NTPC Report Final!

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S.No. Content Page No.

i Acknowledgement 2
ii Candidate's Declaration 3
iii Certificate by supervisor 3

1 About the company 4

1) NTPC Faridabad
2) Future Goal
3) NTPC's growth
2 Introduction 7
1) MPLS technology
2)Automation and Control System
3 Description of work carried out 9
1) Satellite Communication
2) working
3) Application
4 Data Collection & Design Analysis 10
1)Communication at NTPC
2)Equipments used
3)Power requirement for communication
4) Power in Space
5) Power distribution
5 Observation 14
6 Conclusion 15
7 References 16
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The completion of any project brings with it a sense of satisfaction, but it is never complete

without thanking our mentors who made it possible and who is constant support has crown

our efforts with success. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr DP Giri at NTPC Ltd.

for encouraging and inspiring need to carry out the project in the Central Satellite Earth

Station, NTPC Ltd.

I would also like to thank all the staff members of NTPC for providing me with the required

facilities and support to words the completion of the project. I am extremely happy to

acknowledge and express my sincere gratitude to my parents for their constant support and

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I, the undersigned, solemnly declare that the Project report entitled "SATELLITE



INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in


dissertation work done by me, under the guidance and supervision of Mr. DP Giri, Deputy

General Manager, NTPC Ltd. and it has not formed the basis for the award of any

Degree/Diploma/Associate-ship/ Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any


Kritika Bhatia

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NTPC Limited is the largest thermal power generating company of India. A public sector

company, it was incorporated in the year 1975 to accelerate power development in the

country as a wholly owned company of the Government of India.NTPC's core business is

generation and sale of electricity to state-owned power distribution companies and State

Electricity Boards in India.It is the largest power company in India with an electric power

generating capacity of 43,803 MW.

NTPC Limited is an Indian Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of

Power, Government of India, engaged in the business of generation of electricity and allied

activities. To strengthen its core business, the corporation has diversified into the fields of

consultancy, power trading, training of power professionals, rural electrification, ash

utilisation and coal mining as well.

The headquarters of the company is situated in New Delhi. NTPC's business is generation

and sale of electricity to State owned power distribution companies and state electricity

boards in India. The company also undertakes consultancy and turnkey project contracts that

involve engineering, project management, construction management and operation and

management of power plants.

Found it in November 1975, it started work on its first thermal power project in 1976 at

Shaktinagar (named National thermal Power Corporation Private Limited Singrauli) in Uttar

Pradesh. At present, Government of India holds 89.5% of the total equity shares of the

company and the balance 10.5% is held by FIIs, Domestic Banks, Public and others. Within a

span of 31 years, NTPC has emerged as a truly national power company, with power

generating facilities in all the major regions of the country.

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NTPC Limited

Founded 1975

Project Cost Rs 1163.60 Cr. (IV Qtr.96)

Location Faridabad, Haryana

INDUSTRY Electricity generation

PRODUCTS Electricity

WATER Rampur distributories of

SOURCE Gurugram canal

HBJ pipeline

432 MW (nominal)

The power plant is one of the GAS based power plant. The natural gas for the plant is taken

from the IOCL .Both turbine and boilers have been supplied by BHEL.The project comprised

the construction of a natural gas-fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) based power plant

and associated transmission and transformer facilities (T&T facilities) in the village of

Neemka, Faridabad district, Haryana State, in Indias Northern region, targeting the

elimination of supply deficits and contributions to living standard improvements and

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2) Company's Future Goal :

The company has developed a long-term plan to become 128000 MW company by the year

2032. NTPC Limited is on expansion spree to meet the power requirements of the country –

it has targeted to add 14,050 8MW in 12th plan of which it had already added 4170 MW in

the year 2012–13, 1835 MW in the year 2013–14 1290 MW in the year 2014–15 and 1150

MW from April 2015 to 30 November 2015.

3) Growth of NTPC installed Capacity and Generation :

Fig 1. Growth in Generation NTPC, NTPC Group & All India

(Source: www.ntpc.co.in/en/about-us/ntpc-overview )
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Multiprotocol label switching is the protocol for speeding up and shaping network traffic

flows. MPLS allows most packets to be forwarded at Layer 2 (the switching level) rather than

having to be passed up to Layer 3 (the routing level).Each packet gets labelled (which pre-

determined paths the packet with follow) on entry into the service providers network at the

ingress router.All the subsequent routing switches perform packet forwarding based only on

those labels – they never look as far as the IP header. Finally, the egress router removes the

label(s) and forwards the original IP packet towards it's final destination.

The parts, which are called Label Switched Paths (LPS) allow service providers to decide

ahead of time what will be the best way for certain types of traffic to flow within a private or

public network.

Service providers can use MPLS to improve quality of service by defining LPS that can meet

specific service level agreements on traffic latency, jitter, packet loss and downtime and to

avoid having routers waste time by having to stop and look up routing tables.


The word automation is widely used today in relation to various types of applications, such as

office automation, plant or process automation.

This subsection presents the application of a control system for the automation of a process /

plant, such as a power station. In this last application, the automation actively controls the

plant during the three main phases of operation: plant start-up, power generation in stable or

put During plant start-up and shut-down, sequence controllers as well as long range
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modulating controllers in or out of operation every piece of the plant, at the correct time and

in coordinated modes, taking into account safety as well as overstressing limits. During stable

generation of power, the modulating portion of the automation system keeps the actual

generated power value within the limits of the desired load demand.

During major load changes, the automation system automatically redefines new set points

and switches ON or OFF process pieces, to automatically bring the individual processes in an

optimally coordinated way to the new desired load demand. This load transfer is executed

according to pre- programmed adaptively controlled load gradients and in a safe way.

The main benefits of plant automation are to increase overall plant availability and efficiency.

The increase of these two factors is achieved through a series of features summarized as


Optimisation of house load consumption during plant start- up, shut-down and operation,

via Faster plant start-up through elimination of control errors creating delays, Faster sequence

of control actions compared to manual ones,Co-ordination of house load to the generated

power output.

Ensure and maintain plant operation, even in case of disturbances in the control system,

via: Coordinated ON / OFF and modulating control switchover capability from a sub process

to a redundant one.

Reduce plant / process shutdown time for repair and maintenance as well as repair costs,

via: Protection of individual process components against overstress (in a stable or unstable

plant operation) and Bringing processes in a safe stage of operation, where process

components are protected against overstress.

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A communication satellite is an artificial satellite that relays and amplifies

telecommunication signals via a transponder. It creates a communication channel between a

source transmitter and receiver are at different locations on earth. Communication satellites

are used for television, telephone, radio, Internet and military applications.


Wireless communication use electromagnetic waves to carry signals. These days required

line–of–site, and that does obstructed by the curvature of the earth. The purpose of

communication satellite is the relay the signal . Communication satellites use a via the range

of radio and microwave frequencies. To avoid signal interference, international organisations

have regulations for which frequency ranges or bands certain organisations are allowed to use

this allocation of bands minimises the risk of signal interference.

Fig 2. Satellite Communication

(Source: www.redefiningknowledge.com)

Communication satellites are widely used for television, telephone, radio, Internet and

military applications. There are over 2000 communication satellites in Earth's orbit, used by

both private and government organisations.

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Today NTPC has established a fully Integrated Voice Video Data and Fax Network across

NTPC locations and has adapted technological breakthrough in Digital Technology since

inception of high speed Communication Network.In NTPC, an Indian Communication

Satellite GSAT 10 geostationary satellite is being used with a 12 KU Band, 12 C Band and 6

lower extended c band transponders and included a navigation payload augment GAGAN.

Satellite name: GSAT 10 Status: active

Position: 83 degree East Norad: 38779

Cospar No. 2012-051B Operator: Indian National Satellite

Launch Date: 28 September 2012 Launch Site: Guiana Space Center

Launch vehicle: Ariane 5 ECA Launch mass (kg): 3400

Dry mass (kg): 1498 Manufacturer: Indian Space Research

Organisation (ISR0)

Model (bus): I-3K (I-3000) Bus Orbit: GEO

Expected Lifetime: 15 years

Fig 3. GSAT-10 in good health (Source: The Economic Times)

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1) Router - A Router is a device that forwards data packets along networks.

2) Modem - Modulator demodulator is a network hardware device that can delete one or

more carrier wave signals to encode digital information for transmission and demodulate

signals to decode the transmitting information. The modulation techniques used at NTPC

are mainly QPSK and 16 QAM. The modem at NTPC is of HUGHES and RADYNE

Company. The main features of the modem at NTPC are: Frequency – 50–90 MHz, at

NTPC 70+ -18 MHz; Data rate – 2.4 Kbps– 20 Mbps, at NTPC 6 Mbps; Modulation at


3) Up/Down converter - The up converter used at NTPC is a block up converter which

converts the band of frequencies from a lower frequency to higher frequency. The

frequency converter at NTPC is of Bharat Electronics. It is used to convert or translate

intermediate frequency to the radio frequency which is 6 GHz at NTPC.

4) High Power Amplifier (HPA) - The high-power Amplifier is an earth station facility

that provides RF carrier power to the input terminals of the antenna.

5) Low Noise Amplifier - The low noise amply fire is a special type of electronic

amplifier or amplifier used in communication systems to amplify very weak signals

captured by an antenna.

6) Antenna- Subsystem - The antenna- subsystem consisting of a large antenna (6 to 9 m

or 11 m in diameter) on amount with a tracking system which allows the antenna to

follow the satellite as it moves very slightly in the sky.

7) Spectrum Analyser- At NTPC the spectrum analyser used was MS2665C of

ANRITSU company. It is the compact, lightweight and low price spectrum analyser. It
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has superior basic performance such as height C/N ratio, low distortion and high-

frequency/level accuracy is and is easy to operate.

8) Software configuration in NTPC - IF frequency: 70+ -18 MHz; Threshold level at

the Rx side: -70 dB; power range at the Tx side: -25 dB to 0 dB; Signal to noise ratio at

the RX side: 9 dB; Type of modulation: BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM; Data rate: 512 Kbps.

Fig 4. Router Fig 5. Modem Fig 6.Spectrum Analyser Fig 7.Up/down converter

Fig 8. Low Noise Amplifier Fig 9. Antenna Subsystem

(source:self clicked)


UPS or Uninterruptible Power Supply is any like electronic device which keeps emergency

power to various loads when the input Power typically face.

Uninterruptible Power Supply devices are classified into three types such as the standby UPS,

the line interactive UPS and online UPS.

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At NTPC online UPS are used where various UPS is sink together using a battery bank of

200 cells of 2.1 V each generating a total capacity of 600AH.


Over the past 40 years, Airbus defence and Space's experts have developed and beat more

than 450 flight units generally consisting of two solar wings with an output of A few hundred

Watts up to 26 kW. To date, not a single one of these units have failed while in operation.

A satellite needs electrical power to operate. One of the main purposes of the platform is to

collect, store and distribute this power.

5) POWER DISTRIBUTION: The satellite platform is also accute with a set of power

conversion and regulation units to control the storage of electrical energy and its distribution

to the payload and service equipment.

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 NTPC has a LAN for exchange of data and information so all computers are

connected by a switch. But in order to communicate with each other sides of wide

area network or outer is required. VOIP is basically voice over Internet protocol

Technology used for voice communication. It is the technology in which the

telephone is connected to VoIP which converts voice signal into a digital signal. The

output of VOIP is given to this which to which all the PCs are connected. This forms

the complete LAN at NTPC. This which is connected to the router for WAN.

 NTPC is the hub Station working in star topology and there are 28 sites located in

various regions of the country. So every site has a modem. The model has

intermediate frequency output that is 70+ -18MHz. The output of modem is given to

the up converter which translates or converts this IF frequency to RF – 6GHz.

 Finally the up converter output is given to high powered amplifier for amplifying the

output of which is transmitted to the antenna which transmits the data out of the

satellite and eventually to underground stations.

 The receive subsystem consisting of low noise amplifier which removes the noise

present in the single. The frequency of the signal received this 4GHz.

 The LNA output is given to the downed converter which converts this area frequency

to either frequency i.e. 70MHz.

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The internship offered me a great platform to learn about NTPC's communication network,

the satellite link, satellite bandwidth that they are using, and about its main components and

their technical specifications.

I studied the basics of networking and the LAN/WAN Networking techniques. Since the

Central Satellite Earth Station that has been installed at NTPC is the hub station for various

other sites therefore it needs a continuous supervision so that the request and the traffic from

various other sites is efficiently handled it and managed. I have learned how satellite

communication practically works and the functioning of VSAT station. Latest technology

keep coming in the market and NTPC also tries to update its self so that it is able to manage

the increasing traffic and utilise the band with allocated to it efficiently.
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[1] https://www.ntpc.co.in/en/about-us/vision-and-mission

[2] https://www.ntpc.co.in/en/about-us/vision-and-mission

[3] https://www.ntpc.co.in/en/about-us/future-capacity-additions

[4] https://www.ntpc.co.in/en/power-generation/installed-capacity

[5] https://www.ntpc.co.in/en/power-generation/performance-statistics

[6] https://www.redifiningknowledge.com

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