The Laws of Exponents

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First Law of Exponents: Fourth Law of Exponents:

If a, m, and n are real numbers, If a ≠ 0 and a, m and n are real numbers
aman = am+n
Remember: Add exponents when the am-n, if m > n
bases are the same. an 1 ,
m n-m if m < n
a a
Examples: a0 = 1, if m = n
a. 37 ● 38 = 37+8 = 315 Examples:
b. x9 ● x4 ● x2 = x9+4+2 = x15 a. 50 = 1
c. (a+b)5 ● (a+b) = (a+b)5+1 = (a+b)6 b. x0 = 1
c. (5x)0 = 1
Second Law of Exponents: d. 5x0 = 5 ● x0 = 5 ● 1 = 5
If a, m, and n are real numbers,
(am)n = amn Fifth Law of Exponents:
Remember: To find a power of a power, If a, b and m are real numbers and b ≠ 0
multiply the exponents. a m am
b bm
Examples: Remember: To raise a fractional expression to a power,
a. (54)2 = 54●2 = 58 raise each term of the fractional by the same power.
b. (x7)9 = x7●9 = x63
c. [(2+b)2]3 = (2+b)6 Examples:
a. x 3 x3 b. 3 4 34 81
Third Law of Exponents: y y3 m m4 m4
3 5 4 3●4 5 ●4
If a, b, and m are real numbers, c. x y x y x12y20
(ab)m = ambm 2z 4
2z 4 16z4

Examples: Sixth Law of Exponents:

a. (xy)4 = x4y4 If a ≠ o, then a-m = 1
b. (3a)2 = 32a2 = 9a2 am
c. (u2v3)4 = (u2)4(v3)4 = u8v12 Examples:
a. (x-4)3 = x-12 = 1 b. t3 ● t-5 = t3+(-5) = t3-5 = t-2 = 1
x12 t2

Simplify each expression:

1. m4 ● m3 = __________________ 6. (a3b2)(ab3) = _______________
2. n ● n9 = ___________________ 7. (4a2b3)(2ab6) = _____________
3. x3 ● x4 ● x = _______________ 8. (3k4)(-2k4j) = _______________
4. y5 ● y10 ● y8 = ______________ 9. 2y2(-3xy)2 = _____________________
5. (x3y)(xy2) = ________________ 10. (r3)2(2qr)3 = ___________________
11. x8 13. y2 15. 1
x3 y4 s-4
12. x4y-3 14. a4b7c2
xy2 ab4c3

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