Module 112
Module 112
Module 112
The module on Prof. Educ. 108 –Curriculum Development was prepared for the students in the
Expanded Tertiary Equivalency Education Program (ETEEAP) to equip them with the knowledge and
skills needed in the implementation of K – 12 Basic Education Curriculum. This module contains
activities and exercises in relations to the current trends in education.
The completion of this module by the students will provide comprehensive know-how on what a
curriculum is all about. The topics and activities in the module were based from the various books
authored by experts in field.
Professional Education 112
Curriculum Development
Module 1 is all about school curricula and the teacher. It identifies the different types of curricula
that is existing in the teacher’s classroom and school. It also describes the important roles of the teacher
as curricularist who engages in the different facets of curriculum development in any educational level.
Lesson Proper
Here is a story about “The Sabre-Tooth Curriculum by Harold Benjamin (1939) as indicated in
the book of Purita P. Bilbao, 2015. Take your time to read it and reflect what is curriculum all about
during those times.
New-Fist thought about how he could harness the children’s play to make their life better in
the community. He considered what adults do for survival and introduced activities to children in a
deliberate and formal way. These included catching fish with bare hands, clubbing little wholly
horses, and chasing away-sabre-toothed-tigers-with fire. These then became the curriculum and
the community began to prosper – plenty of food, hides for attire and protection from threat. “It is
suppose that all would have gone forever with this good educational system, if conditions of life in
that community remained forever the same.” But conditions changed.
The glacier began to melt and the community could no, longer see the fish to catch with
their bare hands, and only the most agile and clever fish remained which hid from the people. The
wholly horses were ambitious and decided to leave the region. The tigers got pneumonia and most
died. The few remaining tigers left. In their place, fierce bears arrived who would not be chased
by fire. The community was in trouble.
One day, in desperation, someone made a net from willow twigs and found a new way to
catch fish and the supply was even more plentiful than before. The community also devised a
system of traps on the path to snare the bears. Attempts to change education system to include
these new techniques however encountered “stern opposition.”
These are also activities we need to know. Why can’t the schools teach them? But most of
the tribe particularly the wise old men who controlled the school, smiled indulgently at this
suggestion. That wouldn’t be education... it would be mere training”. We don’t teach fish grabbing
to catch fish, we teach to develop a generalized agility which can never be duplicated by mere
training ... and so on.
If you had any education yourself, you would know the essence of true education is
timelessness. It is something that endures through changing conditions like a solid rock standing
squarely and firmly in the middle of a raging torrent.
The story was written in 1939. Curriculum then, was seen as a tradition of organized knowledge
taught in schools of the 19th century. Two centuries later, the concept of a curriculum has broadened to
include several modes of thoughts or experiences.
In our current Philippine educational system, different schools are established in different
educational levels which have corresponding recommended curricula. The levels are:
1. Basic Education. This level includes Kindergarten, Grade 1 to Grade 6 for elementary, and
for secondary, Grade 7 to Grade 10, for the Junior High School; and Grade 11 and 12 for
Senior High School. Each of the levels has its specific recommended curriculum. The new
basic education levels are provided in the K to 12 Enhanced Curriculum of 2013 of the
Department of Education.
2. Technical Vocational Education. This is post-secondary technical vocational educational
and training taken care of by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA). For TechVoc track in Senior High School of DepEd, both DepEd and TESDA
work in close coordination.
3. Higher Education. This includes the Baccalaureate or Bachelor Degrees and the Graduate
Degrees (Master’s and Doctorate) which are under the regulation of the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED).
indicate the cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcomes. Learned curriculum will
also demonstrate higher order and critical thinking and lifelong skils.
7. Hidden/Implicit Curriculum. This curriculum is not deliberately planed, but has a
great impact on the behaviour of the learner. Peer influence, school environment,
media, parental pressures, societal changes, cultural practices, natural calamities, are
some factors that create the hidden curriculum. Teachers should be sensitive and
aware of this hidden curriculum. Teachers must have good foresight to include these
in written curriculum in order to bring to the surface what are hidden.
In every teacher’s classroom, not all these curricula maybe present at one time. Many of them
are deliberately planned, like the recommended, written, taught, supported, assessed, and learned
curricula. However, a hidden curriculum is implied, and a teacher may or may not role on the life of the
teacher as a facilitator of learning and have direct implication to the life of the learners.
Now that you are fully aware that there are seven types of curricula operating in every teacher’s
classroom, it is then very necessary to learn deeper and broader about the role of the teacher in relation to
the school curriculum.
ACTIVITY 1: Discuss the Sabre-Tooth Curriculum and answer the following in a separate sheet/s:
A. Does the Sabre-Tooth curriculum still exist at present? Give examples of your evidence.
B. Describe what kind of curriculum that exist as described in the article.
C. What does the author mean, when he said “A curriculum should be timeless? “ Explain.
Read each statement and decide whether you Agree or Disagree. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
____ 2. It is a reality that there exists more than one curriculum in the teacher’s classroom.
____ 3. A teacher can say with confidence that learning has occurred, if the curriculum has been
____ 6. Teachers should expect that school curricula are dynamic and changing.
____ 8. Textbooks and modules are written curricula that represent the recommended curricula.
____ 10. In the heart of all the types of curricula, the teacher has a major role.
Activity 2: Is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum? Why? Write your answer on a
separate sheet.
Lesson Proper
Curricularists in the past, are preferred only on those who developed curriculum theories.
Acording to the study of Sandra Hayes (1991), the most influential curricularist in America include John
Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba and Franklin Bobbit.
In this lesson, we are going to use the word curricularist to describe a professional who is a
curriculum specialist (Hayes, 1991); Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004; Hewitt, 2006). A person who is
involved in curriculum knowing, writing, planning, implementing, evaluating, innovating, and initiating
maybe designated as curricularist. A teacher’s role is broader and inclusive of other functions and so a
teacher is a curricularist.
The classroom is the first place of curricular engagement. The first school experience sets the
tone to understand the meaning of schooling through the interactions of learners and teachers that will
lead to learning. Hence, curriculum is the heart of schooling.
1. knows the curriculum. Learning begins with knowing. The teacher as a learner starts with
about the curriculum, the subject matter or the content. As a teacher, one has to master what
are included in the curriculum. It is acquiring academic knowledge both formal (disciplines,
logic) or informal (derived from experiences, vicarious, and unintended). It is the mastery of
the subject matter. (Knower)
2. writes the curriculum. A classroom teacher takes record of knowledge concepts, subject
matter or content. These need to be written or preserved. The teacher writes books, modules,
laboratory manuals, instructional guides, and reference materials in paper or electronic media
as a curriculum writer or reviewer. (Writer)
3. plans the curriculum. A good curriculum has to be planed. It is the role of the teacher to
make a yearly, monthly or daily plan of the curriculum. This will serve as a guide in the
implementation of the curriculum. The teacher takes into consideration several factors in
planning a curriculum. These factors include the learners, the support material, time, subject
matter or content , the desired outcomes, the context of the learners among others. By doing
this, the teacher becomes a curriculum planner. (Planner)
4. initiates the curriculum. In cases where the curriculum is recommended to the schools from
DepEd, CHED, TESDA,UNESCO, UNICEF or other educational agencies for improvement
of quality education, the teacher is obliged to implement. Implementation of a new
curriculum requires the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief that the
curriculum will enhance learning. There will be many constraints and difficulties in doing
things first or leading, however, a transformative teacher will never hesitate to try something
novel and relevant. (Initiator)
5. innovates the curriculum. Creativity and innovation are hallmarks of an excellent teacher.
A curriculum is always dynamic, hence it keeps on changing. A good teacher innovates the
curriculum. (Innovator)
6. Implements the curriculum. The curriculum that remains recommended or written will
never serve its purpose without implementing it. Thus it is the teacher who implements it. It
is here where teaching as a science and art will be observed. It is here where all the elements
of the curriculum will come into play. The success of a recommended, well written, and
planned curriculum depends on the implementation. (Implementation)
7. Evaluates curriculum. How can one determine if the desired learning outcomes have been
achieved? Is the curriculum working? Does it bring the desired results? What do outcomes
reveal? Are the learners achieving? Should the curriculum be modified, terminated or
continued? These are some few questions that need the help of a curriculum evaluator. That
person is the teacher. (Evaluator)
Post Test.
Instructions: Identify on the blanks provided who am I ass a Curricularist based on the
cases presented.
Case 1 . I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention to the lesson. I will
use the new idea and find out if it work.
Case 2. DepEd sent the standards, competencies and guidelines in teaching the Mother
Tongue in Grade 1 in our school. I will study and use it in the coming school year.
Case 3. There is so much to do in one school day. I seem not able to do all, but I have to
accomplish something for my learners. I have made a daily activity plan to guide me.
Case 4. I need a poem to celebrate the World Teacher’s Day. I composed one to be used in
my class in Literature.
Case 5. My class is composed of learners from different home background and culture. I
cannot use a “one-size-fits all strategy” in teaching so I can respond to the diverse background. In
my readings, I discovered that there are ways of teaching. I tried one by myself and it worked.
Case 6. Knowledge is limitless. What I learned in college is not enough. I need to know more, so I
enrolled in the graduate school to advance my learning.
Case 7. At the end of the year, my performance as a teacher is reflected in the school
performance of my students. So I need to provide a monitoring tool to measure how they are
progressing. The result will inform me how i will address my learners’ weakness and enhance their
Case 8. I am teaching in a very far away barangay with no electricity yet. Many of the
instructional aids for teaching sent to our school are films and video tapes which need power. I
cannot use them, but the lessons are very important. So I thought of making an alternative
activity. I took my class to the river and waterfall instead of doing the lesson.
Case 9. My principal asked me to attend a write shop to make the lesson exemplars in the
teaching of Science in Grade 7. In the workshop, I used my experiences as a science teacher for ten
years, and my knowledge of the subject matter. At the end of three days, I was able to produce
lesson exemplars which I am proud of.
Self Reflection: Choose one from Case 1 to 10 above. Reflect on the case you have chosen and
write you reflection.
Module Overview:
Module 2 describes the school curriculum in terms of its definition, its nature and scope,
which are needed by the teacher as a knower. This module provides a wider perspective for the teachers
about the curriculum, in terms of curriculum approach, curriculum development process, some curriculum
models and the foundations upon which curriculum is anchored.
1. Curriculum is a planned and guided set of learning experiences and intended outcomes,
formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and experiences under the
auspices of the school, for the learners’ continuous and willful growth in personal social
competence. (Daniel Tanner, 1980)
Collectively from the traditional view, curriculum can be defined as a field of study.
Curriculum is highly academic and is concerned with broad historical, philosophical,
psychological and social issues. Curriculum is mostly a written documents such as
syllabus, course of study, books and references where knowledge is found but is used as a
means to accomplish intended goals.
___ 1. Teachers are required to teach the book from cover to cover.
___ 2. If the learners can memorize the content, then the curriculum is best.
___ 4. Parents send children to a military type school with rigid training.
___ 6. Prerequisites to promotion for the next grade are skills in reading, writing and
arithmetic only.
All curricula have content regardless of their design or models. The fund of knowledge is
the repository of accumulated discoveries and inventions of man from the explorations of the
earth and as products of research. In most educational setting, curriculum is anchored on a
body of knowledge or discipline.
There are some suggested criteria in the selection of knowledge or subject matter.
(Scheffer, 1970 in Bilbao, et al 2009)
check and verification at a regular interval, because content which may be valid in its
original form may continue to be valid in the current times.
3. Utility. Usefulness of the content in the curriculum is relative to the learners who are
going to use these. Utility can be relative to time. It may have been useful in the
past, but may not be useful now or in the future.
4. Learnability. The complexity of the content should be within the range of
experiences of the learners. This is based on the psychological principles of learning.
Appropriate organization of content standards and sequencing of contents are two
basic principles that would influence learnability.
5. Feasibility. Can the subject content be learned within the time allowed, resources
available, expertise of the teachers and the nature of the learners? Are there contents
of learning which can be learned beyond the formal teaching-learning engagement?
Are there opportunities provided to learn these?
6. Interest. Will the learners take interest in the content? Why? Are the contents
meaningful? What value will the contents have in the present and future life of the
learners? Interest is one of the driving forces for the students to learn better.
1. Balance. Content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth. This will
guarantee that significant contents should be covered to avoid too much or too little
of the contents needed within the time allocation.
2. Articulation. As the content complexity progresses with the educational levels,
vertically or horizontally, across the same discipline, smooth connections or bridging
should be provided.
3. Sequence. The logical arrangement of the content refers to sequence or order. This
can be done vertically for deepening the content or horizontally for broadening the
same content. In both ways, the pattern usually is from easy to complex, what is
known to the unknown, what is current to something in the future.
4. Integration. Content in the curriculum does not stand alone or isolation. It has some
ways of relatedness or connectedness to other contents. Contents should be infused
in other discipline whenever possible.
5. Continuity. Content when viewed as a curriculum should continuously flow as it
was before, to where it is now, and where it will be in the future. It should be
perennial. It endures time. Content maybe not be in the same form and substance as
seen in the past since changes and developments in curriculum occur. Constant
2. Curriculum as a Process
As a process, curriculum links to the content. While content provides materials on what
to teach, the process provides curriculum on how to teach the content. When accomplished,
the process will result to various curriculum experiences for the learners. The intersection of
the content and process is called the Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK. It will address
the question: If you have this content, how will you teach it?
To teachers, the process is very critical. This is the other side of the coin: Instruction,
implementation, teaching. These are three words connote the process of curriculum. When
educators ask teachers: What curriculum are you using? Some answers will be: 1. Problem
based. 2. Hands-on, Mind On. 3. Cooperative Learning 4. Blended Curriculum 5. On-
line 6. Case-based and many more. These responses approach curriculum as a Process.
These are the ways of teaching, ways of managing the content, guiding learning, methods of
teaching and learning and strategies of teaching or delivery modes.
The product from the curriculum is a student equipped with the knowledge, skills and
values to function effectively and efficiently. The real purpose of education is to bring about
significant changes in students’ pattern of behaviour. Central to the approach is the
formulation of behavioral objectives stated as intended learning outcomes or desired products
so that content and teaching methods may be organized and the results evaluated. Products of
learning are operationalized as knowledge, skill, and values.
Instruction: After learning from this lesson, how would you prepare yourself to become a
teacher, using the three approaches to Curriculum? Write on the space below:
Desired Outcomes
1. Curriculum planning. Considers the school vision, mission and goals. It also
includes the philosophy or strong education belief of the school. All of these will
eventually be translated to classroom desired learning outcomes for the learners.
2. Curriculum designing is the way curriculum is conceptualized to include the
selection and organization of content, the selection and organization of learning
experiences or activities and the selection of assessment procedure and tools to
measure achieved learning outcomes. It will also include the resources to be utilized
and the statement of the learning outcomes.
3. Curriculum implementing is putting into action the plan which is based on the
curriculum design in the classroom setting or the learning environment. The teacher
is the facilitator of learning and, together with the learners, uses the curriculum as
design guides to what will transpire in the classroom with the end in view of
achieving the intended learning outcomes. Implementing the curriculum is where
action takes place.
4. Curriculum evaluating determines the extent to which the desired outcomes have
been achieved. This procedure is on-going as in finding out the progress of learning
(formative) or the mastery of learning (summative). Along the way, evaluation will
be determine the factors that have hindered or supported the implementation. It will
also pinpoint where improvement can be made and corrective measures, introduced.
The result of evaluation is very important for decision making of curriculum
planners, and implementers.
Activity 2: Instruction: Answer in your own understanding after you read the
concepts of curriculum development the following:
1. Describe the model of curriculum development which you understand well. Write in
two paragraphs.
2. What phase of the curriculum process do you find very important as a teacher?
Foundations of Curriculum
1. Philosophical Foundations
Educators, teachers, educational planners and policy makers must have a
philosophy or strong belief about education and schooling and the kind of
curriculum in the teachers’ classrooms or learning environment. Philosophy of
the curriculum answers questions like: What are schools for? What subjects are
important? How should students learn? What methods should be used? What
outcomes should be achieved? Why?
There are many philosophies in education but we will consider those
presented by Ornstein and Hunkins in 2004.
A. Perennialism
Aim: To educate the rational person; cultivate intellect
Role: Teachers assist students to think with reasons (critical thinking HOTS)
Focus: Classical subjects, literary analysis. Curriculum is enduring
Trends: Use of great books (Bible, Koran, Classics) and Liberal Arts
B. Essentialism
Aim: To promote intellectual growth of learners to become competent
Role: Teachers are sole authorities in the subject area
Focus: Essential skills of the 3Rs; essential subjects
Trends: Back to basic, excellence in education, cultural literacy
C. Progressivism
2. Historical Foundations.
Where is curriculum development coming from? The historical foundations will
show to us the chronological development along a time line. Reading materials
would tell us that curriculum development started when Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956)
wrote the book “The Curriculum.” The following are among the persons who have
great contributions/Theories and Principles
1. Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956).
He started the curriculum movement
Curriculum is a science that emphasizes students’ needs
Curriculum prepares learners for adult life.
Objectives and activities should group together when tasks are clarified.
2. Werret Charters (1875-1952)
Like Bobbit, he posited that curriculum is a science and emphasizes students’ needs
Objectives and activities should match. Subject matter or content relates to
3. William Killpartick (1875-1952)
Curricula are purposeful activities which are child- centered
The purpose of the curriculum is child development and growth. He introduced the
project method where teacher and student plan the activities.
Curriculum develops social relationships and small group instruction.
4. Harold Rugg (1886-1960)
Curriculum should develop the whole child. IT IS CHILD CENTERED.
With the statement of objectives and related learning activities, curriculum should
produce outcomes.
Emphasized social studies and suggested that the teacher plans in advance.
5. Hollis Caswell (1901-1989)
Curriculum is organized around social functions of themes, organized knowledge and
learner’s interest.
Curriculum, instruction and learning are interrelated
Curriculum is a set of experiences. Subject matter is developed around social
functions and learning interests.
Keys to Learning
-Produce a healthy and happy learner whose can accomplish, grow and actualize his
or her human self.
* Key to Learning
* Suggested that in the future, parents might have the resources to teach prescribed
curriculum from home as a result of technology, not in spite of it. (Home
Activity 3: After reading the lesson, reflect on the following and write your answer on the
following questions:
1. Identify among the foundations of curriculum, has influenced what you have learned in
school as a college student?
2. How will the thinking of Abraham Maslow influence your teaching practice in the future?
This module will provide necessary concepts and activities you as a teacher can
refer to as you prepare yourself to be a curriculum designer.
There are many labels or names for curriculum design. Some would call it a
syllabus , or a lesson plan. Some would call it a unit plant or a course design. Whatever
is the name of the design, the common components for all of them are almost the same.
Let us take the Lesson Plan as a miniscule curriculum. A lesson plan or teaching
guide includes (1) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) or Desired Learning Outcome
(DLO) formerly labelled as behavioural objectives, (2) Subject Matter or Content, (3)
Teaching and Learning Methods, and (4) Assessment Evaluation.
Activity 1: Which of the concepts do you clearly understand? Answer Yes or No to the
questions below.
___ 8. Are time tested methods like inductive and lecture no longer useful?
___ 10. Is there only one design that a teacher should know?
If you got 10 correct answers out of 10 items, congratulations! You are now ready to move to the
next lesson. If otherwise, you need to review this lesson. Good luck.
In this lesson, we will see how several examples of curriculum designs are used in
the schools and classrooms.
Get hold of materials about the K to 12. Discuss and answer the following?
7. Align and enter the assessment procedure and tools to the intended learning
outcomes, content areas, and resources.
8. Circulate the map among all involved personnel for their inputs.
9. Revise and refine map based on suggestions and distribute to all concerned.
Prepare a curriculum map of a Grade 7 subject in Social Studies. Select one unit
for you prepare a curriculum map using the suggested process in a matrix. Use separate
The next step after curriculum planning and designing is to implement it.
As, a teacher, this is one of the major roles that you do in the school. The
success of learning depends on your implementation effort.
1. This is the phase where the teacher action takes place. It means putting into
practice the written curriculum that has been designed in syllabi, course
study, curricular guides, and subjects. It is a process wherein the learners
acquire the planned or intended knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are
aimed at enabling the same learners to function effectively in society. (SADC
M0E Africa, 2000)
2. Ornstein and Hunkins in 1998 defined curriculum implementation as the
interaction between the curriculum that has been written and planned and the
persons (teachers) who are in charge to deliver it.
3. Loucks and Lieberman (1983) define curriculum implementation as the
trying out of a new practice and what it looks like when actually used in a
school system. It simply means that implementation should bring the desired
change and improvement.
5. Value orientation. This is a type of curriculum change through which is given to the
teachers in response to shift in emphasis.
Teachers of all public elementary and secondary schools will not be required
to prepare detailed lesson plans. They may adopt daily lesson logs which contain
the needed information and guide from the Teacher Guide (TG) and Teacher
Manual (TM) reference material with page number, interventions given to students
and remarks to indicate how many students mastered the lesson or are needing
I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
IV. Assessment
V. Assignment
So, as prospective teachers, you should prepare lesson plans that will comply will
comply with the necessary components asked by the Department of Education. Those
who will be employed in the private schools, may have a different lesson plan format, but
the fundamental parts will be the same.
Activity: Prepare a sample lesson plan in the subject of your choice using the
format of the DepEd Order No. 70 s. 2012. Write in a separate sheet.
Almeda, Rosario and Bilbao, Purita P (2002). Curriculum Development. WVSU Printing Press.
Bruner, Jerome. (2001) The Culture of Education. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press