MACW-CR000000004 - Sovereign Autographs of The Moorish American Nationals

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a rnc u ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, [ am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, [ am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Lam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, 1 am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, s0 be it. ‘Appellation & Nation or Tribe ie ‘Signature {in red) ae ‘Mailing address Qiyam Abdullah Muhammad El E: fo 1606 Collier Street apt. 1 Moorish American National : [Columbus, Georgia 31906] Vickie Hughes El clo 801 Joy RD F32 Moorish American National Near [Columbus, Georgia 31906} Messiah El ‘eho 3109 12th AVE Moorish American National Near [Columbus, Georgia 31904] ‘Maddie El ‘fo 901 Joy RD F32 ‘Moorish American National ‘Near [Columbus, Georgia 31906] (Rashad Bey ‘clo 3400 8th AVE Apt. 105 B Moorish American National a ‘Near (Columbus, Georgia 31904] Calvin Bey : | clo 1703 1th Ave Moorish American National Calico R Near (Phenix City, Alabama 26867) [Miyzaan Ei sone | ane <4 clo 4726 Sequoia Drive ee ee Neel (ey C et Sl Near (Columbus, Georgia 31909] Umar Mugmin Bey aes a La fo 1243 MLK Je. BLVD Apt 14 ree EG ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. a AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, [ am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, J am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers, Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, s0 be it. pellation & Nation or Ti =i 7 hv Lec ei nts (ogre bp ek Pye ef” Ehen gabe tee \ \Co .0.Box yoo 3d | dll ycitcy. Hilaln rye te Serpentine Ol Ramses BrveBey~ Ramses Bove Bey Glen oaks, NewyorksLie ‘Mailing address poy. | GENE Bicadie 54RD LG hiliein, MY NO Zz | Ro doe Se Led] ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, [ am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, [ am American National. Ego sum Superiore est allena a agentibus, | am superior fo foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Amerieas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas, Sic flat semper, sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, $0 be it. ‘Appellation & Nation or Tribe ‘Signature (in red) ‘Mailing address raja talibah bey 9900 Greenbe/t Koacl puerta Tribal flatons My Ly wae fe on Lead 4106 natalia domnyue bey ; rerrbett Road, Su'be E130 Shoylomaesen Tibul Aabons With. by Linher Maryland 20706 shotri2zoh acen el cl 7a Fa Road Shaycamaxon Tig hicn Sheer Weer Greenbelt, AS aoTO ure Date Moorish American Consulate Consular Signa’ This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate # seronsnor mn ‘ee ‘The Empire OF Moroco stands ands sovereign My signature below i my affimaton ofthe fllowing: Et ram spirtum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, am Empire of Morocco ‘2vemiment. Ego sum Americas nation : ‘mind ey and esate, Meum est cum fidlitas antigui matres et patres, My aliganse wah te ancient mothers and fiers. Moors stabit regmum, Mocrs stand Kingdom, Ego sum Indigenous in Ameviens |e indigenous in Americ. Ego ponidebo de Amerteas, ego sum de Amerias. | possess the Amico, Tom tne “Amsics. Sic fat semper, sie at semper, se fat semper So bei ao bee ob | an = ee si fo blledO $i CHK ARS Ger oi ta. Anal, lB Bites egg) Lnhotep~ Bey Sh js20 . Massasahte Mossish Noten! Regal ol Ba Hep tnakpstizeny "Moorish American Consulate Consul Signature —————SDate "is sel determinaion self-governing atfimaton i organized by the Moorish American Consulate = AFHIOAVITOF TRUTH ‘he Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My sgnanre below is my ffiematon ofthe following: go sum spircum alive, I sm spit alive, Rgo sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Expire of Morocco ‘government. Ego sum America national, am American National. Ego sum Superore et aliena a agents, superior foreign agents. Eo erram habltadonem, Iam land haitant. Ege eanus anime corpore et pracdiam, Tam a healthy tind body and esate Meum et cum fidltatsantgul mates et patres, My aligence i withthe sient mothers and fathers. Moors stabitrepnam, Moors stand Kingdom. go sum indigenous in Ameria, sm indigenous in Americas. igo possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, T poss the Amis, 1am the “Ameria. Se it semper, ke fat semper, se fat semper, So be t,o bet so bet. — Sea eed ‘Walingsdiress | 1folnod & Anya pte Se isa latest, sale | Btn xen LETH | “Wears American Conse Consular Signatare—————=— Date ‘is se-dcermination ee governing affirmation ie oraized by the Moorih American Const # prune ett My signature below is my affiraton of th following: Moor Americon Lof 15/Z0 1@ “Woorsh veean Canals Costar Signature "This se-dtarmination sett governing affirmation is erganlzed by the Mooh American Consulate. & AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire OF Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my afimation ofthe following: [Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spiit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Expire of Morocco ‘goverment. Ego sum American national, mn American National. go sum Superiore ea aliena nagentbus, Ta Supecir to foreign agents, go Sum terram habitationem, lam land habitan. Ege sanas anim corpors et praediom, {Tam a heathy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidlitatis antiqui matres et patres, My aligence {swith the ancient movers and fathers, ‘Moors stabitregnam, Moots stand Kingdom. Ege aut indigenows in Americas, am indigenous in Americas. Ego posidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the ‘Americas. Sie fat semper, le Nat semper, sc lt semper, So be i obit 0 be | Appelstion & Nation orTiibe [Signature (in ved] walling address Ie. | G6 942 & Wee |i laabh. Le, Mad hegel tat) | “Mors american Conslate Consular Signature “Date ‘This sel determination self-governing ffemation x organized by the Moorish American Consulate a ee eee enoeee My signature below is my affemation ofthe flowing: go sum spirit alive, Iam spit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperiam, 1am Empire of Morac ‘goverment. Eg sum American national am Americas Natal. go sum Soperiore et allenaw agentbus, a ‘superior to foreign agen. Ege Sum terram habitatonem a ad han Ega sans anima corpo et praedive, {am aha mind ody end este Meum et eam dla antiga mates et pater, My allgnce fe witht ston mothers and father Moor stabitregnem, Morand Kingdom Ego sum Indigenous In Americas, ‘ndigeons In Americas. Ego posidebo de Americas, ege sum de Amerie, 1 possess the America, 1am the ‘Ainerias. Sle Mat semper, Gt semper, seat semper So bei sabe sabe {Aopen @ Nation oTeibe [gate ed) ating ares j 9S See 227-a 34 Dakeem Zyir Boy \nknem Goin. Ou Ein | aia Rvrcan Caste Cons Sigatore termination et-govering tration organized by the Moorish Ameen Conse AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas, Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fint semper, So be it, s0 be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe ‘Signature (in red) ling address , : bong thanhdge dire am ee merie Cram 864. Mane Caen thay £ a 7 Plooyish Hereycer, (etine Kade Cer OL ble Wt Linoh Seknet LG €/ Kiveh Sekbet Ro 2b bjo 78, vepetb ‘bead maorsh ameriton Nut) Guseil, tog ia spr) © Moric. Cuore Le BL L3/ dof: rish American Consulate Consular Sigpdture Date affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign set My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, 1 am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Moroceo imperium, | am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, { am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. | Mailing address GoP.Boresees S Saud Doula th EX U.S Virgin Salunal U5 mk fanerellin te vl Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. ed ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, Iam American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, {am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ‘ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, si fiat semper, So be it, 50 be it, s0 be it. Malling address | Cle AGI Seorton Avene #222 Alexandria Mar Virginie Connie ‘Appellation & Nation or Tribe Fokimoalh : Mworish. Amen Comulk ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This selfdetermination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate, eet AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. (‘Appellation & Nation or Tribe Mailing address _ Mus 4 Bashir Ameen EL aoe edly Franklin Paley. os (in red) logz¢ CF Stil Lilsece TR 112 ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate, AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH My signature below is my affirmation of the following: ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, Iam land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Iam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the A LL Signature (inred) Ye Poke an, J | ( Ld FF . Yo 0, Box 39Z94 : Ee Red Ford, Mi hl gan | AG224 | 7 Michigan Repobli ¢ = a Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. a AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, [ am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, [am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe signature (in red) fi Maling aderes ~ ] 5 : Aas ar | Sheer Amerie) W/E of kbs aay | vy . 2, ee Gibson Ale + Morte Anenicir? lol ilibe Satoh Diy | felt 5 rip ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. a a aed ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, [ am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fint semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Signature (ined) Mailing address | LZ Uy, Z| loves 5h ___} 1A 2435 ee . Avdirud SrA, Dr. | Macwr 64 S1>e i 1 ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. ae ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature belo my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am ~ superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, [am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or T [___ Signature (in red) ——Waling address JAI-Tan'y El Shade Plantes Resi Jase NOs eke. Span} Moacista Apsonconn Nasty | ___pewe Vinine L301 | A) Trip B)Stckee Plaurns Bey (%e NOK Fiera. Shrect tisk Ameria Hosticns) Pegesuel) Viejno T5860] | Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. at The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, [ am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, 1am a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe _ __ Signature (inred) | Mailing address Wadia Teen herle bey LZ / Sieh 7 - Marlporo, Maryfand Leable tne’, via Lipdlec neer-|207 Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. e AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the Following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morveco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, Iam American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus. I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, Iam land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ‘ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe _j|_ Signature (in red) Mailing address Foro oan) am 4 Elo ABI Seoson Avene | Meorish Aman Comulate ih vas 7 he Alexandria Or Virgin “Fiance th ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature 2 tis Date Bla [oer ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. 222, opment & a as The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. [Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in “Ay Malling address Tena lh tan Pa) EP Meoricye Artricon) (ite S.attd by | arin => Tic (0222 Date Lilla tehete- Bi Blgfoorg ‘Moorish American Consulate Confutar ‘Signature This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. at ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, 1 am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, so be it. | Appellation & Nation or Tribe ealae Signature (in red) Me feble. “Brian Ler! 2 | Tee dle QOS ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date B This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. a on My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo eorpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the ‘Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, so be it. ing address Appellation & Nation or Tribe ___ Signature (in red) Mail G0 FE1 Lanes Maral Rae | Cheaclote Moses Habre Boy | erdene Morin /ellie Bag! DE ney Laisinelz0635 6 Ae ashe ite By Sl cata e, ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. & rion or aur u The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive, Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, {am American National, Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, | am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moots stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Amerieas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, Iam the Americas. Sie flat semper, sic fiat semper, sie flat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in rea) e address os Prnencae dun. Req ; BZ sson SY = = Dh a r. 2 h { \ Atte WET a iar yaaa, Movirlors) ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. mat The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign “My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive, Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, [am American National. Ego sum Superiore est allena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents, Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the ‘Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper So be it, so be it, so be it. ree 027 Mailing address 20, C/o 1608 Lindl z Li el tap pa ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, Iam land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fint semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Mailing address Signature (in red) Abn duel ie eps Bed Cited ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-gover affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ae The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Lam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fid antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, 1 am the ‘Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe ‘Signature (in red) Wee Cord El T El/Alicia 4. » GIF South Sprague a) tsa EO ~ Tacoma, WA IS4@S oO. a Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self- determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. Moorish American Consulate Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exalting the 1781 Constitution Qo Fee ee Ukiced Scares of America and the Binding Treaties asec? Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey Autographs of the Supreme Judicial Council Members “Upon our inherited esate, being descendants of the ancient Moatites who ae the de jure Americans — Al Moroccan ‘Moors standing squarely firmed upon out Oath tothe ‘Five Points of Light’ ~ Love, Truth, Pease, Freedom, and Justice; int (in Our own proper person) 0 atest fo this Afidavit upon which we place our autograph; whereas, We and dejae the fllowing tobe true and correct. ram: Lf z Dai “ConsuifeGeneral National Gri Sheik Ta Tarik Bey Dat Tam: eet tee : “Viar Mokanamaden Judge Amir Hassan EI tam “fase _ frei “Vir Mohammaden Suge Neseor Moora Bey, — Tae < a Date:__ “Vir iokamminlen udge Sharon Shipman Bey 4 Date: Viair Mohammaden Judge Shri EI SEAL AND STAMP ‘Moorish National Republic Seal ‘Moorish American Consulate Stamp Sanne purring aun Human, nu Moodshheran Cone or - MonsheanCaaunta ams Care ct atv Tous Ln oad, Box 1, Hes. Hovetoum Peas Repub] ZP EXEMPT Moorish American Consulate Moorish Worldwide Consulates Pie hired eects op amarioa aud the Binting Teoaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey Autographs of the Supreme Judicial Council Members ‘Upon our inbred ests, being descendants of The Ancient Moabites in other respect known as American ~ AI Moroccan = Moor, standing squarely affined upon our Oath to the “Five Points of Light’ ~ Love, Tut, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; Being competent (in Our Own Proper Person) to Attest this Affidavit upon which we pace our Autograph; Whereas, We State, Proclaim, and Declare the following tobe tue, cores, not misleading, and not Intended to befpresested fr any misgpresented, “are impepper use or purpose. Tam: ue Date, Vie Suge Fast TaD Bey i Am “Vide Mohammad Jaa SEAL AND STAMP lie Seal LUpUFTING FALLEN HUMANITY wranConslte ont onishAmerianConsusteN@gmalLcom ore of Eas Township Line Rood, ox 732, Nea, (Havertown, Pennsyvania Republi] ZP EXEMPT EE The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Eeclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Article 16 Signatures of Supreme Judicial Council Members Supreme Judicial Council Member: Consular General Amir Taj Tarik Bey By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Consular General Amir Taj Tarik Bey, Affirms ‘that He isthe Natural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in His own Proper Person; meeting the “Tew of evidence’ as required and defined in ‘Identity’; affirmed by Lawful, Substantive Right by Birthright; and respectively acknowledged - being lawfully qualified and competent oexeeuethis Document, therefore place my hand and seal thereto, Month: Year: Va ae ape ane SEAL AND STAMP ‘Moorish National Republic Seal ‘Moorish American Consulate Stamy ‘The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Signatures of Supreme Judicial Council Members Supreme Judicial Council Member: Consular General Shalamoor Bey By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Consular General Shalamoor Bey, Affirms that He {is the Natural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in His own Proper Person; meeting the ‘law of tvidenee’ as required and defined in ‘Identity; affirmed by Lawl, Substantive Right; by Birthright; and ‘respectively acknowledged - being lawfully qualified and competent to exccute this Document. therefore place my hand and seal thereto Chronos: Day:_\B Month: Sp ber Year: [2\8\ \43q if ‘Supreme Judicial Co SEAL AND STAMP ‘Moorish National Republic Seal Moorish American Consulate St The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ AA Private Ecclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Signatures of Supreme Judicial Council Members Supreme Judicial Council Member: Vizir Light Tajiri Bey [By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Visi Light Tafiri Bey, Aims that She isthe ‘Natural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in Her own Proper Person; mestng the “law of evidence” required and defined in “denty’ affirmed by Lavi, Substantive Right; by Birthright and respectively ‘acknowledged ~ being lawfully qualified and competnt to exceue this Document. therefore place my hand nd seal thereto, Chronos: Day:. q Month: Year: (2019) Aq OF E: Tam: ¢ Supreme Tudela SEAL AND STAMP Moorish National Republic Seal Moorish Amorican Consulate Si The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Eeclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Signatures of Supreme Judicial Council Members Supreme Judicial Council Member: Vizir Sharon Tracey Gale Bey By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Veit Sharon Tracey Gale Bey, Affirms that She is the Natural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in Her own Proper Person; meeting the ‘law of evidence’ as required and defined in “entity”; affirmed by Lawl, Substantive Right; by Bicthright; and ‘respectively acknowledged - being lawfully qualified and competent to execute this Document. therefore place my and and sea thereto oo A unt Barcaclor SEAL AND STAMP Moorish National Republic Seal ‘Moorish American Consulate Stamp The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement : a a Supreme Judicial Council Member: Imarah Amor Bey ‘By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Imirah Amor Bey, AGfirns that She i the Neturat Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in Her own Proper Person; meeting the “aw of evidenee* as required and defined in ‘Identity’; affirmed by Lawful, Substantive Right; by Bitvigh; snd respectively ‘acknowledged - being lawlly qualified and competent to execute this Document. I therefore place my hand and sal thereto, Chroma: Day:__]___ Monn Prag st __ veer.__ [UA Sorgt, Lam: “Tia ‘Supreme Judicial Council Member SEAL AND STAMP ional Republic Seal Moorish American Consulate Stan Moorish American Consulate Moorish Worldwide Consulates Sor the Ohised Grated of dation thd tbs Bia Sine oe ‘Consular General Ta Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General shalammoor Bey ee The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trast~ [A Private Belesistally Commisioned Divine Natural Agreement t me Judi Member ‘Supreme Judicial Council Member: Abasi Talib Bey Spec Apso nh Divine Big Aen Tall Me, Ai at He the Nata Peon Dive Beng es nm ising nH ove rz Pena: mong th “hw eve’ a eid ad ett inte’ fled by La Sb Rigby righ nd ev eksowaga bsg ‘ewe ad amp exe tis Document ls yh nd el ren: ianeree = ra Aan Salts By a Lee SEAL AND STAMP Moorish Naso Repub Se Moers Amariean Const sinucrihimetencannite rt Menshanatanonsatyel cn Creo atest Tomi ins es 7. neon, emi epae] 0 EET Moorish American Consulate Moorleh Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Bealting she 1781 Conssivation Peo tie Thieed Stace of imevisa thd tha Btudiog Teather EXEEct consular Genera Ta Tork Bey and Co-Consulr General Shalamoor Bey The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ‘Vast Estate Pure Express Trust A Private Becesistialy CommlsSoned Divine Natural Agreement si Supres fmmbers Supreme Judicial Council Member: ‘Nassor Mooruts Bey Dy Spl Apart ins, tne sg Nar Mors By Afi ha eich Nal eon "Dic ing ein ee xing in on Proper Renaming th aa eiane” eie!e io nM’ nme by Lal, Suv Rik yi leet levy qed and opto o xes is Dosent erie sey hl a al en pon le mn_(ieCent ber rr eric) Lam: SEAL AND STAMP Mosh Nin Repu Se__ Mooi Anerio Conte Su Moorish American Consulate tiooesg esiomioe Gonetaes PROS te ie a Bi ae Bois re rr yet ae Sey re eee ee The Imperial Moorish American Consulate Vast Estate Pure Express Trust A Private Eelesastially Commisignet Divine Natural Agreement of Supreme, ouneil Me ‘Supreme Judicial Council Member: Nura Ameena Nyiirah Heamid Bey By Sl Apres noah De Dang, Nurs Amana Nah Han ey, As tt St |e Nan e/g bina cin ine on rope nc ve! = roti sa dete in Lei’ med y antl Suv igh by Bit and mpectly ‘einlge hing nity quien compte eee his Drs. thf my ad and Dore sour _[ SEAL AND STAMP Moorish Nil Rep Sel ‘reo a cat Tomy noe ex ihr anny Peps apa PX ‘The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Eeclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Members Supreme Judicial Council Member: Vizir GeoRamur Aqua El By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Vizir GeoRamur Aqua El, Affirms that He is the ‘Natural Person Divine Being herin named, exstingn His own Proper Person; meeting the “law of evidence’ 85 required and defined in Identity’; affirmed by Lavi, Substantive Right by Birthright; and respectively ‘acknowledged - being lawfully qualified and competent to execute this Document. therefore place my hand and seal thereto, Month: ECén £ea Year: = 1 . Lam; _Geetarmun Agua “E BODE REDE A C SEAL AND STAMP ‘Moorish National Republie Seal Moorish American Consulate Stamp The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Keclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Supreme Judicial Council Member: Vizir Tariq Bey By Special Apperanes in Hon, the Divine Being, Vcr Trig Bey, Ais that Hei the Natural Person Divine Bing heen name, existing in His 4m Proper Parson; meting the “law of evidence as required and defined in “enti; afied by Lawl Substantive Right by Birdvigh; and especivey ‘knowledge - being lawl qualified and competent to exceutthis Document. heer place my hand an sel hr. SEAL AND STAMP Moorish National Republic Seal____ Moorish American Consulate Stamp. Moorish American Consulate Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exalting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey The Imperial Moorish American Consulate ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Signatures of Supreme Judicial Council Members Supreme Judicial Council Member: Amir Hassan El By Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Being, Amir Hassan El, Affirms that He is the Netural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in His own Proper Person; mecting the “law of evidence” as requited and defined in ‘Identity’; affirmed by Lawful, Substantive Right; by Birthright; and respectively acknowledged - being. Javeully qualified and competent to execute this Document. I herefore place my hand and seal thereto. Chronos: SEAL AND STAMP Moorish National Republic Seal Moorish American Consulate Stamp UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY wan.— MoorishAmericanConsulateNE@gmal Care of aaa East Township Line Road, Box 722, Near. [Havertown Pennayvana Rep 2° exeMer La The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Amerieas, I possess the Americas, 1 am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (inred) Mailing address WIS The Vigaey 2, ay a I — b, 7 1 Y keweille Tk. 7506: (tet gn oy fi te fp as (Michel Rey Ardenson Bey | Muthod Rerdaason Bor | Leal, Ty 2007 [HIS SiS take the pn et Eric Montral bess EL L. Paubel: bLenél omen ev Beoot Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. J AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ast The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following, Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, 1 am superior to foreign agents, Ego Sum (erram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe ‘Signature (in red) Mailing address Haasan £0 Near Ye Box Hz | 1, Oregon Eipexempe [Cis Haasan EL Cn ° Ps Bop (2316 neor[ PorRtaud oregon ¢12 Mhebar fey (Bue EPat- Senden El thk Bog Pre Dire Spade | 9h “2aIA Nw [33 Shee | Berceauey wr W868 cf GIZTNE 10%) pg mae LPortlond ORegon Grare Awane. by Gale buy / Dano BE? ; Cio 23400 SE Stark, Dasicl Lois | we 5 — Aged bestern co 3127 WE 10TH pve on™ 2130 Are. Cfo Bef Hle, WA Gazi God So. 162A) DY? Tele Coser db Fest] ‘4 ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents, Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Jam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas, Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, 50 be it, so be it ‘Appellation & Nation or Tribe T Signature (in red) ang ties i . 40 Nerta Zemb Brenolla Whyle Bey | Praralla White Bey |\Qo tows Dichaud Decor 7 7 FF, Ne Fe rtland, Latathe Guieme | bu Lig hte ‘suri Bu | | Ai Len Bey 4 BY ANW 133 St Pancouvers Ly A 29685] i pil VE afb Ul Sw state I 2 + ashing Fd. Bo l2aite (le PO BOx Wet [sia C , hei leat (Roe Hand Dieses Rapp A Y FO. Bae (425 tmir Hasson El ui _|Wear Fairview veges le £0. box 12316 Dhdar’ Beg __| Meow far/land Oregon 02/3] [FAeric Drying Me | (astshine gro ip bed Si Dve § Alen bey cette, wopshing to Fe L Cl Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date AY Y My This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate Sa ‘so rerican, F AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH abet The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National, Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, I am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regaum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, 1 am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, | possess the Americas, [am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, so be it, s0 be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Mi Stephon Mason Bey In Care of: P.O. Box 17282, Weshitaw Near Hattiesburg, MS —_— [39404] Shaharazad Bah Dey Ge'Rb. BoxO2B 055)822055 Washitaw Near: Vicksburg /M isei Pe (34 192 ehh AnKhanik Oey Goi 22] Laken Drive Washitaw Buk bakantle Dey. Near Vicksburg Mississippi Wires OF Madnuaii bey Taleo Hee = % L0dl Carer Drive Amie ell . Meonish Neher brio belt b NewrVicksbor, Mississipgs (Bus?) Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate, AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign Dae ks My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, Tam superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, [am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, T possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sie flat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Aopeltion& Nation or ibe | Sjgrature ved) | ang adress Ufcla tena C28 £1 Boy Unter ee pBluebery Ove ; LikicRack,prkabsas [rete] lst Dod hea en ppc ame bepo Ly Hon Sarge or kuiame kato EL = United 42 Biucber HA wwe Tle Rack, Prkansis 7eeee] ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date aa The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am ‘superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe ______ Mailing address P.O. Box 4995 Eastman, GA 31023 Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. 4 The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Fgo sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive, Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National, Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, lam superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, Iam land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, [ am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. ‘Appellation & Nation or Tbe Signature (red) Malling address Fe wal ANN Rewneds aL => Z| VoL? Brondwareis ce Sana BAM Kod os Selwd Niall Bal ene a : Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. hat ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign. My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, 1 am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, | possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, si fiat semper, sic fit semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. E “Mailing address (405 Merdcth Shut tt | tuned Nebaskatisoe | Signature (in red) Ura ee El Mat $Y rucor EL | Appellation & Nation or Tribe sh Al Moroccan National ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, Tam land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Amerieas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it poslotons stent ‘Tribe a Signature (in red). Mailing address fravts Wes LAblul Are: 2 : (9320 Layle Wich Nevers elenne ae MEM Mig Die ed ia Washity ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo eorpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be i ‘Appellation & Nation or Tribe | Signature (in red) _ ‘Malling address Kenob Al ua El Care of 1795 North Fry Road, Number 178 || Societas Republicae Pa Al Mausikanos | Be k, ft- fy GE New Katy Teas 7469)) ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, Iam American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, Lam ‘Superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas, Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, Iam the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic flat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. | Appellation & Nation orTibe | ‘Signa sa) [Maing adress] fe Faco Bulrusl, Elroy David (Ep) | ZE__ [Bun Sraleres. RSs: oan Ren Const Consular Senatare Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, 1 am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empire of Morocco goverment, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, lam Superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers, Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Mai address GoP.BOK eS aes Abaght _ Sauct Paboulbuay 4h. 337 Ek. Lemercellin 1g Mail. cob ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, 1am spirit alive, Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, Lam ‘superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem., Iam land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, 1 possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Malling address Gerald Leder Harris CY Gerald Laden Harris Bey So 7308 Pecan srrey Zara Hook, Bundt turkey Hewes Bey wean (Bryan , Texas Republic "980 3) Moorish bat! onl W000 $ Aer con ry IVb 1S AB a yar Wie Abd Chahta ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH at The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, { ain superior to forcign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant, Fgo sanus animo eorpore et praedium, 1am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, 1 am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I'am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sc fiat semper, sc fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Malling address yerem Yah michael Bey tle BB Peeay\ Street iv y Vey CONN , THAS RePubyic Fam a Moor yeomph Mite By ver 7605) Moerish, Nation nensh, Ait eelbag, MY Tike is Ani-yan-wive and Chalrta Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Moroceo imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am {uperior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, |'am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, lam the Americas. Sie flat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, o be it, so be it Aga Hatin re Signature (in red) sing ae on Marukusu E! hoh Yo 1309 Pecan steer tam a man Maruban Ef IAN FTRXAS Re Public 7 7843 ~9 94) Moovish AMerican Moorish Mation My Tribe is Ani~Yonr~wiyar and ca Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. Ue The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to forcign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, [am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, | am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas, Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Mailing address i Hechi Z & Best. oF bce Bex 9613 isons Heals Pay Teckel, Placer] Past bie Box 903 PenielleBraail nes bey Danile Bail Ome Bty- Jaci null Forde S220] Signature (in red) Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, I am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, | possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sie fat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, 50 be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Mailing address Anee <= one, of Dia Tercel Cou uo 4 Cilimbia Veeace | ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature of Orcheh. My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to forcign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Jam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic flat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe L {in red) Mailing address ] mA AD EL io my ae (Set ones —_| ans, adn Noes “Wit. 8 Sorc _pbethacst Minin cnejo] T ray | : : + - - — [ | | | | | | | | q | iT - | 7 | i | - _ r ~ — — | | : 22s | | | | | Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘organized by the Moorish American Consulate. This self-determination self-governing affirmatio AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: fuperior to foreign agents, Ego Sum terram habitationem, Iam land habitant. Ego sanus anitao corpore et praedium, {lam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et Patres, My alligence is with the indie cnothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in ‘Americas, T am inigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, T possess the ‘Americas, I am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. eee eon | peeatr Geel Coooa| Appellation & Nation or Tribe Lawr- Sean- fam ee A Byuc _Dewrmber 9.208 Moorish Afferican Consulate Consular Signgfure Rate Lowy -Sean Porm Jando. Boy ol Tat Ooliaad 550 B00, 370993 Pea RG, F128 “stffmation is organized bythe Moorish American Consulate, AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, | am Empite of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, 1am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, Lam {uperios to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui-matres et patres, My alligence 1 with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de A¥iericas, I possess the Americas, Iam the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sie fiat semper, sc fiat semper, So be it, 0 be 1,80 be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe signature (in red) 7 Mailing address Byron Wikoa beylone hain gl "t Li 4 lel bee toma — oe ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate, Sa AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ta ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, 1 am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, 1 am the Americas. Sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic flat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) I Mailing address _ 13486 ers Ridge Wo \ GIENDA M.Quaatie EL | Glonds M.Quashie EL | Buowaville mist 9:3 ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. ‘AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, |_am spirit alive, Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am Superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, [ am land habitant. Ego sanus animo eorpore et praedium, 1 am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, so be it Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Malling address Joniah Joni EL Zz aun: rae \ Bbuial BL L_|_soas Oren bop: og 9754) Lorenzo D.EL Careot Pat tice Boros aes ten Ore Rope, Oregon 9754) Lorenzo D.EL Kinaya A. £1 Care of Past Otter Boxes Morocco . Ahir El rere wn 788 ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Lact ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, lam superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas. I possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. 1 ly Malling address | — él shi@aliie Drive isis Signature, Appellation & Nation or Trib J Be Mr emeet pase ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This setf-determination self-governing affirmation Is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. E AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Leet The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government, Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, lam Superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ‘ent mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic flat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. | Appellation & Nation or Tribe | __ Signature (inred) | _—_—Mailing address | Ajama Aye bawmidele Bey | 7 "| 23CH Paseo de Wee cal Shay hamaxom Republic 1,6 | ( q. bay ___|ste 104-1321 San Drege & [Phoenix Mecha £1 + ane open paste akg | Amecicn s #104- 123)) Base hy Mice Milla E | \Sia dees, ehtdarane Moorish American Consulaté Consular Signature Date a The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National, Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, am land habitant, Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, | am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be i. ppellation & Nation or Tr ie ignature(inred) | Mai lashed Ho etiei of Mbical; Maton BE] apy Post offi | (Moorish “Sduenae” bated bina) flaan Ep ma aid CLF inex} | fost of hce Box 20e€ fewerkend Myf1190T} | Eshun Astor Start E) | Lau Ate Ll - ao Ak Moorish American Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. Moorish American Consulate Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Es Uting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of Ame a and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey Gescendans ofthe ancient Moabites who are the de jure Americans AI Moroccan | “Five Point of Light ~ Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Sampetent (in Our own prope person) to attest to this Affidavit upon which we place our auras We: snd doslae the following tobe tre and co haem Ho in gto be te and comec. Lig Wat hit bose 60. Date: ‘Cana Geert Nain Grd Shit Tl Ta Bey Tam Tam: 1am: Virsa a TAm: a _———___. arm see Pe > i : = fc im ta pie Va cman a Das aa tum a Ti li Aa Vier aden Tage Nasgor Mooraic Wey _-<¥ oe pm eey un en Date Titian ag a SEAL AND STAMP Moorish National Republic Seal Moorish American Consulate Stamp i (4) 3 & UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY S Le Sr MocrishamericonConsulaterg = MoorshmericanConsulatsNE@amellcom Core of 444 Kast Township Line Road, Box 712, Nea, (Havertown, Pennsylvania Republi] ZP EXEMPT : Ns ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is may att iaiion of the following. alte, T a "a Imperium, Tam Empire of Moroso government, Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, | am Superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, {am a healthy mind body and estate, Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with ine ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, T am Americas. Sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it. prreision & Nation or Tribe Signature (in red) Mailing address ] . | Osieleud Ns 03302 | | Fadtime Yasmecn ef Basu bey J6OS) Yo 06, Box.121 | Vineland, Wf 0 8362 ee. _ oo po, patel Basir Bey Leder Laauuk ai faye °° P. ie f ox fae Kedoe Rashad €1 Rosie Bey LedaeL. BestBuy | Po Box 127 | | ao be Po Box 1a7 Temun Sheet Basir Bey Smane b Baar Vineland NI083eQ _ | Ch Po Bex (27 Ah ec Kareem EL Bg] Ove M4 EL, Vinelanel, Xx | Lihat’ bao be Moors Consuiate Corgular Signature Date ‘This self-dletermination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. ‘AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am Superior to foreign agents, Ego Sum terram habitationem, Tam land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, | am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, 1 possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sic fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, so be it, so be it, [APpelavon&Naton rive | Signureoeed) ‘anges hae] h Berg St elersbivo it [Aenae Mower Bey CM. Boy (rama gh apie” Farenesian Bef Peg PY beng Foy “Balakan ShaShunerfy~ 226 ode Pee. 6 soem fel Slhinec ly ih gb var | 2S. | fbiyeh Hebb lr Boy et Weak yz» rie tihes S| , Bern MMlah £0 (BHIS W Arch Steest apa Peidalscot] | Caaeke Hettirin My Aiuset A rtineh jenna | Moorish American Consulate Constifer Signature This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. * ‘AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, I am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, Iam land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, 1 possess the Americas, I am the Americas. Sie flat semper, sic fiat semper, sic fint semper, So be it, 50 be it, so be it. _ Appellation & Nation or Tribe | o | Affe Bey. Prostasia El Dk fey. fast Da Siink jin Jey TrnenraSuasie gia Be AG. ka Feref- Al [Shodeok EL | foe laf pchit: Moorish ‘hefican Consulgte aa | eM. Dey B | boafer ese Hha Ja hir4o! | __ ja Signature (in red) p> Dake fausd ; ALG. ka Tenet Al Shediak Foam Clo Rasbrilg EL 12-30-22/% Date (408 Wasateh Court Me tt, Io for 20 pouis734 57 PA —Ferphe Ter 6084 CaMe Road | 34 Grlo Court | (Mews Pact Lickay, FL SHteS4 Dus Ray Chola WA and FX 3302 Oclunte 7p 3L808 3) 92 diya Lalas Dei 3530 Alabaya Plms ORAS 2 lando, Fe 52828 Po Box 292674 rae Abad 34687 Net ealli€ Ro. ss olen day as 1¥0/ 27", ss 0+ laude, Flori, 52318 [iassec] ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign My signature below is my affirmation ofthe following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, 1 am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, | am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, 1 amn Superior to foreign agents, Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant, Ego sanus animo eorpore et praedium, am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence {s with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom, Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, | possess the Americas, I'am the Americas. Sie fiat semper, sie fiat semper, sie fiat semper, So be it, 50 be it, so be it | Appellation & Nation or Tribe ~~ Signature fn —eigeting j SAM indigenous | Re pel dnd ng ‘aise nan array | Cop Sum indiyneusi Antec UN | PomrLwD,oR Ty | {2S OM bel ri Nove JP frien | O.Mshe eer Bb BEG | 9 thes FD i Cah RE5pa17. cor “|yam0 4ofayn Palns Dove = | 405 Gout sect | ele 2875 MP Rreare 308 es Porlanc bese Fh Cr |e TG _ BeBe |X ae ke Per ieee ape ee 2ecayr bk acd Ye wae fe eal Lect fey! Zul Sey ! LR RIT speRO 2620 wrshteg Asp ots litre“ Nkeber 10,208 Mohr Consulate Consular Segnature Date This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, | am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, I am Empire of Morocco government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore est aliena a agentibus, [ am superior to foreign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, | am land habitant. Ego sanus animo corpore et praedium, I am a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego Possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas, Sie fiat semper, sic fint semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, $0 be it, so be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe Ale lac Bey Odrish American a Towanna Woanids Be BTA Unifed Shde . “tase i é Wnnane bloke tomatic Bare Modiede Aerncaw bbs 18140 Uncted Stace )t dlasser Merits Bey Darter Jacob py ete Elaltan Reply 3578) Moorish AmiuCicans 4 3579) eo 19740 United srmre Haay 301 Besil frit fooury BY Slo 48740 Led are any) Ca : a 2 We ad iit sho Pel iad tala Dany WRAP Ta LM30ktSh ERICA C/o 57 40 ied “srares HiGleny Wimiaurce Flocion Repible £33599) Moat dot Bonrch Lint El . Ce 8161 V. 12% sp thd fasts 7 iced Lich IML tty Taps (ai deb C3300¢ Reng\d PAVey = Lekiha angi fy Moper Amer ies Timothy & fey - Co 2603 Eas? BH Morcish American bidet Tonps , Fl (53005) oa Mohaib eho m WA Moor amarcan on B ofo HPT NIDA. a ii ee ried EL Beale Ds? Teetonkhamun Coséll Ei. 4 \Wlshitews Maer Masten tile beh Ltmicharan Wg QLD E. len he, Gas, a La Vaan! by (Xaheber 7, 2018 ‘Moorish: ye Consulate Consular Signature Date 193g ee 4) ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. * AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am spirit alive. Ego sum Empire de Morocco imperium, government. Ego sum American national, I am American National. Ego sum Superiore superior to forcign agents. Ego Sum terram habitationem, I am land habitant, Ego sanus The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign Tam Empire of Morocco est aliena a agentibus, I am animo corpore et praedium, Tam a healthy mind body and estate. Meum est cum fidelitatis antiqui matres et patres, My alligence is with the ancient mothers and fathers. Moors stabit regnum, Moors stand Kingdom. Ego sum indigenous in Americas, I am indigenous in Americas. Ego possidebo de Americas, ego sum de Americas, I possess the Americas, I am the Americas, Sic flat semper, sie fiat semper, sic fiat semper, So be it, s0 be it, o be it. Appellation & Nation or Tribe _ Mailing address Wel. Amira Bey Moar American W | einve, REEL Herwarel Bey Vl __ Signature (in red) 23 € 95d Toonpe A Bap chs 18170 Un ged Seer gue SO! Soon+ [ignores Lo om (33: Dater Shem &e 78] 130-66 229% Ste7 | Laacelpon Meu, ly) 2508 cept (IO AGe 9612] Nwake 4 4 ItArchpet emp Be daly lief Bia deppermil ct Toma €¢ 35659 Lda Pid | bt Lg | fale 13076 $Hly SF Das tell fe. Whore 22% Batley Yritg Wl Lt Seo 1 D 1A Oo By 6fa025 ld Nines Moon Key a Neston Mian 2 6 f c| ors ma (co. IPA Bey boo Move FL_331LED Posanhe te Ivicne stilling Qraas SH Al hey LG fy [alas Coon G | oF ZA Qyervieot! 38s¥g [Ala 24 A Cowen Zt Porg devton] Fi. Lipari Be, ‘Moorish American Consulate Consular: Date MW, Veebery 542 0, Cal8 This self-determination self-governing affirmation is organized by the Moorish American Consulate. a AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ‘My signature below is my affirmation of the following: Ego sum spiritum alive, I am ‘The Empire Of Morocco stands and is sovereign | Appellation & Nation or Tribe Signature (inred) Malling address | | | 94 | | yamafiee | Vanga win CC 22 wapun do ta A 7 GA FO dye | < | yar crrice |Varayen )acen fey (22.Nap wm W128 a totem Ga 3) on. — Yamoaru essa murty Beg G92 Gray Hwy CatorJo— | 4a geome GEMOMIX | WI 1a datiy Bey Y¢d Gray ftuly Cartortrn Gm. Zi0mye YO) oak Le Pridondrn Jaen aW24 Betin pan Ark &C Moorish American Consulate Consular Signature Jo- tb - 2018 Date ‘This self-determination self-governing affirmation is dng uy the Mporish American Consulate.

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