaser. Actual place of reporting shall be specified by users of vehicles and
may vary from time to time. Vehicle shall be required to run to any station within the
territorial jurisdiction of the state of Odisha. Denial to comply such changes will be
treated as non-availability of the vehicles and penalty will be imposed as per Clause 9
of this Section IV.

7. Counting of Distance: Refer to clause No.15 of Section-III

8. Accuracy of Meter reading: The accuracy of meter reading should tally with the actual
distance of run at any instant and controlling / authorized officer shall have full power
to check up the meter correctness and to take action to recover the actual loss to the

9. Penalties:
I. The vehicle is to be made available at any time as and when required (including
Sundays and public holidays). In case of non-availability of vehicles penalty of

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Rs.1000/- per day shall be imposed in addition to deduction at pro-rata (no. of days
vehicle was not provided/26 X monthly rate) basis for that day or days. (The
intimation to driver and/or contractor about requirement of vehicle and then non
availability of vehicle within one hour is sufficient to impose the penalty.)
II. In case of break down, vehicles have to be replaced by other vehicle (of similar type
or higher) immediately or within not more than one hour. In case of non availability
of suitable vehicle (of similar type or higher) within one hour, a penalty up to Rs.
500/- may be imposed in addition to deduction on pro-rata basis for the period. If
the number of break down exceeds two times in a month, a penalty of Rs. 1000/-
per break down shall be imposed.
III. Refusal of duty by driver, unclean/non satisfactory vehicle and incompetent driver
will attract a penalty of Rs 500/- per instance in addition to deduction on pro-rata
basis for that period.

10. Special:
I. Intending bidder must have a telephone/mobile number where requisition of
Vehicles can be conveyed round the clock. Telephone/mobile Number must be
specified in the biodata of bidder.
II. Payment of any Govt. Tax or duty for plying the vehicles in the service area will
be liability of contractor.
III. Parking and Toll charges, if any, may be claimed by producing the Parking / Toll
slips along with the monthly bill.

11. Price Revision:

11.1 No escalation is admissible on any account whatsoever during the first three
months of the contract. After three months of contract, increase or decrease in hire
charges due to variation in Fuel rates will be worked out and paid/deducted only
when the variation to base rate is above 10 percent. Such increase or decrease in the
hire charges due to these variations shall be worked out from the base rate on the
following formula:
Increase or decrease in Diesel price during the month =
Actual KMs run by the vehicle X (Revised rate per litre - Base rate per litre)
Average KM per litre of Diesel consumption (KMPL)
(Note: - The Base Rate of Diesel is the prevailing rate on the date of commencement of
contract (agreement date). The Average KMPL is to be assumed as 15 Kms in case of
AC vehicles. If there is decrease in Fuel Price, formula will indicate negative figure
which means the deduction shall be done from the bill)

11.2 The review for change in hire charges due to change in fuel rates shall be
effected at the end of quarter, irrespective of start of contract i.e. on 31st March, 30th
June, 30 Sept, and 31st December. The change in hire charges, if any, shall be
applicable from the 1st day of next quarter. Base Rate of fuel would be fuel prices as on
date of award of contract.

11.3 The service provider shall submit bill for reimbursement towards increase in Fuel
price on monthly basis without accumulation. This bill is to be supported with proof of
fuel price prevailing on 1st of the month.

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(Not to be submitted with along with Technical bid but to be submitted separately)
To be quoted separately place wise:
Type of Vehicle: Tata Indigo or equivalent (A/C, Diesel driven): Place: Bhubaneswar/Berhampur

Basic rate Amount
Item Description Basic rate for Quantity Total for Quantity (Rs)
Bhubaneswar Amount Berhampur
Charges for
vehicle usage up One One
to 2000 km (
Charges for extra
mileage beyond 200 km# 200 km#
2000 km ( Rs./km (in a (in a
) month) month)
Outstation night
halt charges Two# Two#
( Rs/night halt) (in a (in a
month) month
Rate for Extra
hours of duty 30 30 hours#
( Beyond 260 Hrs hours# (in a
in a month)( (in a month)
Rs/hour) month)

# per vehicle - Indicative only for the purpose of evaluation
Total cost for providing three vehicles for one month (G) = 2*C+1*F = Rs ………………(in figures)
Grand Total for providing three vehicles for 12 months (H) = 12 * G= Rs ………………(in figures)
Rupees…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(in words)
Evaluation will be done on the value of Grand Total cost (H) only.
Note: GST as per prevalent rate will be applicable and will be paid by BBNL
Certified that I have quoted the above rates which are inclusive of all (except statutory
taxes) in figures and words and I am agreeable to the terms and conditions of the Tender

Place: Signature of the Bidder with Seal

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The evaluation will be done as per the following procedure.

Ranking of bidders as L-1, L-2, L-3 etc. will be decided based on Grand Total Cost (H) arrived in
Section-V with indicative 200 kms of extra mileage, 30 hours of extra duty and two night
halts all these items per vehicle per month.

In case there is any deviation between quotes and the arithmetically calculated value, the
correction for total value will be made by taking the base rates while evaluating financial bids.
If the bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, his bid shall be rejected.

The bidder whose quoted rate is minimum (Section V) will be given supply order for all three
vehicles. However if L1 bidder fails to supply, the L2 bidder will be given work order to supply
all three vehicles at L1 rate.

Please note that GST, based upon prevalent rates, is to be claimed by the vendor and will be
paid by BBNL.

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Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017

The CGM (Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha
Room No. 318, 3rd Floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Unit-IX

1. Having examined the conditions of contract and specifications including addends

(Nos.)________________________ the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we,
undersigned, offer to supply Commercial Vehicles (Names) ________________________ in
conformity with the said conditions of contract and specifications for the sum shown in the
schedule of prices attached and made part of this bid.

2. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to supply Commercial Vehicles as per Work

Order/agreement or add on order.

3. If our bid is accepted, we will obtain the performance guarantee of a scheduled bank for a sum
of @ 5 percent of the contract value for the due performance of the contract.

4. We agree to abide by this bid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for bid opening and it
shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that

5. Until a formal work order/agreement of contract is prepared and executed, this bid together
with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding
contract between us.

6. Our bid submitted is the true copy of the BBNL tender available on BBNL website/e-tendering
portals. No deviation has been made. However, if any deviation is detected by the purchaser,
our bid will be rejected.

7. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid, you may receive AND
you have the right to cancel any or all bids without assigning any reason.

Dated this_____________________-day of________________2018

Name of Signature______________________

In the capacity of________________________

Duly authorized to sign the bid for /on behalf of________________________



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“I / We hereby declare that I/We have carefully gone through the terms & conditions of Tender
Notice no CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017 in detail
and agree to the rates submitted by me/us in the Price Bid and I/We agree in full”.

“I / We Declare that I/We will be supplying commercial vehicles (A/C Tata Indigo or equivalent)
of registration not older than 2 years” (as on 01.10.2017).

1) Signature of the Party : ____________________________

Full Name in Block Letters :____________________________
Capacity in which the Tender is signed : ____________________________

2) Full Address: ________________________________________


Telephone Numbers: Office ________________

Res. ________________

3) Details of vehicles offered (Tata Indigo or equivalent): Make Model Registration Month/Year Place of Remarks

Number of purchase offering

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SECTION IX Photograph of
PP (Self signed
BIO DATA OF THE BIDDER across the photo)

1) Name & Address of Firm/Party: ___________________________________


Telephone Numbers (O) _____________________

(R) _____________________
(Mobile) _____________________
Email _____________________

2) Whether it is Proprietorship or Partnership __________________________

3) Full Name(s) of Proprietor or Partners ____________________________

(Attested copies of partnership deed ____________________________
should invariably be attached along ____________________________
with Authorisations)

4) Permanent Account Number (Income Tax) __________________________

5) GST Registration Number of the Firm/party __________________________

6) Reference Number of Tender offer of the firm/Party ----------------------------------------

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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I/ We declare:-

1. That I or any of my partner am/is neither working in any capacity in anywhere in the
BBNL, nor am/is removed/ dismissed from service of BBNL.
2. That none of my near relatives are working in any capacity in BBNL nor am/is removed/
dismissed from service of BBNL
The details of my near relatives working in BBNL are as under:

Sr. No. Name and Address Capacity in which Office in which working

3. That in case of change of partners or change in constitution of the firm, I shall abide by
the conditions of the contract and shall bring any change to the knowledge of the
purchaser immediately.
4. i) That I /We shall intimate the names of persons working in BBNL related to our
employees who are working with me /us in any capacity or are subsequently employed
by me/us.
ii) That none of my employees is a removed/dismissed employee of either any unit of
5. That I/ We am/are aware that any breach of the condition would render the contract
liable for termination along with cancellation of any other existing contracts and
forfeiting of my/our Earnest Money Deposit /Security deposit held by the purchaser.
6. If at any time, it is found that the information given in the above appendix is
incorrect/incomplete, the contract is liable to be terminated without assigning any
reason and the Security Deposit shall be forfeited and legal actions shall be initiated
without any prejudice the rights of the purchaser to debar the firm from entering
into future contracts.

Place: Signature :

Date: Name:

(Capacity in which he/she is signing)-----------------------

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(To reach the purchaser on or before date of bid opening)

The CGM(Project) & State Head, BBNL, Odisha
Room No. 318, 3rd Floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Unit-IX

Sub: Authorisation for attending bid opening on __________________ (date) in the

No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017

Following person/s is authorised to attend the bid opening for the tender mentioned above on
behalf of ______________________________________ (Bidder) whose signatures are attested

Name of the Representative Specimen Signature

1. _____________________ __________________

2. _____________________ __________________

Signature of the Bidder

Not more than 2 representatives per bidder will be permitted to attend the bid opening.
Permission for entry to the venue of bid opening may be refused in case authorisation as
prescribed above is not received.

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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I / We declare that :-

Proprietor/ Partner(s)/ Director(s) of M/S. ------------------------------------------------

Hereby declare that I / We has/have not tampered the tender document vide

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017

Signature -------------------------------------------

Name --------------------------------------------

Name & address of the firm: -------------------------------------------------


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(To be executed & Attested by Public Notary/Executive Magistrate on Rs.20/- Stamp paper
by the bidder)

I / We Proprietor/ Partner(s)/ Director(s) of M/S. --------------------------------------- hereby

declare that the firm/company namely M/S.-------------------------------------- ----------------------------
-----------has not been blacklisted or debarred in the past by BBNL or any other Government
organization from taking part in Government tenders.

I / We Proprietor/ Partner(s)/ Director(s) of M/S. ---------------------------------------- hereby declare

that the firm/company namely M/S.-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
was blacklisted or debarred by BBNL, or any other Government Department from taking part in
Government tenders for a period of ---------- years w.e.f.--------- --------. The period is over on ----
----------and now the firm/company is entitled to take part in Government tenders.

In case the above information found false I/We are fully aware that the tender/ contract will be
rejected/cancelled by the purchaser, and EMD/SD shall be forfeited. In addition to the above
the purchaser, will not be responsible to pay the bills for any completed / partially completed
Signature -------------------------

Name ---------------------------------

Capacity in which signed: ---------------------------------

Name & address of the firm: -------------------------------------

Date: Signature of Bidder with seal.

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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Received with thanks from BBNL, New Delhi a sum of Rs. ----------------------------- /- (Rs -----------
-------------------------------------------) only, towards refund of Earnest Money Deposit paid in
No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017.

Date: Signature of Bidder

(On one rupee revenue stamp)


(Note: Earnest Money will be returned to unsuccessful Bidder within 30 days after finalization
of the tender)

Name & Address: __________________________________


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1. In consideration of ………………………………….(hereinafter called the purchaser) having agreed

to exempt____________________________ (hereinafter called the said Service Provider(s)
from the demand of security deposit/earnest money of Rs.___________ on production of
Bank Guarantee for Rs._____________ for the due fulfilment by the said service provider of
the terms and conditions to be contained in an Agreement in connection with the contract
for the supply of LIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. We (name of the bank) ____________
(hereinafter referred to as “the bank”) at the request of ___________________ service
provider’s do hereby undertake to pay to the purchaser, an amount of not exceeding
Rs._____________against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to
or suffered by the purchaser, by reason of any breach by the said service provider’s of any
terms & conditions contained in the said agreement.

2. We (name of the bank) _______________________ do hereby undertake to pay the

amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand
from the purchaser stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damages
caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the purchaser, reason of breach by the said
service provider’s of any of the terms & conditions contained in the said agreement or by
reason of the service providers failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand
made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank
under this guarantee where the decision of the purchaser in these counts shall be final and
binding on the bank. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an
amount not exceeding Rs.____________________

3. We undertake to pay to the purchaser, any money so demanded notwithstanding any

disputes raised by the service provider(s)/suppliers in any suit or proceeding pending
before any court or tribunal relating thereto our liability under the present being absolute
and equivocal. The Payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our
liability for payment there under and the Service Provider(s) /supplier(s) shall have no
claims against us for making such payment.

4. We (name of the bank) ___________________ further agree that the guarantee therein
contained shall remain in force and effect immediately for a period of one year from date
herein and further agree to extend the same from time to time (one year after) so that it
shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the purchaser under or by virtue of the
said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the
purchaser certifies that the terms & conditions of the said agreement have been fully and
properly carried out by the said service provider(s) and accordingly discharges this

5. We (name of the bank) ______________________ further agree with the purchaser shall
have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our
obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms & conditions of the said agreement or to
extend time of performance by the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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any time to time any of the powers exercisable by the purchaser, against the said service
provider(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms & conditions relating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or
extension being granted to the said service provider(s) or for any forbearance, and or any
omission on the part of the purchaser, or any indulgence by the purchaser, to the said
service provider(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating
to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the bank or
the service provider(s) /supplier(s).

7. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and the obligations of the bank herein shall not be
conditional to any prior notice by the purchaser.

Dated: ________________________

For ______________________________________
(Indicating the name of the Bank)

N.B. This guarantee should be issued on non-judicial stamp paper, stamped in accordance with
the Stamp Act.

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Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/34 Dated 26/12/2017

To be filled in by the Bidder (enclose copy of documents to support your statement)

1. Name and Postal Address of the Bidder: Phone:

____________________________________ Mobile:
____________________________________ Fax:
____________________________________ e-mail:
Is your Company/Firm Recognized/Registered Yes No
2. (Attach Photocopy as a proof)
Tick as applicable
a. Recognized by Govt. of India as Tourist Transport operator
b. Registered under Companies Act
c. Registered under Shops and Establishment Act
d. Registered as firm
e. Proprietorship / Any other category (please specify)
f. Sister concern of ………………………….(please specify name)
3. Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) : Yes No
(attach Proof along with copy of latest Income tax return)
4. Valid GST certificate Yes No
(attach Proof)
5. Declaration that firm shall be able to supply the tendered Yes No
6. Document showing ownership of vehicles. Yes No

7. EMD/Bid security of required amount in form of Demand Yes No

8. Latest income tax return (FY 2016-17) Yes No

9 Declaration for “NO NEAR RELATIVE” working in BBNL. Yes No

10. Declaration for “NON TAMPERING” of tender document. Yes No

11 Declaration about “Non-Blacklisting” of firm/party/company. Yes No

12 Experience Certificate/proof. Yes No

13 Power of attorney in original (if applicable) Yes No


Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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The Special Instructions (for e-Tendering) supplement ‘Instruction to Bidders’, as given in

this Tender Document. Submission of Online Bids is mandatory for this Tender. E-Tendering is a
new methodology for conducting Public Procurement in a transparent and secured manner.
Suppliers / Vendors will be the biggest beneficiaries of this new system of procurement. For
conducting electronic tendering, BBNL, Odisha has decided to use the portal through an ASP, M/s. ITI Ltd., New Delhi.


1. Tender Bidding Methodology:

Two Stage Online Bidding

2. Broad outline of activities from Bidders prospective:

1. Procure a Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

2. Register on the e-Procurement portal

3. Create Users on the above portal

4. View Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) on the above portal

5. Download Official Copy of Tender Documents from the above portal

6. Seek Clarification to Tender Documents on the above portal. View response to queries of bidders,
posted as addendum, by BBNL

7. Bid-Submission on the above portal.

8. Attend Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) on the above portal - Opening of Technical

9. Post-TOE Clarification on the above portal (Optional) – Respond to BBNL’s Post-TOE queries.

10. Attend Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) on the above portal - Opening of Financial
Part (Only for Technical Responsive Bidders)

For participating in this tender online, the following instructions are to be read carefully. These
instructions are supplemented with more detailed guidelines on the relevant screens of the above

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3. Digital Certificates:

For integrity of data and authenticity / non-repudiation of electronic records, and to be

complaint with IT Act 2000, it is necessary for each user to have a Digital Certificate (DC), also
referred to as Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), of Class III, issued by a Certifying Authority (CA)
licensed by Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) [refer].

4. Registration :

To use the Electronic Tender portal, vendors need to register

on the portal. Registration of each organization is to be done by one of its senior persons vis-à-vis
Authorised Signatory who will be the main person coordinating for the e-tendering activities. In the
above portal terminology, this person will be referred to as the Super User (SU) of that organization.
For further details, please visit the website/portal, and follow further instructions as given on the site.
Pay Annual Registration Fee as applicable.

Note: After successful submission of Registration details and Annual Registration Fee, please
contact to the Helpdesk of the portal to get your registration accepted/activated.

1. The Bidder must ensure that after following above, the status of bid submission must become –

2. Please take due care while scanning the documents so that the size of documents to be uploaded
remains minimum. If required, documents may be scanned at lower resolutions say at 150 dpi.
However it shall be sole responsibility of bidder that the uploaded documents remain legible.

3. It is advised that all the documents to be submitted are kept scanned or converted to PDF format
in a separate folder on your computer before starting online submission.

4. The Financial part/BOQ may be downloaded and rates may be filled appropriately. This file may
also be saved in a folder on your computer. Please don’t change the file names & total size of
documents (Preferably below 5 MB per document) may be checked.

Bid submission

The entire bid-submission would be online on the Tenderwizard portal i.e.

Broad outline of submissions are as follows:

(i) Submission of Bid Parts (Technical & Financial)

(ii) Submission of information pertaining to Bid Security/ EMD.

(iii) Submission of digitally signed copy of Tender Documents/Addendums.

The TECHNICAL PART shall consist of Electronic Form of Technical Main Bid and Bid
Annexure. Scanned/Electronic copies of the various documents to be submitted under the Eligibility
Conditions, offline submissions, instructions to bidders and documents required to establish

Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
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compliance to Technical Specifications and Other Terms & Conditions of the tender are to be

The FINANCIAL PART shall consist of Electronic Form of Financial Main Bid and Financial
Bid Annexure, if any. Scanned copy of duly filled price schedule (Section VII) for both packages are
to be uploaded. If required, additional documents in support of taxes, quoted duties etc may also be

Offline Submissions:

The bidder is requested to submit the following documents offline to “The CGM (Project) and State
Head, BBNL, Odisha, Room No- 318, 3rd Floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Unit-IX, Bhubaneswar-22”
on or before the date & time of submission of bids specified in covering letter of this tender
document, in a Sealed Envelope. The envelope shall bear (name of the work), the tender number
and the words ‘DO NOT OPEN BEFORE’ (due date & time).

1. EMD-Bid Security in Original.

2. DD/ Bankers cheque against payment of tender fee.

3. Letter of Authorisation as per Section-XI

Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)

The e-Procurement portal offers a unique facility for ‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE).
Tender Opening Officers as well as authorized representatives of bidders can attend the Public
Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) from the comfort of their offices. For this purpose,
representatives of bidders (i.e. Supplier organization) duly authorized. Every legal requirement for a
transparent and secure ‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’ has been implemented on the
portal. As soon as a Bid is decrypted, the salient points of the Bids are simultaneously made
available for downloading by all participating bidders. The medium of taking notes during a manual
‘Tender Opening Event’ is therefore replaced with this superior and convenient form of ‘Public
Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’. The portal a unique facility of ‘Online Comparison Statement’
which is dynamically updated as each online bid is opened. The format of the Statement is based on
inputs provided by the Buyer for each Tender. The information in the Comparison Statement is
based on the data submitted by the Bidders. A detailed Technical and / or Financial Comparison
Statement enhance Transparency. Detailed instructions are given on relevant screens. The portal
has a unique facility of a detailed report titled ‘Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’ covering all
important activities of ‘Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’. This is available to all participating
bidders for ‘Viewing/Downloading’. There are many more facilities and features on the portal. For a
particular tender, the screens viewed by a Supplier will depend upon the options selected by the
concerned Buyer.

Important Note: In case of internet related problem at a bidder’s end, especially during ‘critical
events’ such as – a short period before bid-submission deadline, during online public tender opening
event it is the bidder’s responsibility to have backup internet connections. In case there is a problem
at the e-procurement / e-auction service-provider’s end (in the server, leased line, etc) due to which
all the bidders face a problem during critical events, and this is brought to the notice of BBNL by the
bidders in time, then BBNL will promptly reschedule the affected event(s).

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Other Instructions:

For further instructions, the vendor should visit the home-page of the portal. The complete
help manual is available in the portal for Users intending to Register / First-Time Users, Logged-in
users of Supplier organizations. Various links are also provided in the home page.

Important Note: It is strongly recommended that all authorized users of Supplier organizations
should thoroughly peruse the information provided under the relevant links, and take appropriate
action. This will prevent hiccups and minimize teething problems during the use of the said portal.

The following ‘FOUR KEY INSTRUCTIONS for BIDDERS’ must be assiduously adhered to:

1. Obtain individual Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) well in advance of your first tender
submission deadline on the portal.

2. Register your organization on the portal well in advance of your first tender submission deadline
on the portal

3. Get your organization’s concerned executives trained on the portal well in advance of your first
tender submission deadline on the portal

4. Submit your bids well in advance of tender submission deadline on the portal (There could be last
minute problems due to internet timeout, breakdown etc)

While the first three instructions mentioned above are especially relevant to first-time users on the
portal, the fourth instruction is relevant at all times. Minimum Requirements at Bidders end
Computer System with good configuration (Min P IV, 1 GB RAM, Windows XP) Broadband
connectivity. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or above. Digital Certificate(s) Vendors Training
Program Necessary training to each and every registered bidder under this portal shall be impacted
by the ASP, M/s. ITI, New Delhi, if required, before participation in the online tendering.

For any further assistance, please contact Mr Sanjeeb Kumar Mahapatra (07377708585), Helpdesk-

ITI email ID for mailing communication:- [email protected] / [email protected]

Digitally signed
Tender No: CGM/BBNL/Odisha/T-3/Vehicle Tender/2017-18/17 dated 26/12/2017 Sign & Stamp of Bidder
Page 32 of 32 2017.12.28
14:41:38 IST
Reason: PDF

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