Brick and Click of School Canteen Management
Brick and Click of School Canteen Management
Brick and Click of School Canteen Management
School Canteen is a small business where it needs good management skills. It is also a
place where different snacks and beverages are sold, and a school canteen is where you can eat
affordable and nutritious foods. The Department of Education (DepEd) engaged to support the
students’ health and nutrition through its curriculum in every school and provide an opportunity
that promotes physically fit individuals who love eating foods. (DepEd Order no. 8 of 2007).
The school canteen must provide a healthy variety of foods for the students to be mentally
There are two types of managing a school canteen; the first is school-managed canteen
and teacher’s cooperative-managed canteen. The first type is the school managed-canteen that is
used most of the schools, because it is more service oriented and teacher’s cooperative
management where it has a transparency in terms of expense and profit of the school canteen and
it is more decisive to the resources or the inventory in the canteen. Both shall practice to have
safety and security measures. (Policy Statements, DepEd Order No. 8 series of 2007).
A school canteen has to manage the facilities properly and also service should be the
main consideration for implementing a school canteen and profit shall be secondary priority
since the students is only depending on the allowances that are given by their parents. (DepEd
Recording, accounting the transaction of the expenses by the school canteen should
management is to secure the policies and procedures. It is important to have policies in managing
Customer satisfaction plays an important role within a business. Not only it is the leading
indicator to measure customer loyalty and identify unhappy customers, it is also a key point of
school canteen has to manage the facilities for keeping on its proper shape so that the students
are able to feel satisfied about the environment in the canteen. In this study it is important to
know if the students are satisfied by the food quality that the school canteens are serving.
Satisfaction of the students doesn’t only depend on the food it is also on hygiene, and the
environment of the facility. Moreover, considerations are given to the nutrition value of the food
items being served to them. Therefore, a student must serve a variety of food on the canteen must
have a nutrients in the food that they’re eating to function the brain properly.
All schools have a canteen, it is a place to promote an enjoyment eating delicious foods
with your friends and classmates. It requires that all canteens in every school must sell healthy
and nutritious foods. One of the problems in this study is the satisfaction of the students towards
the canteen, where this study is selected by one of the schools in Valenzuela City to make a
research that will benefit the school of LBNHS. The canteen has two sessions, in the morning
and in the afternoon. The one who manage the canteen is a teacher, and inside the canteen also
have vendors for more varieties of food that the students will enjoy.
The purpose of this study is to know the concerns of the students by their level of
satisfaction to the school canteen, this study is important so that we may aware of how Lawang
Bato National High School manages their canteen. The establishment and operation of a school
canteen is important in developing this commitment. As stated under Presidential Decree No.
856 Code on Sanitation of the Philippines, a food establishment should include sanitation
requirements for food service structure and facilities. Therefore, the LBNHS canteen must have
proper hygiene on the food they not just on the food but also the cleanliness of the whole facility.
Thus, a greater effort must exert in its operation, by the school administration or teachers who
handles the operation. Moreover, as an answer in managing the school canteen of Lawang Bato
National High School, this study will evaluate the satisfaction of the students towards the school
canteen and the relationship between school canteen management and customer satisfaction.
The general problem of this study is: “What is the relationship between school canteen
1.1 staffing,
1.1 staffing,
4. Based on the findings of the study, what management style maybe improved on managing
school canteen?
The objective of this study is to improve on how to manage LBNHS canteen properly to
meet the satisfaction of the customers/students, and to know the relationship between customer
satisfaction and school canteen management. Moreover, this research can provide opportunities
to know the feedbacks of the customer and to enhance the service, the quality of food,
cleanliness of the facility and their financial stability. The results of this study could provide the
management with the information about the present status of the school canteen and to let them
know the situation that can have an effect to the customer satisfaction. The findings may also
Canteeners. This research could provide as guide in considering the quality and quantity
of services of the students and to enhance or to improve on the efficiency of work and serve
School Administrators. This research will help them to guide the teachers and school
canteeners who handles the operation, in proper managing the school canteen and to fulfill its
Teachers. This research will provide information for them to help the canteen manager
and to be aware the concept of shared capital and resources and for them to improve the services
Student. This research may give an understanding through helping the school in
managing the canteen and appreciating its effort in providing nutritious and affordable foods.
Parents. This research will give a information about the present status of the school
canteen to let them know that the existing situation really affects the students satisfaction in the
school canteen.
Future researchers. The result of this study will serve as their guide. The ideas
The study will focus on the school canteen managing practices and the customer
satisfaction towards the school canteen of Lawang Bato National High School in Valenzuela
City. The respondents of this research are consisted of the senior high school students of grade
This study will be limited to the extent of Lawang Bato National High School canteen and
the customer satisfaction in terms of staffing, foods and services, facilities and the financial
stability of the canteen. Questionnaires were distributed to senior high students. This study will
Definition of Variables
The following terms are defined theoretically or operationally for further clarifications.
Brick. The conceptual definition of brick is a small rectangular block typically made of fired or
sun dried clay, used in building. As used in this study, Brick refers on how the school canteen
personnel establish, operated and manage the school canteen, and how they give their services
Click. The conceptual definition of click is a short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or
of two hard objects coming quickly into contact. In this study, Click refers to the students’
satisfaction on how the schools manage their canteen in terms of staffing, foods and services,
Facilities. It refers to a place where it is designed or built, to serve specific function affording a
service or convenience. The term facilities used in this study refers to the provision of tables,
Financial Stability. It enables the financial intermediation process which facilitates the flow of
funds between savers and borrowers, thus ensuring that financial resources are allocated
efficiently towards promoting economic growth and development. (Jalan Dato,2018). The word
financial stability used in this study refers to the price of foods and beverages, variation of menu,
Foods. This is a nutritious substance where people eat or drink. As indicated in this study, food
Management Style. It indicates the way on how a business manage. As used in this study,
management style refers on how the way the school manages their canteen.
School Canteen. It is a place where they sell food and personal items to personnel at an
institution or school or camp etc. In this study, school canteen refers to a place where the
Service. It is an action of helping or doing work for someone. The term service used in this study
refers to the school canteeners serve the food from the students.
Staffing. It refers to a selection of employees for a specific job. As used in this study, staffing
This chapter discusses the relevant theories, related literature and studies, conceptual
framework, hypothesis and definitions of variables. This theoretical are considered in knowing if
the students are satisfied by how the school manage the canteen, and to know the effect of school
Relevant Theories
The theories used in this study are essential to understand the managing of Lawang Bato
national high school. The theories offer explanations to concepts raised in this study.
Systems Theory. Bertalanffy (1940), the theory said that the management approach to
systems theory that aims for achieving a whole balanced business. This theory also states that
identifying the overall goal of the management or organization working so that the implemented
goal may achieve, and understanding the cycles regulating a system’s input and outcomes. The
systems theory is essential especially for recognizing the particular patterns that a company’s
operations follow. The school administrators need to have a definite canteen policy must
establish canteen committees to seek to improve service and food quality and must work closely
with canteen operators. The school canteen needs to have goal to know what to improve more in
terms of staffing, foods and service, facilities and financial stability. All schools must have
canteen policy in order to keep it on a proper way to manage the school canteen. Implementing a
policy is a good way to ensure the food quality practices especially to the school canteeners or
staff, which’s in charge of cooking and serving healthy and nutritious foods to the students.
Administrative Management Theory. Fayol (1916), The theory aims to find a essential
way to design an organization as a whole. The theory simply means to formalized the
organizational structure, a clear arrangement of relationships between different jobs within the
organization. It is important for the school canteen to have a organizational structure of different
canteen manager.
Scientific Management Theory. Taylor (1911), The theory shows the effectiveness of
using data and measurements to improve the productivity of the management. The managers are
able to gather the information that will them run their businesses more efficiently and
profitability. Planning is important to help you make the best of your staff, and keeping them
satisfied and engaged so they do well at work. This may help the school canteen to budget the
foods and the snacks or beverages easier. It is affordable especially for the canteen expenses and
it is also a great idea to plan a menu that will make it easier for school canteeners to evaluate and
improve choices according to the feedback of the students. The canteen management of Lawang
Bato National High School has a need for an improvement system to the sales but also the
efficiency of its operations. And to provide nutritious and affordable foods, the canteen should be
Related Literature
This chapter reviews related literature and studies which serves as frame of
reference for this study. Related literature and studies, foreign and local, are presented such that
This study is mainly focused on the satisfaction of senior high school students of
LBNHS canteen and how they manage the canteen properly. The school canteen follows a
guideline on management set by the Department of Education (DepEd) through DepEd Order
No. 8 series of 2007, the guidelines and management of the school canteen for Elementary and
Secondary level. These guidelines are implemented in order to ensure the safety and healthy
Some of the students are concerned with the food taken daily without knowing what are
the practices which may influence good health. When food is presented to a person there
attention is focused on how the food appeals to the plate. It is important that a food has a
nutritional content because it helps maintaining body function and also for keeping the brain
function. In order to facilitate students to make more healthy food choices and to develop healthy
eating habits, it is important that the school food environment is healthy. (Mensink, 2012). Some
schools don’t follow the guideline that are implemented by the DepEd, that’s why students don’t
get nutrients to the food they eat. It is important to serve a nutritious food for the students to be
active at school. Before serving nutritious foods in a school canteen, a school should know how
to manage a canteen. The school council oversees the operation of the school canteen, including
its policies, employment of staff, the disbursement of any profits and the recoupment of losses.
The day-to-day operations of the canteen are managed either by a paid worker or a volunteer.
( It is important in a canteen to have a person who can handle the school
canteen especially on the transparency of a canteen. The canteen manager should know how to
balance the expenses and to ensure the cleanliness of the food they serve and also the facility.
Galvez (2018), states that an effective canteen management requires that, everyone is
involved to know its goals and objectives with its policies, canteen staff and committee develop
an implementation plan to achieve the canteen policy goals, day to day operational procedures
and staff are trained and supervised. School canteen may operate under variety of management
Related Studies
Managing a school canteen is not simple it includes being responsible of the foods the
canteen served, the facilities if it is clean and well ventilated, and the financial stability. The
school canteen is also responsible if the students are satisfied the way they managed the canteen.
Customer satisfaction is defined as a state of mind in which the customer’s needs, wants, and
expectations throughout the product of service life haven’t been met or exceeded, resulting in
future repurchase and loyalty. Satisfaction not only consists cognitive elements but includes
emotional elements in determining customer satisfaction. The only way to satisfy the students is
Food is the basic needs for a person that we must obtain to fulfill our hunger, it also gives
A school provides a canteen as a place where students can eat and gain the energy enough
to be active at school. The environment and the ambiance is important attribute that a canteen
must have.
healthy food and beverages choices in school. It is created to promote and develop healthy eating
habits among the students. With this policy in place, parents can now worry less about sending
kids to school without food, whether for convenience or economical reasons. (Salvador, 2017)
Being part of the school environment, school canteen has an important role on the foods
they serve to the students. They also have an influence on the health and nutritional foods that
the students consumed daily. The role of the school canteen is very important.
In terms of financial stability school canteen managers should know how to handle the
transparency of the profit of the school canteen. And also the school canteen should sell the
foods and beverages at an affordable price since the customers are the students. Most of the
school canteens in some schools make the financial decisions that affect the day to day running
of the school. But in some schools the canteen manager is the one who manage the financial
stability of their canteen. it is important to know how to balance the expenses from the profit,
improving the nutritional value of food sold in school canteens can be a challenge, particularly
when fresh and healthy foods are often more expensive than highly processed alternatives. Even
the foods that have high nutritional value can be more expensive now. The solutions to stocking
school canteens with fresh and healthy foods are not simple. School canteens need to follow and
be recognized for following the good practice guidelines, balanced with the need to build the
capacity of schools, canteen managers and suppliers to make innovative and appetizing healthy
Schools are the place where to endorse eating nutritious food and to ensure the
appropriate food the students eat. School canteen staff has a role to play in food businesses, they
have to ensure that the meals they served are hygienic. A school canteen must practice hygiene;
hygiene’s are also the key to food safety. Food safety procedures must be understood by
everyone who handles food or the person works in the canteen. (Canteen hygiene in Eastern
Visayas State University, 2016). It is important to practice hygiene especially that the students
will eat at the canteen. The school canteen should not only focus on the food but also the safety
and the cleanliness of the facility, equipments, and utensils that are use in the canteen.
In terms of facilities, in order to satisfy the customers the canteen must have a good
ambiance for the students to be more comfortable to eat. Tarlac State University, the authors who
conducted the study the satisfaction of the students are looking for are good ambiance,
cleanliness, and taste of food. The factor that most students are not satisfied is with the price.
They recommended that the school canteen should understand the situation of the students that
they can’t afford the price of their food on a regular basis and offer the “AMBULA” to give the
students an option for their foods. (Yumul, Longga, Dimmal, Mariano, Sotto, and Pangilinan,
Services are also important to satisfy your customers. Especially the students are
sometimes exhausted by the paperworks that they were given by their subject teachers, school
canteen staff should serve the customers with a smile and the staff should be friendly in that way
Stated that to have a good canteen management it does not only the quality of its food but
also it is reflected by the quality of its service. It shows that the characteristics of the
staff/personnel can satisfied the students when it comes to service. The school must know and
prioritize if the students are satisfied by the service of the canteen to ensure the health and the
School canteen must implement a policy for the school canteen managers and staffs’ will
follow. The school council is responsible for the canteen and its policies, employment and
dismissal of staff, and ordering of goods for the canteen. The rules and policies have to be
followed in most of the schools, there must be a clean facilities for washing, the canteen must
have proper ventilation and lightings, and the facilities should have a bigger space.
The food containers, equipments, and utensils must maintain its cleanliness. The rules
and regulation would help in making the students comfortable and satisfied especially when it
It is hard to manage a school canteen, the school administrators should assigned a canteen
manager that can and know how to manage the school canteen in terms of staffing, foods and
services, facilities, and financial stability. The canteen manager supervises the canteen and
should transfer the profits to the school council. The school canteen should be attractive; it must
be appealing to the students in order to attract more customers. The canteen should maintain to
remain its ambiance and make the people enjoy while eating. The facility should be well
Price is one of the most problems among students, the canteen must ensure that they sell
low cost items that can fill the hunger of the students and it should have nutritional content. And
lastly the school canteen should communicate with the customers to know if they are satisfied.
The canteen’s environment is a place where product promote and the relationship of the canteen
Conceptual Framework
The method of research used in the study was quantitative research. Subject tells that the
study was investigating how canteen personnel manage the canteen. A descriptive-correlational
study concerned with the satisfaction of the customers on the foods that the school canteen gives
and the management of the canteen personnel. They will test individually around the Lawang
Bato National High School, the expected respondents are the senior high school students on that
school. The intention of the study is to investigate if senior high school students are satisfied to
the foods and services that the canteen offers and to give some advice on how they can improve
the canteen.
There are one hundred seventy-one senior high school students at Lawang Bato National
High School for School Year 2018 – 2019. The sample of 120 students comprised the actual
population of senior high school students. Respondents are identified using the Slovin’s formula.
Stratified random sampling technique will be used to select the respondents. There are five
sections in senior high school department and in every section the researcher will get 24
respondents every section, that will be 12 male students and 12 female students. Total population
sampling will be used for the school canteen personnel. There are nine school canteen personnel
Research Instrument
In a relation to the purpose of the study, two questionnaires will be used. The
questionnaire for quantitative data contains two parts. Part I is the description for the extent of
implementation on school canteen personnel. It is composed of twenty item questions that will
be answered by the school canteen personnel. Part II is the description of the extent of
satisfaction among customers of the school canteen. It is also composed of twenty item questions
that will be answered by the senior high school students of Lawang Bato National High School.
The researchers chooses three validators which is the teachers from senior high school of
Lawang Bato National High School, to examine the content, structure, and the grammar of the
Upon the recommendation of adviser and validators, the researchers will secure the
permit from the school principal for the content of the study. On the endorsement of school
administrators, the researcher will administer the survey questionnaire to sample respondents.
The data collected will be presented in a tabular form and will be analyzed through statistical
After gathering the data needed in the study. The researchers will tally, tabulate, and analyze the
data. The collected data is formulated using the given formula, regression analysis is used to
analyze the data. The computed r – value and p – value will determine if there are relationship
The result is to analyze the relationship of school canteen management and customer
This chapter presents the data gathered in the study. It presents the findings of the study,
along with interpretations and discussion on the implications of findings. The data gathered from
the senior high school students of Lawang Bato National High School, the result from the
research instrument were presented in the tables to make the analysis clearer and more
illustrative. Presentation of the results based on the statement of the problem presented in
Chapter I.
Part I. Extent of School Canteen Management in terms of Staffing, Foods and Services,
Table 1 shows the extent of school canteen management in terms of staffing. The table
shows a total mean of 3.97 which means that the school canteen personnel are agreed by the way
The school canteen must implement a policy to seek improvement on service and food
quality. Galvez (2018), states that an effective canteen management requires that, everyone is
involved to know its goals and objectives with its policies, canteen staff and committee develop
an implementation plan to achieve the canteen policy goals, day to day operational procedures
Table 1
Items Mean
1. We deal well with the students. 4.00 Sufficient
2. We are readily available to answer the students’ questions and 4.00 Sufficient
3. We always keep ourselves clean while serving the food. 3.89 Sufficient
4. We always wear proper clothes to be neat and professional. 3.89 Sufficient
5. We always practice hygiene while cooking the food. 4.00 Sufficient
TOTAL MEAN 3.97 Sufficient
Table 2 shows the extent of school canteen management in terms of foods and services.
The table shows a total mean of 3.80 which means that the school canteen management agreed
that the foods they sell are delicious and they provide good services to the customers.
Reflected on the chapter 2 of the study, Salvador (2017), The Department of Education is
implemented an order, containing the guidelines on healthy food and beverages choices in
school. It is created to promote and develop healthy eating habits among the students. With this
policy in place, parents can now worry less about sending kids to school without food, whether
Table 2
Items Mean
1. We serve delicious foods. 3.89 Sufficient
2. Spoon and fork are provided sufficiently 3.56 Sufficient
3. The servings are properly proportion to eat 3.78 Sufficient
4. Our canteen provides nutritious foods. 3.89 Sufficient
5. Our canteen provides good services. 3.89 Sufficient
TOTAL MEAN 3. 80 Sufficient
Table 3 shows the extent of school canteen management in terms of facilities. The table
shows a total mean of 3.80 which means that the school canteen management agreed that the
canteen is always clean and has proper ventilation and a bigger space.
Tarlac State University, the authors who conducted the study the satisfaction of the
students are looking for are good ambiance, cleanliness, and taste of food. (Yumul, Longga,
Dimmal, Mariano, Sotto, and Pangilinan, 2014). The facility should have a well ventilated and a
good lighting. Also, the canteen must ensure that all the tables, equipments, utensils that are used
must be clean.
Table 3
Items Mean
1. Our canteen provides proper ventilation 3.89 Sufficient
2. We clean the equipment use in our canteen. 3.89 Sufficient
3. We properly clean and sterilize the utensils. 3.67 Sufficient
4. Our canteen has a bigger space for the students to eat. 3.78 Sufficient
5. Our disposal areas are provided sufficiently. 3.78 Sufficient
TOTAL MEAN 3.80 Sufficient
Table 4 shows the extent of school canteen management in terms of financial stability.
The table shows a total mean of 3.82 which means that the school canteen management agreed
that they sell affordable foods and beverages, and provides enough resources.
It is important to have or to provide enough resources for the students to have more
choices of foods and to have more profit. Most of the school canteens in some schools make the
financial decisions that affect the day to day running of the school. But in some schools the
canteen manager is the one who manage the financial stability of their canteen. it is important to
know how to balance the expenses from the profit. (Stoneham, 2017).
Table 4
Part II. Extent of Satisfaction among Customers in terms of Staffing Foods and Services,
Table 5 shows the satisfaction among customers in terms of staffing. The table shows a
total mean of 2. 81 which means that the customers are satisfied by the way the staff of the
school canteen are friendly, approachable, and serve the customers well.
Reflected on the chapter 2 of this study, Maniquiz (2009), to have a good canteen
management it does not only focus on the quality of the food but also by the quality of its
service. It shows that the services of the staff are effective it means that the students are satisfied;
moreover if the students are satisfied then they will come back to the canteen.
Table 5
Items Mean
1. The school canteen staff provides a good customer satisfaction. 2.75 Satisfied
2. The school canteen staff are readily available to answer my 2.71 Satisfied
questions and concerns.
3. The school canteen staff keeps themselves clean while serving the 2.97 Satisfied
4. The school canteen staff’s appearance is neat and professional. 2.77 Satisfied
5. The school canteen staff always practice hygiene while cooking the 2.83 Satisfied
TOTAL MEAN 2.81 Satisfied
Table 6 shows the satisfaction among customers in terms of foods and services.
Statement 1, 3, 4, and 5 got a mean score of 2.81 and above, which means that the customers are
satisfied. On the other hand, statement 2 got a mean score of 2.35 it means that the customers are
dissatisfied. It only means that the school canteen don’t have enough spoon and fork. Overall the
computed mean is 2.72 which means that the students are satisfied by the foods and services of
the canteen.
Related on the chapter 2 of this study, in order to facilitate students to make more healthy
food choices and to develop healthy eating habits, it is important that the school food
environment is healthy (Mensink, 2012). School canteen does not only focus on taste of the food
but also the foods must have a nutritional content for the students to be healthy and also to give
Table 6
Items Mean
1.The school canteen foods taste delicious. 2.89 Satisfied
2. Spoon and fork are provided sufficiently. 2.35 Dissatisfied
3. The servings are properly proportion to eat. 2.72 Satisfied
4. The school canteen provides nutritious foods. 2.85 Satisfied
5. The school canteen provides good services. 2.81 Satisfied
TOTAL MEAN 2.72 Satisfied
Table 7 shows the satisfaction among customers in terms of facilities. The statement 2
got a mean score of 2.78 which means the customers are satisfied by the school canteen
equipments are clean. Moreover statement 3 and 5 got a mean score of 2.64 and 2.83
respectively. On the other hand, statement 1 and 4 got a mean score of 2.5 and 2.38 which means
the customers are dissatisfied. Overall the computed mean is 2.63 it means that the customers are
The rules and policies have to be followed in most of the schools, there must be clean
facilities for washing, the canteen must have proper ventilation and lightings, and the facilities
should have a bigger space. The food containers, equipments, and utensils must maintain its
Table 7
Items Mean
1. The whole facility provides proper ventilation. 2.5 Dissatisfied
2. The school canteen equipment use are clean. 2.78 Satisfied
3. The utensils are properly washed, cleaned and 2.64 Satisfied
4. The canteen has a bigger space for the students to eat. 2.38 Dissatisfied
5. The disposal areas are provided sufficiently. 2.83 Satisfied
TOTAL MEAN 2.63 Satisfied
Table 8 shows the satisfaction among customers in terms of financial stability. The table
shows a total mean of 2.74 which means that the customers are satisfied by the prices of each
School canteen must have enough resources for the students to buy more nutritious foods
that are affordable. According to Stoneham (2017), the canteen manager is the one who manage
the financial stability of their canteen. it is important to know how to balance the expenses from
the profit, improving the nutritional value of food sold in school canteens can be a challenge,
particularly when fresh and healthy foods are often more expensive than highly processed
alternatives. . School canteens need to follow and be recognized for following the good practice
guidelines, balanced with the need to build the capacity of schools, canteen managers and
suppliers to make innovative and appetizing healthy options available on school canteen menus.
Table 8
Items Mean Interpretatio
1. The price of the foods are affordable. 2.63 Satisfied
2. The price of the beverage is affordable 2.77 Satisfied
3. The school canteen provides variation of menu. 2.69 Satisfied
4. The school canteen provides enough resources. 2.69 Satisfied
5. The school canteen has a stable profit. 2.9 Satisfied
TOTAL MEAN 2.74 Satisfied
Part III. Relationship Between the Extent of Customer Satisfaction and School Canteen
Table 9 shows a very high correlation between the customer satisfaction and school
canteen management with r - value of 0.81 and p – value of 0.19. This signifies that there is a
relationship between customer satisfaction and school canteen management. It means, when the
extent of school canteen management increases, the extent of customer satisfaction also
increases. In this study, the customers are satisfied by the service of the school canteen.
Table 9
Relationship between the Extent of School Canteen Management and Satisfaction among
The final chapter of this study presents the summary of findings, along with the
conclusions made by the proponents and some recommendations for those who want to conduct
a similar study.
Summary of Findings
The purpose of this study is to show the satisfaction among customers in terms of
staffing, foods and services, facilities, and financial stability on the school canteen of Lawang
Bato National High School. In the same vein, the researchers would like to determine if there is a
The following findings present the answers to the questions set forth in the statement of the
problem in chapter 1.
1.1 staffing,
The school canteen staffs’ are agreed in terms of how they serve the customers
well, they are approachable and practices hygiene while cooking and serving the
In terms of foods and services, the school canteen staffs are agreed that they
always served delicious and nutritious foods and are properly proportion to eat.
1.3 facilities,
The school canteen staffs are agreed that the whole facility is well ventilated, has
a bigger space, disposal areas are provided, and the equipments and utensils that they
The school canteen staffs are agreed that the price of the foods and beverages are
affordable, they offer choices of menu, and they agreed that the canteen has a stable
1.1 staffing,
In terms of staffing, the customers are satisfied on the way the staff treat them and
giving them a good service. The customers are also satisfied on how the canteen staff
The customers are satisfied on the taste of food, how the servings are properly
proportion to eat, and the canteen provides good services. The foods that are served
has a nutritional content that is included in the DepEd order. However, the customers
are dissatisfied because the canteens don’t have enough spoon and fork.
1.3 facilities,
The customers are satisfied on the equipments and utensils used are properly
cleaned and sterilized, and also the customers are satisfied on the disposal areas that
has been provided by the school canteen. But the school canteen doesn’t have a
bigger space for the students to eat and has poor ventilation which makes the
customers dissatisfied.
In terms of financial stability, the customers are satisfied on the foods and
beverages that the canteen sells are affordable, and the school canteen provides
enough resources which they have more choices of foods and has a stable profit.
customer satisfaction?
satisfaction, because the school canteen provides a good services which is effective on
the customers, that means that there is no problem arises between the school canteen and
There is a very high correlation with r – value of 0.81 and p – value of 0.19. This
signifies that when the extent of customer satisfaction increases, the extent school
4. Based on the findings of the study, what management style may be improved on
Based on the findings of this study, the researchers suggest that the entire school canteen
facility may be requested to provide more space and proper ventilation for the customers. In
terms of foods and services, the school canteen personnel may provide more utensils for
customers. To maintain school canteen’s sanitation, the personnel may observe regular
Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that there is a significant
relationship between school canteen management and customer satisfaction. There is a very high
correlation with r – value of 0.81 and p – value of 0.19. This signifies that when the extent of
school canteen management increases, the extent of customer satisfaction also increases.
In line with the conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are suggested:
1. The entire school canteen facility may be requested to provide more space and proper
2. The school canteen personnel may provide more utensils for customers.
3. To maintain school canteen’s sanitation, the personnel may observe regular cleanliness
4. Variables other than staffing, foods and services, facilities, and financial stability may be
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