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January 5, 2017

TO Heads of Departments, Agencies, State Universities and Colleges

(SUCs) and Other Offices of the National Government Including
Commissions/Offices under the Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy
Group (CFAG), Government-Owned or —Controlled Corporations
(GOCCs); and All Others Concerned

SUBJECT Implementation of the Second Tranche Compensation Adjustment for

Civilian Personnel, and Military and Uniformed Personnel in the
National Government

1.0 Background

Executive Order (EO) No. 201, s. 2016, entitled — Modifying the Salary Schedule for
Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant of Additional Benefits for Both
Civilian and Military and Uniformed Personnel" was signed by the President in accordance
with the authority vested in him under Presidential Decree (PD) No. 9851, PD No. 15972,
Republic Act (RA) No. 67583, and Congress Joint Resolution (JR) No. 44, s. 2009.

The issuance of EO No. 201 is consistent with the governing principle of the Compensation
and Position Classification System, as espoused under Congress JR No. 4, that
compensation of government personnel shall be generally comparable with those in the
private sector doing comparable work in order to attract, retain, and motivate a core of
competent civil servants.

EO No. 201 provided for a four-year (2016-2019) implementation of the compensation


2.0 Purpose

This Circular is issued to prescribe the guidelines, rules, and regulations for the
implementation of the second tranche compensation adjustment stipulated under
EO No. 201, s. 2016.

A Decree Revising the Position Classification and Compensation Systems in the National Government, and Integrating the Same
dated August 22, 1976
2 Further Rationalizing the System of Compensation and Position Classification in the National Government dated June 11, 1978

3 An Act Prescribing a Revised Compensation and Position Classification System in the Government and for Other Purposes

4 Joint Resolution Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Modify the Compensation and Position Classification System of

Civilian Personnel and the Base Pay Schedule of Military and Uniformed Personnel in the Government, and for Other Purposes
3.0 Coverage

The following are covered by this Circular:

3.1 All positions for civilian personnel, whether regular, casual, or contractual in nature,
appointive or elective, full-time or part-time, now existing or hereafter created in
the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches, the Constitutional Commissions
and other Constitutional Offices, SUCs, and GOCCs covered by the Compensation
and Position Classification System (CPCS) under Republic Act (RA) No. 6758, as
amended by Congress Joint Resolution Nos. 1 and 4, series of 1994 and 2009,

3.2 Military personnel under the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Department of
National Defense (DND) and uniformed personnel under the Philippine National
Police (PNP), Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP), and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) of the Department
of the Interior and Local Government (DILG); Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) of the
Department of Transportation (DOTr); and National Mapping and Resource
Information Authority (NAMRIA) of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR).

4.0 Exclusions

The following are excluded from the coverage of this Circular:

4.1 Government agencies, including GOCCs, that are exempted from RA No. 6758,
as amended, expressly provided in their respective enabling law or charter, and
are actually implementing their respective CPCS approved by the President of the

4.2 GOCCs covered by the CPCS established by the Governance Commission for
GOCCs and approved by the President of the Philippines, under RA No. 10149;

4.3 Those hired without employee-employer relationships and funded from non-
Personnel Services appropriations/budgets, as follows:

4.3.1 Consultants and experts hired for a limited period to perform specific
activities or services with expected outputs;

4.3.2 Laborers hired through job contracts (pakyaw) and those paid on piecework

4.3.3 Student workers and apprentices; and

4.3.4 Individuals and groups of people whose services are engaged through job
orders, contracts of service, or others similarly situated.

5.0 Second Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel,
Effective January 1, 2017

The new salary rates shall be in accordance with the Second Tranche Monthly Salary
Schedule for Civilian Personnel under Section 3 of EO No. 201, attached as Annex "A."

5.1 Rules for Adjusting Salaries

5.1.1 The salaries of incumbent civilian personnel shall be adjusted to the rates
in the Salary Schedule in Annex "A" corresponding to the designated steps
of the salary grade allocations of their positions as of December 31, 2016,
provided that their positions and salary grades are in accordance with the
Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes, and Salary
Grades issued under Budget Circular No. 2006-3 dated May 17, 2006, and
the Index of Occupational Services attached to Corporate Compensation
Circular No. 10 dated February 15, 1999, and additions/modifications

5.1.2 If the actual monthly basic salary of an incumbent as of December 31, 2016
falls between steps of the salary grade allocation of the position due to the
grant of service award or as a result of demotion or transfer due to the
exigency of the service, the salary shall be adjusted to the rate for the
higher step in the Salary Schedule in Annex "A."

5.1.3 If the actual monthly basic salary of an incumbent exceeds that for
Step 8 of the salary grade allocation of the position as of December 31,
2016: The salary shall be adjusted to the rate for Step 8 of the salary
grade allocation of the position in the Salary Schedule in Annex
"A"; or The employee shall not be entitled to salary increase if the actual
salary as of December 31, 2016 exceeds the rate for Step 8 of
the salary grade allocation of the position in the Salary Schedule
in Annex "A."

5.1.4 The salaries/wages of incumbent contractual/casual personnel as of

December 31, 2016 may be adjusted to the rates corresponding to Step 1
of the salary grade allocations of their positions in the salary schedule in
Annex "A" effective January 1, 2017. The adjusted daily wage rates of
casual personnel shall be computed by dividing the monthly rates by 22
work days per month.

5.1.5 Compulsory retirees whose services have been extended beyond

December 31, 2016 shall be entitled to salary increases effective January
1, 2017, following items 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 of this Circular, whichever is
applicable. However, their retirement benefits, including Terminal Leave
Benefits, shall be computed based on their monthly basic salaries as of
the day prior to the effectivity of their retirement, consistent with existing
laws, rules and regulations.

6.0 Second Tranche Provisional Allowance Schedule for Military and Uniformed
Personnel (MUP), Effective January 1, 2017

The Provisional Allowance for MUP shall be in accordance with the Second Tranche
Provisional Allowance Schedule for Military and Uniformed Personnel under Section 7 of
EO No. 201, attached as Annex "B".

6.1 The grant of Provisional Allowance shall be an interim measure pending the
modification and rationalization of the Base Pay Schedule of MUP.

6.2 The Provisional Allowance shall not form part of the base pay. Accordingly, the
grant of Provisional Allowance shall not increase the longevity pay, pension and
other collateral allowances which are indexed to the base pay.

7.0 Mid-Year Bonus for All Government Personnel

The Mid-Year Bonus equivalent to one (1) month basic salary as of May 15 shall be
granted to those who have rendered at least four (4) months of satisfactory service and
are still in the service as of same date, to be given not earlier than May 15 of every year.

The specific guidelines on the grant of the Mid-Year Bonus for FY 2017 shall be issued
separately by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).

8.0 Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) for All Government Personnel

The PEI in the amount of P5,000 shall be granted to qualified government personnel not
earlier than December 15 of every year.

The specific guidelines on the grant of the PEI for FY 2017 shall be issued separately by
the DBM.

9.0 Increase in Hazard Pay for MUP, Effective January 1, 2017

The Hazard Pay for all MUP for FY 2017 shall be increased from the current rate of P390
per month to P540 per month.

10.0 Second Tranche Officers' Allowance for Certain MUP Ranks, Effective January 1,

The Officers' Allowance for certain ranks of MUP shall be in accordance with the Second
Tranche Officers' Allowance Schedule under Section 9 of EO No. 201, attached as Annex

10.1 Similar to the Provisional Allowance, the Officers' Allowance shall be an interim
measure pending the modification and rationalization of the Base Pay Schedule of
military and uniformed personnel.

10.2 The Officers' Allowance shall not form part of the base pay. Accordingly, the grant
of Officers' Allowance shall not increase the longevity pay, pension and other
collateral allowances which are indexed to the base pay.

11.0 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Personnel of National Government Agencies

The PBB to be granted in FY 2017 based on FY 2016 performance shall be subject to

Memorandum Circular Nos. 2016-1 and 2016-2 dated May 12, 2016 and October 12,
2016, respectively, issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force created under Administrative
Order No. 25, series of 2011 (AO 25 IATF).

12.0 Implementation of the Second Tranche Salary Increase in GOCCs covered by the
CPCS under RA No. 6758, as amended

12.1 The implementation of the second tranche salary increase in GOCCs shall be as
determined by their respective governing boards. GOCCs which do not have
sufficient funds to implement fully the Salary Schedule in Annex "A" may adopt
their respective salary schedules at lower rates but at a uniform percentage of the
salaries in Annex "A".

12.2 In the formulation of such salary schedules, GOCCs shall ensure that they can
fund on a sustainable basis the increased salaries, including the government
counterpart to the Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums (RLIP), Pag-IBIG
Contributions, PhilHealth Contributions, and Employees Compensation Insurance

12.3 In the adjustment of the compensation of incumbent personnel effective not earlier
than January 1, 2017, the pertinent rules under this Circular shall apply.

13.0 Procedural Guidelines

13.1 Preparation of Notices of Salary Adjustment (NOSAs)

13.1.1 The Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO)/Administrative

Officer (AO) of a national government agency (NGA) or GOCC shall
prepare NOSAs for incumbent civilian personnel by following the format
marked as Annexes "D-1" or "D-2", whichever is applicable, for approval
by the Head of Agency.For personnel whose actual monthly salaries as of
December 31, 2016 exceed the rates corresponding to Step 8 of the salary
grade allocation of their positions in Annex "A," the HRMO/AO shall no
longer prepare NOSAs.

13.1.2 The NOSAs shall be issued to the personnel concerned, copy furnished
the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) if they are members

13.2 The salary adjustment under this Circular shall be subject to the usual accounting
and auditing rules and regulations, and to appropriate re-adjustment if found not in
order. The personnel concerned shall refund any overpayments received.

14.0 Fund Sources

14.1 The amounts required to implement the compensation adjustment and related
fixed expenditures for personnel in NGAs shall be charged against the respective
agency budgets authorized under RA No. 10924 or the FY 2017 General
Appropriations Act (GAA).

14.2 For covered GOCCs, the amounts required shall be charged against their
approved corporate operating budgets (COBs), provided that the national
government shall not release funds for compensation adjustment or for any
compensation- related expenditures; provided, further, that the GOCCs shall not
resort to borrowings for the purpose; and provided, furthermore, that the
implementation of their programs/projects and attainment of performance targets
for the year are not adversely affected.

15.0 Release of Funds

15.1 The requirements for compensation adjustment for personnel of NGAs shall be
released pursuant to the GAA as Allotment Order chargeable against the
respective agency Personnel Services (PS) allotment under the FY 2017 GAA.

15.2 In case of deficiency, the agency may submit a request to the DBM for release of
funds charged to the MPBF.

16.0 Responsibilities of Agencies

Agencies shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the provisions of this
Circular. The responsible officers shall be held liable for any payment not in accordance
with the provisions hereof without prejudice to the refund by the employees concerned of
any excess or unauthorized payments.

17.0 Resolution of Cases

Cases not covered by the provisions of this Circular shall be referred to the DBM for

18.0 Effectivity

This Circular shall take effect on January 1, 2017.

c ç.


Annex "A"

Second Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel

of the National Government
Effective January 1, 2017
In Pesos
Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
1 9,981 10,072 10,165 10,258 10,352 10,453 10,543 10,640
2 10,667 10,761 10,856 10,952 11,049 11,147 11,245 11,345
3 11,387 11,488 11,589 11,691 11,795 11,899 12,004 12,110
4 12,155 12,262 12,371 12,480 12,591 12,702 12,814 12,927
5 12,975 13,117 13,206 13,322 13,440 13,559 13,679 13,799
6 13,851 13,973 14,096 14,221 14,347 14,474 14,602 14,731
7 14,785 14,916 15,048 15,181 15,315 15,450 15,587 15,725
8 15,818 15,969 16,121 16,275 16,430 16,586 16,744 16,903
9 16,986 17,142 17,299 17,458 17,618 17,780 17,943 18,108
10 18,217 18,385 18,553 18,724 18,896 19,095 19,244 19,421
11 19,620 19,853 20,088 20,326 20,567 20,811 21,058 21,307
12 21,387 21,626 21,868 22,113 22,361 22,611 22,864 23,120
13 23,257 23,517 23,780 24,047 24,315 24,587 24,863 25,141
14 25,290 25,573 25,859 26,149 26,441 26,737 27,036 27,339
15 27,565 27,887 28,214 28,544 28,877 29,214 29,557 29,902
16 30,044 30,396 30,751 31,111 31,474 31,843 32,215 32,592
17 32,747 33,131 33,518 33,909 34,306 34,707 35,113 35,524
18 35,693 36,111 36,532 36,960 37,392 37,829 38,272 38,719
19 39,151 39,685 40,227 40,776 41,333 41,898 42,470 43,051
20 43,250 43,841 44,440 45,047 45,662 46,285 46,917 47,559
21 47,779 48,432 49,094 49,764 50,443 51,132 51,831 52,539
22 52,783 53,503 54,234 54,975 55,726 56,487 57,258 58,040
23 58,310 59,106 59,913 60,732 61,561 62,402 63,255 64,118
24 64,416 65,296 66,187 67,092 68,008 68,937 69,878 70,832
25 71,476 72,452 73,441 74,444 75,461 76,491 77,536 78,595
26 78,960 80,039 81,132 82,240 83,363 84,502 85,657 86,825
27 87,229 88,420 89,628 90,852 92,093 93,351 94,625 95,925
28 96,363 97,679 99,013 100,366 101,736 103,126 104,534 105,962
29 106,454 107,908 109,382 110,875 112,390 113,925 115,481 117,058
30 117,601 119,208 120,836 122,486 124,159 125,855 127,573 129,316
31 152,325 154,649 157,008 159,404 161,836 164,305 166,812 169,357
32 177,929 180,700 183,513 186,372 189,274 192,221 195,215 198,255
33 215,804 222,278

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Annex "B"
Second Tranche Provisional Allowance Schedule
for Military and Uniformed Personnel
Effective January 1, 2017
(In Pesos)
DILG Monthly
DND PCG NAMRIA Provisional
BJMP and BFP PNP and PPSC Allowance
Candidate Soldier 547
Apprentice Apprentice
Private Fire/Jail Officer I Police Officer I Seaman/Seaman Seaman/Seaman 700
Third Class Third Class
Seaman Second Seaman Second
Private First Class 1,050
Class Class
Seaman First Seaman First
Corporal Fire/Jail Officer II Police Officer H 1,378
Class Class
Sergeant Petty Officer III Petty Officer III 1,718

Staff Sergeant Fire/Jail Officer Ill Police Officer III Petty Officer II Petty Officer II 2,043

Technical Sergeant Petty Officer I Petty Officer I 2,471

Senior Fire/Jail Senior Police Chief Petty
Master Sergeant Chief Petty Officer 2,954
Officer I Officer I Officer
Senior Master Senior Fire/Jail Senior Police Senior Chief Petty Senior Chief
Sergeant Officer II Officer II Officer Petty Officer
Chief Master Senior Fire/Jail Senior Police Master Chief Master Chief
Sergeant Officer III Officer III Petty Officer Petty Officer
First Master
First Chief Master Senior Fire/Jail Senior Police First Master Chief
Chief Petty 5,547
Sergeant Officer IV Officer IV Petty Officer
Cadet Cadet Cadet 5,547
Probationary 5,547
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant Ensign Ensign 7,030
Lieutenant Junior Lieutenant Junior
First Lieutenant Inspector Inspector 8,661
Grade Grade
Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior
Captain Senior Inspector Senior Inspector 10,652
Grade Grade
Lieutenant Lieutenant
Major Chief Inspector Chief Inspector 12,533
Commander Commander
Lieutenant Colonel Superintendent Superintendent Commander Commander 15,228
Senior Senior
Colonel Captain Captain 18,016
Superintendent Superintendent
Chief Chief
Brigadier General Commodore Commodore 21,189
Superintendent Superintendent
Major General Director Director Rear Admiral Rear Admiral 24,795
Vice Admiral Vice Admiral 28,198
Deputy Director
Lieutenant General Admiral Admiral 31,221
General Director General 35,260

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Annex "C"

Second Tranche Officers' Allowance Schedule

for Military and Uniformed Personnel
Effective January 1, 2017
(In Pesos)

DILG Monthly
DND PNP and PCG NAMRIA Officers'
BJMP and BFP Allowance
Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior
Captain Senior Inspector 3,000
Inspector Grade Grade
Lieutenant Lieutenant
Major Chief Inspector Chief Inspector 4,500
Commander Commander
Lieutenant Commander Commander 6,000
Superintendent Superintendent
Senior Senior Captain 7,500
Colonel Captain
Superintendent Superintendent
Brigadier Chief Chief
Commodore Commodore 9,000
General Superintendent Superintendent
Major General Director Director Rear Admiral Rear Admiral 10,500
Vice Admiral Vice Admiral 12,000
Lieutenant Admiral 13,000
Director Admiral
General 18,000

Annex "0-1"

For Regular Positions

Notice of Salary Adjustment


Pursuant to National Budget Circular No. dated , implementing

Executive Order No 201, s. 2016, your salary is hereby adjusted effective January 1, 2017, as

Adjusted monthly basic salary effective January 1, 2016, under the

new Salary Schedule; SG , Step

Actual monthly basic salary as of December 31, 2016;

SG Step

Monthly salary adjustment effective January 1, 2016 (1-2)

It is understood that this salary adjustment is subject to review and post-audit, and to
appropriate re-adjustment and refund if found not in order.

Very truly yours,

Head of Agency

Position Title:
Salary Grade:
Item No./Unique Item No., FY Personnel Services Itemization
and/or Plantilla of Personnel:

Copy Furnished: GSIS

Annex "D-2"

For Contractual/Casual Personnel

Notice of Salary/Wage Adjustment


Pursuant to National Budget Circular No. dated , implementing

Executive Order No 201, s. 2017, your salary/daily wage is hereby adjusted effective
as follows:

Monthly basic salary/daily wage rate

under the new Salary Schedule; SG

Actual monthly basic salary/daily wage rate

as of December 31, 2016;

Monthly salary adjustment/Daily wage adjustment

effective (1-2)

It is understood that this salary/wage adjustment is subject to review and post-audit, and to
appropriate re-adjustment and refund if found not in order.

Very truly yours,

Head of Agency

Position Title:
Salary Grade:

Copy Furnished: GSIS


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