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17JG1A0470 17JG1A0477 17JG1A04A1
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
ABSTRACT: The molecule in sunlit lunar for the Launch Vehicle,
space race in surface region around the the Orbiter and the Rover
mainly America, poles , exposure of large while the Lander will be
Russia and other anorthositic blocks provided by Russia. Initial
confirming the global lunar work to realize the different
magma hypothesis elements of the mission is
Countries were signature of sub surface ice currently in progress in
participants, layers in permanently both countries. Mission
generally other shadhow regions near the Elements: On board
countries such as lunar north pole , evidence segment of Chandrayaan-2
developing for a new refractory rock mission consists of a lunar
country did not type , mapping of reflected Orbiter and a lunar Lander-
attracts attention lunar neutral atoms and Rover. The orbiter for
towards space identification of mini- Chandrayaan-2 mission is
magnetosphere , possible similar to that of
race. India has
signature of water molecule Chandrayaan-1 from A Lander-Rover mass of
jumped into the in lunar exosphere , structural and propulsion
space race. India 1260kg (including the
preserved lava tube that aspects. Based on a study propellant for soft landing)
has broken the may provide site for future of various mission will provide sufficient
monopoly of human habitation and management and trajectory margin for such a lift off
Super Powers in radiation dose en-route and options, such as, separation within the capability of this
space and is around the moon . The of the Lander-Rover flight proven launch
ready to face success of Chandrayaan-1 module in geo-transfer- vehicle. Mission Scenario:
many new orbiter mission provided orbit (GTO) or in lunar The GSLV(Mk-II) will
the impetus to implement transfer trajectory (LTT) or
challenges of launch the Lunar Orbiter
the second approved Indian in lunar polar orbit (LPO), coupled to the lunar
space. mission to moon, the option of separating this Lander-Rover into GTO
Chandrayaan-2, with an module at LTT, after (180km×36,000km),
Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter-Lander-Rover required midcourse
attempts to foster a new following which the
configuration. The corrections, was selected as Orbiter will boost the orbit
age of discovery, enhanced capabilities will this offers an optimum from GTO to LTT where
increase our enable addressing some of mass and overall mission the two modules will be
understanding of space, the questions raised by management advantage. separated. Both of them
stimulate the the results obtained from The orbiter propulsion will make their independent
advancement of the Chandrayaan-1 and system will be used to journey towards moon and
technology, promote other recent lunar missions transfer Orbiter-Lander- reach lunar polar orbit
global alliances, and and gather new data to Rover composite from independently. The orbiter
inspire a future further our understanding GTO to LTT. The Lander- module will be initially
of the origin and evolution Rover and Orbiter modules placed in an elliptical
generation of explorers
of the moon. The orbiter are configured with (5000km×200km) polar
and scientists. will carry payloads to probe individual propulsion and orbit
Keywords— the morphological, house keeping systems. following which the
mineralogical and chemical The indigenously Lander-Rover module
properties of the lunar developed Geostationary descends to the lunar
I. INTRODUCTIO surface and regolith
material through remote
Satellite Launch Vehicle
GSLV(Mk-II) will be used
surface. Fig. 1. The
Mission Profile of
N sensing observations in x- for this mission. The most Chandrayaan-2 After
ray, visible, infra-red and critical aspect of its landing, a motorized rover
The first Indian planetary
microwave regions. The feasibility was an accurate with robotic arm and
mission to moon,
Lander-Rover system will evaluation of the scope for scientific instruments
Chandrayaan-1 , launched
enable in-depth studies of a taking a 2660 kg lift off would be released on to the
on 22nd October, 2008,
specific lunar location and mass into GTO. lunar surface. Althouh the
with a suite of Indian and
probe various physical exact landing location is yet
International payloads on
properties of the moon. The to be finalized, a high
board, collected very
Chandrayaan-2 mission latitude location is
significant data over its
will be a collaboration preferred from scientific
mission duration of close
between Indian Space interest. Multiple
to one year .
Research Organization communication links
Important new findings
(ISRO) andthe Federal
from this earth, direct LanderEarth
Space Agency of Russia.
ISRO will be responsible and Rover-Orbiter will
of hydroxyl and water
be implemented. for the presence of water spacecraft Chandrayan-1 perform Chandrayaan-2.
Following the initiation molecule in the lunar have raised the ray of The two agencies signed
of operations of the exosphere. The Synthetic hope in space science. an agreement in 2007 to
Rover-Landermodules, Aperture Radar will 1) Discoveries made launch the orbiter and
the orbiter will be placed include both L (1.25 lander in 2013. Russia
by Chandrayaan-1
in a 200 km circular orbit GHz) and S (2-2.2 later pulled out of the
and the instruments on GHz) bands with agreement, however,
discovered traces of
board will have a close selectable resolution of according to a news
water on the moon and
up view of the moon. up to a few meters. A report from The Hindu.
water ice in the north
Scientific Payloads: The radiating patch The Russian lander's
polar region of the moon.
scientific payloads on the arrangement is construction was delayed
It also detected
orbiter include a Terrain designed for the after the December 2011
magnesium, aluminium
Mapping Camera integrated L-band and S- failure of Roscosmos'
and silicon on the lunar
(TMC-2), an Imaging band antenna Phobos-Grunt mission to
surface. Global imaging
Infra-red Spectrometer the Martian moon of
of the moon is another
(IIRS), a Synthetic HISTORY OF achievement of this
Phobos, the report
Aperture Radar stated.
(SAR), a Collimated Russia subsequently
The mission includes
Large Area Soft x-ray
Spectrometer (CLASS),
-I five ISRO payloads and
out of

Chandrayaan-1 was six payloads from other

and a Neutral Mass altogether, citing
India’s first mission to international space
Spectrometer (ChASE- financial issues. Some
the moon. The name agencies including
2). TMC with two reports stated that NASA
Chandrayaan means NASA, ESA and the
cameras will provide 3D and the European Space
'Chandra- Moon, Yaan- Bulgarian Aerospace
imaging and DEM, while Agency were interested
vehicle,' in Indian Agency, which are being
the IIRS will cover the in participating, but
languages (Sanskrit and carried free of cost. The
0.8-5 micron region at ISRO proceeded with the
Hindi), the lunar cost of this project is
high spectral resolution mission on its own.
spacecraft. estimated Rs. 3.86
using a grating
Chandrayaan-1 was billion. This project is
spectrograph coupled to The Chandrayaan-2
operational for 312 days not an entertainment but
an active cooler based orbiter will circle the
till August 29, 2009. has some important aims.
MCT array detector. It moon and provide
India has launched a Chandrayaan-2 is
will provide India's planned second information about its
information on lunar unmanned spacecraft surface, ISRO stated.
mission to the moon,
mineral composition, (Moon Vehicle) to moon. "The payloads will
which is expected to
detect OH and H2O on The spacecraft was launch in 2019. It is a collect scientific
lunar surface and also launched by a modified follow-up mission from information on lunar
measure thermal version of the PSLVXL the Chandrayaan-1 topography, mineralogy,
emission from the from Satish Dhawan mission that assisted in elemental abundance,
moon. Space Centre Shri confirming the presence lunar exosphere and
Fig. 2. The Orbiter, Harikota, Andhra of water/hydroxyl on the signatures of hydroxyl
Lander & Rover Pradesh. Chandrayan-1 moon in 2009. and water-ice,"
Configuration is India’s first mission to Chandrayaan-2 will ISRO said on its website.
CLASS is an improved the moon by India’s launch from the Satish The mission will also
version of C1XS flown National Space Agency- Dhawan Space Center in send a small, 20-
on Chandrayaan-1 and Indian Space Research Sriharikota, India, aboard kilogram (44 lbs.), six-
Organisation (ISRO). We a Geosynchronous wheeled rover to the
will employ swept
had gained a new Satellite Launch Vehicle surface; the rover will
charge detector (SCD)
achievement in the scope (GSLV) rocket. move semi-
for detection of X-rays
from lunar surface of space science on 22 OBJECTIVES autonomously,
during solar flares. October 2008 when India examining the lunar
is sixth country to launch OF
ChASE-2 is a modified regolith's composition.
spacecraft to moon but CHANDRAYAAN
version of ChASE, one
our solid success -2: History:
of the instruments on the
Moon Impact Probe achievements and On 12 November
Initially, ISRO planned
(MIP) that provided hints preparations made for 2007, representatives of
to partner with Russia to
the Russian Federal vehicle. On 19 June the precise launch and
Space 2018, after the program's mission management, in
Agency (Roscosmos) and fourth Comprehensive lunar orbit.
ISRO signed an Technical Review
agreement for the two meeting, a number of Vikram lande
agencies to work together changes in configuration
on the Chandrayaan-2 and landing sequence r
project.[] ISRO would were planned for
have the prime implementation, pushing
responsibility for the the launch to the first half
orbiter and rover, while of 2019.[44] Two of the
Roscosmos was to lander's legs got minor
provide the lander. damage during one of the
The Indian tests in February 2019. ORBITER:
government approved the
Chandrayaan-2 As of September
mission in a meeting of
launch was initially 2019, orbiter is orbiting
the Union Cabinet, held
scheduled for 14 July the Moon on a polar orbit
on 18 September 2008
2019, 21:21 UTC (15 at an altitude of 100 km
and chaired by Prime
July 2019 at 02:51 IST (62 mi).The orbiter
Minister Manmohan
local time), with the carries eight scientific
Singh The design of the
landing expected on 6 instruments; two of them
spacecraft was completed
September are improved versions of
in August 2009, with
2019.] However, the those flown
scientists of both
launch was aborted due on Chandrayaan-1. The
countries conducting a
to a technical glitch and approximate launch mass
joint review.
was rescheduled. The was 2,379 kg
Although ISRO launch occurred on 22 (5,245 lb). The Orbiter Images of the Earth
finalised the payload for July 2019 at 09:13 UTC High Resolution Camera captured by
Chandrayaan-2 per (14:43 IST) on the first (OHRC) will conduct Chandrayaan-2 Vikram
schedulethe mission was operational flight of a high-resolution lander camera LI4[60]
postponed in January GSLV MK III M1 observations of the
2013and rescheduled to landing site prior to The mission's lander
2016 because Russia was Design separation of the lander is called Vikram named
unable to develop the from the orbiter The after Vikram
lander on The mission was Sarabhai (1919–1971),
launched on orbiter's structure was
time. Roscosmos later manufactured who is widely regarded
withdrew in wake of the a Geosynchronous as the founder of the
Satellite Launch Vehicle by Hindustan
failure of the Fobos- Aeronautics Limited and Indian space programme.
Grunt mission to Mars, Mark III (GSLV Mk III) [62]
with an approximate lift- delivered to ISRO
since the technical Satellite Centre on 22 The Vikram lander
aspects connected with off mass of 3,850 kg
(8,490 lb) from Satish June 2015. detached from the orbiter
the Fobos-Grunt mission and descended to a low
were also used in the Dhawan Space Centre on Dimensions: 3.2 × 5.8
Sriharikota Island.[3][13] × 2.2 m lunar orbit of 30 km
lunar projects, which × 100 km (19 mi
needed to be [10][51] As of
June 2019, the mission Gross lift-off mass: × 62 mi) using its 800 N
reviewed.When Russia 2,379 kg (5,245 lb) (180 lbf) liquid main
cited its inability to has an allocated cost
of ₹978 crore (approxim Propellant mass: engines. It then
provide the lander even performed a
by 2015, India decided to ately US$141 million) 1,697 kg (3,741 lb)
which includes ₹603 comprehensive check of
develop the lunar mission Dry mass: 682 kg all its on-board systems
independently. crore for space segment
and ₹375 crore as launch (1,504 lb) before attempting a soft
The spacecraft's costs on GSLV Mk III. Power generation landing that would have
launch had been [52][53] Chandrayaan-2 capacity: 1000 W deployed the rover, and
scheduled for March stack was initially put in perform scientific
2018, but was first an Earth parking orbit of Mission duration: activities for
delayed to April and then 170 km perigee and approximately 7.5 years, approximately 14 Earth
to October to conduct 40,400 km apogee by the extended from the days. Vikram spacecraft
further tests on the launch vehicle.[54] planned 1 year owing to apparently crash-landed.
[30][1] The lander's
location has been spotted
Accelerometer Package
& move on 6 wheels
traversing 500 meters on
on the surface via (LIRAP),[71] and the the lunar surface at the
thermal imaging, but its software needed to run rate of 1 cm per second,
condition is unknown. these components.[2] performing on-site
[32] The approximate [55] Engineering models chemical analysis and
combined mass of the of the lander began sending the data to the
lander and rover is undergoing ground and lander, which will relay it
1,471 kg (3,243 lb).[4][5] aerial tests in late to the Mission Control on
October 2016, the Earth.[76][77][37]
The preliminary
in Challakere in [56][52] For navigation,
configuration study of
the Chitradurga district the rover uses:
the lander was completed
of Karnataka. ISRO
in 2013 by the Space Control and motor
created roughly 10
Applications Centre dynamics: the rover has Mission Overview
craters on the surface to
(SAC) in Ahmedabad. a rocker-bogie
help assess the ability of ISRO selected eight
[38] The lander's suspension system and
the lander's sensors to scientific instruments for
propulsion system six wheels, each driven
select a landing site.[72] the orbiter, four for the
consists of eight 50 N by independent brushless
(11 lbf) thrusters Dimensions: 2.54 × 2 DC electric motors. lander,[85][3][86] and
for attitude control and × 1.2 m[24] Steering is accomplished two for the rover.
five 800 N (180 lbf) by differential speed of [37] While it was initially
Gross lift-off mass: reported
liquid main engines the wheels or skid
1,471 kg (3,243 lb)[3] that NASA and ESA wou
derived from ISRO's steering.[80]
440 N (99 lbf) Liquid Propellant mass: ld participate in the
The expected mission by providing
Apogee Motor.[63] 845 kg (1,863 lb)[6]
operating time some scientific
[64] Initially, the lander
Dry mass: 626 kg of Pragyan rover is one instruments for the
design employed four
(1,380 lb)[6] lunar day or around 14 orbiter,[87] ISRO in
main liquid engines, but
Earth days as its 2010 had clarified that
a centrally mounted Power generation
electronics are not due to weight restrictions
engine was added to capability: 650 W
expected to endure the it will not be carrying
handle new requirements
Mission duration: ≤14 frigid lunar night. foreign payloads on this
of having to orbit the
days (one lunar day)[2] However, its power mission.[88] However, in
Moon before landing.
system has a solar- an update just a month
The additional engine
was expected to mitigate
Pragyan rover powered sleep/wake-up before launch,[89] an
cycle implemented, agreement between
upward draft of lunar
which could result in NASA and ISRO was
dust during the soft
longer service time than signed to include a small
landing.[51] Vikram was
planned.[81][82] Two aft laser retroreflector from
designed to safely land
wheels of the rover have NASA to the lander's
on slopes up to 12°.[65]
the ISRO logo and payload to measure the
the State Emblem of distance between the
Some associated India embossed on them satellites above and the
technologies include a to leave behind patterned microreflector on the
high resolution camera, tracks on the lunar lunar surface.[90][91]
Laser Altimeter (LASA), surface,[83][84] which is
[67] Lander Hazard used to measure the exact Orbiter
Detection Avoidance distance travelled, also Payloads on the
Camera (LHDAC), Pragyan rover of the called visual odometry. orbiter are:[3][86][1]
Lander Position Chandrayaan-2 mission [citation needed]
Detection Camera The mission's rover is Dimensions: 0.9 ×
(LPDC),[68] Lander called Pragyan (Sanskrit: 0.75 × 0.85 m[24]
Horizontal Velocity पपरजजन, lit. 'Wisdom[73]
Camera (LHVC), an [74]') Pronunciation (he Power: 50 W[24]
800 N throttleable liquid lp·info))[75][73] The Travel speed:
main engine,[57] attitude rover's mass is about 1 cm/sec.[24]
thrusters, Ka band radio 27 kg (60 lb) and will
altimeters (KaRA),[69] operate on solar power. Mission duration: ≤14
[70] Laser Inertial [4][5] The rover will days (one lunar day)
Chandrayaan-2 Large 2 (ChACE- for estimating the for 14 July 2019, 21:21
Area Soft X-ray 2) Quadrupole Mass thermal properties of the UTC (15 July 2019 at
Spectrometer (CLASS) Analyzer from Space lunar surface[13] 02:51 IST local time).
from ISRO Satellite Physics [20] However, the launch
Centre (ISAC), makes Laboratory (SPL) to was aborted 56 minutes
Langmuir probe for
use of X-ray carry out a detailed study and 24 seconds before
measuring the density
fluorescence spectra to of the lunar exosphere. launch due to a technical
and variation of lunar
determine the elemental [37] glitch, so it was
surface plasma.[85][13]
composition of the lunar rescheduled to 22 July
Terrain Mapping
surface. A laser 2019.[46][8]
Camera-2 (TMC-2)
retroreflector array Unconfirmed reports
Solar X-ray from Space Applications
(LRA) by NASA later cited a leak in the
monitor (XSM) Centre (SAC) for
Goddard Space Flight nipple joint of a helium
from Physical Research preparing a three-
Center for taking precise gas bottle as the cause of
Laboratory (PRL), Ahme dimensional map
measurements of distance cancellation.[47][113]
dabad for mapping major essential for studying the
between the reflector on [114]
elements present on the lunar mineralogy and
the lunar surface and
lunar surface.[37] geology.[37] Finally Chandrayaan-
satellites in lunar orbit.
2 was launched on-board
Dual Radio Anatomy of [94][89][90] The micro-
Frequency L and S Moon Bound reflector weighs about 22
launch vehicle on 22 July
band Synthetic Aperture Hypersensitive grams and can not be
2019 at 09:13 UTC
Radar (DFSAR) Ionosphere and used for taking
(14:43 IST) with better-
from Space Applications Atmosphere – Dual observations from Earth-
than-expected apogee as
Centre (SAC) for probing Frequency Radio Science based lunar laser stations.
a result of the cryogenic
the first few meters of the experiment (RAMBHA- [90]
upper stage being burned
lunar surface for the DFRS) by SPL for the
Pragyan rover[edit] to depletion, which later
presence of different studying electron density
eliminated the need for
constituents, including in the Lunar ionosphere. Pragyan rover carries
one of the apogee-raising
water ice. DFSAR is two instruments to
Orbiter High burns during
expected to provide determine the abundance
Resolution Camera the geocentric phase of
further evidence of elements near the
(OHRC) by SAC for mission.[48][115][116]
confirming the presence landing site:[3][86]
scouting a hazard-free This also resulted in the
of water ice, and its
spot prior to landing. It Laser induced saving of around 40 kg
distribution below the
will later help prepare Breakdown fuel onboard the
shadowed regions of the
high-resolution Spectroscope (LIBS) spacecraft.[117]
Moon.[37] It has lunar
topographic maps from Laboratory for
surface penetration depth Immediately after
and digital elevation Electro Optic Systems
of 5 meters (L-band).[59] launch, multiple
models of the lunar (LEOS), Bangalore.[37]
[92] observations of a slow-
surface. OHRC has
moving bright object
Imaging IR spatial resolution of 0.3
over Australia were
Spectrometer (IIRS)
from Space Applications
m from 100 km polar
Launch: made, which could be
related to upper stage
Centre (SAC) for
Vikram lander venting of
mapping of lunar surface
residual LOX/LH2 prope
over a wide wavelength The payloads on
llant after the main burn.
range for the study of the Vikram lander are:[3]
minerals, water [86]
molecules Geocentric
Instrument for Lunar
and hydroxyl present. phase[edit]
Seismic Activity
[37] It works up to 5
(ILSA) MEMS based Sei
microns, an improvement
smometer by LEOS for
over previous lunar
studying Moon-quakes
missions whose payloads
near the landing site[85]
worked up to 3 microns.
Chandra's Surface
Atmospheric chandrayaan-2 launch
Compositional Explorer was initially scheduled
(ChaSTE) Thermal probe
technology, promote Sun would appear on the
global alliances, and horizon, illuminating the
inspire a future surface sideways, and,
generation of explorers thus, skimming primarily
and scientists. the rims of some craters
INTERESTING while leaving their deep
interiors in shadow.
One of the largest known
Chandrayaan-2 craters in the solar
exploring only the system sits at its south
lunar south pole pole, called the South
The lunar south pole is Pole-Aitken Basin. That
interesting because of the area is known to have
lunar surface area which water ice hidden away on
Chandrayaan-2 remains in shadow and is permanently shadowed
trajectory Chandrayaan-2
much larger than that at crater walls and in
After being placed the north pole. There is a regions just below the trajectory
into a 45,475 × possibility of the surface. After being placed into a
169 km parking orbit by presence of water in Each side of the 45,475 × 169 km parking
the launch vehicle, permanently shadowed Moon is dark for 14 orbit by the launch
[48] the Chandrayaan-2 areas around it. earth days each month vehicle,[48] the
spacecraft stack In addition, the south The far side of Chandrayaan-2
gradually raised its orbit pole region has craters the Moon has been spacecraft stack
using on-board that are cold traps and explored by the United gradually raised its orbit
propulsion over 22 days. contain a fossil record of States, Russia, and China using on-board
In this phase, one the early solar system. Chandrayaan-2 was propulsion over 22 days.
perigee-raising and five launched by
Chandrayaan-2 will In this phase, one
apogee-raising burns Geosynchronous Satellite
attempt to soft-land the perigee-raising and five
were performed to reach Launch Vehicle Mark-III
a highly eccentric orbit of lander -Vikram and apogee-raising burns
142,975 × rover- Pragyan in a high were performed to reach
launch vehicle on July
276 km[101] follo plain between two a highly eccentric orbit
22, 2019, from
craters, Manzinus C and Sriharikota. This three- of 142,975 ×
WORKING: Simpelius N, at a latitude 276 km[101] followed
stage vehicle is India's
Moon provides the best of about 70° south. most powerful by trans-lunar
linkage to Earth’s early The Moon’s south pole launcher to date and is injection on 13 August
history. It offers an region is home to some capable of launching 4- 2019.[102] Such long
undisturbed historical of the most extreme ton class of satellites to Earth-bound phase with
record of the inner solar environments in the solar the Geosynchronous multiple orbit-raising
system environment. system: it’s Transfer Orbit (GTO). manoeuvres exploiting
Evidence for water unimaginably cold, the Oberth effect was
molecules discovered by massively cratered, and required because of the
Chandrayaan-1 requires has areas that are either  . limited lifting capacity of
further studies on the constantly bathed in the launch vehicle and
extent of water molecule sunlight or in darkness. thrust of the spacecraft's
distribution on the The most enticing on-board propulsion
surface, below the feature of this system. A similar
surface and in the southernmost region is strategy was used
tenuous lunar exosphere the craters, some of for Chandrayaan-1 and
to address the origin of which never see the light the Mars Orbiter
water on Moon. of day reach their floors. Mission during their
Chandrayaan-2 attempts The reason for this is the Earth-bound phase
to foster a new age of low angle of sunlight trajectory.[120] On 3
discovery, increase our striking the surface at the August 2019, the first set
understanding of space, poles. of Earth images were
stimulate the To a person standing at captured by the LI4
advancement of the lunar south pole, the camera on
the Vikram lander, intact,[128] but there has 20:08:03 UTC, 6
showing North been no official September 20
American landmass.[60] announcement by
ISRO on the physical 19 and was scheduled to
Two landing sites were condition of the lander. land on the Moon at
selected, each with a [32][129]
around 20:23 UTC. The
landing ellipse of 32 × initial descent was
11 km.[121] The prime ISRO's Chairman, K. considered within
landing site (PLS54) is at Sivan, has tasked mission parameters,
70.90267 S 22.78110 E senior scientist P. S. passing critical braking
(~350 km north of Goel to head the procedures as expected.
the South Pole-Aitken Failure Analysis The descent and soft-
Basin rim[27][121]), and the Committee to look into landing were to be done
alternate landing site the causes of the by the on-board
(ALS01) is at 67.874064 failure.[130] As of 8 computers on Vikram,
S 18.46947 W. The September 2019, with mission control
prime site is on a high ongoing efforts are unable to make
plain between being made by ISRO corrections.
the craters Manzinus in hopes to restore
C and Simpelius N,[122] communications REFERENCES:
on the near side of the with Vikram.[131] The
Moon. orbiter part of the
mission, with eight 1. The
Hard landing: scientific instruments,
remains operational trajectory began
and will continue its to deviate at
2.1 kilometres (1.3 mi; about mission
seven-year mission to
6,900 ft) above the enters lunar
study the Moon.
surface.[124] The final orbit"
telemetry readings The lander's descent
during ISRO's live- was also observed by
stream show analysts using a 25-
that Vikram's final meter radio telescope
vertical velocity was owned by
58 m/s (210 km/h) the Netherlands
from 330 meters Institute for Radio
above the surface Astronomy to track
which, according to the Vikram’s radio
MIT Technology transmissions.
Review, is "quite fast According to them
for a lunar the doppler
landing."[29] Initial data suggests that loss
reports suggesting a of signal coincided
crash,[30][31] have been with lander hitting
confirmed by ISRO lunar surface and at
chairman K. Sivan, the impact velocity of
stating that the lander nearly 50 metres
location was found, (160 ft) per second as
and "it must have been opposed to the ideal
a hard landing".[32][125] touchdown velocity of
The mission's 2 metres (6.6 ft) per
orbiter used thermal second.[132][3]
imaging to locate the
lander.[127] There are 2)
unconfirmed reports,
citing an ISRO official, Vikram separated
that the lander is from Chandrayaan-2 on

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