SPE 112186 Production Optimization: System Identification and Uncertainty Estimation

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SPE 112186

Production Optimization: System Identification and Uncertainty Estimation

Steinar M. Elgsaeter, Olav Slupphaug, and Tor Arne Johansen, Norwegian University of Science & Technology

Copyright 2008, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE Intelligent Energy Conference and Exhibition held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25–27 February 2008.

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Production Optimization; System Identification and Uncertainty
Steinar M. Elgsaeter∗ Olav Slupphaug Tor Arne Johansen

1 Abstract The total amount of oil, gas and water which can be sepa-
rated and processed is constrained by the capacity of facilities,
Real-time optimization of oil and gas production requires a these capacities are themselves uncertain. Normally produc-
production model, which must be fitted to data for accuracy. tion is at setpoints where some of these capacities are at their
A certain amount of uncertainty must typically be expected in perceived constraints, therefore a multi-rate well test cannot
production models fitted to data due to the limited informa- be performed without simultaneously reducing production at
tion content in data. It is usually not acceptable to introduce some other well, which may cause lost production and a cost.
additional excitation at will to reduce this uncertainty due to There is also a risk that changes in setpoints during testing
the costs and risks involved. may cause some part of the facilities to exceed the limits of
The contribution of this paper is twofold. Firstly, this paper safe operation, which may force an expensive shutdown and
discusses estimation of uncertainty in production optimiza- re-start of production. Well tests are only performed when a
tion resulting from fitting models to production data with need for tests has been identified due to the costs and risks
low information content, a concept that has previously mainly involved. Well tests are a form of planned excitation, some
been applied in reservoir management. Secondly, this paper planned variation in one or more decision variables designed
illustrates how system identification can be used to find pro- to reveal information on production through measurements.
duction models which can be solved with little computational Production is constrained by several factors including, on
effort and which are designed to be easily fitted to production the field level, the capacity of the facilities to separate compo-
data. nents of production and the capacity of facilities to compress
The method is demonstrated on a synthetic example before lift gas. The production of groups of wells may travel through
being applied to a case study of a North Sea oil and gas field. shared flow lines or inlet separators which have a limited liq-
In offshore oil and gas production, the suggested method is ex- uid handling capacity. The production of individual wells may
pected to have applications in the development of structured be constrained due to slugging, other flow assurance issues or
approaches to uncertainty handling, for instance excitation due to reservoir management constraints.
planning and real-time optimization under uncertainty.
In the context of oil and gas producing systems, real-
time optimization has been defined as a process of measure-
2 Introduction calculate-control cycles at a frequency which maintains
the system’s optimal operating conditions within the time-
Production in the context of offshore oil and gas fields, can constant constraints of the system [1]. It has been suggested
be considered the total output of production wells, a mass that real-time optimization could be divided into subproblems
flow of components including hydrocarbons, in addition to on different time scales to limit complexity, and to consider
water, CO2 , H2 S, sand and possibly other components. Hy- separately reservoir management, optimization of injection
drocarbon production is for simplicity often lumped into oil and reservoir drainage on the time scales of months and years,
and gas. Production travels as multiphase flow from wells and production optimization, maximization of value from the
through flow lines to a processing facility for separation, il- daily production of reservoir fluids [1]. Reservoir management
lustrated in Figure 1. Water and gas injection is used for typically specifies constraints on production optimization to
optimizing hydrocarbon recovery of reservoirs. Gas lift can link these problems.
increase production to a certain extent by increasing the pres- The aim of production optimization is to determine set-
sure difference between reservoir and well inlet. points for a set of chosen decision variables which are optimal
Multiphase flow rates are hard to measure. Measurements by some criterion. These setpoints are implemented by alter-
of total produced single phase oil and gas rates are usually ing the settings of production equipment. Decision variables
available, and estimates of total water rates can often be may be any measured or computed variables associated with
found by adding different measured water rates after sepa- production which are influenced by changes in settings, but
ration. To determine the rates of oil, gas and water produced the number of decision variables is limited by the number of
from individual wells, the production of a single well is usually settings. We may for instance determine the settings of a
routed to a dedicated test separator where the rate of each gas lift choke by deciding a target lift gas rate, a target an-
separated component is measured. In single-rate well tests nulus pressure or a target gas lift choke opening. On short
rates are only measured for the current setpoint, while rates timescales the flow from individual wells can be manipulated
are measured for several setpoints in multi-rate well tests. by production choke settings, by gas lift choke settings and
∗ The authors would like to thank the Research Council of Norway, possibly by routing settings.
StatoilHydro and ABB for funding this work. There are many reasons why a production model may not
describe production accurately. One reason may be structural the study of such methods is the topic of system identifica-
uncertainty, the model may have a structure which makes tion [14]. System identification takes a pragmatic view of the
it impossible to describe production truly regardless of the choice of model structure, seeking model structures in a trial-
choice of parameters. An important cause of structural un- and-error fashion which can be relatively easily fitted to data
certainty may be un-modeled disturbances, influences which yet describe observations with sufficient accuracy. Emphasis
are not accounted for in the model but which cause produc- is usually on keeping the number of parameters to be fitted
tion to change with time. A second reason may be measure- low while introducing some physical knowledge to achieve
ment uncertainty, measured production may differ from the required performance [15]. Experience has shown that for
actual production for some reason, for instance due to incor- some applications black-box modeling may meet the require-
rect calibration of measurement equipment. A third reason ments of industry as well as models derived using physical in-
may be lack of informative data, the data may have insuffi- sight. For instance the majority model-predictive controllers
cient excitation to uniquely determine the parameters of the are based on black-box models and these controllers are used
model. In practice all of these factors are usually present to extensively in refineries and petrochemical plants [16].
some extent. Modeling uncertainty in the context of reser- System identification has been applied to model offshore
voir management has received some attention in recent years production of oil and gas earlier, notably for well monitoring
[2] [3], while uncertainty in production optimization has re- in [17], and for production optimization of gas-coned wells
ceived less attention. One recent discussion of the topic is [18]. Some authors have suggested that the main bottleneck
[4], which considered uncertainty in well tests for wells with in production optimization is the computational effort re-
rate-independent gas-oil ratio and water cut. In prior work quired to solve rigorous physical production models [8]. Mod-
we showed that the information content in production data els found through system identification tend to be solvable
may be low, and suggested investigating uncertainty in pro- with little computational effort due to their simplicity, and
duction optimization to be a topic for further research [5]. A to be easily maintainable, as they are designed to be updated
recent technology survey has noted that few implementations against data with little human intervention.
of real-time optimization exist on offshore oil and gas produc-
tion systems, which the authors attribute to the difficulty of 2.1 Problem formulation
fitting models to production data [6].
Production optimization requires a production model Cost-effective methods for the design and maintenance of pro-
which is able to predict how changes in setpoints affect pro- duction models is a significant hurdle for the proliferation of
duction. Models used in the production optimization of gas- production optimization in oil and gas production. This pa-
lifted wells are normally based on commercial multiphase flow per makes two contributions toward reducing the cost of de-
simulators, either by querying the simulator directly [7] or signing and implementing production optimization. Firstly,
by building tables of simulator predictions, so called proxy- we investigate modeling production with the general meth-
models [8]. Deriving production models using physics alone ods of system identification, motivated by a desire for mod-
can be difficult, as physical equations describing multiphase els which can be easily fitted to production data. Secondly,
flow may depend on a large number of parameters or variables we study fitting production models to recent historical pro-
which are not fully known. For instance, the relationship be- duction data describing normal operations, as such data is
tween flow rate and pressure drop in porous media such as available at little or no cost, and suggest how to quantify un-
reservoirs is very complex and depends on parameters such certainty that may result when such data has low information
as rock properties, fluid properties, flow regime, fluid satura- content.
tions in rock, compressibility of the flowing fluids, formation
damage or stimulation, turbulence and drive mechanism [9].
Some physical phenomena in production are only modeled us-
3 Modeling for production optimiza-
ing empirical relationships, due to limited understanding of tion under uncertainty
the physics involved. Multiphase flow in the reservoir and
through flow lines, including gas-lift performance curves, flow In this section a system identification approach to modeling
through restrictions, and inflow from reservoir into well, re- for production optimization is outlined, and we outline how
quire empirical closure relations (for recent discussion of such to quantify parameter uncertainty when models are fitted to
empirical relations for flow lines, see for instance [10], [11], data with low information content.
for flow through restrictions see [12], for inflow relations see
[9], and references therein). Empirical relationships can be 3.1 Production optimization and parameter
fitted against laboratory experiments, but experiments can estimation
be costly and small deviations between laboratory model and
field can produce large differences in observed flow [13]. Even Throughout this paper, variables with a hat (ˆ) denote esti-
the most carefully constructed production model will require mates and variables with bars (¯) denote measurements. The
some fitting against production data to reflect the influence intended application of the model suggested in this section is
of un-modeled disturbances and structural uncertainty, for in- the production optimization problem on the form
stance skin effects near the well, erosion of chokes or the build  
up of wax or hydrates in flow lines. û(θ) x̂(θ) = arg max M (x, u, d) (1)
Inferring relationships between past input-output data and
s.t. 0 = f (x, u, d, θ) (2)
present/future outputs of a system when very little a priori
knowledge is available is known as black-box modeling, and 0 ≤ c(x, u, d). (3)
u are decision variables, for instance the opening of produc- sense that it attempts to predict the rates q̂ i for values of
tion valves or gas-lift rates. θ is a vector of model parameters (u, d) close to (ul , dl ). The choice to consider locally valid
which are fitted to a tuning set. d is a vector of measured production models is motivated by two observations. Firstly,
and modeled disturbances which are independent of u. x a locally valid model may be sufficient as long as production
is a vector which expresses the production of each modeled optimization only attempts to suggest new setpoints close to
fluid for each modeled well. Which fluids to model in x is a ul , and as long as dl has not changed significantly since the
design question which depends on the choice of c(x, u, d) and last well test. Secondly, decision variables often vary within a
M (x, u, d). Production optimization determines decision vari- narrow range in production data from normal operations [5].
ables û(θ) and the associated optimal production x̂(θ) which To simplify modeling we assume that the effects of changes
maximizes an objective function M (x, u, d), while obeying the in (u, d, t) from (ul , dl , tl ) on q i , the vector of modeled rates for
production model (2) and production constraints (3). (3) may well i, can be described by separate kernel functions fu , fd , ft :
express constraints in the capacity of downstream processing
equipment to separate oil, gas and water, as well as reservoir q̂ i = q l,i fdi (di , dl,i , θ) · fui (ui , ul,i , θ) · fti (t, tl , θ) (8)
constraints and other constraints. M (x, u, d) is most often
the total rate of produced oil. Each kernel function may be further separated as necessary,
Let ȳ(t) be a vector of measurements, and let ft may for instance be divided into kernel functions describ-
ŷ(x(t), u(t), d(t), θ) be an estimate of those measurements. ing depletion and transients, and fu and fd may be divided
The parameter estimation problem attempts to determine θ into kernel functions describing different components of u and
so that ȳ(t) and ŷ(x(t), u(t), d(t), θ) match as closely as pos- d as necessary. In addition, terms describing measurement
sible. Parameter estimation considers a set of historical pro- uncertainty may be added as appropriate for joint data rec-
duction data called the tuning set onciliation and parameter estimation [19]. Kernel functions
 can be found by different means, either simulators, physical
ȳ(1) d(1) ¯
ū(1) ȳ(2) d(2) ū(2) . . . knowledge, well tests or fitted to a tuning set in a black-box
Z =  (4)
¯ ) ū(N ) .
ȳ(N ) d(N manner. The model structure (8) may need to be tailored to
describe the characteristics of each particular field.
Let the residuals for a given model structure and estimate θ A balance is required between models which are too rigid
be given by to describe the observed tuning set and models which are
too flexible. Models which are too flexible can suffer from
(t, θ) = ȳ(t) − ŷ(x(t), u(t), d(t), θ), ∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } . a phenomenon known as over-fitting, where the fitted model
(5) describes the tuning data set well while the model describes
other data poorly. Fitted models which are almost equally
A parameter estimate θ̂ is found by minimizing the sum of capable of describing a set of independent data, a “validation
squared residuals: data set” and the tuning set should be preferred, as such
N models do not suffer from over-fitting [14].
θ̂ = arg min w(t)Dy (t, θ)22 + Vs (θ), (6)
3.3 Estimating parameter uncertainty
s.t. cθ (θ) ≤ 0, (7)
We wish to exploit production data from normal operations
where w(t) is a user-specified weight. The components of y as much as possible as such data can be obtained at low costs,
may have different ranges, yet parameter estimation should yet low information content can result in significant param-
give similar weight to minimizing residuals of all measure- eter uncertainty if models are fitted to such data. If θ̂ is
ments, which motivates normalizing residuals with a diagonal erroneously assumed to describe production while parameter
matrix Dy . To improve parameter estimates, physical knowl- uncertainty is significant, production optimization may sug-
edge can be included in (6)–(7) in terms of soft constraints gest setpoint changes û(θ̂) that are infeasible, sub-optimal or
Vs (θ) or hard constraints cθ (θ). From (1)–(3) it should be may even reduce profit. Rather than abandon the use of pro-
clear that θ̂ will influence û(θ), while (4)–(6) illustrate that θ̂ duction data from normal operations, we propose quantifying
is influenced by the information content in Z N . These rela- parameter uncertainty. Further work may focus on exploit-
tionships are illustrated in Figure 2. ing this quantification of uncertainty to devise strategies for
The tuning set should only consist of historical production production optimization under uncertainty.
data which is consistent with current production, which im- A standard result of system identification is that the matrix
plies that the effects of un-modeled disturbances should be ⎡ ⎧

T ⎫⎤−1
1  ⎣ ⎨ ∂ ŷ(t, θ̂) ⎬
negligible over the time interval spanned by the tuning set. N
∂ ŷ(t, θ̂) ⎦
If the information content in the tuning set is low it may not Pθ = lim λ0 E
be possible to determine a unique θ̂ from (6)–(7). N →∞ N ⎩ ∂θ ∂θ ⎭
3.2 Local production models for optimiza-
is the covariance matrix of the asymptotic distribution of
prediction-error estimates [14]. Estimates P̂θ are an expres-
Assume that the oil, gas and water rates measured at the sion of parameter uncertainty which can be found from the
most recent well test are q l , measured at time tl and at set- tuning set and model, the diagonal elements of P̂θ are the
point (ul , dl ). Consider a model which is locally valid in the variance of each component of θ.
The derivation of (9) requires (t, θ̂) to be a sequence of formed. All simulations in this paper are implemented and
zero mean independent variables with variance λ0 , as well solved in MATLAB1 using the TOMLAB2 toolbox.
as some technical conditions and invokes the central limit
theorem. Approximations of Pθ can be obtained from a finite 4.1 Production model
set of data of length N , but this approximation can introduce
errors, especially when N is small. In nonlinear identification, We consider a well decoupled from other wells when changes in
numerical solvers may return estimates θ̂ which are one of its production do not influence the production of other wells.
several local optima rather than the global optima of (6)–(7). In this paper we will consider the case of a field with nw
In such cases it is not clear that (9) will be a valid description decoupled, gas-lifted wells producing predominantly oil, gas
of parameter uncertainty. The matrix product in (9) may i def
and water. We will consider change in gaslift rates Δqgl =
be an ill-conditioned matrix when Z N has low information i
l,i − 1, i ∈ 1, 2, . . . nw as the decision variable u = Δqgl .
content, in which case matrix inversion can be numerically qgl
inaccurate. We consider the relative production valve opening z ∈ [0, 1]
Parameter uncertainty can also be estimated numerically as a modeled disturbance. Let the most recently measured
using bootstrapping [20]. Bootstrapping decomposes ȳ(t) intorate of a given component of production be q l,i , measured
a systematic, modeled component y(u, d, θ̂) and a stochas- for gas lift rate qgl and relative valve opening z l,i at time
tic process e: ȳ(t) = y(u, d, t) + e(t), and assumes that t . As profit depends on total oil production and constraints
the observed residuals  are a representative distribution ofare linked to total production of gas and water, we choose
e(t). Bootstrapping uses this assumption to construct a largeto model the production of oil, gas and water for each well,
number of synthetic measurements with a set of re-sampled (q̂oi , q̂gi , q̂w
) ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , nw . To simplify estimation of θ̂ we
stochastic component, and re-estimates θ̂ for each of the will assume that kernel functions fzi (z i , z l,i ) based solely on
synthetic measurements. Residuals for time-instances where physical knowledge will describe production sufficiently well.
measurement errors or large un-modeled disturbances cause The error introduced by this assumption should be small, as
gross errors should be detected in pre-analysis and excluded.the production chokes for most wells are either fully opened or
The advantage of bootstrapping over asymptotic analysis fully closed most of the time. As gas lift rates are the decision
is that it makes assumptions about the model and data set variable, we choose to fit the parameters of gas-lift kernels
i i l,i
which are possibly less stringent, but finding estimates of un-
fgl (qgl , qgl , θ) to production data. It is feasible to model time-
certainty requires significant computational effort as the pa- variant effects by interpolating between single-rate well tests,
rameter estimation problem is solved a large number of times but we choose not to include such effects in our model as
numerically. test-separator measurements of gas are unreliable and often
exhibit large non-physical variations. We choose to not model
3.4 Summary transients as few transients are visible on the time-scales and
sampling rate considered. We will assume that discrepancies
The suggested approach to modeling and parameter uncer- between test separator and total rate measurements can be
tainty estimation is summarized in Algorithm 1. described sufficiently by identifying bias terms βy for each
Algorithm 1 Given a dataset Z (4) of historical data de- total rate measurement, and will not attempt to compensate
scribing production, and let Ns be the desired number of re- further for measurement uncertainty. We assume that wells
samples. are decoupled and elect to not model coupling between wells.
The form of (8) we choose to consider in this paper is
• Choose a model structure (2) on the form (8) as applica-
i 2
ble to the particular field, and q̂oi = max{0, qol,i · fz (z i , z l,i )(1 + αio Δqgl
+ κio (Δqgl ) )} (10)
i 2
• estimate a nominal θ̂ from (6)–(7). Apply constraints to q̂gi = max{0, qgl,i · fz (z i , z l,i )(1 + αig Δqgl
+ κig (Δqgl ) )} (11)
assist parameter estimation as applicable. i
q̂w l,i
= max{0, qw · fz (z i , z l,i )(1 + αiw Δqgl
i i 2
+ κiw (Δqgl ) )}
• For the number of re-samples Ns (12)
– generate a data set ZrN , by sampling observed resid- Kernel functions fgl (qgl i l,i
, qgl , θ) are chosen as second order
uals  N times and adding them to the output es- i i i
polynomials, where αo , αg , αw expresses gradient information
timated using the process model and the nominal θ̂,
and κio , κig , κiw expresses curvature in oil, gas and water gas-lift
curves for well i, respectively. fz (z i , z l,i ) is a nonlinear ker-
– determine a re-sampled parameter estimate θ̂r for nel which should express the nonlinear relationship between
ZrN from (6)–(7). valve opening and production, which obeys fz (0, z l,i ) = 0 and
• The distribution of θ̂r,i ∀i = 1, . . . , Ns is an estimate of fz (z i , z l,i ) = 1. In this paper we choose
the parameter uncertainty.
1 − (1 − z i )k
fz (z i , z l,i ) = . (13)
1 − (1 − z l,i )k
4 Synthetic examples and a case def
We will consider the total rates of oil, gas and water qotot =
study nw i tot def nw i tot def nw i
i=1 qo , qg = i=1 qg , qw = i=1 qw as elements in the
In this section the suggested approach is validated on a syn- 1 The Mathworks,Inc., version
thetic example and a case study of actual field data is per- 2 TOMLAB Optimization Inc., version 5.5
def  T def
measurement vector y = qotot qgtot tot
qw . Let R be a i
lift rate Δqgl , and let Δṁi = ṁi (Δqgl i
) − ṁi (0). If the rate
routing matrix of ones and zeros defined such that ȳ = R̄x of produced mass from well i can be assumed to consist pre-

when measurement uncertainties can be neglected. Let an dominantly of oil, gas and water with densities ρo , ρg and ρw ,
estimate of production for a given parameter estimate θ̂ be respectively:
 i 2

def Δṁitot = ρo qol,i αio Δqgli
+ κio (Δqgl ) +
ŷ(u(t), d(t), θ̂, t) = Rx + βy (14)  i 2

ρg qgl,i αig Δqgl
+ κig (Δqgl ) +
where βy is a time-invariant measurement bias to be esti- l,i
 i i i 2
i i i
ρw qw αw Δqgl + κiw (Δqgl ) +
mated. The components of θ in this paper are αo , αg , αw l,i
and κi , κi , κi for all wells i = 1, 2, . . . , n and β . (10)-(12)
ρg (qgl − qgl ).
o g w w y
does not assume rate-independent ratios, and may therefore
with second derivative
be able to describe wells with oil-, gas- or water coning in
steady state. ∂ 2 Δṁitot
i )2
= ρo qol,i κio + ρg qgl,i κig + ρw qw
l,i i
κw < 0. (19)
4.1.1 Numerical solution of the parameter estima-
tion problem (19) could be added as a soft-constraint. One technique that
can help reduce over-fitting is regularization [21]. Let α be a
Estimating the parameters of (8) is a nonlinear programming vector of αi , αi , αi , i = 1, . . . , nw and let κ be a vector of
o g w
problem in general, while (10)–(12) has a linear-in-variables κi , κi , κi , i = 1, . . . , n . Regularization terms
o g w w
structure, and we estimate θ̂ with the linear-least squares
solver lssol in TOMLAB. Vs (θ) = wregα
(α − αreg )T (α − αreg )+
The parameter estimation problem can be divided into (20)
wreg (κ − κreg )T (κ − κreg )
three separate sub-problems, one for oil, one for gas and one
for water, but we choose to solve these problems as a sin- can be added as soft constrains, penalizing deviation from
gle parameter estimation problem and use constraints to link α = αreg and κ = κreg . wα and wκ are weighting parame-
reg reg
these problems, as we will discuss in the section below. ters. αreg and κreg could be estimates of gradients and curva-
ture determined from multi-rate well tests. Upper and lower
4.1.2 Physical knowledge in parameter estimation bounds on θ̂, based on knowledge of the expected shape of
the gas lift performance curve, may improve the performance
It is impossible to give an exhaustive list of all conceivable
of some solvers. Such bounds should be loose, i.e. so wide
physical constraints on θ, but a short review is given.
that the solver is expected to find solutions within rather than
The ratios between phases, such as gas-oil ratio or water-oil
on these bounds when there is any excitation of the decision
ratio, are rate-independent for some wells, and this qualitative
variables associated with a given parameter. Loose bounds
knowledge can be used to simplify the parameter estimation
also ensure that unrealistic parameter values are not chosen
problem. The ratio r between phases m and n for well i is
def qm i
in those cases when there is very little excitation of certain
rm,n = qi . A rate-independent ratio rm,n obeys modes.

l,i i 2
qm (1 + αim Δqgl
+ κim Δ(qgl ) )
rm,n = ∀Δqgl
. (15) 4.2 A synthetic example
qnl,i (1 + αin Δqgl
i + κi (Δq i )2 )
n gl
In this subsection the properties and capabilities of the pro-
(15) could be enforced by hard constraints = and posed modeling approach is illustrated on a synthetic exam-
αim αin
i i
κm = κn , or alternatively by a soft constraint ple. Consider a field with 8 gas-lifted wells, each with pro-
duction of oil qoi , gas qgi , and water qw i
, at rates which vary
 i 2  2 i
Vs (θ) = wr αm − αn + wr κm − κn .
i i i
(16) with the gas lift rate q gl . Wells are grouped into pairs with
performance given by similar equations. Wells 1 and 2 have
On wells where the gas-oil or water-oil ratios are known to rate-independent gas-oil ratio and water-oil ratio:
be rate-dependent we may still know that these ratios do not 
vary by more than a given percentage and this may be in- qoi = 10 + 0.025qgl + qgl i − 0.000013(q i )2 (21)
cluded as difference constraints. If we expect
qgi = 30qoi (22)
l,i i i l,i
qm qm (qgl ) q i
qw = 0.5qo i
R < i i < m
l,i L
R , ∀qgl
l,i U
, (17)
qn q (q
n gl ) qn
Wells 3 and 4 have gas coning, and a rate-dependent gas-oil
where 0 < R < 1 < RU , we could enforce constraints ratio is chosen, while the water-oil ratio is rate-independent:

αio RL ≤ αig ,κio RL ≤ κig , αio RU ≤ αig and κio ≤ RU κig . 

qoi = 10 + 0.033qgl + qgl i − 0.000017(q i )2 (24)
For gas-lifted wells it is reasonable to expect the increas- gl
ing friction at increased gas-lift rates to result in performance i
∂ 2 mitot q i
= 30( − 1)qoi (25)
curves with negative curvature ∂q2 < 0, and this qualita- g

tive knowledge can be expressed in terms of θ. Let ṁi (Δqgl i

) i 0.5 i
qw = q (26)
be the mass rate of production from well i for a given gas 1 − 0.5 o
Wells 5 and 6 have water coning, and have a rate-dependent are included in the second simulation run to enforce this rate-
water-oil ratio, while the gas-oil ratio is rate-independent: independence. We choose k = 5, so that changes in z i have
 a large influence on production when z i is small and a small
qoi = 15 + 0.028qgl + qgl i − 0.000022(q i )2 (27) influence on production when z i is large. To reduce the im-
pact of reservoir depletion, and un-modeled disturbances, on
qgi = 40qoi (28)
estimates, measured oil rates were de-trended as is shown in
i 0.4(1 + 0.3(qgl /1000 − 1)) i Figure 5 and in addition residuals in (6) were weighted with
qw = q (29)
1 − 0.4(1 + 0.3(qgl /1000 − 1)) o a forgetting factor [14]
Wells 7 and 8 have oil coning, and have a rate-dependent w(t) = λN −t , (33)
water-oil ratio while the gas-oil rate is rate-independent:

i 2 chosen as λ = 0.5 N −1 . As the production model is intended

qoi = 14 + 0.15qgl
− 0.00003(qgl ) (30) to be a local description around (q l , ul , dl ), we omitted shut-
qgi = 35qoi (31) downs from the tuning set.
0.6(1 − 0.20(qgl
/1000 − 1))
qw = qoi (32) 4.3.1 Results
1 − 0.6(1 − 0.20(qgl
i /1000 − 1))

The fit between the nominal production model and the tun-

Suppose that we have a set of historical measured total pro- ing data set is shown in Figure 6. A set of Ns = 100 boot-
duction rates and accompanying gas lift rates of each well, strap replications were designed and the parameters were re-
against which to fit our model, shown in Figure 5. The model estimated, as outlined in Algorithm 1. The tuning sets used
is fitted with Algorithm 1, firstly with only loose bounds on θ, when bootstrapping are shown in Figure 7. Estimates of the
secondly knowledge of rate-independent gas-oil and water-oil bootstrap models are compared with the validation set in
ratios were applied as soft constraints where appropriate. The Figure 8. The resulting models are compared in Figure 9.
resulting models and model uncertainties are shown in Figure Nominal parameter estimates result in models and estimates
5. This example illustrates that the parameter estimation is similar to the those shown in and Figure 9 and Figure 8.
able to gain information from measurements of total rates for
a synthetic field with a small to medium number of wells with
4.3.2 Discussion
varying characteristics. As the synthetic example has pairs
of similar wells, the effect of the level of excitation on the An advantage of the chosen modeling approach is that es-
estimates of uncertainty is visible in Figure 5. The matrix timated models can be interpreted by the shape of perfor-
Pθ was close to singular, with cond(Pθ ) ≈ 1019 , which would mance curves, as in Figure 5, with which industry practition-
make it difficult to obtain meaningful estimates of parameter ers may already be familiar. In Figures 6 and 8 we observe
uncertainty using asymptotic analysis in this case. several large changes in measured rates which cannot be ex-
Although the suggested methodology is able to produce un- plained with changes in z or qgl . These deviations could be
certainty estimates which describe the true gaslift-curves well the result of measurement error or disturbances stemming
for most wells, the method can break down if the information from the reservoir or topside process facilities. As the model
on the gas lift performance of some wells is virtually non- is intended for determining day-to-day operating setpoints
existent, as is the case for well 2 as shown in Figure 5. Such rather than prediction for long time intervals, the bias be-
cases should be detected in post-analysis, and either further tween model estimates and measurements observed in Figure
excitation of such wells should be performed, or these wells 8 is less significant than the ability of the model to predict
should be left out of production optimization. the change in production resulting from changes in setpoints
shown in Figure 8. From Figure 5 we see that the uncer-
4.3 Case study: Production data from a tainty varies greatly between different phases and for different
wells. Comparing the relative degree of uncertainty for dif-
North Sea oil field
ferent wells may be useful for excitation planning. In this pa-
In this section, the proposed method is applied to the pro- per we have assumed that the only measurement uncertainty
duction data from an offshore North Sea oil field producing is a steady bias in total rate measurements βy . Measure-
mainly oil, water, and gas from 20 gas-lifted wells. The op- ment uncertainty in rate measurements at the test separator
erator of the field requested that data be kept anonymous may cause errors in the operating point, and we have not
and all results are therefore presented in terms of normalized studied the significance of such errors on estimates or how
variables. A tuning set spanning five months with sampling to mitigate or estimate these uncertainties. The assumption
time of one hour was considered. To compare the significance of time-invariant production in the tuning set is clearly an
on estimated uncertainty of including physical assumptions approximation, as a falling trend in oil production due to de-
as soft constraints, we will fit the model to production data pletion is visible and some wells have varying phase ratios
in two runs. In the first run, only loose bounds 0 < α < 1 during the course of the tuning set. By choosing a relatively
and −1 < κ < 0 are implemented. In the second run soft con- long tuning set, we err on the side of caution with regards to
straints were on rate-independent ratios were enforced, differ- estimated uncertainties, but risk introducing biases in param-
ence constraints were applied to limit the rate-dependency of eter estimates. Reservoir dynamics and changed processing
gas-oil ratios, chosen as RL = 0.7,RU = 1.3 for all wells, and conditions are treated as un-modeled disturbances in this pa-
the curvature constraint was enforced. Past well tests indicate per and only the most recent well test was used. A visible
that the watercut is rate-independent, and soft-constraints decline in measured oil production was treated by de-trending
and introducing a forgetting factor. It may be possible to im- [5] S. Elgsaeter, O. Slupphaug, and T. Johansen, “Chal-
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and by exploiting older well tests. Although we have focused and gas production”, in International Petroleum Technol-
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and in the development of structured approaches to handling phase flow through chokes”, Journal of Energy Resources
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(1997), pp. 441–446. qo1 qg1 qw

Lift gas/
gas injection
Gaslift Wells Separation
qo2 qg2 2

Water Gas
Oil Export

Gasg Reservoir(s) ....

Reinjection/To sea qo3 qg3 3


Figure 1: A schematic model of offshore oil and gas produc- qo4 qg4 4

Planned qo5 qg5 5
constraints excitation Disturbances
Production variables
optimization Production
qo6 qg6 6
State and model
parameters Measurements
Parameter and
state estimation

Figure 2: A model of the relationship between subproblems qo7 qg7 7

in production optimization.

qo8 qg8 8

i i i
qgl qgl qgl

Figure 3: Synthetic example: True performance curve

(solid), bootstrap performance curves without physical con-
straints (dashed), bootstrap performance curves with phys-
ical constraints (dotted), local operating point (circle) and
the span of gas lift rates observed in tuning set (vertical

600 qotot 1



qgtot 2

720 0.8
tot 700


2 qw
3 0.9
6 0.8
2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
8 t[hours]

0 100 200 300

Figure 6: Case-study: Case study: Last portion of tuning
set (solid) compared with estimates of the model including
physical constraints (dashed). Sampling time reduced to
Figure 4: Synthetic example: Top three graphs: Measured five hours for clarity.
total rates of oil, gas and water (dotted) compared with esti-
mates of the fitted model without soft constraints (dashed)
and with soft constraints (solid). Bottom graph: normal-
ized gas lift rates of wells 1 through 8 plotted in ascending
order. qotot 1


1.2 1

qotot 1 0.6

0.8 1

0.6 0.8
0 500 1000 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
t[hours] t[hours]

Figure 5: Case-study: Measured oil rates (dotted) and de- Figure 7: Case-study: Tuning set (solid) and one boot-
trended oil rates used in tuning set (solid). strap replications (dashed), for model including physical
qoi qgi i

qotot 0.9 7

0.8 8

qgtot 1

qw 14

0.8 15

3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 16

Figure 8: Case-study: Estimates of with bootstrap replica-
tions (dotted) compared with the validation data set (solid), 18
for model including physical constraints.


i i i
qgl qgl qgl

Figure 9: Case-study: Bootstrap performance curves with-

out physical constraints (dashed), bootstrap performance
curves with physical constraints (dotted), local operating
point (circle) and the span of gas lift rates observed in tun-
ing set (vertical solid). Lower left bound of all plots is (0,0).
Well indices are along left margin.


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