Ued 102
Ued 102
Ued 102
Course Description:
This course prepares students with learning skills essential for varsity life. It exposes
students to basic academic skills; e.g., effective time management, setting goals,
learning styles, learning strategies, and processing information from lectures and
texts, which would help students cope with academic demands at the tertiary level.
Learning outcomes:
Van Blerkom, D. L. (2009). College Study Skills: Becoming a strategic learner (6th ed.).
MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Course Requirements/Evaluation:
*These assessments are utilized to measure if the identified course learning outcomes are
met. Please note that all evaluation components must be completed. Failure to complete one
or more of the evaluation components will result in failing the course.
Tentative Schedule
Course Expectations and Policies
Assignment Guidelines:
1. NO late work accepted. Late work is defined as work submitted after 1:00 pm for both
individual and group assignments.
2. Most work is to be done on an individual basis (see below for further details). The
exception of this is the group project portion of the video presentation.
3. Additional information regarding individual and group assignments can be viewed on
Individual work:
It is expected that course work will be completed on an individual basis. The only
exceptions to this are in-class learning activities which may be collaborative such the group
project (see video presentation project assignment details found on iLearn). Those not
following this policy may receive a failing grade on the assignment and/or for the course and
will be reported to the Head Centre of Studies. In other words, this class will follow
Universiti Teknologi MARA’s policy on academic dishonesty.
We will be using iLearn this semester. Therefore, it is imperative you learn how to
utilize this learning management system. Make sure to check iLearn regularly for messages
regarding UED 102. The syllabus, class lecture slides, assignments, and other details can be
viewed on iLearn.