The Compound Effect Summary
The Compound Effect Summary
The Compound Effect Summary
The Compound Effect
Multiplying Your Success, One Simple Step at a Time.
by Darren Hardy
Choose Wisely
Seemingly inconsequential decisions
shape your destiny.
The short but revealing book, The Compound Effect, examines the principle of reaping
huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices. Author Darren Hardy, publisher and
editorial director of SUCCESS magazine, speaks candidly from his personal experiences
© 2010, SUCCESS Media
and from insights picked up by interviewing many of today’s most celebrated achievers. ISBN: 9780981951249
Hardy identifies two main challenges we face when it comes to reaching our goals. 174 pages, $18.00
First, the hype surrounding personal achievement today is extreme—and extremely
false. The sooner we can give up the notion that there is a quick fix or an insta-success
solution, the better off we’ll be. Second, we have the tendency to sabotage our success.
It’s unintentional, of course, but when we neglect to make positive choices consistently, we SUCCESS Points
lose momentum, and rather than soaring, we crash and burn.
From this book you will learn:
Hardy explains this simple truth: There aren’t 5,000 things one needs to do well to
be successful; there are about a half-dozen things that need to be done well, 5,000 times
over. This book brings clarity and focus to those half-dozen things and offers a specific • How small, seemingly
and real-life action plan on how to do them well. Master these fundamentals, repeat inconsequential choices
them consistently over an extended period of time, and the payoff will be extraordinary. impact your success
The six simple steps to success outlined in The Compound Effect will put you on the path
• Why you must take 100
to creating the success you desire and the life you deserve.
percent responsibility for
your life
APPLY AND ACHIEVE • How an attitude of
Hardy defines commitment as “doing the thing you said you were going to do, long
gratitude can change your
after the mood you said it in has left you.” Developing the habit of making positive choices
requires commitment, and it takes practice. Hardy explains that you build momentum
and see results when you get into a rhythm in which the behaviors necessary for achieving • How and why to get into
the success you desire are second nature. a routine
Download the Rhythm Register and many other free resources at and start tracking your progress. The tool
will serve as a visual reminder and help you stay focused on The essence of the Compound Effect is this:
the desired outcome and committed to your decision. Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time =
t’s time someone told it to you straight. You’ve been
bamboozled for too long. There is no magic bullet,
secret formula, or quick fi x. You don’t make $200,000 CHOICES
a year spending two hours a day on the Internet, lose 30 Our choices can be our best friend or our worst enemy. They
pounds in a week, rub 20 years off your face with a cream, fi x can deliver us to our goals or send us orbiting into a galaxy far,
your love life with a pill, or fi nd lasting success with any other far away. Think about it. Everything in your life exists because
scheme that is too good to be true. It would be great if you you first made a choice about something. Choices are at the root
could buy your success, fame, self-esteem, good relationships, of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behavior that
and health and well-being in a nicely clam-shelled package at over time becomes a habit.
the local Walmart. But, that’s not how it works.
We are constantly bombarded with increasingly sensational
claims to get rich, get fit, get younger, get sexier… all It’s the little things that
overnight with little effort for only three easy payments of inevitably and predictably derail
$39.95. These repetitive marketing messages have distorted
our sense of what it really takes to succeed. We’ve lost sight your success
of the simple but profound fundamentals of what it takes to
be successful. In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices
I’m tired of it. I won’t sit back and watch these reckless make you. Every decision, no matter how slight, alters the
messages derail people any longer. I wrote this book to take trajectory of your life—whether or not to go to college, who
you back to basics. I’m going to help you clear the clutter and to marry, to have that last drink before you drive, to indulge in
bring focus to the core fundamentals that matter. gossip or stay silent, to make one more prospecting call or call
My personal experience has proven that, no matter what it a day, to say I love you or not. Every choice has an impact on
you learn or what strategy or tactic you employ, success comes the Compound Effect of your life.
as the result of the operating system of the Compound Effect. Your biggest challenge isn’t that you’ve intentionally been
The Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge making bad choices. Heck, that would be easy to fi x. Your
rewards from a series of small, smart choices. What’s most biggest challenge is that you’ve been sleepwalking through your
interesting about this process to me is that, even though choices. Half the time, you’re not even aware you’re making
the results are massive, the steps, in the moment, don’t them! Our choices are often shaped by our culture and
feel significant. Whether you’re using this strategy for upbringing. They can be so entwined in our routine behaviors
improving your health, relationships, fi nances, or anything and habits that they seem beyond our control. For instance,
else for that matter, the changes are so subtle, they’re almost have you ever been going about your business, enjoying your
imperceptible. life, when all of sudden you made a stupid choice or series of
Most people get tripped up by the simplicity of the small choices that ultimately sabotaged your hard work and
Compound Effect. For instance, they quit after the eighth momentum, all for no apparent reason? You didn’t intend to
day of running because they’re still overweight. Or, they stop sabotage yourself, but by not thinking about your decisions—
making contributions to their IRA after a few years because weighing the risks and potential outcomes—you found yourself
they could use the cash—and it doesn’t seem to be adding up facing unintended consequences. Nobody intends to become
to much anyway. What they don’t realize is that these small, obese, go through bankruptcy, or get a divorce, but often (if
seemingly insignificant steps completed consistently over time not always) those consequences are the result of a series of
will create a radical difference. small, poor choices.
For most of us, it’s the frequent, small, and seemingly to ask anybody who doesn’t say, “Of course, I take responsibility
inconsequential choices that are of grave concern. I’m talking for my life.” But then you look at how most people operate
about the decisions you think don’t make any difference at in the world; there’s a lot of finger pointing, victimhood,
all. It’s the little things that inevitably and predictably derail blaming, and expecting someone else or the government to
your success. Whether they’re bone-headed maneuvers, solve their problems. If you’ve ever blamed traffic for being late,
no-biggie behaviors, or are disguised as positive choices or decided you are in a bad mood because of something your
(those are especially insidious), these seemingly insignificant kid, spouse, or co-worker did, you’re not taking 100 percent
decisions can completely throw you off course because you’re personal responsibility. You arrived late because the printer was
not mindful of them. You get overwhelmed, space out, and busy? Maybe you shouldn’t have waited until the last minute?
become unaware of the little actions that take you way off Co-worker messed up the presentation? Shouldn’t you have
course. double-checked it yourself before delivering it? Not getting along
The Compound Effect works, all right. It always works. with your unreasonable teen? There are a countless fantastic
But in this case it works against you because you’re doing… books and classes to help you learn how to deal.
you’re sleepwalking. For instance, you inhale a soda and bag You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how
of potato chips and suddenly realize only after you polished you respond to what’s done to you. This empowering mindset
off the last chip that you blew an entire day of healthy revolutionized my life. Luck, circumstances, or the right
eating—and you weren’t even hungry. You get caught up and situation wasn’t what mattered. If it was to be, it was up to me.
lose two hours watching mindless TV—scratch that, let’s give I was free to fly. No matter who was elected president, how
you some credit and make it an educational documentary— badly the economy tanked, or what anybody said, did, or didn’t
before realizing you spaced on preparing for an important do, I was still 100 percent in control of me. Through choosing to
presentation to land a valuable client. You blurt out a knee-jerk be officially liberated from past, present, and future victimhood,
lie to a loved one for no good reason, when the truth would I’d hit the jackpot. I had the unlimited power to control
have worked just fi ne. What’s going on? You’ve allowed my destiny.
yourself to make a choice without thinking.
And as long as you’re making choices unconsciously, you
can’t consciously choose to change that ineffective behavior THANKSGIVING YEAR-ROUND
and turn it into productive habits. It’s time to WAKE UP and We’re particularly gifted in the finger-pointing department
make empowering choices. when it comes to our romantic relationships—you know, where
the other person is the one who needs to change. Let me explain
how something extremely simple, taking less than five minutes a
OWNING 100 PERCENT day, can literally change your life.
We are all self-made men and women, but only the A few years back, a friend of mine was complaining about
successful take credit for it. I was eighteen when I was his wife. From my observation, she was a terrific lady, and he
introduced to the idea of personal responsibility, and the was lucky to have her. I told him as much, but he continued to
concept completely transformed my life. point out all the ways she was responsible for his unhappiness.
I quickly understood how this concept could transform That’s when I shared an experience that had literally changed my
every area of my life. If I always took 100 percent responsibility marriage… and me.
for everything I experienced—completely owning all of my One Thanksgiving, I decided to keep a Thanks Giving journal
choices and all the ways I responded to whatever happened for my wife. Every day for an entire year I logged at least one
to me—I held the power. Everything was up to me. I was thing I appreciated about her—the way she interacted with her
responsible for everything I did, didn’t do, or how I responded friends, how she cared for our dogs, the fresh bed she prepared,
to what was done to me. a succulent meal she whipped up, or the beautiful way she styled
I know you think you take responsibility for your life. I’ve yet her hair that day—whatever. I looked for the things my wife
Get more out of this SUCCESS Book
Summary by putting what you’ve learned
into action. Here are a few questions and
thoughts to help you get started.
1. Identify three choices, maybe even unconscious ones,
that might be moving you away from your goals.
2. Where in your life are you not taking 100 percent
responsibility? Write down three things you can start
doing right now to take responsibility for the outcomes
of your life.
3. Pick an area of your life you are frustrated with. For at
least three weeks journal all the goods things you can
about this area.
4. Start tracking at least one behavior you’d like to change About the Author
or improve.
Darren Hardy is the publisher and editorial
5. Plan for success. Schedule a regular time for the
behaviors you want to incorporate into your life (e.g., director of SUCCESS magazine. He has been a
exercise, date night, listening to personal-development leader in the personal development industry for 16
audios), and make doing them part of your daily and
weekly routine. years, having led two personal-development-based
television networks—The People’s Network (TPN),
6. List three areas of life in which you are not
consistent enough. and The Success Training Network (TSTN).
7. Go to to download Hardy is a product of the principles he reveals in
the Rhythm Register to help you permanently cement The Compound Effect. As an entrepreneur, Darren
the success disciplines you need in order to achieve
your greatest ambitions. was earning a six-figure income by age 18, more than
$1 million a year by age 24, and he owned a company
producing $50 million a year in revenue by age 27. He
Recommended Reading
If you enjoyed this summary of The Compound has mentored thousands of entrepreneurs, advised
Effect, why not add the book to your personal many large corporations, and serves on the board of
success library? Here are a few other books you
may enjoy: several companies and nonprofit organizations.
He is a popular keynote speaker and appears
7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness by Jim Rohn
regularly on national radio and TV shows.
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline
by Brian Tracy © 2010 SUCCESS Media. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
in any form without prior written permission. Published by SUCCESS Media, 200 Swisher Rd., Lake
Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get Dallas, TX 75065, USA.
Summarized by permission of the publisher, SUCCESS Books, 200 Swisher Rd., Lake Dallas, TX
It Back if You Lose It by Marshall Goldsmith 75065. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. © 2010 by SUCCESS Media.