Evaluating The Readiness To Implement An E Learning Technology To Support Education
Evaluating The Readiness To Implement An E Learning Technology To Support Education
Evaluating The Readiness To Implement An E Learning Technology To Support Education
Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28023 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 2372
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
either online (synchronous) or offline (asynchronous).” The 2. Review of Literature related to the variable of the
beauty of an innovation is exposed by the exposed by its study.
adoption and use for the purpose for which it was A. Electronic Learning: its Importance and Use
implemented, hence, E-learning is not an exemption, because Kiilu, (2012) “Electronic-learning refers to the purposeful
its adoption and use as ICTs largely depend on the use of electronic systems in support of learning process. It is
dispositions of its intended user. Interestingly, a study by supported by electronic hardware and software either online
Hussin, Manap, Amir, and Krish, (2012) emphasized the (synchronous) or offline (asynchronous).” Mtebe, Mbwilo &
importance of the readiness of e-learning enablers and Kissaka, (2016).Research shows that the appropriate use of
learners for the successful implementation of e-learning. E-learning and multimedia technology in educational context
While, Okinda, (2014) viewed readiness is the assessment of provides quite a lot of benefits such as they they can help to
certain organizational and individual factors that should be improve students’ understanding of instructional materials.
considered if organizations hope to be successful with the While Doculan (2016), was of the view that they (e-learning)
introduction of an e-learning or use of multimedia can also simulate real processes such as motion, diffusion,
technology. and allow learners to execute virtual experiments that would
be dangerous and costly to be conducted in a school
Nakivale refugee settlement is found in the rural district of laboratory. Interestingly, Thomas & Israel, (2013) were of
Isingiro in south-western Uganda (UNHCR, 2014). It was the view that teachers tend to use these technologies to
officially recognized as a refugee settlement in 1960 after its cheer up classroom lectures by using them to better
establishment in 1958, and currently is considered to be the demonstrate and explain difficult concepts that cannot be
biggest refuge settlement in Africa and takes on the easily explained using text alone.
8thpositionin the whole world with estimated population of
over 80,000 people. These people are refugees from various B. Use of E-learning /Multimedia Technologies
parts of the world with majority coming from African Recent years have witnessed the increasing interest in the
countries which among these include: Rwanda, Congo, development and use of multimedia/E-learning technology
Burundi, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in all spheres
(Scroxton, 2014). The settlement has only six government- of educational institutions. Doculan, (2016) stated that
owned schools (five primary schools and one secondary multimedia technologies are digital technologies that
school) which are to serve 79 villages (UNHCR, 2014). combine text, graphics, audio, and animations to produce
Beside, the settlement has over 40,000 children who are instructional materials. Also, research by Mtebe, Mbwilo and
victims of forced displacement, due to wars, conflicts, Kissaka, (2016) revealed that the appropriate use of
tortures, and human rights abuses. All these multimedia technology in educational context provides quite
notwithstanding, research have proved that with quality a lot of benefits, they can help to improve students’
education and help, refugee children can regain their hope understanding of instructional materials. In the words of
for the future. However, there are still numerous barriers Doculan (2016), they can also simulate real processes such
prohibiting these children from accessing quality education, as motion, diffusion, or bonding atoms and allow learners to
and enjoying their full rights to education which among execute virtual experiments that would be dangerous and
these include: use of poor teaching methods that are hardly costly to be conducted in a school laboratory. Again, Thomas
interactive and less beneficial to students, high student and Israel (2013) asserted that teachers tend to use these
failure rates and drop outs, lack of access to modern teaching technologies to liven up classroom lectures by using them to
and learning resources/facilities, teachers’ lack of better demonstrate and explain difficult concepts that
Information Communication Technology (ICT) pedagogy cannot be easily explained using text alone. The use of
skills, low teacher to high student ratio, and general lack of multimedia technology can enable teachers to have access to
interest in education(UNHCR, 2014). the knowledge and expertise that was previously
unavailable, hence contributing towards teachers’
In its bid to respond to the above state of affair, it is observed professional development (Doculan, 2016). Furthermore,
that the Mbarara University of Science and Technology Leedy and Ormrod, (2010) provided a detailed analysis on
(MUST) through the department of Information Technology, how ICT can be used in teachers’ professional development.
partnering with the Swedish programme for ICT use in The author points out that multimedia technology can
developing Regions (SPIDER), Stockholm University Sweden, enhance teachers’ subject knowledge by providing teachers
realized that there was a need to come up with an idea of with resources that support professional enquiry, such as
implementing an E-Learning & Multimedia Technology to Internet access to a range of high quality, subject-focused
support teaching and learning in five primary schools and multimedia resources related to the project’s content.
the only one secondary school in the camp. As the above Interestingly, Thomas and Israel (2013 added that ICT can
initiative was to be implemented, a need to assess and also improve the quality of teachers’’ pedagogical
evaluate the readiness to implement E-learning and knowledge. For example, multimedia can enhance the way
Multimedia Technology as useful tool for supporting learners research a topic, and present their findings to
education and learning especially in Mathematics, and Basic others; therefore, support for sound, animation and video is
health education in Nakivale refugee settlement was also seen as highly advantageous. ICT can also upgrade
necessary, hence this study which is on “Implementing an E- teacher school knowledge, access to classroom planning and
Learning and Multimedia Technology as Useful Tool for resources, exemplar curriculum activities, as well as to
Supporting Education and Learning in Mathematics and professional networks and tools that facilitate the sharing of
Basic Health Education in Nakivale Refugee Settlement practice. Despite the benefits of multimedia / E-learning
Isingiro District in South-Western Uganda.” technology when used to enhance or support of learning
process. The extent to which a school is able to participate
and benefit from these technologies depends on the school’s
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
readiness to implement these technologies. Literature education and learning especially in mathematics, and basic
reveals that even though schools are supplied with health education in Nakivale refugee settlement.
computers, they are underused and majority of educational
organizations remain as they were decades ago, as they are 3. Research Question
not reaping planned benefits from technology to give reason Three Major research questions were formulated for the
for the investments (Kiilu, 2012). study, these include
1. Does your school have Information and Communication
C. Readiness to Implement E-Learning and Multimedia Technology (ICT) infrastructure?
Technology Models 2. Do you have relevant experience in using Information
Conceptualizing e-learning and multimedia readiness is and Communication Technology (ICT)?
crucial as it distinguishes the limitation of its applicability in 3. What are the challenges of your school in acquiring and
a project and to provide a clear framework for any research using Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
study. This is because some scholars have rejected some for e- learning/ multimedia training?
definitions of E-learning out-rightly, while some have been
acknowledged. Thus, before embark on E-learning 4. Methodology
implementation, it is crucial to decide on a general notion of Cross sectional survey design was used to help in collecting
the term and model of E-learning to create a strong quantitative data. This design helped in collecting large
technology plans for both learners and teachers, because amount of data at a particular time to using the
barriers to the effective use of technology involves learners questionnaire to collect data from participants who were
and teachers attitudes and resistance to change, concerns learners. An interview guide was also administered to the
about funding, training deficiencies and inadequate access. other participants who were teachers to compliment the
E-learning readiness is defined as “the mental or physical responses from the learners who where subject of the study.
preparedness of an organization for some E-learning The target population were 1271 learners from primary six,
experience or action (Oketch, Njihia & Wausi, 2012).” senior one and teachers in the five primary and one
Furthermore, E-learning readiness was defined as “an secondary school in Nakivale refugee settlement.
organization’s ability to generate, disseminate and use Furthermore, learners from primary six and senior one were
digital information among its members to the betterment of used for the research as they will easily understand the
their being. In addition, the need for administrative support, process during the implementation of the E-learning and
adequate funding, time and training has been identified as an Multimedia technology.
essential good to facilitate change. According to literature
and E-learning evaluation models, the determinants of E- The six schools were selected based on division
readiness and multimedia technology in the context of a representation within the Nakivale refugee settlement,
learning institution include the physical infrastructure of an where sample size was selected by use of Krejcie and
organization, the level of usage of technology, institution ICT Morgan (1990). Krejcie and Morgan (1990) standardized
policy, and the human resource (Kiilu and Muema, 2012). tables show the sample sizes for different population (or
For effective E-learning in schools, issues such as proportion of it) at 95% confidence level; a sampling error of
connectivity to various networks (internet, intranet, and 5% is accepted by most evaluations. From Krejcie and
mobile-telephone); sources of energy/power (electricity, Morgan’s table (1990), the optimal (effective and valid)
standby generators) and equipment (computers, radios, sample size to represent a population of 1271 students was
videos, television, LCD projectors and software), e-learning 297. According to the Krejcie and Morgan (1990) tables, the
laboratories, and information storage facilities (such as flash smaller the number of cases in the target population, the
disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs) and trained personnel must be larger the sample proportion of that population and vice
ensured (ITU, 2009). The World Bank (2002) further versa. In line with the above reasons, an accessible sample
classifies e-readiness and multimedia technology into four size of two hundred and ninety seven (297) i.e 277 learners
perspectives: connectivity (the quality and extent of internet and 20 teachers was selected.(See distribution of sample in
infrastructure), capability (organizations ability to deliver table 1, below).
and consume E-learning), content (the quality and
pervasiveness of online learning materials) and human Table 1: Showing Distribution of sample according to
capacity policy and cultural environment whereby the legal schools Using Krejcie and Morgans 1970 table
and regulatory environment affecting the ICT sector is Schools No of Student in Class %
considered, and finally the size of the ICT sector. Designed Kahirimbi 35 12.6
model as observed by Kiilu, (2012), measures the E-learning Rubondo 35 12.6
readiness of an organization by categorizing different factors Kabazana 35 12.6
into: psychological readiness sociological readiness; Kashojwa 37 13.4
environmental readiness; human resourcereadiness; Juru 34 12.3
financial readiness; technological skill readiness; equipment Nakivale ss 101 36.5
readiness and content readiness. Interestingly a study from Total 277 100.0
Nigeria by Siddiquah and Zeema (2017) confirmed that lack
of ICTs and meager infrastructure foils the full Questionnaire and interview guide were the data collecting
implementation of ICTs in education). instrument. The questionnaire, allowed the researcher to
collect large data from the sampled participants who
Essentially, due to these observations and research findings, independently proffered their responses. While the
this research project will particularly address this gap by interview guide was administered to the teachers to
assessing the state of readiness to implement an E-learning complement the responses from the leaner’s. The data were
and Multimedia Technology as useful tool for supporting collated in line with the stated research questions and
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
variables for the study, after which they were analyzed using As depicted in table 3. Majority of the respondents said that
descriptive statistical methods. Thereafter, the analyzed data did not have access to ICTs 213(76.9%) while those who had
were simply interpreted and the findings stated. access were of a small number 64 (23.1%). Notably, slightly
more than half of the learners asserted that they did not use
5. Data Analysis available ICTs for learning 147(53.1%) compared to those
Data collated for the study were collated, analyzed and who said yes 130 (46.9%). Regarding knowing what internet
discussed in line with the stated research questions for the was, majority of the respondents 243(87.7) said that they
study, as arranged bellow: did not have knowledge about it compared to those who said
Table 2. Demographic Information of the Respondents yes with a small number of 34(12.3%). The respondents who
Gender Category Frequency % were asked to indicate whether they used internet for
Male 163 58.8 learning. The findings showed that almost all the
Female 114 41.2 respondents 258(93.1%) did not use internet for learning
Total 277 100.0 compared those who said yes 19(16.1%) that they used it.
Age of Respondents Frequency % Findings also revealed that, majority of the respondents 245
(88.5%) said that they had never often used ICTs and
10-14 116 41.9
internet in their learning, while 27(9.7%) said that they
15-17 160 57.8
often use it monthly and 5(1.8%) use it weekly. Regarding
18 and above 1 0.4
whether respondents had ever received any training on how
Total 277 100.0 to use ICTs, the findings established that majority of them
As shown in table 2, majority of the respondents were male affirmed by saying no 229(82.7%) compared to those who
163(58.8%) as opposed to female who were 114 (41.2%). said yes 48(17.3%). In relation this finding,
This presupposes that generally, the margin between male
and female is minimal. This implied that there was a fairly Furthermore the interview responses confirmed that the
equal representation of the male and female participants schools did not have computers, internet and have never
(learners) in this study. Regarding age, majority of the used any of the mentioned ICTs for teaching and learning.
respondents were in the age bracket of 15-17 years which For example, some of the Mathematics and science teachers
had a percentage over half 160(57.8%) of the respondents. respectively said: “My school has never had any computers
This was followed by respondents in the age bracket of 10- let alone internet, we do not have electricity, I have never
14 years with 116 (41.9%) and 18 and above years of age even used these things for teaching and learning after all I do
had the least response with1 (0.4%) In a study carried out by not even know how to use the computers in short we do not
Mitra (2005), it was highlighted that younger children as have any access to them”, “We do not have computers in this
indicated in the above findings is that they are able to learn school, plus internet and we use traditional means of
how to use computers on their own. teaching” and “We have never had any kind of training or
received any, like I said before we do not have computers
Table3: Does your school have Information and here but with some training and some computers everything
Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure? would be okay though I suggest provision of generators as
Do you have access to ICTs? Frequency % well, we do not have electricity.”
Yes 64 23.1
No 213 76.9 Table 4 Experience in Using Information and
Total 277 100.0 Communication Technologies
Do you use Available ICTs for How proficient are you in
% Std.
learning? performing the functions Mean
Yes 130 46.9 below?
No 147 53.1 I can print a document/ use a
1.09 0.39
Total 277 100.0 printer
Do you know what Internet is? % I can open and use a web browser
1.09 0.39
Yes 34 12.3 and Internet proficiently
No 243 87.7 I can use office tools e.g.,
Total 277 100.0 spreadsheets, word processors, 1.09 0.39
Do you use internet for learning? % etc.
Yes 19 16.9 I know how to save information
No 258 93.1 on a computer or external 2.0 0.92
Total 277 100.0 disk/storage
How often do you use ICTs and I can open a previously saved file
% 2.00 0.92
the internet for learning? from a computer, drive/directory
Weekly 5 1.8 I know how to send and receive
Monthly 27 9.7 e-mail including emails with file 1.33 0.84
Never 245 88.5 attachments
Total 277 100.0 I can (re)start a computer. 3.10 2.90
Have you ever received any Total 1.67 0.96
training on how to use ICTs?
Yes 48 17.3 Table 4 above, showed that the respondents had little or no
No 229 82.7 experience in performing computer functions as it is justified
by total mean (1.67) and standard. Deviation (0.96)
Total 277 100.0
suggesting more need for enhancement or training. This
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28023 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 2375
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
response was occasioned by lack of knowledge in using a agreed that they were knowledgeable in (re) booting a
printer, opening and using a web browser, lack of internet computer (3.10, 2.90). Accordingly, the interview responses
proficiency, and inadequacies in using Microsoft office tools corroborated the findings from analyzed data as it revealed
(1.09, 0.39) , knowing how to send and receive e-mail, that their experience in using computer functions as well as
attaché file attachments to email (1.33,0.84). The table also exposure to E-Learning is limited considering the less
revealed that respondents had no knowledge in saving interactions they have had with computers, though some
information on a computer or external disk/storage and stated that they have used and had interactions with
opening previously saved file from a computer, computers outside the school.
drive/directory (2.0, 0.92). Notably, other respondents
Table 5 Challenges of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Learning
Items Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Lack of computers at school 60 (21.7%) 7(2.5%) 10(3.6%) 200(72.2%)
Lack of internet connectivity 50(18.1%) 11(4.0%) 8(2.9%) 208(75.0%)
Lack of skills to use the computers 46(16.6%) 26(9.4%) 16(5.8%) 189(68.2%)
Lack of technical support for learners 55(19.9%) 15(5.4%) 33(11.9%) 174(62.8%)
English literacy 30(10.1%) 169(61.0%) 20(7.2%) 58(20.9%)
Costs of computer hardware and software 55(19.9%) 54(19.5%) 15(5.4%) 153(55.2%)
Electricity shortage 73(26.4%) 5(1.8%) 10(3.6%) 189(68.2%)
The above table, revealed the respondents (75.0%) were of Furthermore the interview responses confirmed that the
the opinion that lack of internet connectivity is the major schools did not have computers, internet and have never
challenge facing learners in use of ICT for learning, while used any of the mentioned ICTs for teaching and learning.
72.2%) also agreed that lack of computers at their school is a For example, some of the Mathematics and science teachers
challenge. The interview response supported pointed out respectively said: “My school has never had any computers
this challenge “i am very happy about this program but our let alone internet, we do not have electricity, interestingly,
students are many, so how many computers you will provide and the study has proven that the learners in the schools in
to cover all of them plus most of us lack training on using Nakivale Refugee Settlement had no knowledge of ICTs
these computers when brought so I was suggesting for some usage. This is shown in Table 4, were with total mean (1.67)
training, we do not have a computer library.” However, and standard. Deviation (0.96) agreed to the need for
(68.2%) of the respondents strongly agreed that lack of skills enhancement or training, (1.09, 0.39) of the respondents
to use the computers and electricity shortage affects their stated that they lack the knowledge of using a printer,
use of ICT for learning as well. This response however opening and using a web browser, lack of internet
corroborates the interview response that “Electricity is a proficiency, and inadequacies in using Microsoft office tools
problem here, unless you are also providing solar or etc. Thus in buttressing the findings, Link and Marz (2006)
generators I fear for the initiative, I mean it will be in vain. concluded that learners need to have adequate technological
Interestingly, another majority (62.8%) strongly agreed that computer knowledge in order to avoid the frustrations
lack of technical support affected them. Similarly, (55.2%) of experienced when trying to access an online classroom,
the respondents strongly agreed that huge costs of computer while Haverila (2011) asserted that learners’ prior
hardware and software was a major challenge towards the experience in using information technology is important in
use of ICT for learning. On the contrary (61.0%) disagreed e-learning adoption though not mandatory. These views
that English literacy affected their use of ICT for learning. were further corroborated by responses from the interview
This was further buttressed by an interview response that “I that their experience in using computer functions as well as
have never prepared content using a computer and thus the exposure to e-Learning is limited considering the less
Implementation of E-Learning will be a challenge” and “Our interactions they have had with computers, though some
pupils have no Idea on how a computer works, I have never stated that they have used and had interactions with
prepared content and I certainly lack training hopefully you computers outside the school. In line with the above findings
train us first.” Oketch, Njihia, & Wausi, (2014) asserted that for users to be
able to use any E-learning system they should possess the
6. Discussions and Findings necessary technical skills. While kimwise (2017) explains
The analyzed data from the study revealed that majority of technological readiness as a state where a person has a
the respondents were male while majority of the degree of technical competencies that can be observed and
respondents were between 15-17 years. The study findings measured for example knowing how to print or start a
have shown that the schools in Nakivale Refugee Settlement computer. Literature reveals that in order to avoid learners
have no ICT infrastructure that will surmount to the becoming frustrated with E-learning, they must have a
implementation of an e-learning/multimedia technological suitable level of computer knowledge. Lack of the
center. This is factual as responses from the respondents in technological readiness would lead to learner frustration.
table 3 showed majority (76.9%) saying that they don’t have Furthermore, analyzed data revealed that the respondents
access to ICTs; 147(53.1%) asserted that they don’t use ICTs (75.0%) were of the opinion that lack of internet
for learning, while 243 (87.7) majority of the respondents connectivity is the major challenge facing learners in using
said that they don’t have knowledge of what internet is. ICT for learning, while (72.2%) stated that lack of computers
Interestingly, ITU (2009) says that for effective E-learning in at their school is a challenge. These challenges were
schools facilities such as connectivity to various equipment corroborated by an interviewee response supported that “i
(computers, radios, videos, television, LCD projectors and am very happy about this program but our students are
software), e-learning laboratories, and information storage many, so how many computers you will provide to cover all
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of them plus most of us lack training on using these Authors’ contributions
computers when brought so I was suggesting for some All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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