Giffyglyph's Monstrous Maker

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Create new monsters and exciting encounters in

just a few seconds with this D&D 5e supplement
Version 2.0
Version 2.0
Giffyglyph's Monster Maker

M adventure, causing trouble for civilians and

brave heroes alike. Sometimes your adventure
calls for a brand new monster, or you want to
mix up combat with some new tricks, or your players go
• 7 monster roles: create controllers, defenders,
lurkers, scouts, strikers, snipers, and supporters.
• 4 monster types: create a range of monstrous
off-road and you need to prep an encounter fast. But how minions, standards, elites, and solos.
do you create fun, balanced monsters? Don't worry— • 30+ pages of complete monster stat templates.
Giffyglyph's Monster Maker is here to help. • Includes 63 monster traits and 35 role powers.
This 5e supplement introduces guides, templates, and • Transform your boss monsters with solo phases.
advice to help you build new, exciting monsters and • Improvise new monster attacks easily with freeform
balanced encounters within minutes—perfect for the DM attacks and freeform magic.
on the go, and compatible with any D&D 5e game! Catch • Update your challenge rating monsters easily.
your players off-guard with minion hordes, dangerous • Build encounters in seconds with monster points.
elites, and terrifying solo monsters at any level! • And many more...

About Credits & Influences

Version 2.0 Page Icons:
Created by Giffyglyph, June 2019 Monster Roles: D&D 4e
Monster Stats: Song of the Blade
Advice & Testing: Ben_Scerri, cheatisnotdead, dark_james,
If you like this project and want to see more in the Durins_cat, Gargle_Fritz, hajjiman,
future, you can help out by: jasimon, joshkaufman,
• Becoming a Patron: QuickTakeMyHand, Osmodius,
• Buying a Coffee: mulac_snotcloak, nigel037, Qualanqui,
• Spreading the word: like / tweet / share / review Spilled Ale Studios, Strider,
Thunder_2414, Xheotris, zeemeerman2
To keep up-to-date with my work, visit:
• My website: Sigil Patrons
• Reddit:
• Facebook: Supported By: Ady Veisz Dragia, Brady, Douglas, J.M.
Sunden, Herm, Iron Circle Gaming,
Seth Cooper
If you have any questions, contact me at:
• Discord: Giffyglyph#7632
• Email: [email protected]
• Twitter: Become a Patron | /r/darkerdungeons5e giffyglyph's monster maker


Part 1: Monsters • Step 4. Telegraph the Attack 29

• Step 5. Charge up Power 29
1 Making Monsters 4
• Step 6. Attack 29
• The Monster Profile 4
• A Weak Point 29
• Build your Monster 5
• Adding a Weak Point 29
• Step 1. Pick a Level 5
• Examples 30
• Step 2. Apply a Role 5
• Step 3. Add some Traits 5 8 Randomizing Damage 31
• Step 4. Choose some Powers 6 • Static to Random 31
• Step 5. Personalization 6 • Step 1. Get the Static Damage 31
• Step 6. Start Playing 6 • Step 2. Choose an Attack Type 31
• Step 3. Randomize the Damage 31
2 Minions, Elites, & Solos 11
• Minions 11 Part 3: Encounters
• Elites 11
9 Building an Encounter 34
• Solos 12
• The Basic Encounter 34
• Phased Combat 12
• Step 1. Get some Monster Points 34
• Transformations 12
• Step 2. Add Monsters 34
3 Paragon Actions 13 • Step 3. Build your Monsters 35
• Going Paragon 13 • Encounter Outlines 35
• Using Paragon Actions 13 • Basic Encounters 35
• Ongoing Effects 13 • Elite Encounters 35
• Solo Encounters 35
4 Ratings & Levels 14
• Horde Encounters 35
• Conversions 14
• Ratings (CR) to Levels (ML) 14 10 The Court of Bones 36
• Levels (ML) to Ratings (CR) 14 • Your Quest 36
• Modifications 15 • The History 38
• A Desperate Pact 38
Part 2: Attacks
• A Sinister Hunger 38
5 Making Attacks 17 • Pactbreaker 38
• Freeform Attacks 17 • The Villains 38
• Multiattacks 17 • Mortanius, the Necromancer 38
• Condition Attacks 18 • Celestine, the Skeleton Queen 38
• Ongoing Damage 19 • The Dreadvault 39
• Area Attacks 19 • A1. The Vestibule 39
• Movement Attacks 20 • A2. The Halls of Dust 40
• Resource Attacks 20 • A3. The Infernal Gallery 42
• Example Attack Actions 21 • A4. The Throne Room 44
• Using Magic 22 • What Next? 46
• Concentration 22
Appendicies: The Extras
• Healing Magic 22
• Counterspell 23 A Monster Templates 48
• Summoning 23 • Applying a Template 48
• Example Freeform Spells 24 • Rank 48
• Hit Points 48
6 Attack Rarity 25
• Damage per Action 48
• Rarities 25
• Spell DCs 48
• Common Attacks 25
• Saving Throws 48
• Uncommon Attacks 25
• Monster Templates 48
• Rare Attacks 26
• Your Monster Profile 26 B Quick Reference 83
7 Overkill Attacks 27 C FAQ 84
• Overkill Attacks 27
D What Next? 85
• Step 1. Pick a Trigger 28
• Monster Maker App 85
• Step 2. Choose the Area 28
• Darker Dungeons 85
• Step 3. Determine the Damage 28

contents | /r/darkerdungeons5e


1 Making Monsters p4
Rules to build a quickstart monster in seconds.

2 Minions, Elites, & Solos p11

Templates to build minions, elites, and solos.

3 Paragon Actions p13

Balance your action economy.

4 Ratings & Levels p14

Convert challenge ratings to monster levels.

Making Monsters

— ,
is often the case, your players have done the
unexpected and triggered a surprise encounter—
The Monster Profile
it's time to start making monsters. A quickstart monster profile is deliberately more vague
Maybe you need a high level goblin king protected by than a standard monster profile, allowing you greater
an elite entourage, or a drunken giant and some tiefling flexibility to improvise. A quickstart stat block includes:
friends out looking to cause some chaos, or a pack of
fierce dire-wolves hungry for fresh flesh? • Level: Quickstart monsters use monster levels, a one-
Whatever your need, scenario, or adventure, this to-one match for player character levels.
chapter will help you create quickstart monster profiles • Role: Every monster has a combat role which
in seconds to get your combat encounters up and describes their particular focus on the battlefield.
running fast. • Armor Class: This represents how hard the monster
is to hit with an attack, whether due to armor, agility,
Dragonborn Warden Level 5 Defender
magic, training, or some other significant feature.
Medium humanoid Standard (450 XP)
• Hit Points: This is the amount of damage that the
monster can endure before it dies.
Armor Class 18 Attack Bonus +5
• Speed: Your monster's movement speed.
Hit Points 60 (30) Damage 10
• Attack Bonus: This represents your monster's ability
Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 13, 10
to make successful attacks—melee, ranged, or magic.
• Damage: This is the amount of damage the monster
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha can cause with a successful attack action.
+3 +0 +4 +1 +2 +1 • Spell DCs: This shows the primary ("I'm good at
this") and secondary ("I'm not so good at this") DCs of
Saving Throws Con +8, Str/Wis +5, Cha/Int/Dex +2 any spells or effects the monster might use.
Skills Initiative +2, Perception +5, Stealth +2 • Ability Modifiers: These are your monster's ability
modifiers—arrange them however you like. Unlike
Traits player characters, monster modifiers can go beyond 5.
• Saving Throws: These come in three grades—best,
Indominable: You are immune to any effects that ok, and bad. Use the highest bonus for your monster's
would alter your mind or will. best stat, the second bonus for it's 2nd and 3rd best
stats, and the worst bonus for the 3 worst stats.
You Can't Leave: Targets always provoke opportunity
• Initiative: Your monster's combat reaction speed.
attacks, even if they take the Disengage action before • Perception: Your monster's ability to notice things.
leaving your reach. In addition, when you hit with an • Stealth: Your monster's ability to hide.
opportunity attack, the target's speed becomes 0 for • Traits & Powers: These are special abilities and
the rest of the turn. passive perks that the monster has gained from their
race, class, faction, role, or some other feature.
chapter 1: making monsters | /r/darkerdungeons5e
Quickstart Monsters • Controller: Controllers disorientate their enemies,
moving them around the battlefield and applying
Quickstart monsters are designed to be bare-bones conditions. Controllers deal little direct damage
templates useful for combat or improvised scenarios. For themselves, preferring to weaken their enemies and
that reason—to keep the process quick and simple—they allow their allies to attack with advantage.
don't obey the same rules as player characters when it • Defender: Defenders shield their allies and block
comes to calculating AC, HP, attack bonuses, damage, etc. enemy attacks. They are harder to hit thanks to their
thicker armor, but often move slower as a result.
• Lurker: Lurkers hide out of sight until they see a
Build your Monster weak point, then attack for massive damage. They are
glass cannons, capable of dealing a lot of damage yet
Once you're ready to start building your monster, there easily defeated if cornered.
are five basic steps to consider: • Scout: Scouts like to move around, using their speed
and high perception to outmaneuver their enemies.
1. Pick a Level: Decide how dangerous your monster They tend to be lightly armored and carry smaller
should be—the higher the level, the bigger the threat it weapons to keep their weight low and speed high.
will be to your players. • Sniper: Snipers stay out of harm's way, firing at
2. Assign a Role: Choose how your monster will enemies from a distance. They are good at ranged
function in combat—different roles confer different attacks, but fall quickly if attacked.
benefits, such as a higher AC or attack bonus. • Striker: Strikers forgo defense and focus on hitting
3. Add some Traits: Give your monster some quick the enemy hard. Strikers are easier to hit but deal
racial or class-based flavor with a few basic traits. more damage with their attacks.
4. Choose some Powers: Add some special combat • Supporter: Supporters provide aid to their allies,
powers to make your monster stand out in their role. keeping them in peak condition. Supporters deal little
5. Personalization: Tweak the default monster stats if damage and are relatively frail—they need protection
necessary to better suit your group of players. to survive long on the battlefield.

Step 1. Pick a Level Each role changes the default monster statistics in some
fashion—granting more AC, or reducing damage, or
Your first step is to assign a level to your new monster. inflating health. Try to use a variety of roles to create
Quickstart monsters don't use challenge ratings— interesting encounters for your players.
instead, they use monster levels to determine their base Once you've picked a role, check the Monster Roles
strength. Monster levels are a one-to-one match for table (p7) to see how it affects your monsters attributes.
character levels—one 4th-level monster should be a
decent contest for one 4th-level player character.
For a medium challenge, use the same level as your With 3 bandits, the DM decides to have one striker
average player character. Add +2 levels to make it a more dealing heavy damage, one defender to shield the
dangerous encounter, or -2 levels for an easier time. striker, and one sniper to support them both.
Once you've decided on a level, check the Monster
Statistics by Level table (p7) to find your monster's basic • Defender: 16 AC, 33 HP, +3 attack, 5 damage
attributes—AC, hit points, attack bonuses, damage, etc. • Striker: 10 AC, 42 HP, +5 attack, 7 damage
• Sniper: 14 AC, 25 HP, +3 attack, 7 damage
Valiant, Clanda and Chansi have been unexpectedly
waylaid by some bandits and a combat begins. The PCs
are level 3, so the DM decides to create three 3rd-level Step 3. Add some Traits
bandits for a medium-challenge encounter. To give your monster some flavor, add one or two passive
From the table, the DM can see that each bandit has traits based on its race, class, or faction. Traits help your
(as a base) 14 AC, 33 HP, and deals 5 damage on a +3
monsters feel more unique, but try to keep them simple
—avoid complicated mechanics or using more than two
attack roll (melee or ranged). traits per monster.
See the Monster Traits table (p8) for a list of example
Step 2. Apply a Role traits you can apply to your monsters—make your own if
the examples don't fit your particular monster.
Monsters, like player characters, have roles to play.
Some charge in to fight in the front-line, some fire away
from the back, some devastate and destroy their enemies Because the bandits often work together to overpower
with wild abandon, and some lend support to their allies. their victims, the DM decides to give all three a
There are seven core roles that you can apply to your common trait:
quickstart monsters, each with its own strengths and ➤ Teamwork: You have advantage on attack rolls
weaknesses: controller, defender, lurker, scout, sniper, when your target is within 5ft of an unrestrained ally.
striker, and support. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 1: making monsters
Step 4. Choose some Powers Bandit, Shield Level 3 Defender
Medium humanoid Standard (175 XP)
Now it's time to add some combat powers to your
monster—special features they gain by virtue of their Armor Class 16 Attack Bonus +3
particular role. Powers are a good way to distinguish Hit Points 33 (17) Damage 5
monsters from each other and highlight their roles—they Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 11, 8
allow defenders to defend and strikers to strike.
See the Monster Powers table (p10) for a list of Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
example powers you can apply to your monsters. +2 +0 +3 −1 +1 +1

Saving Throws Con +6, Str/Wis +4, Cha/Dex/Int +1

In addition to their normal melee and ranged attacks, Skills Initiative +1, Perception +3, Stealth +1
the DM allocates a power to each bandit according to
their combat role:
➤ Defender, Got your Back: When standing next to an Teamwork: You have advantage on attack rolls when
ally or an attacking target, you can use a reaction to your target is within 5ft of an unrestrained ally.
redirect the attack onto yourself.
Got Your Back: When standing next to an ally or
➤ Striker, Cleave: You can attack two targets that are
attacking target, you can spend your reaction to
within reach and adjacent to each other.
redirect the attack onto yourself.
➤ Sniper, Hold Still: You gain advantage on attack rolls
against any target that didn't move more than 10ft
Bandit, Greatsword Level 3 Striker
during their last turn. Medium humanoid Standard (175 XP)

Armor Class 10 Attack Bonus +5

Step 5. Personalization Hit Points 42 (21) Damage 7
Finally, compare the monster template to your player Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 13, 10
characters and consider tweaking any values that seem a Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
little over or under-powered. Lower the AC or HP if your +3 +0 +2 −1 +1 +1
players have trouble dealing damage, or reduce the
attack bonus or damage if their defenses are a little low. Saving Throws Str +3, Con/Cha +1, Wis/Dex/Int −2
Skills Initiative +1, Perception +1, Stealth +1

Because Valiant and Chansi are low on hit points Traits

thanks to an earlier encounter, the DM considers
reducing the overall damage of each bandit by 2. Teamwork: You have advantage on attack rolls when
But as the party is fortunate enough to be carrying a your target is within 5ft of an unrestrained ally.
couple of healing potions, the DM decides to leave the Cleave: You can attack two adjacent targets that are
challenge unchanged. within reach, dealing full damage to each.

Step 6. Start Playing Bandit, Crossbow Level 3 Sniper

Medium humanoid Standard (175 XP)
Your quickstart monsters are now ready. Start your
encounter and improvise any extra details as you go. Armor Class 14 Attack Bonus +3
Hit Points 25 (13) Damage 7
Refining as you Play Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 11, 8
During an encounter, you might discover your monster is
too strong or too weak for your party. That's ok—it's hard Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
to predict just how powerful some abilities can be. +1 +3 +0 +1 +2 −1
If you find you need to update a monster during live Saving Throws
play, try to do so naturally. Avoid telling players explicitly Skills
Dex +5, Wis/Int +3, Str/Con/Cha +0

what you're doing—instead, fold it into the fiction. Initiative +1, Perception +1, Stealth +3

During an encounter, the DM notices that the party are
Teamwork: You have advantage on attack rolls when
having a hard time reliably hitting the defender's AC of
your target is within 5ft of an unrestrained ally.
16. On the next successful hit, the DM says:
"You hear a crack as the bandit's shield splits apart Hold Still: You have advantage on attack rolls when
from the force of your attack, and he throws it aside." your target moved less than 10ft during their last turn.

chapter 1: making monsters | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Statistics by Level
Monster Armor Hit Attack Damage Spell Percep., Prof. Saving Ability XP
Level Class Points Bonus per DCs Init. & Bonus Throws Modifiers
Action Stealth
-3 13 4 +1 1 10, 7 +1 +1 +3, +1, +0 +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, −1 2
-2 13 8 +1 1 10, 7 +1 +1 +3, +1, +0 +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, −1 6
-1 13 12 +1 1 10, 7 +1 +1 +3, +1, +0 +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, −1 12
0 14 16 +2 1 10, 7 +1 +1 +4, +2, +0 +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1 25
1 14 26 +3 2 11, 8 +1 +2 +5, +3, +0 +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1 50
2 14 30 +3 4 11, 8 +1 +2 +5, +3, +0 +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1 112
3 14 33 +3 5 11, 8 +1 +2 +5, +3, +0 +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1 175
4 15 36 +4 8 12, 9 +2 +2 +6, +3, +1 +4, +3, +2, +1, +1, +0 275
5 16 60 +5 10 13, 10 +2 +3 +7, +4, +1 +4, +3, +2, +1, +1, +0 450
6 16 64 +5 11 13, 10 +2 +3 +7, +4, +1 +4, +3, +2, +1, +1, +0 575
7 16 68 +5 13 13, 10 +2 +3 +7, +4, +1 +4, +3, +2, +1, +1, +0 725
8 17 72 +6 17 14, 11 +3 +3 +8, +5, +1 +5, +3, +2, +2, +1, +0 975
9 18 102 +7 19 15, 12 +3 +4 +9, +5, +2 +5, +3, +2, +2, +1, +0 1,250
10 18 107 +7 21 15, 12 +3 +4 +9, +5, +2 +5, +3, +2, +2, +1, +0 1,475
11 18 111 +7 23 15, 12 +3 +4 +9, +5, +2 +5, +3, +2, +2, +1, +0 1,800
12 18 115 +8 28 15, 12 +3 +4 +10, +6, +2 +6, +4, +3, +2, +1, +0 2,100
13 19 152 +9 30 16, 13 +3 +5 +11, +7, +2 +6, +4, +3, +2, +1, +0 2,500
14 19 157 +9 32 16, 13 +3 +5 +11, +7, +2 +6, +4, +3, +2, +1, +0 2,875
15 19 162 +9 35 16, 13 +3 +5 +11, +7, +2 +6, +4, +3, +2, +1, +0 3,250
16 20 167 +10 41 17, 14 +4 +5 +12, +7, +3 +7, +5, +3, +2, +2, +1 3,750
17 21 210 +11 43 18, 15 +4 +6 +13, +8, +3 +7, +5, +3, +2, +2, +1 4,500
18 21 216 +11 46 18, 15 +4 +6 +13, +8, +3 +7, +5, +3, +2, +2, +1 5,000
19 21 221 +11 48 18, 15 +4 +6 +13, +8, +3 +7, +5, +3, +2, +2, +1 5,500
20 22 226 +12 51 19, 16 +5 +6 +14, +9, +3 +8, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 6,250
21 22 276 +13 53 20, 17 +5 +7 +15, +9, +4 +8, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 8,250
22 22 282 +13 56 20, 17 +5 +7 +15, +9, +4 +8, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 10,250
23 22 288 +13 58 20, 17 +5 +7 +15, +9, +4 +8, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 12,500
24 23 294 +14 61 20, 17 +5 +7 +16, +10, +4 +9, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 15,500
25 24 350 +15 63 21, 18 +5 +8 +17, +11, +4 +9, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 18,750
26 24 357 +15 66 21, 18 +5 +8 +17, +11, +4 +9, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 22,500
27 24 363 +15 68 21, 18 +5 +8 +17, +11, +4 +9, +6, +4, +3, +2, +1 26,250
28 25 369 +16 71 22, 19 +6 +8 +18, +11, +5 +10, +7, +5, +4, +3, +2 30,000

Monster Roles
Role Armor Saving Hit Attack Damage Speed Perception Stealth Initiative
Class Throws Points Bonus per Action
Controller −2 −1 — — — — — — Trained
Defender +2 +1 — — — −10 Trained — —
Lurker −4 −2 x0.5 +2 x1.5 — Trained Trained —
Scout −2 −1 — — x0.75 +10 Trained Trained Trained
Sniper — — x0.75 — x1.25 — — Trained —
Striker −4 −2 x1.25 +2 x1.25 — — — —
Supporter −2 −1 x0.75 — x0.75 — — — Trained | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 1: making monsters

Monster Traits (1/2)
Name Description
Adhesive You adhere to anything you touch. Any huge or smaller creature adhered to you is also grappled, and
ability checks made to escape your grapple have disadvantage.
Aggressive As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed towards an enemy you can see.
Alarm When you take damage, all other monsters of the same breed within 240 ft are aware of your pain.
Alien Mind You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Amorphous You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Arcane Protection You are resistant to all magical damage.
Aura: Antimagic Any creature within 10ft of you has disadvantage when casting magical spells.
Aura: Damaging The space around you is dangerous. Creatures take damage equal to your level when they enter your aura
or start their turn within it.
Aura: Disruptive All enemies within 10 ft of you have disadvantage on saving throws.
Aura: Entangle The ground in a 10 ft radius around you is difficult terrain. Each creature that starts its turn in that area
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
Aura: Stench The air is putrid around you. Creatures within 10ft of you have disadvantage on attack rolls, unless they
also have the Stench trait.
Barbed Hide At the start of your turn, deal piercing damage equal to your level to any creature that is grappling you.
Blood Frenzy You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.
Charger If you moved more than 20ft in a straight line towards your target, make your melee attack roll with
advantage. On a hit, you knock your target prone in addition to any other effect.
Constrict At the start of your turn, deal bludgeoning damage equal to your level to any creature that you are
Corrosive Body Any creature that touches you or makes a melee attack against you takes damage equal to your level. Any
weapon that hits you takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls—the weapon is
destroyed if the penalty reaches −5.
Critical Defence Critical hits made against you count as normal hits unless you are already bloodied.
Critical Fury Your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.
Damage Absorption Whenever you would take damage of a specific type, you instead regain that many hit points.
Damage Transfer When you take damage from an attack, you can transfer half of the damage to another creature within 5 ft
of you.
Dangerous Body Any enemy that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 ft of you takes damage equal
to your level.
Disintegration When you die, your body distintegrates into dust. You leave behind your weapons and anything else you
are carrying.
Dragonbreath You can breathe dragonfire as an attack, or use it to light small fires.
Earth Glide You can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, you don’t disturb the
material you move through.
Escape When you would be reduced to 0 hit points outside of your lair, you instead escape and flee to your lair.
You remain there, paralysed and resting, until you recover at least 50% of your hit points.
Explosive When you fall to 0 hit points, your body explodes and deals damage to everyone within 5ft. You can begin
detonation on your turn with a bonus action; you explode at the start of your next turn.
False Appearance When you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a piece of the local landscape.
Fey Mind You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Flight You can fly your speed. While flying, you must move your entire movement speed or land—unless you
can also hover. Launching into flight provokes opportunity attacks, even if you Disengage.
Flyby You don't provoke an opportunity attack when you fly out of an enemy's reach.
Freedom of Movement You ignore difficult terrain, and magical effects can’t reduce your speed or cause it to be restrained. You
can spend 5 ft of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.

chapter 1: making monsters | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Traits (2/2)
Name Description
Grappler You have advantage on attack rolls against any target you have grappled. In addition, when grappling a
target, any damage you take from an attack is split 50/50 with your victim.
Hover You can hover in one spot in the air for 6 second before you need to move.
Immortal You cannot be killed unless you are reduced to 0 hit points by a specific type of attack. Any other form of
attack will reduce you to 1 hit point instead.
Immutable Form You are immune to any spell or effect that would alter your form.
Impenetrable You are resistant to all non-magical damage.
Incorporeal You can pass through any solid non-magical matter and cannot be hit by any non-magical weapon or
Indominable You are immune to any effects that would alter your mind or will.
Inscrutable You are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, as well as any
divination spell that you refuse. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain your intentions or sincerity
have disadvantage.
Invisible You cannot be seen.
Life Eater When you deal damage that reduces a creature to 0 hit points, that creature cannot be revived by any
means short of a wish spell.
Magic Resistance You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons Your weapon attacks are magical.
Martial Advantage Once per turn you may deal extra damage equal to your level when you hit a target within 5ft of your
Parry You can spend your reaction to gain +3 AC against one melee attack that you can see.
Rampage When you reduce a target to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you can spend a bonus action
to move up to half your speed and attack a different target.
Reckless At the start of your turn, you can gain advantage on all melee attacks you make for that turn. However, all
attacks against you gain advantage until the start of your next turn.
Redirect When you are within 5ft of an ally, you can redirect any single attack made against you to your ally instead.
Regeneration You regain hit points at the start of your turn equal to your maximum hit points / 10. This regeneration
stops for 1 turn if you are hit by a specific damage type (fire/acid/lightning/etc) or you are reduced to 0
hit points.
Relentless The first time you fall to 0 hit points after a long rest, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Seige Monster You deal double damage to objects and structures.
Shadow Stealth While in dim light or darkness, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
Shifty You can Disengage as a bonus action.
Slippery You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple.
Spider Climb You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
Split When you are bloodied, you split into two smaller copies. Each new copy has hit points equal to half of
your remaining hit points, and acts independantly.
Sure-footed You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock you
Swarm You can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa. You gain advantage on attacks against any
creature that shares your space.
Teamwork You have advantage on attack rolls when your target is within 5ft of an unrestrained ally.
Uncanny Senses Unless you are incapacitated, you cannot be surprised.
Undying Fortitude If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, make a Consititution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage
taken. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Wakeful You are never caught sleeping.
War Magic When you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 1: making monsters

Monster Powers
Role Name Description
Controller Crippling Strike Halve your attack damage to reduce your target's speed to 0ft until the start of your next turn.
Distraction Halve your attack damage to grant advantage to the next attack roll made against the target.
Get Into Position Halve your attack damage to allow an ally to spend their reaction and move up to half their speed
(without provoking opportunity attacks from the target).
Knockback Halve your attack damage to knock the target back up to 15ft.
Sidestep Halve your attack damage to move yourself and your target 5ft in any direction.
Defender Don't Look Away When you attack a target, you can mark them. A marked target has -2 to any attack roll that
doesn't include you. You can have one active mark at a time, and marks don't stack.
Get Behind Me Allies within 5ft of you count as being in three-quarters cover.
Got Your Back When standing next to an ally or attacking target, you can spend your reaction to redirect the
attack onto yourself.
Heavy Defence Your defence is impenetrable. Gain +2 AC.
You Can't Leave Targets always provoke opportunity attacks, even if they take the Disengage action before leaving
your reach. In addition, when you hit with an opportunity attack, the target's speed becomes 0 for
the rest of the turn.
Lurker Backstab If you have advantage on your attack, add your level in extra damage.
Camouflage When you are hidden, enemies cannot spot you with passive perception and they have
disadvantage when making active checks to find you.
Cunning Action You can Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action.
Guerilla When you make an attack while hidden, you don't reveal yourself and can remain in hiding.
Hide in Plain Sight You can attempt to hide when behind even light cover.
Scout Explorer You can climb and move across difficult terrain without any movement penalty.
Hard to Hit When you are standing and unrestained, attacks against you have disadvantage unless you are
adjacent to two or more enemies.
Light-footed You can Disengage or Dash as a bonus action. When an enemy moves adjacent to you, you can
spend your reaction to move away up to half your speed.
Pincer Movement When an ally moves adjacent to an enemy, you can spend your reaction to move up to your speed
towards that same enemy.
You Can't Hide You have advantage when trying to detect hidden enemies. Any enemy that you can see is also
visible to your allies.
Sniper Hold Still You have advantage on attack rolls when your target moved less than 10ft during their last turn.
I Can See You Your ranged attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover.
Next Time If you miss a target, you have advantage on your next attack against that same target.
Ricochet If your attack misses, you can spend your reaction to make another attack against a different
target of your choice within 15ft of the original target.
Scattershot When you make a successful attack, you can deal damage equal to your level to everyone within
5ft of your target (once per round).
Striker Bloodfury When you are bloodied, you become enraged; -2 AC and +2 attack.
Cleave You can attack two adjacent targets that are within reach, dealing full damage to each.
Press the Attack You have advantage on attack rolls against bloodied targets (under 50% hit points).
Revenge Deal bonus damage equal to your level against anyone that hurt you in the previous round.
Savage Assault Once per turn, add your level in extra damage to an attack.
Supporter Commander Instead of making an attack roll, you can command an ally to make an attack against a target of
your choice (once per round).
Ferocity Allies within 10ft of you gain a bonus to damage equal to your level.
Guidance Allies within 10ft of you have advantage on their attacks rolls.
Protection Allies within 10ft of you gain +2 AC.
Rallying Cry Halve your attack damage to remove a condition from an ally.

chapter 1: making monsters | /r/darkerdungeons5e


Minions, Elites, & Solos


but some are more equal than others, proving to
be a much bigger threat in combat. Some
monsters are standard rank-and-file troops, while Elites are formidable champions, commanders, and
others are expendable fodder controlled by great leaders leaders. They are a far greater threat than their
and commanders. Some exceptional monsters are even underlings, able to withstand more damage while hitting
capable of taking on an entire party single-handed. back harder and more reliably—one elite is the equal of
This chapter will help you turn your standard two standard monsters, and can act twice a round. Elites
quickstart monster into a minion, elite, or solo creature are a great option for mid-boss encounters, as direct
to pit against your players. underlings of the adventure's primary threat.
To build an elite, apply the following template to any
existing quickstart monster:
Elite Monster
A minion is weaker than other monsters, having very few Apply to any quickstart monster template
hit points—they fall quickly in combat, often in one hit, if
not protected by a strong defender. These are your Armor Class +2 Attack Bonus +2
lackeys, underlings, and lesser henchmen. Hit Points x2 Damage x1.1
Minions rely on large numbers to overwhelm the Saving Throws +2 Spell DC +2
enemy—four minions are the equal of one standard Initiative +2 Perception +2
quickstart monster—and are a great option if you want to XP x2 Stealth +2
pit your players against mobs, gangs, and hordes.
To build a minion, apply the Minion template below to Traits
any existing quickstart monster. When creating minion
groups, keep things simple for yourself and use the same ➤ Paragon Action: You may take one Paragon Action
role, traits, and powers for each group of 4—4 defender per round to either move or take an action.
minions, 4 striker minions, etc.
Minion Monster Viridian, Sarien, Clanda, and Chansi are battling
Apply to any quickstart monster template
through the dangerous Dreadvault and the undead
guardians within.
Armor Class −2 Attack Bonus −2
Hit Points x0.2 Damage x0.75 At the Infernal Gallery they find Mortanius, an elite
Saving Throws −2 Spell DC −2 necromancer seeking to resurrect the Skeleton Queen.
Initiative −2 Perception −2 As battle begins, Mortanius summons 8 skeletal
XP x0.25 Stealth −2 minions to shield him from the attacking adventurers. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 2: minions, elites, & solos

A phase transition is, in essence, a short cutscene
Solos wherein your monster does something to change itself or
the environment—the more cinematic, the better.
A solo monster is a force to be reckoned with, capable of During a transition, players don't take any damage
taking on the entire party single-handed. These are your while you change things around them—but neither can
boss monsters, the big-bad fought at the end of an they act during the transition.
adventure—a mighty red dragon, a dominating elder
brain, a chilling skeleton queen. Solo monsters hit hard,
have high defenses, and act multiple times each round. At 66% hit points, the Skeleton Queen's rage cracks
To build a solo, apply the following template to any the Dreadvault, causing a huge chunk of the ceiling to
existing quickstart monster: collapse and change the battlefield layout .
At 33% hit points, the Skeleton Queen roars in a
Solo Monster cold rage and unleashes a burst of frost magic. The
Apply to any quickstart monster template
battlefield is covered in ice and a dangerous, frozen
Armor Class +2 Attack Bonus +2 vortex surrounds the enraged Queen.
Hit Points x (Players + 1) Damage x1.2
Saving Throws +2 Spell DC +2
Initiative +4 Perception +4
Healing Surge
XP x4 Stealth +2 During a phase transition, any player character that is
conscious and bloodied may recover some hit points by
Traits spending one hit dice—a temporary respite while your
monster is transforming.
➤ Paragon Actions: You may take one Paragon Action
per player (minus 1) per round to either move or act. Transformations
➤ Phase Transition: At 66% and 33% hit points, you Some monsters transform during battle—gaining new
may remove all on-going effects on yourself and powers, changing how they fight, and (sometimes) even
trigger a new phase transition.
changing their form. You can represent transformations
with multiple stat blocks—one for each phase transition.
To create a transforming solo monster, first replace
Like elite monsters, solo monsters have the ability to act your solo's "Phase Transition" trait with the following
outside of their normal turn with Paragon Actions. Solo "Phase Transition (Transformation)" trait:
monsters gain 1 Paragon Action per player minus 1—
allowing the monster to act after each player's turn.
Phase Transition (Transformation): When reduced to 0
hit points, remove all on-going effects on yourself as
"All things end", proclaims the Skeleton Queen, rising
you transform and start a new phase transition.
to face the four adventurers. "Only death is eternal."
As a 4th-level solo monster fighting four players,
the Skeleton Queen has one full turn and three extra Next, create a new stat block as per normal for each of
Paragon Actions per round.
your monster's forms. Finally, divide the HP on each
form by the total number of transitions.

Phased Combat The DM wants the Skeleton Queen to have three

Fights with a solo monster are a big event—they should forms during the final boss encounter.
be a worthy capstone to your adventure, full of drama First, the Queen starts as a defender with thick ice
and excitement. Solo monsters fight hard, changing as armor. Next, the Skeleton Queen creates bone avatars
the battle progresses and they start to take damage.
When the solo monster takes enough damage (66% from her own body and becomes a controller. Then
and 33% hit points), it immediately removes any on-going finally, once the Queen is nearing defeat, her rage
effects and triggers a transition to a new phase of battle: freezes the battlefield and she becomes a wild striker.
The DM creates 3 different stat blocks per the
• The dragon roars angrily and—in its rage—slams normal process, and then—because there are 3 forms
down fiercely on the ground, collapsing it and sending —divides the HP on each stat block by 3.
everyone falling into the volcanic lair beneath.
• The golem's metal body cracks, and wild arcane
lighting lances out around it to strike at anyone A monster can have as many transformations as you like,
wearing or wielding metal. but try to keep it to 2/3 forms unless your monster is
• The necromancer absorbs the souls of his fallen particularly exceptional—each form should be distinct
minions to become a huge, powerful beast. and exciting for your players to encounter.
chapter 2: minions, elites, & solos | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Paragon Actions

, Using Paragon Actions
usually the side that wins. But what if you want to
run a combat encounter with a small number of A Paragon Action can be used at the end of any other
monsters—elites and solos—and still put some real creature's turn to do one of the following:
pressure on the players? How do your limited monster
turns compete against a full party of player actions? • Move: The monster can move up to it's speed if it is
To help you put some bite into your boss monsters, free to do so. This movement may trigger opportunity
this chapter introduces Paragon Actions—what they are attacks and reactions as normal from your enemies.
and how you use them. • Perform an Action: The monster can perform a
single action—such as Attack, Dodge, or Help.
Going Paragon In addition, whenever a monster uses a Paragon Action
it regains its reaction and can make saving throws
Paragon Actions let your monsters act multiple times per against any ongoing damage or effect—such as Hold
round, helping them to even the odds and be a much Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Phantasmal Killer, etc—as
bigger threat in combat—essential for elite and solo if it were the end of its normal turn.
monsters who often find themselves outnumbered. A monster regains any spent Paragon Actions at the
start of its turn, so make the most of your actions each
Mortanius, an elite 3rd-level necromancer, takes his
round to keep the players in danger.
turn. He fires a bolt of foul necrotic energy at Chansi,
hitting her for 6 points of damage, and then moves
Ongoing Effects
back 20ft behind his horde of skeleton minions. A Paragon Action does not count as a full turn. If your
On Chansi's turn, she fires an arrow back at the monster would normally suffer an effect at the start or
end of its turn—such as ongoing damage, status effects,
necromancer—but misses. At the end of her turn, etc—these effects don't trigger during a Paragon Action.
Mortanius opts to use his Paragon Action.
"The grave summons you, ranger," cackles the Action Variety
necromancer as he uses his single action to attack,
firing another bolt of energy at Chansi to strike her for It can be tempting to use Paragon Actions to relentlessly
attack the nearest character for a whole round—but this can
6 additional points of damage. lead to some very dull and predictable combat.
Avoid repeating the same action too often in quick
Elite monsters have one Paragon Action per round while succession, and try to keep the combat dynamic. Use your
solo monsters have one per player (minus one) per round extra actions to move across the battlefield, push characters
—this helps to balance the action economy and give your around, change the environment, apply conditions, and put
boss monsters a major boost of fighting power. pressure on unsuspecting players. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 3: paragon actions


Ratings & Levels

As another example, to find the ML of a CR 17 dragon
determine a monster's threat—another turtle (5e Monster Manual, p119):
common method is to use challenge ratings.
If you want to mix-and-match monster levels
(ML) with challenge ratings (CR) in your encounters, or A dragon turtle is a CR 17 monster worth 18,000 XP.
you just want to give your existing CR monsters a little It has 20 AC / 341 HP, and can deal around 58
boost with some new tricks and abilities, this chapter damage per round with a +13 attack bonus.
will help guide you. From the conversion table, we can see that this
monster (CR 17) can be used as a ML 17 Solo, a ML

Conversions 22 Elite, or a ML 26 Standard. It is too strong,

however, to be used as a minion.
To mix CR and ML monsters in your encounters, you
first need a way to compare challenge ratings with This isn't an exact system—monster threat varies greatly
monster levels—this will help you to balance your depending on traits, powers, and the abilities of your
creatures and encounters more easily. adventuring party—but it should give you a rough idea as
For simplicity's sake, we do this by comparing XP to your monster's rank on the battlefield.
values—matching the XP of a CR monster to the level XP
values listed in the Monster Templates (p48). Levels (ML) to Ratings (CR)
Ratings (CR) to Levels (ML) To get an idea of your ML monster's challenge rating,
follow the same conversion steps—take your monster's
If you have a CR monster, it's easy to find the equivalent level and rank and find the equivalent CR in the
monster level—simply take your monster's CR value and Challenge Rating to Monster Level table. CR reference
look through the Challenge Rating to Monster Level values can also be found in the Monster Templates (p48).
table (p15) until you find a matching level and rank. As with other conversions, keep an eye on your ML
For example, to find the equivalent ML of a CR 11 monster's attack / defense attributes to make sure they're
remorhaz (5e Monster Manual, p258): not out of place in their new CR role.

A remorhaz is a CR 11 monster worth 7,200 XP. It has The DM has created a new monster—an orc berserker
17 AC / 195 HP, and can deal around 50 damage per —for their adventure. As a ML 12 Standard Striker, the
round with a +11 attack bonus. orc has 14 AC / 144 HP and deals 35 damage with a
From the conversion table, we can see that this +10 attack bonus.
remorhaz (CR 11) may be used as a ML 11 Solo, a ML Using the table, we can see that this orc may be
16 Elite, a ML 20 Standard, or a ML 28 Minion. used as a CR 5 monster.

chapter 4: ratings & levels | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Challenge Rating to Monster Level
Challenge Monster Level (ML) Challenge Monster Level (ML)
Rating Solo Elite Standard Minion Rating Solo Elite Standard Minion
CR 0 -3 -2 -1 0 CR 14 14 19 23 —
CR ⅛ -2 -1 0 1 CR 15 15 20 24 —
CR ¼ -1 0 1 2 CR 16 16 21 25 —
CR ½ 0 1 2 3-6 CR 17 17 22 26 —
CR 1 1 2 3-4 7-10 CR 18 18 23 27 —
CR 2 2 3 5-6 11-13 CR 19 19 24 28 —
CR 3 3 4-5 7 14-16 CR 20 20 25 29 —
CR 4 4 6-7 8-10 17-20 CR 21 21 26 30 —
CR 5 5 8 11-12 21 CR 22 22 27 — —
CR 6 6 9 13 22 CR 23 23 28 — —
CR 7 7 10-11 14-15 23 CR 24 24 29 — —
CR 8 8 12 16-17 24 CR 25 25 30 — —
CR 9 9 13 18 25 CR 26 26 — — —
CR 10 10 14-15 19 26-27 CR 27 27 — — —
CR 11 11 16 20 28 CR 28 28 — — —
CR 12 12 17 21 29-30 CR 29 29 — — —
CR 13 13 18 22 — CR 30 30 — — —

Modifications Example: Dragon Turtle

Below is a stat block for a partially-converted CR dragon
You may find that your CR monsters don't pack enough turtle. The monster is using ML armor class, hit points,
punch—especially as an elite or solo—or that your ML and traits—but continues to use the original CR attack
monsters are a little too strong as a CR counterpart. bonus, damage, spell DCs, saving throws, and skills, in
When converting monsters, compare the CR addition to its normal attacks and features.
monster's basic stats against the corresponding ML In this way, you can make quick, minor adjustments to
template—this should provide you with a guideline as to your existing CR monsters without first having to do a
attack and defense strength. You may wish to: complete overhaul of the monster profile.
• Adjust AC / HP to give your monster staying power. Dragon Turtle Level 17 Defender
• Add Paragon Actions to Elite and Solo monsters. Gargantuan dragon, neutral Solo vs 4 (18,000 XP)
• Add a trait or power for variety.
• Boost damage to keep your players on edge. Armor Class 25 Attack Bonus +12
Hit Points 1,050 (3 x 350) Damage 58
Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 20, 18
A DM wants to use a CR 17 dragon turtle as a ML 17
Solo Defender versus 4 players. They replace the Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
+7 +0 +5 +0 +1 +1
turtle's 20 AC / 341 HP with 25 AC / 1,050 HP, give
the turtle 3 Paragon Actions, and add the "Heavy Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +6, Dex +5
Defense" defender trait. They leave the turtle's attacks Skills Initiative +0, Perception +1, Stealth +0
as RAW—58 damage can still pack a punch, especially
when multiplied across the new Paragon Actions.
With 27 AC and 1,050 hit points, the dragon turtle Paragon Actions: You may take 3 Paragon Actions per
is now ready to fight four 17th-level adventurers. round to either move or perform an action.

Phase Transition: When reduced to 66% and 33% hit

More Art Than Science points, you may remove all on-going effects on
yourself and trigger your next phase transition.
Converting CR monsters to ML is not an exact science. Use
this process as a rough guide to get started, and modify your (Defender) Heavy Defence: Your defence is
converted monsters to suit your party's combat strengths. impenetrable. Gain +2 AC. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 4: ratings & levels


5 Making Attacks p17

Give your monster a range of freeform attacks.

6 Attack Rarity p25

Create common, uncommon, and rare attacks.

7 Overkill Attacks p27

Create dangerous overkill attacks.

8 Randomizing Damage p31

Randomize your monster's damage output.

Making Attacks

, ' Multiattacks
unleash it on your players. All monsters need
some form of attack for them to be a true threat— Once your monsters start dealing over 10 points of
a sword to slash with, huge jaws to bite down damage per round, consider splitting their single attack
with, dark magics to cast dangerous spells with. into a multiattack—this helps to prevent players being
This chapter describes how to use your quickstart overwhelmed with massive damage from a single hit.
monsters to attack the party in a variety of interesting
ways, introducing freeform attacks and magic. Multiattack (X): The monster makes X attacks against
its enemies, dealing [damage / X] damage per attack.
Freeform Attacks The Monster Multiattacks table demonstrates how to
Quickstart monsters don't start with any specific attacks create a multiattack based on a monster's damage per
listed as part of their stat-block—instead, they can use action—the higher the damage, the more attacks.
freeform attacks for speed, simplicity, and flexibility.
When you are making an attack, describe an action Monster Multiattacks
that feels appropriate for the monster and it's weaponry:
Total Damage Attacks Damage Damage (%)
• Is the dragon slashing wildly with huge claws? Then per Action per Action per Attack per Attack
it's making a slashing melee attack. 0-9 1 0-9 100
• Is it leaning forward to take a lethal bite? Then the
melee attack is piercing. 10-29 2 5-15 50
• Is the beast swiping its massive tail at you? Then it's a
bludgeoning melee attack. 30-59 3 10-20 33

• Is the dragon breathing searing flame at you? Then 60-99 4 10-25 25

you'll take fire damage from the close attack.
Once you have described how the monster is attacking, Minions & Multiattacks
make an attack roll using the monster's attack bonus and Minions don't make multiattacks—they either hit hard
damage as normal. with a single attack, or miss.
Keep it Simple
Fiction First
Keep your attacks simple and straightforward, and try to
avoid giving a monster more than 3 different methods of
attacking—unless they are particularly notable, such as Monsters have a lot of flexibility with freeform attacks—but
try to use only attacks that make sense for your monster's
an elite leader or solo boss character. Whenever type, equipment, and personality.
possible, use iconic and flavorsome attacks. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 5: making attacks
Condition Attacks Avoid Repetition
Attacks don't always have to deal direct damage to the When using condition attacks, try to avoid doing the same
enemy—instead, your monster can attempt to inflict a thing each turn—a general rule of thumb is to leave a
condition on its target, such as blinded, poisoned, or minimum of 1 turn between each use of a condition type.
restrained. This is called a condition attack.
Before you make a condition attack, describe what
your monster is trying to achieve and how: Worsening Conditions
Some special condition attacks become increasingly
• The hobgoblin snarls as it throws dust into your face, more severe over time, often when a player fails to make
attempting to blind you. a saving throw at the end of their turn—these are
• The giant frog's neck convulses fiercely as it spits a jet worsening condition attacks.
of poisonous fluid at you. To make a worsening condition attack, pick three
• The giant reaches down towards your weapon and conditions of increasing severity—when the player fails a
tries to pull it from your grasp, disarming you. saving throw, the condition advances to the next stage.
Once you've described the condition attack, make an Gorgon's Glare: The target's body quickly turns to
attack as normal using the attack bonus or spell DC—if
successful, the monster deals no damage and inflicts the stone. First it is blinded, then restrained, then petrified.
condition on the target.
If the player makes a successful recovery attempt,
Recovering from a Condition whether by a saving throw or other relevant action, the
When you use a condition attack, try to consider how a conditions end as per normal.
player will recover from it. There are three methods of Use the Conditions table below to help create an
condition recovery: interesting combination for your worsening attack.
• Take an action: The player can do something on their Conditions
turn to end the effect—wipe mud off their face, pick up
their sword, get up from the floor. This usually Condition Description
requires a full action to complete, though some effects Blinded You can't see anything.
may be simple enough to need only a bonus action.
• Make a saving throw: The player can make a saving Charmed You can't attack your charmer.
throw at the end of their turn to shrug off the effect— Deafened You can't hear anything.
strength to resist being pushed back by the wind, Frightened You can't move towards your terror.
constitution to resist the vile poison, intelligence to Grappled You can't move.
overcome the terrifying illusions.
• Wait X rounds: The effect ends naturally after a set Incapacitated You can't take actions or reactions.
number of rounds (usually within 2-4). Paralyzed You can't move or speak.
Petrified You are turned to stone (or other material).
Pick the recovery type that makes the most sense for
your particular attack, and be consistent with it. Poisoned You have disadvantage on attacks/checks.
Prone You are lying on the ground.
Multiattacks Restrained You can't move.
If your monster has a multiattack, you can use one of the Stunned You can't move, act, or speak properly.
attacks to make a condition attack instead.
Unconscious You fall unconscious.

Whilst journeying through the Elsewood, Valiant is

ambushed by a level 7 orc. The orc has Multiattack (2) Deep within the Sunken Temple, Viridian is fighting a
and, during a round of combat, uses one of the attacks dangerous level 10 gorgon. The gorgon has
to perform a condition attack on Valiant. Multiattack (2) and the Gorgon's Glare ability—a
worsening condition that turns victims into stone.
DM: The orc tries to kick your legs out from under
you, Valiant, and knock you prone. Make a Strength DM: The gorgon turns to you, Viridian, with eyes
saving throw to resist being knocked down, DC 15. glowing bright. Something about them draws your
Valiant: Ok... (rolls 8) damn it, my legs buckle. attention. Make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw.
DM: You fall painfully on the ground. The orc roars Viridian: Ok... (rolls 14) augh, no luck.
victoriously as it follows up with an attack, raising its DM: You can't resist locking eyes with the gorgon,
mighty axe to hack down at you. Viridian—you are blinded by her gaze.
Valiant: This can't be good... Viridian: Son of a...

chapter 5: making attacks | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Ongoing Damage Area Attacks
Sometimes a monster's attack lingers, causing harm Some monster attacks affect everyone within a wide area
long after the initial hit—burning acid, a bleeding wound, —explosive ammunition, frenzied whirlwinds, clouds of
painful frostbite. This is ongoing damage, and a monster poison. These are area attacks, and a monster can make
can inflict this instead of dealing direct damage. these if they have the right tools or abilities.
Before you make an ongoing damage attack, describe Before you make an area attack, first describe what
what your monster is trying to do: your monster is trying to do and how they're doing it:
• The mage tries to immolate your robe. • The giant swings a huge axe around in a deadly
• The orc slashes at your leg with its hooked blade. whirlwind of destruction.
• The kobold throws a vial of bubbling acid at you. • The goblin fires an explosive arrow towards the
middle of your adventuring party.
Then make an attack as normal. If successful, the • The dragon tries to burn you to cinders with an arc of
monster deals no direct damage but instead inflicts scorching dragonbreath.
ongoing damage—the damage is equal to the monster's
normal attack damage. Once you've described what the attack looks like, decide
on it's point of origin—this is usually either the monster
itself or the point where the attack lands.
Clanda is hunting a level 3 giant lizard, trying to Next, choose the size of the area affected by the
recover a poison gland for a spell component. The attack. Pick an area template, and then decide its range.
lizard has one attack per round, and deals 5 damage on Try to keep the size of your area attacks within 5ft to 20ft
a normal hit. During the battle, the lizard tries to spit
—unless your monster is particularly large or dangerous.
acid and cause ongoing damage.
Area Templates
DM: The giant lizard spits a bolt of hissing acid at Type Description
you, Clanda. It... (rolls 24) hits your AC. Line A straight line from the origin.
Clanda: Augh, these lizards are the worst. Sphere A sphere centered on the origin.
DM: The acid splashes over you, and you see the Cone A cone radiating out from the origin.
drops quickly eat into your robes. It's going to start
Cylinder A cylinder centered on the origin.
burning through into your skin very soon—take
Cube A cube with one side on the origin
ongoing 5 acid damage.
Clanda: Oh great, I can't wait. Who's turn is it now?
Finally, decide on whether the attack will deal damage
DM: Yours. Take 5 points of acid damage. on a miss to determine the final damage value.
Clanda: These. Lizards. Are. The. Worst.
Area Damage
Recovering from Ongoing Damage Type Damage
As with conditions, there are three ways a player can No Damage on a Miss Damage per Action x0.75
attempt to recover from ongoing damage:
Half Damage on a Miss Damage per Action x0.5
• Take an action: The player can do something on their
turn to end the effect—pour water on the fire, tear off
the bloodsucking tentacle, patch up a wound. The DM is creating an area attack for a level 4 artificer
• Make a saving throw: The player can make a saving with a thunder cannon that deals 8 damage on a hit.
throw at the end of their turn to try and end the effect The attack fires a blast of lightning energy that hurts
—strength to crack through burning ice, dexterity to everyone in it's path—no one can dodge lightning, but
remove a tiny poisoned barb, charisma to sever the a resilient body might fend off some of the pain.
bond with a soul-sucking demon.
• Wait X rounds: The damage ends naturally after a set
number of rounds (usually within 2-4). • Thunderlance: Attacks everyone in a 20ft line for 4
points of lightning damage. Save vs Constitution,
When creating your ongoing damage attack, choose one half damage (2) on a miss.
or more recovery actions—whichever makes the most
sense for your particular type of damage.
Multiattacks An area attack requires some dedicated effort and
If your monster has a multiattack, you can use one of the attention—you can't use an area attack as part of a
attacks to make an ongoing damage attack instead. standard multiattack. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 5: making attacks
Movement Attacks Resource Attacks
Some monsters use attacks to move you around the Some attacks don't seek to harm you directly, but instead
battlefield—pushing, pulling, or sliding you into try to leech precious resources from you—stamina,
disadvantageous positions. These are movement attacks, mana, gold, etc. These are called resource attacks, and
and a monster can make these in place of doing damage. they can be very dangerous to an unsuspecting party.
To perform a movement attack, first describe what To make a resource attack, first decide what type of
your monster is trying to do: resource your monster is trying to drain. Pick one from
the list below, or choose your own if no option fits.
• The sorcerer casts a powerful thunderwave blast to
try and push you backwards into the spiked wall. Resource Types
• The giant frog tries to hit you with its sticky tongue
and pull you into its hungry mouth. Type Description
• The warrior tries to use a distracting feint to swap Exhaustion The target gains a level of exhaustion.
places with you. Death Saves The target gains a failed death save.
Once you've described the attack, decide on the type of Hit Dice The target is drained of one unspent hit die
movement you want to happen to your target—is it a pull, (if there are multiple sizes, use the lowest
push, slide, or direct movement? size).
Spell Slots The target is drained of one unspent spell
slot (if there are multiple sizes, use the
Movement Types lowest size).
Type Description Gold The target is drained of some gold (or other
form of wealth).
Pull The target is pulled towards you in a straight line
(or as close as possible).
Push The target is pushed away from you in a straight
Once you've picked a resource, decide how much is
line (or as close as possible). drained per hit (1 exhaustion, 1 hit die, 50 gp, etc). Then
Slide The target is moved in a general direction.
describe how your monster is performing the attack:
Direct The target is moved instantly to a spot (such as by • The master thief pickpockets you (drain gold).
a teleport or magical effect). • The spectral wraith wraps around you and starts to
feed on your soul (drain hit dice).
Finally, decide on the distance your target should be • The void sorcerer grabs hold of your arm and steals a
moved if hit. Try to keep this within 10 ft to 30 ft—unless portion of your magical energy (drain spell slots).
your monster is particularly large or dangerous.
Finally, roll an attack as normal. If successful, the
Chansi is fighting a level 6 giant who—in a drunken
monster deals no direct damage but instead drains their
target of the desired resource.
rage—is trying to destroy her forest home.

DM: The giant kicks out at you with a swing of its Viridian is fighting Eldris Brune, a level 4 warlock who
huge leg, Chansi. It... (rolls 17) hits your AC. has been commanded by her patron—for unknowable
Chansi: Damn, for how much damage? reasons—to destroy all gold in the region.
DM: No damage, but the blunt force of the impact
DM: "I'm really sorry about this, but I can't disobey
sends you flying backwards 30 ft.
my patron!" says Eldris as she raises a hand towards
Chansi: Right into the mud? You bastard, these are
you, Viridian. Make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
my new boots!
Viridian: Pft easy... (rolls 7) augh, that's typical.
DM: A yellow beam strikes you in the chest, but you
Avoid Cheapshots feel no pain. In fact, you feel lighter. Your hand moves
Although movement attacks can move players into or down to your belt purse. Your now-empty purse.
onto dangerous terrain—boiling lava, sharp spikes, cliff Viridian: ... My what? I had 50 gp in that purse!
edges, etc—take care when doing so.
Avoid moving your player characters into obviously DM: "Oh dear, sorry about that!" winces Eldris. "Can I
fatal situations if they don't have any reasonable means recommend switching to silver pieces in future?"
of defense, escape, or survival. When in doubt, allow Viridian: ... Just. Stop.
them a saving throw to fall prone or grab hold of an edge.
Multiattacks Multiattacks
If your monster has a multiattack, you can use one of the If your monster has a multiattack, you can use one of the
attacks to make an movement attack instead. attacks to make a resource attack instead.
chapter 5: making attacks | /r/darkerdungeons5e
Example Attack Actions Arrow of Spell Drain
Ranged Attack, Resource, Common
To get you started with freeform attacks, here are some
basic attack actions you might give your monster. Use You shoot an spell-draining arrow at a single target.
these as a starting point to create your own attacks.
• Defense: AC.
Slash • Hit: The target is drained of their lowest-level
Melee Attack, Common unspent spell slot.
You slash at one target within reach.
Scorpid Sting
• Defense: AC. Melee Attack, Condition (Worsening), Common
• Hit: Deal 100% damage.
You stab at your target with a poisoned dagger that
can quickly render your target unconscious.
Twin Strike
Ranged Attack, Multiattack (2), Common
• Defense: AC.
You shoot two arrows at two targets within range. • Hit: The target is Poisoned, save ends (Constitution
vs your spell DC). If the target fails their saving
• Defense: AC. throw, their condition worsens.
• Hit: Deal 50% damage. • First Failed Save: The target is also Paralyzed.
• Second Failed Save: The target falls Unconscious
Cross-slash and remains so until the poison is cleansed. In
Melee Attack, Multiattack (3), Common addition, the target automatically fail
Constitution saving throws while unconscious.
You slash wildly at three targets within reach.

• Defense: AC. Explosive Jar

• Hit: Deal 33% damage. Ranged Attack, Area, Common

You throw a small jar of explosive gas, igniting

Rend everyone—friend or foe—within a small area.
Melee Attack, Ongoing, Common

You tear open a painful wound on one target. • Defense: Dexterity.

• Hit: Deal 50% damage.
• Defense: AC. • Miss: Deal 25% damage.
• Hit: Deal ongoing damage equal to 100% of your
normal damage, save ends (Constitution vs your Beguiling Voice
spell DC). Ranged Attack, Condition, Common

You speak mystic words to beguile the mind of your

Whirlwind target and sway them to your cause.
Melee Attack, Area, Common

You swing your blades in a whirlwind of destruction. • Defense: Charisma.

• Hit: The target is Charmed, save ends (Charisma vs
• Defense: AC. your spell DC).
• Hit: Deal 75% damage.

Sword Feint
Fear Melee Attack, Common
Melee Attack, Condition, Common
You distract your target with a sly flourish before
You roar fiercely at your target. slashing out with your weapon.

• Defense: Wisdom. • Defense: Intelligence.

• Hit: The target is Frightened for 2 rounds. • Hit: Deal 100% damage. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 5: making attacks

Using Magic Healing Magic
Monsters rarely have access to healing magic—unless
Quickstart monsters don't use the same vancian magic they are exceptional creatures with rare powers, items,
system as characters—it requires too much time to set or equipment. If your monster has access to any healing
up. Instead of spell-slots and predefined spells, quickstart or restorative powers, restrict their ability to just 3 uses
monsters use a simple freeform magic system. per encounter.
Pick a narrow one-word theme for your monster— A basic healing spell restores 30% of the target's
such as fire, water, shadow, decay, etc. Now your monster maximum hit points per casting. This can be divided
can make freeform attacks using that theme, just as they evenly across multiple targets to create an area healing
could if they were using any mundane weapon. spell—healing two people for 15%, three for 10%, etc.
The DM creates a 3rd-level tiefling sorceress with a Healing magic requires significant attention and cannot
"fire" magic theme, leading a host of goblins. In a be performed as part of a multiattack action unless your
fierce battle against the party, the sorceress can do any monster is specially trained.
simple magical action on her turn, such as:
Magic Themes
• Ranged Attack: Shoot a scorching-hot jet of fire at a
Theme Description
single target (Attack vs AC).
Restoration Heal and mend.
• Area Attack: Launch an explosive fireball at a cluster
Decay Erode, poison, and corrupt.
of people (Spell DC vs Dexterity).
Shadow Create darkness and manipulate shadows.
• Restrain: Create a cage of fire to imprison an enemy
(Spell DC vs Constitution). Light Create light and illusions.

• Create Cover: Create a wall of fire to block Death Sever souls from bodies, talk to the dead,
animate dead.
movement or provide cover (Concentration).
Life Restore a soul to a body, tie souls to
• Force Movement: Force an enemy to move back 5ft inanimate objects, modify spiritwebs.
from extreme heat (Spell DC vs Constitution). Destruction Destroy and obliterate.
• Enchant Allies: Imbue her allies with fire magic so
Protection Shield and defend.
their attacks deal fire damage (Concentration).
War Incite emotions, and cause rage or passion.
Peace Dampen emotions, cause calm.
Concentration Earth Control over earth and rock.
Any significant and long-lasting magical effects that a Air Control over air and wind.
monster might cast require some form of concentration Fire Control over fire and heat.
—enchantments, ongoing effects, summons, etc. A
monster can only maintain one concentration effect at a Water Control over water and ice.
time, unless they are especially powerful creatures. Strength Control physical power, muscle mass, and
Ending Concentration Knowledge Divination, detect alignment, learn secrets.
Monsters can end their concentration spells at will. Body Transmute flesh, change physical
Unlike player characters, monsters don't have to roll to appearance, polymorph, and petrify.
maintain their concentration spells when they take Mind Telepathy, domination, read thoughts, and
damage—the spell automatically persists. Spells end sense truth.
naturally if the monster is killed or knocked unconscious. Metal Detect, shape, create, and move metal.
Lightning Create and channel lightning, electricity.
When her goblin host flees the battlefield, the enraged Sound Create sounds, silence, long range
tiefling sorceress summons 8 fire elemental minions communication, change voice.
to attack the party. As a Concentration effect, however, Sight Truesight, perception, alter vision, sight-
beyond-sight, scrying.
she must drop her Flame Wall spell to do so.
Plants Control and communicate with plants.
Beasts Control and communicate with animals.
Keep Things Simple Fear Create fear and nightmares.

Don't over complicate your freeform magic spells—keep Resolve Reinforce willpower and create geas.
your spells focused on one specific goal. Are you trying to Time Alter the flow of time.
hurt someone, help someone, or hinder someone? Space Teleportation, size, and pocket dimensions.

chapter 5: making attacks | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Counterspell Monster Points
Your monsters might face a party wielding Counterspell. Monster Points (MP) reflect the amount of summoning
This is easy to accommodate—any non-cantrip magic power your monster has—more power means more MP
cast by your monster has a spell level equal to half their to spend on summoning spells.
monster level, rounded up (to a maximum of 5th-level). Each monster rank (minion, standard, elite, and solo)
is worth a set amount of MP—the higher the rank, the
higher the cost. Whenever you perform a summoning
Spell Level: Monster Level / 2 (max. 5th-level) spell, simply add up the total MP cost of your summoned
monsters and drain that from your summoner.
For a particularly notable or signature magic spell cast
by your monster, use a spell level of your choosing. Summoning Costs
Type Cost Type Cost
Atop the Hellfire Pinnacle, Clanda battles against a
4 Minions 1 MP 1 Elite 2 MP
ferocious tiefling sorceress (a 5th-level monster).
1 Standard 1 MP 1 Solo 1 MP per player
DM: Arcane sigils spiral around the sorceress' hands
as she unleashes— Creating a Summoner
Clanda: I cast Counterspell. To create a summoner, simply give them a budget of MP
DM: Of course you do. She's casting a 3rd-level spell for the encounter—that's it. Your summoner can now
(5th-level monster / 2)—the sigils shatter with a spark summon any combination of monsters so long as they
of arcane power. "You'll pay for that, witch," she hisses. have enough MP—use this flexibility to surprise your
Clanda: I'm sure I will. Why don't I start by teaching
players and keep your combat exciting.
you how to cast fireball properly...?
The DM wants to create a low-level necromancer that
can summon undead skeletons to fight the party. With
Monstrous Counterspell freeform summoning, the necromancer is given a
Your monsters can also wield their own Counterspell small budget of Monster Points—2 MP.
magics in battle. Sorcerers, eldritch horrors, martial During combat, the necromancer can spend these
spellbreakers—whatever their form, they may have an
option to disrupt spellcasting. MP in any combination it wishes. For example with 2
Use this sparingly—a standard monster should only MP the necromancer can:
be able to cast Counterspell once per encounter, if at all.
Elite and Solo monsters may be able to use this power • Summon 8 minions.
multiple times, depending on their nature. • Summon 1 standard and 4 minions.
• Summon 2 standards.
Clanda: See, first you say the words "I cast fireball, • Summon 1 elite.
you wretched tiefling", and then—
DM: The tiefling casts Counterspell. Summoned creatures can act immediately after the end
Clanda: ...Of course she does. of their summoner's turn.
To keep things simple, any summoned creature has
the same level as it's summoner—a level 9 summoner
The maximum spell level a monster can Counterspell— creates level 9 minions/standards/elites/solos, for
without needing to make a confirmation ability check—is example. But if you want to change the level of your
equal to half their monster level, rounded up (to a summoned creatures, read Building an Encounter (p34)
maximum of 5th-level). for guidelines on how this will affect your MP costs.
If your monster has multiple charges of Counterspell,
you can combine them—you gain +1 maximum spell level Summon Duration
for each additional charge of Counterspell you spend. Summoned creatures (by default) last for 1 hour—at
which point, the magic fueling them fades and they
Summoning return to their previous state. Summoned creatures also
fade/evaporate/collapse when their summoner is killed,
Some powerful spellcasters have the ability to summon stunned, or otherwise knocked unconscious.
new monsters into battle—conjured familiars, risen
undead, planar elementals, etc. A single summoner can Multiattacks
quickly turn the odds against an unsuspecting party. Summoning requires significant attention and cannot be
To start adding summoners to your game, all you need performed as part of a multiattack action unless your
is some Monster Points (MP) and a little freeform magic. monster is specially trained. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 5: making attacks
Example Freeform Spells Lightning Spear
Ranged Attack, Area, Common
To get you started with freeform magic and spell actions,
here are some basic spells you might give to your You cast a bolt of lightning from your hands that
monster. Use these as a starting point and create your
own monstrous spell attacks. strikes everyone in a 20 ft line.

Firebolt • Defense: Constitution.

Ranged Attack, Common • Hit: Deal 50% damage.
• Miss: Deal 25% damage.
You cast a bolt of fire at a target.

• Defense: AC. Time Stop

• Hit: Deal 100% damage. Ranged Attack, Condition, Common

You momentarily freeze time for one target.

Acid Touch
Melee Attack, Ongoing, Common • Defense: Charisma.
• Hit: The target is Stunned for 1 round.
You smear the target with sticky, burning acid that
eats through their armor.
Ranged Attack, Condition, Common
• Defense: AC.
• Hit: Deal ongoing damage equal to 100% of your You fill the mind of one target with illusions so they
normal damage, save ends (Constitution vs your can't tell friend from foe.
spell DC).
• Defense: Intelligence.
Solar Flare • Hit: The target is Charmed, save ends (Intelligence
Ranged Attack, Area, Common vs your spell DC).

You create a burst of dazzling white light, blinding

everyone within 10 ft of you. Crystalize Flesh
Melee Attack, Condition (Worsening), Common

• Defense: Constitution. You infect a target with a virulent corruption,

• Hit: The target is Blinded, save ends (Constitution transforming their flesh into black crystal.
vs your spell DC).
• Defense: Constitution.
• Hit: The target is Poisoned, save ends (Constitution
vs your spell DC). If the target fails their saving
Melee Attack, Resource, Common
throw, their condition worsens.
You draw air out of the lungs of your target, causing • First Failed Save: The target is also Restrained.
them to suffocate for a few painful seconds. • Second Failed Save: The target is fully Petrified.

• Defense: AC.
• Hit: Gain 1 level of exhaustion. Summon Lesser Elementals
Summon, Common

Frost Nova You summon a number of elementals into this plane

Ranged Attack, Area, Common to do your bidding. The elementals act under your
command until the spell ends.
You create a frozen orb that travels up to 30 ft before
exploding into a thousand painful shards of ice, slicing • Cost: 1 MP.
everyone within 15 ft of it. • Summon: You may summon 4 minions or 1
standard monster, all of the same level as you. The
• Defense: Dexterity. summoned creatures act immediately after you.
• Hit: Deal 75% damage. • Duration: 1 hour.

chapter 5: making attacks | /r/darkerdungeons5e


Attack Rarity

N utility—some are simple and have a minor

impact, while others are showstoppers that can
completely change the course of battle.
This chapter introduces attack rarities and how you
The DM is building an orc berserker, and—for some
variety—creates two common starting attacks: Slash
(deals damage on a hit vs AC) and Rend (deals ongoing
damage vs Constitution saving throw).
can use them to vary your monster's attack patterns.

Rarities Uncommon Attacks

Uncommon attacks are limited in use, often because
Freeform attacks, by default, focus on achieving just one they depend on a restricted resource—such as stamina,
thing per attack—draining health, applying a condition, rage, focus, mana, spell slots, or ammunition—or
moving targets around, etc. But if you want to add some because they need time to recharge power and strength.
more variety to your monster's attacks, use rarities to Because of their limitations, uncommon attacks are
adjust your attack damage and effects. more powerful and can achieve two things—for example:
There are three rarities of increasing power and
threat—common, uncommon, and rare. When creating • Deal double damage.
an attack, pick one—the rarer the attack, the more • Deal damage and a status condition.
devastation it can cause when it hits. • Apply ongoing damage and a status condition.
• Move targets around and apply ongoing damage.
Common Attacks There are three main forms of uncommon attack: limited
Common attacks can be performed without any charges, recharge, and cooldown. Pick the type that best
significant limitation—slashing with a sword, lashing out suits your particular monster and their style of attack.
with a tail, casting a magical cantrip, etc. These are basic
actions that focus on achieving one thing, such as: Limited Charges
Charge attacks can be used a set number of times before
• Deal some damage. they are exhausted—usually 2, 3, or 5. Charges reset
• Apply a status condition. after the monster completes a short rest or completes an
• Apply ongoing damage. action that could reasonably restore some charges.
• Move targets around.
For a more in-depth exploration of possible attack types A kobold slinger is given a Stink Pot (limited 3) ranged
and effects you can use, read Making Attacks (p17). attack that deals damage and applies the Poisoned
Give your monster one or two common attacks to condition. It can be used 3 times per short rest (if the
start with, and add/improvise additional freeform attacks kobold has access to new stink pots).
during play whenever they come up. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 6: attack rarity
Recharge attacks can only be used again after a specific
Your Monster Profile
number (or range of numbers) is rolled on a d6. At the Below is an example monster profile with some premade
start of your monster's turn, roll to see if their attack attacks—a Herald of Corruption. This aberrant, barely
recharges—if it does, you can use it again as normal. humanoid figure spreads corruption and sickness across
the land in the name of its eldritch master.
A tiefling pyromancer uses her Scorch (recharge 5/6)
Heralds secrete burrowing parasites which can infect
and corrupt living flesh, turning victims into new heralds.
attack against a player. At the start of the monster's
next turn, the DM rolls a d6—they roll a 4, meaning
Herald of Corruption Level 7 Striker
the attack has not recharged yet and cannot be used. Medium aberration, neutral Elite (1,450 XP)

Armor Class 14 Attack Bonus +9

Cooldown Hit Points 170 (85) Damage 18
Cooldown attacks can only be used again after a specific Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 17, 14
number of rounds have passed. Whenever you use a
cooldown attack, start a countdown timer. At the end of Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
the monster's following turns, reduce the timer by 1— +0 +1 +4 +3 +1 +2
once it reaches 0, the attack has recharged. Saving Throws Con +7, Int/Cha +4, Dex/Wis/Str +1
Skills Initiative +4, Perception +4, Stealth +4
An aberrant scourge spits a cone of acid with its Acid
Spray (cooldown 2) attack, and the DM sets a new Traits
countdown timer to 2 (using a d6 to track the time).
Paragon Action: You may take one Paragon Action per
At the end of the scourge's following turns, the
round to either move or perform an action.
timer is reduced by 1 until—at the end of the second
round—the timer reaches 0. Indominable: You are immune to any effects that
would alter your mind or will.

Rare Attacks Aura: Damaging: The space around you is dangerous.

Rare attacks are one-use abilities that take a significant Creatures take damage equal to your level when they
time to recover, recharging at the end of a long rest (or enter your aura or start their turn within it.
longer, depending on your monster). These are some of
your monster's most powerful attacks—their limit breaks, Actions
overdrive techniques, masterwork magic, etc.
Because they can only be used once, rare attacks can Touch of Decay (common)
achieve three things—for example: Melee 5 ft: +9 vs AC. Hit: 18 necrotic damage.

• Deal triple damage. Acid Spit (common)

• Deal double damage and a status condition. Ranged 30 ft: DC 14 vs Dexterity. Hit: 18 ongoing
• Apply ongoing damage and two status conditions. acid damage, save ends (Constitution vs DC 17).
• Move targets around and apply double ongoing damage.
Poison Breath (recharge 5/6)
Give your rare attack plenty of flavor and description— 30 ft Cone: DC 17 vs Constitution. Hit: 18 poison
these are some of your monster's most dangerous and damage and the target is Poisoned, save ends
exciting abilities, so put on a good show. (Constitution vs DC 17).

Lifesteal (limited 3)
The DM is building a greatsword-wielding soldier to
Melee 5ft: DC 17 vs Constitution. Hit: 18 necrotic
fight the party. As a damage-dealing striker, the soldier
damage and the target loses one unspent hit die.
is given an Omnislash (rare) attack which deals triple
damage on a successful hit—devastating if it hits. Burrowing Parasite (rare)
Melee 5ft: +9 vs AC. Hit: the target is Stunned and
takes 18 ongoing necrotic damage, save ends both
Keep Freeforming (Constitution vs DC 17). The target also gains a level
of exhaustion. If a creature falls to 0 hit points whilst
These attacks aren't an exhaustive list of everything your
monster can do. Treat written attacks as suggestions and still infected with a burrowing parasite, it becomes a
keep improvising new actions when necessary. Lesser Herald of Corruption.

chapter 6: attack rarity | /r/darkerdungeons5e


Overkill Attacks

biggest, scariest attacks to match. When the party's
on the verge of thwarting your plans—or gotten
Going Into Overkill
themselves into a vulnerable position—that's when An overkill attack is a huge, devastating, and almost-
it's time to unleash your full power and go into overkill. certainly fatal attack that a monster can unleash against
This chapter introduces overkill attacks for your the party. These are your biggest, most cinematic
monsters and how to use them in your encounters. monster attacks—an ultimate technique that can destroy
PCs, NPCs, and scenery alike.
Overkill attacks take a full round to charge up, but—
A red dragon takes in a deep breath, fire burning in its when unleashed—hit anyone in range automatically,
chest, as it prepares to melt flesh, stone, and steel. dealing a massive amount of damage in the process.
Storm clouds boil above a mad sorcerer as she charges There are 6 steps to creating an overkill attack:
a cataclysmic lightning bolt. A werewolf howls, its
bloody teeth shining in the moonlight, ready to tear 1. Pick a trigger: Decide what type of event triggers the
start of the overkill attack. You take a lot of damage?
open the jugular of its grabbed victim... Players destroy all your minions? You grab a PC?
2. Choose the area: Overkill attacks automatically hit
Storm of Chaos anything within a target area. Choose the area and
Overkill Attack (Extreme), Level 5 Controller (Solo)
range—as well as any possible safe spots.
3. Calculate the damage: Overkill attacks do four times
With foul runes and hellish words, you begin to pull the damage of normal attacks—calculate just how
the demonic energies of the Abyss into this world.
devastating the attack will be to your players.
4. Telegraph the attack: Take an action to start the
Glowing red veins tear across your skin as the Abyss attack. Let your players know what the monster is
pours into you, and black storm clouds—crackling doing and where it's dangerous—or safe—to be.
with vicious, red lightning—gather above. 5. Charge up power: Your monster spends a full round—
On your next turn, as your action, the abyssal and it's full attention—charging up the attack.
energy erupts from you in a burning wave of chaos.
6. Attack: The attack happens during the monster's next
turn—anyone still in its range is hit automatically.
• Requirement: You are bloodied (50% hit points).
• Target: 30 ft area around you. Cinematic Spectacle
• Hit: Any non-demonic creature within range takes Overkill attacks are a great way to add cinematic spectacle to
48 fire damage. Anyone reduced to 0 hit points by your battles—use plenty of over-the-top description to make
them big, loud, and exciting. Add overkill attacks to keep
this attack is immediately killed, reanimating after
your players on the move and to highlight the lethal threat
one turn as a possessed, demonic vessel. posed by your monster. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 7: overkill attacks

Step 1. Pick a Trigger The Danger Zone
Your first step in creating an overkill attack is to decide Make sure that it's possible for your players (at least,
exactly when your monster can start using it. Does it go most of them) to get out of range of the attack in only one
into overkill when bloodied? Or when it's grabbed a turn—even if it means dashing. If your players can only
player? Or once the players disrupt a sacred ritual circle? move 30 ft, for example, don't use a 70 ft area unless
Pick a triggering event from the list below—or create they have a clear means of escape or cover.
one that better suits your monster. When the event
happens, your monster's overkill attack is unlocked. Safe Spots
Add some interesting scenery that players can use in
Overkill Triggers creative ways to protect themselves—pillars to hide
behind, tables to flip over for cover, pools of water to dive
Type Description into, dead magic zones that nullify magical overkill, etc.
Bloodied Your monster is reduced to 50% or fewer
hit points.
The DM adds a couple of stone pillars to the
Event The players do something that disrupts the
monster's plans—release a prisoner, disrupt
encounter scenery as possible cover—but not enough
a ritual, destroy a power crystal, etc. for every player. They'll have to decide who gets to
Free No restriction—the monster can perform hide and who gets to run—fast.
this attack whenever they like.
Player in Peril A player is in a specific position or
dangerous condition—grabbed, restrained, Step 3. Determine the Damage
stunned, etc.
Now, it's time to see how much damage your attack will
do. Overkill attacks do four times the damage of a
monster's normal attack—damage enough to kill a
The DM wants to create an overkill attack for a new healthy adventurer in one hit. Overkill shouldn't be taken
level 9 solo striker—Kaladax, a wild red dragon with a lightly, so make sure to highlight the grave danger.
fiery temperament.
To start, they choose the "Bloodied" trigger. As a level 9 solo striker, Kaladax can deal around 29
Kaladax, when he's hurt, is going to get very angry... damage per attack action. This means his overkill
attack will deal 116 fire damage—almost certain to kill
Step 2. Choose the Area any unfortunate creature caught in the blast.

Next, decide the range and area of the attack. Overkill

attacks originate from your monster, striking out at Extreme Overkill
anyone unfortunate enough to still be in range. Pick a If you want to make players really afraid of your overkill
basic template from the list below to get started: attacks, consider this Extreme Overkill variant.
If a player is reduced to 0 hit points by an overkill
Overkill Area attack, they are killed outright—any remaining death
saves automatically fail.
Type Description
Character Hits a specific target—such as a grabbed or Watch the World Burn
stunned player within reach. Overkill Attack (Extreme), Level 9 Striker (Solo)
Area Hits everyone within a certain area—such as
"everyone within 30 ft of the monster". Your chest starts to swell with raging dragonfire, and
Cone The attack hits everyone in a cone your body becomes burning hot to the touch. The
originating from the monster.
stone begins to melt beneath you from the scorching
Line The attack hits everyone in a line originating heat, steam hissing loudly from your skin.
from the the monster.
On your next turn, as your action, you breathe
Zone The attack fills an entire zone or region of
the map. scorching hot dragonfire all around to melt stone,
steel, and flesh.

In his rage, Kaladax's overkill attack will flood the entire • Requirement: You are bloodied (50% hit points).
chamber with searing dragonbreath. Instead of a cone, • Target: 40 ft area around you.
the DM chooses an area template, centered on • Hit: Any creature within range takes 116 fire
Kaladax, with a 40 ft radius—the party will have to run damage. In addition, any creature reduced to 0 hit
for their lives to escape the dragon's hellish flame. points by this attack is disintegrated.

chapter 7: overkill attacks | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Step 4. Telegraph the Attack Step 6. Attack
Once you've unlocked an overkill attack, it's time to put it Finally, once fully charged, the monster unleashes the
to use. Take an action to start your attack and telegraph overkill attack using their turn action—anyone in range is
the impending danger—your players should know what's automatically hit for the full damage. Once the attack has
coming up so they have a chance to avoid it. occurred, the monster can act as normal—taking
Clearly describe what is happening, where it will reactions, Paragon Actions, movement, etc.
happen, and when it will happen. Make it clear that
anyone in range and not in adequate cover will be hit DM: "You will burn!" roars Kaladax as he unleashes
automatically—the only defense is to be out of the
attack's reach. his volcanic attack. Searing flames flood the chamber.
Valiant: We're all safe behind this pillar, right?
Inside Redstone Volcano, Valiant, Krazak, and Clanda DM: You are, but Krazak isn't. The dwarf, standing his
battle Kaladax, the wild red dragon. After it has been ground in front of Kaladax, is hit full force by the attack
bloodied, the DM activates an overkill attack. and takes 116 points of fire damage.
Krazak: ...I stand defiant, my charred arm holding
DM: The red dragon Kaladax starts to draw in breath. aloft a melted axe. "That. All. You. Got?" And then I fall,
Valiant, you can see its chest swell with dangerous my burnt body exploding into ash as it hits the ground.
power—an incredible amount of heat is radiating from DM: Kaladax slams his tail down, scattering Krazak's
the dragon already as it goes into overkill. "Insolent ashes. "Such is the fate of all who would defy me!"
mortals! Now watch this world burn!" he roars. Valiant: ...WHAT.
Valiant: Can I see where Kaladax is aiming?
DM: You think he's going to flood this entire
chamber with searing, deadly flame in just six seconds. A Weak Point
Valiant: Uh, everyone? We should run. When a monster starts to charge an overkill attack, it
might expose a weak point—a loose scale, a glowing red
Step 5. Charge up Power core, a fragile crystal, etc. Do enough damage to this
weak point and you might just stop the overkill attack
Once your monster has started an overkill attack, it altogether, stunning the monster in the process.
begins gathering whatever energy it needs until the start If you want to bait players into staying within your
of its next turn—at which point, the attack is fully monster's overkill range, give it an exposed weak point.
charged and the monster must use its action to unleash
it (even if it might want to do something else instead). Adding a Weak Point
While the monster is charging up the attack, it doesn't
take reactions nor Paragon Actions. It also won't try to To add a weak point to your monster, first decide what it
move—though it can still be moved by player actions. looks like and how difficult it is to spot. Then, give it a
pool of hit points equal to 1/10 of the monster's max HP.
Disrupting Overkill
While the monster is charging its attack, it's vulnerable.
Players—with some clever use of roleplay, powers, and The DM creates another solo creature—a 12th-level
effects—might just have a chance to disrupt the overkill mechanical construct with 719 total HP and a ground-
attack and cancel it outright. shattering overkill attack. To give players a way to
If your monster is stunned, incapacitated, or
otherwise put in a position where the overkill attack no interrupt this attack, the DM adds a weak point.
longer makes sense, the action fizzles to no effect. While charging the energy for its Earthquake Strike,
the construct reveals a fragile power core inside its
thick armor. The core glows bright blue, has 71 HP,
DM: The heat from Kaladax is intense as the
and can be noticed with a DC 12 perception check.
dragonfire builds. What do you do, Krazak?
Krazak: Dragon can't breathe fire if it's stunned. And
my Stormbreaker axe has a chance to stun on crit... If a player can see the weak spot, they can attack it—
DM: You attack the dragon?
using the same defense values as the monster itself.
If the weak point is reduced to 0 hit points, the
Krazak: Damn right I attack the dragon! I charge monster immediately takes damage equal to the weak
Kaladax with Stormbreaker drawn. Dwarven ancestors, point's max HP and is also Stunned until the end of its
if ever I needed a critical it's now... (rolls 1) ...son of a. next turn. This effect cannot be circumvented by
DM: The heat throws your swing off badly, Krazak. Legendary Resistances or with Paragon Actions.
You skid to a halt in front of a grinning Kaladax...
A weak point can only be seen or attacked while the
monster is charging an overkill attack. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 7: overkill attacks
Examples Thunder Lance
Overkill Attack (Extreme), Level 7 Sniper (Elite)

To get you started with overkill attacks, here are some You overcharge your thunder cannon to create a
basic examples you can give to your monsters. massive, deadly surge of raw lighting energy.
On your next turn, as your action, you fire a blast of
Snap Neck lighting that pierces everyone and everything in a line.
Overkill Attack, Level 3 Lurker (Elite)
• Requirement: Your minions have been killed.
You wrap your hands firmly around the head of a
• Target: A 40 ft by 10 ft line, originating from you.
grabbed creature.
• Hit: Any creature in range takes 72 lightning
On your next turn, as your action, you sharply twist
damage. Anyone reduced to 0 hit points by this
the head of your victim with a sickening crunch.
attack is killed outright by the shock.
• Requirement: You are next to a grabbed creature.
• Target: A grabbed creature.
Spirit Bomb
• Hit: The creature takes 36 bludgeoning damage. Overkill Attack (Extreme), Level 7 Striker (Solo)

You draw spirit energy from nearby living creatures

Devour and channel it into a glowing ball of radiant power.
Overkill Attack, Level 4 Controller (Solo)
On your next turn, as your action, you launch the
You unhinge your jaw, teeth glistening, as you prepare ball into the ground where it explodes in radiant fire.
to devour a nearby stunned creature.
• Requirement: You are bloodied.
On your next turn, as your action, you bite into your
• Target: A 50 ft area around you.
victim with bone-crushing force.
• Hit: Any creature in range takes 80 radiant damage.
• Requirement: You are next to a stunned creature. If a creature of evil alignment is reduced to 0 hit
• Target: A stunned creature. points by this attack, it is disintegrated.
• Hit: The creature takes 40 piercing damage. If the
creature is reduced to 0 hit points, you swallow it.
You're Already Dead
Overkill Attack, Level 9 Striker (Elite)
Whispers of Azatoth
Overkill Attack, Level 5 Supporter (Elite)
With necrotic power from the Font of Decay, you
summon soul-hungry wraiths from the Shadowfell.
With eldritch words, you tear open a rift into the Far On your next turn, as your action, you send the
Realm and draw on its unknowable power. wraiths out in a deadly wave to consume the living.
On your next turn, as your action, you unleash a
blast of psychic energy that tears apart living minds. • Requirement: You consume a Font of Decay.
• Target: A 60 ft by 10 ft line, originating from you.
• Requirement: Your minions have been killed. • Hit: Creatures in range take 108 necrotic damage.
• Target: A 30 ft cone originating from you.
• Hit: Creatures in range take 36 psychic damage.
Ice Age
Overkill Attack (Extreme), Level 10 Defender (Solo)
Reptile Spray
Overkill Attack, Level 6 Scout (Solo) With arcane runes you pull cold energy from the
Elemental Chaos, becoming a Herald of Winter.
You swallow a vial of reptile acid, mixing it with your On your next turn, as your action, you unleash a
own digestive juices. frozen vortex that turns everything to ice and snow.
On your next turn, as your action, you spew a thick
spray of corrosive acid to melt stone, steel, and flesh. • Requirement: You are bloodied.
• Target: A 50 ft area around you.
• Requirement: You consume a vial of reptile acid. • Hit: Any creature in range takes 104 cold damage.
• Target: A 30 ft cone originating from you. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
• Hit: Creatures in range take 40 acid damage. attack, it is petrified and turned into an ice statue.

chapter 7: overkill attacks | /r/darkerdungeons5e


Randomizing Damage

T supplement use static damage values for

simplicity's sake.
But if you want to add some variety to your
monster damage, this chapter will help you to convert
Step 2. Choose an Attack Type
Next, decide just how unpredictable you want the
damage to be—the more careless the attack, the bigger
the damage die and the wider the range of damage your
your static damage values into randomized damage. players might suffer.
There are 7 categories of damage: accurate (d4),
predictable (d6), reliable (d8), irregular (d10), volatile
Static to Random (d12), wild (d20), and chaotic (d100). Choose the type
that best suits your attack.
Once you have a monster—be it minion, standard, elite,
or solo—it's easy to convert your static damage into
randomized damage. Simply follow these three steps: As Gannimor is reckless with his axe and precise with
his dagger, the DM chooses volatile axe damage and
1. Get the static damage: Find your monster's base accurate dagger damage.
static damage value from their profile.
2. Choose an attack type: Decide just how accurate or
unpredictable the attack's damage should be—the Step 3. Randomize the Damage
wilder the attack, the bigger the die you roll.
3. Randomize the damage: Replace the static damage Finally, look through the Randomized Damage table to
with a dice roll from the Randomized Damage table. find a suitable value based on your chosen damage types
—update your static damage accordingly.
Step 1. Get the Static Damage
First, find your monster's normal static damage for their The DM finds two randomized damage options that
attacks—from either their profile or the monster are a good fit. Gannimor's profile is updated to replace
template tables. the static 14 damage with two attack options:
Attack (Axe): 2d12 + 1 (14 - 13)
The DM is creating Gannimor Strax, a ferocious orc Attack (Dagger): 4d4 + 4 (14 - 10)
pit-fighter who, in battle, dual-wields a battle axe and
dagger. As a 5th-level elite striker, the orc deals 14
Wild Swings
static damage on a successful hit.
For variety, and to emphasis the different weaponry, Rolling big dice for your damage (d10s, d12s, etc) can be
exciting, but may lead to some very swingy combat. Make
the DM wants to use two randomized damage values sure to use a variety of dice options to keep things
—one for an axe attack, and one for a dagger attack. interesting and control the tempo of your monsters. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 8: randomizing damage

Randomized Damage
Damage Type Dice Min/Max Mean Deviation Common Range Randomized Damage
Accurate (d4) 1d4 1−4 2.5 1.12 1−4 1d4 + (static damage − 2)
2d4 2−8 5 1.58 3−7 2d4 + (static damage − 5)
3d4 3−12 7.5 1.94 5−10 3d4 + (static damage − 7)
4d4 4−16 10 2.24 7−13 4d4 + (static damage − 10)
5d4 5−20 12.5 2.5 10−15 5d4 + (static damage − 12)
6d4 6−24 15 2.74 12−18 6d4 + (static damage − 15)
Predictable (d6) 1d6 1−6 3.5 1.71 1−6 1d6 + (static damage − 3)
2d6 2−12 7 2.42 4−10 2d6 + (static damage − 7)
3d6 3−18 10.5 2.96 7−14 3d6 + (static damage − 10)
4d6 4−24 14 3.42 10−18 4d6 + (static damage − 14)
5d6 5−30 17.5 3.82 13−22 5d6 + (static damage − 17)
6d6 6−36 21 4.18 16−26 6d6 + (static damage − 21)
Reliable (d8) 1d8 1−8 4.5 2.29 2−7 1d8 + (static damage − 4)
2d8 2−16 9 3.24 5−13 2d8 + (static damage − 9)
3d8 3−24 13.5 3.97 9−18 3d8 + (static damage − 13)
4d8 4−32 18 4.58 13−23 4d8 + (static damage − 18)
5d8 5−40 22.5 5.12 17−28 5d8 + (static damage − 22)
6d8 6−48 27 5.61 21−33 6d8 + (static damage − 27)
Irregular (d10) 1d10 1−10 5.5 2.87 2−9 1d10 + (static damage − 5)
2d10 2−20 11 4.06 6−16 2d10 + (static damage − 11)
3d10 3−30 16.5 4.97 11−22 3d10 + (static damage − 16)
4d10 4−40 22 5.74 16−28 4d10 + (static damage − 22)
5d10 5−50 27.5 6.42 21−34 5d10 + (static damage − 27)
6d10 6−60 33 7.04 25−41 6d10 + (static damage − 33)
Volatile (d12) 1d12 1−12 6.5 3.45 3−10 1d12 + (static damage − 6)
2d12 2−24 13 4.88 8−18 2d12 + (static damage − 13)
3d12 3−36 19.5 5.98 13−26 3d12 + (static damage − 19)
4d12 4−48 26 6.9 19−33 4d12 + (static damage − 26)
5d12 5−60 32.5 7.72 24−41 5d12 + (static damage − 32)
6d12 6−72 39 8.46 30−48 6d12 + (static damage − 39)
Wild (d20) 1d20 1−20 10.5 5.77 4−17 1d20 + (static damage − 10)
2d20 2−40 21 8.15 12−30 2d20 + (static damage − 21)
3d20 3−60 31.5 9.99 21−42 3d20 + (static damage − 31)
4d20 4−80 42 11.53 30−54 4d20 + (static damage − 42)
5d20 5−100 52.5 12.89 39−66 5d20 + (static damage − 52)
6d20 6−120 63 14.12 48−78 6d20 + (static damage − 63)
Chaotic (d100) 1d100 1−100 50.5 28.87 21−80 1d100 + (static damage − 50)
2d100 2−200 101 40.82 60−142 2d100 + (static damage − 101)
3d100 3−300 151.5 50 101−202 3d100 + (static damage − 151)
4d100 4−400 202 57.73 144−260 4d100 + (static damage − 202)
5d100 5−500 252.5 64.55 187−318 5d100 + (static damage − 252)
6d100 6−600 303 70.71 232−374 6d100 + (static damage − 303)
Damage Type Dice Min/Max Mean Deviation Common Range Randomized Damage

chapter 8: randomizing damage | /r/darkerdungeons5e


9 Building an Encounter p34

Build an enounter with Monster Points.

10 The Court of Bones p36

A sample 5th-level adventure.

Building an Encounter

' .M
don't act alone, preferring to work with their other The DM is creating a normal encounter for 4 players.
monstrous allies to surround and overcome their Using the Encounter Difficulty table, this generates 4
enemies—unless they're independent solos on a wild, monster points with which to build the encounter.
destructive rampage.
This chapter provides some basic guidelines on how
to build quickstart encounters with varying types of Step 2. Add Monsters
monster for your players to battle.
Now it's time to start adding monsters to your encounter.
Each monster type costs a certain number of monster
The Basic Encounter points—the bigger the threat, the bigger the cost. Keep
adding monsters until you've spent all of your MP.
Building a basic encounter using quickstart monsters is
very simple, requiring three steps: Monster Value
1. Get some Monster Points: Decide how dangerous Type MP Cost Type MP Cost
the encounter should be for your players to calculate
how many monster points (MP) you'll get to spend. Minion 1/4 Elite 2

2. Add monsters: Spend your MP to add monsters to Standard 1 Solo 1 per player
the encounter until you reach the limit.
3. Build the monsters: Create your monster profiles as
normal with an eye for interesting synergies. Monster Levels
Values listed in the Monster Value table assume you're
Step 1. Get some Monster Points using monsters within -3/+3 levels of the average player
character—but this may not always be the case. If your
First, decide the difficulty of the encounter to see how monster is under or overleveled, adjust its MP cost.
many monster points (MP) you get to spend. For every 4 levels higher than the players, double the
monster's MP cost. For every 4 levels lower, halve it.
Encounter Difficulty
Difficulty Total Monster Points (MP)
The DM wants to create a horde-style normal
encounter for 4 players. They add one elite monster,
Easy Number of players x 0.5
worth 2 points, leaving 2 points for minions.
Normal Number of players
Normally, 2 points can buy 8 minions. But by using
Hard Number of players x 1.5 minions 4 levels lower than the players, the DM is able
Extreme Number of players x 2 to add 16 minions instead.

chapter 9: building an encounter | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Step 3. Build your Monsters Elite Encounters
Once you've decided on your encounter monsters, it's Elite encounters feature powerful elite monsters leading
time to start building them. Use the normal quickstart a troupe of other monsters. Use these for your mid-boss
rules to help you generate these stat-blocks. encounters, or scenes involving named monsters.
Look for interesting synergies between your monsters
based on their type and role—defenders protecting Elite Force Normal vs 4
snipers, supporters buffing strikers, controllers enabling An elite monster commands a band of minions. 4 MP
lurkers—but try to limit the number of monster roles to
three per encounter to avoid overcomplicating things. Number Type Role Level Points
1 Elite Controller +0 2

Encounter Outlines 4
Here are some encounter outlines you might use to help
construct your own encounters. Each assumes a 4-player Twin Terrors Normal vs 4
party with a budget of 4 monster points to spend— Two strong elites are ready to fight. 4 MP
change this to suit your own game as and when needed.
Number Type Role Level Points
Basic Encounters 1 Elite Defender +0 2

Basic encounters focus on using standard and minion 1 Elite Striker +0 2

monsters, usually in equal numbers to the players for
simple one-on-one battles. Use these to give your players Solo Encounters
a straightforward combat challenge against a relatively
few opponents. Solo encounters put the party up against a single,
overwhelming monster. Use these for your major bosses
Basic Brawl Normal vs 4
and villains, and to capstone an adventure with a climatic
Two defenders protect two damage-dealers. 4 MP
boss battle.
Number Type Role Level Points
Single Combat Normal vs 4
1 Standard Sniper +0 1 A solo monster with one stat block. 4 MP
1 Standard Striker +0 1
Number Type Role Level Points
2 Standard Defender +0 2
1 Solo Striker +0 4

Sneak Attack Normal vs 4

A defender and controller cover two lurkers. 4 MP This Isn't Even My Final Form Normal vs 4
A solo monster with three distinct phases. 4 MP
Number Type Role Level Points
1 Standard Controller +0 1 Number Type Role Level Points

1 Standard Defender +0 1 1 Solo Defender +0 4

2 Standard Lurker +0 2 — — Controller — —

— — Striker — —

Sharpshooter Hard vs 4
A range of snipers supported for maximum damage. 6 MP Horde Encounters
Number Type Role Level Points Horde encounters swarm your players with a huge
2 Standard Support +0 2 number of weak minions to overwhelm and overrun
them. Use these to pit your players against mobs, hordes,
3 Standard Sniper +0 3
and armies.
4 Minion Defender +0 1

Vast Minion Horde Hard vs 4

Wild Mob Extreme vs 4 An overwhelming horde of minions. 6 MP
A mob of wild attackers out for blood. 8 MP
Number Type Role Level Points
Number Type Role Level Points 16 Minion Defender -8 1
6 Standard Striker +0 6 16 Minion Lurker -8 1
4 Minion Sniper +0 1 32 Minion Sniper -8 2
4 Minion Supporter +0 1 32 Minion Striker -8 2 | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 9: building an encounter


The Court of Bones

long buried and forgotten—but forgotten no
more, for a sinister necromancer now plots to
Your Quest
resurrect the Skeleton Queen and unleash her The necromancer Mortanius wants to raise the
dark powers upon the world. Can you save the kingdom Skeleton Queen and bind her to his will, using her
from the Court of Bones? formidable necromantic powers (and the Court of Bones)
This is a 5th-level adventure outline for 4 players, for his own purpose—the conquest of the mortal realms.
demonstrating how you can use this supplement to build To achieve this, Mortanius has stolen the Tome of
encounters. The Court of Bones is deliberately open- Awakening (a powerful book of forbidden necromantic
ended—use it as a starting point and expand the knowledge) and entered the sunken Dreadvault. His
adventure with your own monsters, encounters, and loot. ritual of resurrection has already begun leeching life
from the land above—if you don't stop him, the lifeforce
of the entire kingdom will be bled dry.
100 years ago, Queen Celestine of Reinburg—dying
from an incurable sickness—made a desperate pact
Quest: Find Mortanius and stop his resurrection ritual
with a death god to save her life and prevent a war of
—or kill the Skeleton Queen once and for all.
succession from tearing her kingdom apart.
The pact was accepted and her sickness healed, but
The party, following Mortanius' trail through the twisting
at a terrible cost—a hunger for souls. Though she tried undercaverns, discover the gates of the Dreadvault.
to resist, Celestine soon began to feast on her aides. Already, the air crackles with magical energy...
As a grim reward for their 'sacrifice', she raised their
bodies as undead puppets—her Court of Bones. A Ticking Clock
When the hunger grew, her unholy appetites turned
Time is a factor—the party must stop Mortanius before
to the rest of her kingdom. But before she could he can resurrect the Skeleton Queen at full strength.
complete a ritual that would turn the entire kingdom Upon entering the Dreadvault, if the party take a long
to undeath, four brave heroes fought their way into the rest at any point before defeating Mortanius:
palace and defeated her. Celestine's spirit was torn
from her body and her corrupt palace—the Dreadvault
• Mortanius' resurrection ritual completes, killing all
plant-life in the kingdom above and poisoning the
—sank deep into the earth, never to rise again. earth with necrotic energy.
Some say that the Queen's ravenous soul still • The Skeleton Queen becomes a gargantuan monster
haunts the Dreadvault, seeking a way back into our and gains +10 levels (ML 13 instead of ML 3). She
world. Nobody knows for sure, and none have been kills Mortanius and shatters the roof of the
brave—or foolish—enough to find out. Until today...
Dreadvault, ascending into the world to wage war
against the living and reclaim the throne of Reinburg.
chapter 10: the court of bones | /r/darkerdungeons5e
The History "Better that Reinburg should lose its soul to its Queen,
than lose everything to Him."
100 years ago, the kingdom of Reinburg was ruled by the
accomplished Queen Celestine and her husband, Prince Just when all seemed hopeless, four brave heroes fought
Beregor. Their rule was prosperous and Reinburg grew their way into the Queen's sanctum and battled her in the
strong under their care. With much celebration, the throne room. At the last second, before the ritual could
Queen gave birth to a daughter—Princess Sophia—and be completed, one of the heroes impaled the Queen with
all was well—until a day came when everything changed. a greatsword, pinning her to the black throne.
A terrible, magical plague swept through the kingdom, With a bloody hand on the sword, surreptitiously
killing peasant and noble alike. Prince Beregor and etching out eldritch runes in blood, Celestine laughed
Princess Sophia both died, while Celestine was left one final time. "He can't have my soul. Not yet..."
terminally ill. With her final breath, her palace—the Dreadvault—
began to sink into the earth. Some people claim to have
A Desperate Pact seen tentacles wrapped around the building, pulling it
down—whatever the truth, the Dreadvault and Skeleton
As Celestine lay near death, her two younger brothers— Queen were thought lost for all time...
the royal twins, Rayner and Remus—each stepped
forward to claim the throne for himself. Celestine feared
their greed for Reinburg's crown would start a war of
succession and tear her beloved kingdom apart.
The Villains
And so on her deathbed, the Queen turned to the gods There are two primary villains the party will face during
for aid. When the gods ignored her pleas, Celestine—in this adventure: Mortanius—a powerful necromancer
desperation—reached out to darker powers. with megalomanical aspirations—and Celestine
One reached back. Reinburg—a ruthless, soul-eating Skeleton Queen.

"Feed me." Mortanius, the Necromancer

Mortanius is a man who wants to rule the world, and he
The command was overwhelming. And though every is not in the least bit subtle about this. Arrogant,
fiber of her being screamed to refuse, Celestine was flamboyant, and utterly convinced that only he can bring
desperate to safeguard her kingdom. She accepted. At order to chaos, Mortanius has devoted his life—and his
once her sickness quickly burned away as new, family fortune—to this pursuit of world domination.
otherworldly power flowed through her veins. But after three failed schemes—thwarted each time by
Celestine was cured, and Reinburg was safe. persistant adventurers—and having spent the last gold
piece of his family fortune, Mortanius has come to one
A Sinister Hunger conclusion: a conquerer needs an army.
For this reason, Mortanius has come to Reinburg.
It wasn't until some weeks later that Celestine noticed With the Tome of Awakening in his possession, the
her appetite for food was gone. With dawning horror, she necromancer plans to raise the Skeleton Queen and,
discovered a hunger for something much darker—living through her, control the undead Court of Bones—an
souls. She tried to resist it, but day by day the hunger army with which to start conquering the living.
grew and the command grew louder: Feed me! Today, Reinburg. Tomorrow, the world!
When Celestine first touched the arm of her
chambermaid and accidentally drained her soul, she was Celestine, the Skeleton Queen
inconsolable. When a courtier kissed Celestine's hand
and she drained his soul, she was upset. When she In life, Celestine was the accomplished—if stern—ruler of
drained the souls of her knight protectors in one hungry Reinburg. But when a magical plague swept through the
outburst, she was resolved. kingdom and nearly killed her, Celestine made a pact
"This is for the future of Reinburg," justified the with an unknown power and became a soul reaver.
Queen "But I won't let their noble sacrifice go Celestine wants to protect her beloved Reinburg, and
unrewarded. Through me, they will have life eternal." she believes that the best way to do that is by killing her
And thus began the Court of Bones. gluttonous patron—even if it costs every living soul in the
world. Better to lose a soul than lose all existence, in her
Pactbreaker cold opinion.
With growing fear over her patron's gluttonous The Court of Bones
ambitions, Celestine sought to escape her pact. Perhaps, Though much of the Court was destroyed when the
if she consumed enough souls, she would gain the power Dreadvault sank into the earth, their bones can be found
to fight her benefactor? throughout the palace ruins. Should the Skeleton Queen
And so, with grim resolve, she prepared a ritual that arise and resurrect her Court of Bones, she will have
would drain all Reinburg of its spiritual lifeforce. upwards of 300 undead soldiers at her command.
chapter 10: the court of bones | /r/darkerdungeons5e
The Dreadvault Skeleton Soldier
Medium humanoid, undead
Level 5 Defender
Minion (112 XP)

Formerly the beautiful gothic marble Palace of Reinburg, Armor Class 16 Attack Bonus +3
the Dreadvault is now little more than a ruined charnel Hit Points 12 (6) Damage 8
house sunk deep beneath the earth—the final resting Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 11, 8
place of the Skeleton Queen and her Court of Bones.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
+4 +2 +3 +1 +1 +0
You see: There is no natural light in the Dreadvault—
Saving Throws Str +6, Con/Dex +3, Wis/Int/Cha +0
the dead have no need of it. But if you light a torch,
Skills Initiative +0, Perception +3, Stealth +0
you see thick, black, necrotic veins running throughout Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
the walls, pulsing as if to a heartbeat. Ghostly shadows Immunities Exhaustion, Poison, Poisoned
seem to move on the edge of your vision. Senses Darkvision 60 ft
All around you are the rotted remains of the former Languages Understands Common, can't speak
palace—decayed furniture, torn paintings, blocked
doorways, collapsed ceilings, and countless bones.
Got Your Back: When standing next to an ally or
You hear: The faint whistle of wind and the far-off echo attacking target, you can spend your reaction to
of bone clattering on stone. Sometimes, it sounds as if redirect the attack onto yourself.
someone is whispering unintelligence words right into
your ear—words that set a chill throughout your body. Actions

You smell: The air here has been undisturbed for nearly Slash (common)
a century. You smell dust, mold, and decay. Melee 5 ft: +3 vs AC. Hit: 8 slashing damage.

You feel: It is cold and sinister. At times, you feel an
almost overwhelming pressure to flee—as if the Rotted leather armor and a rusted sword.
Dreadvault itself is trying to break your spirit.
Skeleton Archer Level 5 Sniper
The living are not welcome in the Dreadvault. Linger Medium humanoid, undead Minion (112 XP)
here at your peril...
Armor Class 14 Attack Bonus +3
A1. The Vestibule Hit Points
9 (5) Damage
30 ft Spell DCs
11, 8
Once a greeting chamber to the palace, this ruined
chamber now serves as a warning to those who would Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
dare enter the Dreadvault. Eight skeletons—recently +2 +4 +3 +1 +1 +0
raised by Mortanius—stand guard here. Saving Throws Dex +5, Con/Str +2, Wis/Int/Cha −1
Skills Initiative +0, Perception +0, Stealth +3
Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
The heavy door opens slowly with a screech of rusted
Immunities Exhaustion, Poison, Poisoned
hinges. Inside, eight skeletal heads turn towards you, Senses Darkvision 60 ft
blue light burning in their empty eye sockets. Languages Understands Common, can't speak

The skeletons attack any intruder that comes within 60
ft. By Mortanius' command, they attack to kill. Hold Still: You have advantage on attack rolls when
Once the intruders have been dealt with, the skeletons
drag any corpses to the Halls of Dust (A2) to be later your target moved less than 10ft during their last turn.
raised as undead zombies. Actions
The Vestibule Easy vs 4 Shoot (common)
Eight skeleton minions guard the entrance. 2 MP Ranged 60 ft: +3 vs AC. Hit: 10 piercing damage.
Number Type Role Level Points
4 Minion Defender 5 1
4 Minion Sniper 5 1 An old bow and some arrows. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 10: the court of bones

A2. The Halls of Dust Necrotic Conduit
Once an elaborate dining hall, the only thing the Halls of A special necromantic creation of Mortanius. A necrotic
Dust now serve is death. Four risen skeletons can be conduit harvests the latent energy within the Dreadvault
found here, guarding a dangerous necromantic device. to fuel a special "Raise Dead" ritual.
The conduit can be deactivated with three successful
Arcana or Religion (if your character serves an
The wooden door turns to ash as you push on it, appropriate deity) skill checks. However, if the conduit
revealing a ruined dining hall. Time—and necrotic suffers 30 damage or two failed skill checks, it explodes
magic—has destroyed the room's banquet table, and releases a damaging blastwave of necrotic energy.
leaving only scant fragments of corrupted wood.
Above, three chandeliers line the ceiling—bereft of Necrotic Conduit Level 5 Supporter
candles—their metal chains rusted with age. Large hazard, magical

A large, black crystal surrounded by a powerful ritual

In the center of the hall is a necrotic conduit, a magical
device created by Mortanius to harvest the latent circle. Purple lightning arcs out periodically, and a
necrotic energies of the Dreadvault and raise the dead. black mist spreads from the crystal's core.
The conduit harvests necrotic energy and emits a
dangerous aura that hurts the living and heals the
In the center of the hall, dark purple light shines from a
dead. Given enough time, it can even raise the dead.
black crystal shard floating 5 ft above a large ritual
circle. Black mist spreads from the crystal's core. Traits
You see a bolt of purple lightning arc out from the
crystal and strike a nearby pile of broken bones and Necrotic Aura: The conduit emits a 15 ft necrotic
armor. With a clatter, the bones knit together with aura. Any living creature that enters the aura or starts
necrotic power and rise—a new boneknight, rusted its turn within it takes 5 necrotic damage.
sword in skeletal hand, ready to defend the conduit. Any undead creature that starts its turn within the
aura regains 5 hit points.

Mortanius has placed this—alongside others throughout Raise Dead: A dead creature left within the aura will be
the Dreadvault—to help raise the Court of Bones. If left raised as an undead skeleton or zombie. The conduit
active, the conduit will raise a new skeleton every hour. can raise 1 medium-sized creature per hour (halve the
There are enough remains in the Halls of Dust to raise at
least 16 more boneknights, flamecasters, and dragoons. time required for each smaller size category, and
The necrotic conduit is guarded by four skeletons double it for each larger size).
that attack any intruder to come within 60 ft. Regeneration: At the start of each round, the conduit
regains 5 hit points.
Surrounding the crystal, four risen skeletons stand
guard. These undead seem to be in much better Countermeasures
condition than those you faced in the Vestibule, the
energy of the conduit still fresh in their bones. Deactivate: You can deactivate the conduit with 3
As you enter the hall, they turn their heads towards successful Arcana or Religion skill checks—two DC
you and stare with empty eyes... 10, and one DC 15. If you fail twice, however, the
conduit overloads and explodes (see Destroy).
A search of the room (Investigate DC 15) will reveal 25 Destroy: The conduit crystal has 30 hit points and is
gp of old coinage, an intricately carved figurine of a immune to magical damage. When reduced to 0 hit
dragon in red stone, and what appears to be a potion of
healing (though it is, in fact, a potion of poison). points, the crystal explodes and releases a blast of
necrotic energy—any living creature within 30 ft takes
16 points of necrotic damage.
The Halls of Dust Normal vs 4
Four risen skeletons guard a conduit of dark power. 4 MP
Number Type Role Level Points
2 Standard Defender 5 2 If the conduit was safely deactivated, the crystal
1 Standard Sniper 5 1 shatters into 100 gp of arcane dust. You can use this
1 Standard Striker 5 1 dust in place of any costed spellcasting component.
1 Hazard Supporter 5 0

chapter 10: the court of bones | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Skeleton Boneknights Skeleton Flamecaster
As former guards of Reinburg, boneknights wear rusted Red veins of fire magic run through the charred bones of
plate armor and carry a broken, metal shield bearing the this flamecaster. Once a dragonborn—evident from the
crest of their old kingdom. huge skeletal horns—this skeleton can still wield the fire
The boneknights try to defend their allies by harrying magic of its former life.
the enemy. Then, with their Maneuvering Strike, they try The flamecaster prefers to say out of reach, throwing
to move the enemy into disadvantageous positions. orbs of explosive fire at the enemy—it's dangerous to stay
Whenever possible, they try to move living creatures into clustered in groups with a flamecaster around. It uses
the damaging aura of the necrotic conduit. Flare to blind living creatures so its allies can attack with
Periodically, a boneknight can suffuse its sword with advantage. And, if any enemy ventures too close, the
necrotic energy to leave a painful, decaying wound. skeleton attacks with searing dragonbreath.
When the flamecaster is reduced to 0 hit points, its
Skeleton Boneknight Level 5 Defender
arcane energies go wild and explode in a blast of flame.
Medium humanoid, undead Standard (450 XP)
Skeleton Flamecaster Level 5 Sniper
Armor Class 18 Attack Bonus +5 Medium humanoid, undead Standard (450 XP)
Hit Points 60 (30) Damage 10
Armor Class 16 Attack Bonus +5
Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 13, 10
Hit Points 45 (23) Damage 13
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 13, 10
+4 +2 +3 +1 +1 +0
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Saving Throws Str +8, Con/Dex +5, Wis/Int/Cha +2 +2 +3 +4 +1 +1 +0
Skills Initiative +2, Perception +5, Stealth +2
Saving Throws Con +7, Dex/Str +4, Wis/Int/Cha +1
Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Skills Initiative +2, Perception +2, Stealth +5
Immunities Exhaustion, Poison, Poisoned
Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning, Cold
Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities Exhaustion, Fire, Poison, Poisoned
Languages Understands Common, can't speak
Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Traits Languages Understands Common/Draconic, can't speak

Relentless: The first time you fall to 0 hit points after a Traits
long rest, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point. Explosive: When you fall to 0 hit points, your body
Don't Look Away: When you attack a target, you can explodes and deals damage to everyone within 5ft.
mark them. A marked target has -2 to any attack roll You can begin detonation on your turn with a bonus
that doesn't include you. You can have one active action; you explode at the start of your next turn.
mark at a time, and marks don't stack. Scattershot: When you make a successful attack, you
Actions can deal damage equal to your level to everyone within
5ft of your target (once per round).
Slash (common)
Melee 5 ft: +5 vs AC. Hit: 10 slashing damage. Actions

Manouvering Strike (common) Firebolt (common)

Melee 5 ft: DC 13 vs Dexterity. Hit: You force the Ranged 60 ft: +5 vs AC. Hit: 13 fire damage.
target to move 5ft in a direction of your choosing, and Flare (common)
you can move 5 ft afterwards. This movement does 15x15 ft area within 60 ft (living creatures only): DC
not trigger opportunity attacks. 13 vs Constitution. Hit: The target is Blinded until the
Black Blade of Decay (cooldown 2) end of its next turn.
Melee 5 ft: +5 vs AC. Hit: 10 slashing damage and 10 Dragonbreath (recharge 5/6)
ongoing necrotic damage, save ends (Constitution vs 20 ft cone: DC 10 vs Dexterity. Hit: 9 fire damage and
DC 10). 9 ongoing fire damage, save ends (Constitution vs DC
Equipment 13).

Rusted plate armor, a chipped longsword, and a Equipment

broken, metal shield with the crest of Reinburg. Decayed robes from a far away land, and a gold tooth. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 10: the court of bones

Skeleton Dragoon A3. The Infernal Gallery
This skeletal dragoon—a tiefling in its prior life—bears The Infernal Gallery was the waiting chamber for those
two curved horns and wields a long spear. seeking an audience with Queen Celestine. Now,
The dragoons were famed fighters of Reinburg,
leaping into battle with Dragoon Leap and using their
metal spears to pierce their prone enemies. This The walls of the gallery are lined with portraits and
dragoon likes to attack from a distance, using its long statues of Reinburg's former rulers. Cracked from
reach to great advantage. It is surprisingly fast for a decay and lined with necrotic corruption, you can't
skeleton, able to parry attacks and stab out at multiple help but feel that the eyes are following you around
foes in quick succession.
If an enemy gets too close, the dragoon tries to push the room...
them back with a Whirlwind Knockback. It will also use
this to push living creatures into the aura of the necrotic Mortanius sits here, humming to himself and reading a
conduit, whenever possible. book while his ritual to raise Celestine progresses in the
Throne Room (A4). When he sees an intruder, he looks
Skeleton Dragoon Level 5 Striker
up with irritation.
Medium humanoid, undead Standard (450 XP)
"More brave heroes," says Mortanius with a tired sigh.
Armor Class 12 Attack Bonus +7
"How original. You've come all this way to try and stop
Hit Points 75 (38) Damage 13
Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 15, 12 me? Very well. We have some time before Celestine is
awake. I'll drain your memories, and then your souls."
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
+2 +4 +3 +1 +1 +0
Mortanius closes his book, raises eight skeleton minions
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con/Str +2, Wis/Int/Cha −1 to his defense, and attacks.
Skills Initiative +2, Perception +2, Stealth +2 When Mortanius is reduced to 0 hit points, he is not
Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning knocked unconscious—instead, he begins to teleport into
Immunities Exhaustion, Poison, Poisoned the Throne Room (A4).
Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Languages Understands Common/Infernal, can't speak
"Insolent wretches," spits Mortanius. "You're not as
Traits weak as you look. I'll have to wake the Queen a little
Parry: You can spend your reaction to gain +3 AC earlier than expected..."
against one melee attack that you can see.
As he teleports, Mortanius drops the key to the Throne
Press the Attack: You have advantage on attack rolls Room (A4) and his Ioun Stone of Intellect. A further
against bloodied targets (under 50% hit points). search of the room (Investigate DC 15) will reveal 4 onyx
gemstones in one of the gallery statues.
Pierce (common) The Infernal Gallery Normal vs 4
Face Mortanius and his undead protectors. 4 MP
Melee 10 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 13 piercing damage.
Number Type Role Level Points
Rapid Stab (common, multiattack 2)
1 Elite Controller 5 2
Melee 10 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 6 piercing damage.
4 Minion Defender 5 1
Whirlwind Knockback (common) 4 Minion Striker 5 1
10 ft area: DC 15 vs Dexterity. Hit: The target is
pushed back 10 ft.
Mortanius, the Necromancer
Dragoon Leap (limited 3) An egotistical necromancer with megalomaniacal
15x15 ft area within 30 ft (you leap to the center of delusions, Mortanius commands the unliving and bends
the area): DC 12 vs Strength. Hit: 9 piercing damage them to his will.
and the target is knocked prone. In battle, the necromancer surrounds himself with
guardians while volatile skeletons swarm the enemy and
Equipment explode in a burst of necrotic energy. Mortanius drains
the life from his enemies and steals memories from
A rusted dragon helmet and a metal spear. those who get too close. His most powerful attack—
Doom—curses an enemy with rapid, fatal decay.
chapter 10: the court of bones | /r/darkerdungeons5e
Mortanius Level 5 Controller Skeleton Guardian Level 5 Defender
Medium humanoid Elite (900 XP) Medium humanoid, undead Minion (112 XP)

Armor Class 16 Attack Bonus +7 Armor Class 16 Attack Bonus +3

Hit Points 120 (60) Damage 11 Hit Points 12 (6) Damage 8
Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 15, 12 Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 11, 8

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
+0 +1 +2 +4 +1 +3 +4 +2 +3 +1 +1 +0

Saving Throws Int +8, Cha/Con +5, Dex/Wis/Str +2 Saving Throws Str +6, Con/Dex +3, Wis/Int/Cha +0
Skills Initiative +7, Perception +4, Stealth +4 Skills Initiative +0, Perception +3, Stealth +0
Immunities Necrotic Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Senses Darkvision 60 ft Immunities Exhaustion, Necrotic, Poison, Poisoned
Languages Common, Draconic, Deep Speech Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Languages Understands Common, can't speak
Paragon Action: You may take one Paragon Action per
Got Your Back: When standing next to an ally or
round to either move or perform an action.
attacking target, you can spend your reaction to
Aura: Damaging: The space around you is dangerous. redirect the attack onto yourself.
Creatures take damage equal to your level when they
enter your aura or start their turn within it. Actions

Escape: When you would be reduced to 0 hit points Slash (common)

outside of your lair, you instead escape and flee to Melee 5 ft: +3 vs AC. Hit: 8 slashing damage.
your lair. You remain there, paralysed and resting, until
you recover at least 50% of your hit points.

Knockback: Halve your attack damage to knock the Rusted plate armor and a hooked blade.
target back up to 15ft.

Actions Volatile Skeleton Level 5 Scout

Medium humanoid, undead Minion (112 XP)
Shadowbolt (common)
Ranged 60 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 11 necrotic damage. Armor Class 12 Attack Bonus +3
Hit Points 12 (6) Damage 6
Steal Memories (common) Speed 40 ft Spell DCs 11, 8
Melee 5 ft: DC 15 vs Intelligence. Hit: 11 psychic damage.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Fear (cooldown 2) +2 +4 +1 +1 +3 +0
10x10 ft area within 30 ft: DC 12 vs Wisdom. Hit:
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis/Str +1, Con/Int/Cha −2
The target is Frightened until the end of its next turn. Skills Initiative +3, Perception +3, Stealth +3
Life Drain (limited 3) Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Immunities Exhaustion, Necrotic, Poison, Poisoned
Ranged 60 ft: DC 12 vs Constitution. Hit: The target
Senses Darkvision 60 ft
takes 11 necrotic damage and loses one unspent hit Languages Understands Common, can't speak
die (or gains a level of exhaustion if they have no
remaining hit dice). Traits
Doom (rare) Explosive: When you fall to 0 hit points, your body
Melee 5 ft: DC 12 vs Constitution. Hit: The target explodes and deals damage to everyone within 5ft.
takes 33 ongoing necrotic damage, save ends You can begin detonation on your turn with a bonus
(Constitution vs DC 12). action; you explode at the start of your next turn.

Equipment Actions
Exquisite black and purple robes, an encrypted Claw Slash (common)
spellbook, and an Ioun stone of Intellect. Melee 5 ft: +3 vs AC. Hit: 6 slashing damage. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 10: the court of bones

A4. The Throne Room Celestine throws the corpse of Mortanius across the
room, where it hits the wall with a sickening crunch.
The door to the throne room is locked tight, and can be
opened using Mortanius' key—alternatively, the lock can
be picked (DC 15) or the door forced open (DC 20). Celestine is much taller than a normal human, her
Once opened, a large throne room is revealed, lit by a bones swollen and twisted with necrotic power. Black
ring of magical blue fire burning all around the room's veins run throughout her skeleton, pulsing to the same
edge. Two necrotic conduits are active here, filling the
room with a black mist. beat as the Dreadvault. Atop her head sits a golden
crown with a glistening sapphire. Her robes and cloak
have remained uncorrupted by the decay of time.
The throne room is dark, decayed, and cold. Thick
Flickering in and out of vision, you can see the
veins of necrotic energy line the walls, and the floor is
glowing blue spectral outline of her spirit.
almost hidden beneath a sea of bones. 10 ft up, a ring
of magical blue fire bathes the room in spectral light.
On either side of a raised dais, two necrotic As she looks down at the party, a spectral scythe forms in
conduits fill the room with sinister black mist.
Celestine's hand as ice forms on the ground around her.

Mortanius stands in front of a large, inanimate skeleton— "The throne of Reinburg is MINE," proclaims Celestine.
Celestine, the Skeleton Queen—hurriedly trying to "I have sacrificed everything for my kingdom, and only
complete his raising ritual. I can protect it from what is yet to come."
She points at the party with her scythe.
Atop a flight of steps, a large and inanimate skeleton "Submit to your Queen, brave heroes. Join the Court
clad in royal garb sits atop a black throne. A huge of Bones. Your souls will become a part of me, and I
greatsword sticks through the skeleton's chest, will carry your memory forward. Your bodies will live
pinning it to the throne. forever as my elite vanguard."
Mortanius takes hold of the greatsword with both
hands. "Rise, Queen Celestine! It's time to meet your
If the party refuse her offer, she responds with cold fury.
new King." He pulls the sword free from the body.

"It is bad manners to refuse a queen," says Celestine

As the greatsword is removed, it crumbles to black ash.
Removing the weapon allows Celestine's soul—trapped coldy. "And I won't tolerate bad manners in my court."
within the Dreadvault—to reclaim her body.
Hero's Greatsword: If anyone other than Mortanius The Throne Room Normal vs 4
should touch the greatsword, they immediately take 40 Defeat Celestine, the Skeleton Queen. 4 MP
points of necrotic damage.
Number Type Role Level Points
1 Solo Defender
You hear tortured, ghostly screams all around as a
sudden vortex of wind fills the room. You feel like your
Striker 5 4
own soul is being pulled towards the large skeleton.
2 Hazard Supporter 5 0
With a crackle of purple lighting, you see the
skeleton start to rise. Blue fire burns in its eye sockets.
Celestine, The Skeleton Queen
With the Skeleton Queen revived, Mortainus laughs Celestine is a powerful and intelligent undead skeleton.
maniacally in victory and turns to face the party. Recently revived—and not yet at her full power—she
seeks to drain her enemies of their health and souls.
Celestine has three notable forms during combat:
"At last, the Court of Bones!" laughs Mortanius. "This
kingdom, this world, it will all be mine!" • First Form: With high defences to protect her from
The Queen looks down at the necromancer. "No," harm, Celestine pulls her enemies close and attacks
them with her scythe.
echoes her voice from beyond the grave.
• Second Form: Celestine uses some of her power to
Mortanius freezes, the blood suddenly running cold summon skeleton minions into the fight whilst
in his veins. "I revived you, I control you!" he shouts. terrifying her enemies with Undying Terror.
"...You bore me," says Celestine. She reaches down, • Third Form: Her bones begin to crack and leak
grabs hold of Mortanius, and sucks out his soul. necrotic power, creating a dangerous aura. As a final
gambit, Celestine tries to devour everyone's soul.
chapter 10: the court of bones | /r/darkerdungeons5e
The Skeleton Queen (1/3) Level 5 Defender The Skeleton Queen (2/3) Level 5 Controller
Large humanoid, undead Solo vs 4 (1,800 XP) Large humanoid, undead Solo vs 4 (1,800 XP)

Armor Class 20 Attack Bonus +7 Armor Class 16 Attack Bonus +7

Hit Points 100 Damage 12 Hit Points 100 Damage 12
Speed 20 ft Spell DCs 15, 12 Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 15, 12

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
+4 +1 +2 +1 +0 +3 +1 +4 +2 +1 +0 +3

Saving Throws Str +10, Cha/Con +7, Dex/Int/Wis +4 Saving Throws Dex +8, Cha/Con +5, Str/Int/Wis +2
Skills Initiative +6, Perception +9, Stealth +4 Skills Initiative +9, Perception +6, Stealth +4
Immunities Necrotic, Cold Immunities Necrotic, Cold
Senses Darkvision 60 ft Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Languages Common, Deep Speech Languages Common, Deep Speech

Traits Traits
Paragon Actions: You may take 3 Paragon Actions per Paragon Actions: You may take 3 Paragon Actions per
round to either move or perform an action. round to either move or perform an action.

Phase Transition: When reduced to 0 hit points, you Phase Transition: When reduced to 0 hit points, you
may remove all on-going effects on yourself and may remove all on-going effects on yourself and
trigger your next phase transition. trigger your next phase transition.

Indominable: You are immune to any effects that Indominable: You are immune to any effects that
would alter your mind or will. would alter your mind or will.

You Can't Leave: Targets always provoke opportunity Sidestep: Halve your attack damage to move yourself
attacks, even if they take the Disengage action before and your target 5ft in any direction.
leaving your reach. In addition, when you hit with an
opportunity attack, the target's speed becomes 0 for Actions
the rest of the turn. Scythe (common)
Melee 10 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 12 slashing damage.
Grim Harvest (common, multiattack 2)
Scythe (common)
Melee 10 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 6 necrotic damage.
Melee 10 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 12 slashing damage.
Knockback (common)
Grim Harvest (common, multiattack 2)
Melee 10 ft: DC 12 vs Strength. Hit: The target is
Melee 10 ft: +7 vs AC. Hit: 6 necrotic damage.
knocked back up to 15 ft. If it hits another creature,
Death's Grasp (common) both creatures take 12 bludgeoning damage and fall
Ranged 60 ft: DC 12 vs Dexterity. Hit: You pull the prone.
target to an adjacent space.
Raise Dead (limited 2 MP)
Reap the Living (recharge 5/6) 15x15 ft area: You spend some of your 2 MP to
30x10 ft line: +7 vs AC. Hit: The target loses one summon a number of skeletons. The skeletons act
unspent hit die and takes 9 ongoing necrotic damage, using one of your Paragon Actions.
save ends (Constitution vs DC 12).
Death's Chill (recharge 5/6)
Leap (cooldown 2) 20x20 ft area within 30 ft: DC 15 vs Dexterity. Hit: 9
20x20 ft area within 30 ft (you leap to the center of cold damage and the target is Restrained, save ends
the area): DC 15 vs Strength. Hit: 9 bludgeoning (Strength vs DC 12).
damage and the target falls prone.
Undying Terror (rare)
Soul Sickness (rare) 20 ft aura: DC 12 vs Wisdom. Hit: The target is
20 ft cone: DC 12 vs Charisma. Hit: The target is Frightened and takes 12 ongoing psychic damage,
Poisoned and takes 18 ongoing necrotic damage, save save ends both (DC 12 vs Wisdom). Miss: The target
ends both (DC 12 vs Charisma). takes 6 psychic damage. | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 10: the court of bones

The Skeleton Queen (3/3) Level 5 Striker
Fall of the Skeleton Queen
Large humanoid, undead Solo vs 4 (1,800 XP)
When Celestine's final form is reduced to 0 hit points,
Armor Class 14 Attack Bonus +9 she falls to one knee as her body starts to crumble. She
Hit Points 125 Damage 15 drops a Ring of Necrotic Resistance and the historic
Speed 30 ft Spell DCs 17, 14 Crown of Reinburg.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
"This... Cannot... Be!" hisses Celestine as necrotic
+3 +1 +2 +1 +0 +4
power spills from her cracked body. One by one, her
Saving Throws Cha +7, Str/Con +4, Dex/Int/Wis +1 bones turn to ash until all that is left standing is her
Skills Initiative +6, Perception +6, Stealth +4
soul. "You don't understand what you've done here!"
Vulnerabilities Radiant
Immunities Necrotic, Cold shouts the specter in terror.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft Suddenly, black spectral tentacles lash up from the
Languages Common, Deep Speech ground and wrap around Celestine's ghost. She
struggles in vain as they start to pull her down.
"I kept Reinburg safe all these years, but now He
Paragon Actions: You may take 3 Paragon Actions per will have the power to break free. It won't stop at souls
round to either move or perform an action. now, He will consume everything!" she screams as the
tentacles finally drag her out of mortal sight.
Indominable: You are immune to any effects that
Celestine's spectral screams are cut short. After a
would alter your mind or will.
few seconds silence, an inhuman voice resonates
Aura: Damaging: The space around you is dangerous. throughout the chamber, shaking the very walls.
Creatures take damage equal to your level when they "FEED ME."
enter your aura or start their turn within it. And then all is quiet. Until the rumbling starts...

Press the Attack: You have advantage on attack rolls

Without Celestine's presence, the Dreadvault begins to
against bloodied targets (under 50% hit points). collapse in on itself. The party have 10 minutes to
escape the Dreadvault before they are crushed by the
Actions collapsing ceiling.
Scythe (common)
Melee 10 ft: +9 vs AC. Hit: 15 slashing damage. Behind you, an almighty rumble shakes the cavern as
the Dreadvault finally collapses. The Court of Bones is
Grim Harvest (common, multiattack 2)
no more, and Reinburg is safe. For now...
Melee 10 ft: +9 vs AC. Hit: 7 necrotic damage.

Spear of Death (common)

15x10 ft line: DC 14 vs Constitution. Hit: 15 necrotic
What Next?
The Court of Bones is an adventure outline that you can
Wither Flesh (cooldown 2) customize, edit, and expand to suit your own table and
20 ft cone: Hit: The target takes 15 necrotic damage story. There are many unanswered questions and
and gains a level of exhaustion. unexplored areas for you to experiment with, such as:
Rend Spirit (limited 3) • Who, or what, was Celestine so afraid of?
10 ft area: DC 17 vs Charisma. Hit: The target falls • How did Mortanius get the Tome of Awakening?
prone, takes 11 psychic damage, and loses one • Have the players met Mortanius before in a previous
unspent hit die (or gains a level of exhaustion if they adventure or encounter?
• How did the players discover the Dreadvault?
have no remaining hit dice). • What's in the Dreadvault's other rooms?
Devour Souls (rare, overkill) • Who wants the Crown of Reinburg?
30 ft area: Hit: 60 psychic damage. If the target is
• Does Celestine allow the players to walk away instead
of forcing a fight?
reduced to 0 hit points, you consume its soul and • Are there any complications/skill checks required to
regain hit points equal to the target's max HP. While escape the collapsing Dreadvault?
charging this attack, you expose a weak point (32 HP, • Who killed Celestine the first time with a greatsword?
DC 14 perception) in your ribcage.
Add plot hooks and story expansions as you see fit.
chapter 10: the court of bones | /r/darkerdungeons5e
The Extras

A Monster Templates p48

Monster stats and templates for levels -3 to 30.

B Quick Reference p83

A quick-reference summary of rules.

C FAQ p84
Frequently asked questions.

D What Next? p85

Find other Giffyglyph material and supplements.

Monster Templates

T and running fast, this chapter features complete

stat templates for every monster role and rank
across levels −3 to 30 (CR 0 to 30).
Use these templates to get some baseline stats for
Damage per Action
This is the amount of damage your monster should be
dealing per attacking action. This is per action, not
necessarily per attack—if your monster is using a
your monster before adding traits, powers, and attacks. multiattack, split this damage across all the individual
attacks for that action.
Applying a Template Spell DCs
Quickstart templates are flexible, allowing you to create Spell DCs contain a primary ("I'm good at this") and
any type of monster for your adventures. Once you've secondary ("I'm not so good at this") DC variant for your
found the right stats for your desired level, check the monster's spells/effects.
guidelines below for advice on how to apply them. Use the primary DC for anything related to your
monster's best attribute, and the secondary DC for
Rank everything else.
Monsters come in four ranks: minions, standards, elites,
and solos. For quick reference, three varieties of solo The DM creates a monster with spell DCs of 18 and
monster (vs 3, vs 4, and vs 5) are included with hit point 15. DEX happens to be this monster's best attribute,
values already calculated to suit 3/4/5 players—if you so any spell/effect that uses DEX has DC 18—
need other varieties, read Minions, Elites & Solos (p11). everything else uses DC 15.

Hit Points
Hit points have been divided into quick-reference pools Saving Throws
to help you determine when your monster is about to be Saving throws come in three grades—best, ok, and bad.
bloodied (50% or fewer HP) or—in the case of solo Use the highest bonus for your monster's best attribute,
monsters—trigger a new phase transition. the second bonus for it's 2nd and 3rd best attributes, and
the worst bonus for the 3 worst attributes.
A ML 3 Standard Controller has 33 (2 x 17) hit points
—it is bloodied while at 17 HP or lower. The DM is creating a ML 5 Elite Supporter with
A ML 7 Solo (vs 4) Striker has 425 (3 x 142) hit attributes in CON/WIS/CHA/STR/INT/DEX priority.
points—it triggers a new phase transition every 142 They set the saving throws as Con +8, Wis/Cha +5, and
points of damage. Str/Int/Dex +2.

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level -3
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 9 1 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +0, −2, −3 0 1
Minion Defender 13 1 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 +0 −1 −1 +2, +0, −1 0 1
Minion Lurker 7 1 (2 x 1) +1 2 10, 7 +0 −1 +0 −1, −3, −4 0 1
Minion Scout 9 1 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 +0 +0 +0 +0, −2, −3 0 1
Minion Sniper 11 1 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 −1 +0 +1, −1, −2 0 1
Minion Striker 7 1 (2 x 1) +1 1 10, 7 −1 −1 −1 −1, −3, −4 0 1
Minion Supporter 9 1 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +0, −2, −3 0 1
Standard Controller 11 4 (2 x 2) +1 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +2, +0, −1 0 2
Standard Defender 15 4 (2 x 2) +1 1 10, 7 +2 +1 +1 +4, +2, +1 0 2
Standard Lurker 9 2 (2 x 1) +3 2 12, 9 +2 +1 +2 +1, −1, −2 0 2
Standard Scout 11 4 (2 x 2) +1 1 10, 7 +2 +2 +2 +2, +0, −1 0 2
Standard Sniper 13 3 (2 x 2) +1 2 10, 7 +1 +1 +2 +3, +1, +0 0 2
Standard Striker 9 5 (2 x 3) +3 2 12, 9 +1 +1 +1 +1, −1, −2 0 2
Standard Supporter 11 3 (2 x 2) +1 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +2, +0, −1 0 2
Elite Controller 13 8 (2 x 4) +3 2 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 5
Elite Defender 17 8 (2 x 4) +3 2 12, 9 +4 +3 +3 +6, +4, +3 0 5
Elite Lurker 11 4 (2 x 2) +5 2 14, 11 +4 +3 +4 +3, +1, +0 0 5
Elite Scout 13 8 (2 x 4) +3 1 12, 9 +4 +4 +4 +4, +2, +1 0 5
Elite Sniper 15 6 (2 x 3) +3 2 12, 9 +3 +3 +4 +5, +3, +2 0 5
Elite Striker 11 10 (2 x 5) +5 2 14, 11 +3 +3 +3 +3, +1, +0 0 5
Elite Supporter 13 6 (2 x 3) +3 1 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 5
Solo (vs 3) Controller 13 16 (3 x 6) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 3) Defender 17 16 (3 x 6) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 0 10
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 11 8 (3 x 3) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 0 10
Solo (vs 3) Scout 13 16 (3 x 6) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 15 12 (3 x 4) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 0 10
Solo (vs 3) Striker 11 20 (3 x 7) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 0 10
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 13 12 (3 x 4) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Controller 13 20 (3 x 7) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Defender 17 20 (3 x 7) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 11 10 (3 x 4) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Scout 13 20 (3 x 7) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 15 15 (3 x 5) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Striker 11 25 (3 x 9) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 0 10
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 13 15 (3 x 5) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Controller 13 24 (3 x 8) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Defender 17 24 (3 x 8) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 11 12 (3 x 4) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Scout 13 24 (3 x 8) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 15 18 (3 x 6) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Striker 11 30 (3 x 10) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 0 10
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 13 18 (3 x 6) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 10
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level -2
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 9 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +0, −2, −3 0 1
Minion Defender 13 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 +0 −1 −1 +2, +0, −1 0 1
Minion Lurker 7 1 (2 x 1) +1 2 10, 7 +0 −1 +0 −1, −3, −4 0 1
Minion Scout 9 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 +0 +0 +0 +0, −2, −3 0 1
Minion Sniper 11 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 −1 +0 +1, −1, −2 0 1
Minion Striker 7 2 (2 x 1) +1 1 10, 7 −1 −1 −1 −1, −3, −4 0 1
Minion Supporter 9 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +0, −2, −3 0 1
Standard Controller 11 8 (2 x 4) +1 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +2, +0, −1 0 6
Standard Defender 15 8 (2 x 4) +1 1 10, 7 +2 +1 +1 +4, +2, +1 0 6
Standard Lurker 9 4 (2 x 2) +3 2 12, 9 +2 +1 +2 +1, −1, −2 0 6
Standard Scout 11 8 (2 x 4) +1 1 10, 7 +2 +2 +2 +2, +0, −1 0 6
Standard Sniper 13 6 (2 x 3) +1 2 10, 7 +1 +1 +2 +3, +1, +0 0 6
Standard Striker 9 10 (2 x 5) +3 2 12, 9 +1 +1 +1 +1, −1, −2 0 6
Standard Supporter 11 6 (2 x 3) +1 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +2, +0, −1 0 6
Elite Controller 13 16 (2 x 8) +3 2 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 12
Elite Defender 17 16 (2 x 8) +3 2 12, 9 +4 +3 +3 +6, +4, +3 0 12
Elite Lurker 11 8 (2 x 4) +5 2 14, 11 +4 +3 +4 +3, +1, +0 0 12
Elite Scout 13 16 (2 x 8) +3 1 12, 9 +4 +4 +4 +4, +2, +1 0 12
Elite Sniper 15 12 (2 x 6) +3 2 12, 9 +3 +3 +4 +5, +3, +2 0 12
Elite Striker 11 20 (2 x 10) +5 2 14, 11 +3 +3 +3 +3, +1, +0 0 12
Elite Supporter 13 12 (2 x 6) +3 1 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +4, +2, +1 0 12
Solo (vs 3) Controller 13 32 (3 x 11) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Defender 17 32 (3 x 11) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 11 16 (3 x 6) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Scout 13 32 (3 x 11) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 15 24 (3 x 8) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Striker 11 40 (3 x 14) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 13 24 (3 x 8) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Controller 13 40 (3 x 14) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Defender 17 40 (3 x 14) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 11 20 (3 x 7) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Scout 13 40 (3 x 14) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 15 30 (3 x 10) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Striker 11 50 (3 x 17) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 13 30 (3 x 10) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Controller 13 48 (3 x 16) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Defender 17 48 (3 x 16) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 11 24 (3 x 8) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Scout 13 48 (3 x 16) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 15 36 (3 x 12) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Striker 11 60 (3 x 20) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 13 36 (3 x 12) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level -1
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 9 3 (2 x 2) −1 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +0, −2, −3 0 3
Minion Defender 13 3 (2 x 2) −1 1 8, 5 +0 −1 −1 +2, +0, −1 0 3
Minion Lurker 7 2 (2 x 1) +1 2 10, 7 +0 −1 +0 −1, −3, −4 0 3
Minion Scout 9 3 (2 x 2) −1 1 8, 5 +0 +0 +0 +0, −2, −3 0 3
Minion Sniper 11 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 −1 +0 +1, −1, −2 0 3
Minion Striker 7 3 (2 x 2) +1 1 10, 7 −1 −1 −1 −1, −3, −4 0 3
Minion Supporter 9 2 (2 x 1) −1 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +0, −2, −3 0 3
Standard Controller 11 12 (2 x 6) +1 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +2, +0, −1 0 12
Standard Defender 15 12 (2 x 6) +1 1 10, 7 +2 +1 +1 +4, +2, +1 0 12
Standard Lurker 9 6 (2 x 3) +3 2 12, 9 +2 +1 +2 +1, −1, −2 0 12
Standard Scout 11 12 (2 x 6) +1 1 10, 7 +2 +2 +2 +2, +0, −1 0 12
Standard Sniper 13 9 (2 x 5) +1 2 10, 7 +1 +1 +2 +3, +1, +0 0 12
Standard Striker 9 15 (2 x 8) +3 2 12, 9 +1 +1 +1 +1, −1, −2 0 12
Standard Supporter 11 9 (2 x 5) +1 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +2, +0, −1 0 12
Elite Controller 13 24 (2 x 12) +3 2 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Elite Defender 17 24 (2 x 12) +3 2 12, 9 +4 +3 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/8 25
Elite Lurker 11 12 (2 x 6) +5 2 14, 11 +4 +3 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Elite Scout 13 24 (2 x 12) +3 1 12, 9 +4 +4 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Elite Sniper 15 18 (2 x 9) +3 2 12, 9 +3 +3 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/8 25
Elite Striker 11 30 (2 x 15) +5 2 14, 11 +3 +3 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/8 25
Elite Supporter 13 18 (2 x 9) +3 1 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/8 25
Solo (vs 3) Controller 13 48 (3 x 16) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Defender 17 48 (3 x 16) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 11 24 (3 x 8) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Scout 13 48 (3 x 16) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 15 36 (3 x 12) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Striker 11 60 (3 x 20) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 13 36 (3 x 12) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Controller 13 60 (3 x 20) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Defender 17 60 (3 x 20) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 11 30 (3 x 10) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Scout 13 60 (3 x 20) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 15 45 (3 x 15) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Striker 11 75 (3 x 25) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/4 50
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 13 45 (3 x 15) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Controller 13 72 (3 x 24) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Defender 17 72 (3 x 24) +3 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +6, +4, +3 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 11 36 (3 x 12) +5 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +3, +1, +0 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Scout 13 72 (3 x 24) +3 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 15 54 (3 x 18) +3 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +5, +3, +2 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Striker 11 90 (3 x 30) +5 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +3, +1, +0 1/4 50
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 13 54 (3 x 18) +3 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +4, +2, +1 1/4 50
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 0
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 10 4 (2 x 2) +0 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +1, −1, −3 0 6
Minion Defender 14 4 (2 x 2) +0 1 8, 5 +0 −1 −1 +3, +1, −1 0 6
Minion Lurker 8 2 (2 x 1) +2 2 10, 7 +0 −1 +0 +0, −2, −4 0 6
Minion Scout 10 4 (2 x 2) +0 1 8, 5 +0 +0 +0 +1, −1, −3 0 6
Minion Sniper 12 3 (2 x 2) +0 1 8, 5 −1 −1 +0 +2, +0, −2 0 6
Minion Striker 8 4 (2 x 2) +2 1 10, 7 −1 −1 −1 +0, −2, −4 0 6
Minion Supporter 10 3 (2 x 2) +0 1 8, 5 −1 +0 −1 +1, −1, −3 0 6
Standard Controller 12 16 (2 x 8) +2 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +3, +1, −1 1/8 25
Standard Defender 16 16 (2 x 8) +2 1 10, 7 +2 +1 +1 +5, +3, +1 1/8 25
Standard Lurker 10 8 (2 x 4) +4 2 12, 9 +2 +1 +2 +2, +0, −2 1/8 25
Standard Scout 12 16 (2 x 8) +2 1 10, 7 +2 +2 +2 +3, +1, −1 1/8 25
Standard Sniper 14 12 (2 x 6) +2 2 10, 7 +1 +1 +2 +4, +2, +0 1/8 25
Standard Striker 10 20 (2 x 10) +4 2 12, 9 +1 +1 +1 +2, +0, −2 1/8 25
Standard Supporter 12 12 (2 x 6) +2 1 10, 7 +1 +2 +1 +3, +1, −1 1/8 25
Elite Controller 14 32 (2 x 16) +4 2 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/4 50
Elite Defender 18 32 (2 x 16) +4 2 12, 9 +4 +3 +3 +7, +5, +3 1/4 50
Elite Lurker 12 16 (2 x 8) +6 2 14, 11 +4 +3 +4 +4, +2, +0 1/4 50
Elite Scout 14 32 (2 x 16) +4 1 12, 9 +4 +4 +4 +5, +3, +1 1/4 50
Elite Sniper 16 24 (2 x 12) +4 2 12, 9 +3 +3 +4 +6, +4, +2 1/4 50
Elite Striker 12 40 (2 x 20) +6 2 14, 11 +3 +3 +3 +4, +2, +0 1/4 50
Elite Supporter 14 24 (2 x 12) +4 1 12, 9 +3 +4 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/4 50
Solo (vs 3) Controller 14 64 (3 x 22) +4 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Defender 18 64 (3 x 22) +4 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +7, +5, +3 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 12 32 (3 x 11) +6 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +4, +2, +0 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Scout 14 64 (3 x 22) +4 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 16 48 (3 x 16) +4 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +6, +4, +2 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Striker 12 80 (3 x 27) +6 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +4, +2, +0 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 14 48 (3 x 16) +4 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Controller 14 80 (3 x 27) +4 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Defender 18 80 (3 x 27) +4 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +7, +5, +3 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 12 40 (3 x 14) +6 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +4, +2, +0 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Scout 14 80 (3 x 27) +4 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 16 60 (3 x 20) +4 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +6, +4, +2 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Striker 12 100 (3 x 34) +6 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +4, +2, +0 1/2 100
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 14 60 (3 x 20) +4 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Controller 14 96 (3 x 32) +4 2 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Defender 18 96 (3 x 32) +4 2 12, 9 +6 +5 +3 +7, +5, +3 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 12 48 (3 x 16) +6 2 14, 11 +6 +5 +4 +4, +2, +0 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Scout 14 96 (3 x 32) +4 1 12, 9 +6 +6 +4 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 16 72 (3 x 24) +4 2 12, 9 +5 +5 +4 +6, +4, +2 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Striker 12 120 (3 x 40) +6 2 14, 11 +5 +5 +3 +4, +2, +0 1/2 100
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 14 72 (3 x 24) +4 1 12, 9 +5 +6 +3 +5, +3, +1 1/2 100
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 1
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 10 6 (2 x 3) +1 2 9, 6 −1 +1 −1 +2, +0, −3 1/8 12
Minion Defender 14 6 (2 x 3) +1 2 9, 6 +1 −1 −1 +4, +2, −1 1/8 12
Minion Lurker 8 3 (2 x 2) +3 3 11, 8 +1 −1 +1 +1, −1, −4 1/8 12
Minion Scout 10 6 (2 x 3) +1 2 9, 6 +1 +1 +1 +2, +0, −3 1/8 12
Minion Sniper 12 4 (2 x 2) +1 2 9, 6 −1 −1 +1 +3, +1, −2 1/8 12
Minion Striker 8 7 (2 x 4) +3 2 11, 8 −1 −1 −1 +1, −1, −4 1/8 12
Minion Supporter 10 4 (2 x 2) +1 2 9, 6 −1 +1 −1 +2, +0, −3 1/8 12
Standard Controller 12 26 (2 x 13) +3 2 11, 8 +1 +3 +1 +4, +2, −1 1/4 50
Standard Defender 16 26 (2 x 13) +3 2 11, 8 +3 +1 +1 +6, +4, +1 1/4 50
Standard Lurker 10 13 (2 x 7) +5 3 13, 10 +3 +1 +3 +3, +1, −2 1/4 50
Standard Scout 12 26 (2 x 13) +3 2 11, 8 +3 +3 +3 +4, +2, −1 1/4 50
Standard Sniper 14 20 (2 x 10) +3 3 11, 8 +1 +1 +3 +5, +3, +0 1/4 50
Standard Striker 10 33 (2 x 17) +5 3 13, 10 +1 +1 +1 +3, +1, −2 1/4 50
Standard Supporter 12 20 (2 x 10) +3 2 11, 8 +1 +3 +1 +4, +2, −1 1/4 50
Elite Controller 14 52 (2 x 26) +5 3 13, 10 +3 +5 +3 +6, +4, +1 1/2 100
Elite Defender 18 52 (2 x 26) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +3 +3 +8, +6, +3 1/2 100
Elite Lurker 12 26 (2 x 13) +7 4 15, 12 +5 +3 +5 +5, +3, +0 1/2 100
Elite Scout 14 52 (2 x 26) +5 2 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +4, +1 1/2 100
Elite Sniper 16 39 (2 x 20) +5 3 13, 10 +3 +3 +5 +7, +5, +2 1/2 100
Elite Striker 12 65 (2 x 33) +7 3 15, 12 +3 +3 +3 +5, +3, +0 1/2 100
Elite Supporter 14 39 (2 x 20) +5 2 13, 10 +3 +5 +3 +6, +4, +1 1/2 100
Solo (vs 3) Controller 14 104 (3 x 35) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 3) Defender 18 104 (3 x 35) +5 3 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 1 200
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 12 52 (3 x 18) +7 4 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 1 200
Solo (vs 3) Scout 14 104 (3 x 35) +5 2 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 16 78 (3 x 26) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 1 200
Solo (vs 3) Striker 12 130 (3 x 44) +7 3 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 1 200
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 14 78 (3 x 26) +5 2 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Controller 14 130 (3 x 44) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Defender 18 130 (3 x 44) +5 3 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 12 65 (3 x 22) +7 4 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Scout 14 130 (3 x 44) +5 2 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 16 98 (3 x 33) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Striker 12 163 (3 x 55) +7 3 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 1 200
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 14 98 (3 x 33) +5 2 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Controller 14 156 (3 x 52) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Defender 18 156 (3 x 52) +5 3 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 12 78 (3 x 26) +7 4 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Scout 14 156 (3 x 52) +5 2 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 16 117 (3 x 39) +5 3 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Striker 12 195 (3 x 65) +7 3 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 1 200
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 14 117 (3 x 39) +5 2 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 200
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 2
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 10 6 (2 x 3) +1 3 9, 6 −1 +1 −1 +2, +0, −3 1/4 28
Minion Defender 14 6 (2 x 3) +1 3 9, 6 +1 −1 −1 +4, +2, −1 1/4 28
Minion Lurker 8 3 (2 x 2) +3 5 11, 8 +1 −1 +1 +1, −1, −4 1/4 28
Minion Scout 10 6 (2 x 3) +1 3 9, 6 +1 +1 +1 +2, +0, −3 1/4 28
Minion Sniper 12 5 (2 x 3) +1 4 9, 6 −1 −1 +1 +3, +1, −2 1/4 28
Minion Striker 8 8 (2 x 4) +3 4 11, 8 −1 −1 −1 +1, −1, −4 1/4 28
Minion Supporter 10 5 (2 x 3) +1 3 9, 6 −1 +1 −1 +2, +0, −3 1/4 28
Standard Controller 12 30 (2 x 15) +3 4 11, 8 +1 +3 +1 +4, +2, −1 1/2 112
Standard Defender 16 30 (2 x 15) +3 4 11, 8 +3 +1 +1 +6, +4, +1 1/2 112
Standard Lurker 10 15 (2 x 8) +5 6 13, 10 +3 +1 +3 +3, +1, −2 1/2 112
Standard Scout 12 30 (2 x 15) +3 3 11, 8 +3 +3 +3 +4, +2, −1 1/2 112
Standard Sniper 14 23 (2 x 12) +3 5 11, 8 +1 +1 +3 +5, +3, +0 1/2 112
Standard Striker 10 38 (2 x 19) +5 5 13, 10 +1 +1 +1 +3, +1, −2 1/2 112
Standard Supporter 12 23 (2 x 12) +3 3 11, 8 +1 +3 +1 +4, +2, −1 1/2 112
Elite Controller 14 60 (2 x 30) +5 5 13, 10 +3 +5 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 225
Elite Defender 18 60 (2 x 30) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +3 +3 +8, +6, +3 1 225
Elite Lurker 12 30 (2 x 15) +7 7 15, 12 +5 +3 +5 +5, +3, +0 1 225
Elite Scout 14 60 (2 x 30) +5 4 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +4, +1 1 225
Elite Sniper 16 45 (2 x 23) +5 6 13, 10 +3 +3 +5 +7, +5, +2 1 225
Elite Striker 12 75 (2 x 38) +7 6 15, 12 +3 +3 +3 +5, +3, +0 1 225
Elite Supporter 14 45 (2 x 23) +5 4 13, 10 +3 +5 +3 +6, +4, +1 1 225
Solo (vs 3) Controller 14 120 (3 x 40) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 3) Defender 18 120 (3 x 40) +5 5 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 2 450
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 12 60 (3 x 20) +7 8 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 2 450
Solo (vs 3) Scout 14 120 (3 x 40) +5 4 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 16 90 (3 x 30) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 2 450
Solo (vs 3) Striker 12 150 (3 x 50) +7 6 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 2 450
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 14 90 (3 x 30) +5 4 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Controller 14 150 (3 x 50) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Defender 18 150 (3 x 50) +5 5 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 12 75 (3 x 25) +7 8 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Scout 14 150 (3 x 50) +5 4 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 16 113 (3 x 38) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Striker 12 188 (3 x 63) +7 6 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 2 450
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 14 113 (3 x 38) +5 4 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Controller 14 180 (3 x 60) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Defender 18 180 (3 x 60) +5 5 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 12 90 (3 x 30) +7 8 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Scout 14 180 (3 x 60) +5 4 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 16 135 (3 x 45) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Striker 12 225 (3 x 75) +7 6 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 2 450
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 14 135 (3 x 45) +5 4 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 450
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 3
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 10 7 (2 x 4) +1 4 9, 6 −1 +1 −1 +2, +0, −3 1/2 43
Minion Defender 14 7 (2 x 4) +1 4 9, 6 +1 −1 −1 +4, +2, −1 1/2 43
Minion Lurker 8 4 (2 x 2) +3 6 11, 8 +1 −1 +1 +1, −1, −4 1/2 43
Minion Scout 10 7 (2 x 4) +1 3 9, 6 +1 +1 +1 +2, +0, −3 1/2 43
Minion Sniper 12 5 (2 x 3) +1 5 9, 6 −1 −1 +1 +3, +1, −2 1/2 43
Minion Striker 8 9 (2 x 5) +3 5 11, 8 −1 −1 −1 +1, −1, −4 1/2 43
Minion Supporter 10 5 (2 x 3) +1 3 9, 6 −1 +1 −1 +2, +0, −3 1/2 43
Standard Controller 12 33 (2 x 17) +3 5 11, 8 +1 +3 +1 +4, +2, −1 1 175
Standard Defender 16 33 (2 x 17) +3 5 11, 8 +3 +1 +1 +6, +4, +1 1 175
Standard Lurker 10 17 (2 x 9) +5 8 13, 10 +3 +1 +3 +3, +1, −2 1 175
Standard Scout 12 33 (2 x 17) +3 4 11, 8 +3 +3 +3 +4, +2, −1 1 175
Standard Sniper 14 25 (2 x 13) +3 7 11, 8 +1 +1 +3 +5, +3, +0 1 175
Standard Striker 10 42 (2 x 21) +5 7 13, 10 +1 +1 +1 +3, +1, −2 1 175
Standard Supporter 12 25 (2 x 13) +3 4 11, 8 +1 +3 +1 +4, +2, −1 1 175
Elite Controller 14 66 (2 x 33) +5 6 13, 10 +3 +5 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 350
Elite Defender 18 66 (2 x 33) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +3 +3 +8, +6, +3 2 350
Elite Lurker 12 33 (2 x 17) +7 9 15, 12 +5 +3 +5 +5, +3, +0 2 350
Elite Scout 14 66 (2 x 33) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +4, +1 2 350
Elite Sniper 16 50 (2 x 25) +5 7 13, 10 +3 +3 +5 +7, +5, +2 2 350
Elite Striker 12 83 (2 x 42) +7 7 15, 12 +3 +3 +3 +5, +3, +0 2 350
Elite Supporter 14 50 (2 x 25) +5 5 13, 10 +3 +5 +3 +6, +4, +1 2 350
Solo (vs 3) Controller 14 132 (3 x 44) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 3) Defender 18 132 (3 x 44) +5 6 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 3 700
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 12 66 (3 x 22) +7 9 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 3 700
Solo (vs 3) Scout 14 132 (3 x 44) +5 5 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 16 99 (3 x 33) +5 8 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 3 700
Solo (vs 3) Striker 12 165 (3 x 55) +7 8 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 3 700
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 14 99 (3 x 33) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Controller 14 165 (3 x 55) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Defender 18 165 (3 x 55) +5 6 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 12 83 (3 x 28) +7 9 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Scout 14 165 (3 x 55) +5 5 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 16 124 (3 x 42) +5 8 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Striker 12 207 (3 x 69) +7 8 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 3 700
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 14 124 (3 x 42) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Controller 14 198 (3 x 66) +5 6 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Defender 18 198 (3 x 66) +5 6 13, 10 +7 +5 +3 +8, +6, +3 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 12 99 (3 x 33) +7 9 15, 12 +7 +5 +5 +5, +3, +0 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Scout 14 198 (3 x 66) +5 5 13, 10 +7 +7 +5 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 16 149 (3 x 50) +5 8 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +5, +2 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Striker 12 248 (3 x 83) +7 8 15, 12 +5 +5 +3 +5, +3, +0 3 700
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 14 149 (3 x 50) +5 5 13, 10 +5 +7 +3 +6, +4, +1 3 700
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 4
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 11 8 (2 x 4) +2 6 10, 7 +0 +2 +0 +3, +0, −2 1/2 68
Minion Defender 15 8 (2 x 4) +2 6 10, 7 +2 +0 +0 +5, +2, +0 1/2 68
Minion Lurker 9 4 (2 x 2) +4 9 12, 9 +2 +0 +2 +2, −1, −3 1/2 68
Minion Scout 11 8 (2 x 4) +2 5 10, 7 +2 +2 +2 +3, +0, −2 1/2 68
Minion Sniper 13 6 (2 x 3) +2 8 10, 7 +0 +0 +2 +4, +1, −1 1/2 68
Minion Striker 9 9 (2 x 5) +4 8 12, 9 +0 +0 +0 +2, −1, −3 1/2 68
Minion Supporter 11 6 (2 x 3) +2 5 10, 7 +0 +2 +0 +3, +0, −2 1/2 68
Standard Controller 13 36 (2 x 18) +4 8 12, 9 +2 +4 +2 +5, +2, +0 1 275
Standard Defender 17 36 (2 x 18) +4 8 12, 9 +4 +2 +2 +7, +4, +2 1 275
Standard Lurker 11 18 (2 x 9) +6 12 14, 11 +4 +2 +4 +4, +1, −1 1 275
Standard Scout 13 36 (2 x 18) +4 6 12, 9 +4 +4 +4 +5, +2, +0 1 275
Standard Sniper 15 27 (2 x 14) +4 10 12, 9 +2 +2 +4 +6, +3, +1 1 275
Standard Striker 11 45 (2 x 23) +6 10 14, 11 +2 +2 +2 +4, +1, −1 1 275
Standard Supporter 13 27 (2 x 14) +4 6 12, 9 +2 +4 +2 +5, +2, +0 1 275
Elite Controller 15 72 (2 x 36) +6 9 14, 11 +4 +6 +4 +7, +4, +2 3 550
Elite Defender 19 72 (2 x 36) +6 9 14, 11 +6 +4 +4 +9, +6, +4 3 550
Elite Lurker 13 36 (2 x 18) +8 14 16, 13 +6 +4 +6 +6, +3, +1 3 550
Elite Scout 15 72 (2 x 36) +6 7 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +7, +4, +2 3 550
Elite Sniper 17 54 (2 x 27) +6 11 14, 11 +4 +4 +6 +8, +5, +3 3 550
Elite Striker 13 90 (2 x 45) +8 11 16, 13 +4 +4 +4 +6, +3, +1 3 550
Elite Supporter 15 54 (2 x 27) +6 7 14, 11 +4 +6 +4 +7, +4, +2 3 550
Solo (vs 3) Controller 15 144 (3 x 48) +6 10 14, 11 +6 +8 +4 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 3) Defender 19 144 (3 x 48) +6 10 14, 11 +8 +6 +4 +9, +6, +4 4 1,100
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 13 72 (3 x 24) +8 15 16, 13 +8 +6 +6 +6, +3, +1 4 1,100
Solo (vs 3) Scout 15 144 (3 x 48) +6 8 14, 11 +8 +8 +6 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 17 108 (3 x 36) +6 12 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +8, +5, +3 4 1,100
Solo (vs 3) Striker 13 180 (3 x 60) +8 12 16, 13 +6 +6 +4 +6, +3, +1 4 1,100
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 15 108 (3 x 36) +6 8 14, 11 +6 +8 +4 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Controller 15 180 (3 x 60) +6 10 14, 11 +6 +8 +4 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Defender 19 180 (3 x 60) +6 10 14, 11 +8 +6 +4 +9, +6, +4 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 13 90 (3 x 30) +8 15 16, 13 +8 +6 +6 +6, +3, +1 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Scout 15 180 (3 x 60) +6 8 14, 11 +8 +8 +6 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 17 135 (3 x 45) +6 12 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +8, +5, +3 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Striker 13 225 (3 x 75) +8 12 16, 13 +6 +6 +4 +6, +3, +1 4 1,100
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 15 135 (3 x 45) +6 8 14, 11 +6 +8 +4 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Controller 15 216 (3 x 72) +6 10 14, 11 +6 +8 +4 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Defender 19 216 (3 x 72) +6 10 14, 11 +8 +6 +4 +9, +6, +4 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 13 108 (3 x 36) +8 15 16, 13 +8 +6 +6 +6, +3, +1 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Scout 15 216 (3 x 72) +6 8 14, 11 +8 +8 +6 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 17 162 (3 x 54) +6 12 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +8, +5, +3 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Striker 13 270 (3 x 90) +8 12 16, 13 +6 +6 +4 +6, +3, +1 4 1,100
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 15 162 (3 x 54) +6 8 14, 11 +6 +8 +4 +7, +4, +2 4 1,100
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 5
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 12 12 (2 x 6) +3 8 11, 8 +0 +3 +0 +4, +1, −2 1/2 112
Minion Defender 16 12 (2 x 6) +3 8 11, 8 +3 +0 +0 +6, +3, +0 1/2 112
Minion Lurker 10 6 (2 x 3) +5 12 13, 10 +3 +0 +3 +3, +0, −3 1/2 112
Minion Scout 12 12 (2 x 6) +3 6 11, 8 +3 +3 +3 +4, +1, −2 1/2 112
Minion Sniper 14 9 (2 x 5) +3 10 11, 8 +0 +0 +3 +5, +2, −1 1/2 112
Minion Striker 10 15 (2 x 8) +5 10 13, 10 +0 +0 +0 +3, +0, −3 1/2 112
Minion Supporter 12 9 (2 x 5) +3 6 11, 8 +0 +3 +0 +4, +1, −2 1/2 112
Standard Controller 14 60 (2 x 30) +5 10 13, 10 +2 +5 +2 +6, +3, +0 2 450
Standard Defender 18 60 (2 x 30) +5 10 13, 10 +5 +2 +2 +8, +5, +2 2 450
Standard Lurker 12 30 (2 x 15) +7 15 15, 12 +5 +2 +5 +5, +2, −1 2 450
Standard Scout 14 60 (2 x 30) +5 8 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +3, +0 2 450
Standard Sniper 16 45 (2 x 23) +5 13 13, 10 +2 +2 +5 +7, +4, +1 2 450
Standard Striker 12 75 (2 x 38) +7 13 15, 12 +2 +2 +2 +5, +2, −1 2 450
Standard Supporter 14 45 (2 x 23) +5 8 13, 10 +2 +5 +2 +6, +3, +0 2 450
Elite Controller 16 120 (2 x 60) +7 11 15, 12 +4 +7 +4 +8, +5, +2 3 900
Elite Defender 20 120 (2 x 60) +7 11 15, 12 +7 +4 +4 +10, +7, +4 3 900
Elite Lurker 14 60 (2 x 30) +9 17 17, 14 +7 +4 +7 +7, +4, +1 3 900
Elite Scout 16 120 (2 x 60) +7 9 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +8, +5, +2 3 900
Elite Sniper 18 90 (2 x 45) +7 14 15, 12 +4 +4 +7 +9, +6, +3 3 900
Elite Striker 14 150 (2 x 75) +9 14 17, 14 +4 +4 +4 +7, +4, +1 3 900
Elite Supporter 16 90 (2 x 45) +7 9 15, 12 +4 +7 +4 +8, +5, +2 3 900
Solo (vs 3) Controller 16 240 (3 x 80) +7 12 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 3) Defender 20 240 (3 x 80) +7 12 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 5 1,800
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 14 120 (3 x 40) +9 18 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 5 1,800
Solo (vs 3) Scout 16 240 (3 x 80) +7 9 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 18 180 (3 x 60) +7 15 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 5 1,800
Solo (vs 3) Striker 14 300 (3 x 100) +9 15 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 5 1,800
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 16 180 (3 x 60) +7 9 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Controller 16 300 (3 x 100) +7 12 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Defender 20 300 (3 x 100) +7 12 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 14 150 (3 x 50) +9 18 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Scout 16 300 (3 x 100) +7 9 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 18 225 (3 x 75) +7 15 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Striker 14 375 (3 x 125) +9 15 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 5 1,800
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 16 225 (3 x 75) +7 9 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Controller 16 360 (3 x 120) +7 12 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Defender 20 360 (3 x 120) +7 12 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 14 180 (3 x 60) +9 18 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Scout 16 360 (3 x 120) +7 9 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 18 270 (3 x 90) +7 15 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Striker 14 450 (3 x 150) +9 15 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 5 1,800
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 16 270 (3 x 90) +7 9 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 5 1,800
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 6
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 12 13 (2 x 7) +3 9 11, 8 +0 +3 +0 +4, +1, −2 1/2 143
Minion Defender 16 13 (2 x 7) +3 9 11, 8 +3 +0 +0 +6, +3, +0 1/2 143
Minion Lurker 10 7 (2 x 4) +5 13 13, 10 +3 +0 +3 +3, +0, −3 1/2 143
Minion Scout 12 13 (2 x 7) +3 7 11, 8 +3 +3 +3 +4, +1, −2 1/2 143
Minion Sniper 14 10 (2 x 5) +3 11 11, 8 +0 +0 +3 +5, +2, −1 1/2 143
Minion Striker 10 16 (2 x 8) +5 11 13, 10 +0 +0 +0 +3, +0, −3 1/2 143
Minion Supporter 12 10 (2 x 5) +3 7 11, 8 +0 +3 +0 +4, +1, −2 1/2 143
Standard Controller 14 64 (2 x 32) +5 11 13, 10 +2 +5 +2 +6, +3, +0 2 575
Standard Defender 18 64 (2 x 32) +5 11 13, 10 +5 +2 +2 +8, +5, +2 2 575
Standard Lurker 12 32 (2 x 16) +7 17 15, 12 +5 +2 +5 +5, +2, −1 2 575
Standard Scout 14 64 (2 x 32) +5 9 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +3, +0 2 575
Standard Sniper 16 48 (2 x 24) +5 14 13, 10 +2 +2 +5 +7, +4, +1 2 575
Standard Striker 12 80 (2 x 40) +7 14 15, 12 +2 +2 +2 +5, +2, −1 2 575
Standard Supporter 14 48 (2 x 24) +5 9 13, 10 +2 +5 +2 +6, +3, +0 2 575
Elite Controller 16 128 (2 x 64) +7 13 15, 12 +4 +7 +4 +8, +5, +2 4 1,150
Elite Defender 20 128 (2 x 64) +7 13 15, 12 +7 +4 +4 +10, +7, +4 4 1,150
Elite Lurker 14 64 (2 x 32) +9 19 17, 14 +7 +4 +7 +7, +4, +1 4 1,150
Elite Scout 16 128 (2 x 64) +7 10 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +8, +5, +2 4 1,150
Elite Sniper 18 96 (2 x 48) +7 16 15, 12 +4 +4 +7 +9, +6, +3 4 1,150
Elite Striker 14 160 (2 x 80) +9 16 17, 14 +4 +4 +4 +7, +4, +1 4 1,150
Elite Supporter 16 96 (2 x 48) +7 10 15, 12 +4 +7 +4 +8, +5, +2 4 1,150
Solo (vs 3) Controller 16 256 (3 x 86) +7 14 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 3) Defender 20 256 (3 x 86) +7 14 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 6 2,300
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 14 128 (3 x 43) +9 20 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 6 2,300
Solo (vs 3) Scout 16 256 (3 x 86) +7 10 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 18 192 (3 x 64) +7 17 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 6 2,300
Solo (vs 3) Striker 14 320 (3 x 107) +9 17 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 6 2,300
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 16 192 (3 x 64) +7 10 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Controller 16 320 (3 x 107) +7 14 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Defender 20 320 (3 x 107) +7 14 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 14 160 (3 x 54) +9 20 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Scout 16 320 (3 x 107) +7 10 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 18 240 (3 x 80) +7 17 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Striker 14 400 (3 x 134) +9 17 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 6 2,300
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 16 240 (3 x 80) +7 10 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Controller 16 384 (3 x 128) +7 14 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Defender 20 384 (3 x 128) +7 14 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 14 192 (3 x 64) +9 20 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Scout 16 384 (3 x 128) +7 10 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 18 288 (3 x 96) +7 17 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Striker 14 480 (3 x 160) +9 17 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 6 2,300
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 16 288 (3 x 96) +7 10 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 6 2,300
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 7
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 12 14 (2 x 7) +3 10 11, 8 +0 +3 +0 +4, +1, −2 1 181
Minion Defender 16 14 (2 x 7) +3 10 11, 8 +3 +0 +0 +6, +3, +0 1 181
Minion Lurker 10 7 (2 x 4) +5 15 13, 10 +3 +0 +3 +3, +0, −3 1 181
Minion Scout 12 14 (2 x 7) +3 8 11, 8 +3 +3 +3 +4, +1, −2 1 181
Minion Sniper 14 11 (2 x 6) +3 13 11, 8 +0 +0 +3 +5, +2, −1 1 181
Minion Striker 10 17 (2 x 9) +5 13 13, 10 +0 +0 +0 +3, +0, −3 1 181
Minion Supporter 12 11 (2 x 6) +3 8 11, 8 +0 +3 +0 +4, +1, −2 1 181
Standard Controller 14 68 (2 x 34) +5 13 13, 10 +2 +5 +2 +6, +3, +0 3 725
Standard Defender 18 68 (2 x 34) +5 13 13, 10 +5 +2 +2 +8, +5, +2 3 725
Standard Lurker 12 34 (2 x 17) +7 20 15, 12 +5 +2 +5 +5, +2, −1 3 725
Standard Scout 14 68 (2 x 34) +5 10 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +3, +0 3 725
Standard Sniper 16 51 (2 x 26) +5 17 13, 10 +2 +2 +5 +7, +4, +1 3 725
Standard Striker 12 85 (2 x 43) +7 17 15, 12 +2 +2 +2 +5, +2, −1 3 725
Standard Supporter 14 51 (2 x 26) +5 10 13, 10 +2 +5 +2 +6, +3, +0 3 725
Elite Controller 16 136 (2 x 68) +7 15 15, 12 +4 +7 +4 +8, +5, +2 4 1,450
Elite Defender 20 136 (2 x 68) +7 15 15, 12 +7 +4 +4 +10, +7, +4 4 1,450
Elite Lurker 14 68 (2 x 34) +9 22 17, 14 +7 +4 +7 +7, +4, +1 4 1,450
Elite Scout 16 136 (2 x 68) +7 11 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +8, +5, +2 4 1,450
Elite Sniper 18 102 (2 x 51) +7 18 15, 12 +4 +4 +7 +9, +6, +3 4 1,450
Elite Striker 14 170 (2 x 85) +9 18 17, 14 +4 +4 +4 +7, +4, +1 4 1,450
Elite Supporter 16 102 (2 x 51) +7 11 15, 12 +4 +7 +4 +8, +5, +2 4 1,450
Solo (vs 3) Controller 16 272 (3 x 91) +7 16 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 3) Defender 20 272 (3 x 91) +7 16 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 7 2,900
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 14 136 (3 x 46) +9 24 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 7 2,900
Solo (vs 3) Scout 16 272 (3 x 91) +7 12 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 18 204 (3 x 68) +7 20 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 7 2,900
Solo (vs 3) Striker 14 340 (3 x 114) +9 20 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 7 2,900
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 16 204 (3 x 68) +7 12 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Controller 16 340 (3 x 114) +7 16 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Defender 20 340 (3 x 114) +7 16 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 14 170 (3 x 57) +9 24 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Scout 16 340 (3 x 114) +7 12 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 18 255 (3 x 85) +7 20 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Striker 14 425 (3 x 142) +9 20 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 7 2,900
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 16 255 (3 x 85) +7 12 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Controller 16 408 (3 x 136) +7 16 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Defender 20 408 (3 x 136) +7 16 15, 12 +9 +6 +4 +10, +7, +4 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 14 204 (3 x 68) +9 24 17, 14 +9 +6 +7 +7, +4, +1 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Scout 16 408 (3 x 136) +7 12 15, 12 +9 +9 +7 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 18 306 (3 x 102) +7 20 15, 12 +6 +6 +7 +9, +6, +3 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Striker 14 510 (3 x 170) +9 20 17, 14 +6 +6 +4 +7, +4, +1 7 2,900
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 16 306 (3 x 102) +7 12 15, 12 +6 +9 +4 +8, +5, +2 7 2,900
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 8
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 13 15 (2 x 8) +4 13 12, 9 +1 +4 +1 +5, +2, −2 1 243
Minion Defender 17 15 (2 x 8) +4 13 12, 9 +4 +1 +1 +7, +4, +0 1 243
Minion Lurker 11 8 (2 x 4) +6 20 14, 11 +4 +1 +4 +4, +1, −3 1 243
Minion Scout 13 15 (2 x 8) +4 10 12, 9 +4 +4 +4 +5, +2, −2 1 243
Minion Sniper 15 11 (2 x 6) +4 16 12, 9 +1 +1 +4 +6, +3, −1 1 243
Minion Striker 11 18 (2 x 9) +6 16 14, 11 +1 +1 +1 +4, +1, −3 1 243
Minion Supporter 13 11 (2 x 6) +4 10 12, 9 +1 +4 +1 +5, +2, −2 1 243
Standard Controller 15 72 (2 x 36) +6 17 14, 11 +3 +6 +3 +7, +4, +0 4 975
Standard Defender 19 72 (2 x 36) +6 17 14, 11 +6 +3 +3 +9, +6, +2 4 975
Standard Lurker 13 36 (2 x 18) +8 26 16, 13 +6 +3 +6 +6, +3, −1 4 975
Standard Scout 15 72 (2 x 36) +6 13 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +7, +4, +0 4 975
Standard Sniper 17 54 (2 x 27) +6 22 14, 11 +3 +3 +6 +8, +5, +1 4 975
Standard Striker 13 90 (2 x 45) +8 22 16, 13 +3 +3 +3 +6, +3, −1 4 975
Standard Supporter 15 54 (2 x 27) +6 13 14, 11 +3 +6 +3 +7, +4, +0 4 975
Elite Controller 17 144 (2 x 72) +8 19 16, 13 +5 +8 +5 +9, +6, +2 5 1,950
Elite Defender 21 144 (2 x 72) +8 19 16, 13 +8 +5 +5 +11, +8, +4 5 1,950
Elite Lurker 15 72 (2 x 36) +10 29 18, 15 +8 +5 +8 +8, +5, +1 5 1,950
Elite Scout 17 144 (2 x 72) +8 15 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +9, +6, +2 5 1,950
Elite Sniper 19 108 (2 x 54) +8 24 16, 13 +5 +5 +8 +10, +7, +3 5 1,950
Elite Striker 15 180 (2 x 90) +10 24 18, 15 +5 +5 +5 +8, +5, +1 5 1,950
Elite Supporter 17 108 (2 x 54) +8 15 16, 13 +5 +8 +5 +9, +6, +2 5 1,950
Solo (vs 3) Controller 17 288 (3 x 96) +8 21 16, 13 +7 +10 +5 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 3) Defender 21 288 (3 x 96) +8 21 16, 13 +10 +7 +5 +11, +8, +4 8 3,900
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 15 144 (3 x 48) +10 31 18, 15 +10 +7 +8 +8, +5, +1 8 3,900
Solo (vs 3) Scout 17 288 (3 x 96) +8 16 16, 13 +10 +10 +8 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 19 216 (3 x 72) +8 26 16, 13 +7 +7 +8 +10, +7, +3 8 3,900
Solo (vs 3) Striker 15 360 (3 x 120) +10 26 18, 15 +7 +7 +5 +8, +5, +1 8 3,900
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 17 216 (3 x 72) +8 16 16, 13 +7 +10 +5 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Controller 17 360 (3 x 120) +8 21 16, 13 +7 +10 +5 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Defender 21 360 (3 x 120) +8 21 16, 13 +10 +7 +5 +11, +8, +4 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 15 180 (3 x 60) +10 31 18, 15 +10 +7 +8 +8, +5, +1 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Scout 17 360 (3 x 120) +8 16 16, 13 +10 +10 +8 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 19 270 (3 x 90) +8 26 16, 13 +7 +7 +8 +10, +7, +3 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Striker 15 450 (3 x 150) +10 26 18, 15 +7 +7 +5 +8, +5, +1 8 3,900
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 17 270 (3 x 90) +8 16 16, 13 +7 +10 +5 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Controller 17 432 (3 x 144) +8 21 16, 13 +7 +10 +5 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Defender 21 432 (3 x 144) +8 21 16, 13 +10 +7 +5 +11, +8, +4 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 15 216 (3 x 72) +10 31 18, 15 +10 +7 +8 +8, +5, +1 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Scout 17 432 (3 x 144) +8 16 16, 13 +10 +10 +8 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 19 324 (3 x 108) +8 26 16, 13 +7 +7 +8 +10, +7, +3 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Striker 15 540 (3 x 180) +10 26 18, 15 +7 +7 +5 +8, +5, +1 8 3,900
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 17 324 (3 x 108) +8 16 16, 13 +7 +10 +5 +9, +6, +2 8 3,900
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 9
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 14 21 (2 x 11) +5 15 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +6, +2, −1 1 312
Minion Defender 18 21 (2 x 11) +5 15 13, 10 +5 +1 +1 +8, +4, +1 1 312
Minion Lurker 12 11 (2 x 6) +7 22 15, 12 +5 +1 +5 +5, +1, −2 1 312
Minion Scout 14 21 (2 x 11) +5 11 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +2, −1 1 312
Minion Sniper 16 16 (2 x 8) +5 18 13, 10 +1 +1 +5 +7, +3, +0 1 312
Minion Striker 12 26 (2 x 13) +7 18 15, 12 +1 +1 +1 +5, +1, −2 1 312
Minion Supporter 14 16 (2 x 8) +5 11 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +6, +2, −1 1 312
Standard Controller 16 102 (2 x 51) +7 19 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +8, +4, +1 4 1,250
Standard Defender 20 102 (2 x 51) +7 19 15, 12 +7 +3 +3 +10, +6, +3 4 1,250
Standard Lurker 14 51 (2 x 26) +9 29 17, 14 +7 +3 +7 +7, +3, +0 4 1,250
Standard Scout 16 102 (2 x 51) +7 15 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +8, +4, +1 4 1,250
Standard Sniper 18 77 (2 x 39) +7 24 15, 12 +3 +3 +7 +9, +5, +2 4 1,250
Standard Striker 14 128 (2 x 64) +9 24 17, 14 +3 +3 +3 +7, +3, +0 4 1,250
Standard Supporter 16 77 (2 x 39) +7 15 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +8, +4, +1 4 1,250
Elite Controller 18 204 (2 x 102) +9 21 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +10, +6, +3 6 2,500
Elite Defender 22 204 (2 x 102) +9 21 17, 14 +9 +5 +5 +12, +8, +5 6 2,500
Elite Lurker 16 102 (2 x 51) +11 32 19, 16 +9 +5 +9 +9, +5, +2 6 2,500
Elite Scout 18 204 (2 x 102) +9 16 17, 14 +9 +9 +9 +10, +6, +3 6 2,500
Elite Sniper 20 153 (2 x 77) +9 27 17, 14 +5 +5 +9 +11, +7, +4 6 2,500
Elite Striker 16 255 (2 x 128) +11 27 19, 16 +5 +5 +5 +9, +5, +2 6 2,500
Elite Supporter 18 153 (2 x 77) +9 16 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +10, +6, +3 6 2,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 18 408 (3 x 136) +9 23 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 22 408 (3 x 136) +9 23 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 16 204 (3 x 68) +11 35 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 18 408 (3 x 136) +9 18 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 20 306 (3 x 102) +9 29 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 16 510 (3 x 170) +11 29 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 18 306 (3 x 102) +9 18 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 18 510 (3 x 170) +9 23 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 22 510 (3 x 170) +9 23 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 16 255 (3 x 85) +11 35 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 18 510 (3 x 170) +9 18 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 20 383 (3 x 128) +9 29 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 16 638 (3 x 213) +11 29 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 9 5,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 18 383 (3 x 128) +9 18 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 18 612 (3 x 204) +9 23 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 22 612 (3 x 204) +9 23 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 16 306 (3 x 102) +11 35 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 18 612 (3 x 204) +9 18 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 20 459 (3 x 153) +9 29 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 16 765 (3 x 255) +11 29 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 9 5,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 18 459 (3 x 153) +9 18 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 9 5,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 10
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 14 22 (2 x 11) +5 16 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +6, +2, −1 1 368
Minion Defender 18 22 (2 x 11) +5 16 13, 10 +5 +1 +1 +8, +4, +1 1 368
Minion Lurker 12 11 (2 x 6) +7 24 15, 12 +5 +1 +5 +5, +1, −2 1 368
Minion Scout 14 22 (2 x 11) +5 12 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +2, −1 1 368
Minion Sniper 16 17 (2 x 9) +5 20 13, 10 +1 +1 +5 +7, +3, +0 1 368
Minion Striker 12 27 (2 x 14) +7 20 15, 12 +1 +1 +1 +5, +1, −2 1 368
Minion Supporter 14 17 (2 x 9) +5 12 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +6, +2, −1 1 368
Standard Controller 16 107 (2 x 54) +7 21 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +8, +4, +1 4 1,475
Standard Defender 20 107 (2 x 54) +7 21 15, 12 +7 +3 +3 +10, +6, +3 4 1,475
Standard Lurker 14 54 (2 x 27) +9 32 17, 14 +7 +3 +7 +7, +3, +0 4 1,475
Standard Scout 16 107 (2 x 54) +7 16 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +8, +4, +1 4 1,475
Standard Sniper 18 81 (2 x 41) +7 27 15, 12 +3 +3 +7 +9, +5, +2 4 1,475
Standard Striker 14 134 (2 x 67) +9 27 17, 14 +3 +3 +3 +7, +3, +0 4 1,475
Standard Supporter 16 81 (2 x 41) +7 16 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +8, +4, +1 4 1,475
Elite Controller 18 214 (2 x 107) +9 24 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +10, +6, +3 7 2,950
Elite Defender 22 214 (2 x 107) +9 24 17, 14 +9 +5 +5 +12, +8, +5 7 2,950
Elite Lurker 16 107 (2 x 54) +11 35 19, 16 +9 +5 +9 +9, +5, +2 7 2,950
Elite Scout 18 214 (2 x 107) +9 18 17, 14 +9 +9 +9 +10, +6, +3 7 2,950
Elite Sniper 20 161 (2 x 81) +9 29 17, 14 +5 +5 +9 +11, +7, +4 7 2,950
Elite Striker 16 268 (2 x 134) +11 29 19, 16 +5 +5 +5 +9, +5, +2 7 2,950
Elite Supporter 18 161 (2 x 81) +9 18 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +10, +6, +3 7 2,950
Solo (vs 3) Controller 18 428 (3 x 143) +9 26 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 3) Defender 22 428 (3 x 143) +9 26 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 10 5,900
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 16 214 (3 x 72) +11 38 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 10 5,900
Solo (vs 3) Scout 18 428 (3 x 143) +9 19 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 20 321 (3 x 107) +9 32 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 10 5,900
Solo (vs 3) Striker 16 535 (3 x 179) +11 32 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 10 5,900
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 18 321 (3 x 107) +9 19 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Controller 18 535 (3 x 179) +9 26 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Defender 22 535 (3 x 179) +9 26 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 16 268 (3 x 90) +11 38 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Scout 18 535 (3 x 179) +9 19 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 20 402 (3 x 134) +9 32 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Striker 16 669 (3 x 223) +11 32 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 10 5,900
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 18 402 (3 x 134) +9 19 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Controller 18 642 (3 x 214) +9 26 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Defender 22 642 (3 x 214) +9 26 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 16 321 (3 x 107) +11 38 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Scout 18 642 (3 x 214) +9 19 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 20 482 (3 x 161) +9 32 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Striker 16 803 (3 x 268) +11 32 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 10 5,900
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 18 482 (3 x 161) +9 19 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 10 5,900
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 11
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 14 23 (2 x 12) +5 18 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +6, +2, −1 2 450
Minion Defender 18 23 (2 x 12) +5 18 13, 10 +5 +1 +1 +8, +4, +1 2 450
Minion Lurker 12 12 (2 x 6) +7 26 15, 12 +5 +1 +5 +5, +1, −2 2 450
Minion Scout 14 23 (2 x 12) +5 13 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +6, +2, −1 2 450
Minion Sniper 16 17 (2 x 9) +5 22 13, 10 +1 +1 +5 +7, +3, +0 2 450
Minion Striker 12 28 (2 x 14) +7 22 15, 12 +1 +1 +1 +5, +1, −2 2 450
Minion Supporter 14 17 (2 x 9) +5 13 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +6, +2, −1 2 450
Standard Controller 16 111 (2 x 56) +7 23 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +8, +4, +1 5 1,800
Standard Defender 20 111 (2 x 56) +7 23 15, 12 +7 +3 +3 +10, +6, +3 5 1,800
Standard Lurker 14 56 (2 x 28) +9 35 17, 14 +7 +3 +7 +7, +3, +0 5 1,800
Standard Scout 16 111 (2 x 56) +7 18 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +8, +4, +1 5 1,800
Standard Sniper 18 84 (2 x 42) +7 29 15, 12 +3 +3 +7 +9, +5, +2 5 1,800
Standard Striker 14 139 (2 x 70) +9 29 17, 14 +3 +3 +3 +7, +3, +0 5 1,800
Standard Supporter 16 84 (2 x 42) +7 18 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +8, +4, +1 5 1,800
Elite Controller 18 222 (2 x 111) +9 26 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +10, +6, +3 7 3,600
Elite Defender 22 222 (2 x 111) +9 26 17, 14 +9 +5 +5 +12, +8, +5 7 3,600
Elite Lurker 16 111 (2 x 56) +11 38 19, 16 +9 +5 +9 +9, +5, +2 7 3,600
Elite Scout 18 222 (2 x 111) +9 19 17, 14 +9 +9 +9 +10, +6, +3 7 3,600
Elite Sniper 20 167 (2 x 84) +9 32 17, 14 +5 +5 +9 +11, +7, +4 7 3,600
Elite Striker 16 278 (2 x 139) +11 32 19, 16 +5 +5 +5 +9, +5, +2 7 3,600
Elite Supporter 18 167 (2 x 84) +9 19 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +10, +6, +3 7 3,600
Solo (vs 3) Controller 18 444 (3 x 148) +9 28 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 3) Defender 22 444 (3 x 148) +9 28 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 11 7,200
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 16 222 (3 x 74) +11 42 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 11 7,200
Solo (vs 3) Scout 18 444 (3 x 148) +9 21 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 20 333 (3 x 111) +9 35 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 11 7,200
Solo (vs 3) Striker 16 555 (3 x 185) +11 35 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 11 7,200
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 18 333 (3 x 111) +9 21 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Controller 18 555 (3 x 185) +9 28 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Defender 22 555 (3 x 185) +9 28 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 16 278 (3 x 93) +11 42 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Scout 18 555 (3 x 185) +9 21 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 20 417 (3 x 139) +9 35 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Striker 16 694 (3 x 232) +11 35 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 11 7,200
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 18 417 (3 x 139) +9 21 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Controller 18 666 (3 x 222) +9 28 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Defender 22 666 (3 x 222) +9 28 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +12, +8, +5 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 16 333 (3 x 111) +11 42 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +9, +5, +2 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Scout 18 666 (3 x 222) +9 21 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 20 500 (3 x 167) +9 35 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +11, +7, +4 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Striker 16 833 (3 x 278) +11 35 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +9, +5, +2 11 7,200
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 18 500 (3 x 167) +9 21 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +10, +6, +3 11 7,200
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 12
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 14 23 (2 x 12) +6 21 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +7, +3, −1 2 525
Minion Defender 18 23 (2 x 12) +6 21 13, 10 +5 +1 +1 +9, +5, +1 2 525
Minion Lurker 12 12 (2 x 6) +8 32 15, 12 +5 +1 +5 +6, +2, −2 2 525
Minion Scout 14 23 (2 x 12) +6 16 13, 10 +5 +5 +5 +7, +3, −1 2 525
Minion Sniper 16 18 (2 x 9) +6 27 13, 10 +1 +1 +5 +8, +4, +0 2 525
Minion Striker 12 29 (2 x 15) +8 27 15, 12 +1 +1 +1 +6, +2, −2 2 525
Minion Supporter 14 18 (2 x 9) +6 16 13, 10 +1 +5 +1 +7, +3, −1 2 525
Standard Controller 16 115 (2 x 58) +8 28 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +9, +5, +1 5 2,100
Standard Defender 20 115 (2 x 58) +8 28 15, 12 +7 +3 +3 +11, +7, +3 5 2,100
Standard Lurker 14 58 (2 x 29) +10 42 17, 14 +7 +3 +7 +8, +4, +0 5 2,100
Standard Scout 16 115 (2 x 58) +8 21 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +9, +5, +1 5 2,100
Standard Sniper 18 87 (2 x 44) +8 35 15, 12 +3 +3 +7 +10, +6, +2 5 2,100
Standard Striker 14 144 (2 x 72) +10 35 17, 14 +3 +3 +3 +8, +4, +0 5 2,100
Standard Supporter 16 87 (2 x 44) +8 21 15, 12 +3 +7 +3 +9, +5, +1 5 2,100
Elite Controller 18 230 (2 x 115) +10 31 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +11, +7, +3 8 4,200
Elite Defender 22 230 (2 x 115) +10 31 17, 14 +9 +5 +5 +13, +9, +5 8 4,200
Elite Lurker 16 115 (2 x 58) +12 47 19, 16 +9 +5 +9 +10, +6, +2 8 4,200
Elite Scout 18 230 (2 x 115) +10 24 17, 14 +9 +9 +9 +11, +7, +3 8 4,200
Elite Sniper 20 173 (2 x 87) +10 39 17, 14 +5 +5 +9 +12, +8, +4 8 4,200
Elite Striker 16 288 (2 x 144) +12 39 19, 16 +5 +5 +5 +10, +6, +2 8 4,200
Elite Supporter 18 173 (2 x 87) +10 24 17, 14 +5 +9 +5 +11, +7, +3 8 4,200
Solo (vs 3) Controller 18 460 (3 x 154) +10 34 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 3) Defender 22 460 (3 x 154) +10 34 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +13, +9, +5 12 8,400
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 16 230 (3 x 77) +12 51 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +10, +6, +2 12 8,400
Solo (vs 3) Scout 18 460 (3 x 154) +10 26 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 20 345 (3 x 115) +10 42 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +12, +8, +4 12 8,400
Solo (vs 3) Striker 16 575 (3 x 192) +12 42 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +10, +6, +2 12 8,400
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 18 345 (3 x 115) +10 26 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Controller 18 575 (3 x 192) +10 34 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Defender 22 575 (3 x 192) +10 34 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +13, +9, +5 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 16 288 (3 x 96) +12 51 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +10, +6, +2 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Scout 18 575 (3 x 192) +10 26 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 20 432 (3 x 144) +10 42 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +12, +8, +4 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Striker 16 719 (3 x 240) +12 42 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +10, +6, +2 12 8,400
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 18 432 (3 x 144) +10 26 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Controller 18 690 (3 x 230) +10 34 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Defender 22 690 (3 x 230) +10 34 17, 14 +11 +7 +5 +13, +9, +5 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 16 345 (3 x 115) +12 51 19, 16 +11 +7 +9 +10, +6, +2 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Scout 18 690 (3 x 230) +10 26 17, 14 +11 +11 +9 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 20 518 (3 x 173) +10 42 17, 14 +7 +7 +9 +12, +8, +4 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Striker 16 863 (3 x 288) +12 42 19, 16 +7 +7 +5 +10, +6, +2 12 8,400
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 18 518 (3 x 173) +10 26 17, 14 +7 +11 +5 +11, +7, +3 12 8,400
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 13
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 15 31 (2 x 16) +7 23 14, 11 +1 +6 +1 +8, +4, −1 2 625
Minion Defender 19 31 (2 x 16) +7 23 14, 11 +6 +1 +1 +10, +6, +1 2 625
Minion Lurker 13 16 (2 x 8) +9 34 16, 13 +6 +1 +6 +7, +3, −2 2 625
Minion Scout 15 31 (2 x 16) +7 17 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +8, +4, −1 2 625
Minion Sniper 17 23 (2 x 12) +7 29 14, 11 +1 +1 +6 +9, +5, +0 2 625
Minion Striker 13 38 (2 x 19) +9 29 16, 13 +1 +1 +1 +7, +3, −2 2 625
Minion Supporter 15 23 (2 x 12) +7 17 14, 11 +1 +6 +1 +8, +4, −1 2 625
Standard Controller 17 152 (2 x 76) +9 30 16, 13 +3 +8 +3 +10, +6, +1 6 2,500
Standard Defender 21 152 (2 x 76) +9 30 16, 13 +8 +3 +3 +12, +8, +3 6 2,500
Standard Lurker 15 76 (2 x 38) +11 45 18, 15 +8 +3 +8 +9, +5, +0 6 2,500
Standard Scout 17 152 (2 x 76) +9 23 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +10, +6, +1 6 2,500
Standard Sniper 19 114 (2 x 57) +9 38 16, 13 +3 +3 +8 +11, +7, +2 6 2,500
Standard Striker 15 190 (2 x 95) +11 38 18, 15 +3 +3 +3 +9, +5, +0 6 2,500
Standard Supporter 17 114 (2 x 57) +9 23 16, 13 +3 +8 +3 +10, +6, +1 6 2,500
Elite Controller 19 304 (2 x 152) +11 33 18, 15 +5 +10 +5 +12, +8, +3 9 5,000
Elite Defender 23 304 (2 x 152) +11 33 18, 15 +10 +5 +5 +14, +10, +5 9 5,000
Elite Lurker 17 152 (2 x 76) +13 50 20, 17 +10 +5 +10 +11, +7, +2 9 5,000
Elite Scout 19 304 (2 x 152) +11 25 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +8, +3 9 5,000
Elite Sniper 21 228 (2 x 114) +11 42 18, 15 +5 +5 +10 +13, +9, +4 9 5,000
Elite Striker 17 380 (2 x 190) +13 42 20, 17 +5 +5 +5 +11, +7, +2 9 5,000
Elite Supporter 19 228 (2 x 114) +11 25 18, 15 +5 +10 +5 +12, +8, +3 9 5,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 19 608 (3 x 203) +11 36 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 23 608 (3 x 203) +11 36 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 17 304 (3 x 102) +13 54 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 19 608 (3 x 203) +11 27 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 21 456 (3 x 152) +11 45 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 17 760 (3 x 254) +13 45 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 19 456 (3 x 152) +11 27 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 19 760 (3 x 254) +11 36 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 23 760 (3 x 254) +11 36 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 17 380 (3 x 127) +13 54 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 19 760 (3 x 254) +11 27 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 21 570 (3 x 190) +11 45 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 17 950 (3 x 317) +13 45 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 13 10,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 19 570 (3 x 190) +11 27 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 19 912 (3 x 304) +11 36 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 23 912 (3 x 304) +11 36 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 17 456 (3 x 152) +13 54 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 19 912 (3 x 304) +11 27 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 21 684 (3 x 228) +11 45 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 17 1,140 (3 x 380) +13 45 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 13 10,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 19 684 (3 x 228) +11 27 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 13 10,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 14
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 15 32 (2 x 16) +7 24 14, 11 +1 +6 +1 +8, +4, −1 3 718
Minion Defender 19 32 (2 x 16) +7 24 14, 11 +6 +1 +1 +10, +6, +1 3 718
Minion Lurker 13 16 (2 x 8) +9 36 16, 13 +6 +1 +6 +7, +3, −2 3 718
Minion Scout 15 32 (2 x 16) +7 18 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +8, +4, −1 3 718
Minion Sniper 17 24 (2 x 12) +7 30 14, 11 +1 +1 +6 +9, +5, +0 3 718
Minion Striker 13 40 (2 x 20) +9 30 16, 13 +1 +1 +1 +7, +3, −2 3 718
Minion Supporter 15 24 (2 x 12) +7 18 14, 11 +1 +6 +1 +8, +4, −1 3 718
Standard Controller 17 157 (2 x 79) +9 32 16, 13 +3 +8 +3 +10, +6, +1 7 2,875
Standard Defender 21 157 (2 x 79) +9 32 16, 13 +8 +3 +3 +12, +8, +3 7 2,875
Standard Lurker 15 79 (2 x 40) +11 48 18, 15 +8 +3 +8 +9, +5, +0 7 2,875
Standard Scout 17 157 (2 x 79) +9 24 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +10, +6, +1 7 2,875
Standard Sniper 19 118 (2 x 59) +9 40 16, 13 +3 +3 +8 +11, +7, +2 7 2,875
Standard Striker 15 197 (2 x 99) +11 40 18, 15 +3 +3 +3 +9, +5, +0 7 2,875
Standard Supporter 17 118 (2 x 59) +9 24 16, 13 +3 +8 +3 +10, +6, +1 7 2,875
Elite Controller 19 314 (2 x 157) +11 36 18, 15 +5 +10 +5 +12, +8, +3 10 5,750
Elite Defender 23 314 (2 x 157) +11 36 18, 15 +10 +5 +5 +14, +10, +5 10 5,750
Elite Lurker 17 157 (2 x 79) +13 53 20, 17 +10 +5 +10 +11, +7, +2 10 5,750
Elite Scout 19 314 (2 x 157) +11 27 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +8, +3 10 5,750
Elite Sniper 21 236 (2 x 118) +11 44 18, 15 +5 +5 +10 +13, +9, +4 10 5,750
Elite Striker 17 393 (2 x 197) +13 44 20, 17 +5 +5 +5 +11, +7, +2 10 5,750
Elite Supporter 19 236 (2 x 118) +11 27 18, 15 +5 +10 +5 +12, +8, +3 10 5,750
Solo (vs 3) Controller 19 628 (3 x 210) +11 39 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 3) Defender 23 628 (3 x 210) +11 39 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 14 11,500
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 17 314 (3 x 105) +13 58 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 14 11,500
Solo (vs 3) Scout 19 628 (3 x 210) +11 29 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 21 471 (3 x 157) +11 48 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 14 11,500
Solo (vs 3) Striker 17 785 (3 x 262) +13 48 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 14 11,500
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 19 471 (3 x 157) +11 29 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Controller 19 785 (3 x 262) +11 39 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Defender 23 785 (3 x 262) +11 39 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 17 393 (3 x 131) +13 58 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Scout 19 785 (3 x 262) +11 29 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 21 589 (3 x 197) +11 48 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Striker 17 982 (3 x 328) +13 48 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 14 11,500
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 19 589 (3 x 197) +11 29 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Controller 19 942 (3 x 314) +11 39 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Defender 23 942 (3 x 314) +11 39 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 17 471 (3 x 157) +13 58 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Scout 19 942 (3 x 314) +11 29 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 21 707 (3 x 236) +11 48 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Striker 17 1,178 (3 x 393) +13 48 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 14 11,500
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 19 707 (3 x 236) +11 29 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 14 11,500
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 15
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 15 33 (2 x 17) +7 27 14, 11 +1 +6 +1 +8, +4, −1 3 812
Minion Defender 19 33 (2 x 17) +7 27 14, 11 +6 +1 +1 +10, +6, +1 3 812
Minion Lurker 13 17 (2 x 9) +9 40 16, 13 +6 +1 +6 +7, +3, −2 3 812
Minion Scout 15 33 (2 x 17) +7 20 14, 11 +6 +6 +6 +8, +4, −1 3 812
Minion Sniper 17 25 (2 x 13) +7 33 14, 11 +1 +1 +6 +9, +5, +0 3 812
Minion Striker 13 41 (2 x 21) +9 33 16, 13 +1 +1 +1 +7, +3, −2 3 812
Minion Supporter 15 25 (2 x 13) +7 20 14, 11 +1 +6 +1 +8, +4, −1 3 812
Standard Controller 17 162 (2 x 81) +9 35 16, 13 +3 +8 +3 +10, +6, +1 7 3,250
Standard Defender 21 162 (2 x 81) +9 35 16, 13 +8 +3 +3 +12, +8, +3 7 3,250
Standard Lurker 15 81 (2 x 41) +11 53 18, 15 +8 +3 +8 +9, +5, +0 7 3,250
Standard Scout 17 162 (2 x 81) +9 27 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +10, +6, +1 7 3,250
Standard Sniper 19 122 (2 x 61) +9 44 16, 13 +3 +3 +8 +11, +7, +2 7 3,250
Standard Striker 15 203 (2 x 102) +11 44 18, 15 +3 +3 +3 +9, +5, +0 7 3,250
Standard Supporter 17 122 (2 x 61) +9 27 16, 13 +3 +8 +3 +10, +6, +1 7 3,250
Elite Controller 19 324 (2 x 162) +11 39 18, 15 +5 +10 +5 +12, +8, +3 10 6,500
Elite Defender 23 324 (2 x 162) +11 39 18, 15 +10 +5 +5 +14, +10, +5 10 6,500
Elite Lurker 17 162 (2 x 81) +13 58 20, 17 +10 +5 +10 +11, +7, +2 10 6,500
Elite Scout 19 324 (2 x 162) +11 29 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +8, +3 10 6,500
Elite Sniper 21 243 (2 x 122) +11 49 18, 15 +5 +5 +10 +13, +9, +4 10 6,500
Elite Striker 17 405 (2 x 203) +13 49 20, 17 +5 +5 +5 +11, +7, +2 10 6,500
Elite Supporter 19 243 (2 x 122) +11 29 18, 15 +5 +10 +5 +12, +8, +3 10 6,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 19 648 (3 x 216) +11 42 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 23 648 (3 x 216) +11 42 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 15 13,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 17 324 (3 x 108) +13 63 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 15 13,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 19 648 (3 x 216) +11 32 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 21 486 (3 x 162) +11 53 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 15 13,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 17 810 (3 x 270) +13 53 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 15 13,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 19 486 (3 x 162) +11 32 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 19 810 (3 x 270) +11 42 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 23 810 (3 x 270) +11 42 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 17 405 (3 x 135) +13 63 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 19 810 (3 x 270) +11 32 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 21 608 (3 x 203) +11 53 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 17 1,013 (3 x 338) +13 53 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 15 13,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 19 608 (3 x 203) +11 32 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 19 972 (3 x 324) +11 42 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 23 972 (3 x 324) +11 42 18, 15 +12 +7 +5 +14, +10, +5 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 17 486 (3 x 162) +13 63 20, 17 +12 +7 +10 +11, +7, +2 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 19 972 (3 x 324) +11 32 18, 15 +12 +12 +10 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 21 729 (3 x 243) +11 53 18, 15 +7 +7 +10 +13, +9, +4 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 17 1,215 (3 x 405) +13 53 20, 17 +7 +7 +5 +11, +7, +2 15 13,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 19 729 (3 x 243) +11 32 18, 15 +7 +12 +5 +12, +8, +3 15 13,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 16
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 16 34 (2 x 17) +8 31 15, 12 +2 +7 +2 +9, +4, +0 3 937
Minion Defender 20 34 (2 x 17) +8 31 15, 12 +7 +2 +2 +11, +6, +2 3 937
Minion Lurker 14 17 (2 x 9) +10 47 17, 14 +7 +2 +7 +8, +3, −1 3 937
Minion Scout 16 34 (2 x 17) +8 24 15, 12 +7 +7 +7 +9, +4, +0 3 937
Minion Sniper 18 26 (2 x 13) +8 39 15, 12 +2 +2 +7 +10, +5, +1 3 937
Minion Striker 14 42 (2 x 21) +10 39 17, 14 +2 +2 +2 +8, +3, −1 3 937
Minion Supporter 16 26 (2 x 13) +8 24 15, 12 +2 +7 +2 +9, +4, +0 3 937
Standard Controller 18 167 (2 x 84) +10 41 17, 14 +4 +9 +4 +11, +6, +2 8 3,750
Standard Defender 22 167 (2 x 84) +10 41 17, 14 +9 +4 +4 +13, +8, +4 8 3,750
Standard Lurker 16 84 (2 x 42) +12 62 19, 16 +9 +4 +9 +10, +5, +1 8 3,750
Standard Scout 18 167 (2 x 84) +10 31 17, 14 +9 +9 +9 +11, +6, +2 8 3,750
Standard Sniper 20 126 (2 x 63) +10 52 17, 14 +4 +4 +9 +12, +7, +3 8 3,750
Standard Striker 16 209 (2 x 105) +12 52 19, 16 +4 +4 +4 +10, +5, +1 8 3,750
Standard Supporter 18 126 (2 x 63) +10 31 17, 14 +4 +9 +4 +11, +6, +2 8 3,750
Elite Controller 20 334 (2 x 167) +12 46 19, 16 +6 +11 +6 +13, +8, +4 11 7,500
Elite Defender 24 334 (2 x 167) +12 46 19, 16 +11 +6 +6 +15, +10, +6 11 7,500
Elite Lurker 18 167 (2 x 84) +14 68 21, 18 +11 +6 +11 +12, +7, +3 11 7,500
Elite Scout 20 334 (2 x 167) +12 34 19, 16 +11 +11 +11 +13, +8, +4 11 7,500
Elite Sniper 22 251 (2 x 126) +12 57 19, 16 +6 +6 +11 +14, +9, +5 11 7,500
Elite Striker 18 418 (2 x 209) +14 57 21, 18 +6 +6 +6 +12, +7, +3 11 7,500
Elite Supporter 20 251 (2 x 126) +12 34 19, 16 +6 +11 +6 +13, +8, +4 11 7,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 20 668 (3 x 223) +12 50 19, 16 +8 +13 +6 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 24 668 (3 x 223) +12 50 19, 16 +13 +8 +6 +15, +10, +6 16 15,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 18 334 (3 x 112) +14 74 21, 18 +13 +8 +11 +12, +7, +3 16 15,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 20 668 (3 x 223) +12 37 19, 16 +13 +13 +11 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 22 501 (3 x 167) +12 62 19, 16 +8 +8 +11 +14, +9, +5 16 15,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 18 835 (3 x 279) +14 62 21, 18 +8 +8 +6 +12, +7, +3 16 15,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 20 501 (3 x 167) +12 37 19, 16 +8 +13 +6 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 20 835 (3 x 279) +12 50 19, 16 +8 +13 +6 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 24 835 (3 x 279) +12 50 19, 16 +13 +8 +6 +15, +10, +6 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 18 418 (3 x 140) +14 74 21, 18 +13 +8 +11 +12, +7, +3 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 20 835 (3 x 279) +12 37 19, 16 +13 +13 +11 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 22 627 (3 x 209) +12 62 19, 16 +8 +8 +11 +14, +9, +5 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 18 1,044 (3 x 348) +14 62 21, 18 +8 +8 +6 +12, +7, +3 16 15,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 20 627 (3 x 209) +12 37 19, 16 +8 +13 +6 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 20 1,002 (3 x 334) +12 50 19, 16 +8 +13 +6 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 24 1,002 (3 x 334) +12 50 19, 16 +13 +8 +6 +15, +10, +6 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 18 501 (3 x 167) +14 74 21, 18 +13 +8 +11 +12, +7, +3 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 20 1,002 (3 x 334) +12 37 19, 16 +13 +13 +11 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 22 752 (3 x 251) +12 62 19, 16 +8 +8 +11 +14, +9, +5 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 18 1,253 (3 x 418) +14 62 21, 18 +8 +8 +6 +12, +7, +3 16 15,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 20 752 (3 x 251) +12 37 19, 16 +8 +13 +6 +13, +8, +4 16 15,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 17
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 17 42 (2 x 21) +9 33 16, 13 +2 +8 +2 +10, +5, +0 4 1,125
Minion Defender 21 42 (2 x 21) +9 33 16, 13 +8 +2 +2 +12, +7, +2 4 1,125
Minion Lurker 15 21 (2 x 11) +11 49 18, 15 +8 +2 +8 +9, +4, −1 4 1,125
Minion Scout 17 42 (2 x 21) +9 25 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +10, +5, +0 4 1,125
Minion Sniper 19 32 (2 x 16) +9 41 16, 13 +2 +2 +8 +11, +6, +1 4 1,125
Minion Striker 15 53 (2 x 27) +11 41 18, 15 +2 +2 +2 +9, +4, −1 4 1,125
Minion Supporter 17 32 (2 x 16) +9 25 16, 13 +2 +8 +2 +10, +5, +0 4 1,125
Standard Controller 19 210 (2 x 105) +11 43 18, 15 +4 +10 +4 +12, +7, +2 8 4,500
Standard Defender 23 210 (2 x 105) +11 43 18, 15 +10 +4 +4 +14, +9, +4 8 4,500
Standard Lurker 17 105 (2 x 53) +13 65 20, 17 +10 +4 +10 +11, +6, +1 8 4,500
Standard Scout 19 210 (2 x 105) +11 33 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +7, +2 8 4,500
Standard Sniper 21 158 (2 x 79) +11 54 18, 15 +4 +4 +10 +13, +8, +3 8 4,500
Standard Striker 17 263 (2 x 132) +13 54 20, 17 +4 +4 +4 +11, +6, +1 8 4,500
Standard Supporter 19 158 (2 x 79) +11 33 18, 15 +4 +10 +4 +12, +7, +2 8 4,500
Elite Controller 21 420 (2 x 210) +13 48 20, 17 +6 +12 +6 +14, +9, +4 12 9,000
Elite Defender 25 420 (2 x 210) +13 48 20, 17 +12 +6 +6 +16, +11, +6 12 9,000
Elite Lurker 19 210 (2 x 105) +15 71 22, 19 +12 +6 +12 +13, +8, +3 12 9,000
Elite Scout 21 420 (2 x 210) +13 36 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +14, +9, +4 12 9,000
Elite Sniper 23 315 (2 x 158) +13 60 20, 17 +6 +6 +12 +15, +10, +5 12 9,000
Elite Striker 19 525 (2 x 263) +15 60 22, 19 +6 +6 +6 +13, +8, +3 12 9,000
Elite Supporter 21 315 (2 x 158) +13 36 20, 17 +6 +12 +6 +14, +9, +4 12 9,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 21 840 (3 x 280) +13 52 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 25 840 (3 x 280) +13 52 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 17 18,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 19 420 (3 x 140) +15 78 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 17 18,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 21 840 (3 x 280) +13 39 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 23 630 (3 x 210) +13 65 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 17 18,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 19 1,050 (3 x 350) +15 65 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 17 18,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 21 630 (3 x 210) +13 39 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 21 1,050 (3 x 350) +13 52 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 25 1,050 (3 x 350) +13 52 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 19 525 (3 x 175) +15 78 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 21 1,050 (3 x 350) +13 39 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 23 788 (3 x 263) +13 65 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 19 1,313 (3 x 438) +15 65 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 17 18,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 21 788 (3 x 263) +13 39 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 21 1,260 (3 x 420) +13 52 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 25 1,260 (3 x 420) +13 52 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 19 630 (3 x 210) +15 78 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 21 1,260 (3 x 420) +13 39 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 23 945 (3 x 315) +13 65 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 19 1,575 (3 x 525) +15 65 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 17 18,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 21 945 (3 x 315) +13 39 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 17 18,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 18
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 17 44 (2 x 22) +9 35 16, 13 +2 +8 +2 +10, +5, +0 4 1,250
Minion Defender 21 44 (2 x 22) +9 35 16, 13 +8 +2 +2 +12, +7, +2 4 1,250
Minion Lurker 15 22 (2 x 11) +11 52 18, 15 +8 +2 +8 +9, +4, −1 4 1,250
Minion Scout 17 44 (2 x 22) +9 26 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +10, +5, +0 4 1,250
Minion Sniper 19 33 (2 x 17) +9 44 16, 13 +2 +2 +8 +11, +6, +1 4 1,250
Minion Striker 15 54 (2 x 27) +11 44 18, 15 +2 +2 +2 +9, +4, −1 4 1,250
Minion Supporter 17 33 (2 x 17) +9 26 16, 13 +2 +8 +2 +10, +5, +0 4 1,250
Standard Controller 19 216 (2 x 108) +11 46 18, 15 +4 +10 +4 +12, +7, +2 9 5,000
Standard Defender 23 216 (2 x 108) +11 46 18, 15 +10 +4 +4 +14, +9, +4 9 5,000
Standard Lurker 17 108 (2 x 54) +13 69 20, 17 +10 +4 +10 +11, +6, +1 9 5,000
Standard Scout 19 216 (2 x 108) +11 35 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +7, +2 9 5,000
Standard Sniper 21 162 (2 x 81) +11 58 18, 15 +4 +4 +10 +13, +8, +3 9 5,000
Standard Striker 17 270 (2 x 135) +13 58 20, 17 +4 +4 +4 +11, +6, +1 9 5,000
Standard Supporter 19 162 (2 x 81) +11 35 18, 15 +4 +10 +4 +12, +7, +2 9 5,000
Elite Controller 21 432 (2 x 216) +13 51 20, 17 +6 +12 +6 +14, +9, +4 13 10,000
Elite Defender 25 432 (2 x 216) +13 51 20, 17 +12 +6 +6 +16, +11, +6 13 10,000
Elite Lurker 19 216 (2 x 108) +15 76 22, 19 +12 +6 +12 +13, +8, +3 13 10,000
Elite Scout 21 432 (2 x 216) +13 38 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +14, +9, +4 13 10,000
Elite Sniper 23 324 (2 x 162) +13 64 20, 17 +6 +6 +12 +15, +10, +5 13 10,000
Elite Striker 19 540 (2 x 270) +15 64 22, 19 +6 +6 +6 +13, +8, +3 13 10,000
Elite Supporter 21 324 (2 x 162) +13 38 20, 17 +6 +12 +6 +14, +9, +4 13 10,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 21 864 (3 x 288) +13 56 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 25 864 (3 x 288) +13 56 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 18 20,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 19 432 (3 x 144) +15 83 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 18 20,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 21 864 (3 x 288) +13 42 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 23 648 (3 x 216) +13 69 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 18 20,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 19 1,080 (3 x 360) +15 69 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 18 20,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 21 648 (3 x 216) +13 42 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 21 1,080 (3 x 360) +13 56 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 25 1,080 (3 x 360) +13 56 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 19 540 (3 x 180) +15 83 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 21 1,080 (3 x 360) +13 42 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 23 810 (3 x 270) +13 69 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 19 1,350 (3 x 450) +15 69 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 18 20,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 21 810 (3 x 270) +13 42 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 21 1,296 (3 x 432) +13 56 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 25 1,296 (3 x 432) +13 56 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 19 648 (3 x 216) +15 83 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 21 1,296 (3 x 432) +13 42 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 23 972 (3 x 324) +13 69 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 19 1,620 (3 x 540) +15 69 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 18 20,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 21 972 (3 x 324) +13 42 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 18 20,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 19
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 17 45 (2 x 23) +9 36 16, 13 +2 +8 +2 +10, +5, +0 4 1,375
Minion Defender 21 45 (2 x 23) +9 36 16, 13 +8 +2 +2 +12, +7, +2 4 1,375
Minion Lurker 15 23 (2 x 12) +11 54 18, 15 +8 +2 +8 +9, +4, −1 4 1,375
Minion Scout 17 45 (2 x 23) +9 27 16, 13 +8 +8 +8 +10, +5, +0 4 1,375
Minion Sniper 19 34 (2 x 17) +9 45 16, 13 +2 +2 +8 +11, +6, +1 4 1,375
Minion Striker 15 56 (2 x 28) +11 45 18, 15 +2 +2 +2 +9, +4, −1 4 1,375
Minion Supporter 17 34 (2 x 17) +9 27 16, 13 +2 +8 +2 +10, +5, +0 4 1,375
Standard Controller 19 221 (2 x 111) +11 48 18, 15 +4 +10 +4 +12, +7, +2 10 5,500
Standard Defender 23 221 (2 x 111) +11 48 18, 15 +10 +4 +4 +14, +9, +4 10 5,500
Standard Lurker 17 111 (2 x 56) +13 72 20, 17 +10 +4 +10 +11, +6, +1 10 5,500
Standard Scout 19 221 (2 x 111) +11 36 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +7, +2 10 5,500
Standard Sniper 21 166 (2 x 83) +11 60 18, 15 +4 +4 +10 +13, +8, +3 10 5,500
Standard Striker 17 277 (2 x 139) +13 60 20, 17 +4 +4 +4 +11, +6, +1 10 5,500
Standard Supporter 19 166 (2 x 83) +11 36 18, 15 +4 +10 +4 +12, +7, +2 10 5,500
Elite Controller 21 442 (2 x 221) +13 53 20, 17 +6 +12 +6 +14, +9, +4 14 11,000
Elite Defender 25 442 (2 x 221) +13 53 20, 17 +12 +6 +6 +16, +11, +6 14 11,000
Elite Lurker 19 221 (2 x 111) +15 80 22, 19 +12 +6 +12 +13, +8, +3 14 11,000
Elite Scout 21 442 (2 x 221) +13 40 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +14, +9, +4 14 11,000
Elite Sniper 23 332 (2 x 166) +13 66 20, 17 +6 +6 +12 +15, +10, +5 14 11,000
Elite Striker 19 553 (2 x 277) +15 66 22, 19 +6 +6 +6 +13, +8, +3 14 11,000
Elite Supporter 21 332 (2 x 166) +13 40 20, 17 +6 +12 +6 +14, +9, +4 14 11,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 21 884 (3 x 295) +13 58 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 25 884 (3 x 295) +13 58 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 19 22,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 19 442 (3 x 148) +15 87 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 19 22,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 21 884 (3 x 295) +13 44 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 23 663 (3 x 221) +13 72 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 19 22,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 19 1,105 (3 x 369) +15 72 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 19 22,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 21 663 (3 x 221) +13 44 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 21 1,105 (3 x 369) +13 58 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 25 1,105 (3 x 369) +13 58 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 19 553 (3 x 185) +15 87 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 21 1,105 (3 x 369) +13 44 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 23 829 (3 x 277) +13 72 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 19 1,382 (3 x 461) +15 72 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 19 22,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 21 829 (3 x 277) +13 44 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 21 1,326 (3 x 442) +13 58 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 25 1,326 (3 x 442) +13 58 20, 17 +14 +8 +6 +16, +11, +6 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 19 663 (3 x 221) +15 87 22, 19 +14 +8 +12 +13, +8, +3 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 21 1,326 (3 x 442) +13 44 20, 17 +14 +14 +12 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 23 995 (3 x 332) +13 72 20, 17 +8 +8 +12 +15, +10, +5 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 19 1,658 (3 x 553) +15 72 22, 19 +8 +8 +6 +13, +8, +3 19 22,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 21 995 (3 x 332) +13 44 20, 17 +8 +14 +6 +14, +9, +4 19 22,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 20
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 18 46 (2 x 23) +10 39 17, 14 +3 +9 +3 +11, +6, +0 4 1,562
Minion Defender 22 46 (2 x 23) +10 39 17, 14 +9 +3 +3 +13, +8, +2 4 1,562
Minion Lurker 16 23 (2 x 12) +12 58 19, 16 +9 +3 +9 +10, +5, −1 4 1,562
Minion Scout 18 46 (2 x 23) +10 29 17, 14 +9 +9 +9 +11, +6, +0 4 1,562
Minion Sniper 20 34 (2 x 17) +10 48 17, 14 +3 +3 +9 +12, +7, +1 4 1,562
Minion Striker 16 57 (2 x 29) +12 48 19, 16 +3 +3 +3 +10, +5, −1 4 1,562
Minion Supporter 18 34 (2 x 17) +10 29 17, 14 +3 +9 +3 +11, +6, +0 4 1,562
Standard Controller 20 226 (2 x 113) +12 51 19, 16 +5 +11 +5 +13, +8, +2 11 6,250
Standard Defender 24 226 (2 x 113) +12 51 19, 16 +11 +5 +5 +15, +10, +4 11 6,250
Standard Lurker 18 113 (2 x 57) +14 77 21, 18 +11 +5 +11 +12, +7, +1 11 6,250
Standard Scout 20 226 (2 x 113) +12 39 19, 16 +11 +11 +11 +13, +8, +2 11 6,250
Standard Sniper 22 170 (2 x 85) +12 64 19, 16 +5 +5 +11 +14, +9, +3 11 6,250
Standard Striker 18 283 (2 x 142) +14 64 21, 18 +5 +5 +5 +12, +7, +1 11 6,250
Standard Supporter 20 170 (2 x 85) +12 39 19, 16 +5 +11 +5 +13, +8, +2 11 6,250
Elite Controller 22 452 (2 x 226) +14 57 21, 18 +7 +13 +7 +15, +10, +4 15 12,500
Elite Defender 26 452 (2 x 226) +14 57 21, 18 +13 +7 +7 +17, +12, +6 15 12,500
Elite Lurker 20 226 (2 x 113) +16 85 23, 20 +13 +7 +13 +14, +9, +3 15 12,500
Elite Scout 22 452 (2 x 226) +14 43 21, 18 +13 +13 +13 +15, +10, +4 15 12,500
Elite Sniper 24 339 (2 x 170) +14 71 21, 18 +7 +7 +13 +16, +11, +5 15 12,500
Elite Striker 20 565 (2 x 283) +16 71 23, 20 +7 +7 +7 +14, +9, +3 15 12,500
Elite Supporter 22 339 (2 x 170) +14 43 21, 18 +7 +13 +7 +15, +10, +4 15 12,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 22 904 (3 x 302) +14 62 21, 18 +9 +15 +7 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 26 904 (3 x 302) +14 62 21, 18 +15 +9 +7 +17, +12, +6 20 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 20 452 (3 x 151) +16 92 23, 20 +15 +9 +13 +14, +9, +3 20 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 22 904 (3 x 302) +14 46 21, 18 +15 +15 +13 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 24 678 (3 x 226) +14 77 21, 18 +9 +9 +13 +16, +11, +5 20 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 20 1,130 (3 x 377) +16 77 23, 20 +9 +9 +7 +14, +9, +3 20 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 22 678 (3 x 226) +14 46 21, 18 +9 +15 +7 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 22 1,130 (3 x 377) +14 62 21, 18 +9 +15 +7 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 26 1,130 (3 x 377) +14 62 21, 18 +15 +9 +7 +17, +12, +6 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 20 565 (3 x 189) +16 92 23, 20 +15 +9 +13 +14, +9, +3 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 22 1,130 (3 x 377) +14 46 21, 18 +15 +15 +13 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 24 848 (3 x 283) +14 77 21, 18 +9 +9 +13 +16, +11, +5 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 20 1,413 (3 x 471) +16 77 23, 20 +9 +9 +7 +14, +9, +3 20 25,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 22 848 (3 x 283) +14 46 21, 18 +9 +15 +7 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 22 1,356 (3 x 452) +14 62 21, 18 +9 +15 +7 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 26 1,356 (3 x 452) +14 62 21, 18 +15 +9 +7 +17, +12, +6 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 20 678 (3 x 226) +16 92 23, 20 +15 +9 +13 +14, +9, +3 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 22 1,356 (3 x 452) +14 46 21, 18 +15 +15 +13 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 24 1,017 (3 x 339) +14 77 21, 18 +9 +9 +13 +16, +11, +5 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 20 1,695 (3 x 565) +16 77 23, 20 +9 +9 +7 +14, +9, +3 20 25,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 22 1,017 (3 x 339) +14 46 21, 18 +9 +15 +7 +15, +10, +4 20 25,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 21
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 18 56 (2 x 28) +11 40 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +12, +6, +1 5 2,062
Minion Defender 22 56 (2 x 28) +11 40 18, 15 +10 +3 +3 +14, +8, +3 5 2,062
Minion Lurker 16 28 (2 x 14) +13 60 20, 17 +10 +3 +10 +11, +5, +0 5 2,062
Minion Scout 18 56 (2 x 28) +11 30 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +6, +1 5 2,062
Minion Sniper 20 42 (2 x 21) +11 50 18, 15 +3 +3 +10 +13, +7, +2 5 2,062
Minion Striker 16 69 (2 x 35) +13 50 20, 17 +3 +3 +3 +11, +5, +0 5 2,062
Minion Supporter 18 42 (2 x 21) +11 30 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +12, +6, +1 5 2,062
Standard Controller 20 276 (2 x 138) +13 53 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +14, +8, +3 12 8,250
Standard Defender 24 276 (2 x 138) +13 53 20, 17 +12 +5 +5 +16, +10, +5 12 8,250
Standard Lurker 18 138 (2 x 69) +15 80 22, 19 +12 +5 +12 +13, +7, +2 12 8,250
Standard Scout 20 276 (2 x 138) +13 40 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +14, +8, +3 12 8,250
Standard Sniper 22 207 (2 x 104) +13 67 20, 17 +5 +5 +12 +15, +9, +4 12 8,250
Standard Striker 18 345 (2 x 173) +15 67 22, 19 +5 +5 +5 +13, +7, +2 12 8,250
Standard Supporter 20 207 (2 x 104) +13 40 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +14, +8, +3 12 8,250
Elite Controller 22 552 (2 x 276) +15 59 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +16, +10, +5 16 16,500
Elite Defender 26 552 (2 x 276) +15 59 22, 19 +14 +7 +7 +18, +12, +7 16 16,500
Elite Lurker 20 276 (2 x 138) +17 88 24, 21 +14 +7 +14 +15, +9, +4 16 16,500
Elite Scout 22 552 (2 x 276) +15 44 22, 19 +14 +14 +14 +16, +10, +5 16 16,500
Elite Sniper 24 414 (2 x 207) +15 73 22, 19 +7 +7 +14 +17, +11, +6 16 16,500
Elite Striker 20 690 (2 x 345) +17 73 24, 21 +7 +7 +7 +15, +9, +4 16 16,500
Elite Supporter 22 414 (2 x 207) +15 44 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +16, +10, +5 16 16,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 22 1,104 (3 x 368) +15 64 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 26 1,104 (3 x 368) +15 64 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 21 33,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 20 552 (3 x 184) +17 96 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 21 33,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 22 1,104 (3 x 368) +15 48 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 24 828 (3 x 276) +15 80 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 21 33,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 20 1,380 (3 x 460) +17 80 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 21 33,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 22 828 (3 x 276) +15 48 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 22 1,380 (3 x 460) +15 64 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 26 1,380 (3 x 460) +15 64 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 20 690 (3 x 230) +17 96 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 22 1,380 (3 x 460) +15 48 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 24 1,035 (3 x 345) +15 80 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 20 1,725 (3 x 575) +17 80 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 21 33,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 22 1,035 (3 x 345) +15 48 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 22 1,656 (3 x 552) +15 64 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 26 1,656 (3 x 552) +15 64 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 20 828 (3 x 276) +17 96 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 22 1,656 (3 x 552) +15 48 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 24 1,242 (3 x 414) +15 80 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 20 2,070 (3 x 690) +17 80 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 21 33,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 22 1,242 (3 x 414) +15 48 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 21 33,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 22
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 18 57 (2 x 29) +11 42 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +12, +6, +1 6 2,562
Minion Defender 22 57 (2 x 29) +11 42 18, 15 +10 +3 +3 +14, +8, +3 6 2,562
Minion Lurker 16 29 (2 x 15) +13 63 20, 17 +10 +3 +10 +11, +5, +0 6 2,562
Minion Scout 18 57 (2 x 29) +11 32 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +6, +1 6 2,562
Minion Sniper 20 43 (2 x 22) +11 53 18, 15 +3 +3 +10 +13, +7, +2 6 2,562
Minion Striker 16 71 (2 x 36) +13 53 20, 17 +3 +3 +3 +11, +5, +0 6 2,562
Minion Supporter 18 43 (2 x 22) +11 32 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +12, +6, +1 6 2,562
Standard Controller 20 282 (2 x 141) +13 56 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +14, +8, +3 13 10,250
Standard Defender 24 282 (2 x 141) +13 56 20, 17 +12 +5 +5 +16, +10, +5 13 10,250
Standard Lurker 18 141 (2 x 71) +15 84 22, 19 +12 +5 +12 +13, +7, +2 13 10,250
Standard Scout 20 282 (2 x 141) +13 42 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +14, +8, +3 13 10,250
Standard Sniper 22 212 (2 x 106) +13 70 20, 17 +5 +5 +12 +15, +9, +4 13 10,250
Standard Striker 18 353 (2 x 177) +15 70 22, 19 +5 +5 +5 +13, +7, +2 13 10,250
Standard Supporter 20 212 (2 x 106) +13 42 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +14, +8, +3 13 10,250
Elite Controller 22 564 (2 x 282) +15 62 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +16, +10, +5 17 20,500
Elite Defender 26 564 (2 x 282) +15 62 22, 19 +14 +7 +7 +18, +12, +7 17 20,500
Elite Lurker 20 282 (2 x 141) +17 93 24, 21 +14 +7 +14 +15, +9, +4 17 20,500
Elite Scout 22 564 (2 x 282) +15 47 22, 19 +14 +14 +14 +16, +10, +5 17 20,500
Elite Sniper 24 423 (2 x 212) +15 77 22, 19 +7 +7 +14 +17, +11, +6 17 20,500
Elite Striker 20 705 (2 x 353) +17 77 24, 21 +7 +7 +7 +15, +9, +4 17 20,500
Elite Supporter 22 423 (2 x 212) +15 47 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +16, +10, +5 17 20,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 22 1,128 (3 x 376) +15 68 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 26 1,128 (3 x 376) +15 68 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 22 41,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 20 564 (3 x 188) +17 101 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 22 41,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 22 1,128 (3 x 376) +15 51 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 24 846 (3 x 282) +15 84 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 22 41,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 20 1,410 (3 x 470) +17 84 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 22 41,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 22 846 (3 x 282) +15 51 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 22 1,410 (3 x 470) +15 68 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 26 1,410 (3 x 470) +15 68 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 20 705 (3 x 235) +17 101 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 22 1,410 (3 x 470) +15 51 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 24 1,058 (3 x 353) +15 84 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 20 1,763 (3 x 588) +17 84 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 22 41,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 22 1,058 (3 x 353) +15 51 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 22 1,692 (3 x 564) +15 68 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 26 1,692 (3 x 564) +15 68 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 20 846 (3 x 282) +17 101 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 22 1,692 (3 x 564) +15 51 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 24 1,269 (3 x 423) +15 84 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 20 2,115 (3 x 705) +17 84 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 22 41,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 22 1,269 (3 x 423) +15 51 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 22 41,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 23
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 18 58 (2 x 29) +11 44 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +12, +6, +1 7 3,125
Minion Defender 22 58 (2 x 29) +11 44 18, 15 +10 +3 +3 +14, +8, +3 7 3,125
Minion Lurker 16 29 (2 x 15) +13 66 20, 17 +10 +3 +10 +11, +5, +0 7 3,125
Minion Scout 18 58 (2 x 29) +11 33 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +12, +6, +1 7 3,125
Minion Sniper 20 44 (2 x 22) +11 55 18, 15 +3 +3 +10 +13, +7, +2 7 3,125
Minion Striker 16 72 (2 x 36) +13 55 20, 17 +3 +3 +3 +11, +5, +0 7 3,125
Minion Supporter 18 44 (2 x 22) +11 33 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +12, +6, +1 7 3,125
Standard Controller 20 288 (2 x 144) +13 58 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +14, +8, +3 14 12,500
Standard Defender 24 288 (2 x 144) +13 58 20, 17 +12 +5 +5 +16, +10, +5 14 12,500
Standard Lurker 18 144 (2 x 72) +15 87 22, 19 +12 +5 +12 +13, +7, +2 14 12,500
Standard Scout 20 288 (2 x 144) +13 44 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +14, +8, +3 14 12,500
Standard Sniper 22 216 (2 x 108) +13 73 20, 17 +5 +5 +12 +15, +9, +4 14 12,500
Standard Striker 18 360 (2 x 180) +15 73 22, 19 +5 +5 +5 +13, +7, +2 14 12,500
Standard Supporter 20 216 (2 x 108) +13 44 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +14, +8, +3 14 12,500
Elite Controller 22 576 (2 x 288) +15 64 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +16, +10, +5 18 25,000
Elite Defender 26 576 (2 x 288) +15 64 22, 19 +14 +7 +7 +18, +12, +7 18 25,000
Elite Lurker 20 288 (2 x 144) +17 96 24, 21 +14 +7 +14 +15, +9, +4 18 25,000
Elite Scout 22 576 (2 x 288) +15 48 22, 19 +14 +14 +14 +16, +10, +5 18 25,000
Elite Sniper 24 432 (2 x 216) +15 80 22, 19 +7 +7 +14 +17, +11, +6 18 25,000
Elite Striker 20 720 (2 x 360) +17 80 24, 21 +7 +7 +7 +15, +9, +4 18 25,000
Elite Supporter 22 432 (2 x 216) +15 48 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +16, +10, +5 18 25,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 22 1,152 (3 x 384) +15 70 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 26 1,152 (3 x 384) +15 70 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 23 50,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 20 576 (3 x 192) +17 105 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 23 50,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 22 1,152 (3 x 384) +15 53 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 24 864 (3 x 288) +15 87 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 23 50,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 20 1,440 (3 x 480) +17 87 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 23 50,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 22 864 (3 x 288) +15 53 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 22 1,440 (3 x 480) +15 70 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 26 1,440 (3 x 480) +15 70 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 20 720 (3 x 240) +17 105 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 22 1,440 (3 x 480) +15 53 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 24 1,080 (3 x 360) +15 87 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 20 1,800 (3 x 600) +17 87 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 23 50,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 22 1,080 (3 x 360) +15 53 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 22 1,728 (3 x 576) +15 70 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 26 1,728 (3 x 576) +15 70 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +18, +12, +7 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 20 864 (3 x 288) +17 105 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +15, +9, +4 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 22 1,728 (3 x 576) +15 53 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 24 1,296 (3 x 432) +15 87 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +17, +11, +6 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 20 2,160 (3 x 720) +17 87 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +15, +9, +4 23 50,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 22 1,296 (3 x 432) +15 53 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +16, +10, +5 23 50,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 24
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 19 59 (2 x 30) +12 46 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +13, +7, +1 8 3,875
Minion Defender 23 59 (2 x 30) +12 46 18, 15 +10 +3 +3 +15, +9, +3 8 3,875
Minion Lurker 17 30 (2 x 15) +14 69 20, 17 +10 +3 +10 +12, +6, +0 8 3,875
Minion Scout 19 59 (2 x 30) +12 35 18, 15 +10 +10 +10 +13, +7, +1 8 3,875
Minion Sniper 21 45 (2 x 23) +12 58 18, 15 +3 +3 +10 +14, +8, +2 8 3,875
Minion Striker 17 74 (2 x 37) +14 58 20, 17 +3 +3 +3 +12, +6, +0 8 3,875
Minion Supporter 19 45 (2 x 23) +12 35 18, 15 +3 +10 +3 +13, +7, +1 8 3,875
Standard Controller 21 294 (2 x 147) +14 61 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +15, +9, +3 15 15,500
Standard Defender 25 294 (2 x 147) +14 61 20, 17 +12 +5 +5 +17, +11, +5 15 15,500
Standard Lurker 19 147 (2 x 74) +16 92 22, 19 +12 +5 +12 +14, +8, +2 15 15,500
Standard Scout 21 294 (2 x 147) +14 46 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +15, +9, +3 15 15,500
Standard Sniper 23 221 (2 x 111) +14 77 20, 17 +5 +5 +12 +16, +10, +4 15 15,500
Standard Striker 19 368 (2 x 184) +16 77 22, 19 +5 +5 +5 +14, +8, +2 15 15,500
Standard Supporter 21 221 (2 x 111) +14 46 20, 17 +5 +12 +5 +15, +9, +3 15 15,500
Elite Controller 23 588 (2 x 294) +16 68 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +17, +11, +5 19 31,000
Elite Defender 27 588 (2 x 294) +16 68 22, 19 +14 +7 +7 +19, +13, +7 19 31,000
Elite Lurker 21 294 (2 x 147) +18 101 24, 21 +14 +7 +14 +16, +10, +4 19 31,000
Elite Scout 23 588 (2 x 294) +16 51 22, 19 +14 +14 +14 +17, +11, +5 19 31,000
Elite Sniper 25 441 (2 x 221) +16 84 22, 19 +7 +7 +14 +18, +12, +6 19 31,000
Elite Striker 21 735 (2 x 368) +18 84 24, 21 +7 +7 +7 +16, +10, +4 19 31,000
Elite Supporter 23 441 (2 x 221) +16 51 22, 19 +7 +14 +7 +17, +11, +5 19 31,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 23 1,176 (3 x 392) +16 74 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 27 1,176 (3 x 392) +16 74 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +19, +13, +7 24 62,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 21 588 (3 x 196) +18 110 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +16, +10, +4 24 62,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 23 1,176 (3 x 392) +16 55 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 25 882 (3 x 294) +16 92 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +18, +12, +6 24 62,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 21 1,470 (3 x 490) +18 92 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +16, +10, +4 24 62,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 23 882 (3 x 294) +16 55 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 23 1,470 (3 x 490) +16 74 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 27 1,470 (3 x 490) +16 74 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +19, +13, +7 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 21 735 (3 x 245) +18 110 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +16, +10, +4 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 23 1,470 (3 x 490) +16 55 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 25 1,103 (3 x 368) +16 92 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +18, +12, +6 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 21 1,838 (3 x 613) +18 92 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +16, +10, +4 24 62,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 23 1,103 (3 x 368) +16 55 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 23 1,764 (3 x 588) +16 74 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 27 1,764 (3 x 588) +16 74 22, 19 +16 +9 +7 +19, +13, +7 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 21 882 (3 x 294) +18 110 24, 21 +16 +9 +14 +16, +10, +4 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 23 1,764 (3 x 588) +16 55 22, 19 +16 +16 +14 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 25 1,323 (3 x 441) +16 92 22, 19 +9 +9 +14 +18, +12, +6 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 21 2,205 (3 x 735) +18 92 24, 21 +9 +9 +7 +16, +10, +4 24 62,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 23 1,323 (3 x 441) +16 55 22, 19 +9 +16 +7 +17, +11, +5 24 62,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 25
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 20 70 (2 x 35) +13 48 19, 16 +3 +11 +3 +14, +8, +1 9 4,687
Minion Defender 24 70 (2 x 35) +13 48 19, 16 +11 +3 +3 +16, +10, +3 9 4,687
Minion Lurker 18 35 (2 x 18) +15 71 21, 18 +11 +3 +11 +13, +7, +0 9 4,687
Minion Scout 20 70 (2 x 35) +13 36 19, 16 +11 +11 +11 +14, +8, +1 9 4,687
Minion Sniper 22 53 (2 x 27) +13 60 19, 16 +3 +3 +11 +15, +9, +2 9 4,687
Minion Striker 18 88 (2 x 44) +15 60 21, 18 +3 +3 +3 +13, +7, +0 9 4,687
Minion Supporter 20 53 (2 x 27) +13 36 19, 16 +3 +11 +3 +14, +8, +1 9 4,687
Standard Controller 22 350 (2 x 175) +15 63 21, 18 +5 +13 +5 +16, +10, +3 16 18,750
Standard Defender 26 350 (2 x 175) +15 63 21, 18 +13 +5 +5 +18, +12, +5 16 18,750
Standard Lurker 20 175 (2 x 88) +17 95 23, 20 +13 +5 +13 +15, +9, +2 16 18,750
Standard Scout 22 350 (2 x 175) +15 48 21, 18 +13 +13 +13 +16, +10, +3 16 18,750
Standard Sniper 24 263 (2 x 132) +15 79 21, 18 +5 +5 +13 +17, +11, +4 16 18,750
Standard Striker 20 438 (2 x 219) +17 79 23, 20 +5 +5 +5 +15, +9, +2 16 18,750
Standard Supporter 22 263 (2 x 132) +15 48 21, 18 +5 +13 +5 +16, +10, +3 16 18,750
Elite Controller 24 700 (2 x 350) +17 70 23, 20 +7 +15 +7 +18, +12, +5 20 37,500
Elite Defender 28 700 (2 x 350) +17 70 23, 20 +15 +7 +7 +20, +14, +7 20 37,500
Elite Lurker 22 350 (2 x 175) +19 104 25, 22 +15 +7 +15 +17, +11, +4 20 37,500
Elite Scout 24 700 (2 x 350) +17 52 23, 20 +15 +15 +15 +18, +12, +5 20 37,500
Elite Sniper 26 525 (2 x 263) +17 87 23, 20 +7 +7 +15 +19, +13, +6 20 37,500
Elite Striker 22 875 (2 x 438) +19 87 25, 22 +7 +7 +7 +17, +11, +4 20 37,500
Elite Supporter 24 525 (2 x 263) +17 52 23, 20 +7 +15 +7 +18, +12, +5 20 37,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 24 1,400 (3 x 467) +17 76 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 28 1,400 (3 x 467) +17 76 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 25 75,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 22 700 (3 x 234) +19 114 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 25 75,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 24 1,400 (3 x 467) +17 57 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 26 1,050 (3 x 350) +17 95 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 25 75,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 22 1,750 (3 x 584) +19 95 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 25 75,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 24 1,050 (3 x 350) +17 57 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 24 1,750 (3 x 584) +17 76 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 28 1,750 (3 x 584) +17 76 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 22 875 (3 x 292) +19 114 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 24 1,750 (3 x 584) +17 57 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 26 1,313 (3 x 438) +17 95 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 22 2,188 (3 x 730) +19 95 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 25 75,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 24 1,313 (3 x 438) +17 57 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 24 2,100 (3 x 700) +17 76 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 28 2,100 (3 x 700) +17 76 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 22 1,050 (3 x 350) +19 114 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 24 2,100 (3 x 700) +17 57 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 26 1,575 (3 x 525) +17 95 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 22 2,625 (3 x 875) +19 95 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 25 75,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 24 1,575 (3 x 525) +17 57 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 25 75,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 26
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 20 72 (2 x 36) +13 50 19, 16 +3 +11 +3 +14, +8, +1 10 5,625
Minion Defender 24 72 (2 x 36) +13 50 19, 16 +11 +3 +3 +16, +10, +3 10 5,625
Minion Lurker 18 36 (2 x 18) +15 75 21, 18 +11 +3 +11 +13, +7, +0 10 5,625
Minion Scout 20 72 (2 x 36) +13 38 19, 16 +11 +11 +11 +14, +8, +1 10 5,625
Minion Sniper 22 54 (2 x 27) +13 62 19, 16 +3 +3 +11 +15, +9, +2 10 5,625
Minion Striker 18 90 (2 x 45) +15 62 21, 18 +3 +3 +3 +13, +7, +0 10 5,625
Minion Supporter 20 54 (2 x 27) +13 38 19, 16 +3 +11 +3 +14, +8, +1 10 5,625
Standard Controller 22 357 (2 x 179) +15 66 21, 18 +5 +13 +5 +16, +10, +3 17 22,500
Standard Defender 26 357 (2 x 179) +15 66 21, 18 +13 +5 +5 +18, +12, +5 17 22,500
Standard Lurker 20 179 (2 x 90) +17 99 23, 20 +13 +5 +13 +15, +9, +2 17 22,500
Standard Scout 22 357 (2 x 179) +15 50 21, 18 +13 +13 +13 +16, +10, +3 17 22,500
Standard Sniper 24 268 (2 x 134) +15 83 21, 18 +5 +5 +13 +17, +11, +4 17 22,500
Standard Striker 20 447 (2 x 224) +17 83 23, 20 +5 +5 +5 +15, +9, +2 17 22,500
Standard Supporter 22 268 (2 x 134) +15 50 21, 18 +5 +13 +5 +16, +10, +3 17 22,500
Elite Controller 24 714 (2 x 357) +17 73 23, 20 +7 +15 +7 +18, +12, +5 21 45,000
Elite Defender 28 714 (2 x 357) +17 73 23, 20 +15 +7 +7 +20, +14, +7 21 45,000
Elite Lurker 22 357 (2 x 179) +19 109 25, 22 +15 +7 +15 +17, +11, +4 21 45,000
Elite Scout 24 714 (2 x 357) +17 55 23, 20 +15 +15 +15 +18, +12, +5 21 45,000
Elite Sniper 26 536 (2 x 268) +17 91 23, 20 +7 +7 +15 +19, +13, +6 21 45,000
Elite Striker 22 893 (2 x 447) +19 91 25, 22 +7 +7 +7 +17, +11, +4 21 45,000
Elite Supporter 24 536 (2 x 268) +17 55 23, 20 +7 +15 +7 +18, +12, +5 21 45,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 24 1,428 (3 x 476) +17 80 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 28 1,428 (3 x 476) +17 80 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 26 90,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 22 714 (3 x 238) +19 119 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 26 90,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 24 1,428 (3 x 476) +17 60 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 26 1,071 (3 x 357) +17 99 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 26 90,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 22 1,785 (3 x 595) +19 99 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 26 90,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 24 1,071 (3 x 357) +17 60 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 24 1,785 (3 x 595) +17 80 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 28 1,785 (3 x 595) +17 80 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 22 893 (3 x 298) +19 119 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 24 1,785 (3 x 595) +17 60 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 26 1,339 (3 x 447) +17 99 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 22 2,232 (3 x 744) +19 99 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 26 90,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 24 1,339 (3 x 447) +17 60 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 24 2,142 (3 x 714) +17 80 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 28 2,142 (3 x 714) +17 80 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 22 1,071 (3 x 357) +19 119 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 24 2,142 (3 x 714) +17 60 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 26 1,607 (3 x 536) +17 99 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 22 2,678 (3 x 893) +19 99 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 26 90,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 24 1,607 (3 x 536) +17 60 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 26 90,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 27
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 20 73 (2 x 37) +13 51 19, 16 +3 +11 +3 +14, +8, +1 11 6,562
Minion Defender 24 73 (2 x 37) +13 51 19, 16 +11 +3 +3 +16, +10, +3 11 6,562
Minion Lurker 18 37 (2 x 19) +15 77 21, 18 +11 +3 +11 +13, +7, +0 11 6,562
Minion Scout 20 73 (2 x 37) +13 39 19, 16 +11 +11 +11 +14, +8, +1 11 6,562
Minion Sniper 22 55 (2 x 28) +13 64 19, 16 +3 +3 +11 +15, +9, +2 11 6,562
Minion Striker 18 91 (2 x 46) +15 64 21, 18 +3 +3 +3 +13, +7, +0 11 6,562
Minion Supporter 20 55 (2 x 28) +13 39 19, 16 +3 +11 +3 +14, +8, +1 11 6,562
Standard Controller 22 363 (2 x 182) +15 68 21, 18 +5 +13 +5 +16, +10, +3 18 26,250
Standard Defender 26 363 (2 x 182) +15 68 21, 18 +13 +5 +5 +18, +12, +5 18 26,250
Standard Lurker 20 182 (2 x 91) +17 102 23, 20 +13 +5 +13 +15, +9, +2 18 26,250
Standard Scout 22 363 (2 x 182) +15 51 21, 18 +13 +13 +13 +16, +10, +3 18 26,250
Standard Sniper 24 273 (2 x 137) +15 85 21, 18 +5 +5 +13 +17, +11, +4 18 26,250
Standard Striker 20 454 (2 x 227) +17 85 23, 20 +5 +5 +5 +15, +9, +2 18 26,250
Standard Supporter 22 273 (2 x 137) +15 51 21, 18 +5 +13 +5 +16, +10, +3 18 26,250
Elite Controller 24 726 (2 x 363) +17 75 23, 20 +7 +15 +7 +18, +12, +5 22 52,500
Elite Defender 28 726 (2 x 363) +17 75 23, 20 +15 +7 +7 +20, +14, +7 22 52,500
Elite Lurker 22 363 (2 x 182) +19 113 25, 22 +15 +7 +15 +17, +11, +4 22 52,500
Elite Scout 24 726 (2 x 363) +17 57 23, 20 +15 +15 +15 +18, +12, +5 22 52,500
Elite Sniper 26 545 (2 x 273) +17 94 23, 20 +7 +7 +15 +19, +13, +6 22 52,500
Elite Striker 22 908 (2 x 454) +19 94 25, 22 +7 +7 +7 +17, +11, +4 22 52,500
Elite Supporter 24 545 (2 x 273) +17 57 23, 20 +7 +15 +7 +18, +12, +5 22 52,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 24 1,452 (3 x 484) +17 82 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 28 1,452 (3 x 484) +17 82 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 27 105,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 22 726 (3 x 242) +19 123 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 27 105,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 24 1,452 (3 x 484) +17 62 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 26 1,089 (3 x 363) +17 102 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 27 105,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 22 1,815 (3 x 605) +19 102 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 27 105,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 24 1,089 (3 x 363) +17 62 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 24 1,815 (3 x 605) +17 82 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 28 1,815 (3 x 605) +17 82 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 22 908 (3 x 303) +19 123 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 24 1,815 (3 x 605) +17 62 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 26 1,362 (3 x 454) +17 102 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 22 2,269 (3 x 757) +19 102 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 27 105,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 24 1,362 (3 x 454) +17 62 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 24 2,178 (3 x 726) +17 82 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 28 2,178 (3 x 726) +17 82 23, 20 +17 +9 +7 +20, +14, +7 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 22 1,089 (3 x 363) +19 123 25, 22 +17 +9 +15 +17, +11, +4 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 24 2,178 (3 x 726) +17 62 23, 20 +17 +17 +15 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 26 1,634 (3 x 545) +17 102 23, 20 +9 +9 +15 +19, +13, +6 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 22 2,723 (3 x 908) +19 102 25, 22 +9 +9 +7 +17, +11, +4 27 105,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 24 1,634 (3 x 545) +17 62 23, 20 +9 +17 +7 +18, +12, +5 27 105,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 28
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 21 74 (2 x 37) +14 54 20, 17 +4 +12 +4 +15, +8, +2 11 7,500
Minion Defender 25 74 (2 x 37) +14 54 20, 17 +12 +4 +4 +17, +10, +4 11 7,500
Minion Lurker 19 37 (2 x 19) +16 80 22, 19 +12 +4 +12 +14, +7, +1 11 7,500
Minion Scout 21 74 (2 x 37) +14 40 20, 17 +12 +12 +12 +15, +8, +2 11 7,500
Minion Sniper 23 56 (2 x 28) +14 67 20, 17 +4 +4 +12 +16, +9, +3 11 7,500
Minion Striker 19 93 (2 x 47) +16 67 22, 19 +4 +4 +4 +14, +7, +1 11 7,500
Minion Supporter 21 56 (2 x 28) +14 40 20, 17 +4 +12 +4 +15, +8, +2 11 7,500
Standard Controller 23 369 (2 x 185) +16 71 22, 19 +6 +14 +6 +17, +10, +4 19 30,000
Standard Defender 27 369 (2 x 185) +16 71 22, 19 +14 +6 +6 +19, +12, +6 19 30,000
Standard Lurker 21 185 (2 x 93) +18 107 24, 21 +14 +6 +14 +16, +9, +3 19 30,000
Standard Scout 23 369 (2 x 185) +16 54 22, 19 +14 +14 +14 +17, +10, +4 19 30,000
Standard Sniper 25 277 (2 x 139) +16 89 22, 19 +6 +6 +14 +18, +11, +5 19 30,000
Standard Striker 21 462 (2 x 231) +18 89 24, 21 +6 +6 +6 +16, +9, +3 19 30,000
Standard Supporter 23 277 (2 x 139) +16 54 22, 19 +6 +14 +6 +17, +10, +4 19 30,000
Elite Controller 25 738 (2 x 369) +18 79 24, 21 +8 +16 +8 +19, +12, +6 23 60,000
Elite Defender 29 738 (2 x 369) +18 79 24, 21 +16 +8 +8 +21, +14, +8 23 60,000
Elite Lurker 23 369 (2 x 185) +20 118 26, 23 +16 +8 +16 +18, +11, +5 23 60,000
Elite Scout 25 738 (2 x 369) +18 59 24, 21 +16 +16 +16 +19, +12, +6 23 60,000
Elite Sniper 27 554 (2 x 277) +18 98 24, 21 +8 +8 +16 +20, +13, +7 23 60,000
Elite Striker 23 923 (2 x 462) +20 98 26, 23 +8 +8 +8 +18, +11, +5 23 60,000
Elite Supporter 25 554 (2 x 277) +18 59 24, 21 +8 +16 +8 +19, +12, +6 23 60,000
Solo (vs 3) Controller 25 1,476 (3 x 492) +18 86 24, 21 +10 +18 +8 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 29 1,476 (3 x 492) +18 86 24, 21 +18 +10 +8 +21, +14, +8 28 120,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 23 738 (3 x 246) +20 128 26, 23 +18 +10 +16 +18, +11, +5 28 120,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 25 1,476 (3 x 492) +18 64 24, 21 +18 +18 +16 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 27 1,107 (3 x 369) +18 107 24, 21 +10 +10 +16 +20, +13, +7 28 120,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 23 1,845 (3 x 615) +20 107 26, 23 +10 +10 +8 +18, +11, +5 28 120,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 25 1,107 (3 x 369) +18 64 24, 21 +10 +18 +8 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 25 1,845 (3 x 615) +18 86 24, 21 +10 +18 +8 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 29 1,845 (3 x 615) +18 86 24, 21 +18 +10 +8 +21, +14, +8 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 23 923 (3 x 308) +20 128 26, 23 +18 +10 +16 +18, +11, +5 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 25 1,845 (3 x 615) +18 64 24, 21 +18 +18 +16 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 27 1,384 (3 x 462) +18 107 24, 21 +10 +10 +16 +20, +13, +7 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 23 2,307 (3 x 769) +20 107 26, 23 +10 +10 +8 +18, +11, +5 28 120,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 25 1,384 (3 x 462) +18 64 24, 21 +10 +18 +8 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 25 2,214 (3 x 738) +18 86 24, 21 +10 +18 +8 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 29 2,214 (3 x 738) +18 86 24, 21 +18 +10 +8 +21, +14, +8 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 23 1,107 (3 x 369) +20 128 26, 23 +18 +10 +16 +18, +11, +5 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 25 2,214 (3 x 738) +18 64 24, 21 +18 +18 +16 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 27 1,661 (3 x 554) +18 107 24, 21 +10 +10 +16 +20, +13, +7 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 23 2,768 (3 x 923) +20 107 26, 23 +10 +10 +8 +18, +11, +5 28 120,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 25 1,661 (3 x 554) +18 64 24, 21 +10 +18 +8 +19, +12, +6 28 120,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Monster Templates: Level 29
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 22 87 (2 x 44) +15 55 21, 18 +4 +13 +4 +16, +9, +2 12 8,437
Minion Defender 26 87 (2 x 44) +15 55 21, 18 +13 +4 +4 +18, +11, +4 12 8,437
Minion Lurker 20 44 (2 x 22) +17 83 23, 20 +13 +4 +13 +15, +8, +1 12 8,437
Minion Scout 22 87 (2 x 44) +15 42 21, 18 +13 +13 +13 +16, +9, +2 12 8,437
Minion Sniper 24 65 (2 x 33) +15 69 21, 18 +4 +4 +13 +17, +10, +3 12 8,437
Minion Striker 20 108 (2 x 54) +17 69 23, 20 +4 +4 +4 +15, +8, +1 12 8,437
Minion Supporter 22 65 (2 x 33) +15 42 21, 18 +4 +13 +4 +16, +9, +2 12 8,437
Standard Controller 24 432 (2 x 216) +17 73 23, 20 +6 +15 +6 +18, +11, +4 20 33,750
Standard Defender 28 432 (2 x 216) +17 73 23, 20 +15 +6 +6 +20, +13, +6 20 33,750
Standard Lurker 22 216 (2 x 108) +19 110 25, 22 +15 +6 +15 +17, +10, +3 20 33,750
Standard Scout 24 432 (2 x 216) +17 55 23, 20 +15 +15 +15 +18, +11, +4 20 33,750
Standard Sniper 26 324 (2 x 162) +17 92 23, 20 +6 +6 +15 +19, +12, +5 20 33,750
Standard Striker 22 540 (2 x 270) +19 92 25, 22 +6 +6 +6 +17, +10, +3 20 33,750
Standard Supporter 24 324 (2 x 162) +17 55 23, 20 +6 +15 +6 +18, +11, +4 20 33,750
Elite Controller 26 864 (2 x 432) +19 81 25, 22 +8 +17 +8 +20, +13, +6 24 67,500
Elite Defender 30 864 (2 x 432) +19 81 25, 22 +17 +8 +8 +22, +15, +8 24 67,500
Elite Lurker 24 432 (2 x 216) +21 121 27, 24 +17 +8 +17 +19, +12, +5 24 67,500
Elite Scout 26 864 (2 x 432) +19 61 25, 22 +17 +17 +17 +20, +13, +6 24 67,500
Elite Sniper 28 648 (2 x 324) +19 101 25, 22 +8 +8 +17 +21, +14, +7 24 67,500
Elite Striker 24 1,080 (2 x 540) +21 101 27, 24 +8 +8 +8 +19, +12, +5 24 67,500
Elite Supporter 26 648 (2 x 324) +19 61 25, 22 +8 +17 +8 +20, +13, +6 24 67,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 26 1,728 (3 x 576) +19 88 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 30 1,728 (3 x 576) +19 88 25, 22 +19 +10 +8 +22, +15, +8 29 135,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 24 864 (3 x 288) +21 132 27, 24 +19 +10 +17 +19, +12, +5 29 135,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 26 1,728 (3 x 576) +19 66 25, 22 +19 +19 +17 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 28 1,296 (3 x 432) +19 110 25, 22 +10 +10 +17 +21, +14, +7 29 135,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 24 2,160 (3 x 720) +21 110 27, 24 +10 +10 +8 +19, +12, +5 29 135,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 26 1,296 (3 x 432) +19 66 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 26 2,160 (3 x 720) +19 88 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 30 2,160 (3 x 720) +19 88 25, 22 +19 +10 +8 +22, +15, +8 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 24 1,080 (3 x 360) +21 132 27, 24 +19 +10 +17 +19, +12, +5 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 26 2,160 (3 x 720) +19 66 25, 22 +19 +19 +17 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 28 1,620 (3 x 540) +19 110 25, 22 +10 +10 +17 +21, +14, +7 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 24 2,700 (3 x 900) +21 110 27, 24 +10 +10 +8 +19, +12, +5 29 135,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 26 1,620 (3 x 540) +19 66 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 26 2,592 (3 x 864) +19 88 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 30 2,592 (3 x 864) +19 88 25, 22 +19 +10 +8 +22, +15, +8 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 24 1,296 (3 x 432) +21 132 27, 24 +19 +10 +17 +19, +12, +5 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 26 2,592 (3 x 864) +19 66 25, 22 +19 +19 +17 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 28 1,944 (3 x 648) +19 110 25, 22 +10 +10 +17 +21, +14, +7 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 24 3,240 (3 x 1080) +21 110 27, 24 +10 +10 +8 +19, +12, +5 29 135,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 26 1,944 (3 x 648) +19 66 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 29 135,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix a: monster templates

Monster Templates: Level 30
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws
Minion Controller 22 88 (2 x 44) +15 57 21, 18 +4 +13 +4 +16, +9, +2 12 9,687
Minion Defender 26 88 (2 x 44) +15 57 21, 18 +13 +4 +4 +18, +11, +4 12 9,687
Minion Lurker 20 44 (2 x 22) +17 86 23, 20 +13 +4 +13 +15, +8, +1 12 9,687
Minion Scout 22 88 (2 x 44) +15 43 21, 18 +13 +13 +13 +16, +9, +2 12 9,687
Minion Sniper 24 66 (2 x 33) +15 72 21, 18 +4 +4 +13 +17, +10, +3 12 9,687
Minion Striker 20 110 (2 x 55) +17 72 23, 20 +4 +4 +4 +15, +8, +1 12 9,687
Minion Supporter 22 66 (2 x 33) +15 43 21, 18 +4 +13 +4 +16, +9, +2 12 9,687
Standard Controller 24 439 (2 x 220) +17 76 23, 20 +6 +15 +6 +18, +11, +4 21 38,750
Standard Defender 28 439 (2 x 220) +17 76 23, 20 +15 +6 +6 +20, +13, +6 21 38,750
Standard Lurker 22 220 (2 x 110) +19 114 25, 22 +15 +6 +15 +17, +10, +3 21 38,750
Standard Scout 24 439 (2 x 220) +17 57 23, 20 +15 +15 +15 +18, +11, +4 21 38,750
Standard Sniper 26 330 (2 x 165) +17 95 23, 20 +6 +6 +15 +19, +12, +5 21 38,750
Standard Striker 22 549 (2 x 275) +19 95 25, 22 +6 +6 +6 +17, +10, +3 21 38,750
Standard Supporter 24 330 (2 x 165) +17 57 23, 20 +6 +15 +6 +18, +11, +4 21 38,750
Elite Controller 26 878 (2 x 439) +19 84 25, 22 +8 +17 +8 +20, +13, +6 25 77,500
Elite Defender 30 878 (2 x 439) +19 84 25, 22 +17 +8 +8 +22, +15, +8 25 77,500
Elite Lurker 24 439 (2 x 220) +21 126 27, 24 +17 +8 +17 +19, +12, +5 25 77,500
Elite Scout 26 878 (2 x 439) +19 63 25, 22 +17 +17 +17 +20, +13, +6 25 77,500
Elite Sniper 28 659 (2 x 330) +19 105 25, 22 +8 +8 +17 +21, +14, +7 25 77,500
Elite Striker 24 1,098 (2 x 549) +21 105 27, 24 +8 +8 +8 +19, +12, +5 25 77,500
Elite Supporter 26 659 (2 x 330) +19 63 25, 22 +8 +17 +8 +20, +13, +6 25 77,500
Solo (vs 3) Controller 26 1,756 (3 x 586) +19 92 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 3) Defender 30 1,756 (3 x 586) +19 92 25, 22 +19 +10 +8 +22, +15, +8 30 155,000
Solo (vs 3) Lurker 24 878 (3 x 293) +21 137 27, 24 +19 +10 +17 +19, +12, +5 30 155,000
Solo (vs 3) Scout 26 1,756 (3 x 586) +19 69 25, 22 +19 +19 +17 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 3) Sniper 28 1,317 (3 x 439) +19 114 25, 22 +10 +10 +17 +21, +14, +7 30 155,000
Solo (vs 3) Striker 24 2,195 (3 x 732) +21 114 27, 24 +10 +10 +8 +19, +12, +5 30 155,000
Solo (vs 3) Supporter 26 1,317 (3 x 439) +19 69 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Controller 26 2,195 (3 x 732) +19 92 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Defender 30 2,195 (3 x 732) +19 92 25, 22 +19 +10 +8 +22, +15, +8 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Lurker 24 1,098 (3 x 366) +21 137 27, 24 +19 +10 +17 +19, +12, +5 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Scout 26 2,195 (3 x 732) +19 69 25, 22 +19 +19 +17 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Sniper 28 1,647 (3 x 549) +19 114 25, 22 +10 +10 +17 +21, +14, +7 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Striker 24 2,744 (3 x 915) +21 114 27, 24 +10 +10 +8 +19, +12, +5 30 155,000
Solo (vs 4) Supporter 26 1,647 (3 x 549) +19 69 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Controller 26 2,634 (3 x 878) +19 92 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Defender 30 2,634 (3 x 878) +19 92 25, 22 +19 +10 +8 +22, +15, +8 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Lurker 24 1,317 (3 x 439) +21 137 27, 24 +19 +10 +17 +19, +12, +5 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Scout 26 2,634 (3 x 878) +19 69 25, 22 +19 +19 +17 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Sniper 28 1,976 (3 x 659) +19 114 25, 22 +10 +10 +17 +21, +14, +7 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Striker 24 3,293 (3 x 1098) +21 114 27, 24 +10 +10 +8 +19, +12, +5 30 155,000
Solo (vs 5) Supporter 26 1,976 (3 x 659) +19 69 25, 22 +10 +19 +8 +20, +13, +6 30 155,000
Rank Role AC Hit Points Atk Dmg / Spell Perc. Init. Stealth Saving CR XP
Bonus Action DCs Throws

appendix a: monster templates | /r/darkerdungeons5e

Quick Reference
Building a Monster p5 Conditions p18 Monster Statistics by Level p7
1. Pick a Level: Decide how dangerous your Condition Description Lvl AC HP Atk DMG Spell Save
monster should be—the higher the level, the Blinded You can't see anything. -3 13 4 +1 1 10 +1
bigger the threat it will be to your players. Charmed You can't attack your charmer. -2 13 8 +1 1 10 +1
2. Assign a Role: Choose how your monster will Deafened You can't hear anything. -1 13 12 +1 1 10 +1
function in combat—different roles confer Frightened You can't move towards your terror. 0 14 16 +2 1 10 +2
different benefits. Grappled You can't move. 1 14 26 +3 2 11 +3
3. Add some Traits: Add some quick racial or IncapacitatedYou can't take actions/reactions. 2 14 30 +3 4 11 +3
class-based flavor with a few basic traits. Paralyzed You can't move or speak. 3 14 33 +3 5 11 +3
4. Choose some Powers: Add some combat Petrified You are turned to stone. 4 15 36 +4 8 12 +3
powers to make your monster stand out. Poisoned You have disadvantage on attacks 5 16 60 +5 10 13 +4
5. Personalization: Tweak the stats if necessary and checks. 6 16 64 +5 11 13 +4
to better suit your group of players. Prone You are lying on the ground. 7 16 68 +5 13 13 +4
Restrained You can't move. 8 17 72 +6 17 14 +5
Stunned You can't move/act/speak.
Monster Roles p5
Unconscious You fall unconscious.
9 18 102 +7 19 15 +5
10 18 107 +7 21 15 +5
• Controller: Disorientates their enemies, 11 18 111 +7 23 15 +5
moving them around and applying conditions.
• Defender: Shields their allies and blocks
Magic Themes p22 12 18 115 +8 28 15 +6
13 19 152 +9 30 16 +7
enemy attacks with high defense. Theme Description 14 19 157 +9 32 16 +7
• Lurker: Hides out of sight until they see a Restoration Heal and mend. 15 19 162 +9 35 16 +7
weak point, then attack for massive damage. Decay Erode, poison, and corrupt. 16 20 167 +10 41 17 +7
• Scout: Moves around to outmaneuver foes. Shadow Create darkness and manipulate 17 21 210 +11 43 18 +8
• Sniper: Fire at enemies from a distance. shadows.
18 21 216 +11 46 18 +8
• Striker: Forgo defense and hit the enemy hard. Light Create light and illusions.
19 21 221 +11 48 18 +8
• Supporter: Aid and support their allies. Death Sever souls from bodies, talk to the 20 22 226 +12 51 19 +9
dead, animate dead.
21 22 276 +13 53 20 +9
Life Restore a soul to a body, tie souls to
Minions p11
inanimate objects.
22 22 282 +13 56 20 +9
23 22 288 +13 58 20 +9
A minion is worth 1/4 of a standard monster, and DestructionDestroy and obliterate.
24 23 294 +14 61 20 +10
should (usually) be defeated after one good hit. Protection Shield and defend.
War Enflame emotions. 25 24 350 +15 63 21 +11
26 24 357 +15 66 21 +11
Peace Dampen emotions, cause calm.
Elites p11
Earth Control over earth and rock. 27 24 363 +15 68 21 +11
28 25 369 +16 71 22 +11
An elite monster is worth 2 standard monsters Air Control over air and wind.
and has 1 paragon action per round. Fire Control over fire and heat.
Water Control over water and ice. Monster Roles p7
Strength Control physical power, muscle
Solos p12
mass, and endurance. Role AC Save HP Atk DMG
Controller −2 −1 — — —
A solo monster is worth a party of adventurers. It Knowledge Divination, learn secrets.
has 1 paragon action per player per round. Body Transmute flesh, change physical Defender +2 +1 — — —
• Phases: When the solo takes enough damage Lurker −4 −2 x0.5 +2 x1.5
appearance, polymorph, petrify.
(66% and 33% hit points), it immediately Mind Telepathy, domination, read Scout −2 −1 — — x0.75
removes any on-going effects and triggers a Sniper — — x0.75 — x1.25
thoughts, and sense truth.
transition to a new phase of battle. Striker −4 −2 x1.25 +2 x1.25
Metal Detect/shape/create/move metal.
• Hit Dice: During a phase transition, any player Lightning Create/channel lightning, electricity. Supporter −2 −1 x0.75 — x0.75
character that is conscious and bloodied may Sound Create sounds, silence, long range
spend one hit dice to heal. communication, change voice. Monster Types p11
Sight Truesight, perception, alter vision, Type AC Save HP Atk DMG
sight-beyond-sight, scrying.
Paragon Actions p13
Plants Control/communicate with plants.
Minion −2 −2 x0.2 −2 −2
Standard — — — — —
You can spend a Paragon Action to: Beasts Control/communicate animals. Elite +2 +2 x2 +2 x1.1
• Move: Move up to your speed (if free to do Fear Create fear and nightmares. Solo +2 +2 xPlyr +2 x1.2
so). This movement may trigger opportunity Resolve Reinforce willpower / create geas.
actions and reactions as per normal. Time Alter the flow of time.
• Perform an Action: Perform a single action, Space Teleportation, size, dimensions.
CR to Monster Level p15
such as attack, dodge, or help an ally. CR So E St M CR So E St M
0 −3 −2 −1 0 12 12 17 21 29
Encounter Difficulty p34
⅛ −2 −1 0 1 13 13 18 22 —
Freeform Attacks p17
Difficulty Total Monster Points (MP) ¼ −1 0 1 2 14 14 19 23 —
To do an improvised attack using your new Easy Number of players x 0.5 ½ 0 1 2 3 15 15 20 24 —
monster, pick an attack type from the list below: Normal Number of players 1 1 2 3 7 16 16 21 25 —
• Standard Attack: Make a regular attack. Hard Number of players x 1.5 2 2 3 5 11 17 17 22 26 —
• Multiattack: Split your attack across multiple Extreme Number of players x 2 3 3 4 7 14 18 18 23 27 —
enemies—e.g. cleave. 4 4 6 8 17 19 19 24 28 —
• Condition Attack: Inflict a condition. 5 5 8 11 21 20 20 25 29 —
• Ongoing Damage: Put some ongoing damage
Monster Value p34
6 6 9 13 22 21 21 26 30 —
onto an enemy. Type MP Cost 7 7 10 14 23 22 22 27 — —
• Area Attack: Attack everyone within an area. Minion 1/4 8 8 12 16 24 23 23 28 — —
• Magic: Tweak the stats if necessary to better Standard 1 9 9 13 18 25 24 24 29 — —
suit your group of players. Elite 2 10 10 14 19 26 25 25 30 — —
• Overkill Attack: A monstrous, charged attack. Solo 1 per player 11 11 16 20 28 26 26 — — — | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix b: quick reference


T Can I reference this?
asked questions regarding the Monster Maker. If your
question isn't answered here, feel free to contact me. Feel free to reference parts of this book in your own free
homebrew—with an appropriate credit back to me. But
Is this official material? please don't replicate my work wholesale, nor use it in
any for-sale variant or product.
No. This an unofficial compilation of house-rules for
D&D 5e—rules that can be used to supplement material Can I buy a printed version?
found in the PHB and DMG.
Not at the moment, no. I'm currently looking into this as
Why make this? a few people have requested a print copy. In the
meantime, this project (and most of my other work) is
As a DM, I tend to improvise a lot—this generally means released on Pay-What-You-Want terms.
I need a quick, reliable way of generating combat-ready If this supplement has helped out your game and
monsters for my players to fight. But even after running you'd like to support my work:
5e for some years now, I still find the challenge rating
system needlessly complicated and confusing. • Patreon: Become a Patron (
I'm a big fan of D&D 4e's encounter-building system to support this and my other projects.
and standardized monster math—and monster roles • Ko-fi: My Ko-fi page ( is always
were an exceptionally clever means of adding some very open to kind, one-off donations.
quick variety to a combat. I've been using these • Spread the Word: Share a tweet/like/review/etc if this
mechanics as the basis for my 5e combats for a while supplement has helped your game.
now, and it's made encounters much easier for me to
improvise as a result.
Become a Patron
Are the numbers accurate?
The stats listed in the Monster Stats by Level table (p7)
are rough guidelines to follow, but every adventuring Buy me a Coffee
party is different. Use the numbers here as a starting
guide when building your quickstart monsters and tweak
them to better suit your players. Contact Me
What about the Monster Manual? If you have any questions, you can DM me at /u/giffyglyph or
Quickstart monsters are designed to supplement any @giffyglyph, email me at [email protected], or follow
other material you choose. Quickstart profiles are not as my other works at Thanks for reading!
fleshed out as officially-listed monsters, so mix-and-
match both types as you see fit. ~ Giffyglyph 2019

appendix c: faq | /r/darkerdungeons5e


What Next?
Monster Maker App Darker Dungeons
Want to create new monsters using your phone or Want to make your D&D 5e campaign more deadly for
computer? Then try Giffyglyph's Monster Maker your players? Then try Giffyglyph's Darker Dungeons,
webapp, featuring: 110+ pages of rules, tweaks, and advice:
• Create your own monster vault in just a few clicks. • Manage equipment with a revised inventory system.
• Build minions, standards, elites, & solos. • Track survival conditions—hunger, thirst, and fatigue.
• Apply monster roles for quick, balanced variety. • Add lingering wounds and injuries to combat.
• Keep your monster vault for later with save & load. • Push characters to their breaking point with Stress.
• Customize monsters with traits, powers, & notes. • Track long-distance travel with the journey phase.
• Export your vault monsters to share with others.. • Add risk to your magic system with magical burnout.
• And many more. • And many more.
Find it at:! Find it at:! | /r/darkerdungeons5e appendix d: what next?

Great Heroes
Need Greater
No adventure is complete without a
monster to battle—a wild dragon raging
through the town, blood-thirsty gnolls
howling in the cold night, a necromancer
commanding armies of savage undead.

This supplement offers new rules options

and mechanics to help any Dungeon Master
quickly create deadly monsters and
interesting encounters.

85 pages of rules and templates

compatible with any D&D 5e game

Create new monsters in just

a few seconds with Monster Levels

Add Monster Roles to your monsters

for varied encounters

Add Traits and Powers to give

your monsters an edge

Use Freeform Attacks and Magic

for dynamic combat options

Build encounters fast

with Monster Points


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