Report On Biogas Digester Visit: (Waste To Energy Conversion Technology)
Report On Biogas Digester Visit: (Waste To Energy Conversion Technology)
Report On Biogas Digester Visit: (Waste To Energy Conversion Technology)
Submitted By:
Wajeeha Saleem
Vania Maryam Nadeem
Maria Qureshi
Ayesha Zulfiqar
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 2
2. PUPOSE OF STUDY .............................................................................................................. 3
3. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 4
4. STUDY AREA AND PLANT LOCATION ........................................................................... 4
5. DESCRIPTION OF BIOGAS PLANT ................................................................................... 5
5.1 YEAR AND REASON OF INSTALLATION ................................................................ 5
5.2 TYPE SIZE AND CURRENT STATUS OF PLANT DIGESTERS .............................. 6
5.3 COST ON INSTALLATION ............................................................................................... 5
6. OPERATION........................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................... 6
6.1.1 Inlet tank with mixing device and Inlet pipe ................................................................. 7
6.1.2 Digestion unit and Cover .............................................................................................. 7
6.1.3 Gas outlet pipeline ............................................................................................................. 8
6.1.4 Overflow tank ..................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 WORKING....................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 REQUIREMETS ............................................................................................................ 10
7. PRODUCTS GENERATED FROM PLANT ....................................................................... 10
8. MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................. 11
PLANT ...................................................................................................................................... 11
9. BIOGAS AND ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................ 14
10. RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 14
3. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................... 15
4. PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................ 15
5. PROGRAM INTEGRATION ............................................................................................ 15
6. POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAMS ...................................................................... 15
7. ESTABLISHMENT OF EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIP................................................... 16
8. FOCUS ON QUALITY ..................................................................................................... 16
11. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 17
n the 21st century, the sustainable municipal solid waste management will become essential
at all stages of influence from plaining to operation, to design and to decommissioning. As a
consequence, the range of existing and new waste managerial strategies and treatment
technologies have also spanned to meet sustainability aims in the future from maintaining existing
environmental quality. Such systematic development allows both government agencies and waste
management industries with highest green potential to meet common needs of waste management,
to increase the renewable energy source, to recycle things out of waste streams, to search for more
socially suitable options, and to preserve natural ecosystems and biodiversity consecutively. To
attain such goals, all non-technical and technical parts of a SWM system must be examined as a
whole, as they are inter linked with one another. The waste processing was usually assumed to
decrease the volume for ease of handling and disposal and pollution potential. This perception
include the transformation of the waste into a useful end-products which was before surplus.
This is the case with MSW, as it has a great potential for the energy and biogas generation when
exposed to anaerobic digestion. So continuous anaerobic-digesters and batch has been designed
for MSW treatment to produce biogas. An initial design process includes an examination of the
waste properties, with a view to establish proper considerations and principles for the digesters
design. Organic waste decays in the absence or presence of air (oxygen) and is stated to as
Biogas digester
anaerobic or aerobic decomposition respectively. This decomposition might be artificially induced
under controlled conditions or naturally happening.
The overall targets of pollution prevention, the purposes of the Kyoto agreement as well important
concerns related to food safety and animal and human health need gradually sustainable solutions
for recycling and handling of organic wastes and animal manure, combined with post and
pretreatment technologies, biogas from anaerobic co-digestion of animal manure, plays a
significant role. Biogas can be generated from all types of biological feedstock. The leading
resource of bio gas production is represented by slurries and animal manure from pig and cattle
production units as well as from fish, poultry, fur, etc. According to researches only, animal
manure are generated in a range of more than 1500 waste million Tones every year. Animal
manure when poorly managed or poorly untreated becomes a major source of water pollution and
air pollution. Nutrient leaching, mainly ammonia evaporation, phosphorous and nitrogen, and
pathogen contamination are some of the major threats of poorly managed animal manure. The
sector of animal production is responsible for 18% of the overall emissions of greenhouse gas
(GHG), measured in equivalent CO2 and for 37% of the anthropogenic methane, and which have
the global warming potential of CO2 as 23 time. Furthermore from the worldwide animal
production sector, 64% of anthropogenic ammonia and 65% of anthropogenic nitrous oxide
(NOx) emissions originate. If handled and managed properly, animal manure can be an important
resource for the production of renewable energy and also an important source of nutrients for
agricultural activities. Production of Biogas from anaerobic digestion of slurries and animal
manure is an effective approach of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, in particularly
methane and ammonia. After the anaerobic treatment, the generated digestate may be further
refined. By separation with a decanter centrifuge into a liquid and a solid fraction is one of the
simplest methods. Separation facilitates the distribution of the nutrient from the areas which have
excess manure (nutrients) to the areas which is in need of nutrients.
The basic purpose of study was to
Study the operation of biogas digester.
What are the requirements of biogas digester.
Study of conversion of waste to energy.
Energy generated and its use.
The methodology was simple and comprises on following steps
Report was
Figure Map of PCSIR laboratory
Two types of plants were present on in Floating drum type plants and other is fixed dome type
plants. In addition to that some portable plants were also present there for the researches of small
Five digesters are present 4 were of floating drum type and 1 is of fixed dome type, out of all five
digesters only 2 were in working condition due to the complete absence of livestock there was no
animal manure which could be used as a raw material. The workers there bring the manure from
any nearby area to keep the two digesters working.
All the 4 floating drum plants were of 5½ ft diameter and 12 ft height. They have the capacity of
200m3 , the fixed dome type bio digester has a capacity of 100m3 only.
Floating drum plants are usually comprised on following components
Inlet tank with mixing device and Inlet pipe
Digester tank and Cover
Gas outlet pipe
Overflow tank
Pipelines and Fittings
6.1.1 Inlet tank with mixing device and Inlet pipe
A square shape inlet tank was constructed near the digester plant. In PCSIR for two digesting units
one inlet tank was present.
The inlet tank was accomplished by PVC inlet pipe which connects the digester to inlet tank and
was at 45 degree to the earth surface. It reaches the digester 2m above the base. This angle provide
a slope to facilitate the entry of wet organic matter to the digester unit. The workers there used the
wedge to block the inlet pipe during mixing. No mixing device was present while it was done
through manual means. Above the tank there was a water pipeline which provide water during
mixture. The ideal mixing ratio is 50:50, where manure and water are mixed in equal amount. This
can provide a best inlet material for ideal yield of biogas.
6.1.2 Digestion unit and Cover
The inlet pipe as described above opens from the bottom in a digestion unit which was made up
of bricks. The size of the tank is an important factor in determining the yield of gas produced. The
digester was of 51/2 ft in diameter and 12 ft in height. The total capacity was 200m3.
The other component of digestion unit was a moveable, round shape, dome like ceiling also known
as gas holder, which was of 4ft in diameter and about 6ft in height. This cover would to move
upwards with the increased pressure of gas produced inside. Out of four digesting units there in
PCSIR only two were in working condition.
The slurry water gathered round the cover would act as a water lock which prohibits the emission
and wastage of produced gas inside.
6.1.3 Gas outlet pipeline
In the cover of digestion unit there was a hole which was accompanied with a pipe. The function
of the gas outlet pipe was to make the produced gas available for further use. The gas outlet pipe
has a gas control valve to control the pressure of biogas. This gas is further used as a fuel for stove,
generator and biogas bulbs.
6.1.4 Overflow tank
From the top the digestion unit was connected to the overflown tank. The connection PVC pipes
were parallel to Earth’s surface. It contains all the liquid overflown and the remaining solid organic
matter. It was a rectangular structured pit which had a connection to all four digestion units of the
plants. From there the liquid was transferred to fish pond nearby, which provides food and liquid
to the fishes. The remained solid organic would left there to dry and after drying it would be use
as a fertilizer for greenery and crops.
Overflow tank
The following flow diagram elaborates the working steps of a biogas digester
Firstly the cattle manure was added to the inlet chamber and there it would be mixed with
water content to form a slurry. Goat manure cannot be used as it has higher Arsenic content.
The formed slurry was then transferred to the digestion tank through inlet pipe.
After filling the digestion unit with slurry it would left for 21 days.
During these 21 days aerobic bacteria were allowed to decompose the slurry in the presence
of water.
After the fermentation process the fermentation the biogas would started collecting the
dome shaped cover, as the gas collected it creates the pressure inside the dome and make
it move upwards.
The gas is utilized through the gas pipe which transfer the gas to the stove and other
The remained spent slurry would overflown to the overflow tank.
From over flown tank the liquid would further transferred to the fish pond and the solid
material would kept there to dry.
After drying the dry organic matter would use as a fertilizer.
Following are the requirements of a plant
Manure; Comes from the livestock. Minimum 4 animals are required to accomplish the
need of one 200m3 digester. We observed that in PCSIR there was no livestock while the
manure was brought from the nearby areas to keep the digester running.
Water is required to form the slurry
Proper maintenance is a tool to increase the life time
Moderate temperature
Excessive sunlight.
Following is the amount of manure required for a digester of certain capacity
Capacity Feedstock required Yield biogas Energy replacement
100m3 100kg 60m3 1296000BTUs
200m3 200kg 120m3 2592000BTUs
1 gas stove
1 generator
6 Biogas bulbs
Maintenance and repair of biogas plant is a tough challenge. For effective biogas plant
management, it is a dire need to train workers for repair and maintenance of biogas plant. Workers
experience following of problems during maintenance of biogas plant.
Limited or no production of Biogas even after 10-15 days: Biogas is not produced even
after 10-15 days may be due to
No activity of bacteria in digester
Leakage of gas from storage tank or pipelines.
SOLUTIONS: Regular paint of drum should be done in order to avoid risk of leakage
of biogas. Fresh cattle dung or manure should be supplied during first feeding. For
seeding agent, bio-slurry is mixed from already existing plant. If gas production does not
start within two weeks then digester should be refilled with fresh cattle dung. Main gas
valves should be checked if they are properly closed or not. If level of slurry rises then it
means that leakage is occurring from any inlet or pipeline. Ensure closure of that inlet or
valve. If slurry is leaking from dome then refill digester again with fresh cattle dung to
avoid leakage from digester.
No burning of stove even after production of Biogas: It happens sometimes that stove
does not burn even after production of biogas due to
Presence of larger amount of CO2 in gas
Wrong fitting of pipes or faulty installation of appliances
Blockage of pipelines or inlets due to slurry or dirt
SOLUTIONS: For removal of excessive carbon dioxide, exude CO2 daily for a week so
that amount will decline and eventually stove will burn out. Regularly checking of
installation of fitting of pipes and valves. Main valve and gas tap should be opened for
proper intake of air for burning of stove. To avoid clogging or blockage of pipeline, water
is rinsed through pipelines and it should be cleaned on daily basis. Size of outlet tank should
be within recommended guideline, if it is at height then opening of overflow pipe should
be lowered.
Less production of gas than Predicted: If less gas is produced than predicted, following
causes can be behind this problem.
Inappropriate supply of water and less temperature in digester
Convergence system and gas holder is leaking gas
Chemical usage in toilets
SOLUTIONS: Ensure cleaning of gas tap and oiling it daily. Burner holes should be
cleaned with needles that are boiled in water. Slurry should be cleaned and proper discharge
of eater should be through water outlet. To produce gas, close gas valve and let gas to
produce with time. De-block the clogged hole.
Burning of stove with long and weak flame( reducing flame): Flame is weak and long
due to
Inappropriate mixing of primary air
Blockage of burning caps
SOLUTIONS: To strong flame, modify primary air intake. Burner caps should be
cleaned with sterile needles
Flame blasts off or extinguishes If flame lifts off too high then it is due to
Gas pressure may be high or it is too excessive to flow
And if gas extinguishes suddenly then it is due to
Not enough supply of gas or too low pressure
SOLUTIONS: If pressure is high then as flow should be minimized to reduce pressure and
air supply should also be minimized. If pressure is too low then logging of pipes should be
checked with maximizing gas flow. Allow gas production to take time.
Entrance of slurry into pipelines: Slurry entered into pipeplines and clogged them
creating hindrance in gas flow due to
Enough supply
Less time for accumulation of gas
Gas leak from dome
SOLUTIONS: To avoid above issues, supply should be done as recommended. Enough
time should be provided to plant for storage of gas, Do not use gas for longer time span
with continuous withdrawing of gas. Block gas escape inlet and outlets.
Plugged burner hole or clogging of burner hole: Burner hole is important and it
sometimes got plugged
During cooking of food, steam clogged burner hole of pot
SOLUTIONS: To clean burner, it is essential to break connection between gas pipe and
burner. Holes should be cleaned by removing covers of hole. To avoid blocking, clean dirt
form burner box. Installed burner again and then performance should be analyzed
Fracture or cracks in gas pipes : Gas escapes from pipelines due to
Invalid gas pipe or expired gas rubber pipe
Cracks in walls of pipes
Expansion of tip of pipe
SOLUTIONS: Cracks should be checked on daily basis and cut connection between pipes
and burner. Tip of pipe should be checked and it must be between 9mm and 12mm.
Strong foul odor of Slurry: Slurry can enter into pipeline thus clogging it and producing
foul odor due to
Excessive amount of water
In availability of bacteria in digester
SOULTIONS: Ensure proper mixing of water and dung in proper water dung ratio. Ct
down chemicals to clean toilets which are near biogas plant to avoid inactivation of
Cooking time: More time is required to cook food by biogas due to
Reduce working or burning of flame
Due to low heat or faulty stove.
SOLUTIONS: Primary air intake should be ensured so that blue strong flame is produced.
Flame should be concentrated in bottom of pot. Maintenance of stove should be taken into
account. Avoid ventilation or windy/open area in order to minimize heat loses.
Odors are significantly reduced in an anaerobic Emission of Nitrogen.
digestion system.
Green Energy Production Biogas is a Emission of Ammonia gas to
renewable resource, and when it is converted atmosphere.
to electricity it is replacing power than would
otherwise be produced from fossil fuel sources
Harmful pathogens are also reduced although
not eliminated through digestion.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Methane is 23
times potent then CO2.
Reduction in Total Oxygen Demand of the
Treated Waste, Direct spill of manure in water
bodies would increase the Total Oxygen
demand that would kill the aquatic organisms.
The result of the study shows that there are certain concerns that need special attention for
rapid advancement and development of biogas technology in Pakistan. To effectively apply
the proposed domestic biogas program in Pakistan, following suggestions are made. These are
summarized below:
Due to the advancement of new models especially the fixed dome models, in most parts of the
world, floating drum design biogas plant technology constantly become outdated in which
Pakistan shown evidence of prosperous launching and achievements. For wide-scale circulation
of biogas technology, it is suggested to use fixed dome models with necessary adaptations, under
the scheme of the proposed biogas programme, to ensemble the Pakistani frame of reference.
The result of the study shows that for advancement in installing quality plants which is directly
related to quality of construction, there is lot of capacity to receive certain merits. If the
existing floating drum plants are to be distributed, so for this purpose following aspects should
be treated carefully.
To ensemble the gas use pattern in Pakistan, there is more desire for advancement in
biogas plant design. This will optimize the plant as well as reduced the installation
Establishment of quality standards on operation, construction and maintenance of
biogas plant giving special focus to general conditions.
To ensure safety, Gas conveyance system needs to be standardized. Inlet also needs to
be systematize. To promote the mixing process, volume & height of the tank should be
build up.
Physically, in the existing floating dome model, there are lot of mechanical flaws– the
most important is the quality of MS drum (gas holder). To withdraw unnecessary joints
in it, the drum should be cobble up with thicker sheet-metal and attention should be
Essential part of biogas plant is slurry pit. Digested slurry needs to be accumulate in a
slurry pit and mixed with other household wastes to protect the nutrient value.
Through circulation of biogas program, increasing approach to energy can provide the
method of liberation & empowering the people.
To allow the poorer strata of society, aid should continue as motivating factor until the
demand-driven market is forced.
While disclosing training and capacity building actions, poor people with strong
eagerness and engagements to be include in biogas plant construction need to be given
fair shake.
Capital waste and the effect on reputation of biogas technology caused by non-operational
and poorly operational biogas plants and ultimately lead to the desired establishment of
permanent biogas sector. So ‘quality’ should be the primary concern of the future biogas
programme. The quality should necessarily relate to the following factors of biogas programme
Quality of the scheme of biogas plant
Quality of training and space building activities
Quality of enhancement and long term works
Quality of the construction
Quality of the systematize and maintenance
Quality of after-sale-services
Quality of financial and administrative procedures and practices
Future distribution actions should be focused on context-specific desire factors. Local plant
owners, local governmental and non-governmental bodies, civil society organizations, functional
groups, key community leaders and educational institutions could be assembled effectively to
speed up and extend the technology.
Feasibility Study of Domestic Biogas in Pakistan, 2007.
DevPart Consult -Nepal,
Research Study on Optimal Biogas Plant Size, Daily Biogas Use Pattern and Conventional
Fuel Saving,
Final Report Submitted to Biogas Support Program of SNV Nepal, Kathmandu, March
Dr. Amrit B Karki, Prof. Jagannath Shrestha and Mr. Sundar Bajgain,
Biogas-As Renewable Source of Energy in Nepal, Theory and Practices, July 2005
Government of Pakistan, 1997.
Economic Survey 1996–97. Finance Division, Economic Adviser’s Wing, Islamabad.
Prakash Ghimire,
Technical Study of Biogas Plants in Bangladesh, IDCOL/SNV, Dhaka, 2005.
UNDP 2006. Energy and Poverty in Pakistan.
Bikash Pandey and Sundar Bajgain