Ued 102

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Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

UED 102: Study Skills

Semester July – August 2018

Instructor: Nur’Hidayah Che Ahmat, PhD, CHE

BKBA 2.1 Bangunan HEA
04-384-2643 (office)

Class Time: Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (Group B)

Location: BKBA 2.6

Course Description:

This course prepares students with learning skills essential for varsity life. It exposes
students to basic academic skills; e.g., effective time management, setting goals,
learning styles, learning strategies, and processing information from lectures and
texts, which would help students cope with academic demands at the tertiary level.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Apply knowledge of study skills in academic settings, and
2. Develop a personal study skills portfolio.


Van Blerkom, D. L. (2009). College Study Skills: Becoming a strategic learner (6th ed.).
MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Course Requirements/Evaluation:

1. Video presentation (Group)* : 40%

2. Portfolio (Individual)* : 60%
TOTAL : 100%

*These assessments are utilized to measure if the identified course learning outcomes are
met. Please note that all evaluation components must be completed. Failure to complete one
or more of the evaluation components will result in failing the course.

Tentative Schedule

Day Date Topic Activity / Assignment*

Thursday 26 July 1. Getting Ready to Learn *Briefing on individual
• Making the transition (from school assignment
to university)
• Characteristics of successful o Learning style
students inventory
• Using learning styles to enhance
2. Goal Setting o The five-step
• Setting goals for the new semester approach
• Writing effective goal statements
• Using the Learning Management
Tuesday 31 July 3. Getting to know the Campus *Briefing on group
Resources assignment
• Making the most of college
4. Time Management & o Fixed-commitment
Organizational Skills calendar
• Optimizing study time o Job task analysis
• Organizing study time o Prioritized to-do list
• Using time-management strategies
to stay motivated
• Reducing procrastination
Thursday 2 Aug 5. Memory, Learning, & Improving o Memory strategies
Concentration o Organizational
• Understanding memory processes strategies
• Memory strategies o Concentration
• Understanding concentration strategies
• Strategies for improving o Concentration chart
concentration o Reading text
• Reading/study system (SQ3R)
Thursday 9 Aug 6. Taking Lecture Notes o Note-taking
• Taking lecture notes strategies
• Effective note-taking system o Note-taking exercise
using the Cornell

7. Academic Integrity & Performance o GPA worksheet

• Avoiding plagiarism
• Calculating grade point average

Course Expectations and Policies

Class Attendance and Participation:

In this class, we will shape learning together through discussions and collaborative
learning. Therefore, in addition to completing all assignments, you will need to keep current
with the reading, to attend class faithfully, and share thoughtfully. For these reasons, class
attendance is required, and it is expected that all students read the assigned readings, study
posted slides, and work out problems prior to each class.
When we have an in-class activity, I will ask for documentation, including your signed
and printed name as objective evidence of participation. Failure to turn in this documentation
on the day of the activity or failure to clearly print and include your signature will result in a
record of “non-participation” for the day.

Assignment Guidelines:
1. NO late work accepted. Late work is defined as work submitted after 1:00 pm for both
individual and group assignments.
2. Most work is to be done on an individual basis (see below for further details). The
exception of this is the group project portion of the video presentation.
3. Additional information regarding individual and group assignments can be viewed on

Individual work:
It is expected that course work will be completed on an individual basis. The only
exceptions to this are in-class learning activities which may be collaborative such the group
project (see video presentation project assignment details found on iLearn). Those not
following this policy may receive a failing grade on the assignment and/or for the course and
will be reported to the Head Centre of Studies. In other words, this class will follow
Universiti Teknologi MARA’s policy on academic dishonesty.

Definitions are provided below for further clarification:

Plagiarism describes as an attempt to claim work as your own that you have copied
from another person or source whether that other persons knows about it or not. In this class,
plagiarism includes copying individual assignments and/or video presentations. Plagiarism is
not allowed.
Collaboration is defined as two or more students working together on a phase of a
group, team, or pair assignment. Working together does not mean that one student does the
work and the other student copies it.

Laptops, Cell Phones, I-pods/I-pads, and Other Technology:

Technology should be used in UED102 to enhance your learning of course content. Use
of technology for personal or social purpose during class time is not acceptable professional
behaviour. Cell phones should be turned off or silenced during all class sessions and exams.
Please use your technology respectfully and appropriately during this class.

We will be using iLearn this semester. Therefore, it is imperative you learn how to
utilize this learning management system. Make sure to check iLearn regularly for messages
regarding UED 102. The syllabus, class lecture slides, assignments, and other details can be
viewed on iLearn.

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