An Analysis of Transitivity: Putri Mustika Sari NIM:

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A. Theorical Background
Language is a tool of communication used by human being. It helps
human to interact with other people to establish and maintain appropriate
social links. It is also interpreted as a system of making meaning. It enables
human being to build a mental picture of reality, to make sense of what
goes around them and inside them. As well as using language to interact
with people, it is clearly used to talk about the world, either the external
world, things, events, qualities, etc., or internal world, thoughts, beliefs,
feelings, etc in written or spoken language. Language is studied in
linguistics. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It has three
broadly aspects to the study which include language form, language
meaning, and language in context. The study of language meaning is
concerned with how languages employ logic and real world references to
convey, process and assign meaning. The branch of linguistics which study
about language meaning is called semantics. Nowadays, the language
meaning is not only studied in semantics.
There are many studies of language meaning, one is functional grammar.
Functional grammar is a study of sense and meaning in context of grammar.
It is primarily concern with the function of structures and their constituents
and with their 2 meaning in context, how the meaning of a text are realized.
It is also called as a study of wording, but one that interprets the wording by
reference to what it means. The functional grammar itself consist of three
main kinds of meaning, where all languages are considered to be shaped
and organized in relation to these three main kinds of meaning, they are the
ideational, interpersonal and textual meaning. These three generalized
meaning are termed ‘metafunctions’. The ideational meaning reflects the
contextual value of field (what’s going on), where language is used to talk
about the experience in the world, including the worlds in the minds, to
describe events and states and entities involved in them. It construes human
experience. It means by which human make sense of “reality” (meaning
about the inner and the outer worlds). It is further divided into the logical
meaning and the experiential meaning.
The experiential meaning refers to the grammatical resources involved in
construing the flux of experience through the unit of the clause. It also
refers to the grammatical choices that enable speaker to make meaning
about the world inside and around (how the words are associated with
evens in the world) . An analysis of a text from the perspective of the
experiential function involves inquiring into the choices in the grammatical
systems of “transitivity”. Transitivity is a proper of verb that relates to
whether a verb can take direct object and how many such objects a verb can
take. It also refers to a system for describing the whole clause, rather than
just the verb and its object. There are three basic elements to all process
structures of transitivity; the process it self, the participant in the process,
and the circumstances associated with the process. The process itself is the
central to transitivity. It is realized by verb and consists of the various types
processes together with the structures that realize these processes. Thus, the
writer interested in conducting this study because the process is the main
element of a clause in transitivity and there are six process types of
transitivity, each of them has different meaning in representation of clauses
in English.
The objectives of this study are: to identify the process types of transitivity
system used in the national georaphic articles, to find out the most
dominant process types of transitivity system used in the national georaphic
articles. The transitivity system has three basic element, they are
participants, processes, and circumstances. Based on the background of
study which has been discussed above, the writer would like to limit this
study focus on analyzing the process types proposed by Halliday, three
principal types of process: material, mental, relational and the three
subsidiary process types: behavioural, verbal, existential. The data that
were analyzed in 3 this study is the articles in the National geographic
magazine on September 2014 edition. Thus, the writer takes 5 articles in
that edition. The finding of this study hopefully be useful and helpful to: the
English Department students to improve their understanding and
knowledge about the language representation in the text or discourse
written in English viewed from process types of transitivity and how to
analyze text or discourse by using the transitivity syste, and to the English
lecturers or readers, to enrich and enlarge their knowledge about process
type of transitivity.
The Overview of Transitivity

In transitivity, clause is the grammatical unit that can show what happens in
a text. Dijk (2008) adds that analyzing the action-process of a discourse is one of
the ways in doing CDA. In the transitivity system, the meaningful grammatical
unit is the clause since it expresses what is happening, what is being done, what is
felt and what the state is and so on (Wang,2010). There are six processes in the
ideational function, namely material, mental, verbal, relational, behavioral and
existential processes. Material Processes A material process is understood as the
process of doing or happening in the transitive or intransitive clause.

Matthiessen and Halliday (1997) propose that looked from above, a material
clause construes of doings and happenings which include actions, activities,
andevents. In other words, the material process is an arrangement of a process and
participants involved that require some input of energy to occur and when the
participant is likely to undertake a change. Thus, the energy flow marks the
material process. Halliday (2004) points out that the material clauses construe the
procedure as a sequence of concrete changes in the trees brought about by the
person being instructed-the implicit you. The participant that becomes the
source of energy bringing about the change is called an Actor. Other participants
may be found in material processes: Goal, Affected, and Agent.

Mental Processes A mental process is the process of sensing or feeling.

Downing and Locke (2006) state that mental processes are those through that we
organize our mental contact with the world. Furthermore, Halliday (2004)
explains that mental clauses are concerned with our experience of the world of
our own consciousness. There are clauses of sensing: a ‘mental’ clause
construes a quantum of change in the flow of events taking place in our own
consciousness. The process may be construed either as flowing from a person’s
consciousness or as impinging on it; but it is not construed as a material act

There are two participants in mental processes, namely a Senser and a

Phenomenon. Halliday (2004) defines a Senser as the one that senses, feels,
thinks, and wants to perceive, while a Phenomenon is the participant which is felt,
thought, wanted, or perceived, the position is in a sense reversed. It may not only
be a thing but also an act or a fact. Verbal Processes A verbal process is
understood as the process of saying. Halliday (2004) elaborates that a verbal
process is an important resource in various kinds of discourse. Halliday (2004)
adds, “The verbal clauses contribute to the creation of narrative by making it
possible to set
up dialogic passages (252).” The use of a verbal process, thus, is seen as an
appropriate way to covey the speaker’s ideas to the addressee(s). There is always
one participant representing the speaker called a Sayer. A Sayer is the participant
that says. The additional participants in verbal clauses are Receiver, Verbiage and


Youtube is a free video Website that lets people View and share
sharing uploud videos

Goal Actor Process

As we know There is youtube kids for children

Phenomenom goal Actor

Children can Watch Any movie as They want

Actor Perception Phenomenon

In addition , to watching Children also Often


Perception Actor Process

The app provides a a version of the service Oriented toward

version children

Goal Process Actor

1. The transitivity can analyse clause effectively
2. The transitivity system specifies the different types of process that are
recognize in the language, structure by which they are expressed.
D. References
Istiana. (2000). Syntax in functional grammar . london : Wellingtoon house .

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