Fruit and Vegetable
Fruit and Vegetable
Fruit and Vegetable
My name is Stesha. Im in third grade. I like eating carrot. Carrot is a vegetable.
The color is orange. My mother usually buy carrot in market. I like eating carrot because
carrot contain vitamin A.
Rearrange the letter below to good words (susun ulang huruf-huruf di bawah ini menjadi kata-
kata yang baik )
1. D-c-a-o-o-v-a :
2. P-p-p-n-e-i-e-l :
3. W-i-k-I :
4. M-n-e-l-o :
5. M-b-e-r-c-u-c :
6. T-t-o-a-o-p :
7. N-b-e-a :
Arrange the words into good sentence (susunlah kata-kata menjadi kalimat yang baik)
1. Like-apple-i :
2. Aini-eating-banana-likes :
3. Favourite-grape-is-fruit-my :
4. Delicious-is-carrot-the :
5. Mother-my-drink-orange :
A. Cross (x) a,b,c or d for the correct answer
1. The Indonesian of nut is…
a. Kacang c. umbi
b. Rambutan d. lemon
2. Which one of fruit…
a. Chili c. carrot
b. Mango d. cucumber
3. The meaning of watermelon in Indonesia is
a. Nangka c. kacang
b. Semangka d. buncis
4. This is …..
a. Pear
b. Watermelon
c. Banana
d. Lemon
5. Anggur in English is…
a. Lychee
b. Grape
c. Mango
d. coconut