Erj 2 BT
Erj 2 BT
Erj 2 BT
prope u need
FBM KLCI 1601.00 1.30 KLCI FUTURES 1590.00 4.00 STI 3194.96 9.56 RM/USD 4.1640 CPO RM2188.00 18.00 OIL US$60.02 0.79 GOLD US$1505.70 9.10
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)
— chairman
Petronas to operate
LNG bunkering
vessel in the region
next year
The Edge Financial Daily Opinions divided on whether BNM
will be taking a break on
Monday in conjunction with
Malaysia Day. Publication will
will cut rate next round
resume on Tuesday. 4 HOME BUSINESS
Cabinet to discuss IN BRIEF
Petronas to operate
Mavcom works to LNG bunkering
benefit all, not just vessel next year
one — chairman BY ADA M A Z IZ
— World Bank
on the Regional Comprehensive not need to consider (ISDS in
Economic Partnership (RCEP), the deal) when it is conclud-
which are expected to be com- ed,” he said.
pleted by year-end. However, he said the pos-
International Trade and In- sibility of having ISDS in the
dustry Minister Datuk Darell RCEP may be renegotiated
Leiking said the ongoing nego- within two years after the trade
tiations are moving in a positive deal comes into force, should
Raad expects govt to stick to fiscal deficit target of 3% of GDP direction, with all 16-member there be any need to do so, de-
countries finding solutions to pending on the economic en-
THE EDGE FILE PHOTO conclude the pact within the vironment at that time.
PUTRAJAYA: There is a need for expected timeline. Earlier in his speech, Darell
Malaysia to create a fiscal buffer “We (RCEP member coun- announced two initiatives
to address any contingency, said tries) just had our meeting in to further strengthen syner-
World Bank Group (WBG) Repre- Bangkok and there will be an- gy within industry, namely
sentative to Malaysia and Country other one by the end of this “Friends of Miti” and “Con-
Manager Dr Firas Raad. month in Danang, Vietnam and sultative Group of Industrial
“Our general advice to the gov- only then will we know the po- Development”.
ernment at the moment is to think sition of India. What we heard “Friends of Miti is a register
about building their fiscal buffer from them during the last day of of stakeholders from industry
and make sure there is enough the meeting was quite positive. and business associations for
fiscal space to address any con- “I think they may have some the purpose of strategic alli-
tingency that may emerge,” he told political and domestic concerns ances and collaboration with
the media after the launch of WBG back in their country and they Miti in the future, while the
Report on Monitoring Occupa- will probably address their [fi- second initiative is to provide a
tional Shortages: Lesson From nal] position at the next RCEP platform for industry players to
Malaysia’s Critical Occupational meeting,” he told reporters af- be involved in the policy-mak-
List (COL) by Human Resources ter delivering the keynote ad- ing process especially those
Minister M Kulasegaran yesterday. Raad says the government is seeking to boost economic growth without eroding fiscal dress at the Miti Consultative related to industry’s interest,”
Raad said the government is discipline and faces challenges in balancing both. Dialogue 2019 yesterday. he said.
seeking to boost economic growth Darell said that it is more im- The minister also called for
without eroding fiscal discipline portant that RCEP be concluded closer cooperation and engage-
and faces challenges in balanc- deploy students and job seekers shortage of skilled workers and that now, noting that the trade talks ment, saying it could pave the
ing both. in a way that addresses these im- companies faced difficulties in find- have been going on for several way towards establishing great-
Meanwhile, he said World Bank balances,” he said. ing apprentices from the ministry, years while the region needs er synergy between the public
expects Malaysia to stick to its pre- In his speech, Kulasegaran said which trains about 15,000 people to have a strong economy and and private sectors.
vious forecast fiscal deficit target of skill shortages and job mismatch- under the upskilling and reskilling a rule-based understanding He said that while the gov-
3% of the gross domestic product es among employees in Malaysia programmes. among the 16 countries. ernment will do all that it can to
(GDP) next year when it announc- could lead to serious repercussions “This is probably due to job mis- On the Investor-State Dis- safeguard the public interest, it
es the federal budget in October. if left unremedied. match or something which did not pute Settlement (ISDS) mech- must do away with unnecessary
On the annual report, Raad said He said the backlash is not coordinate well,” he said. anism in the RCEP negotia- bureaucratic measures which
Malaysia’s COL was an innovative just for the economy at large but Apart from the latest technolo- tions, he said the cabinet has could impede potentially bene-
platform for keeping abreast of for key industries like healthcare, gies such as artificial intelligence instructed his ministry to disa- ficial economic projects driven
changing labour market demands manufacturing and construction, and big data analytics, he said tra- gree with the ISDS mechanism by the private sector.
associated with new technologies, whose growth is driven by skilled ditional skills like welding are also in the trade deal. The negotia- At the same time, he urged
automation, and Industry 4.0. workers. in high demand in the job market. tions regarding this particular industry players to respect
“Many countries in Southeast Kulasegaran said he was sur- “A lot of people do not realise matter were led by Malaysia. the regulatory framework and
Asia, including Malaysia, face im- prised to find out from his recent how important this skill, which is “Even in 2015, when all the continuously give constructive
balances between labour demand discussions with company chief easily available at training institutes pact members agreed to hav- feedback, saying this could im-
and supply but fail to effectively executive officers that there was a under the ministry, is. — Bernama ing ISDS in the RCEP, this was prove the policy-making pro-
changed at our last meeting in cess. — Bernama
TRADING of shares in Hubline Bhd (fun- million shares changing hands, three times
damental: 0.4/3, valuation: 0.3/3) triggered higher than its 200-day average volume of
‘Apple TV+ is no threat to Astro’ our momentum algorithm yesterday for the
second time this year.
The counter settled half a sen or 10%
11.16 million shares.
The shipowner and charterer said it had en-
tered into a share sale agreement with Absolute
higher at 5.5 sen yesterday, with a market Privilege’s director Pau Chiong Ching for the
BY WO N G SWEE MAY sion of the Apple TV app — which also capitalisation of RM210.01 million. proposed acquisition of all of his 1.5 million
launches on the same day — may not The counter was the fifth most actively ordinary shares in the company, representing
KUALA LUMPUR: Apple Inc’s upcoming offer video-on-demand (VoD) service traded on Bursa Malaysia, with some 37.81 a 75% equity interest, for RM16.37 million.
TV+ video streaming service, which will for broadcast channels, unlike the US
be launched on Nov 1 worldwide, is not version. HUBLINE BHD Valuation score* 0.30
expected to compete with pay-TV oper- “We believe that Apple TV+’s entry into Fundamental score** 0.40
ator Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd, said the Malaysian maket may not engender TTM P/E (x) -
CGS-CIMB Research in a note yesterday. a seismic shift in the country’s media TTM PEG (x) -
This is because Apple TV+ — which will industry,” it said. CGS-CIMB Research P/NAV (x) 1.01
charge RM19.90 onwards per month — highlighted the Malaysian market’s pref-
will likely face competition from pirated erence for local content. TTM Dividend yield (%) -
streaming sites, said the research house. “Astro’s growth over the last few years Market capitalisation (mil) 189.86
“It is common to hear Malaysians of has been powered by its stronger invest- Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 3,797.28
all income levels openly admitting to ment in high-quality ethnic programmes. Beta 2.76
streaming on pirated sites. Media Part- It has also made inroads into the stream- 12-month price range 0.04-0.07
ners Asia reported that only 1.5% of Ma- ing space, with its revamped Astro GO *Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
laysians directly subscribed to streaming VoD service and bundling of HBO GO and **Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength
services in 2018, with Netflix being the iQiyi to its pay-TV subscribers,” it said. & profitability
service of choice,” it added. The research house maintained its Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have
Moreover, the streaming service will “add” rating and target price of RM1.75,
only debut nine original titles on its thanks to its yields of 7.1% to 7.3% and
launch day, while the Malaysian ver- its penetration rate of 77% as at April.
Driving Conversations,
Inspiring Change
Print + Digital
(12 months)
rate cut bets to about 50% from coming up against the limits of
igh on hopes of nev- nearly 70% what it can achieve and may even
er-ending central In fact, expectations for year-end do harm. For instance, banks, al-
bank stimulus and rate cuts have been pared back al- ready in poor shape, will not fare
desperate for clarity most across the board: well under even lower interest rates.
on the size and tim- As for the Fed, expectations of a Then there is the issue of markets’
ing of their next fix, half-point cut in September have addiction to stimulus — economist
financial markets look like they are receded to zero, while traders now and former US Treasury official
being walked back from the more price some 55 basis points (bps) Lawrence Summers has warned of
aggressive bets by officials wary of of cuts by year end versus 70bps a “black hole monetary economics”
excessive exuberance. month ago. where small interest rate changes
Bond yields have jumped back Even at the European Central and more aggressive stimulus strat-
from record lows this week, with Bank (ECB) arguably the institu- egies have limited impact.
investors forced to unwind some tion with the most reason to de- Craig Inches, head of rates and
of their more extreme positions liver stimulus, there are reports of cash at Royal London Asset Man-
as central bankers, from the US growing dissent about the need to agement, described central banks
Federal Reserve (Fed) to Reserve unleash another big bond-buying as experiencing “a sort of fatigue”.
Bank of Australia, indicated that round just yet. While each round of stimulus
ECB president Mario Draghi (left) and Powell at the International Monetary Fund/
in pricing swingeing cuts to pol- This week, it will trim rates and yields diminishing returns, there
World Bank spring meeting in Washington, the US on April 20, 2018. Powell has said
icy rates, markets might just be announce some bond buying, but is also the risk that additional as-
he expects the US and world economies to avoid recession. Photo by Reuters
getting it wrong. bond yields have nonetheless risen set purchases will further reduce
Some of the pullback is of almost 20bps and money markets the free-float and liquidity of many
course due to ebbing political have reined in bets on a bigger 20bps Most of them reckon how data compares to consensus bond markets, he said.
risk in places such as Britain, Ita- cut this month. forecasts — show positive surpris- “Central banks have been calling
ly and Hong Kong, alongside hopes “Central banks are saying ‘look monetary policy may es at a one-year high across Group for fiscal help for some time and say-
the US and China will be able to we are aware of the balance of risks be coming up against of 10 countries, with US and British ing monetary policy is not enough
resolve their trade spat at talks but you may have got a bit ahead the limits of what it indices rising into positive territory. to get the economy back in shape,”
scheduled for next month. of yourselves’,” said Stewart Rob- Even in the eurozone, where the Inches said. “Now they are pushing
But there are signs also that cen- ertson, senior economist at Aviva can achieve. index is deep below zero, data sur- back to politicians to say the baton
tral bankers across the developed Investors. prises have ticked higher of late. is over to you, you need to do more
world are reaching the limits of their “The other thing is that although “We don’t think the data is so bad. on fiscal policy.”
patience — with markets as well as growth has slowed around the world Markets overreacted to the down- Politicians may finally be listen-
governments, which have for over a it has not collapsed. So possibly While Fed research estimates a side and went way past fair value, ing. Britain and the US are mulling
decade relied on monetary policy things are not as dismal as some US$200 billion hit to US gross do- so now we are seeing a correction,” higher budget spending and even
to save the day. parts of financial markets have pen- mestic product by early-2020 from Justin Onuekwusi, a portfolio man- Germany may be on the brink of
This month investors were cilled in.” the trade war, US companies are ager at Legal & General Investment overcoming its long-held aversion
wrong-footed by central banks in Central bankers have been at continuing to hire and wages and Management, said. to fiscal stimulus.
Sweden, Canada and Australia; none pains to stress this, pointing to hours worked both rose in August. Central banks have made clear “The balance is still in favour of
were expected to cut interest rates, robust labour markets and wage Fed boss Jerome Powell has said he interest rates will stay near record negative yields and rate cuts. But
but all sounded unexpectedly up- growth, alongside still strong re- expects the US and world economies lows for years more. But it is also markets have had a healthy correc-
beat on the state of their economies. tail sales that hint that consump- to avoid recession. evident that the decade-old rate cut tion and people are saying that may-
Sweden’s Riksbank stuck to flag- tion spending almost everywhere And economic surprise indices and stimulus cycle is generating be it’s not a one way bet anymore.”
ging rate hikes, while the Bank of is holding up. from Citi — essentially comparing deep divisions within the banks Inches said. — Reuters
Video start-up
Kuaishou said ‘LSE poised to decide on fate of
to raise US$1b in
pre-IPO round
HK exchange’s US$39b offer’
on the economy and mid-tier seg-
rom having one Ho- ments. Room rates range from un-
tel 81 in Geylang back der S$100 to about S$150 per night.
in 1993, Singaporean Average occupancy rate (AOR) has
Choo Chong Ngen has been consistently in the “mid-80s”
since grown his port- over the years, says Carolyn.
folio of hotels to 38 In Singapore, the group has 1,100
properties in Singapore and owns staff today, excluding contract staff.
another eight hotels in five other “Manpower constraints is one of the
countries including Australia, Ja- key challenges in the hotel business,
pan, Malaysia and South Korea. especially with the lowering of the
With 6,500 hotel rooms in Sin- foreign manpower quota next year,”
gapore, the chairman of Worldwide concedes Carolyn.
Hotels now controls 10.2% of the
total inventory of completed hotel Regional footprint
rooms, which number 63,850 as at The group celebrated its 25th year in
end-2018, according to the Singa- business and incorporated World-
pore Tourism Board (STB). wide Hotels in October last year. “It
As Choo’s hotel empire grew, also marked our second phase of
so did his net worth, which in- growth, which will see us expand-
creased 2.5 times from US$1.1 bil- ing further overseas,” says Carolyn.
lion in March 2014 to US$2.8 billion Choo has been venturing abroad
(RM11.68 billion) today, according since 2017. He now owns eight ho-
to Forbes, which ranked him Sin- tels in five countries, including Ibis
gapore’s 10th richest man. Budget Osaka Umeda in Japan; the
The inspiration to enter the no- Travelodge Dongdaemun in Seoul,
frills, budget hotel business came South Korea; Swiss Garden Kuala
while he was holidaying in Japan Lumpur, Malaysia; and Holiday
in the early 1990s. “I saw how a Inn Perth City Centre, Australia.
small hotel can still do well,” says “Our aim is to have 20 hotels by
the 66-year-old Choo in Mandarin. our 30th anniversary,” says Carolyn.
“At that time, there were not many “For overseas assets, we are very
professionally managed budget particular about location and we
hotels in Singapore.” will buy only if we can secure 100%
ownership and freehold tenure.”
Home-grown brands While the hotels in Singapore
The 1,500-room Hotel Boss is the biggest in the portfolio of Worldwide Hotels Group in terms of number of rooms.
Choo may have started his Hotel are wholly owned and managed
81 brand of hotels in the red-light by Worldwide Hotels, the overseas
district of Geylang. But he has since row of conservation shophouses Carolyn is Choo’s only daughter. A had 12 hotels, all branded Hotel properties are managed by inter-
grown the portfolio of Hotel 81 to 28 in which it is located were formerly father of four, Choo has three sons, 81. “The management team was national hotel management com-
hotels across the island. “We have tenement houses or living quar- two of whom are in the business too: very lean then,” she recounts. It was panies. “This is because we don’t
many Hotel 81 outside Geylang,” he ters for civil servants during the his eldest son is involved in the hu- made up of her father, her cous- have a competitive edge there yet,”
says. Most of them are in the city colonial era. Choo purchased the man resources department, while in and herself. Having spent three she adds. So far, the group has in-
fringe, such as Balestier, Lavender shophouses at an Urban Redevel- one of his younger sons is a director years in commercial banking after vested S$500 million in acquiring
and Bugis, with one each in Kovan opment Authority auction in May of sales. Choo is also a grandfather graduating from university, Carolyn overseas assets and is projecting
and Changi. 2002 and converted them into Ho- of eight, with his grandchildren was made the financial controller. to double its capital investment to
Perhaps the most visible Hotel tel 81 Chinatown with 99 rooms. ranging in age from six to 17. Since 2009, Choo has increased S$1 billion for further acquisitions.
81 is the one in Chinatown. Locat- “That’s our flagship Hotel 81,” Carolyn joined the company in his portfolio of home-grown brands The economy and mid-tier seg-
ed at the junction of Upper Cross says Carolyn Choo, managing direc- 2002 — “after the Asian Financial to six: Besides Hotel 81, there’s Hotel ments in Singapore have proven to
Street and New Bridge Road, the tor and CEO of Worldwide Hotels. Crisis”, she says. At that time, Choo Boss, Hotel Mi, V Hotel, Value Hotel be more resilient than the luxury and
The exterior (left) and lobby of Hotel 81 Orchid in Geylang Lorong 8, one of 28 Hotel 81-branded properties in Singapore today.
FO CU S 17
Self-made billionaire
BY C EC IL IA C H O W sonally involved in the design
& TI M OT H Y TAY of the hotels,” says Carolyn. “He
o f Edge Pro p S i n g a p o re likes to talk to the staff and get
customer feedback.”
CHAIRMAN of Worldwide Choo’s fortune is likely to
Hotels Choo Chong Ngen rise on the back of Singapore’s
had dropped out of school at strong tourism performance
the age of 14. “I didn’t like to over the past two years. Singa-
study,” he concedes. “I was pore attracted 11.1 million visi-
very playful and always cut- tors in the first seven months of
ting classes.” 2019. This was 1.8% higher than
However, the hotel tycoon the same period in 2018. For
has always been very entre- the whole of 2018, total visitor
preneurial. He grew up in a arrivals totalled 18.5 million.
kampong in Hougang, which The average occupancy rate
Venue Hotel is a line of budget hotels located within shophouses in heritage areas such as Joo Chiat in the early days was mainly (AOR) for hotels in the first sev-
forested area with several pig en months of 2019 was 86.1%,
farms before it was developed just 10 basis points shy of last
upscale hotels: The AORs for luxury into Singapore’s biggest HDB year’s 86.2%, which had been
and upscale hotels were 91.4% and housing estate with 51,000 the highest since 2007 when
92.2% respectively in July, while the housing units. the AOR hit 86.8%.
mid-tier segment achieved AOR of At the age of 10, he start- Certainly, the global market
96.1% and the economy segment, ed selling ice-cream for fi ve uncertainty and the US-China
93.1%, over the same month. Singapore cents to passers-by. trade war are having an im-
This July, hotels in Singapore en- “My father didn’t give me any pact on the Singapore econ-
joyed an occupancy rate of 93.8% pocket money, so I [sold] ice- omy. However, Choo remains
— the highest since 2005, when the cream to earn money for my- confident about Singapore’s
STB began compiling such statistics. self,” says Choo. prospects. “In Singapore, land
He went on to become a is very limited,” he says. Devel-
First PPVC-constructed hotel fishmonger, and then sold tex- opment land is “getting lesser
That could explain Worldwide Ho- tiles. By the age of 21, he had and lesser”, he adds.
tels’ record bid of S$562.2 million saved enough to purchase his Carolyn agrees. Prior to the
(S$2,148.5 psf per plot ratio or ppr) first investment property — a tender for the Club Street ho-
for the Government Land Sales strata-titled shop unit at Ka- tel site which they purchased,
(GLS) hotel development site at tong Shopping Centre. the last hotel development site
Club Street at the close of the tender The next decade saw him offered for sale in the Govern-
in January this year. “The location amass more strata-titled shop ment Land Sales (GLS) pro-
in Club Street was a main factor — units at Katong Shopping Cen- gramme was in 2013. That site
strategically located in the CBD as tre, City Plaza, Sultan Plaza and was in East Coast Road and
well as the Chinatown cultural dis- Lucky Plaza. has since been developed by a
trict,” says Carolyn. “This is a very The 342-room Hotel Mi in Bencoolen Street is targeted at millennial travellers. “He has sold most of the joint venture between Master
rare hotel site; the last time a hotel shop units, although we still Contract Services and Keong
site was put up for sale in the GLS owns six units at Sultan Pla- Hong Holdings into two hotels:
programme was in 2013.” za,” says his daughter, Caro- a 131-room Hotel Indigo and a
The group intends to launch a lyn Choo, Worldwide Hotels 451-room Holiday Inn Express;
new brand for the upcoming hotel managing director and CEO. as well as Katong Square, a mul-
at Club Street, adds Carolyn. The “But since going into hotels, tistorey complex with carpark,
new hotel will be in the economy he has expanded his portfolio food and beverage outlets and
to mid-tier segment, and will have to more than 100 investment retail shops.
over 900 rooms. properties.” Choo’s hotel port- An upcoming hotel site that
The 20-storey building in Club folio was recently valued at will be launched for sale is in
Street will be the first hotel in Sin- S$3 billion. River Valley Road. The hotel
gapore to be constructed using full Choo had also developed six site is on the Reserve List of the
concrete PPVC (Prefabricated Pre- apartment projects in Singa- 2H2019 GLS programme. The
finished Volumetric Construction) pore — both within and outside future hotel will be linked to
method. It will be built by listed con- of Geylang — before focusing the Fort Canning MRT station,
struction company, Tiong Seng Hold- on hotels for the past 25 years. and is located within walking
ings, which was awarded the S$130.5 His early years as a hotel distance of Clarke Quay and
million (RM395.42 million) contract owner and operator were “very Fort Canning Park.
on Aug 27. The hotel rooms will be difficult”, he says. His first hotel Hence, Choo believes there
on the second to 20th levels, with the was at Geylang Lorong 16. “I will “definitely” be opportuni-
first level to be occupied by shops had to run around and tackle ties. He adds: “It’s how you view
and restaurants. There will also be all the issues myself,” says Choo an opportunity and make use of
basement parking. The hotel will be in Mandarin. it.” That was how he made his
linked underground to the Telok Ayer He is still very hands- fortune: By entering the no-
MRT station on the Downtown Line. on today. After at- frills, budget hotel business
tending board in Singapore, which slipped
Big, bigger, biggest The 888-room V Hotel Lavender is the second biggest hotel in Worldwide Hotels’ meetings most under the radar of most of
Last November, Worldwide Hotels portfolio today. mornings, the giant hotel groups.
purchased the freehold Golden Choo will visit
Wall Centre, off Rochor Canal Road With more than 900 rooms, the never considered selling any of his his hotels, re-
near Little India, in a collective sale new hotel on Club Street will be the hotels. “My dad is very steadfast,” solve issues This article was first
for S$276.2 million (S$2,331 psf second biggest in Worldwide Hotels’ says Carolyn. “Throughout the cy- and inspect published in
ppr). A strata-titled commercial portfolio when completed at the end cles and even during the economic his properties
complex, Golden Wall Centre has of 2021. The Hotel Boss, located at the downturns — from Asian Financial to see if any- Check out the website for
received approval for redevelop- junction of Jalan Sultan and Victoria Crisis, SARS [severe acute respirato- thing needs up- the latest property news and
ment into a hotel. However, the Street, is the biggest with 1,500 rooms. ry syndrome] outbreak and Global grading. “My listings
collective sale has been stalled, fol- The second biggest hotel is cur- Financial Crisis — he never sold a father is
lowing some objections raised by rently the V Hotel Lavender in Jelli- single hotel. When you have been per-
one of the subsidiary proprietors. coe Road, which has 888 rooms. It is holding a hotel for 25 years, there Choo Chong
The case is pending a High Court linked to the Lavender MRT station is significant capital appreciation.” Ngen’s first
hearing at the end of the month. and opposite the ICA (Immigration business was
If the collective sale is success- & Checkpoints Authority) Building selling ice-cream
ful, the new hotel on the Golden in Kallang Road. This article was first published in at the age of 10.
Wall Centre site will not be as big Over the years, Choo has been Check out the Photo by Samuel
as the upcoming property in Club approached by interested inves- website for the latest property news Isaac Chua
Street, says Carolyn. tors about his portfolio, but he has and listings
18 W O R L D B U S I N E S S FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 1 3 , 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY
Viacom emerging as
front runner for Miramax
prosecutor says
US has ongoing investors race to buy SoftBank bonds SmileDirectClub
raises US$1.35b in
above-range IPO
grand jury probe BY TAKAHIKO HYUG A That is despite a fierce typhoon rate. It sold another ¥500 billion of
NEW YORK: SmileDirectClub
Inc raised US$1.35 billion
that hit the nation that day, disrupt- bonds in April. (RM5.62 billion) after pricing
BY PATRI C I A H U RTA DO TOKYO: Monex Group Inc’s on- ing trains and airplane schedules. It “The quick sellout, despite the shares above its targeted range
line brokerage sold out ¥500 mil- takes the brokerage about two weeks typhoon, shows how strong the de- in the fifth-biggest US initial pub-
MANHATTAN: A US lawyer lion (RM19.32 million) of SoftBank to sell out on average. mand is for higher interest rates,” lic offering (IPO) of the year. The
prosecuting Huawei Technolo- Group Corp bonds to Japanese in- SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son Yamada said. “We have sold IPO maker of alternatives to dental
gies Co for Iran sanctions viola- dividuals in less than three minutes, has relied heavily on local investors, (initial public offering) shares online braces sold 58.5 million Class A
tions said a federal grand jury is a sign of strong demand for the con- particularly individuals, to raise cap- before and now we see it’s convenient shares on Wednesday for US$23
investigating a potential crimi- glomerate’s debt despite scepticism ital as he has expanded into wireless for investors to purchase the bonds each, according to a statement.
nal conduct related to the case about some of the company’s recent services and, more recently, invest- online too.” SmileDirectClub had offered
of a Xiamen University profes- investments. ments in start-ups like Uber Tech- SoftBank has drawn sceptics re- the shares for $19 to $22 each.
sor who has been charged with Tokyo-based Monex started sell- nologies Inc and WeWork. SoftBank cently because of its heavy invest- The listing values the company
stealing trade secrets on behalf ing the bonds at 9am on Monday and is raising a total of ¥400 billion in the ments in WeWork, the co-working at about US$8.9 billion based on
of a Chinese telecommunica- ran out at 9.02:26pm, said Shinichi- most recent bond sale by Monex start-up that is stumbling in its push the outstanding shares as listed
tions company. ro Yamada, general manager in the and other brokerages, pricing the to go public. The company was once in its filings with the US Securi-
The disclosure was made on firm’s products department. seven-year notes at a 1.38% interest valued at US$47 billion. — Bloomberg ties and Exchange Commission.
Wednesday when a lawyer for — Bloomberg
professor Bo Mao asked why
his client’s case was transferred AT&T says weakness in
from Texas to Brooklyn, New Huawei plans first onshore bonds totalling six billion yuan wireless gear unit
York — a move Richard Roper weighing on 3Q revenue
called “extraordinary.” BENGALURU: AT&T Inc said
Assistant US Attorney Alex- BY SIJIA JIANG & NOAH S I N market, according to the prospec- core businesses such as information on Wednesday weakness in its
ander Solomon said he could tus, which shows Huawei Invest- and communications technology wireless equipment unit could
not disclose the reason because HONG KONG: Huawei Technolo- ment Holdings has applied to raise infrastructure, Huawei said. weigh on its third-quarter (3Q)
of an ongoing grand jury probe. gies Co’s parent plans to issue two as much as 20 billion yuan. The company is fighting a trade revenue. Low upgrade rates
“It’s grand jury informa- tranches of bonds worth three bil- “The bond market in China is ban from Washington that threatens are hurting its wireless equip-
tion so they’re not entitled to lion yuan (RM1.76 billion) each, the developing rapidly...With this bond to cut its access to US components ment revenue, AT&T said. The
see that,” Solomon told the US first time it is tapping the onshore issuance, Huawei plans to tap into and software on national security company also said it expects
district judge. “If and when yuan bond market, the Chinese the Chinese bond market, diversify grounds. Huawei has repeatedly current-quarter revenue at its
the charges become public as technology giant said in regulatory its financing channels and improve denied US allegations of spying. WarnerMedia unit to fall by
to the fruits of that grand jury filings on Wednesday. its overall financing plan,” a Huawei Huawei has four outstanding US$400 million (RM1.67 billion)
matter, then we’ll share it with No issuance dates have been set spokesman said. offshore US dollar bonds worth from a year earlier, mainly due
them.” — Bloomberg for the three-year medium-term The funds will be used to replen- US$4.5 billion in total, according to a strong second half last year
notes for the Chinese interbank ish working capital and invest in to the filing. — Reuters at Warner Bros. — Reuters
W O R L D B U S I N E S S 19
Purdue Pharma
nears partial US-China spat raises new risk
for 787 Dreamliner
opioid settlement
— sources
by numbers
13.09.19 to 15.09.19
Your quick guide to rest and relaxation. By Ho Su Ling
Catch Bonahop, a multitalented Malaysian duo compris-
ing Yvonne Chong, a talented vocalist, and Grace Leong,
an experienced pianist of over 10 years as well as a music
lecturer at UCSI University. Bonahop made its debut at the
Publika Jazz Festival in 2017. Since then, they have been
invited to perform at several events such as the Tropic
Thunder Swing Festival, KL Swing’s 10th Year Anniversary
event and even an international Lindy Hop dance party
earlier this year. Catch their live performance today and
and tomorrow at 10pm at Alexis Bistro Ampang, Great
Eastern Mall, 303 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. For more
information, go to
but Man Utd not yet up to speed Andreescu: A bit hearing, which is set for Sept
23-25 here. “We have entered
Briana Williams in the 100m
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/– VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP 1.702 1.294 1.380 1.370 4405 TCHONG 1.380 0.020 8.2 1.376 7.22 2.90 927.4
1.550 0.695 — — 7439 TECGUAN 1.050 — — — 5.02 — 42.1
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) 0.335 0.210 0.245 0.230 7200 TEKSENG 0.240 0.005 113.3 0.233 — — 83.6
CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES 1.391 0.697 1.120 1.100 7252 TEOSENG 1.110 0.010 370.4 1.109 6.46 4.95 333.0
0.985 0.700 — — 0012 3A 0.840 — — — 11.60 2.38 413.3 1.150 0.866 1.120 1.120 9369 TGL 1.120 UNCH 1.6 1.120 7.26 4.46 45.6
0.315 0.170 0.180 0.175 5238 AAX 0.175 UNCH 2500.9 0.177 — — 725.9 0.588 0.440 0.465 0.445 7230 TOMEI 0.465 0.005 4.2 0.446 11.07 2.15 64.4
0.490 0.335 — — 7120 ACOSTEC 0.360 — — — — — 70.0 0.460 0.300 — — 7176 TPC 0.320 — — — 8.21 — 74.8
1.949 1.345 1.540 1.490 6599 AEON 1.500 -0.010 1173.1 1.506 17.63 2.67 2,106.0 5.988 4.177 5.080 4.980 4588 UMW 4.980 -0.140 82.4 5.020 16.25 1.51 5,818.1
0.185 0.115 0.125 0.120 7315 AHB 0.125 0.005 185 0.123 14.53 — 22.0 2.315 1.977 2.190 2.190 7757 UPA 2.190 0.020 1 2.190 17.06 3.65 174.3
2.404 1.950 2.080 2.040 7090 AHEALTH 2.050 0.050 71.8 2.047 17.08 1.68 966.9 0.970 0.770 0.910 0.900 7240 VERTICE 0.905 0.005 519.5 0.905 — — 170.8
2.157 1.309 1.820 1.780 5099 AIRASIA 1.800 -0.020 10350 1.799 10.47 13.33 6,015.6 1.253 0.910 — — 7203 WANGZNG 0.980 — — — 15.63 4.08 156.8
21.695 16.636 16.900 16.800 2658 AJI 16.800 -0.080 8.4 16.84 17.27 2.80 1,021.4 2.268 2.021 — — 5016 WARISAN 2.140 — — — — 1.87 143.8
6.765 5.391 5.990 5.910 6351 AMWAY 5.950 -0.020 16.1 5.941 14.34 3.36 978.1 0.160 0.070 0.085 0.085 5156 XDL 0.085 0.005 30 0.085 10.24 — 153.4
0.030 0.005 0.015 0.005 5194 APFT 0.015 0.005 2016.1 0.010 1.22 — 20.1 0.540 0.375 0.380 0.375 7121 XIANLNG 0.380 UNCH 40 0.376 — — 30.4
4.072 3.550 3.900 3.880 6432 APOLLO 3.890 UNCH 43.6 3.882 18.91 5.14 311.2 2.340 1.769 2.130 2.130 5584 YEELEE 2.130 0.010 12 2.130 12.82 1.88 408.1
0.160 0.105 0.125 0.125 1481 ASB 0.125 UNCH 98 0.125 — 2.00 116.1 1.206 0.924 1.030 1.020 5159 YOCB 1.020 UNCH 9 1.026 7.14 4.41 163.2
0.570 0.325 0.500 0.500 7722 ASIABRN 0.500 UNCH 6.9 0.500 10.64 — 116.3 3.272 2.210 2.320 2.300 7178 YSPSAH 2.300 UNCH 4.4 2.314 13.02 3.04 321.0
2.628 2.316 2.420 2.400 7129 ASIAFLE 2.420 UNCH 8.9 2.410 9.52 5.79 471.3 1.659 1.135 1.540 1.520 5131 ZHULIAN 1.520 UNCH 132 1.530 11.35 5.26 699.2
4.740 3.871 — — 7048 ATLAN 4.190 — — — 26.84 3.58 1,062.8 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES
0.325 0.115 0.130 0.120 8885 AVI 0.125 UNCH 1033.1 0.126 — — 118.1 0.100 0.070 0.070 0.070 7086 ABLEGRP 0.070 UNCH 83.8 0.070 — — 18.5
0.170 0.160 — — 0301 BABA 0.170 — — — — — 38.2 0.605 0.350 0.510 0.490 7191 ADVENTA 0.510 0.015 58.5 0.508 — — 77.9
37.306 18.340 19.900 18.900 4162 BAT 19.800 1.000 981.4 19.50 13.24 7.22 5,653.5 2.250 1.740 — — 9148 ADVPKG 1.960 — — — 192.1 3.06 40.2
2.780 1.659 2.420 2.310 5248 BAUTO 2.360 0.060 3588.1 2.366 10.51 6.04 2,745.6 0.140 0.080 0.100 0.100 7146 AEM 0.100 0.010 1 0.100 — — 32.9
1.799 1.264 1.540 1.510 5196 BJFOOD 1.520 UNCH 925 1.528 24.56 2.63 580.9 0.710 0.385 0.530 0.525 5198 AFUJIYA 0.525 0.035 420 0.529 19.37 — 94.5
0.305 0.150 0.220 0.210 4219 BJLAND 0.215 UNCH 1324.8 0.214 8.43 — 1,075.1 0.335 0.200 0.230 0.230 2682 AISB 0.230 0.005 26.9 0.230 — — 33.2
2.780 1.908 2.700 2.670 1562 BJTOTO 2.680 -0.010 2224.6 2.681 20.38 5.97 3,620.8 0.630 0.410 0.420 0.415 7609 AJIYA 0.420 0.010 25 0.419 5.82 — 127.9
0.360 0.205 0.275 0.265 9288 BONIA 0.275 0.010 262.1 0.270 11.90 1.82 221.7 0.895 0.420 0.485 0.485 2674 ALCOM 0.485 -0.005 2.1 0.485 23.66 — 65.2
0.305 0.055 0.175 0.160 9474 BRAHIMS 0.165 -0.005 1749.4 0.164 — — 39.0 1.293 0.920 1.080 1.080 7083 ANALABS 1.080 -0.020 12.5 1.080 30.86 1.85 129.7
0.868 0.400 0.410 0.405 7174 CAB 0.410 0.005 340.8 0.407 20.81 1.22 270.0 0.614 0.440 0.475 0.465 4758 ANCOM 0.470 0.005 22.9 0.471 6.84 — 113.2
0.605 0.320 0.355 0.335 7154 CAELY 0.335 -0.005 34 0.336 55.83 1.49 54.9 1.814 1.110 1.300 1.240 6556 ANNJOO 1.290 0.050 558.4 1.282 29.93 9.30 722.3
0.295 0.210 — — 7128 CAMRES 0.220 — — — 15.83 — 43.3 0.055 0.025 0.030 0.030 9342 ANZO 0.030 UNCH 120 0.030 — — 26.4
2.300 1.500 2.250 2.180 5245 CARING 2.230 -0.020 51 2.214 23.40 2.24 485.5 0.880 0.500 — — 5568 APB 0.585 — — — — — 66.0
26.790 16.463 25.500 25.000 2836 CARLSBG 25.200 -0.100 307.6 25.19 27.01 3.67 7,704.8 3.413 2.360 2.450 2.440 5015 APM 2.450 0.010 5.5 2.449 14.98 4.90 493.9
2.000 1.230 1.330 1.280 2925 CCB 1.320 0.040 3.7 1.288 — — 133.0 0.630 0.469 — — 7214 ARANK 0.480 — — — 6.63 4.83 81.4
0.847 0.355 0.505 0.490 7035 CCK 0.505 0.010 916.2 0.498 13.54 2.48 318.5 0.605 0.186 0.345 0.310 7181 ARBB 0.340 0.030 28033 0.334 1.81 — 79.7
0.390 0.270 0.300 0.300 7209 CHEETAH 0.300 UNCH 1.5 0.300 93.75 1.33 38.3 0.872 0.581 — — 7162 ASTINO 0.700 — — — 9.27 1.43 191.9
1.850 1.210 1.400 1.280 2828 CIHLDG 1.300 -0.050 47.6 1.320 11.05 7.69 210.6 1.880 1.340 1.400 1.350 8176 ATAIMS 1.380 -0.030 19.7 1.369 14.98 2.38 1,662.0
0.095 0.060 0.070 0.065 5104 CNI 0.065 -0.010 924.6 0.070 — 4.62 46.8 0.850 0.410 0.430 0.430 7099 ATTA 0.430 0.010 35 0.430 12.68 — 91.7
0.065 0.025 0.040 0.040 5188 CNOUHUA 0.040 -0.005 456.2 0.040 — — 26.7 0.918 0.580 0.605 0.600 7579 AWC 0.600 -0.005 148.3 0.601 8.44 1.25 177.9
2.153 1.800 1.880 1.870 7205 COCOLND 1.880 -0.020 2 1.875 12.79 3.19 430.1 0.405 0.295 — — 5021 AYS 0.300 — — — 10.95 6.67 114.1
0.085 0.005 0.065 0.065 0301 CRG 0.065 -0.005 14 0.065 18.06 — 52.4 1.400 1.120 1.280 1.230 8133 BHIC 1.280 UNCH 3.4 1.272 — 2.73 318.0
1.282 1.010 — — 7202 CSCENIC 1.020 — — — 16.06 6.86 122.9 0.515 0.260 0.305 0.295 7005 BIG 0.300 -0.005 50.3 0.302 7.33 — 14.4
0.540 0.400 — — 9423 CWG 0.500 — — — 12.17 3.00 63.1 0.170 0.110 0.120 0.115 6998 BINTAI 0.120 UNCH 288.4 0.118 3.03 — 34.8
0.040 0.025 0.030 0.025 7179 DBE 0.030 UNCH 30 0.027 — — 80.3 0.325 0.245 0.260 0.255 3395 BJCORP 0.255 UNCH 2263 0.256 — — 1,329.8
1.050 0.840 — — 7119 DEGEM 0.840 — — — 82.35 1.19 112.6 0.766 0.485 0.585 0.580 0168 BOILERM 0.580 UNCH 540.6 0.583 10.64 3.45 299.3
3.420 2.062 2.560 2.530 5908 DKSH 2.550 0.010 26.3 2.545 13.07 3.92 402.0 0.060 0.040 0.045 0.040 7036 BORNOIL 0.045 UNCH 2406.5 0.044 — — 240.3
64.555 58.442 61.800 60.000 3026 DLADY 60.600 -1.400 57.6 60.46 33.53 1.65 3,878.4 1.350 0.865 — — 6297 BOXPAK 1.100 — — — — — 132.1
1.480 0.898 1.400 1.380 7148 DPHARMA 1.380 -0.010 1115.1 1.389 16.65 3.99 938.5 1.128 0.833 — — 5100 BPPLAS 0.980 — — — 8.79 5.61 183.9
3.000 1.600 2.530 2.470 1619 DRBHCOM 2.480 -0.010 7444.2 2.501 20.34 1.21 4,794.4 0.220 0.140 — — 9938 BRIGHT 0.175 — — — — — 35.9
0.155 0.075 0.095 0.095 2097 EASTLND 0.095 UNCH 43 0.095 — — 28.0 0.445 0.260 0.295 0.285 7221 BSLCORP 0.295 0.005 10.1 0.285 15.45 — 28.9
0.675 0.530 — — 5081 EIG 0.660 — — — 17.01 4.55 156.5 1.953 0.995 1.120 1.080 2771 BSTEAD 1.110 0.040 1657.6 1.104 — 4.50 2,250.0
0.075 0.035 — — 7182 EKA 0.050 — — — — — 15.6 0.175 0.070 0.105 0.100 7188 BTM 0.105 0.005 31 0.100 — — 14.8
0.215 0.150 — — 9091 EMICO 0.160 — — — 13.68 — 16.9 3.941 1.807 3.220 3.170 5105 CANONE 3.170 -0.030 126.6 3.195 4.06 1.26 609.1
0.130 0.090 — — 0302 ENEST 0.130 — — — 19.40 — 60.5 0.015 0.010 — — 5229 CAP 0.010 — — — — — 13.6
1.120 0.797 — — 7149 ENGKAH 1.000 — — — 9.14 6.00 70.8 1.354 0.815 0.850 0.815 7076 CBIP 0.815 -0.015 78 0.827 22.70 4.91 438.7
0.195 0.155 — — 0302 ETH 0.190 — — — — — 46.7 2.168 1.570 1.600 1.570 2879 CCM 1.570 -0.020 165.9 1.581 11.74 3.82 263.3
0.205 0.080 — — 7208 EURO 0.105 — — — — — 28.1 0.845 0.630 — — 8435 CEPCO 0.845 — — — — — 63.1
0.700 0.320 0.400 0.400 7094 EUROSP 0.400 UNCH 6.5 0.400 — — 17.8 0.290 0.260 — — 0302 CETECH 0.285 — — — 17.70 0.35 98.6
37.707 28.688 35.300 34.960 3689 F&N 35.300 0.100 261.8 35.22 30.58 1.63 12,947 1.360 0.900 — — 8044 CFM 1.110 — — — — — 45.5
0.959 0.620 0.630 0.620 2755 FCW 0.630 0.010 7.3 0.630 252.00 15.87 157.5 0.880 0.420 — — 8052 CGB 0.525 — — — — — 47.3
0.505 0.428 0.495 0.490 6939 FIAMMA 0.490 UNCH 11.1 0.490 7.21 4.59 249.9 0.450 0.275 0.285 0.275 7187 CHGP 0.285 0.005 30 0.282 41.30 — 84.7
0.523 0.277 0.400 0.395 8605 FIHB 0.395 -0.005 105 0.396 5.91 — 43.1 0.910 0.618 0.785 0.780 5273 CHINHIN 0.780 -0.005 272.8 0.784 17.85 3.21 434.0
1.955 1.247 1.650 1.630 9172 FPI 1.650 UNCH 192.2 1.643 10.29 6.06 408.1 1.945 1.508 1.660 1.660 5007 CHINWEL 1.660 UNCH 30 1.660 8.47 4.73 497.2
3.170 0.680 2.370 2.280 7184 G3 2.340 0.010 136.4 2.328 — — 970.4 1.759 1.320 — — 5797 CHOOBEE 1.510 — — — 14.70 3.31 198.9
4.196 1.979 3.950 3.880 5102 GCB 3.900 -0.030 432.1 3.899 8.40 0.77 1,872.6 0.500 0.221 0.475 0.450 7016 CHUAN 0.465 UNCH 42.6 0.465 9.39 2.37 78.4
0.520 0.400 — — 5592 GCE 0.465 — — — — 4.30 91.6 0.045 0.035 — — 7018 CME 0.035 — — — — — 20.4
4.876 2.654 3.270 3.210 4715 GENM 3.250 0.040 11361 3.246 — 3.38 19,298.6 3.824 2.260 2.340 2.310 2852 CMSB 2.310 UNCH 467.5 2.323 11.58 3.20 2,481.8
8.043 5.799 5.910 5.830 3182 GENTING 5.860 0.020 13410 5.867 14.65 2.47 22,718.6 0.545 0.365 — — 7986 CNASIA 0.465 — — — 31.21 — 23.2
0.415 0.100 0.180 0.175 5079 GETS 0.180 0.010 1220 0.175 — — 22.7 1.370 0.735 0.935 0.920 5071 COASTAL 0.920 -0.005 85.7 0.922 33.45 — 489.3
0.165 0.105 0.130 0.120 0136 GREENYB 0.130 0.005 70.5 0.126 9.49 — 43.4 0.180 0.045 0.065 0.065 7195 COMCORP 0.065 UNCH 40 0.065 — — 9.1
4.127 2.110 2.390 2.350 7668 HAIO 2.350 -0.020 189.3 2.365 14.30 5.53 705.7 1.040 0.741 0.810 0.795 2127 COMFORT 0.800 0.005 542.6 0.802 15.50 1.88 466.4
3.780 3.227 3.700 3.630 5008 HARISON 3.630 UNCH 4.5 3.677 10.63 5.51 248.6 0.030 0.015 0.020 0.015 5037 COMPUGT 0.015 -0.005 60 0.016 — — 36.7
0.135 0.055 — — 5187 HBGLOB 0.090 — — — 2.62 — 42.1 1.194 0.939 1.010 0.995 5094 CSCSTEL 1.000 -0.010 170.1 1.000 20.37 4.00 380.0
25.200 17.019 24.620 24.160 3255 HEIM 24.560 -0.040 209.4 24.58 24.95 3.91 7,419.5 0.630 0.350 — — 7157 CYL 0.380 — — — — 10.53 38.0
11.600 8.153 10.380 10.240 3301 HLIND 10.360 -0.020 7.8 10.345 9.94 3.86 3,397.1 0.400 0.300 — — 5082 CYMAO 0.340 — — — — — 25.5
0.727 0.545 0.640 0.625 5160 HOMERIZ 0.625 UNCH 456.8 0.631 7.83 5.60 187.5 1.736 1.250 1.340 1.320 5184 CYPARK 1.320 UNCH 104.5 1.327 7.54 2.95 617.0
1.048 0.890 0.910 0.905 5024 HUPSENG 0.905 -0.005 129.4 0.907 17.21 6.63 724.0 2.370 1.550 1.740 1.740 8125 DAIBOCI 1.740 0.020 1 1.740 45.55 1.93 570.5
0.375 0.240 — — 8478 HWATAI 0.260 — — — — — 19.5 0.655 0.361 0.510 0.505 5276 DANCO 0.510 0.005 207.1 0.506 9.62 3.43 155.0
0.490 0.180 0.360 0.340 9113 ICONIC 0.340 0.005 18564 0.349 — — 110.1 0.355 0.120 0.220 0.215 7212 DESTINI 0.215 -0.005 1286.6 0.216 — — 248.4
0.080 0.020 0.030 0.025 7243 IMPIANA 0.030 0.005 7308.4 0.029 — — 167.9 0.755 0.315 0.375 0.360 7114 DNONCE 0.375 UNCH 52.9 0.370 — — 98.0
1.510 0.770 — — 5107 IQGROUP 0.780 — — — — — 68.7 0.280 0.080 0.165 0.165 5835 DOLMITE 0.165 -0.005 110 0.165 — — 47.0
0.070 0.030 0.050 0.050 7223 JADI 0.050 -0.005 1270 0.050 10.00 — 51.8 0.170 0.070 0.090 0.085 5265 DOLPHIN 0.090 0.005 269.5 0.085 — — 22.0
1.100 0.770 0.945 0.935 7152 JAYCORP 0.940 -0.010 99.1 0.940 6.43 3.19 129.0 1.326 1.181 1.250 1.250 7169 DOMINAN 1.250 -0.010 5.1 1.250 9.05 5.60 206.6
0.420 0.325 — — 8931 JERASIA 0.350 — — — 12.68 2.86 28.7 2.546 1.823 2.430 2.300 7233 DUFU 2.380 -0.020 1549.5 2.372 12.98 1.51 626.4
1.577 0.800 1.380 1.370 7167 JOHOTIN 1.370 UNCH 67.8 1.376 9.24 4.74 425.3 2.000 0.485 0.570 0.560 7165 DWL 0.570 UNCH 601.7 0.565 — — 132.7
0.380 0.260 — — 8672 KAMDAR 0.320 — — — 290.91 — 63.4 0.380 0.075 0.085 0.080 5178 DYNACIA 0.085 0.005 1708 0.085 — — 40.8
0.798 0.375 0.480 0.450 5247 KAREX 0.455 -0.015 5119.1 0.465 175.00 1.10 456.1 3.500 2.235 3.500 3.350 1368 EDGENTA 3.500 0.050 479.1 3.483 19.08 4.00 2,910.7
2.250 1.180 1.250 1.250 7216 KAWAN 1.250 -0.010 20 1.250 26.43 2.00 449.4 0.260 0.165 0.175 0.165 0064 EFFICEN 0.170 UNCH 123.2 0.167 — — 120.6
0.225 0.080 0.165 0.165 8303 KFM 0.165 0.005 20 0.165 — — 11.3 0.565 0.355 0.405 0.375 8907 EG 0.375 UNCH 494.9 0.389 7.81 — 103.1
0.656 0.165 0.325 0.290 6203 KHEESAN 0.305 -0.015 18327 0.312 6.84 3.28 34.9 1.565 1.158 1.420 1.390 5208 EITA 1.420 0.040 6.7 1.414 10.52 4.23 184.6
1.880 1.400 1.630 1.630 7062 KHIND 1.630 0.110 1 1.630 34.53 — 65.3 0.990 0.710 0.760 0.720 9016 EKSONS 0.720 0.010 4.3 0.747 — 6.94 118.2
1.940 1.566 — — 0002 KOTRA 1.780 — — — 11.40 3.37 256.4 0.565 0.345 0.370 0.360 7217 EMETALL 0.370 0.005 20 0.365 102.7 — 69.7
0.980 0.295 0.970 0.900 7130 KPOWER 0.930 0.035 1766.1 0.934 442.86 — 70.8 0.996 0.580 0.615 0.600 5056 ENGTEX 0.610 UNCH 108.2 0.606 — 1.23 270.4
0.140 0.055 0.100 0.095 5172 KSTAR 0.095 UNCH 7220.5 0.100 — — 40.4 0.470 0.315 0.330 0.325 7773 EPMB 0.325 -0.045 2 0.325 — — 53.9
0.195 0.050 0.090 0.085 4847 KTB 0.090 0.005 134 0.085 — — 36.3 0.580 0.245 0.275 0.255 5101 EVERGRN 0.270 0.015 1915.9 0.268 — 1.78 228.5
0.660 0.410 0.475 0.455 1643 LANDMRK 0.455 -0.030 72 0.460 — — 240.6 1.330 1.050 1.240 1.240 2984 FACBIND 1.240 -0.010 11.5 1.240 93.94 — 105.6
4.065 2.890 2.940 2.890 7006 LATITUD 2.910 -0.040 185.5 2.909 14.64 1.03 282.9 2.850 2.091 2.740 2.700 7229 FAVCO 2.720 -0.010 99.3 2.715 7.36 4.96 606.8
0.708 0.325 0.405 0.400 9385 LAYHONG 0.405 0.005 761 0.405 37.50 1.23 267.4 0.320 0.305 — — 0302 FBBHD 0.320 — — — 21.62 — 69.1
1.051 0.630 — — 8079 LEESK 0.705 — — — 11.56 3.55 118.3 0.580 0.330 0.440 0.395 0149 FIBON 0.440 0.080 4 0.398 15.22 1.70 43.1
1.190 0.720 0.830 0.815 6633 LHI 0.815 -0.005 1563.2 0.823 14.40 — 2,974.8 1.886 1.630 1.790 1.760 3107 FIMACOR 1.760 -0.030 5 1.779 7.66 7.10 431.7
3.122 2.438 2.940 2.930 7089 LIIHEN 2.940 0.010 79.3 2.933 7.39 5.27 529.2 0.560 0.365 0.390 0.375 9318 FITTERS 0.385 0.005 2911.5 0.386 10.24 — 185.0
0.630 0.105 0.150 0.140 7126 LONBISC 0.145 -0.005 2584.3 0.141 46.77 — 42.2 1.810 1.000 1.030 1.020 5197 FLBHD 1.030 0.010 46.5 1.025 6.39 14.08 109.9
1.389 0.774 1.360 1.350 7085 LTKM 1.350 -0.010 175.5 1.350 7.52 1.48 175.6 0.390 0.199 0.385 0.365 5277 FPGROUP 0.370 -0.005 5205.3 0.374 16.23 2.70 192.4
5.850 3.767 5.830 5.780 7087 MAGNI 5.790 0.010 253.5 5.797 9.18 2.42 942.2 1.100 0.415 — — 7197 GESHEN 0.420 — — — — — 33.6
2.870 1.688 2.870 2.810 3859 MAGNUM 2.840 0.010 2005.7 2.847 29.55 5.99 4,083.2 0.545 0.360 0.375 0.365 5220 GLOTEC 0.375 0.005 775.1 0.374 15.24 — 100.9
0.140 0.115 0.115 0.115 3514 MARCO 0.115 UNCH 100 0.115 8.71 2.61 121.2 0.285 0.145 0.170 0.150 7192 GOODWAY 0.170 0.020 34.8 0.163 — — 20.7
0.015 0.005 — — 5189 MAXWELL 0.010 — — — — — 4.0 0.145 0.080 — — 7096 GPA 0.105 — — — — — 103.0
1.270 0.748 1.250 1.250 5886 MBG 1.250 0.010 4 1.250 74.85 1.20 76.0 0.259 0.160 0.195 0.195 5649 GPHAROS 0.195 0.005 10 0.195 92.86 6.51 26.7
4.470 1.774 4.400 4.260 5983 MBMR 4.270 -0.120 574.5 4.309 7.23 3.51 1,669.1 0.613 0.400 0.490 0.470 3247 GUH 0.490 0.020 20.9 0.478 64.47 — 136.2
0.430 0.185 0.430 0.400 7234 MESB 0.420 0.005 255.5 0.420 10.77 — 34.4 10.180 8.946 9.930 9.760 3034 HAPSENG 9.770 -0.120 204.7 9.847 38.31 3.58 24,324.2
0.235 0.177 — — 0301 MFGROUP 0.235 — — — 391.67 — 75.2 6.919 4.503 5.330 5.260 5168 HARTA 5.260 -0.070 1704.2 5.298 41.29 1.56 17,673.6
0.877 0.435 0.580 0.570 3662 MFLOUR 0.570 -0.005 1147.2 0.574 13.13 3.86 572.0 7.060 4.290 4.350 4.300 4324 HENGYUAN 4.310 0.010 338.4 4.314 — — 1,293.0
0.820 0.600 — — 7935 MILUX 0.800 — — — — — 43.5 0.864 0.501 0.525 0.515 5095 HEVEA 0.525 0.005 491.3 0.519 21.97 9.14 295.1
0.120 0.035 0.080 0.075 5166 MINDA 0.075 UNCH 290.9 0.075 — — 93.0 1.050 0.650 0.795 0.715 5151 HEXTAR 0.770 0.020 2.7 0.774 — — 631.9
3.640 1.100 1.150 1.120 5202 MSM 1.130 0.010 1114.5 1.133 62.09 — 794.4 0.806 0.637 0.725 0.720 3298 HEXZA 0.725 -0.005 13 0.721 13.40 6.90 145.3
0.025 0.005 0.010 0.010 5150 MSPORTS 0.010 UNCH 50 0.010 — — 6.1 0.440 0.190 0.205 0.195 5072 HIAPTEK 0.200 0.010 1972.7 0.197 — 2.50 268.8
0.255 0.145 0.195 0.190 3891 MUIIND 0.190 -0.005 361.5 0.194 — — 557.2 1.360 0.760 0.975 0.950 5199 HIBISCS 0.955 -0.020 7332.8 0.966 6.60 — 1,516.8
2.650 1.620 2.050 1.960 3905 MULPHA 2.010 UNCH 4.5 2.000 — — 642.4 1.655 1.030 — — 7033 HIGHTEC 1.060 — — — 10.89 1.89 43.0
1.519 1.311 1.360 1.360 5275 MYNEWS 1.360 -0.010 16.3 1.360 31.41 1.10 927.7 0.654 0.447 0.510 0.510 8443 HIL 0.510 -0.005 2.6 0.510 12.81 3.43 170.4
149.70 140.74 147.60 146.10 4707 NESTLE 146.200 -0.700 136.1 146.51 52.46 1.92 34,283 0.810 0.400 0.560 0.560 5165 HOKHENG 0.560 UNCH 9.8 0.560 — — 49.3
2.979 2.437 — — 7060 NHFATT 2.740 — — — 14.49 3.65 226.5 0.580 0.320 0.370 0.360 5291 HPMT 0.365 UNCH 230.7 0.366 — — 119.9
0.065 0.020 0.050 0.045 7139 NICE 0.050 UNCH 329 0.047 — — 35.1 1.290 0.760 0.795 0.760 0185 HSSEB 0.770 0.005 1356.1 0.780 — — 381.8
0.267 0.145 0.155 0.150 7215 NIHSIN 0.150 UNCH 43.8 0.152 — — 48.2 0.300 0.130 0.140 0.135 2739 HUAAN 0.135 UNCH 873.7 0.136 15.34 — 151.5
0.583 0.385 0.440 0.435 5066 NTPM 0.435 UNCH 749.2 0.436 56.49 3.68 488.6 1.690 0.456 1.100 1.040 5000 HUMEIND 1.080 0.040 457.4 1.074 — — 533.1
0.580 0.300 — — 5533 OCB 0.465 — — — — — 47.8 0.135 0.075 0.080 0.075 9601 HWGB 0.080 UNCH 38.5 0.076 — — 28.6
0.567 0.395 0.420 0.415 0049 OCNCASH 0.420 UNCH 92.7 0.415 17.80 2.17 103.0 2.330 1.850 2.230 2.230 7222 IMASPRO 2.230 -0.020 119 2.230 297.3 1.57 178.4
0.888 0.623 0.675 0.660 7107 OFI 0.660 -0.015 22 0.661 12.15 3.03 158.4 0.710 0.380 0.400 0.385 5673 IPMUDA 0.400 0.020 39 0.387 — — 29.0
0.135 0.090 0.105 0.105 3018 OLYMPIA 0.105 UNCH 14 0.105 15.22 — 107.5 0.160 0.075 0.100 0.100 7183 IRETEX 0.100 UNCH 250.4 0.100 55.56 — 18.5
6.670 5.528 6.490 6.470 4006 ORIENT 6.480 0.010 120.3 6.479 10.07 3.09 4,020.2 1.250 0.950 — — 7043 JADEM 1.120 — — — — — 142.0
1.028 0.460 0.590 0.575 5260 OWG 0.585 0.010 1339.1 0.583 — — 166.8 0.125 0.100 — — 8648 JASKITA 0.105 — — — — — 47.2
5.803 3.066 3.730 3.680 7052 PADINI 3.720 0.040 436.5 3.704 15.27 2.69 2,447.4 1.635 1.304 1.390 1.390 0058 JCBNEXT 1.390 UNCH 0.6 1.390 16.18 2.88 191.5
39.072 35.184 38.040 37.900 3719 PANAMY 37.980 -0.220 9.1 37.99 21.34 5.95 2,307.1 0.220 0.120 0.140 0.135 9083 JETSON 0.140 0.005 96.6 0.136 — — 29.6
0.460 0.291 — — 5022 PAOS 0.340 — — — 82.93 4.71 61.6 0.190 0.115 0.130 0.120 0054 KARYON 0.125 -0.005 510 0.123 14.71 3.60 59.5
0.350 0.230 0.320 0.320 9407 PARAGON 0.320 0.010 1 0.320 — — 22.4 0.630 0.480 — — 7199 KEINHIN 0.500 — — — 15.43 2.00 54.4
0.445 0.195 0.220 0.215 5657 PARKSON 0.215 UNCH 920.4 0.219 — — 235.2 1.800 1.410 1.740 1.730 6491 KFIMA 1.730 UNCH 85 1.739 8.18 5.20 488.3
0.635 0.185 0.440 0.430 6068 PCCS 0.435 UNCH 1311.6 0.436 4.46 2.30 91.4 1.410 0.867 1.270 1.250 0151 KGB 1.260 UNCH 233.9 1.258 16.94 1.43 392.4
0.590 0.285 0.345 0.335 5231 PELIKAN 0.335 -0.010 31 0.337 23.26 — 203.7 0.300 0.130 0.220 0.220 6211 KIALIM 0.220 -0.025 37.5 0.220 — — 13.6
0.590 0.340 0.390 0.390 9997 PENSONI 0.390 UNCH 18.2 0.390 90.70 — 50.6 1.360 1.080 1.140 1.120 5371 KIMHIN 1.130 0.030 8.5 1.130 — 4.42 175.8
0.685 0.215 0.655 0.640 7080 PERMAJU 0.645 UNCH 2326.9 0.648 — — 126.4 0.010 0.005 — — 5060 KINSTEL 0.005 — — — — — 5.2
27.850 21.069 23.800 23.060 5681 PETDAG 23.100 -0.780 373 23.38 29.39 3.03 22,948 1.520 0.775 1.400 1.390 9466 KKB 1.400 UNCH 48.5 1.397 15.52 2.86 360.9
0.170 0.130 0.130 0.130 4081 PMCORP 0.130 -0.010 132 0.130 15.85 — 100.5 0.440 0.070 0.380 0.365 7164 KNM 0.375 UNCH 12054 0.371 — — 977.0
0.120 0.035 0.060 0.055 1287 PMHLDG 0.055 -0.005 2487.5 0.060 — — 51.1 0.800 0.350 — — 5035 KNUSFOR 0.600 — — — — — 59.8
0.555 0.431 0.515 0.515 5080 POHKONG 0.515 0.005 338.3 0.515 8.73 1.94 211.3 1.730 1.180 1.560 1.560 6971 KOBAY 1.560 UNCH 8 1.560 8.54 — 159.3
1.597 1.250 1.460 1.450 7088 POHUAT 1.460 0.010 190.5 1.453 5.85 2.74 352.0 0.390 0.120 0.330 0.315 7017 KOMARK 0.325 0.005 4249.1 0.324 — — 55.8
19.600 16.679 18.620 18.480 4065 PPB 18.560 0.020 472.1 18.55 26.68 1.51 26,403 4.529 3.543 4.300 4.260 7153 KOSSAN 4.260 -0.020 472.8 4.272 23.99 1.41 5,448.3
0.434 0.326 — — 7190 PPG 0.340 — — — 52.31 1.47 34.0 1.269 0.700 0.750 0.740 5843 KPS 0.740 -0.005 796.4 0.743 — 5.74 397.7
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 6 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 1 3 , 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.565 0.470 0.485 0.470 9121 KPSCB 0.480 -0.005 31.5 0.475 9.39 — 71.0 5.950 4.517 5.820 5.650 5225 IHH 5.690 -0.110 2047.7 5.706 82.58 0.53 49,924.0
4.937 3.844 4.490 4.450 3476 KSENG 4.490 -0.020 21.2 4.474 21.41 2.23 1,623.0 4.529 3.543 4.300 4.260 7153 KOSSAN 4.260 -0.020 472.8 4.272 23.99 1.41 5,448.3
0.590 0.281 — — 5192 KSSC 0.440 — — — — 1.14 42.2 1.940 1.566 — — 0002 KOTRA 1.780 — — — 11.40 3.37 256.4
0.530 0.225 0.345 0.340 6874 KUB 0.340 -0.005 204.6 0.345 — 2.94 189.2 1.119 0.870 0.920 0.910 5878 KPJ 0.915 0.005 5953.5 0.917 21.89 2.19 4,061.5
0.435 0.220 — — 8362 KYM 0.270 — — — 15.25 — 40.5 2.947 1.931 2.490 2.480 7081 PHARMA 2.490 0.010 36.7 2.484 13.40 6.22 650.5
4.570 1.800 3.350 3.300 3794 LAFMSIA 3.350 0.020 17.6 3.343 — — 2,846.5 0.135 0.075 0.080 0.080 0302 SMILE 0.080 -0.010 100 0.080 32.00 1.50 76.0
0.615 0.440 — — 9326 LBALUM 0.485 — — — 9.90 3.09 120.5 2.005 1.400 1.670 1.580 7106 SUPERMX 1.610 0.020 9724.8 1.631 17.06 2.25 2,190.1
4.899 2.460 2.680 2.600 5284 LCTITAN 2.650 0.030 1514.5 2.644 15.65 6.42 6,115.6 0.825 0.665 0.675 0.670 0101 TMCLIFE 0.675 0.005 51.6 0.670 35.71 0.27 1,175.8
0.609 0.387 — — 5232 LEONFB 0.480 — — — 7.80 3.13 148.8 6.246 4.265 4.800 4.740 7113 TOPGLOV 4.790 0.040 3772.5 4.785 31.62 1.77 12,265.2
0.250 0.100 0.190 0.190 8745 LEWEKO 0.190 UNCH 10 0.190 — — 61.2 0.500 0.230 — — 0301 TOPVISN 0.500 — — — 49.02 — 127.8
0.160 0.085 — — 7170 LFECORP 0.135 — — — — — 27.6 3.272 2.210 2.320 2.300 7178 YSPSAH 2.300 UNCH 4.4 2.314 13.02 3.04 321.0
0.775 0.375 0.400 0.400 8486 LIONFIB 0.400 -0.030 1.9 0.400 10.05 — 92.6 FINANCIAL SERVICES
1.050 0.375 0.440 0.400 4235 LIONIND 0.430 0.030 5667.8 0.423 — — 308.7 4.248 2.900 3.070 3.000 2488 ABMB 3.010 0.010 1986.5 3.028 9.73 5.55 4,659.8
0.420 0.250 — — 9881 LSTEEL 0.270 — — — — — 34.6 17.114 14.393 15.060 14.800 5139 AEONCR 15.060 0.160 23.9 14.96 74.93 2.96 3,778.5
0.100 0.065 0.070 0.070 5068 LUSTER 0.070 UNCH 550.4 0.070 11.86 — 138.3 2.397 1.930 2.020 2.000 5185 AFFIN 2.010 UNCH 79.6 2.015 7.87 2.49 3,991.9
0.614 0.476 0.490 0.485 5143 LUXCHEM 0.490 0.005 188.6 0.487 11.16 4.59 438.3 14.980 11.361 14.500 14.320 1163 ALLIANZ 14.500 -0.040 9.2 14.43 7.65 2.76 2,563.1
2.823 2.191 — — 9199 LYSAGHT 2.400 — — — 11.57 2.92 99.8 4.482 3.533 4.190 4.050 1015 AMBANK 4.050 -0.080 1981.7 4.105 7.87 4.94 12,207.4
0.660 0.340 0.430 0.410 5098 MASTEEL 0.425 0.015 953.3 0.424 — — 181.6 1.215 0.780 — — 5088 APEX 0.780 — — — 15.57 — 166.6
1.480 0.560 1.460 1.420 7029 MASTER 1.430 -0.020 755.9 1.433 8.10 2.45 78.1 4.750 3.252 4.000 3.950 5258 BIMB 3.960 UNCH 2103.4 3.975 9.01 3.91 6,986.6
1.400 0.873 1.220 1.190 5152 MBL 1.220 0.010 33.6 1.199 7.14 3.69 130.2 7.586 5.817 6.290 6.190 1818 BURSA 6.190 -0.050 681.5 6.237 25.68 3.55 5,004.6
0.790 0.435 — — 7004 MCEHLDG 0.640 — — — — — 28.4 6.010 4.940 5.060 5.000 1023 CIMB 5.000 -0.030 8702.3 5.019 9.55 5.00 48,637.1
0.190 0.090 0.135 0.135 3778 MELEWAR 0.135 0.005 183 0.135 1.62 — 48.5 0.345 0.235 0.270 0.270 2143 ECM 0.270 UNCH 0.3 0.270 — — 129.6
0.700 0.435 0.570 0.560 5223 MENTIGA 0.560 -0.010 8 0.566 17.89 — 39.2 1.700 1.088 1.650 1.640 5228 ELKDESA 1.650 0.010 81.1 1.648 14.27 4.24 490.1
1.738 1.487 — — 6149 METROD 1.500 — — — 25.95 4.00 180.0 21.497 16.200 16.580 16.400 5819 HLBANK 16.480 0.080 1477.1 16.44 12.65 2.91 35,724.0
0.425 0.220 0.310 0.295 5001 MIECO 0.300 UNCH 1794.1 0.302 — — 157.5 10.100 7.327 — — 5274 HLCAP 9.600 — — — 34.04 1.98 2,370.2
0.070 0.045 0.050 0.050 7219 MINETEC 0.050 UNCH 280 0.050 — — 46.1 19.819 16.000 16.740 16.500 1082 HLFG 16.680 0.040 47.8 16.63 9.94 2.52 19,140.6
0.424 0.250 — — 5576 MINHO 0.250 — — — 6.67 — 85.1 0.900 0.645 0.815 0.810 3379 INSAS 0.810 -0.005 189.7 0.814 6.56 2.47 561.6
0.998 0.785 0.810 0.800 5916 MSC 0.810 0.005 52 0.805 7.43 2.47 324.0 0.130 0.070 0.085 0.080 3441 JOHAN 0.080 UNCH 149 0.080 — — 49.8
0.105 0.050 0.060 0.055 0043 MTRONIC 0.055 UNCH 7040.9 0.057 — — 62.3 0.720 0.486 0.535 0.510 6483 KENANGA 0.535 0.035 15.2 0.512 56.32 2.06 386.7
2.147 1.457 1.540 1.520 3883 MUDA 1.530 0.010 50.8 1.532 6.14 2.94 466.7 2.150 1.540 1.830 1.830 2186 KUCHAI 1.830 UNCH 10 1.830 101.10 0.55 226.5
0.450 0.225 0.270 0.240 5087 MYCRON 0.270 UNCH 25.2 0.244 — — 88.3 16.422 14.641 15.880 15.720 8621 LPI 15.880 0.160 57.2 15.80 19.54 4.35 6,326.3
0.640 0.345 0.385 0.380 7241 NGGB 0.385 UNCH 902.6 0.380 132.76 — 192.9 1.003 0.375 0.860 0.840 1198 MAA 0.840 -0.020 52.2 0.858 — 10.71 229.8
0.145 0.060 0.080 0.070 5025 NWP 0.080 UNCH 17.8 0.071 — — 34.2 2.850 2.244 — — 1058 MANULFE 2.720 — — — 17.64 2.57 550.4
0.709 0.555 0.600 0.590 4944 NYLEX 0.590 -0.010 158.7 0.595 — 3.39 114.7 9.463 8.500 8.980 8.890 1155 MAYBANK 8.900 0.010 12778 8.942 12.23 6.40 100,048.1
0.789 0.539 0.610 0.610 7140 OKA 0.610 UNCH 631 0.610 13.65 6.07 149.7 1.025 0.820 0.860 0.845 1171 MBSB 0.850 UNCH 562.2 0.852 12.46 5.88 5,706.4
1.171 0.858 0.925 0.915 5065 ORNA 0.925 -0.015 35 0.920 7.30 2.70 69.6 1.290 0.845 1.130 1.090 6459 MNRB 1.130 0.040 594.1 1.108 7.83 — 866.8
0.075 0.045 0.055 0.050 7225 PA 0.055 UNCH 100.1 0.050 22.00 — 102.9 1.250 0.985 1.100 1.090 5237 MPHBCAP 1.100 -0.020 16.7 1.093 22.27 — 786.5
0.592 0.421 0.465 0.445 8419 PANSAR 0.460 UNCH 1721.1 0.461 35.94 2.17 212.5 0.989 0.937 0.975 0.965 6009 P&O 0.970 -0.005 65.3 0.971 — 6.44 278.3
0.597 0.395 0.495 0.485 5125 PANTECH 0.490 UNCH 856.9 0.490 8.25 4.04 367.8 25.339 20.000 20.200 20.080 1295 PBBANK 20.140 -0.020 3445.4 20.13 14.14 3.48 78,186.3
9.845 6.750 7.640 7.250 5183 PCHEM 7.510 0.280 10476.9 7.517 13.40 3.86 60,080.0 1.667 1.304 1.570 1.550 9296 RCECAP 1.570 0.010 59.5 1.560 5.56 5.73 579.0
1.300 0.651 1.110 1.090 5271 PECCA 1.090 -0.020 452.5 1.097 12.04 5.05 204.9 5.970 4.937 5.720 5.630 1066 RHBBANK 5.640 -0.020 7452.9 5.679 9.48 4.52 22,616.7
4.879 4.175 4.580 4.560 5436 PERSTIM 4.580 UNCH 4 4.568 11.23 6.55 454.8 0.665 0.537 0.645 0.640 4898 TA 0.640 -0.005 248.9 0.641 — 6.41 1,095.6
1.570 0.950 1.310 1.260 5219 PESTECH 1.270 -0.030 694.5 1.278 15.82 — 970.7 7.180 3.348 5.900 5.760 6139 TAKAFUL 5.880 0.020 2326.5 5.869 13.78 2.55 4,861.5
19.577 14.740 16.740 16.200 6033 PETGAS 16.420 0.100 1187.6 16.44 17.69 4.38 32,490.8 0.765 0.502 0.640 0.605 5230 TUNEPRO 0.610 -0.025 2095.8 0.617 9.33 4.92 458.6
8.395 5.190 5.500 5.430 3042 PETRONM 5.440 0.040 26.5 5.477 8.46 3.68 1,468.8 PROPERTY
1.200 0.925 — — 3611 PGLOBE 1.080 — — — 192.8 — 201.6 0.300 0.225 0.245 0.245 7131 ACME 0.245 UNCH 5 0.245 5.74 — 58.5
0.160 0.090 0.120 0.115 7201 PICORP 0.120 0.005 82 0.120 171.4 4.17 79.0 0.644 0.464 0.495 0.480 1007 AMPROP 0.495 0.005 105.7 0.495 12.76 6.06 302.1
1.703 1.070 1.160 1.110 7095 PIE 1.160 0.060 355.7 1.141 11.81 2.07 445.5 0.335 0.220 — — 1007PA AMPROP-PA 0.260 — — — — 7.69 74.6
0.325 0.100 — — 7163 PJBUMI 0.220 — — — 17.19 — 18.0 1.280 0.870 1.070 1.070 5959 AMVERTON 1.070 UNCH 10 1.070 5.54 — 390.6
4.254 3.040 3.300 3.200 7172 PMBTECH 3.300 0.110 6.8 3.227 55.65 0.61 691.7 0.650 0.270 — — 7007 ARK 0.270 — — — — — 13.1
5.111 3.958 4.920 4.880 8869 PMETAL 4.900 UNCH 1249.6 4.900 36.84 1.22 19,786.7 0.170 0.110 0.125 0.120 4057 ASIAPAC 0.120 -0.005 242.2 0.124 3.56 — 124.5
0.570 0.450 0.545 0.540 6637 PNEPCB 0.540 -0.005 2430.1 0.540 — — 71.0 5.243 4.020 — — 2305 AYER 4.220 — — — 20.62 1.18 315.9
0.505 0.260 — — 8117 POLY 0.380 — — — 12.06 — 60.8 0.390 0.220 0.285 0.270 6602 BCB 0.275 0.005 331.3 0.273 2.81 — 113.4
0.675 0.390 0.645 0.625 8273 PPHB 0.625 -0.020 100.7 0.633 5.72 — 117.9 0.585 0.285 0.340 0.340 6173 BDB 0.340 UNCH 10 0.340 — — 103.3
0.778 0.410 0.445 0.440 9873 PRESTAR 0.445 0.030 27 0.441 193.4 3.37 91.1 0.300 0.110 — — 9814 BERTAM 0.170 — — — — — 35.1
0.080 0.035 0.050 0.045 7123 PWORTH 0.050 0.005 15082 0.046 — — 204.7 0.340 0.245 0.305 0.305 3239 BJASSET 0.305 UNCH 50 0.305 — — 780.2
0.850 0.710 — — 7544 QUALITY 0.780 — — — — — 45.2 1.580 1.090 — — 5738 CHHB 1.320 — — — 4.02 — 363.9
0.390 0.190 0.235 0.235 7498 RALCO 0.235 0.015 2 0.235 — — 10.9 1.405 1.150 1.200 1.170 6718 CRESNDO 1.200 0.030 78 1.178 8.33 5.00 336.6
0.520 0.165 0.190 0.180 5256 REACH 0.190 UNCH 1770.4 0.185 — — 208.3 1.590 1.108 1.360 1.360 5049 CVIEW 1.360 0.080 6.5 1.360 1.79 3.68 136.0
0.340 0.241 — — 7232 RESINTC 0.310 — — — 12.16 8.06 42.5 0.565 0.220 0.415 0.405 3484 DBHD 0.410 0.005 22.8 0.408 5.63 — 130.5
0.245 0.145 0.155 0.150 9954 RGTBHD 0.155 0.005 229.5 0.152 14.76 — 89.4 0.095 0.050 0.060 0.060 7198 DPS 0.060 UNCH 60 0.060 — — 35.3
1.100 0.491 0.545 0.535 9741 ROHAS 0.535 -0.005 290.6 0.538 16.21 4.67 252.9 1.423 0.736 0.755 0.750 3417 E&O 0.750 -0.005 173.9 0.752 19.48 4.00 1,092.7
0.584 0.412 0.505 0.500 7803 RUBEREX 0.505 0.005 129.3 0.505 19.96 3.96 127.4 0.330 0.285 0.330 0.320 3557 ECOFIRS 0.330 0.005 488 0.326 11.11 — 266.0
3.925 3.531 — — 5134 SAB 3.570 — — — 24.93 1.40 488.9 1.280 0.625 0.700 0.675 8206 ECOWLD 0.690 0.005 12063 0.688 11.37 — 2,031.6
8.640 6.949 8.050 8.000 9822 SAM 8.040 0.040 53.1 8.003 13.73 2.17 1,086.7 0.500 0.270 — — 6076 ENCORP 0.320 — — — — — 98.1
0.921 0.550 0.585 0.580 5147 SAMCHEM 0.580 UNCH 103.8 0.584 7.73 5.17 157.8 2.008 0.882 — — 8613 ENRA 1.200 — — — — 2.50 163.4
0.836 0.654 0.725 0.715 7811 SAPIND 0.725 0.005 15.5 0.719 9.81 6.90 52.8 0.785 0.550 — — 6815 EUPE 0.610 — — — 2.32 — 78.1
0.510 0.205 0.290 0.280 5170 SCABLE 0.290 0.010 27 0.281 — — 91.9 0.735 0.491 0.615 0.600 7249 EWEIN 0.615 0.015 321.8 0.609 4.06 0.81 185.5
1.500 0.760 0.940 0.855 7247 SCGM 0.885 0.035 488.2 0.886 — 1.69 171.3 1.110 0.600 0.635 0.615 5283 EWINT 0.630 -0.005 1582.1 0.625 16.54 — 1,512.0
1.270 0.300 1.090 1.090 9237 SCIB 1.090 UNCH 184.3 1.090 — — 93.6 0.400 0.325 0.335 0.335 6041 FARLIM 0.335 UNCH 49 0.335 — — 56.4
1.771 0.733 0.940 0.920 0099 SCICOM 0.925 -0.005 711.4 0.925 16.26 5.95 328.8 0.414 0.345 0.375 0.370 5020 GLOMAC 0.370 UNCH 255.4 0.372 19.68 2.16 296.0
9.269 7.910 8.500 8.320 4731 SCIENTX 8.320 -0.180 70.3 8.417 14.24 2.40 4,287.0 0.370 0.240 0.280 0.265 9962 GMUTUAL 0.280 0.015 68.7 0.275 17.83 1.79 105.2
0.245 0.105 — — 7239 SCNWOLF 0.140 — — — — — 13.5 0.230 0.155 0.180 0.170 1147 GOB 0.170 -0.010 250 0.174 — — 77.3
0.415 0.155 0.195 0.185 7073 SEACERA 0.185 -0.005 4623.1 0.188 — — 87.8 0.225 0.135 0.180 0.180 7077 GSB 0.180 UNCH 132.4 0.180 163.64 — 99.4
0.365 0.090 0.355 0.345 5145 SEALINK 0.350 -0.005 3741.7 0.350 — — 175.0 0.834 0.645 0.670 0.660 1503 GUOCO 0.670 UNCH 74.1 0.665 — 2.99 469.3
0.520 0.180 0.500 0.495 5163 SEB 0.495 UNCH 351.2 0.495 — — 39.6 1.300 1.200 1.230 1.220 7105 HCK 1.230 UNCH 16 1.227 47.13 — 520.1
0.995 0.746 0.940 0.925 5181 SIGGAS 0.940 UNCH 18 0.926 48.96 0.53 176.3 0.725 0.520 0.570 0.550 7010 HOOVER 0.570 -0.015 150 0.570 — — 22.8
0.690 0.410 — — 7115 SKBSHUT 0.500 — — — 15.63 — 20.0 0.465 0.300 0.345 0.335 5062 HUAYANG 0.335 -0.010 182.6 0.338 — — 117.9
1.440 0.945 1.080 1.060 7155 SKPRES 1.060 UNCH 1384.3 1.064 14.83 3.62 1,325.2 0.485 0.305 0.320 0.305 4251 IBHD 0.305 -0.010 222.9 0.313 11.09 5.74 309.4
1.420 0.809 1.400 1.390 7248 SLP 1.400 UNCH 55 1.391 17.54 3.93 443.7 0.734 0.147 0.615 0.600 5084 IBRACO 0.600 -0.005 48 0.604 9.20 3.75 297.8
0.530 0.370 — — 7132 SMISCOR 0.430 — — — — — 19.3 1.760 0.990 1.530 1.450 9687 IDEAL 1.530 0.020 130.7 1.497 3.59 0.65 709.2
1.460 0.720 1.020 0.990 5665 SSTEEL 1.000 0.010 108.8 1.007 — 3.50 433.6 2.868 2.176 — — 5606 IGBB 2.670 — — — 7.16 0.37 1,841.8
0.850 0.400 — — 6904 SUBUR 0.475 — — — — — 99.3 1.730 1.110 1.180 1.130 5249 IOIPG 1.170 0.030 4902.1 1.154 9.74 2.56 6,442.2
1.120 0.520 0.990 0.950 7207 SUCCESS 0.990 0.010 1115.9 0.979 15.42 1.01 246.5 0.290 0.175 0.185 0.185 5175 IVORY 0.185 -0.010 1 0.185 205.56 13.51 90.7
1.720 1.318 1.650 1.620 5211 SUNWAY 1.640 0.010 2875.4 1.635 11.61 3.04 8,091.6 1.320 0.365 0.930 0.910 1589 IWCITY 0.915 0.005 15444 0.919 — — 766.2
1.370 0.740 0.800 0.790 7235 SUPERLN 0.790 -0.010 182.9 0.795 12.21 2.91 126.4 0.360 0.250 — — 8923 JIANKUN 0.320 — — — 26.45 — 53.4
2.005 1.400 1.670 1.580 7106 SUPERMX 1.610 0.020 9724.8 1.631 17.06 2.25 2,190.1 0.090 0.070 0.075 0.070 6769 JKGLAND 0.075 0.005 18 0.071 68.18 1.33 170.6
0.360 0.180 0.255 0.250 5149 TAS 0.250 UNCH 90 0.251 11.01 — 45.0 0.125 0.075 0.085 0.085 3115 KBUNAI 0.085 -0.005 14 0.085 94.44 — 491.0
6.800 4.050 5.260 5.200 4448 TASEK 5.260 0.010 1.7 5.247 — — 650.2 0.840 0.537 — — 7323 KEN 0.600 — — — — 2.50 115.0
0.235 0.110 0.115 0.110 7097 TAWIN 0.115 0.005 2714.2 0.113 — — 41.1 0.960 0.675 0.800 0.790 5038 KSL 0.795 0.005 23.2 0.794 3.33 — 824.8
1.020 0.660 0.725 0.725 5289 TECHBND 0.725 UNCH 27.3 0.725 23.54 — 166.8 0.185 0.130 0.155 0.150 3174 L&G 0.150 UNCH 600.9 0.151 10.34 6.67 446.0
0.840 0.400 0.445 0.400 8702 TEXCHEM 0.425 -0.020 295 0.414 — 23.53 52.7 0.784 0.416 0.650 0.635 8494 LBICAP 0.650 0.015 5.1 0.635 5.17 7.69 66.0
2.720 2.004 2.500 2.480 7034 TGUAN 2.480 -0.020 268 2.495 6.66 3.23 437.1 0.847 0.486 0.520 0.515 5789 LBS 0.515 UNCH 662.5 0.515 11.52 3.50 807.1
1.512 0.983 1.230 1.230 7374 TIENWAH 1.230 UNCH 3 1.230 — 6.50 178.0 0.350 0.220 0.250 0.250 3573 LIENHOE 0.250 UNCH 278.9 0.250 — — 90.4
0.680 0.396 — — 7854 TIMWELL 0.600 — — — 8.93 3.33 53.4 1.250 0.800 1.040 1.020 7617 MAGNA 1.020 -0.010 58 1.039 — — 341.6
0.740 0.430 0.480 0.470 7285 TOMYPAK 0.480 0.005 220 0.472 — 0.63 201.5 1.073 0.812 0.845 0.830 8583 MAHSING 0.835 -0.010 662.6 0.835 13.58 5.39 2,027.1
4.066 2.470 2.560 2.560 5010 TONGHER 2.560 -0.030 4 2.560 10.94 7.81 403.0 0.695 0.390 0.505 0.495 6181 MALTON 0.495 -0.005 573 0.496 29.46 4.04 261.4
6.246 4.265 4.800 4.740 7113 TOPGLOV 4.790 0.040 3772.5 4.785 31.62 1.77 12,265 2.002 1.747 1.930 1.920 5236 MATRIX 1.930 UNCH 130.9 1.930 6.55 6.35 1,566.8
1.040 0.575 0.720 0.690 7173 TOYOINK 0.720 UNCH 1.3 0.700 16.71 2.78 77.0 1.827 1.360 1.600 1.560 7189 MBWORLD 1.560 0.010 35 1.580 5.11 5.19 245.5
0.814 0.543 — — 5167 TURBO 0.640 — — — 13.11 3.13 69.1 0.800 0.210 0.220 0.210 5182 MCT 0.210 -0.005 406.8 0.216 4.44 — 306.0
2.982 2.303 2.830 2.820 7100 UCHITEC 2.820 UNCH 19.5 2.821 17.22 4.96 1,271.6 0.480 0.290 0.365 0.330 1694 MENANG 0.350 0.015 103.1 0.351 20.83 — 168.3
0.800 0.385 0.510 0.495 7133 ULICORP 0.510 0.015 124.5 0.502 — — 111.1 0.420 0.065 0.075 0.070 5040 MERIDIAN 0.075 UNCH 2136.1 0.071 — — 36.9
2.494 1.840 — — 7137 UMS 2.000 — — — 26.39 3.00 81.4 0.350 0.185 0.185 0.185 8141 MJPERAK 0.185 UNCH 84.8 0.185 12.25 — 47.6
1.068 0.850 0.935 0.885 7227 UMSNGB 0.935 0.005 9 0.887 12.24 3.21 74.8 1.410 1.110 1.250 1.220 6114 MKH 1.220 -0.020 67 1.248 9.15 2.87 715.6
1.450 0.905 1.280 1.240 7091 UNIMECH 1.270 0.030 135.3 1.264 9.86 2.99 201.6 0.220 0.165 0.170 0.165 8893 MKLAND 0.165 -0.005 485.2 0.165 31.73 — 199.2
0.750 0.300 0.310 0.310 4995 VERSATL 0.310 UNCH 0.5 0.310 — — 44.0 0.165 0.070 — — 6548 MPCORP 0.115 — — — — — 33.1
1.744 0.610 1.300 1.270 6963 VS 1.280 -0.010 3402 1.284 15.13 3.13 2,355.6 1.125 0.558 0.790 0.775 1651 MRCB 0.785 0.015 5235 0.784 96.91 2.23 3,463.5
1.150 0.595 0.615 0.605 5142 WASEONG 0.610 0.005 430.8 0.611 8.71 — 472.7 0.540 0.380 — — 9539 MUH 0.400 — — — — — 22.6
0.950 0.400 — — 7226 WATTA 0.485 — — — — — 41.0 0.280 0.160 0.170 0.165 3913 MUIPROP 0.165 -0.005 4685.1 0.166 16.84 — 126.1
1.277 1.068 1.180 1.160 7231 WELLCAL 1.160 -0.020 18.5 1.177 15.63 4.83 577.6 1.440 0.430 0.965 0.945 5073 NAIM 0.950 -0.010 6146.3 0.951 2.75 — 488.1
0.700 0.460 — — 7692 WIDETEC 0.560 — — — 17.34 — 25.1 2.280 1.970 2.200 2.180 5827 OIB 2.180 0.030 3 2.187 5.94 3.67 337.6
0.824 0.435 0.460 0.440 7050 WONG 0.460 0.005 191.5 0.442 14.65 3.26 52.7 0.969 0.809 0.955 0.945 5053 OSK 0.950 UNCH 431.4 0.950 5.06 5.26 1,990.5
0.830 0.550 — — 7025 WOODLAN 0.615 — — — 62.76 — 24.6 1.752 1.261 1.350 1.320 1724 PARAMON 1.330 UNCH 396.8 1.333 10.37 4.73 806.9
1.700 1.020 — — 5009 WTHORSE 1.140 — — — — — 273.6 0.460 0.320 0.360 0.355 6912 PASDEC 0.355 -0.005 28.9 0.359 — — 142.1
0.696 0.404 0.490 0.480 4243 WTK 0.480 -0.005 108.8 0.485 — 3.13 231.0 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.005 4464 PHB 0.005 UNCH 130.4 0.007 — — 36.0
0.410 0.160 0.240 0.235 7245 WZSATU 0.240 UNCH 883.5 0.238 — — 111.6 1.690 1.020 — — 7055 PLB 1.100 — — — 112.24 — 123.6
0.695 0.530 0.630 0.600 5048 YILAI 0.620 0.090 22 0.616 — — 90.3 1.580 1.300 1.320 1.320 5075 PLENITU 1.320 UNCH 2 1.320 13.07 3.41 503.6
0.220 0.090 0.105 0.100 7020 YKGI 0.105 0.005 247.8 0.103 — — 36.8 6.150 5.210 5.910 5.640 7765 RAPID 5.640 -0.250 85.3 5.745 180.19 — 602.9
0.360 0.200 — — 7014 YLI 0.210 — — — — — 21.6 0.840 0.585 0.605 0.605 4596 SAPRES 0.605 0.005 16 0.605 — — 84.5
CONSTRUCTION 0.630 0.400 0.465 0.465 5207 SBCCORP 0.465 -0.010 20 0.465 7.71 2.15 120.0
0.485 0.241 0.415 0.405 5281 ADVCON 0.410 -0.005 855.9 0.409 16.67 2.44 165.2 0.757 0.582 0.620 0.620 2224 SDRED 0.620 0.005 10 0.620 10.35 3.23 264.2
0.575 0.274 0.380 0.375 7078 AZRB 0.380 UNCH 226 0.380 25.85 2.34 227.2 0.400 0.285 0.310 0.310 4286 SEAL 0.310 -0.015 8 0.310 3.71 — 75.3
0.250 0.145 0.155 0.150 5190 BENALEC 0.150 -0.005 100 0.151 — — 129.3 2.524 2.108 2.390 2.370 6017 SHL 2.370 0.010 29.3 2.376 10.12 6.75 573.8
0.295 0.120 0.135 0.125 5932 BPURI 0.130 UNCH 870.8 0.130 72.22 — 49.7 1.199 0.790 0.865 0.830 5288 SIMEPROP 0.830 -0.025 3958.8 0.840 37.90 2.41 5,644.7
0.811 0.706 — — 8761 BREM 0.800 — — — 19.28 5.00 276.4 0.220 0.130 — — 4375 SMI 0.135 — — — 42.19 — 28.3
1.156 0.755 0.960 0.950 8591 CRESBLD 0.955 0.005 92.9 0.950 2.51 4.71 169.0 0.545 0.190 0.235 0.225 5213 SNTORIA 0.225 UNCH 3704.6 0.229 11.97 — 127.6
1.808 1.572 — — 7528 DKLS 1.720 — — — 34.96 1.74 159.4 2.742 1.390 1.440 1.390 8664 SPSETIA 1.430 0.030 3619.7 1.424 25.22 5.98 5,780.7
0.880 0.360 0.785 0.775 5253 ECONBHD 0.775 UNCH 6404.2 0.779 40.79 2.06 1,036.6 0.950 0.580 0.695 0.695 3743 SUNSURIA 0.695 -0.005 27 0.695 3.99 — 622.7
1.040 0.411 0.830 0.815 8877 EKOVEST 0.820 0.005 25165 0.821 12.91 1.22 2,177.0 0.496 0.320 0.430 0.420 1538 SYMLIFE 0.430 0.005 89.7 0.422 2.09 — 253.8
0.520 0.300 0.370 0.370 7047 FAJAR 0.370 0.005 170.1 0.370 9.59 4.05 138.3 0.330 0.190 0.330 0.310 4022 TADMAX 0.320 0.010 32746 0.317 20.13 — 250.8
0.960 0.475 0.745 0.735 9261 GADANG 0.740 0.010 1016.2 0.741 11.26 4.05 538.8 0.278 0.222 0.245 0.240 5158 TAGB 0.240 0.005 313.9 0.240 25.00 6.67 1,277.2
3.978 1.918 3.610 3.550 5398 GAMUDA 3.580 -0.040 2039 3.587 21.02 3.35 8,853.2 0.055 0.025 0.035 0.035 2259 TALAMT 0.035 UNCH 659 0.035 50.00 — 150.3
1.540 0.658 1.320 1.290 5226 GBGAQRS 1.290 -0.010 333.5 1.303 13.12 3.04 638.0 0.867 0.666 0.755 0.750 5191 TAMBUN 0.750 0.005 22.3 0.753 6.40 6.53 325.1
1.380 0.717 1.100 1.070 3204 GKENT 1.080 UNCH 805.5 1.085 7.61 4.63 608.3 0.085 0.040 0.055 0.050 2429 TANCO 0.055 UNCH 7304 0.055 — — 40.8
0.695 0.280 0.550 0.505 5169 HOHUP 0.545 0.035 1990.9 0.530 8.65 — 204.3 0.310 0.175 0.200 0.195 7889 THRIVEN 0.200 0.010 164.7 0.195 3.78 — 109.4
1.587 1.271 — — 6238 HSL 1.340 — — — 13.07 1.79 780.8 0.100 0.030 0.055 0.050 7079 TIGER 0.055 UNCH 4359.7 0.050 — — 69.8
2.510 1.361 2.280 2.230 3336 IJM 2.250 0.030 3417.1 2.253 19.55 1.78 8,188.4 0.355 0.285 0.295 0.295 5239 TITIJYA 0.295 UNCH 562.5 0.295 11.35 0.85 396.6
0.290 0.090 0.160 0.155 5268 IKHMAS 0.160 0.005 3346 0.157 — — 94.1 0.895 0.778 0.840 0.840 5401 TROP 0.840 UNCH 59.9 0.840 7.11 3.31 1,235.2
0.630 0.444 — — 8834 IREKA 0.500 — — — — 4.00 93.4 1.020 0.620 0.720 0.695 5148 UEMS 0.710 0.015 1837.4 0.711 28.86 — 3,221.6
1.080 0.405 0.775 0.760 4723 JAKS 0.765 0.005 3449.6 0.769 8.91 — 492.0 2.350 1.733 2.010 1.990 5200 UOADEV 1.990 UNCH 267.3 1.992 8.84 7.04 3,914.6
1.490 0.975 1.400 1.400 7161 KERJAYA 1.400 UNCH 35.6 1.400 12.24 2.50 1,738.8 0.170 0.090 0.090 0.090 6378 WMG 0.090 UNCH 1.3 0.090 — — 38.4
1.460 0.972 1.280 1.260 5171 KIMLUN 1.270 0.010 37 1.271 6.11 2.91 431.6 0.995 0.650 — — 7003 Y&G 0.850 — — — 21.79 — 169.5
1.060 0.735 — — 9628 LEBTECH 0.860 — — — — — 117.4 2.800 1.040 2.570 2.500 3158 YNHPROP 2.570 0.030 132.8 2.553 67.99 — 1,359.5
0.622 0.420 — — 5129 MELATI 0.430 — — — 57.33 2.33 51.6 0.825 0.190 0.210 0.195 7066 YONGTAI 0.210 0.010 5258.5 0.201 — — 144.7
1.060 0.700 — — 8192 MERCURY 0.725 — — — 7.49 — 29.1 0.425 0.300 0.305 0.300 2577 YTLLAND 0.305 0.005 799.8 0.303 — — 257.5
1.810 0.270 — — 5006 MERGE 0.930 — — — — — 62.3 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS
0.905 0.640 0.675 0.655 7595 MGB 0.660 UNCH 47.2 0.665 17.14 — 328.3 9.294 6.520 8.690 8.460 5014 AIRPORT 8.640 0.140 368.4 8.630 31.95 1.62 14,335.4
0.432 0.216 0.285 0.280 9571 MITRA 0.280 -0.005 202.9 0.282 — 5.36 250.9 1.400 1.120 1.280 1.230 8133 BHIC 1.280 UNCH 3.4 1.272 — 2.73 318.0
0.250 0.115 — — 5924 MTDACPI 0.175 — — — — — 40.5 5.252 3.750 3.770 3.750 5032 BIPORT 3.750 -0.030 63 3.757 10.61 4.27 1,725.0
0.470 0.225 0.240 0.225 5085 MUDAJYA 0.235 UNCH 1240.9 0.234 — — 142.3 0.450 0.275 0.285 0.275 7187 CHGP 0.285 0.005 30 0.282 41.30 — 84.7
3.108 2.390 2.460 2.390 5703 MUHIBAH 2.410 0.010 133.1 2.413 8.32 3.11 1,169.2 0.665 0.360 0.420 0.400 7117 CJCEN 0.420 0.020 370 0.414 — 1.79 165.6
0.379 0.220 0.240 0.235 7071 OCR 0.240 UNCH 210.2 0.237 — — 78.7 0.930 0.449 — — 5136 COMPLET 0.720 — — — 9.33 — 91.4
0.900 0.730 — — 5622 PEB 0.815 — — — — — 56.3 0.605 0.310 0.400 0.395 5259 EATECH 0.395 UNCH 197.2 0.398 3.01 — 199.1
0.307 0.163 0.215 0.215 8311 PESONA 0.215 UNCH 175.9 0.215 17.62 4.65 149.4 0.718 0.497 — — 7210 FREIGHT 0.600 — — — 12.32 5.83 167.5
0.390 0.183 0.245 0.245 5070 PRTASCO 0.245 UNCH 256.4 0.245 — 2.45 121.4 0.445 0.255 0.305 0.290 0078 GDEX 0.300 UNCH 7119.1 0.296 50.85 0.67 1,692.4
0.170 0.095 0.140 0.140 7145 PSIPTEK 0.140 UNCH 50 0.140 43.75 — 59.8 0.420 0.265 — — 7676 GUNUNG 0.275 — — — — — 64.9
3.390 1.986 3.340 3.340 9598 PTARAS 3.340 -0.040 42.9 3.340 21.27 5.99 554.0 0.760 0.560 — — 2062 HARBOUR 0.635 — — — 11.01 1.57 254.3
0.545 0.270 0.280 0.275 6807 PUNCAK 0.280 UNCH 34.9 0.279 — 1.79 125.8 0.065 0.030 0.060 0.045 7013 HUBLINE 0.055 0.005 37811 0.053 42.31 — 210.0
0.810 0.390 0.440 0.425 5205 SENDAI 0.435 0.010 409.9 0.433 6.17 — 339.8 0.580 0.270 0.320 0.290 5614 ILB 0.320 0.025 265.8 0.298 — — 62.4
2.156 1.246 2.030 1.990 5263 SUNCON 2.000 0.040 164.7 2.011 18.83 3.50 2,585.8 5.000 3.595 4.600 4.500 6645 LITRAK 4.560 UNCH 34.3 4.551 9.68 5.48 2,420.6
0.285 0.210 0.225 0.225 9717 SYCAL 0.225 -0.005 10 0.225 66.18 — 93.7 0.115 0.055 — — 5078 M&G 0.075 — — — — — 54.3
0.741 0.417 0.485 0.470 5054 TRC 0.470 -0.015 978.8 0.478 0.73 4.04 225.8 0.755 0.410 0.755 0.700 5077 MAYBULK 0.725 0.025 12939 0.733 1.76 — 725.0
0.595 0.295 0.400 0.400 5042 TSRCAP 0.400 UNCH 10 0.400 — — 69.8 8.040 5.244 7.930 7.770 3816 MISC 7.800 0.010 2320.3 7.798 21.91 3.85 34,817.6
0.890 0.180 — — 0301 UNIWALL 0.890 — — — 32.13 0.02 325.5 1.425 0.780 1.070 1.060 2194 MMCCORP 1.060 UNCH 1467.7 1.068 11.48 3.77 3,227.8
1.170 0.800 0.870 0.850 7070 VIZIONE 0.850 -0.025 1843.4 0.854 7.19 — 477.9 0.380 0.180 — — 9806 NATWIDE 0.180 — — — — — 22.2
0.730 0.465 0.525 0.505 3565 WCEHB 0.520 UNCH 891.1 0.511 25.62 — 521.4 0.050 0.025 0.030 0.030 6254 PDZ 0.030 UNCH 1 0.030 — — 20.5
1.220 0.647 0.970 0.940 9679 WCT 0.950 -0.005 1463.9 0.958 15.03 3.09 1,347.2 3.650 1.220 1.680 1.560 4634 POS 1.660 0.100 2976.3 1.642 — 2.41 1,299.4
0.410 0.150 0.335 0.315 7028 ZECON 0.315 -0.020 983 0.324 1.69 — 45.4 0.610 0.295 — — 8346 PRKCORP 0.390 — — — — — 39.0
0.125 0.025 0.085 0.080 2283 ZELAN 0.080 -0.005 1231.1 0.080 — — 67.6 0.365 0.090 0.355 0.345 5145 SEALINK 0.350 -0.005 3741.7 0.350 — — 175.0
HEALTH CARE 1.067 0.800 — — 7053 SEEHUP 0.800 — — — — 3.94 64.3
0.605 0.350 0.510 0.490 7191 ADVENTA 0.510 0.015 58.5 0.508 — — 77.9 1.500 1.176 1.330 1.320 6521 SURIA 1.330 0.020 69.1 1.322 9.33 4.08 459.9
2.404 1.950 2.080 2.040 7090 AHEALTH 2.050 0.050 71.8 2.047 17.08 1.68 966.9 0.345 0.240 0.280 0.265 5173 SYSCORP 0.275 0.015 329.1 0.277 — — 330.0
1.480 0.898 1.400 1.380 7148 DPHARMA 1.380 -0.010 1115.1 1.389 16.65 3.99 938.5 0.360 0.180 0.255 0.250 5149 TAS 0.250 UNCH 90 0.251 11.01 — 45.0
6.919 4.503 5.330 5.260 5168 HARTA 5.260 -0.070 1704.2 5.298 41.29 1.56 17,673.6 1.692 0.968 — — 5140 TASCO 1.120 — — — 24.14 4.46 224.0
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
Markets 2 7
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.040 0.420 0.510 0.505 8397 TNLOGIS 0.505 -0.005 179 0.509 — — 232.7 0.175 0.045 0.050 0.045 5255 ICON 0.045 -0.005 5789.3 0.049 — — 53.0
1.150 0.430 — — 7218 TOCEAN 0.505 — — — — — 20.7 0.440 0.070 0.380 0.365 7164 KNM 0.375 UNCH 12054.3 0.371 — — 977.0
4.270 3.172 4.130 4.060 5246 WPRTS 4.090 0.010 4634.2 4.088 23.48 3.20 13,946 0.970 0.495 0.845 0.830 5186 MHB 0.840 -0.005 268.2 0.833 — — 1,344.0
0.930 0.245 0.500 0.480 5267 XINHWA 0.485 0.005 3296.9 0.491 36.19 — 104.8 1.260 0.340 0.960 0.940 5133 PENERGY 0.950 0.015 596.6 0.950 31.05 2.11 305.7
PLANTATION 0.540 0.175 0.320 0.315 7108 PERDANA 0.315 -0.005 1749.3 0.317 — — 245.2
0.210 0.120 0.140 0.120 7054 AASIA 0.140 0.015 118.3 0.120 — — 92.4 0.045 0.005 — — 0047 PERISAI 0.005 — — — — — 6.3
17.332 15.400 15.700 15.700 1899 BKAWAN 15.700 UNCH 15.8 15.70 18.51 3.50 6,844.4 8.395 5.190 5.500 5.430 3042 PETRONM 5.440 0.040 26.5 5.477 8.46 3.68 1,468.8
7.540 5.700 — — 5069 BLDPLNT 5.850 — — — — 0.51 547.0 0.520 0.165 0.190 0.180 5256 REACH 0.190 UNCH 1770.4 0.185 — — 208.3
1.147 0.646 0.680 0.670 5254 BPLANT 0.680 0.005 144.8 0.673 53.97 8.09 1,523.2 0.482 0.251 0.280 0.270 5218 SAPNRG 0.270 -0.010 35400 0.274 — — 4,314.4
0.736 0.505 0.510 0.510 8982 CEPAT 0.510 0.005 2.2 0.510 — 2.94 162.4 0.145 0.040 0.075 0.075 7158 SCOMI 0.075 UNCH 899.4 0.075 — — 82.0
7.297 6.030 6.550 6.300 1929 CHINTEK 6.500 0.470 5.5 6.482 15.93 2.46 593.9 0.140 0.030 0.070 0.065 7045 SCOMIES 0.065 -0.005 1092.4 0.065 — — 152.2
0.499 0.394 0.425 0.420 3948 DUTALND 0.425 UNCH 168.8 0.425 33.20 — 359.6 4.560 3.477 4.410 4.350 5279 SERBADK 4.370 0.020 2736.2 4.379 14.63 2.05 6,417.3
2.986 2.501 2.700 2.650 5029 FAREAST 2.700 0.020 85 2.690 — 1.11 1,603.4 0.045 0.005 0.025 0.020 1201 SUMATEC 0.020 -0.005 3053.2 0.024 — — 85.1
1.560 0.630 0.945 0.930 5222 FGV 0.930 -0.010 3640.7 0.935 — — 3,392.8 0.579 0.297 0.460 0.450 7228 T7GLOBAL 0.450 -0.005 162.5 0.453 49.45 1.11 225.7
10.674 8.971 9.990 9.940 2291 GENP 9.950 0.010 683.3 9.950 80.18 1.18 8,928.7 0.075 0.025 0.065 0.060 7206 THHEAVY 0.060 -0.005 985.5 0.063 4.58 — 67.3
0.460 0.335 — — 7382 GLBHD 0.390 — — — — — 86.9 1.510 0.550 0.840 0.790 7250 UZMA 0.835 0.040 18594 0.817 9.00 — 267.2
0.858 0.530 0.710 0.710 2135 GOPENG 0.710 0.010 0.1 0.710 47.33 3.52 191.0 0.340 0.165 0.310 0.295 5243 VELESTO 0.300 -0.010 17711 0.302 — — 2,464.7
0.800 0.340 — — 7501 HARNLEN 0.625 — — — — — 115.9 1.150 0.595 0.615 0.605 5142 WASEONG 0.610 0.005 430.8 0.611 8.71 — 472.7
2.268 1.400 1.420 1.410 5138 HSPLANT 1.410 -0.040 18.7 1.415 114.63 1.06 1,128.0 7.208 4.018 6.800 6.670 7293 YINSON 6.700 -0.020 4324.3 6.693 32.73 0.90 7,328.7
2.576 1.283 1.460 1.440 2216 IJMPLNT 1.460 -0.040 173 1.454 — 1.37 1,285.6
0.694 0.550 0.600 0.600 2607 INCKEN 0.600 0.005 1 0.600 — 1.78 252.5
0.798 0.580 0.690 0.680 6262 INNO 0.680 -0.005 12 0.683 68.69 1.47 325.6
4.698 4.064 4.440 4.380 1961 IOICORP 4.380 -0.020 2289.5 4.400 43.58 1.83 27,526.7
0.688 0.430 0.455
25.611 23.000 23.860 23.560
3.950 3.100 3.500
0.450 —
23.68 46.24
3.500 —
Ace Market
1.285 1.080 1.130 1.120 5027 KMLOONG 1.130 UNCH 36.2 1.123 22.69 5.31 1,057.0 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.460 0.365 0.375 0.375 1996 KRETAM 0.375 UNCH 140 0.375 — — 872.9
1.150 0.680 0.750 0.750 6572 KWANTAS 0.750 -0.005 20 0.750 — — 233.8 CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES
0.950 0.690 — — 4936 MALPAC 0.705 — — — — 14.18 52.9 0.740 0.325 0.560 0.550 0098 BAHVEST 0.550 -0.010 1432.8 0.552 63.22 — 673.7
0.731 0.546 0.570 0.560 5026 MHC 0.570 0.015 27 0.567 712.5 2.63 112.0 0.270 0.190 0.205 0.200 0179 BIOHLDG 0.200 -0.005 94.5 0.200 16.67 0.55 172.0
2.000 1.680 — — 5047 NPC 1.900 — — — — — 228.0 0.350 0.150 0.160 0.155 0205 DPIH 0.160 Unch 161 0.158 7.37 — 77.9
3.583 3.082 — — 2038 NSOP 3.320 — — — — 1.81 233.1 0.395 0.095 0.355 0.345 0116 FOCUS 0.355 0.005 3714 0.353 — — 725.4
0.690 0.140 0.315 0.280 1902 PINEPAC 0.280 UNCH 52.3 0.281 — — 41.9 0.477 0.113 0.420 0.400 0157 FOCUSP 0.420 Unch 905.9 0.411 9.15 4.48 92.4
1.310 0.750 0.795 0.760 9695 PLS 0.760 -0.020 170 0.763 — — 266.5 0.125 0.075 0.090 0.085 0074 GOCEAN 0.085 Unch 540.6 0.087 12.69 — 24.6
0.290 0.135 0.145 0.140 5113 RSAWIT 0.145 UNCH 420 0.142 — — 205.7 0.090 0.035 0.070 0.065 0170 KANGER 0.070 0.005 717.8 0.068 10.14 — 62.6
3.701 2.732 — — 2542 RVIEW 2.830 — — — 658.1 1.41 183.5 0.428 0.241 0.310 0.305 0210 KHJB 0.310 0.005 9.7 0.305 11.88 — 117.8
3.178 2.740 3.000 3.000 2569 SBAGAN 3.000 UNCH 1 3.000 — 0.67 199.0 0.205 0.130 0.145 0.145 0180 KTC 0.145 Unch 273.1 0.145 6.22 — 74.0
0.460 0.240 — — 4316 SHCHAN 0.255 — — — — — 33.6 0.165 0.090 — — 0182 LKL 0.095 — — — — — 40.7
5.299 3.934 4.920 4.820 5285 SIMEPLT 4.850 -0.080 2104.4 4.854 95.47 2.12 33,390 0.250 0.100 0.140 0.135 0140 MACPIE 0.140 Unch 33.5 0.138 — — 49.5
2.791 1.919 2.060 2.050 5126 SOP 2.060 UNCH 282 2.059 32.75 2.43 1,176.0 0.575 0.277 0.555 0.535 0201 NOVA 0.555 0.005 558.7 0.547 15.04 0.90 176.3
1.844 1.310 — — 5135 SWKPLNT 1.450 — — — 23.02 3.45 406.0 0.155 0.100 — — 0153 OVERSEA 0.110 — — — — — 27.1
2.720 1.882 2.240 2.180 5012 TAANN 2.200 UNCH 10.3 2.211 13.71 4.55 978.7 0.125 0.060 — — 0022 PARLO 0.070 — — — — — 25.5
0.260 0.145 0.180 0.180 2054 TDM 0.180 0.005 23 0.180 — — 302.9 0.400 0.185 0.190 0.185 0171 PLABS 0.190 0.005 431 0.190 10.73 3.16 40.8
0.715 0.350 0.360 0.350 5112 THPLANT 0.350 -0.010 198.1 0.356 — — 309.3 0.539 0.434 — — 0158 SCC 0.520 — — — 11.85 6.54 73.4
1.177 0.865 0.890 0.880 9059 TSH 0.890 0.015 107.9 0.883 32.25 1.12 1,229.8 0.225 0.075 0.095 0.085 0148 SUNZEN 0.095 0.015 327.1 0.088 — — 50.8
6.105 5.000 5.160 5.130 2593 UMCCA 5.160 0.020 9.9 5.142 — 1.55 1,082.0 0.387 0.255 0.265 0.255 0197 WEGMANS 0.265 0.010 150.1 0.260 8.41 1.89 132.5
27.000 24.006 25.800 25.500 2089 UTDPLT 25.520 0.020 7.5 25.58 16.19 1.57 5,311.6 0.235 0.120 0.230 0.220 0095 XINGHE 0.220 -0.010 2431 0.225 — — 93.9
0.180 0.100 — — 0159 AMEDIA 0.135 — — — — — 32.3 0.300 0.210 — — 0122 AIM 0.270 — — — — — 71.8
0.700 0.605 0.615 0.615 7031 AMTEL 0.615 UNCH 1.3 0.615 9.40 — 33.3 0.095 0.055 0.065 0.060 0105 ASIAPLY 0.065 0.005 500.1 0.060 — 7.69 29.5
1.698 0.999 1.380 1.330 6399 ASTRO 1.340 -0.010 1855.8 1.348 15.11 6.34 6,987.2 0.065 0.040 0.045 0.045 0072 AT 0.045 Unch 166.6 0.045 — — 20.9
5.280 3.161 4.270 4.220 6888 AXIATA 4.230 0.030 4940.3 4.237 — 2.25 38,614.3 0.250 0.140 0.145 0.140 0187 BCMALL 0.145 Unch 383 0.142 10.00 1.38 61.1
0.375 0.100 0.175 0.135 6025 BJMEDIA 0.165 0.035 50.3 0.159 — — 38.8 0.245 0.130 0.145 0.135 0163 CAREPLS 0.145 0.010 903.2 0.142 — — 77.0
5.050 3.852 4.750 4.640 6947 DIGI 4.720 0.110 4422.3 4.717 24.39 4.05 36,698 0.155 0.075 0.090 0.090 0102 CONNECT 0.090 0.005 1.5 0.090 — — 29.6
0.355 0.180 0.190 0.190 0059 ECOHLDS 0.190 UNCH 122 0.190 12.26 — 40.2 0.300 0.170 0.230 0.230 0190 ESAFE 0.230 0.050 1.5 0.230 41.82 7.83 55.3
0.670 0.300 0.660 0.650 0082 GPACKET 0.660 0.005 18503 0.659 — — 601.3 0.204 0.105 0.165 0.165 0100 ESCERAM 0.165 Unch 64.9 0.165 44.59 3.64 33.9
5.756 4.964 5.640 5.570 6012 MAXIS 5.570 -0.030 731.3 5.601 27.44 3.59 43,560.1 0.548 0.326 0.340 0.335 0039 GFM 0.335 Unch 682.2 0.336 12.32 3.28 157.8
0.600 0.325 0.485 0.480 4502 MEDIA 0.480 UNCH 299.5 0.480 — — 532.4 0.235 0.105 0.160 0.150 0175 HHGROUP 0.150 -0.010 744 0.157 — — 50.9
0.271 0.165 0.175 0.170 5090 MEDIAC 0.170 UNCH 641.6 0.171 0.75 6.88 286.8 0.155 0.080 0.110 0.105 0160 HHHCORP 0.105 Unch 856 0.106 10.10 — 35.0
0.660 0.400 0.660 0.630 0172 OCK 0.635 -0.015 7381.9 0.644 20.35 — 553.4 0.260 0.115 — — 0188 HLT 0.215 — — — — — 110.1
0.434 0.326 — — 7190 PPG 0.340 — — — 52.31 1.47 34.0 0.085 0.035 0.035 0.035 0024 JAG 0.035 Unch 10.7 0.035 — — 53.1
0.310 0.165 0.175 0.170 5252 SASBADI 0.175 0.005 353 0.170 92.11 — 73.3 0.340 0.178 0.340 0.310 0193 KAB 0.340 0.020 5481.2 0.328 15.25 2.94 120.4
0.700 0.470 — — 9431 SJC 0.530 — — — — — 21.5 0.170 0.080 0.130 0.125 0167 MCLEAN 0.130 0.005 416.6 0.129 — — 23.2
0.895 0.545 0.555 0.550 6084 STAR 0.555 UNCH 64.2 0.550 — 5.41 409.9 0.240 0.090 0.105 0.105 0081 MEGASUN 0.105 -0.005 0.2 0.105 35.00 — 26.3
9.350 7.329 9.100 9.010 5031 TIMECOM 9.050 -0.050 386.6 9.090 16.69 1.02 5,299.1 0.210 0.105 0.110 0.110 0207 MESTRON 0.110 Unch 582 0.110 — — 86.9
4.680 2.097 3.520 3.430 4863 TM 3.480 -0.010 5723.9 3.489 41.63 0.57 13,103.3 0.115 0.040 0.040 0.040 0177 PASUKGB 0.040 -0.005 160.8 0.040 — — 32.6
0.310 0.045 — — 5754 UTUSAN 0.055 — — — — — 6.1 0.210 0.105 — — 0038 PTB 0.110 — — — — — 20.5
TECHNOLOGY 0.380 0.165 0.175 0.170 0196 QES 0.170 -0.005 383.1 0.172 16.67 — 128.9
0.180 0.040 0.045 0.045 0133 SANICHI 0.045 Unch 332.4 0.045 — — 49.9
0.700 0.605 0.615 0.615 7031 AMTEL 0.615 UNCH 1.3 0.615 9.40 — 33.3 0.180 0.090 0.100 0.100 0161 SCH 0.100 Unch 159 0.100 — — 55.6
0.190 0.115 0.125 0.120 5195 CENSOF 0.120 -0.005 50.8 0.120 400.0 — 60.2 0.982 0.429 0.870 0.825 0001 SCOMNET 0.835 -0.025 1312.3 0.846 32.12 1.20 536.9
0.330 0.160 0.180 0.175 0051 CUSCAPI 0.180 UNCH 1344.6 0.180 — — 154.7 0.290 0.115 — — 0028 SCOPE 0.155 — — — — 3.23 96.0
0.985 0.490 0.565 0.545 7204 D&O 0.565 0.020 2029.8 0.559 19.82 1.77 627.2 0.120 0.080 0.090 0.085 0055 SERSOL 0.085 Unch 150.3 0.085 — — 18.3
0.285 0.160 0.170 0.165 8338 DATAPRP 0.170 UNCH 19 0.165 — — 74.4 0.580 0.260 0.295 0.270 0211 TASHIN 0.285 0.015 1552.5 0.280 7.54 — 99.5
0.080 0.040 0.050 0.045 0029 DIGISTA 0.050 UNCH 101 0.045 — — 32.9 0.496 0.241 0.300 0.290 0084 TECFAST 0.300 0.010 346.2 0.297 21.13 3.33 68.4
0.447 0.192 0.265 0.260 4456 DNEX 0.260 UNCH 1394.5 0.261 14.61 1.92 457.1 0.663 0.360 0.405 0.360 0089 TEXCYCL 0.370 -0.015 386.6 0.386 14.45 1.62 94.8
0.950 0.280 0.940 0.910 5216 DSONIC 0.915 UNCH 18689 0.923 28.59 2.73 1,235.3 0.390 0.215 0.240 0.230 0162 WIDAD 0.240 0.015 1071.8 0.235 24.24 — 589.1
0.775 0.380 0.440 0.430 5036 EDARAN 0.435 -0.010 133.7 0.436 — — 26.1 0.180 0.115 0.130 0.125 0025 YBS 0.130 0.005 50 0.127 11.61 — 31.5
0.813 0.367 0.645 0.630 0065 EFORCE 0.635 UNCH 2679.6 0.636 38.25 1.97 390.8 TECHNOLOGY
1.430 0.756 0.910 0.860 0090 ELSOFT 0.905 0.050 3399.1 0.891 19.50 4.97 604.6 0.380 0.175 0.265 0.255 0181 AEMULUS 0.260 0.005 716.1 0.260 173.3 0.77 142.9
1.709 0.566 1.700 1.670 0128 FRONTKN 1.670 -0.010 5467.8 1.684 26.59 1.08 1,759.2 0.195 0.075 0.090 0.080 0119 APPASIA 0.085 Unch 460.2 0.085 — — 29.3
0.240 0.080 — — 9377 FSBM 0.095 — — — — — 13.4 0.300 0.135 0.140 0.135 0068 ASDION 0.140 Unch 208.5 0.139 — — 17.9
1.860 1.240 1.430 1.380 0021 GHLSYS 1.420 UNCH 575.4 1.420 38.90 — 1,063.9 0.465 0.200 0.250 0.220 0195 BINACOM 0.245 0.030 3091.6 0.238 11.89 4.08 63.7
0.670 0.300 0.660 0.650 0082 GPACKET 0.660 0.005 18503 0.659 — — 601.3 0.347 0.180 — — 0191 CABNET 0.195 — — — 7.56 4.10 34.9
0.300 0.176 0.255 0.250 0056 GRANFLO 0.250 -0.005 68 0.250 12.20 2.00 120.8 0.180 0.090 0.095 0.090 0152 DGB 0.090 -0.005 150 0.094 — — 68.1
2.537 1.350 1.790 1.750 7022 GTRONIC 1.780 UNCH 659.4 1.775 20.92 1.54 1,191.6 0.105 0.065 0.100 0.090 0131 DGSB 0.095 Unch 1145.5 0.095 67.86 — 70.8
1.440 0.340 1.230 1.180 5028 HTPADU 1.200 -0.020 1259.9 1.206 — — 121.5 0.025 0.005 0.015 0.010 0154 EAH 0.015 Unch 1426.6 0.012 — — 76.1
2.345 1.197 1.760 1.710 0166 INARI 1.730 UNCH 19005 1.733 28.69 3.01 5,499.8 0.075 0.015 0.060 0.055 0107 EDUSPEC 0.055 Unch 6357.9 0.060 — — 60.6
0.353 0.242 0.265 0.265 0192 INTA 0.265 -0.005 43.6 0.265 5.65 2.83 141.8 2.015 1.040 1.060 1.060 0104 GENETEC 1.060 Unch 10.7 1.060 35.69 4.72 44.8
0.145 0.070 — — 9393 ITRONIC 0.095 — — — — — 12.7 0.100 0.045 0.065 0.060 0045 GNB 0.065 Unch 215.2 0.060 — — 18.8
0.290 0.155 0.170 0.165 5161 JCY 0.165 UNCH 47 0.166 — 3.03 342.7 1.470 0.635 1.430 1.390 0208 GREATEC 1.410 Unch 2248.3 1.407 18.46 — 882.7
17.016 6.660 6.900 6.700 9334 KESM 6.840 0.140 61.1 6.824 19.26 0.44 294.2 0.050 0.015 0.015 0.015 0174 IDMENSN 0.015 -0.005 15.5 0.015 — — 4.1
0.220 0.080 0.085 0.080 0143 KEYASIC 0.080 -0.005 906 0.080 — — 76.0 0.506 0.180 0.315 0.310 0023 IFCAMSC 0.310 Unch 2011 0.312 17.03 3.23 188.6
0.405 0.310 — — 0302 MCOM 0.405 — — — 36.82 — 76.4 0.120 0.045 0.060 0.055 0094 INIX 0.060 0.005 2475 0.057 — — 16.3
3.321 1.442 2.030 1.940 5286 MI 2.020 0.080 2704 2.002 22.25 2.97 1,010.0 0.195 0.125 0.155 0.150 0010 IRIS 0.155 0.005 10259 0.151 14.09 — 459.8
1.262 0.585 0.620 0.595 0113 MMSV 0.600 UNCH 1899.8 0.605 17.96 3.33 122.3 0.275 0.150 0.175 0.165 0209 ISTONE 0.175 0.010 12053 0.173 14.23 — 213.8
12.837 8.330 8.920 8.800 3867 MPI 8.870 0.120 171.9 8.872 13.13 3.04 1,861.7 1.020 0.640 0.785 0.780 0146 JFTECH 0.785 0.010 2 0.783 49.37 — 164.8
1.930 0.950 — — 5011 MSNIAGA 1.170 — — — — — 70.7 1.450 0.805 1.170 1.150 0127 JHM 1.160 0.010 277.9 1.165 17.50 1.72 646.8
1.794 0.779 1.440 1.420 0138 MYEG 1.420 -0.010 5922.5 1.427 59.17 1.34 5,121.0 0.292 0.190 0.200 0.195 0111 K1 0.195 -0.005 430.3 0.199 17.26 — 142.1
0.257 0.177 0.205 0.195 0041 MYSCM 0.195 -0.005 1663.9 0.199 — — 62.1 0.080 0.030 — — 0036 KGROUP 0.035 — — — — — 18.2
0.743 0.460 0.520 0.510 0083 NOTION 0.510 -0.005 226.6 0.511 4.82 1.96 169.9 0.737 0.496 0.615 0.600 0176 KRONO 0.600 -0.005 3942 0.608 12.35 3.33 293.6
0.450 0.320 0.415 0.405 9008 OMESTI 0.415 -0.005 111 0.409 — — 198.6 0.160 0.050 0.055 0.055 0018 LAMBO 0.055 Unch 1358.1 0.055 7.14 — 115.6
3.920 1.532 3.920 3.660 7160 PENTA 3.860 0.180 4316.2 3.767 24.43 — 1,833.0 0.545 0.275 0.325 0.315 0075 LYC 0.320 Unch 144.3 0.320 — — 104.0
1.080 0.255 0.465 0.435 5204 PRESBHD 0.460 0.035 11553 0.448 — 3.70 222.6 0.070 0.035 0.045 0.045 0017 M3TECH 0.045 Unch 45 0.045 — — 26.4
0.535 0.240 0.470 0.440 9075 THETA 0.460 0.020 7.1 0.460 — — 49.3 0.425 0.205 — — 0155 MGRC 0.265 — — — — — 27.4
0.025 0.010 0.015 0.015 0118 TRIVE 0.015 UNCH 170 0.015 — — 35.2 0.700 0.305 0.600 0.550 0126 MICROLN 0.590 -0.010 26.5 0.568 113.4 — 98.7
0.200 0.105 — — 4359 TURIYA 0.110 — — — — — 25.2 0.324 0.175 0.190 0.190 0112 MIKROMB 0.190 Unch 48.6 0.190 20.88 4.21 112.0
3.233 1.920 2.100 2.080 5005 UNISEM 2.080 0.030 15.6 2.087 19.12 3.97 1,526.4 0.065 0.035 0.045 0.040 0085 MLAB 0.045 Unch 1025 0.040 — — 30.2
1.630 1.100 1.610 1.580 5292 UWC 1.590 UNCH 2270.1 1.590 16.09 — 583.2 0.290 0.200 0.290 0.275 0034 MMAG 0.275 Unch 974.2 0.278 — — 195.5
8.444 5.667 7.110 7.020 0097 VITROX 7.080 0.060 279.7 7.083 31.58 0.81 3,334.4 0.100 0.035 0.095 0.090 0103 MNC 0.095 0.005 13747 0.095 — — 45.4
1.090 0.884 — — 5162 VSTECS 1.030 — — — 6.96 4.85 185.4 0.165 0.095 0.105 0.100 0156 MPAY 0.100 Unch 756 0.101 — — 71.0
0.601 0.325 0.410 0.400 0008 WILLOW 0.405 UNCH 127 0.402 13.97 2.47 200.9 0.050 0.020 0.025 0.025 0070 MQTECH 0.025 Unch 597.2 0.025 — — 16.1
UTILITIES 0.115 0.050 0.115 0.095 0092 MTOUCHE 0.115 0.010 6926.7 0.107 — — 58.5
0.270 0.090 0.140 0.135 7471 EDEN 0.140 UNCH 1283.9 0.136 — — 56.5 1.202 0.691 0.730 0.725 0108 N2N 0.730 0.010 99.9 0.727 29.44 2.74 436.5
0.025 0.005 0.015 0.010 0020 NETX 0.010 Unch 1725.1 0.010 — — 32.7
2.960 2.587 2.860 2.830 5209 GASMSIA 2.830 -0.020 665.7 2.850 19.93 4.88 3,633.7 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0096 NEXGRAM 0.015 Unch 1144.3 0.015 — — 31.1
0.923 0.695 0.860 0.840 5264 MALAKOF 0.840 -0.010 851.7 0.847 1.71 7.07 4,200.0 0.185 0.080 0.085 0.085 0026 NOVAMSC 0.085 Unch 104.7 0.085 — — 63.9
4.007 2.973 3.870 3.800 3069 MFCB 3.870 0.010 21.6 3.834 12.38 1.03 1,641.0 0.910 0.435 0.645 0.625 0035 OPCOM 0.625 -0.015 4009.1 0.633 — 5.20 100.8
1.253 1.002 1.150 1.140 5041 PBA 1.140 0.020 31 1.143 — 3.07 377.6 0.364 0.267 0.355 0.345 0040 OPENSYS 0.345 0.005 1477.2 0.349 10.36 3.62 102.8
19.577 14.740 16.740 16.200 6033 PETGAS 16.420 0.100 1187.6 16.44 17.69 4.38 32,490.8 0.230 0.045 0.095 0.085 0079 ORION 0.085 -0.005 2742.3 0.091 — — 60.1
1.440 0.580 1.280 1.260 5272 RANHILL 1.260 -0.030 78.3 1.275 27.51 3.44 1,343.1 0.730 0.240 — — 0006 PINEAPP 0.320 — — — — — 15.5
0.298 0.211 0.230 0.225 8567 SALCON 0.230 UNCH 212.7 0.229 54.76 3.35 194.8 0.100 0.045 0.050 0.050 0123 PRIVA 0.050 -0.005 0.9 0.050 — — 27.9
1.013 0.845 0.925 0.915 8524 TALIWRK 0.920 UNCH 495.5 0.918 20.67 5.22 1,854.6 1.730 0.867 1.520 1.510 0200 REVENUE 1.520 0.020 268.1 1.516 37.44 — 354.1
15.385 11.240 13.900 13.800 5347 TENAGA 13.800 -0.140 1365.9 13.82 25.80 3.84 78,479.1 0.750 0.525 — — 0106 REXIT 0.600 — — — 13.67 5.00 113.6
1.250 0.965 0.980 0.970 4677 YTL 0.975 -0.005 3189.4 0.974 40.12 4.10 10,714.5 0.345 0.200 0.245 0.240 0202 RGTECH 0.245 0.005 110 0.242 42.98 — 128.7
1.056 0.685 0.745 0.730 6742 YTLPOWR 0.730 -0.010 7934.6 0.735 12.19 6.85 5,955.5 0.310 0.090 0.125 0.125 0178 SEDANIA 0.125 -0.005 130 0.125 — — 31.0
CLOSED-END FUNDS 0.610 0.370 0.500 0.485 0203 SMETRIC 0.500 0.015 10 0.487 151.52 — 121.8
2.800 2.300 2.350 2.330 5108 ICAP 2.350 UNCH 15.9 2.337 81.88 — 329.0 0.155 0.090 0.095 0.090 0117 SMRT 0.090 -0.010 53.5 0.095 — — 36.6
EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS 0.250 0.055 0.245 0.235 0169 SMTRACK 0.245 Unch 4784.4 0.245 — — 38.3
1.222 1.100 — — 0800EA ABFMY1 1.222 — — — — 1.91 1,580.0 0.150 0.080 0.090 0.090 0093 SOLUTN 0.090 0.005 58.6 0.090 — — 27.6
6.140 5.220 5.740 5.700 0829EA CHINAETF-MYR 5.700 0.020 18.5 5.718 — — 9.4 0.340 0.195 — — 0129 SRIDGE 0.210 — — — 15.11 — 29.5
1.345 1.345 — — 0829EB CHINAETF-USD 1.345 — — — — — 0.9 0.325 0.155 0.160 0.160 0050 SYSTECH 0.160 Unch 82.9 0.160 — 1.25 55.6
1.950 1.780 1.830 1.830 0822EA CIMBA40 1.830 UNCH 6 1.830 — 3.74 4.9 0.125 0.045 0.055 0.045 0132 TDEX 0.055 -0.005 2290.4 0.050 — — 32.5
1.690 1.450 1.540 1.540 0823EA CIMBC50 1.540 -0.020 43 1.540 — — 11.0 0.160 0.085 — — 0145 TFP 0.090 — — — — — 18.7
1.910 1.675 1.680 1.675 0820EA FBMKLCI-EA 1.680 0.005 3.6 1.680 — 1.96 2.8 0.340 0.125 0.145 0.140 0005 UCREST 0.140 -0.005 1590.9 0.140 9.46 — 65.0
1.070 0.940 — — 0826EA METFAPA 0.945 — — — — — 17.0 0.330 0.108 0.165 0.160 0060 VC 0.160 Unch 46.2 0.161 — — 62.4
1.000 0.790 — — 0825EA METFSID 0.835 — — — — 2.38 73.5 0.775 0.305 0.375 0.370 0120 VIS 0.375 0.010 202.5 0.372 10.45 2.67 63.4
1.180 0.900 — — 0827EA METFUS50 1.160 — — — — — 15.1 0.030 0.015 0.020 0.015 0069 VIVOCOM 0.020 Unch 77.5 0.015 — — 113.3
1.200 1.020 — — 0821EA MYETFDJ 1.065 — — — — 2.29 291.7 0.255 0.085 0.115 0.100 0066 VSOLAR 0.105 -0.005 68962 0.111 — — 40.5
1.200 1.040 — — 0824EA MYETFID 1.110 — — — — 2.49 44.0 0.045 0.035 — — 0141 WINTONI 0.035 — — — — — 18.0
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS 0.145 0.100 — — 0086 YGL 0.110 — — — — — 25.6
0.820 0.654 0.780 0.770 4952 AHP 0.780 0.010 12.3 0.771 11.82 7.47 171.6 TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA
1.550 1.150 1.530 1.530 5116 ALAQAR 1.530 0.020 10.8 1.530 12.38 5.78 1,126.1 0.465 0.200 0.250 0.220 0195 BINACOM 0.245 0.030 3091.6 0.238 11.89 4.08 63.7
0.935 0.731 0.895 0.885 5269 ALSREIT 0.885 -0.010 0.9 0.892 12.22 6.09 513.3 0.720 0.420 — — 0147 INNITY 0.460 — — — 30.07 — 64.0
0.552 0.486 0.510 0.505 5120 AMFIRST 0.510 UNCH 26.3 0.509 16.50 7.73 350.1 0.070 0.035 0.045 0.045 0017 M3TECH 0.045 Unch 45 0.045 — — 26.4
0.850 0.810 0.830 0.825 5127 ARREIT 0.825 UNCH 72.5 0.826 35.71 6.99 472.9 0.100 0.035 0.095 0.090 0103 MNC 0.095 0.005 13747 0.095 — — 45.4
1.215 1.040 1.050 1.050 5130 ATRIUM 1.050 UNCH 131.8 1.050 12.08 6.98 214.9 0.115 0.050 0.115 0.095 0092 MTOUCHE 0.115 0.010 6926.7 0.107 — — 58.5
1.990 1.349 1.860 1.840 5106 AXREIT 1.840 -0.010 3769.1 1.845 14.91 5.17 2,276.6 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0096 NEXGRAM 0.015 Unch 1144.3 0.015 — — 31.1
1.097 0.919 1.050 1.030 5180 CMMT 1.040 0.010 742.2 1.039 23.96 6.47 2,133.8 0.910 0.435 0.645 0.625 0035 OPCOM 0.625 -0.015 4009.1 0.633 — 5.20 100.8
1.142 0.955 1.000 0.985 5121 HEKTAR 1.000 0.020 200.7 0.992 15.22 8.34 462.0 0.100 0.045 0.050 0.050 0123 PRIVA 0.050 -0.005 0.9 0.050 — — 27.9
2.100 1.534 2.070 2.000 5227 IGBREIT 2.050 -0.010 5641.4 2.041 21.22 4.50 7,269.0 0.165 0.060 0.070 0.065 0007 PUC 0.070 0.005 2669.3 0.066 15.91 — 154.1
0.863 0.698 0.835 0.830 5280 KIPREIT 0.835 UNCH 143.4 0.833 12.39 7.22 421.9 0.454 0.146 0.405 0.395 0032 REDTONE 0.405 0.010 1716.5 0.401 16.60 — 307.3
8.388 7.060 8.350 8.020 5235SS KLCC 8.050 -0.100 1625.1 8.056 19.93 4.34 14,532.9 0.355 0.130 0.140 0.130 0173 REV 0.135 -0.005 138.3 0.135 — — 18.2
1.080 1.020 1.030 1.020 5123 MQREIT 1.020 -0.010 47.9 1.023 16.94 7.07 1,093.2 0.310 0.090 0.125 0.125 0178 SEDANIA 0.125 -0.005 130 0.125 — — 31.0
1.900 1.447 1.880 1.830 5212 PAVREIT 1.840 -0.020 1313.8 1.842 19.21 4.80 5,595.6 0.340 0.195 — — 0129 SRIDGE 0.210 — — — 15.11 — 29.5
1.980 1.534 1.930 1.890 5176 SUNREIT 1.910 UNCH 4118.7 1.906 14.45 5.02 5,625.1 0.070 0.040 0.050 0.045 0165 XOX 0.050 Unch 200.4 0.047 — — 54.6
0.909 0.813 0.860 0.860 5111 TWRREIT 0.860 UNCH 24 0.860 26.14 6.90 241.2 FINANCIAL SERVICES
1.425 1.187 1.310 1.300 5110 UOAREIT 1.300 -0.010 70 1.309 15.20 7.02 549.7 0.075 0.040 — — 0150 FINTEC 0.050 — — — — — 30.7
1.390 1.073 1.380 1.370 5109 YTLREIT 1.370 -0.010 2286 1.379 22.28 5.64 2,335.0 0.600 0.390 0.420 0.415 0053 OSKVI 0.420 -0.010 10.5 0.419 — — 83.0
0.245 0.130 0.145 0.135 0163 CAREPLS 0.145 0.010 903.2 0.142 — — 77.0
0.51 0.480 — — 5270 RSENA 0.505 — — — — — 505.0 0.165 0.090 — — 0182 LKL 0.095 — — — — — 40.7
ENERGY 0.425 0.205 — — 0155 MGRC 0.265 — — — — — 27.4
0.155 0.056 0.095 0.090 5115 ALAM 0.090 -0.005 349 0.092 — — 86.2 0.575 0.277 0.555 0.535 0201 NOVA 0.555 0.005 558.7 0.547 15.04 0.90 176.3
0.605 0.145 0.290 0.275 5210 ARMADA 0.275 -0.010 65762 0.281 — — 1,616.0 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS
0.165 0.025 0.035 0.030 7251 BARAKAH 0.035 UNCH 305.5 0.032 — — 29.3 0.110 0.055 — — 0048 ANCOMLB 0.060 — — — — — 28.4
0.995 0.201 0.980 0.955 5257 CARIMIN 0.970 0.005 4203.3 0.969 78.86 3.09 226.9 0.285 0.195 0.210 0.205 0080 STRAITS 0.210 0.005 340.9 0.205 19.81 — 136.6
1.370 0.735 0.935 0.920 5071 COASTAL 0.920 -0.005 85.7 0.922 33.45 — 489.3 0.500 0.295 — — 0199 TRIMODE 0.380 — — — 18.27 2.63 63.1
0.035 0.005 0.010 0.005 0091 DAYA 0.005 UNCH 220 0.010 — — 10.2 CONSTRUCTION
1.750 0.500 1.580 1.530 5141 DAYANG 1.560 -0.010 11672 1.548 7.78 — 1,505.1 0.348 0.205 0.300 0.295 0198 GDB 0.300 Unch 178 0.295 7.06 6.67 187.5
1.281 0.786 0.985 0.940 5132 DELEUM 0.950 -0.050 978.8 0.952 13.57 3.84 381.5 0.392 0.230 — — 0206 NADIBHD 0.255 — — — 6.04 — 192.0
3.615 2.703 3.520 3.490 7277 DIALOG 3.490 -0.010 8716.3 3.496 36.70 0.95 19,689.3 0.050 0.010 0.030 0.030 0109 SCBUILD 0.030 Unch 260.3 0.030 15.00 — 26.5
0.510 0.275 0.370 0.360 7253 HANDAL 0.360 -0.005 15.1 0.365 — — 78.8 PLANTATION
7.060 4.290 4.350 4.300 4324 HENGYUAN 4.310 0.010 338.4 4.314 — — 1,293.0 0.080 0.065 0.065 0.065 0189 MATANG 0.065 Unch 636 0.065 72.22 3.08 117.7
1.360 0.760 0.975 0.950 5199 HIBISCS 0.955 -0.020 7332.8 0.966 6.60 — 1,516.8 UTILITIES
0.300 0.130 0.140 0.135 2739 HUAAN 0.135 UNCH 873.7 0.136 15.34 — 151.5 0.347 0.172 0.215 0.215 0011 BTECH 0.215 0.010 7.9 0.215 13.19 7.44 54.2
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 8 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 1 3 , 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY
Main Market & Ace Market Warrants
0.140 0.115 0.135 0.130 5199C8 HIBISCS-C8 0.130 -0.010 740 0.955 1.000 26.49 31/03/2020
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PR’M EXPIRY 0.145 0.025 0.035 0.030 5199CZ HIBISCS-CZ 0.030 -0.005 600 0.955 1.050 17.80 31/10/2019
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.665 0.275 0.300 0.290 5199WC HIBISCS-WC 0.295 -0.005 644.8 0.955 1.060 41.88 19/03/2021
0.350 0.100 0.155 0.155 8443WB HIL-WB 0.155 -0.065 0.2 0.510 1.080 142.16 25/10/2027
0.390 0.005 0.020 0.020 70338 A50CHIN-C38 0.020 -0.015 75 2.998 8.801 194.58 30/09/2019 0.160 0.005 — — 5819CO HLBANK-CO 0.005 — — 2.358 22.000 836.17 23/10/2019
0.470 0.115 0.185 0.170 70340 A50CHIN-C40 0.185 0.015 161 8.052 8.428 9.27 26/11/2019 0.155 0.030 0.065 0.065 0188WA HLT-WA 0.065 Unch 49.9 0.215 0.200 23.26 27/12/2022
0.555 0.220 0.385 0.355 70342 A50CHIN-C42 0.385 0.045 1918.2 8.051 8.001 6.56 31/12/2019 0.180 0.015 0.020 0.015 5160WA HOMERIZ-WA 0.020 Unch 615 0.625 0.920 50.40 09/07/2020
0.150 0.125 0.135 0.135 70344 A50CHIN-C44 0.135 0.005 31.8 8.052 8.961 16.32 20/02/2020 0.315 0.125 0.205 0.195 5160WB HOMERIZ-WB 0.195 Unch 1306.4 0.625 0.540 17.60 03/07/2022
0.195 0.130 0.195 0.185 70348 A50CHIN-C48 0.195 0.015 4815 8.052 9.335 19.56 31/03/2020 0.008 0.003 0.005 0.005 7013WA HUBLINE-WA 0.005 Unch 8 0.055 3.160 5,655 04/11/2019
0.390 0.275 0.390 0.360 70350 A50CHIN-C50 0.385 0.040 4996.6 8.051 8.268 9.87 31/03/2020 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.005 7013WB HUBLINE-WB 0.005 Unch 26.9 0.055 0.200 272.73 20/12/2020
0.480 0.035 0.035 0.035 70329 A50CHIN-H29 0.035 -0.015 1.6 5.032 7.468 49.45 30/09/2019 0.025 0.010 0.025 0.020 7013WC HUBLINE-WC 0.025 0.005 1822.5 0.055 0.055 45.45 17/12/2023
0.090 0.010 0.020 0.010 5238WA AAX-WA 0.010 -0.005 5281.3 0.175 0.460 168.57 08/06/2020 0.055 0.020 — — 9601WD HWGB-WD 0.030 — — 0.080 0.320 337.50 15/03/2021
0.080 0.020 0.020 0.020 2488C1 ABMB-C1 0.020 -0.010 30 3.010 3.880 30.90 14/02/2020 0.045 0.005 — — 4251WA IBHD-WA 0.005 — — 0.305 1.410 363.93 08/10/2019
0.225 0.090 0.095 0.090 6599CR AEON-CR 0.090 -0.010 48 1.500 1.450 8.67 31/03/2020 0.870 0.290 0.420 0.405 9687WB IDEAL-WB 0.405 -0.015 34 1.530 1.000 -8.17 30/03/2021
0.115 0.030 0.035 0.030 5139CC AEONCR-CC 0.035 Unch 600 15.060 16.650 14.04 31/01/2020 0.020 0.005 — — 0174WA IDMENSN-WA 0.005 — — 0.015 0.200 1,267 14/07/2020
0.130 0.050 0.055 0.055 509981 AIRASIAC81 0.055 -0.005 299.9 1.800 1.847 13.09 31/01/2020 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 522516 IHH-C16 0.125 Unch 30 5.690 6.100 14.89 31/03/2020
0.135 0.020 0.020 0.020 509982 AIRASIAC82 0.020 -0.005 500 1.800 1.916 9.09 14/10/2019 0.210 0.100 0.115 0.110 333630 IJM-C30 0.115 0.010 159.8 2.250 2.000 4.22 29/11/2019
0.200 0.045 0.050 0.045 509983 AIRASIAC83 0.050 Unch 120 1.800 1.971 14.41 31/10/2019 0.170 0.100 0.110 0.110 333632 IJM-C32 0.110 0.005 64.8 2.250 2.280 11.11 14/02/2020
0.275 0.125 0.130 0.130 509985 AIRASIAC85 0.130 -0.005 30 1.800 1.711 8.86 20/12/2019 0.100 0.090 0.095 0.095 333633 IJM-C33 0.095 0.005 230 2.250 2.550 25.16 31/03/2020
0.200 0.085 0.090 0.090 509986 AIRASIAC86 0.090 Unch 200 1.800 2.053 24.30 31/01/2020 0.105 0.005 — — 16626 INARI-C26 0.005 — — 0.285 1.850 554.39 30/09/2019
0.145 0.040 0.045 0.045 509987 AIRASIAC87 0.045 Unch 820 1.800 2.326 33.52 31/01/2020 0.130 0.030 0.045 0.045 16640 INARI-C40 0.045 0.005 10 1.730 1.860 14.28 31/10/2019
0.100 0.040 0.055 0.055 509988 AIRASIAC88 0.055 0.005 64 1.800 2.053 21.35 29/05/2020 0.125 0.080 0.105 0.105 16643 INARI-C43 0.105 0.005 2600 1.730 1.780 24.13 31/01/2020
0.115 0.045 0.055 0.050 509989 AIRASIAC89 0.055 Unch 490 1.800 2.039 19.54 14/02/2020 0.180 0.120 0.165 0.165 16644 INARI-C44 0.165 0.005 200 1.730 1.500 11.50 31/01/2020
0.070 0.030 0.030 0.030 509990 AIRASIAC90 0.030 Unch 50 1.800 3.480 97.50 28/02/2020 0.125 0.100 0.125 0.120 16645 INARI-C45 0.120 Unch 1200 1.730 1.880 29.48 30/06/2020
0.065 0.060 0.065 0.065 509991 AIRASIAC91 0.065 Unch 950 1.800 2.280 36.06 16/03/2020 0.090 0.050 0.080 0.080 16646 INARI-C46 0.080 Unch 40 1.730 1.800 15.61 28/02/2020
0.090 0.080 0.085 0.080 509992 AIRASIAC92 0.085 Unch 2240 1.800 1.950 20.61 31/03/2020 0.085 0.055 0.085 0.085 16647 INARI-C47 0.085 0.015 98 1.730 1.780 17.63 30/04/2020
0.105 0.010 0.025 0.020 5014C4 AIRPORT-C4 0.025 Unch 231.9 8.640 8.350 -0.75 30/09/2019 0.100 0.070 0.100 0.095 16648 INARI-C48 0.095 Unch 3213 1.730 1.850 22.31 31/03/2020
0.200 0.050 0.150 0.135 5014C8 AIRPORT-C8 0.150 Unch 200 8.640 8.000 3.01 29/11/2019 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 16649 INARI-C49 0.110 Unch 0.2 1.730 1.650 14.45 27/04/2020
0.185 0.100 0.110 0.110 5014C9 AIRPORT-C9 0.110 Unch 4.1 8.640 8.000 2.78 30/04/2020 1.880 0.710 1.230 1.200 0166WB INARI-WB 1.200 Unch 185.6 1.730 0.533 0.19 17/02/2020
0.070 0.035 0.040 0.040 5115WA ALAM-WA 0.040 -0.005 1920.4 0.090 0.120 77.78 28/03/2022 0.180 0.025 0.040 0.035 3379WB INSAS-WB 0.040 0.005 493.5 0.810 1.000 28.40 25/02/2020
0.100 0.025 0.030 0.030 101514 AMBANK-C14 0.030 -0.005 40 4.050 4.500 14.81 31/01/2020 0.020 0.005 0.005 0.005 0024WB JAG-WB 0.005 Unch 478.7 0.035 0.150 342.86 15/11/2020
0.190 0.090 0.180 0.170 521051 ARMADA-C51 0.170 -0.010 175 0.275 0.235 16.36 30/06/2020 0.685 0.150 0.525 0.505 4723WB JAKS-WB 0.505 -0.015 28 0.765 0.640 49.67 13/12/2023
0.105 0.065 0.100 0.100 521052 ARMADA-C52 0.100 -0.005 100 0.275 0.300 45.45 11/02/2020 0.170 0.050 0.075 0.075 0111WC K1-WC 0.075 Unch 246.5 0.195 0.300 92.31 30/12/2021
0.080 0.075 0.080 0.075 521053 ARMADA-C53 0.075 Unch 0.4 0.275 0.280 29.09 27/04/2020 0.050 0.010 0.030 0.025 0170WA KANGER-WA 0.030 0.005 10 0.070 0.100 85.71 13/04/2020
0.285 0.140 0.165 0.160 7579WA AWC-WA 0.160 0.005 28 0.600 0.880 73.33 25/12/2023 0.345 0.140 0.275 0.275 7161WB KERJAYA-WB 0.275 Unch 59.5 1.400 1.600 33.93 28/02/2023
0.295 0.090 0.110 0.105 688836 AXIATA-C36 0.105 Unch 2619.7 4.230 3.750 2.30 23/10/2019 0.025 0.005 — — 0036WB KGROUP-WB 0.005 — — 0.035 0.200 485.71 01/05/2020
0.230 0.105 0.110 0.110 688838 AXIATA-C38 0.110 Unch 1035 4.230 4.440 20.57 30/04/2020 0.315 0.010 0.185 0.175 7164WB KNM-WB 0.175 -0.010 5856.8 0.375 1.000 213.33 21/04/2020
0.180 0.050 0.065 0.060 688839 AXIATA-C39 0.060 Unch 6745.6 4.230 4.880 24.59 31/01/2020 0.090 0.010 0.070 0.070 7017WB KOMARK-WB 0.070 Unch 150 0.325 0.230 -7.69 21/01/2020
0.210 0.070 0.075 0.075 688840 AXIATA-C40 0.075 0.005 222 4.230 4.880 26.00 06/01/2020 0.110 0.070 0.075 0.075 7153CZ KOSSAN-CZ 0.075 0.005 200 4.260 4.250 8.57 23/10/2019
0.180 0.040 0.055 0.050 688841 AXIATA-C41 0.050 0.005 587 4.230 5.000 25.30 23/01/2020 0.045 0.005 0.015 0.015 5172WA KSTAR-WA 0.015 Unch 4615.8 0.095 0.080 0.00 10/04/2021
0.160 0.055 0.060 0.060 688842 AXIATA-C42 0.060 0.005 420 4.230 5.600 40.90 31/03/2020 0.310 0.125 0.150 0.145 9385WA LAYHONG-WA 0.145 0.005 369.3 0.405 0.400 34.57 13/10/2021
0.110 0.015 0.015 0.015 688843 AXIATA-C43 0.015 -0.050 0.2 4.230 5.500 31.80 29/05/2020 0.260 0.135 0.145 0.140 8494WB LBICAP-WB 0.145 Unch 206 0.650 0.500 -0.77 24/06/2024
0.100 0.035 0.040 0.040 688844 AXIATA-C44 0.040 0.005 300 4.230 5.380 32.86 14/02/2020 0.060 0.010 0.025 0.025 6633CK LHI-CK 0.025 Unch 50 0.815 0.950 22.70 28/02/2020
0.120 0.055 0.065 0.065 688845 AXIATA-C45 0.065 Unch 1360 4.230 4.880 27.66 28/08/2020 0.180 0.170 0.180 0.180 6633CL LHI-CL 0.180 0.005 600 0.815 0.750 14.11 28/08/2020
0.485 0.170 0.310 0.305 0098WA BAHVEST-WA 0.310 Unch 1044 0.550 0.430 34.55 20/08/2024 0.126 0.005 0.010 0.010 7126WA LONBISC-WA 0.010 Unch 106.1 0.145 0.800 458.62 26/01/2020
0.225 0.005 — — 4162CN BAT-CN 0.005 — — 11.270 40.000 256.48 23/10/2019 0.050 0.020 0.030 0.025 5068WB LUSTER-WB 0.030 Unch 920.8 0.070 0.100 85.71 26/05/2023
0.085 0.050 0.075 0.055 4162CP BAT-CP 0.075 0.020 714.8 19.800 23.500 28.16 15/05/2020 0.055 0.010 0.015 0.015 0140WA MACPIE-WA 0.015 Unch 20 0.140 0.480 253.57 17/02/2021
0.180 0.070 0.085 0.085 5248C4 BAUTO-C4 0.085 0.015 25.8 2.360 2.318 8.73 28/02/2020 0.350 0.135 0.280 0.200 7617WB MAGNA-WB 0.200 -0.075 140 1.020 0.900 7.84 04/09/2020
0.009 0.004 — — 5248C5 BAUTO-C5 0.005 — — 0.254 2.800 1,008 14/02/2020 0.140 0.120 0.140 0.130 3859C5 MAGNUM-C5 0.140 0.005 50.7 2.840 3.000 15.49 16/03/2020
0.395 0.115 0.255 0.250 5258WA BIMB-WA 0.250 Unch 273.9 3.960 4.720 25.51 04/12/2023 0.075 0.005 0.010 0.005 8583WC MAHSING-WC 0.005 -0.005 40 0.418 2.100 403.59 21/02/2020
0.070 0.015 0.020 0.020 6998WA BINTAI-WA 0.020 Unch 150 0.120 0.200 83.33 15/06/2020 0.260 0.050 0.060 0.055 5236WA MATRIX-WA 0.060 0.005 221.5 1.930 2.400 27.46 20/07/2020
0.135 0.055 0.060 0.060 0179WA BIOHLDG-WA 0.060 Unch 14 0.200 0.220 40.00 05/01/2022 0.165 0.105 0.130 0.125 601211 MAXIS-C11 0.125 Unch 320 5.570 5.280 8.26 30/04/2020
0.070 0.045 0.045 0.045 3239WB BJASSET-WB 0.045 Unch 100 0.305 0.350 29.51 09/06/2023 0.140 0.065 0.100 0.100 601212 MAXIS-C12 0.100 Unch 123 5.570 5.400 5.92 29/11/2019
0.070 0.030 0.035 0.035 3395WB BJCORP-WB 0.035 Unch 100 0.255 1.000 305.88 22/04/2022 0.145 0.075 0.085 0.080 601213 MAXIS-C13 0.080 Unch 110 5.570 5.880 12.03 06/01/2020
0.095 0.050 — — 3395WC BJCORP-WC 0.060 — — 0.255 1.000 315.69 29/05/2026 0.125 0.080 0.115 0.115 601214 MAXIS-C14 0.115 Unch 80 5.570 5.580 10.50 28/02/2020
0.200 0.105 0.135 0.135 1562CZ BJTOTO-CZ 0.135 -0.005 639.8 2.680 2.600 7.09 28/02/2020 0.005 0.005 — — 5189WA MAXWELL-WA 0.005 — — 0.010 0.400 3,950 24/03/2020
0.025 0.010 0.020 0.015 7036WC BORNOIL-WC 0.020 Unch 100.5 0.045 0.070 100.00 08/11/2025 0.065 0.005 0.010 0.005 115552 MAYBANKC52 0.010 Unch 406.3 5.747 9.500 66.52 29/11/2019
0.030 0.015 0.020 0.015 7036WD BORNOIL-WD 0.020 Unch 131.3 0.045 0.070 100.00 29/05/2027 0.005 0.005 — — 115553 MAYBANKC53 0.005 — — 0.787 10.000 1,175 17/09/2019
0.045 0.005 0.005 0.005 7188WA BTM-WA 0.005 Unch 300 0.105 0.940 800.00 20/12/2019 0.265 0.020 0.020 0.020 115554 MAYBANKC54 0.020 -0.005 0.1 4.920 10.400 112.40 31/10/2019
0.115 0.030 0.035 0.035 181826 BURSA-C26 0.035 Unch 230 6.190 6.880 13.97 14/02/2020 0.095 0.045 0.055 0.055 115556 MAYBANKC56 0.055 0.010 10 8.900 9.000 5.45 29/11/2019
0.435 0.150 0.180 0.155 7154WA CAELY-WA 0.180 Unch 2.2 0.335 0.190 10.45 22/04/2021 0.060 0.035 0.045 0.040 115559 MAYBANKC59 0.040 Unch 217.3 8.900 9.000 5.17 30/04/2020
0.130 0.005 — — 7076WA CBIP-WA 0.005 — — 0.485 2.400 395.88 06/11/2019 0.150 0.125 0.150 0.145 115560 MAYBANKC60 0.150 0.010 50.1 8.900 8.880 8.20 31/03/2020
0.205 0.070 0.095 0.090 7035WA CCK-WA 0.090 Unch 35.5 0.505 0.900 96.04 18/06/2023 0.535 0.250 0.400 0.400 5152WA MBL-WA 0.400 0.005 19.8 1.220 0.800 -1.64 28/11/2022
0.430 0.110 0.200 0.175 8125WB DAIBOCI-WB 0.200 0.005 0.5 1.740 2.500 55.17 19/06/2022 0.500 0.180 0.450 0.440 5983CI MBMR-CI 0.440 -0.060 200 4.270 3.880 11.48 11/02/2020
0.440 0.175 0.250 0.245 5276WA DANCO-WA 0.250 0.005 28 0.510 0.300 7.84 22/05/2022 0.365 0.130 0.335 0.315 5983CJ MBMR-CJ 0.315 -0.020 258.6 4.270 3.180 3.98 30/04/2020
0.140 0.030 0.070 0.070 3484WA DBHD-WA 0.070 -0.005 33.2 0.410 0.580 58.54 27/11/2020 0.185 0.170 0.185 0.170 5983CK MBMR-CK 0.170 -0.170 256 4.270 4.600 25.64 31/03/2020
0.105 0.095 0.095 0.095 727750 DIALOG-C50 0.095 -0.005 19 3.490 3.380 10.46 08/05/2020 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 5983CL MBMR-CL 0.200 Unch 201.6 4.270 4.380 21.31 27/04/2020
0.005 0.005 — — 727751 DIALOG-C51 0.005 — — 0.267 3.680 1,287 30/04/2020 0.050 0.005 0.005 0.005 117121 MBSB-C21 0.005 Unch 77 0.428 1.100 158.47 31/12/2019
0.140 0.060 0.100 0.095 694730 DIGI-C30 0.095 0.010 683.8 4.720 4.600 9.53 30/04/2020 0.075 0.030 0.045 0.045 3778WB MELEWAR-WB 0.045 Unch 130 0.135 0.400 229.63 18/08/2023
0.125 0.045 0.055 0.050 694731 DIGI-C31 0.055 0.010 250 4.720 5.050 12.24 20/12/2019 0.105 0.045 — — 5040WA MERIDIAN-WA 0.085 — — 0.075 0.500 680.00 13/08/2021
0.160 0.050 0.080 0.070 694732 DIGI-C32 0.080 0.015 410 4.720 5.000 13.56 06/01/2020 0.030 0.005 — — 5040WB MERIDIAN-WB 0.010 — — 0.075 0.900 1,113 22/04/2022
0.040 0.015 — — 0029WB DIGISTA-WB 0.025 — — 0.050 0.260 470.00 04/04/2023 0.035 0.005 — — 5040WC MERIDIAN-WC 0.015 — — 0.075 0.800 986.67 24/08/2024
0.150 0.045 0.065 0.060 4456WD DNEX-WD 0.065 0.005 1794.2 0.260 0.500 117.31 30/07/2021 0.195 0.050 0.195 0.185 7234WA MESB-WA 0.195 0.010 710.3 0.420 0.300 17.86 27/12/2022
0.415 0.100 0.130 0.130 7114WA DNONCE-WA 0.130 Unch 20 0.375 0.250 1.33 25/11/2020 1.940 1.010 1.620 1.580 3069WA MFCB-WA 1.580 -0.060 18.2 3.870 2.220 -1.81 08/04/2020
0.060 0.015 — — 5265WA DOLPHIN-WA 0.015 — — 0.090 0.800 805.56 29/03/2021 0.570 0.125 0.260 0.250 3662WC MFLOUR-WC 0.260 0.005 119.5 0.570 0.680 64.91 23/01/2024
0.195 0.030 0.035 0.035 7169WA DOMINAN-WA 0.035 -0.010 2 1.250 1.300 6.80 10/09/2020 0.400 0.140 0.160 0.160 7595WA MGB-WA 0.160 0.010 15 0.660 0.500 0.00 27/10/2019
0.330 0.065 0.170 0.160 161975 DRBHCOMC75 0.160 Unch 1698.5 2.480 2.000 0.00 31/12/2019 0.230 0.025 0.050 0.045 5286CD MI-CD 0.050 0.005 930 2.020 2.250 22.52 26/11/2019
0.230 0.070 0.095 0.090 161976 DRBHCOMC76 0.090 Unch 2270.4 2.480 2.380 6.85 14/10/2019 0.165 0.085 0.140 0.140 381621 MISC-C21 0.140 Unch 100 7.800 7.000 5.00 26/11/2019
0.320 0.110 0.170 0.165 161977 DRBHCOMC77 0.170 0.010 1200 2.480 2.100 5.24 26/11/2019 0.175 0.170 0.175 0.170 381624 MISC-C24 0.170 Unch 40.1 7.800 7.250 8.21 29/05/2020
0.240 0.095 0.115 0.110 161980 DRBHCOMC80 0.110 Unch 2100 2.480 2.500 14.11 23/12/2019 0.095 0.015 — — 9571WD MITRA-WD 0.020 — — 0.280 0.940 242.86 23/08/2020
0.215 0.075 0.100 0.090 161981 DRBHCOMC81 0.090 -0.005 1474 2.480 2.700 19.03 20/12/2019 0.140 0.050 0.070 0.065 9571WE MITRA-WE 0.070 Unch 75.5 0.280 0.940 260.71 17/04/2023
0.310 0.090 0.165 0.155 161982 DRBHCOMC82 0.160 0.005 285.6 2.480 2.100 4.03 29/11/2019 0.025 0.005 0.010 0.005 0085WA MLAB-WA 0.010 Unch 615.1 0.045 0.090 122.22 24/04/2020
0.260 0.115 0.160 0.155 161983 DRBHCOMC83 0.155 -0.005 416.9 2.480 2.100 9.68 29/05/2020 0.010 0.003 0.005 0.005 0085WB MLAB-WB 0.005 Unch 50 0.045 0.150 244.44 10/09/2020
0.215 0.110 0.125 0.120 161984 DRBHCOMC84 0.120 -0.010 149.8 2.480 2.480 19.35 31/07/2020 0.120 0.055 0.115 0.105 0034WB MMAG-WB 0.105 -0.010 939.6 0.275 0.200 10.91 27/11/2022
0.180 0.070 0.085 0.080 161985 DRBHCOMC85 0.080 Unch 436.7 2.480 2.880 25.81 28/02/2020 0.070 0.005 0.005 0.005 219412 MMCCORPC12 0.005 -0.005 10 1.060 1.200 14.86 30/09/2019
0.195 0.080 0.090 0.085 161986 DRBHCOMC86 0.085 Unch 6616.7 2.480 3.080 33.79 31/03/2020 0.125 0.095 0.095 0.095 219414 MMCCORPC14 0.095 Unch 70 1.060 1.200 31.13 31/07/2020
0.265 0.135 0.150 0.145 161987 DRBHCOMC87 0.150 0.010 60 2.480 2.480 18.15 30/04/2020 0.025 0.005 0.015 0.015 0103WA MNC-WA 0.015 Unch 138 0.095 0.100 21.05 05/11/2021
0.210 0.100 0.105 0.100 161988 DRBHCOMC88 0.100 Unch 292 2.480 2.880 28.23 08/05/2020 0.025 0.005 — — 0070WA MQTECH-WA 0.005 — — 0.025 0.100 320.00 21/11/2021
0.190 0.080 0.095 0.090 161989 DRBHCOMC89 0.090 Unch 30 2.480 2.700 19.76 30/06/2020 0.375 0.010 0.040 0.035 165141 MRCB-C41 0.035 -0.005 115.9 0.785 0.800 6.37 29/11/2019
0.085 0.070 0.075 0.075 161990 DRBHCOMC90 0.075 0.005 740 2.480 3.380 43.85 31/03/2020 0.105 0.045 0.085 0.085 165152 MRCB-C52 0.085 0.010 100 0.785 0.980 38.92 30/04/2020
0.125 0.115 0.125 0.120 161991 DRBHCOMC91 0.120 Unch 400 2.480 2.880 30.65 28/08/2020 0.115 0.100 0.115 0.115 165154 MRCB-C54 0.115 0.010 220 0.785 0.830 24.78 31/03/2020
0.445 0.050 0.435 0.410 5216WA DSONIC-WA 0.420 0.010 19439 0.915 1.090 65.03 05/07/2023 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 165155 MRCB-C55 0.105 Unch 1 0.785 0.780 19.43 27/04/2020
0.850 0.170 0.210 0.195 7165WA DWL-WA 0.210 Unch 154.3 0.570 0.600 42.11 07/04/2021 0.370 0.180 0.240 0.230 1651WB MRCB-WB 0.230 Unch 356.1 0.785 1.250 88.54 29/10/2027
0.015 0.005 — — 0154WD EAH-WD 0.005 — — 0.015 0.050 266.67 25/10/2022 0.035 0.005 0.020 0.010 0092WB MTOUCHE-WB 0.020 Unch 10.1 0.115 0.480 334.78 16/03/2020
0.320 0.070 0.200 0.195 5253WA ECONBHD-WA 0.195 -0.005 637.8 0.775 1.250 86.45 02/01/2023 0.045 0.005 0.030 0.025 0092WC MTOUCHE-WC 0.030 0.005 1402.7 0.115 0.200 100.00 02/11/2020
0.030 0.010 0.020 0.020 8206CV ECOWLD-CV 0.020 0.005 1681.5 0.690 0.880 33.33 30/04/2020 0.040 0.010 0.020 0.015 0043WA MTRONIC-WA 0.020 0.005 4123.6 0.055 0.080 81.82 16/04/2022
0.300 0.120 0.145 0.140 8206WA ECOWLD-WA 0.145 Unch 229.4 0.690 2.080 222.46 26/03/2022 0.010 0.005 — — 5703CJ MUHIBAH-CJ 0.005 — — 0.309 3.880 1,162 07/10/2019
0.085 0.030 0.045 0.045 7471WB EDEN-WB 0.045 Unch 37.5 0.140 0.300 146.43 13/08/2021 0.220 0.060 0.065 0.060 13861 MYEG-C61 0.065 Unch 340 1.420 1.300 5.28 30/09/2019
0.300 0.060 0.095 0.080 8907WC EG-WC 0.085 0.005 2048.6 0.375 0.500 56.00 03/11/2020 0.240 0.085 0.090 0.090 13863 MYEG-C63 0.090 0.005 150 1.420 1.200 3.52 23/10/2019
0.150 0.115 0.115 0.115 8877C1 EKOVEST-C1 0.115 Unch 1522 0.820 0.950 36.89 31/03/2020 0.140 0.085 0.090 0.090 13877 MYEG-C77 0.090 Unch 1450 1.420 1.750 40.99 31/03/2020
0.095 0.045 0.045 0.045 8877CU EKOVEST-CU 0.045 Unch 5875.3 0.820 1.100 47.32 20/12/2019 0.095 0.055 0.055 0.055 13879 MYEG-C79 0.055 Unch 800 1.420 2.080 57.32 31/03/2020
0.145 0.075 0.100 0.095 8877CX EKOVEST-CX 0.100 0.005 919 0.820 0.880 31.71 30/04/2020 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 13881 MYEG-C81 0.105 Unch 1 1.420 1.480 26.41 27/04/2020
0.155 0.100 0.105 0.105 8877CY EKOVEST-CY 0.105 0.005 653.6 0.820 0.830 26.83 29/05/2020 0.305 0.170 0.190 0.190 0108WB N2N-WB 0.190 Unch 37 0.730 0.830 39.73 08/01/2024
0.325 0.090 0.100 0.095 5283WA EWINT-WA 0.100 Unch 764 0.630 1.450 146.03 04/04/2022 0.008 0.003 — — 0096WA NEXGRAM-WA 0.005 — — 0.015 0.100 600.00 16/05/2022
0.050 0.005 — — 06505W FBMKLCI-C5W 0.005 — — 322.55 1,730 437.44 30/09/2019 0.010 0.005 — — 0096WB NEXGRAM-WB 0.005 — — 0.015 0.260 1,667 21/07/2023
0.110 0.025 0.035 0.035 06507B FBMKLCI-C7B 0.035 Unch 100 1,600 1,625 3.03 29/11/2019 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.005 0096WC NEXGRAM-WC 0.005 Unch 3600 0.015 0.100 600.00 15/01/2024
0.215 0.080 0.085 0.085 06507E FBMKLCI-C7E 0.085 0.005 11.5 1,701 1,660 0.08 31/01/2020 0.335 0.060 0.130 0.125 7241WA NGGB-WA 0.125 Unch 260.9 0.385 0.600 88.31 18/10/2020
0.080 0.010 0.015 0.015 06507F FBMKLCI-C7F 0.015 Unch 150 967.42 1,670 73.71 31/12/2019 0.095 0.045 0.050 0.045 7215WB NIHSIN-WB 0.050 Unch 255.3 0.150 0.138 25.33 13/05/2022
0.070 0.045 0.060 0.060 06507J FBMKLCI-C7J 0.060 Unch 300 1,600 1,789 15.49 30/06/2020 0.375 0.150 0.195 0.195 0083WC NOTION-WC 0.195 Unch 8.9 0.510 0.840 102.94 14/03/2023
0.070 0.050 0.060 0.060 06507L FBMKLCI-C7L 0.060 0.005 150 1,600 1,600 2.56 28/02/2020 0.150 0.060 0.125 0.110 0172WA OCK-WA 0.115 Unch 12788.3 0.635 0.710 29.92 15/12/2020
0.175 0.105 0.135 0.135 06508K FBMKLCI-H8K 0.135 -0.005 200 1,600 1,689 13.93 30/06/2020 0.145 0.020 0.045 0.045 0079WA ORION-WA 0.045 -0.005 438.4 0.085 0.170 152.94 26/07/2022
0.140 0.005 0.005 0.005 522262 FGV-C62 0.005 Unch 65.4 0.930 1.200 30.65 23/10/2019 0.130 0.020 0.030 0.025 5053WC OSK-WC 0.030 0.005 162.6 0.950 1.200 29.47 22/07/2020
0.085 0.025 0.030 0.025 522278 FGV-C78 0.025 -0.005 480 0.930 1.180 34.14 31/01/2020 0.365 0.100 0.180 0.175 5260WA OWG-WA 0.175 -0.005 1276.4 0.585 0.800 66.67 29/09/2023
0.135 0.125 0.130 0.125 522281 FGV-C81 0.125 -0.005 250 0.930 0.950 20.97 31/03/2020 0.240 0.190 0.215 0.205 8419WA PANSAR-WA 0.215 Unch 10.2 0.460 0.630 83.70 06/06/2023
0.020 0.010 — — 0150WA FINTEC-WA 0.015 — — 0.050 0.300 530.00 19/04/2024 0.160 0.060 0.100 0.100 5125WB PANTECH-WB 0.100 -0.010 0.5 0.490 0.500 22.45 21/12/2021
0.295 0.070 0.270 0.270 0116WC FOCUS-WC 0.270 0.005 9 0.355 0.050 -9.86 06/11/2019 0.305 0.200 0.220 0.215 1724WA PARAMON-WA 0.220 Unch 155 1.330 1.790 51.13 28/07/2024
0.185 0.125 0.180 0.175 0128CA FRONTKN-CA 0.175 0.005 3023.8 1.670 1.380 14.07 30/06/2020 0.055 0.025 0.030 0.030 7225WB PA-WB 0.030 0.005 250 0.055 0.060 63.64 17/12/2022
0.140 0.090 0.125 0.125 0128CB FRONTKN-CB 0.125 Unch 3003.5 1.670 1.680 23.05 30/06/2020 0.150 0.005 — — 129530 PBBANK-C30 0.005 — — 2.332 26.500 1,040 23/10/2019
0.150 0.100 0.145 0.145 0128CC FRONTKN-CC 0.145 Unch 2830 1.670 1.880 34.28 11/02/2020 0.115 0.085 0.085 0.085 129537 PBBANK-C37 0.085 -0.005 183.4 20.140 21.880 13.70 31/03/2020
0.110 0.070 0.090 0.090 0128CD FRONTKN-CD 0.090 0.005 400 1.670 1.880 28.74 31/03/2020 0.150 0.130 0.150 0.130 129538 PBBANK-C38 0.130 -0.020 40 20.140 20.500 9.53 15/05/2020
0.090 0.075 0.085 0.085 0128CF FRONTKN-CF 0.085 Unch 30 1.670 2.180 45.81 16/03/2020 0.315 0.035 0.175 0.170 6068WA PCCS-WA 0.175 Unch 779.8 0.435 0.600 78.16 25/12/2022
0.450 0.075 0.225 0.215 9261WB GADANG-WB 0.215 -0.005 1470.2 0.740 1.060 72.30 29/11/2021 0.200 0.005 — — 518330 PCHEM-C30 0.005 — — 2.487 8.900 259.17 23/10/2019
0.215 0.070 0.085 0.085 539865 GAMUDA-C65 0.085 0.015 700 3.580 3.600 11.24 31/10/2019 0.115 0.005 0.015 0.010 518331 PCHEM-C31 0.015 0.010 140.5 7.510 9.150 23.24 31/12/2019
0.285 0.175 0.195 0.190 539868 GAMUDA-C68 0.195 0.015 449.8 3.580 3.050 12.43 31/03/2020 0.105 0.005 0.010 0.010 518332 PCHEM-C32 0.010 0.005 140 7.510 9.280 24.63 31/01/2020
0.260 0.120 0.140 0.135 539869 GAMUDA-C69 0.140 0.010 433 3.580 3.250 6.42 29/11/2019 0.085 0.010 0.025 0.015 518333 PCHEM-C33 0.020 0.005 2834.9 7.510 8.880 20.64 31/01/2020
0.110 0.055 0.070 0.070 539874 GAMUDA-C74 0.070 0.010 384 3.580 3.880 16.20 14/02/2020 0.075 0.020 0.040 0.030 518334 PCHEM-C34 0.035 0.010 1505.1 7.510 8.880 21.97 30/06/2020
0.125 0.100 0.110 0.105 539876 GAMUDA-C76 0.110 0.005 45 3.580 4.000 25.56 30/04/2020 0.060 0.015 0.040 0.035 518335 PCHEM-C35 0.035 0.020 1.6 7.510 8.880 21.97 11/02/2020
0.520 0.125 0.285 0.280 5398WE GAMUDA-WE 0.285 0.005 299 3.580 4.050 21.09 06/03/2021 0.080 0.040 0.080 0.065 518336 PCHEM-C36 0.080 0.025 624.5 7.510 8.180 16.38 07/02/2020
0.520 0.135 0.405 0.395 5226WB GBGAQRS-WB 0.400 Unch 423.4 1.290 1.120 17.83 26/09/2023 0.150 0.090 0.150 0.130 518338 PCHEM-C38 0.145 0.040 928.8 7.510 6.950 7.99 15/05/2020
0.225 0.065 0.105 0.100 5102CB GCB-CB 0.100 Unch 167.7 3.900 3.650 5.13 23/10/2019 0.115 0.100 0.115 0.100 518339 PCHEM-C39 0.105 -0.045 306.2 7.510 7.600 12.38 29/05/2020
0.250 0.050 0.110 0.110 5102CF GCB-CF 0.110 -0.015 183.3 3.900 3.500 1.03 14/10/2019 0.175 0.115 0.175 0.145 518340 PCHEM-C40 0.160 0.025 1081.3 7.510 7.300 9.99 31/03/2020
0.140 0.130 0.130 0.130 5102CG GCB-CG 0.130 Unch 30 3.900 4.100 21.79 15/05/2020 0.160 0.145 0.160 0.145 518341 PCHEM-C41 0.150 Unch 2098.2 7.510 7.380 14.25 28/08/2020
0.190 0.025 0.045 0.035 0078WB GDEX-WB 0.040 Unch 2365 0.300 0.383 40.83 05/02/2020 0.025 0.005 0.005 0.005 6254WB PDZ-WB 0.005 Unch 47 0.030 0.100 250.00 29/01/2023
0.300 0.050 0.060 0.050 471550 GENM-C50 0.055 Unch 3183.6 3.250 3.077 -0.38 31/10/2019 0.200 0.060 0.065 0.060 9997WB PENSONI-WB 0.065 -0.010 9.2 0.390 0.600 70.51 20/01/2024
0.250 0.080 0.105 0.100 471552 GENM-C52 0.105 0.010 8878.6 3.250 2.813 2.32 30/09/2019 0.355 0.195 0.355 0.350 7160CA PENTA-CA 0.350 0.025 174.8 3.860 2.700 6.22 29/05/2020
0.150 0.020 0.030 0.030 471554 GENM-C54 0.030 0.005 6 3.250 3.565 13.30 31/12/2019 0.350 0.170 0.300 0.300 7160CB PENTA-CB 0.300 0.035 5 3.860 2.920 6.74 29/05/2020
0.150 0.025 0.030 0.030 471556 GENM-C56 0.030 Unch 510 3.250 3.500 11.85 26/11/2019 0.250 0.160 0.250 0.210 7160CC PENTA-CC 0.250 0.045 1804.5 3.860 3.400 10.75 31/01/2020
0.250 0.060 0.085 0.080 471557 GENM-C57 0.085 0.010 3745.1 3.250 3.300 12.00 28/02/2020 0.190 0.115 0.165 0.140 7160CD PENTA-CD 0.150 0.015 5640.7 3.860 3.500 8.16 20/02/2020
0.185 0.020 0.020 0.020 471558 GENM-C58 0.020 Unch 100 3.250 3.650 14.28 31/10/2019 0.220 0.125 0.220 0.185 7160CE PENTA-CE 0.220 0.030 1253.8 3.860 3.400 10.88 28/02/2020
0.175 0.050 0.070 0.065 471559 GENM-C59 0.065 Unch 249.8 3.250 3.880 26.38 28/02/2020 0.150 0.110 0.150 0.135 7160CF PENTA-CF 0.150 0.010 429.6 3.860 3.880 14.12 16/03/2020
0.100 0.065 0.085 0.080 471560 GENM-C60 0.080 0.005 4524.7 3.250 4.280 40.55 31/03/2020 0.175 0.145 0.175 0.155 7160CG PENTA-CG 0.170 0.025 278.8 3.860 4.080 20.23 13/03/2020
0.150 0.125 0.150 0.145 471563 GENM-C63 0.150 0.010 2136.6 3.250 3.400 22.15 30/04/2020 0.125 0.005 0.015 0.005 8311WC PESONA-WC 0.005 -0.005 550.2 0.215 0.250 18.60 27/01/2020
0.090 0.075 0.085 0.080 471564 GENM-C64 0.085 0.005 870 3.250 3.400 15.08 15/05/2020 0.100 0.020 0.040 0.035 5681CY PETDAG-CY 0.040 0.010 1.1 23.100 25.000 13.42 31/01/2020
0.145 0.130 0.145 0.140 471565 GENM-C65 0.145 0.010 144.2 3.250 2.900 7.08 29/05/2020 0.105 0.050 0.070 0.070 6033CU PETGAS-CU 0.070 0.010 25 16.420 16.000 1.71 30/06/2020
0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 471567 GENM-C67 0.110 Unch 1 3.250 3.300 15.08 27/04/2020 0.160 0.075 0.115 0.115 886927 PMETAL-C27 0.115 -0.015 20 4.900 4.300 -0.51 31/12/2019
0.095 0.005 — — 318264 GENTINGC64 0.005 — — 2.220 8.880 301.35 30/09/2019 0.160 0.145 0.150 0.150 886932 PMETAL-C32 0.150 0.005 20 4.900 5.300 21.94 31/03/2020
0.165 0.020 0.020 0.020 318268 GENTINGC68 0.020 Unch 200 5.860 6.600 14.33 29/11/2019 0.150 0.140 0.150 0.150 886933 PMETAL-C33 0.150 0.005 45.4 4.900 4.600 9.18 15/05/2020
0.130 0.030 0.040 0.040 318270 GENTINGC70 0.040 0.005 10 5.860 6.700 19.11 30/04/2020 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 886935 PMETAL-C35 0.115 Unch 0.4 4.900 5.350 19.74 27/04/2020
0.150 0.035 0.040 0.040 318272 GENTINGC72 0.040 Unch 1930 5.860 6.680 18.09 14/02/2020 0.620 0.395 0.460 0.450 7088WB POHUAT-WB 0.450 0.010 139.6 1.460 1.000 -0.68 21/10/2020
0.130 0.080 0.080 0.080 318273 GENTINGC73 0.080 Unch 20 5.860 6.880 23.28 31/03/2020 0.240 0.005 0.010 0.005 463433 POS-C33 0.010 0.005 2013.3 1.660 2.000 21.69 31/10/2019
0.130 0.085 0.090 0.085 318274 GENTINGC74 0.090 -0.020 260 5.860 6.500 18.60 31/03/2020 0.105 0.005 0.015 0.010 463434 POS-C34 0.010 0.005 650.4 1.660 2.380 45.78 29/11/2019
0.100 0.085 0.090 0.085 318275 GENTINGC75 0.085 Unch 2033.5 5.860 6.300 16.21 15/05/2020 0.115 0.025 0.040 0.035 463435 POS-C35 0.040 0.010 3608 1.660 1.900 24.10 20/12/2019
0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 318276 GENTINGC76 0.100 Unch 1103.2 5.860 6.080 17.41 28/08/2020 0.200 0.170 0.200 0.175 463436 POS-C36 0.200 0.030 2793 1.660 1.680 25.30 28/08/2020
0.095 0.095 0.095 0.095 318277 GENTINGC77 0.095 Unch 2 5.860 6.300 17.24 27/04/2020 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 463437 POS-C37 0.110 Unch 100 1.660 1.600 16.27 27/04/2020
0.245 0.085 0.095 0.090 0039WC GFM-WC 0.090 -0.005 1203.4 0.335 0.380 40.30 28/01/2022 0.220 0.040 0.065 0.060 8966WA PRLEXUS-WA 0.060 -0.005 162.8 0.540 1.200 133.33 14/06/2021
0.170 0.040 0.050 0.050 5220WA GLOTEC-WA 0.050 Unch 1.5 0.375 0.720 105.33 17/12/2021 0.100 0.035 0.055 0.050 5070WA PRTASCO-WA 0.050 Unch 14.5 0.245 0.750 226.53 25/04/2023
0.255 0.050 0.255 0.245 0082WB GPACKET-WB 0.255 0.010 35929.8 0.660 0.400 -0.76 24/11/2023 0.080 0.010 0.040 0.035 7145WA PSIPTEK-WA 0.035 -0.005 92.7 0.140 0.100 -3.57 16/11/2019
0.070 0.015 0.045 0.045 7096WA GPA-WA 0.045 Unch 200 0.105 0.100 38.10 03/06/2025 0.135 0.025 0.040 0.035 0186WA PTRANS-WA 0.040 Unch 46.1 0.220 0.235 25.00 19/09/2020
0.140 0.065 0.085 0.085 7022C1 GTRONIC-C1 0.085 Unch 60 1.780 1.880 15.17 14/02/2020 0.760 0.210 0.710 0.680 7237WA PWROOT-WA 0.680 -0.030 41.4 2.040 1.540 8.82 24/07/2023
0.120 0.030 0.045 0.045 7676WB GUNUNG-WB 0.045 0.015 0.5 0.275 0.400 61.82 02/10/2020 0.070 0.005 — — 7498WB RALCO-WB 0.005 — — 0.235 1.000 327.66 13/12/2019
0.210 0.100 0.125 0.125 516824 HARTA-C24 0.125 Unch 1200 5.260 4.800 4.33 26/11/2019 0.135 0.040 0.050 0.045 5256WA REACH-WA 0.045 Unch 153.6 0.190 0.750 318.42 12/08/2022
0.170 0.005 0.095 0.090 516825 HARTA-C25 0.090 -0.005 101.2 5.260 5.000 3.61 14/10/2019 0.730 0.330 0.625 0.610 0200WA REVENUE-WA 0.615 Unch 740.8 1.520 1.250 22.70 14/01/2024
0.170 0.075 0.115 0.115 516826 HARTA-C26 0.115 Unch 40 5.260 5.000 5.99 29/11/2019 0.110 0.015 0.045 0.045 106616 RHBBANKC16 0.045 0.005 320 5.640 5.500 2.30 14/10/2019
0.115 0.060 0.060 0.060 516827 HARTA-C27 0.060 Unch 200 5.260 5.800 17.68 23/01/2020 0.105 0.055 0.060 0.060 8567WB SALCON-WB 0.060 -0.005 20.2 0.230 0.300 56.52 19/07/2025
0.295 0.200 0.240 0.240 7105WA HCK-WA 0.240 Unch 65 1.230 0.960 -2.44 26/09/2027 0.015 0.005 — — 0133WC SANICHI-WC 0.005 — — 0.045 0.630 1,311 24/09/2019
0.700 0.230 0.255 0.235 5095WB HEVEA-WB 0.235 -0.020 16.6 0.525 0.250 -7.62 28/02/2020 0.030 0.005 0.005 0.005 0133WE SANICHI-WE 0.005 -0.005 0.1 0.045 0.100 133.33 13/12/2021
0.190 0.040 0.040 0.040 5072WB HIAPTEK-WB 0.040 Unch 50 0.200 0.500 170.00 23/06/2021 0.055 0.040 0.040 0.040 521878 SAPNRGC78 0.040 -0.005 4000 0.270 0.380 55.56 11/02/2020
0.100 0.065 0.080 0.080 5199C7 HIBISCS-C7 0.080 0.015 30 0.955 1.000 21.47 30/06/2020 0.125 0.040 0.115 0.110 521879 SAPNRGC79 0.110 -0.005 85 0.270 0.300 31.48 31/07/2020
Markets 2 9
Japan — Stocks hit four-month high as of semiconductor and robotics, which are and industrial stocks after China extended timeframe,” Ghriskey added.
trade detente hopes lift cyclicals seen as closely dependent on demand in an olive branch ahead of next month’s trade In a series of morning tweets, US President
China, rose sharply. negotiations with the US. Donald Trump called on the US Federal
TOKYO: Japanese shares posted solid gains Fanuc Corp rallied 2.2% and Keyence The S&P 500 Index closed above the 3,000 Reserve (Fed) to slash interest rates into
yesterday, with both the Nikkei and the Corp gained 1.9%. Advantest jumped 4.1% mark for the first time since July 30. negative territory, a move typically seen as a
broader Topix indices hitting four-month and Tokyo Electron climbed 2.7% to a Apple Inc provided the biggest boost to last-ditch effort to revive sluggish economies.
highs, as signs of an easing in US-China 15-month high. the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite Index “The experiment of negative interest rates
trade frictions lifted cyclical stocks such as The reversal of value-oriented stocks, the day after it unveiled its latest iPhone has certainly proved to be flawed in both the
machine makers. such as banks and automakers that had upgrade and announced the launch date of European Central Bank’s (ECB) and Japan
The Nikkei Share Average rose 0.75% to dominated the market until Wednesday, its Apple TV+ streaming service. Its shares and I certainly think it’s something the US
21,759.61 points, while the broader Topix ran out of steam. Growth stocks led gains rose 3.2%, once more lifting the company’s should probably try to avoid at all costs,”
advanced 0.72% to 1,595.1, both reaching with a rise of 0.8%, versus a 0.6% increase value above the US$1 trillion mark. said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at
their highest since early May. in value stocks. The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial National Securities in New York.
It was the eighth straight day of gains for Banking stocks fell 0.3% after rising Average, led by Boeing Co, posted its sixth Markets still expect the Fed to cut interest
the Nikkei, during which it has risen 5.5%. In more than 10% in the previous five sessions. consecutive daily gain. Boeing, the largest rates by 25 basis points at the conclusion of
another positive sign, in US dollar terms, the Transport equipment shares, which had US exporter by US dollar value, gained 3.6%. its monetary policy meeting next week. US
Nikkei raced to its highest levels since October. gained more than 8% in the last five sessions, China announced tariff exemptions for a Treasury yields rose for the third straight
US President Donald Trump said on were up 0.3%. basket of US goods, a move viewed by many session ahead of the ECB meeting yesterday.
Wednesday Washington has agreed to delay Online fashion retailer Zozo Inc jumped investors as a show of good faith just weeks The Dow rose 0.85% to 27,137.04 points;
increasing tariffs on US$250 billion worth of 13.4%, having catapulted as much as 18.9% ahead of planned talks aimed at resolving the the S&P 500 gained 0.72% to 3,000.93; and the
Chinese imports by two weeks after Beijing at one point, after Yahoo Japan Corp said it trade war, which has bruised world economies Nasdaq Composite added 1.06% to 8,169.68.
said it would exempt 16 types of US products aimed to buy 50.1% of its stake. Yahoo Japan and rattled markets for months. Of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500,
from import tariffs. Corp rose 2.4%. However, a senior White House adviser all but real estate closed in the black.
“Hopes for US-China deals are driving Elsewhere, Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd urged investors to be patient in an effort to Chipmaker Micron Technology Inc rose
the markets now. I expect this to continue advanced 9.3% after the company announced curb expectations for the trade talks scheduled 2.2% after Longbow Research upgraded the
for the next few weeks,” said Soichiro Monji, share buyback of up to ¥60 billion or 9.94% to take place next month in Washington. stock to “buy.”
senior economist at Sumitomo Mitsui DS of its outstanding shares. The turnover of “The general market still believes that a real The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor
Asset Management. the main board hit ¥2.77 trillion, the highestdeal is possible and all of these moves by the Index was up 1.5%.
“But once any deal is done, the rally will since Aug 2. White House and China are simply negotiating Oilfield services firm Baker Hughes A
lose momentum as the market will focus on tactics,” said Tim Ghriskey, chief investment General Electric (GE) Company registered
the strength of the economy and by that time, US — Trade hopes buoy Wall Street as strategist at Inverness Counsel in New York. the biggest percentage drop in the S&P 500,
it is possible that there will be more signs of China extends olive branch “(But) that belief swings on a daily basis based falling 7.5%, following news that parent
slowdown. So now is the time to buy. If you on tweets and statements from China. General Electric would sell US$3 billion in
wait, it will be too late,” he said. NEW YORK: Wall Street moved higher on “Right now we’re swinging a bit toward the Baker Hughes shares, resulting in a loss of
Cyclical shares such as manufacturers Wednesday, led by tariff-sensitive technology chance of a deal being made in a reasonable GE’s majority stake. — Reuters
NZ $ 0.587 0.644 0.640 0.522 0.850 0.886 0.886 0.936 2.6842 4.563 54.257 4.382 2.365 9,006 45.822 69.379 5.777 33.405 2.344 2.416 6.242 19.591 5.042
EURO 1.703 1.097 1.091 0.890 1.447 1.509 1.509 1.594 4.5723 7.773 92.422 7.464 4.029 15,342 78.054 118.181 9.841 56.903 3.993 4.115 10.633 33.371 8.588
US $ 1.553 0.912 0.994 0.811 1.319 1.375 1.375 1.453 4.1680 7.086 84.250 6.804 3.673 13,985 71.152 107.731 8.971 51.871 3.640 3.751 9.693 30.420 7.829
SWISS FR 1.562 0.917 1.006 0.816 1.327 1.383 1.383 1.462 4.1919 7.126 84.733 6.843 3.694 14,065 71.560 108.349 9.023 52.169 3.661 3.772 9.749 30.594 7.873
STERLING £ 1.914 1.124 1.233 1.226 1.626 1.696 1.696 1.792 5.1383 8.735 103.863 8.388 4.528 17,241 87.716 132.810 11.060 63.947 4.487 4.624 11.950 37.502 9.651
CANADA $ 1.177 0.691 0.758 0.754 0.615 1.043 1.043 1.102 3.1597 5.372 63.869 5.158 2.784 10,602 53.939 81.669 6.801 39.323 2.759 2.843 7.348 23.061 5.935
BRUNEI $ 1.129 0.663 0.727 0.723 0.590 0.959 1.000 1.057 3.0304 5.152 61.255 4.947 2.670 10,168 51.732 78.327 6.523 37.714 2.647 2.727 7.047 22.117 5.692
SINGAPORE $ 1.129 0.663 0.727 0.723 0.590 0.959 1.000 1.057 3.0302 5.151 61.251 4.946 2.670 10,167 51.728 78.322 6.522 37.711 2.646 2.727 7.047 22.116 5.692
AUSTRALIA $ 1.068 0.627 0.688 0.684 0.558 0.908 0.946 0.946 2.8680 4.876 57.972 4.682 2.527 9,623 48.960 74.130 6.173 35.693 2.505 2.581 6.670 20.932 5.387
MALAYSIA RM 0.373 0.219 0.240 0.239 0.195 0.316 0.330 0.330 0.349 1.0000 1.700 20.214 1.632 0.881 3,355 17.071 25.847 2.152 12.445 0.873 0.900 2.326 7.298 1.878
100 CHINESE RMB 21.914 12.865 14.113 14.032 11.448 18.616 19.411 19.412 20.510 58.8220 1,189 96.020 51.833 197,369 1,004.148 1,520 126.608 732.045 51.370 52.934 136.795 429.311 110.483
100 BANGLAD’H TAKA 1.843 1.082 1.187 1.180 0.963 1.566 1.633 1.633 1.725 4.9472 8.410 8.076 4.359 16,600 84.453 127.871 10.648 61.568 4.320 4.452 11.505 36.107 9.292
100 DANISH KRONER 22.822 13.398 14.698 14.614 11.922 19.388 20.215 20.216 21.360 61.2600 104.14 1,238 53.982 205,550 1,045.77 1,583 131.86 762.39 53.50 55.13 142.47 447.10 115.06
100 UAE DIRHAM 42.278 24.820 27.227 27.072 22.086 35.916 37.448 37.451 39.569 113.4829 192.93 2,294 185.25 380,777 1,937 2,933 244.26 1,412 99.11 102.12 263.91 828.25 213.15
1000 INA RUPIAH 0.011 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.0298 0.051 0.602 0.049 0.026 0.509 0.770 0.064 0.371 0.026 0.027 0.069 0.218 0.056
100 INDIA RUPEE 2.182 1.281 1.405 1.397 1.140 1.854 1.933 1.933 2.043 5.8579 9.959 118.409 9.562 5.162 19,655 151.410 12.608 72.902 5.116 5.272 13.623 42.754 11.003
100 JAPAN YEN 1.441 0.846 0.928 0.923 0.753 1.224 1.277 1.277 1.349 3.8689 6.577 78.204 6.316 3.409 12,982 66.046 8.327 48.149 3.379 3.482 8.997 28.237 7.267
100 NORWEGIAN KRONER 17.309 10.161 11.147 11.083 9.042 14.704 15.331 15.332 16.199 46.4600 78.984 939 75.841 40.940 155,890 793.117 1,201 578.199 40.574 41.810 108.047 339.087 87.264
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.994 1.757 1.928 1.917 1.564 2.543 2.652 2.652 2.802 8.0353 13.660 162.422 13.117 7.081 26,961 137.170 207.690 17.295 7.017 7.231 18.687 58.645 15.092
100 QATAR RIYAL 42.659 25.043 27.473 27.316 22.285 36.239 37.786 37.788 39.925 114.5055 194.664 2,315 186.917 100.901 384,208 1,955 2,960 246.460 1,425 103.044 266.292 835.715 215.071
100 SAUDI RIYAL 41.399 24.304 26.661 26.509 21.626 35.169 36.669 36.672 38.746 111.1230 188.914 2,246 181.396 97.920 372,858 1,897 2,872 239.180 1,383 97.046 258.426 811.028 208.718
100 SWEDISH KRONOR 16.020 9.404 10.317 10.258 8.369 13.609 14.190 14.190 14.993 43.0000 73.102 869.181 70.193 37.891 144,281 734.051 1,111 92.553 535.139 37.553 38.696 313.834 80.765
100 THAI BAHT 5.105 2.997 3.287 3.269 2.667 4.336 4.521 4.522 4.777 13.7015 23.293 276.955 22.366 12.074 45,974 233.898 354.145 29.491 170.516 11.966 12.330 31.864 25.735
100 HK$ 19.835 11.644 12.774 12.701 10.362 16.850 17.569 17.570 18.564 53.2407 90.512 1,076.181 86.909 46.915 178,642 908.870 1,376 114.595 662.585 46.496 47.912 123.816 388.576
Note: Run your finger down the left-hand side until you reach the country of origin you plan to exchange. Then move your finger until that line intersects with the vertical column of the currency you wish to buy. The figure is how much you will get. The above rates are subject to change and provided by Thompson Reuters.
Markets 3 1
1395 24000 -21.75
KLCI futures contracts FBM KLCI futures Euro slides after ECB cuts rates, Klibor
approves new bond purchases MONTH SETTLEMENT
The FBM KLCI futures contract on FBMKLCI 1,601.00 -1.30 128M The euro skidded below US$1.10 yesterday SEP9 96.40 — — —
OCT9 96.40 — — —
Bursa Malaysia Derivatives closed lower SEP 19 1,590.00 -4.00 5,755 31,374 -2,103 after the European Central Bank (ECB) cut DEC9 96.40 — — —
OCT 19 1,592.00 -2.50 229 412 39
yesterday. interest rates and unexpectedly relaunched MAR0 96.40 — — —
DEC 19 1,593.00 -2.00 83 602 -7
Spot month September 2019 dropped MAR 20 1,587.50 -2.00 32 184 5
a quantitative easing (QE) programme as JUN0 96.40 — — —
four points to 1,590; October 2019 declined TOTAL well to boost the region’s economy. SEP0 96.40 — — —
6,099 32,572 -2,066
DEC0 96.40 — — —
2.5 points to 1.592; and December 2019 Investors had expected a rate cut at MAR1 96.40 — — —
and March 2020 depreciated two points FUTURES
yesterday’s meeting but there was some JUN1 96.40 — — —
each to 1,593 and 1,587.5 respectively. uncertainty as to whether policymakers SEP1 96.40 — — —
Turnover, however, increased to 6,092 FUTURES FAIR VALUE would restart a QE programme after some DEC1 96.40 — — —
MAR2 96.40 — — —
lots from 5,773 lots on Wednesday, while CONTRACT
SEP 19
2.52 14.19 -11.67
ECB members expressed doubt in recent JUN2 96.40 — — —
open interest improved to 32,572 contracts OCT 19 50 6.86 15.68 -8.82 weeks about the need to relaunch asset SEP2 96.40 — — —
from 32,333 contracts previously. ROLL’S FAIR 2.85 purchases. DEC2 96.40 — — —
The benchmark KLCI lost 1.3 points to The euro, after initially rising, dropped MAR3 96.40 — — —
JUN3 96.40 — — —
end at 1,601. sharply to as low as US$1.0955, the day’s low
SEP3 96.40 — — —
Most Southeast Asian stock markets and down 0.5% on the session, as investors DEC3 96.40 — — —
ended lower yesterday, with Indonesia digested news of the rate cut and relaunch MAR4 96.40 — — —
falling the most, as signs of relief in the of QE. JAN-00 — — — —
US-China trade conflict failed to boost Around the region, MSCI’s Asia ex-Japan The euro hit a 28-month low earlier this JAN-00 — — — —
sentiment. stock index was firmer by 0.5%. — Agencies month of US$1.0963. — Reuters
Commodities CPO prices react to various factors including soyoil prices, weather conditions and stockpiles. Open interest shows either increasing or decreasing market participation.
1200 10000
1100 (-18) 0.000 20.00
Jan 6, 2008 Sept 12, 2019 Apr 10, 2007 Sept 12, 2019 Aug 31, 2008 Sept 12, 2019
Jan 6, 2008 Sept 12, 2019
Palm oil slips as stronger CPO futures Oil prices fall after Opec+ Commodities
F U T U R E S . M O N E Y M A R K E T . C O M M O D I T I E S PA G E 3 1
G L O BA L M A R K E T S PA G E 2 9
RESEARCH: TAI TS [[email protected]] M A I N M A R K E T . A C E M A R K E T L I ST I N G PA G E 2 5
KLCI 1,601.00 1.30 FBM ACE 4,528.79 23.06 FTSTI 3,194.96 9.56 NIKKEI 21,759.61 161.85 HANG SENG 27,087.63 71.43 DOW JONES 27,137.04 227.61
Volume (’mil) told that the “KLCI’s pullback followed UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
BNM’s statement” at 3pm yesterday that its monetary policy
FBM KLCI futures committee decided to maintain the OPR at 3%. PCHEM-C31 0.015 200.00 AXIATA-C43 0.015 -76.92
PCHEM-C35 0.035 133.33 TAKAFUL-CF 0.035 -53.33
At 5pm, the KLCI closed in the red after rising to its
HSI-C7A 0.020 100.00 SANICHI-WE 0.005 -50.00
SEP 19 1,590.00 -4.00 1,602.00 1,589.50 intraday high of 1,608.39. POS-C33 0.010 100.00 HSI-H6O 0.005 -50.00
OCT 19 1,592.00 -2.50 1,602.00 1,592.00 Across Bursa Malaysia, turnover settled at 1.89 billion POS-C34 0.010 100.00 MMCCORPC12 0.005 -50.00
DEC 19 1,593.00 -2.00 1,602.00 1,593.00
shares worth RM1.74 billion. Top decliners included KLCI PCHEM-C32 0.010 100.00 MBMR-CK 0.170 -50.00
components Petronas Dagangan Bhd and Tenaga Nasional APFT 0.015 50.00 YKGI-WB 0.005 -50.00
FBM KLCI sensitivity* Bhd. HSI-C5R 0.015 50.00 PESONA-WC 0.005 -50.00
GUNUNG-WB 0.045 50.00 MAHSING-WC 0.005 -50.00
KLCI CHANGE CLOSE VOLUME In currency markets, the ringgit strengthened to 4.1648
POINTS (RM) (RM) ('000) PCHEM-C36 0.080 45.45 A50CHIN-C38 0.020 -42.86
PETRONAS CHEMICAL 3.49 0.280 7.510 10476.9
against the US dollar at the time of writing amid higher crude PCHEM-C34 0.035 40.00 HSI-H8Q 0.155 -42.59
DIGI.COM 1.33 0.110 4.720 4422.3 oil prices and a stronger yuan. At a glance, the ringgit also SUPERMX-C72 0.090 38.46 ABMB-C1 0.020 -33.33
GENTING MALAYSIA 0.37 0.040 3.250 11361.0 appeared to take cue from BNM’s decision to maintain the
MALAYSIA AIRPORT 0.36 0.140 8.640 368.4 OPR at 3%. Top gainers and losers - warrants (ranked by%age)
PETRONAS GAS 0.31 0.100 16.420 1187.6 The KLCI bucked Asian equities rise amid ebbing US-
HONG LEONG BANK 0.27 0.080 16.480 1477.1 UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
NESTLE MALAYSIA -0.26 -0.700 146.200 136.1
China trade war concerns. — by Tan Xue Ying CLOSE (%) CLOSE (%)
MAXIS -0.37 -0.030 5.570 731.3 PCHEM-C31 0.015 200.00 AXIATA-C43 0.015 -76.92
HARTALEGA HOLDINGS -0.37 -0.070 5.260 1704.2
World equity indices PCHEM-C35 0.035 133.33 TAKAFUL-CF 0.035 -53.33
AMMB HOLDINGS -0.38 -0.080 4.050 1981.7 HSI-C7A 0.020 100.00 SANICHI-WE 0.005 -50.00
CIMB GROUP -0.45 -0.030 5.000 8702.3 CLOSE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE POS-C33 0.010 100.00 HSI-H6O 0.005 -50.00
HAP SENG CONSOLIDATED -0.47 -0.120 9.770 204.7
DOW JONES 27,137.04 227.61 INDONESIA 6,342.17 -39.78 POS-C34 0.010 100.00 MMCCORPC12 0.005 -50.00
SIME DARBY PLANTATION -0.86 -0.080 4.850 2104.4
S&P 500 3,000.93 21.54 JAPAN 21,759.61 161.85 PCHEM-C32 0.010 100.00 MBMR-CK 0.170 -50.00
PETRONAS DAGANG -1.21 -0.780 23.100 373.0
NASDAQ 100 7,887.58 72.84 KOREA 2,049.20 17.12 HSI-C5R 0.015 50.00 YKGI-WB 0.005 -50.00
TENAGA NASIONAL -1.24 -0.140 13.800 1365.9
FTSE 100 7,338.03 70.08 PHILIPPINES 7,944.43 -23.47 GUNUNG-WB 0.045 50.00 PESONA-WC 0.005 -50.00
IHH HEALTHCARE -1.50 -0.110 5.690 2047.7
AUSTRALIA 6,654.90 16.90 SINGAPORE 3,194.96 -9.56 PCHEM-C36 0.080 45.45 MAHSING-WC 0.005 -50.00
CHINA 3,031.24 22.42 TAIWAN 10,827.55 37.20 PCHEM-C34 0.035 40.00 A50CHIN-C38 0.020 -42.86
OTHERS -0.34
HONG KONG 27,087.63 -71.43 THAILAND 1,660.68 -13.35 SUPERMX-C72 0.090 38.46 HSI-H8Q 0.155 -42.59
INDIA 37,104.28 -166.54 VIETNAM 976.07 6.76 PCHEM-C38 0.145 38.10 ABMB-C1 0.020 -33.33
* How stock price changes affected the index on the previous trading day
Published by The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd (266980-X) Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Printed by Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd (62208-H) Lot 2, Jalan Sepana 15/3, Off Persiaran Selangor, Seksyen 15, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
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TTDI residents’
appeal: Hearing Chin Hin partners education service provider
rescheduled to Nov 22
Hearing of the appeal by Taman Tun
for 8th & Stellar project
Dr Ismail (TTDI) residents against
the dismissal of their judicial review Chin Hin Property Development
to challenge the development of a has partnered with early childhood
high-rise residential project in Taman education service provider Melody
Rimba Kiara has been rescheduled to Kindyland to bring in the latter’s
Nov 22. The case had earlier been fixed kindergarten and daycare centre
for hearing on Sept 10. to its 8th & Stellar development
Counsel Datuk Dr Gurdial Singh in Sri Petaling, Kuala lumpur and
Nijar told the media that the court possibly to another project in Seri
wanted the parties to prepare a map Kembangan, Selangor.
marking the area prior to and after Represented by Chin Hin group
development. Conditional planning managing director Chiau Haw
The Edge Property Sdn Bhd Choon and Melody Kindyland CEO
(1091814-P) permission and development order
Level 3, Menara KLK, for the project had been granted by Samuel Swea, both parties inked a
No. 1 Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara joint venture agreement on Sept 6
Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya,
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).
Selangor, Malaysia The applicants are seeking to at 8th & Stellar Sales Gallery. double-storey retail units at 8th & ed to 8,000 or 10,000 sq ft in fu-
quash DBKL’s decision on the pro- The event was witnessed by Chin Stellar, which is expected to take up ture if needed.
posed development which included a Hin group deputy group executive 6,000 sq ft of space and accommo- Targeted to be completed in chairman Datuk Seri Chiau Beng date 160 children, Haw Choon said. the fourth quarter of 2022, 8th
29-storey apartment comprising 350
units of affordable housing and eight Teik, Chin Hin Property Develop- “We do not want to create just & Stellar is a twin-tower mixed
Managing Director/Editor-in-chief
Au Foong Yee serviced apartment blocks with eight ment managing director Datuk Yeo a house for our homeowners but development comprising cor-
storeys of podium parking space. Chun Sing and Melody Kindyland also a holistic lifestyle. Hence the porate offices, retail shops and
Executive Editor Sharon Kam The residents’ bid to stop the pro- founder Adrian Swea. services we are bringing into our some 600 units of duplex lofts
Assistant Editor Tan Ai Leng posed project was dismissed by the The partnership will see a projects,” he continued. and serviced apartments.
Deputy Chief Copy Editor Melody Kindyland kindergarten He added that the kindergarten Chin Hin’s office will be re-
James Chong High Court in November last year.
Copy Editor and daycare centre set up in three and daycare centre can be expand- located to 8th & Stellar as well.
Arion Yeow
Senior Writer No more land deals
Rachel Chew
Writers for YWP left in YWP anyway, he added. said Housing and Local Government Get BREAKING
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Mah Sing to introduce
park-and-live concept
at M Arisa
BY S H AWN N G for future M Arisa residents, said Mah Sing
general manager of sales and marketing
PETALING JAYA: Following the success of Chris Chen.
M Centura, Mah Sing Group Bhd will be M Arisa, he offered, will be an ideal choice
launching its second project in Sentul called for first-time homebuyers, upgraders and
M Arisa in the fourth quarter of 2019 with an some young families as it offers improved
estimated GDV of RM656 million. Ho: New designs that the developer curated based Some residents will have their parking space
M Arisa is a freehold development com- developments on customer feedback. located at the same level of their units with
prising 1,598 serviced residences across two can be seen “Some people may be concerned with the speed parking ramp.
55-storey towers on a 3.31-acre site. mushrooming the density of the project but actually, over
With built-ups from 550 to 1,008 sq ft, within Sentul. 50% of the units are one- and two-bedroom Meanwhile, Ho is positive that Mah Sing
the units will be priced from RM299,000 to units where only one or two persons would will achieve its RM1.5 billion sales target for
RM650,000 — similar to the pricing of M offering excellent connectivity such as the be staying. the current financial year ending Dec 31, 2019.
Centura serviced residences which were Duta-Ulu Kelang Expressway (DUKE) and “On top of that, we are incorporating the “Our products are affordably priced and
launched in November 2017 with a GDV of Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2); as well as am- concept of park-and-live with a speed park- are located in strategic locations — supported
RM570 million. It has achieved some 90% ple amenities such as shopping malls, public ing ramp to offer a hassle-free lifestyle for by our strong track record and established
take-up for its 1,413 units as at July 15 this year. transport and schools, he said. the residents,” he said. brand presence. Despite the current chal-
Mah Sing CEO Datuk Ho Hon Sang told “New developments can be seen mush- The park-and-live concept means that lenging market, the take-up for our launches that the upcoming M Arisa rooming within Sentul. The DUKE highway, some residents will have their parking space has been reasonable at an average 50% to
shows the developer’s commitment to build deemed as a catalyst or a game changer located at the same level of their units. With 60% within the first year of launch,” he said.
affordably priced products of good quality for the transformation of Sentul, is located the speed parking ramp, a resident can di- Backed by a healthy balance sheet with
in strategic and mature locations with easy merely 1.5km from M Arisa and connects rectly access his/her own parking slot without cash and balance of RM1.3 billion, the devel-
access to highway connectivity and public it to the rest of the Klang Valley,” Ho said. having to drive around the car park. oper will continue focusing on replenishing
transport hubs. Furthermore, the Sentul Timur LRT (Light The project will also feature Sentul’s first prime lands in the Klang Valley. Mah Sing’s
Sentul itself, he added, has been trans- Rail Transit) Station and three KTM train multi-level sky garden on Level 36 with an remaining landbank stands at 2,086 acres
formed from an old railway depot town into stations are less than 4km from the project, urban amenity forest concept that encom- with total GDV and unbilled sales of about
a preferred location among homebuyers providing an alternative travelling option passes the landscape or vegetation of a city. RM25.8 billion.
From all of us at
Small but resilient
Top 10 highest transacted prices of 2-storey
houses at Damansara Kim since 2015
The price of these properties here at Damansara Kim. Transactions of 2-storey shops at Jalan SS20/ 11
have increased and held steady “The demand is still there due to
over the years. Based on data from its convenience. The area is near the (with land size 1,650 sq ft and built-up of 2,859 sq ft), the average transacted TTDI MRT station and there are free YEAR LAND SIZE (SQ FT) BUILT-UP (SQ FT) PRICE (RM) RM PSF (BY LAND SIZE)
price of two-storey terraced homes shuttle bus services to and from 3
from the first quarter (1Q) of 2013 to Damansara Mall and the Kelana Jaya 2018 1,650 2,859 2,335,000 1,415
1Q2019 had ranged from RM732,500 LRT (light rail transit) station. 2017 1,650 2,859 2,400,000 1,455
to RM1,300,000. The Starling Mall and the many re- 2013 1,650 2,859 2,280,000 1,382
And since 2015, average quarterly Hong: Property prices tail shops in Damansara Uptown are
transacted prices have mainly hovered in Damansara Kim have also not too far away. There is also a 2013 1,650 2,859 1,950,000 1,182
between RM1.01 million to RM1.3 caught on thanks to the Jaya Grocer at Glo Damansara across
million. The average transacted price TTDI MRT station. from Jalan SS20/10.
over the course of five years (2013 - “I noticed a greater demand for Commercial properties ing suburbs like SS2, Damansara
2018) stands at RM1,032,372. HARIS HASSAN | THE EDGE [terraced houses] surrounding Jalan remain resilient Uptown and TTDI.
Current listings on SS20/10, due to the presence of shops Commercial properties in “Property prices in Damansara Kim
as at August 2019 show 19 sale list- and high traffic from the TTDI MRT Damansara Kim consist of shopoffic- have caught on over the years thanks
ings from a 2-storey terraced house station. Two years ago, I sold two units es located along Jalan SS20/10 (3-sto- to the TTDI MRT station and nearby
priced at RM825,000 to RM4,300,000 for about RM950,000 and RM1.36 reys) and SS20/11 (2-storeys). shopping malls like The Starling and
for a detached unit. million,” shares Soon. Transactions of commercial 3 Damansara,” he notes.
According to PA International Prop- As for rental, Soon observes a min- properties have been minimal in Hong went on to say that they still
erty Consultants Sdn Bhd’s managing imum of RM1,900 per month for un- Damansara Kim. There are currently trail slightly behind the other suburbs
director Jerome Hong, there were not furnished terraced homes. Furnished no rent and sale listings on EdgeProp. as Damansara Kim has no more room
many transactions of 2-storey terraced See: Potential for further ones could go above RM2,000 per my as at end-August 2019. for development, and it has just two
houses in 2018 and early 2019. growth will be limited but month. “Rents are largely stable, hence According to PA International’s rows of shops that mostly serve the
“However based on the transaction any price drop is unlikely. they appeal to working professionals Hong, prices of 2-storey shopoffices immediate neighbourhood — unlike
of properties of similar land sizes, the and also to medical staff working at have remained stable over the past Damansara Uptown, for instance, with
appreciation was 1% - 2% per annum CBD PROPERTIES KPJ hospital,” he says. five years (2013 – 2018) with an ap- its popular commercial hub.
from 2015 to early 2019,” says Hong. Meanwhile, Soon, who is a long- preciation of about 4% per annum Nevertheless, the prices of both
Metro Homes Realty Bhd executive time resident of Damansara Kim, adds (see table above). commercial and residential proper-
director See Kok Loong says prices that the Residents Association and “This area is essentially a small ties in Damansara Kim have remained
have been stable for residential prop- Rukun Tetangga here have set up a and quiet residential neighbour- stable despite the present lacklustre
erties because the area has been fully community policing programme for hood surrounded by established property market, due to its strategic
developed. the housing area. According to him, and larger neighbours such as TTDI, location and good accessibility.
“And these prices differ based on certain streets and zones have been Damansara Utama, Damansara Jaya “Residential properties here will
the condition of the particular unit,” turned into gated-and-guarded com- and SS2, which have larger population continue to be popular amongst those
See adds. Soon: Rents are largely munities. base as well as commercial offerings. seeking to rent and will be good op-
Meanwhile senior real estate con- stable, hence they However, See notes that it will still “Other than two rows of shops tions for working executives and
sultant at CBD Properties Sdn Bhd appeal to working be challenging to fully gate and guard along Jalan SS20/11 and Jalan SS20/10, students,” adds Hong, stressing that
Ruben Soon notes that there has professionals. the entire area due to the multiple Damansara Kim lacks commercial es- Damansara Kim’s close proximity to
been a slight increase in price over entry and exit points, as well as com- tablishments such as malls and offices. the TTDI MRT station is a contribut-
the years for residential properties mercial lots. There is zero space for further com- ing factor.
mercial development,” explains Hong. See from Metro Homes concurs,
Soon of CBD Properties notes that noting that property prices will remain
Three-storey shops along SS20/10 face a slightly stable here. He adds that some home-
shoplots along higher turnover rate. He attributes buyers would like the large land area
Jalan SS20/10. this to the mostly F&B businesses size of terraced houses in Damansara
operating there and the lack of park- Kim (typically ranging from 1,500 sq
ing spaces. ft to 3,500 sq ft) compared with other
“The F&B outlets do bring in the newer townships that have smaller
lunch hour crowd from Damansara land sizes.
Uptown, the hospital and Glomac “Potential for further growth will
Damansara,” says Soon. be limited but any price drop is un-
likely,” says See.
Stable demand Meanwhile, Soon hopes that park-
Hong says there will be a steady ing around the shoplots could be im-
stream of demand for housing in proved, adding that KPJ Damansara
Damansara Kim, owing to its strate- will continue to press for a multi-sto-
gic location and affordability com- rey car park to be built, despite oppo-
pared to its more pricey neighbour- sition from nearby residents.
The 86-year-old
Battersea Power
Station was once an
uninviting place but
is being redeveloped
into a go-to place in
To be a place people
tion Development Company Limited was resistance from the surrounding
(BPSDC) director of communities and communities.
sustainability Sarah Banham, BPSDC Banham however, saw this as an
director of place-making Honor Fish- opportunity to engage with the com-
burn and BPSDC chief design review munity through workshops and dis-
officer Marina Chung, about their cussions to gather more ideas for the
community building and place-mak- project.
ing plans for the global icon. “Most of them thought we were
The connection between a place going to demolish the building. To let
and people is powerful in place-mak- them understand that we are actually
ing, says Banham. “Community in- restoring the building while creating
volvement and creating a sense of new value to it, numerous workshops
belonging are important as a devel- were held to explain the plan while
opment will not become a place until PICTURES BY TAN AI LENG | taking their feedback,” says Banham.
there’s human element in it,” she adds. place requires many cultural layers She adds that the team has en-
The team took a holistic approach that make it always fresh to everyone,” gaged with over 20,000 people, many
towards this end, covering environment Fishburn says. of whom are professionals from differ-
building, events and activities, com- BPS has also developed a Heritage ent industries who are residing near-
munity engagement and job creation. Trail app that works like a game, lead- by. “Their opinions are useful for the
ing visitors on a walk down memory lane redevelopment and they could be BPS’
Stories to tell while learning about the history of the future customers as well,” she offers.
Art and cultural elements are cru- power station in an interactive way.
cial in creating warmth while telling Giving training and jobs
stories of the place, offers Fishburn. Creating a meeting point Creating job opportunities for the
BPS had partnered Cass Sculp- Chief design review officer Chung local community was another prior-
ture Foundation in 2017 to organise a notes that events and activities can ity set by the BPS team, and the Bat-
competition for outdoor art sculpture attract people and form the layers tersea Academy of Skills Excellence
proposals. Malaysian artist Haffendi that introduce a place. (BASE) was formed to provide retail,
Anuar’s “Machine for Modern Liv- Take the popular Borough Market leisure, hospitality and estate man-
ing” and Briton Jes- in London for exam- agement training and education.
se Wine’s “Strong in Malaysia Square ple. The wide variety of BPSDC anticipates around 17,000
body, strong in mind” food and beverage as (From left): Banham, Chung and Fishburn. jobs to be made available over the
were chosen as joint is created to well as cultural activ- next decade at BPS.
winners. One of their represent the ities held at one of the “We are committed to filling at
works is now an art
installation at BPS
link between the largest and oldest mar-
kets in London, be-
least 20% of the long-term vacancies
with local residents. The BASE pro-
and a popular Insta- United Kingdom lieved to have existed gramme aims to train the right peo-
gram spot for visitors. and Malaysia and since the 12th century, ple for the future job openings,” says
Meanwhile, some has made the historic Banham.
of the waste materi- a symbol of their place fun and vibrant As at June this year, there were 310
als from the ongoing bilateral business with many things to be advertised vacancies at Circus West
construction were discovered, thus luring and close to half of the vacancies were
used to form art piec- and cultural ties. repeated visits. filled by BASE participants.
es and interior fittings Similarly with BPS, Chung stresses that the BPS
for the retail spaces. For instance, it will not only be a global landmark regeneration project is about being
the old parquet flooring from BPS is but also a social hotspot for fun, re- inclusive, thus all the efforts put in
now part of the bar-top island of The laxation, work and living, says Chung. are to build a new town centre that
CoffeeWorks Project, a tenant of one Redevelopment of BPS began could attract talents and opportuni-
of the shops at Circus West. The lat- in 2014 and is expected to cover at ties to this part of London.
ter is the 42-acre BPS development’s least seven phases with an estimated Fishburn, who stays about a
first phase which was completed in GDV of £9 billion (RM46.44 billion). 10-minute walk to BPS, is glad to see
2017. It is currently home to 1,000 Plans are for its refurbished iconic it evolve at a fast pace.
residents and about 20 retail tenants four chimneys to be unveiled to the “It [Battersea] was seen as an un-
(95% leased). public in 2021. safe place as hardly anyone comes
“If BPS is merely a redevelopment The redeveloped power station over to the south bank. I am hap-
of a heritage building, it will only at- building will comprise a retail mall py to see this place improve day by
tract people to come once or twice. of 420,000 sq ft net lettable space, a day and can’t wait for the power sta-
But if it’s a place, people will revisit 35,000 sq ft food hall, a 1,500 pax-ca- tion to welcome visitors again,” she
again and again. To turn BPS into a pacity event spaces, 540,000 sq ft of Haffendi’s outdoor sculptures. enthuses.
Selecting kitchen
which is suitable for everyday
use in the wet or dry kitchen,”
he kitchen coun- Lam explains. Often used in the kitchen and dining areas, Lam notes that marble has
tertop can easily be Meanwhile, quartz stone is timeless appeal especially when it comes to its appearance.
one of the most ex- one of the most popular choices “The use of marble for kitchen countertops never goes out of style.
pensive items in the for kitchen countertops currently It is still the first choice of many homes, hotels and offices because it
entire kitchen re- due to its competitive price, var- never looks old but makes a place look elegant and grand,” he notes.
modelling process. ious choices of pattern and its
Nevertheless, many of us select similar features to natural stone.
a countertop material solely “Quartz stone was invented to Pros Timeless appearance, strong material, minimal care
based on the price or the pat- solve the problems that granite Cons Low supply, so more expensive
tern design. In fact, there are and marble stone have — the in- Cost Roughly RM4,000 for a 15-ft kitchen countertop
more factors to consider when flexibility and low supply — while
making a selection. retaining the benefits of natural Maintenance Apply wax twice a year to keep the surface shiny
Solid Top Sdn Bhd director stone.
Lam Chin Jhoo tells
S POTLIGH T F R I DAY AU G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 9
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