Goldstein Solution Chapter 4
Goldstein Solution Chapter 4
Goldstein Solution Chapter 4
1 Problem 10.9
We want to calculate the deflection on a projectile undergoing (almost) parabolic
motion due to the inertial forces of the rotating frame of the Earth. In order to
solve this problem we are going to consider a series of approximations.
• We consider the motion to take place in a much shorter scale than that
of the curvature of the Earth. That means that we are zooming in on a
region where the Earth looks flat.
• The way to understand how small inertial forces are is to compare them
to the force that dominates the motion: gravity. For centrifugal forces the
relevant parameter is ω REarth
g ∼ 3.5 × 10−3 1, where ω is the angular
frequency of Earth’s rotation. For Coriolis forces the important parameter
is ωV
g ∼ 10
0 −2
1, where V0 , the characteristic speed involved, was taken
to be 5000km/h (which is more than enough for all kinds of missiles and
jets). The conclusion is that our results will be expressed with great
accuracy to first order in those parameters.
• Finally, since our paths are short, we will use the uncorrected parabolic
trajectory when we calculate the forces. Then given these forces we will
compute the deviation from the original path.
~ = (−ω cos λ, 0, ω sin λ), (1)
v~r = (0, v0 cos α, v0 sin α − gt). (2)
The Coriolis force is given by
F~cor = −2m~
ω × v~r , (3)
and from above we have
î ĵ k̂
~ × v~r
ω = −ω cos λ 0 ω sin λ
0 v0 cos α v0 sin α − gt
= (−v0 ω cos α sin λ, ω cos λ(v0 sin α − gt), −v0 ω cos α cos λ).
~a = (2v0 ω cos α sin λ, −2ω cos λ(v0 sin α − gt), −g + 2v0 ω cos α cos λ), (4)
where the corrections to the y and z components are not important to first order;
they basically just deform the parabola, changing the time of impact slightly.
The deviation from the original direction of motion towards the South is given
x = v0 t2 ω cos α sin λ, (5)
and the time of flight is
2v0 sin α 2v0 sin α
t= ≈ . (6)
g − 2v0 ω cos α cos λ g
Thus the deflection due to the Coriolis force to leading order is
dcor = sin2 α cos α sin λ. (7)
The same procedure can be applied to calculate the deflection due to the cen-
trifugal force (in the same direction), which is not negligible unless v0 is very
2ω 2 REarth v02
dcen = sin2 α cos λ sin λ. (8)
2 Problem 10.19
Once again, the Coriolis force is given by the expression:
F~ = −2m~
ω × ~v , (9)
where m is the mass of the particle, ω~ the angular velocity of the non-inertial
frame and ~v the velocity in that frame. In our case the data is:
m = 1300kg (10)
2π −1
~ = h ẑ (11)
~v = −100 θ̂ (North) (12)
λ = 65◦ N, (13)
where λ is the latitude. The direction of the force is given by the right hand
rule; it points East. Its magnitude is
The coordinate system is defined with respect to the centre of the turntable,
with the z-axis pointing out of the page. Thus
~ = (0, 0, ω), (16)
~r = (x, y, 0), (17)
v~r = (ẋ, ẏ, 0), (18)
and hence
î ĵ k̂
~ × (~
ω ω × ~r) = 0 0 w
−yω xω 0
= (−xω 2 , −yω 2 , 0).
î ĵ k̂
~ × v~r
ω = 0 0 ω
ẋ ẏ 0
= (−ẏω, ẋω, 0). (20)
a~r = −~
ω × (~ ω × v~r = (xω 2 + 2ẏω, yω 2 − 2ẋω, 0).
ω × ~r) − 2~ (21)
ẍ = xω 2 + 2ẏω,
ÿ = yω 2 − 2ẋω.
Now consider the complex coordinate q ≡ x + iy, such that these two real
equations can be written as
q̈ − ω 2 q + 2iω q̇ = 0. (23)
We make the ansatz
iγt −2ω ± 4ω 2 − 4ω 2
q = Ae ⇒ γ= = −ω,
and since both roots are the same the solution is
4 Compton Generator
We define our coordinate axes as in the first problem such that
~ = (−ω cos λ, 0, ω sin λ). (26)
where θ is the angle along the ring (defined with respect to the x-axis), and α
is the angle of rotation. Therefore, since α is changes with time
v~r = ~ṙ = (−R cos θα̇ sin α, 0, R cos θα̇ cos α). (28)
Thus we find
î ĵ k̂
~ × v~r
ω = −ω cos λ 0 ω sin λ
−R cos θα̇ sin α 0 R cos θα̇ cos α
= −ĵ(−Rω α̇ cos λ cos θ cos α + Rω α̇ sin λ cos θ sin α).
Now integrating over half a period of revolution we find the final average tan-
gential velocity. Though it is clear that it does not make a difference, we may
assume we rotate the ring at a constant angular velocity α = 2π τ t.
Z τ
vt = −Rω α̇ cos(λ + α)dt = 2Rω sin λ. (30)
Therefore, the velocity of the water in the tube is given by vt = 2Rω sin λ, where
λ is defined from the equator. It is interesting to note that a rotation from the
vertical to the vertical position (i.e. from - τ2 to τ2 ) produces a cos λ dependence,
while a full rotation by 2π does not produce any motion.