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Mobile Wallets Talk of Every Town after Demonetization:

Factors Effecting Mobile Wallet Users: An Empirical

Study of Bhopal

Prof. V.P. Singh1, Afroz Jahan2, Altaf Ahmad Mathu3

MBA Group Advisor Sagar group of institution Bhopal (India)
2, 3,
Ph. D. Research Scholar, Management Studies, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (India)

Mobile wallets are recent innovation in the banking industry and have become talk of the town after
demonetization which effected customers not only in India but the entire world, in such testing times the Mobile
wallets have provided a much needed remedy to the problems facing the customers. Mobile wallets are like
traditional wallets with the differences that it helps customers to make paper free and convenient means of
transactions. The aim of the present study is to identify the factors which effect the customers to use the mobile
wallets. The study is descriptive in nature and data was collected through the survey method from the
convenience sample of 300 customers which use the Mobile Wallets the questionnaire have been designed on
five point likert scale and exploratory factor analysis has been used to identify the factors effecting the
customers to use Mobile Wallets. The identified factors have been discussed in the result section of the present

Key Words: Mobile Wallet, Customers, Factors effecting customers

Smartphone has become inseparable part of today‟s daily life. With the advancement in technology, mobile
users can nowadays custom their smartphones to make money transaction or payment by using applications
installed in the phone.
When smartphones can function as leather wallets, it is called “Digital Wallet” or widely known as “Mobile
Wallet” (Rathore, 2016)
Mobile wallets have appeared as the most significant contributor in pushing paper free. The heave of
smartphones and internet connectivity and free 4G internet services by Jio has helped the customers much
needed remedy at the times of demonetization in India.

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In recent times Mobile technologies evolved as a payment system. The process through which transaction takes
place through smartphones is called Mobile payment system. MPS can be defined as a payment system in which
mobile devices are used to initiate, activate, and/or confirm any payment (Karnouskos and Fokus, 2004).
Different Mobile Wallets Available in Markets
Mobile wallets are of two types
One provided by private companies and usually owned by online retailers like:

1) Paytm
Paytm started out with mobile recharges, DTH plans, and bill payments, and then launched an ecommerce
marketplace in February 2014. Its wallet partners include Uber, Book-my-show, and Makemy- trip, along with
others in categories such as shopping, travel, entertainment and food. It has a license from RBI to set up a
payments bank, enabling it to offer current and savings account deposits, issuing debit cards and offering
Internet banking services.
2) FreeCharge
Free Charge lets one recharge any prepaid mobile phone, postpaid mobile, electricity bill payments, DTH and
data card in India. It recently added metro card recharging as a feature of its platform. The wallet can be topped
up with debit cards, credit cards and net banking, and can be managed via an app or from the Web browser.
3) MobiKwik
MobiKwik is also used to recharge mobiles and pay bills and but it‟s also accepted across merchants such as
Book-My-Show, Make-My-Trip, Domino‟s Pizza, eBay, among others. MobiKwik also tied up with Big Bazaar
and Sagar Ratna franchises enabling mobile payments. It has a section with cash backs offers listed on its
website with include both online and offline players. Top ups can be done using net banking, debit cards, and
credit cards, the app can be used to send and request money between friends and family members as well, using
a mobile number or email ID. There is no additional charge for such remittances.

4) Vodafone M-pesa
Vodafone M-pesa is one of the India‟s largest cash out network, with over 85,000 M-pesa agents feasted across
the country. The service lets you transfer money to anyone, to recharge prepaid numbers, DTH connections,
postpaid Vodafone numbers, utility bills and online shopping. Money can be transferred to bank via its inbuilt
IMPS service, or to a mobile number. DTH and prepaid recharges can be done through m-pesa for free.
And other Mobile wallets are provided by banks such as
1) PayZappy by HDFC
2) Buddy by SBI and
3) Packets by ICICI Bank
The future of Mobile Wallets is seen to be bright due to the increasing awareness of customers, effectiveness -
advancement of technology and features provided by Smartphones.
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Rathore (2016) studied the various factors affected a customer‟s decision to adopt digital wallet as a mode of
online payment. Study also endeavored examined the various risks and challenges faced by users of digital
wallet. Structured questionnaire was administrated to the sample of 150 smartphone users to get the required
information for the study; ANOVA was used to get the results. The results of the study revealed that the Digital
wallets are quickly becoming typical mode of online payment. Shoppers are adopting digital wallets at an
exceptionally rapid pace, because of its convenience and ease of use.
Sardar (2016) studied the preferences towards mobile wallets among the urban population of Jalgaon city and
the study also examined the impact of demographic variables on the usage of mobile wallets the sample size for
the study was 60 and the chi square and t test were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that
majority of the people prefer mobile wallets for transferring money and recharging and the instant payment was
an important factor to adopt mobile wallets
Taheam et al (2016) studied factors that motivate youth for the usage of digital wallets in the state of Punjab. A
survey method in the form of structured questionnaire was adopted to collect required information for the study.
The findings of the study showed that controllability, security, societal influence usefulness and need for
performance enhancement were the factors which motivate the usage of digital wallet among youth in the state
of Punjab.
Dastan and Gurler (2016) examined the factors effecting adoption of mobile payment systems by the
consumer. The study was descriptive and an online survey of sample of 225 individuals was surveyed through
convenience sampling method. The study developed model and relationship between the studied variables were
tested using structural equation modeling. The results of the study revealed that perceived trust, perceived
mobility and attitudes positively affect the adoption of Mobile Payment Systems perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use have no effect on adoption of MPS. The results further revealed that perceived reputation
was positively related to perceived trust and environmental risk was negatively related to perceived trust.
Fang et al (2014) examined the impact of mobile money services on marketing interactions in relation to
consumer well-being in subsistence marketplaces. The study was descriptive one and was based on the primary
data collected through interviews. The findings of the study revealed that impacts of mobile money services on
marketing interactions in relation to consumer well-being was classified at two distinct levels. The first level
impact was the actual physical money transfer transactions as part of the marketing exchange activities which
led to the second level impact on the social network relationships at interpersonal, social group and cultural
Erick and Kahonge (2014) studied the adoption of mobile payment on business in Kenya. The study used
Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) to identify factors motivated SME to adopt mobile payment
methods in their businesses. The study was descriptive cross sectional and cross-sectional survey and sample of
the study consisted of 317 SMEs from three strata; hotels and restaurants, tours and travel and supermarkets.

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The study used Structured Equation Model (SEM) analysis and the results of the study revealed a significant
relationship between all indicators and latent variables; Technology, Organization and Environment.
Song and Vong (2013) examined the Affective Cashless Mobile Banking. The study was carried out on ACM
an Android tablet users and evaluated with 147 participants, who performed 804 transactions and exchanged
2,412 SMS messages over a three hour testing period. The results of the study suggest that an ACMB core-
banking server on a low-cost mobile device can serve over 15,000 microfinance customers.
Amoroso and Watanabe (2012) proposed a model of eleven key consumer-related variables affected the
adoption of mobile payment systems based on the proposed model the study present the case of the successful
adoption of Mobile Suica in Japan, which were served as a model for the rapid diffusion of such payment
systems for other countries where adoption has been unexpectedly slow. The results of the study revealed that
those eleven variables include perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions, attitude
toward using, perceived value, perceived security and privacy, social influence, trust, behavioral intention to
use, perceived risk, and attractiveness of alternatives in the context of mobile payments had significantly
influenced consumers to adopt mobile wallets.
Diniz et al (2012) examined case study of financial inclusion in Autazes, a county in the Amazon region not
served by banks until 2002. The study was descriptive one and based on field survey. The results of study found
that financial inclusion through the correspondents‟ process positively backed to local socio-economic
development, the study further found that there were negative signs such as low-income population over-
indebtedness, reproduction of social exclusion practices and reinforcement of power irregularities. The study
concluded that while access to financial resources is a fundamental means to promote local development to low-
income population, such access should be supported by other inclusive mechanisms like financial education in
order to be effective.
Vong et al (2012) conducted a pilot study to contribute to contribute to advancing research on the impact of
mobile money services on microenterprises and micro-entrepreneurs. The study was carried out in rural
Cambodia and was descriptive one. The results of the study identified those entrepreneurial and economic
implications for poverty reduction using mobile technology is the important reason. Furthermore the results of
the study showed mobile money services are gaining market acceptance when used for daily business life in
rural Cambodia while complementing or enhancing access to financial services. More so, the financial access to
electronic money has changed and improved their livelihoods
Diniz at el (2011) investigated the literature to gain the knowledge related to the individuals and institutions
tangled in mobile money initiative and the gain the knowledge about the obstacles social and economic
implications of mobile money initiatives. The source of information for the study was peer and non-peer
reviewed articles from 2001 to 2011.
Yan et al (2009) examined factors that influence the intention to use a mobile payment solution for mp3
downloading among university‟ students. Technology Acceptance Model, Theory of Planned Behavior and
previous literatures was used to develop the hypothesis. The questionnaire was administrated to the final year

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business students at a public university in the southern part of Malaysia to get the information. Multiple
regressions were employed to analyze the data. The results of the study found that trust and peer influence had a
significant effect to use the online payment system among the students.

The study was conducted on Customers who are using Mobile Wallets of private companies and Banks.
Convenience sample of 300 customers located in Bhopal. The Self Structured questionnaire was administrated
on the sample, statements related to customers influencing them to use Mobile Wallets has been designed on
five point likert scale. The questionnaire was sent to the experts and vetted by them. The instrument was
validated for content validity and was first pilot tested .


Table 1.1Descriptive analysis
Table 1: Profile of Respondents
Age % of Respondents
Under 25 65%
26-35 Years 22%
36-50 years 5%
51-65 years 8%
Education % of Respondents
Below 10th 6%
Above 10th 55%
Graduate 25%
Post Graduate 4%
Above Post Graduate 5%
Type of Mobile Wallet
Private 23%
Bank 77%

Factor Analysis to identify Factors which effect the customers to use the mobile wallets

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Before applying the factor analysis one has to make sure that the data collected is fit for factor analysis. Kaiser-
Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy is employed to examine the appropriateness of data for factor
analysis. High values (between 0.5 and 1) indicate that the factor analysis is appropriate (Malhotra, 1999) the
value was found to be .602. Further, Bartlett‟s test of sphericity is a test statics used to examine the hypothesis
that the variables are uncorrelated in the population (Malhotr, 1999). The value was found to be 503 with 210
degree of freedom and significance .000 which indicated that the variables are highly correlated. Thus all of
these examinations revealed that data was fit for factor analysis.
Extraction Method
Principal Component Analysis was employed for extracting the factor. The number of factor to be extracted was
finalized on the basis of „Latent Root Criteria‟ i.e. having Eigen values greater than 1 have been selected.
Rotation Method
Orthogonal Rotation with Varimax was run. Rotation converged in 25 iterations. In orthogonal rotation, each
factor is independent of or orthogonal form, all other factors. The correlation between the factors is determined
to be zero.

The five factors were extracted which amounted 60.606 of the total variance.

Table 1.2: Factor Analysis, Showing Variance of each Factor

Factor Factor (%variance) Statement (Factor
Timelessness and
Factor 1 (14.00) information adequacy
provided by Mobile
Wallet Provider (.541)
Communication by
Mobile Wallet Provider
Convenient to use(.720)
Offers and discounts
Factor 2 (12.99) provided (.546)
Never charges extra
money (.580)

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Alerts me whenever I
made traction (.799)

Speed and
Factor 3 (12.81) Navigation(.624)
Not faced any issue
Security Measures(.733)
Factor 4 (11.06) Full Trust (.522)
Because of Smartphone
Factor 5 (9.72) (.796)
Can transfer any amount

This paper aimed to find the factors which effect the consumers to use the mobile wallets. The study concluded
that there were five factors which effect consumers to use the mobile wallets. It has been concluded that the
mobile wallets is the need of the hour and after demonetization people are more interest to use the mobile
wallets. The findings of the study will help the companies and the banks to understand the factors which are the
prime reasons for people to use mobile wallets.
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