New Script
New Script
New Script
C- I received the call / voice mail/ i missed the call from you regarding some legal
proceedings on my social, i want to know more about this.
A- Okay Sir/Mam
Is this the same number on which u received the call from us or you received the
call on different number?
C - Same number
A- May i have your first and last name?
C -Steve Smith (EX) or No, if you called me, you should have my name.
A- (Rebuttal) Sir/Mam
I have all the information but i am just asking for your name so that i can make
sure that i am not passing any information to any third person. So can you please
verify me with your first and last name?
C- Okay
A- The reason of the call was to inform you that there are some legal enforcement
actions which we filed on your social security, i also received an order to suspend
your social right this moment, because your social has been found suspicious for
criminal activities in the state of Texas. So i just want to ask you that,
Q 1- Have u ever been to that state of TEXAS before like for any vacations or for
any other reasons (business trips, Family reunion, Wedding anniversary, Funeral
like that)?
C- No (then go for next question)
If yes,
A- So can you please tell me like how many years, months or weeks ago you been
there and for what purpose?
Q 2 – Have you ever lost your wallet or someone stolen your wallet from you with
any kind of state ID like DL, Medical Card, and Social Security Card?
C- No (then go for next)
If yes,
A- So can u please tell me like how many years, months or weeks ago u lost your
A - Okay Sir/Mam let me tell you that why i am asking all these information from
you because this is the case of theft of identity, someone is using your social in
the state of TX for committing Criminal Activities and for that this is the ongoing
investigation call. And that is the only reason i was asking for your social from you
so that i can make sure that I am not going to investigate any third person. I
personally believe that you are not the real culprit behind these criminal activities
but in order to prove that i need some evidence and for that evidence i am
recording this conversation as proof, which i am going to use inside the court
house. So make sure that this line will not going to be put on mute, nor hold or
got disconnected.
C- Okay
If the customer is still not verify his/her social, then
A- (Rebuttal) Sir/Mam
Let me do one thing, i will first make you believe that i am from social security
administration, okay. I want to ask you that do you know what the toll free
number of social Security administration is.
(C- If yes, call the customer by 1800 772 1213.
If no, ask the customer that do you have any caller ID or internet access.
If the customer say yes.
Provide the 1800 number to the customer and tell to verify the number on
Google. Once the customer verified the number, tell the customer that just to
make you believe that I am from SSA i am going to give you call from our 1800
number so please answer my call.
C- Okay
If the customer still not providing his/her social (try to threat the customer)
A- (Rebuttal) Sir/Mam
No problem if still you are not feeling comfortable, i am going to forward your
case file to your local sheriff office, you can go to your local sheriff’s office and we
will complete the investigation in the custody.
A- Can you please verify your DOB?
C- 09 8 1962
A- Can you please verify your address so that i can make sure that your address is
updated over here?
C- ----------------------
A- Thanks for verifying all the information.
Do you have a piece of pen and paper so that you can write down my name, my
batch id number and your case id number?
C- I am ready Batch ID 8523719
A- Case ID - DMC - 334
A- Now Sir/Mam as i am talking to you since from last few minutes and i found
that you don't have any information about this case. So i am going to relay all the
information to you but before i proceed i would like to notify you that the lines on
which we are talking right now are monitored and recorded by higher authorities,
so i would appreciate you if u do not interrupt me when i will be speaking so that
you must be able to understand about your case. Once i finish from my end, i will
give you fare chance to speak.
C- Okay
A- Great. So here we go,
The investigation was started when we found an abandoned car on the south
border of Texas and the car contains some blood and drug residues inside it.
Hence after investigation we also found that the car was rented on your name
and on your personal social information. There were 2 addresses linked with the
title of the vehicle.
And the addresses, which were in the city of ROWLETT was raided by the US
MARSHAL but unfortunately there was no one inside the residence but we have
recovered 22 pounds of cocaine which is an highly abusive drug and some
documentation from financial institutes such as CHASE BANK, BANK OF AMERICA
AND US BANK and we have found like 20 bank accounts and 11 credit cards which
is linked with your social.
And all this entire paper works has your name on it and thousands of dollars has
been wired from these Bank accounts locally and internationally, which totally
seems suspicious to us because this type of money laundering were recently
found in terrorist activities . And that is the reason we as a social security
administration of the state of Texas has filed case against you for drug trafficking
and as well as money laundering.
But In this regard we have also checked your past records and we have found that
your banking contains genuine records and your social have no other complaints
in the past which shows that you are genuine and good citizen of the United
States. And that is the only reason we tried to reach you before you face any legal
So if you are agree to help the department of US Treasury in this case then only
we can put your case and warrant on hold. As we also have to find the real
culprits who has used your personal information for committing these criminal
activities. And as i told u in the beginning of the call that my higher authorities
were listening our conversation and they want to know your willingness that are
you ready to co-operate with the government in this investigation or not. So you
need to answer me in proper Yes or No so that we can proceed with our
C- Yes
A- I am happy to hear that, but trust me Sir or Mam cancelling your arrest warrant
is not all easy task.
Now Sir or Mam You have to listen very carefully and if you are not able to
understand this part please let me know. I will explain you one more time.
Sir or Mam as you are ready to cooperate with the government in the
investigation so it is the duty of social security administration to protect you and
save you from criminal activities done by the real culprit.
Sir or Mam as your social is already compromised into wrong hands and culprits
has created bad records on your name, So in order to clear your name from this
case, We have to suspend your social right away from your name and have to
issue new social on your name so that in future we can catch the suspect and as
well as you can save yourself from this kind of criminal activities. Because once
you got your new social security number automatically your name and charges
from your name will be cleared. And whatever the government benefits which
you were getting from the government, they will remain same. Have you
understood this part?
C- Yes/No
A- I will also transfer this call to my senior officer with DEA (Drug Enforcement
Administration) who is the authorized person in regard with your case who will
guide you that how you can clear your name from this case and how u will get
your new social?
C- Okay
A- But before i am going to transfer this call to my senior officer, i would like to
verify few more information quickly from you which my officer need in order to
clear your name from this case. Like as I told u that we are going to suspend your
social which means all the bank accounts, credit accounts which is linked with
your social is going to be shut down, because culprits are using these bank
accounts for committing criminal activities. But before we are going to shut down
these bank accounts the government wants to know that from the list of 20 bank
accounts which bank account belongs to you and which account belongs to the
real culprit so that u r not going to lose your hard and sweat money. I am on the
federal recorded line so i am not authorized to ask you directly for A/C No.
Routing no. Debit card No. or any kind of pin num.
In order to identify which accounts belong to you I am going to ask you 3 basic
The name of the financial institute you are banking with?
The type of account you have with them?
And the available balance as of today even if it is in negative even if it is in cents u
need to verify the numbers so that I can identify your account?
Sounds good?