Pdflib Plop: PDF Linearization, Optimization, Protection Page Inserted by Evaluation Version
Pdflib Plop: PDF Linearization, Optimization, Protection Page Inserted by Evaluation Version
Pdflib Plop: PDF Linearization, Optimization, Protection Page Inserted by Evaluation Version
ISSN 0902-0055
parotid saliva on
and Parasitology, Louisiana State University
Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA,
USA, 2Department of General Dentistry,
Louisiana State University School of
Wozniak KL, Arribas A, Leigh JE, Fidel PL Jr. Inhibitory effects of whole and
parotid saliva on immunomodulators.
Oral Microbiol Immunol 2002: 17: 100–107. C Blackwell Munksgaard, 2002.
Based on the presence of cytokines in whole saliva and their association with
resistance and susceptibility to infectious disease, the present study was designed
to evaluate the diagnostic potential of a large panel of cytokines and chemokines
in saliva. Despite the endogenous presence of Th1/Th2 and pro-inflammatory
cytokines and several chemokines in whole and parotid saliva of most individuals
tested, the detection of known concentrations of several recombinant cytokines
and chemokines was inhibited immediately following their addition to each type
Key words: chemokines; cytokines; oral
of saliva. In contrast, purified immunoglobulins were unaffected by either whole immunology; parotid saliva; saliva
or parotid saliva. Further studies revealed that the inhibition of immunoreactivity
involved sequestration of the majority of cytokines affected and degradation of Paul Fidel, Jr, Department of Microbiology,
chemokines. These results suggest that absolute concentrations of cytokines/ Immunology, and Parasitology, Louisiana
State University Health Sciences Center,
chemokines may not be fully detectable in saliva. Therefore, the diagnostic value 1901 Perdido St., New Orleans, LA 70112,
of any cytokine/chemokine is questionable and should be evaluated USA
independently as such. Accepted for publication August 20, 2001
Oral health is considered a mirror of against extracellular bacteria and para- been identified only at the mRNA level
general health (7, 8, 9, 26, 28, 31), sitic infections (27, 32, 34, 37, 40). The in oral tissues, including interleukin-8
whereby changes in oral health can be alternate cytokine profile usually infers (IL-8) and macrophage chemoattractant
indicative of changes in general health susceptibility to infection/disease (27, proteinª1 (MCP)-1 (44).
status. As such, immunomodulators in 32, 34, 37, 40). Therefore, cytokines and Inasmuch as saliva has the potential to
saliva can be used diagnostically in re- chemokines in saliva have the potential be a diagnostic tool, the predictive value
lation to infection/disease. Accordingly, to be predictive of susceptibility/re- may be limited by putative inhibitors of
antibodies in saliva have been used as sistance to infection or an indicator of immunoreactivity. This inhibition could
an indicator of infection status (e.g. disease status. affect absolute concentration and/or de-
antibodies to HIV) (6, 9, 11, 13). This, Cytokines and chemokines have been tection of immunomodulators, espe-
together with the ease of collection, identified in whole saliva and/or oral cially if a differential inhibition is evident
makes saliva a potentially effective bio- tissue by protein (25) or mRNA (10) either with specific immunomodulators
logical fluid to be used as a diagnostic levels, or both. Cytokines that have been or individuals. Currently, there have
tool and a predictor of overall health detected in saliva include Th1/Th2-type been no reports of immunomodulator
status (9, 11, 18, 28, 31). and pro-inflammatory cytokines (5, 10, inhibitors in saliva, although inhibitors
Cytokines have been used to predict 29). In fact, different salivary Th1/Th2 of cysteine proteinases have been de-
disease/infection status. For example, T cytokine profiles have been reported for scribed (1–4, 14, 19–21, 30, 35, 39). In
helper (Th)1-type cytokines are indica- HIV-infected persons with and without contrast, the detection of both cytokines
tive of protection against intracellular oropharyngeal candidiasis, an oppor- and antibodies is inhibited in cervical
pathogens and fungi, whereas Th2-type tunistic fungal infection (5, 25). To date, mucus, a common constituent of cerv-
cytokines are indicative of protection a limited number of chemokines have ico-vaginal secretions (12).
Immunomodulator inhibitors in saliva 101
Based on the effects of cervical mu- mean (SEM)), 1.485 ∫ 0.2 mg/ml vs. pa- jugated-anti-IgA (monomeric a-chain
cus on immunomodulators and the fact rotid, 1.328 ∫ 0.16 mg/ml]. specific) was diluted to 125 ng/ml and
that saliva contains similar large mucin- HRP conjugated-anti-IgG (polyclonal)
like proteins, we asked whether or not (Sigma) was diluted to 530 ng/ml in
saliva has any inhibitory effects on im- blocking buffer. Following incubation
munomodulators that ultimately could For chemokine and cytokine ELISAs, and washing, substrate (OPD) was
affect detection and/or function. To this Opt EIA kits (BD Pharmingen, San Di- added to each well, and the plates were
end, the effects of saliva on a large ego, CA) were used according to manu- read at 450 nm. Concentrations were ex-
panel of cytokines and chemokines facturer’s instructions. Briefly, each trapolated from the standard curves,
were evaluated to elucidate its diagnos- plate was coated with a 1 : 250 dilution and final concentrations were expressed
tic potential. of coating antibody in coating buffer as ng/ml or ng/mg protein.
(0.1 M Na HCO3, pH 8.2) at 50 ml/well
and incubated at 4æC overnight. After
Stability of exogenous chemokines and
washing with phosphate-buffered saline
Materials and methods cytokines
(PBS)-Tween buffer (1 ¿ PBS π 0.05%
Human saliva samples
Tween 20), the nonspecific binding sites To sterile-filtered whole pooled saliva
Twenty-five normal healthy volunteers were blocked with 10% fetal bovine samples (n Ω 5), 1000 pg/ml of purified
were enrolled in accordance with the serum (FBS) in PBS for 1 h at 21æC recombinant chemokines (IL-8,
stated guidelines of the Institutional Re- (room temperature). Following RANTES, and MCP-1) and cytokines
view Board of Louisiana State Univer- blocking, the plates were washed and [IL-12, interferon gamma (IFN-g), IL-
sity Health Sciences Center. Partici- the samples (undiluted) and standards 4-4, and IL-10] were added in a cocktail.
pants included 10 females and 15 males, were added at 50 ml/well. Standards were The sample was separated into aliquots
with ages ranging from 20 to 45 years. prepared using purified recombinant and incubated for 48 h in sterile, closed
Exclusion criteria included any form of chemokines or cytokines. Each stan- containers ª80, 4, 21 or 37æC. An ad-
oral pathology, oral infections, peri- dard curve was prepared beginning at ditional portion of the pooled sample
odontitis or gingivitis. Once informed 2000 pg/ml and serially diluted 1 : 2 in was set aside and similarly treated with
consent was obtained from each sub- PBS. After a 2-h incubation at 21æC, the exogenous chemokines and cytokines
ject, saliva was collected from each indi- plates were washed followed by the ad- and tested immediately (no incubation).
vidual at approximately the same time dition of 50 ml/well of secondary anti- Each sample was evaluated in the
of day (late afternoon). For this, sub- body plus horseradish peroxidase en- chemokine/cytokine ELISAs undiluted.
jects were asked to expectorate 10 ml of zyme (HRP), both diluted 1 : 250 into
unstimulated whole saliva into a 50-ml blocking buffer for 1 h at 21æC. Follow-
Effect of whole and parotid saliva on
sterile plastic centrifuge tube. Following ing a final washing step, o-phenyline di-
exogenous chemokines, cytokines and
collection of whole saliva, 10 ml of pa- amine dihydrochloride (OPD) (Sigma)
rotid saliva was collected. For this, the was added at 50 ml/well. After incuba-
Lashley collection device (22, 23) was tion in the dark (for 15–30 min) at 21æC, To all available whole and parotid sal-
affixed to the duct of the parotid gland, plates were read at 450 nm in the auto- iva samples, 1000 pg/ml of purified re-
and parotid saliva production was mated plate reader (Ceres 900, Bio-tek). combinant chemokines (IL-8, RANT-
stimulated by application of lemon The sensitivity of the cytokine and ES, and MCP-1) and cytokines (Th1,
juice to the tongue. Following collec- chemokine assays in our laboratory was Th2, and pro-inflammatory) was added
tion, whole and parotid saliva was clari- approximately 2–10 pg/ml. Optical den- to each sample in a cocktail. For exoge-
fied by centrifugation for 5 min at 800 g sities corresponding to concentrations nous antibodies, 100 mg/ml purified IgA
at 4æC. The supernatants were collected below these levels were considered un- and 25 mg/ml purified IgG (Sigma) were
and sterile filtered using a 45-mm low- detectable. The coefficient of variance added to saliva samples. Each sample
protein binding filter. The filtered saliva for samples tested multiple times in the was tested immediately in ELISAs,
was then aliquoted into 1-ml volumes ELISAs was ⬍7%. Concentrations either undiluted (chemokines and cyto-
and frozen at ª80æC until use. were determined by extrapolation from kines) or at a 1 : 100 dilution (anti-
a standard curve and expressed as pg/ bodies). Endogenous levels of each im-
ml or pg/mg total protein. munomodulator were also evaluated in
Protein assay
The procedure for the antibody parallel for each saliva sample. Controls
For each saliva sample, the total protein ELISAs was identical to that for the included the addition of chemokines,
content was determined using the BCA chemokine/cytokine ELISAs, except for cytokines and antibodies to PBS to de-
protein assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL) with types of antibodies and antibody di- termine the actual concentration of
bovine serum albumin as the standard lutions. To coat, 20 mg/ml anti-IgA each immunomodulator added.
(Sigma, St. Louis, MO) as previously de- (monoclonal a-chain specific) and 5 mg/
scribed (38). The protein was quantified ml polyclonal anti-IgG (Sigma) were di-
Solubilization of large proteins by
using an automated plate reader at 495 luted in coating buffer. For standards,
nm (Ceres 900, Bio-tek, Wisnooski, VT). purified antibodies (reagent grade hu-
The protein concentrations were ex- man IgA and IgG) were used (Sigma) Bromelain (Sigma) was prepared at 4
pressed as mg/ml. Protein concen- beginning at 40 000 ng/ml IgA and 625 mg/ml dissolved in Tyrode’s salt solu-
trations in whole and parotid saliva were ng/ml IgG. Each standard was serially tion (Sigma). To clarified saliva, an
similar, with no significant difference diluted 1 : 2 in PBS, while samples were equal volume of bromelain or Tyrode’s
[whole (mean ∫ standard error of the diluted 1 : 100. For detection, HRP con- salt solution (vehicle control) was added
102 Wozniak et al.
for 15 min at room temperature. Fol- RANTES, IL-8, and MCP-1 by com- Table 1. Endogenous cytokines in saliva
lowing treatment, the saliva was sterile mercial ELISA and normalized to total Cytokine Median concentration,
filtered, aliquoted, and frozen at ª80æC protein. The individual and median pg/mg proteina (range)
until use. concentrations illustrated in Fig. 1 show
that all chemokines measured were de- Parotid saliva Whole saliva
tectable in both parotid and whole sal- IL-12 15.6 16.3
Western blots
iva. RANTES was detected in 55 and (0–483) (0–254)
Western blots were conducted as per 81% of parotid and whole saliva IFN-g 15.3 8.6
standard protocol (16). Briefly, saliva samples, respectively, while IL-8 and (0–655) (0–229)
IL-4 13.7 15.2
samples were first prepared for electro- MCP-1 were detected in 95 and 100% of
(0–160) (0–2929)
phoresis along with the positive con- both parotid and whole saliva samples, IL-10 0 0
trols, purified IgA and IgG (5000 ng respectively. Of all chemokines tested, (0–216) (0–100)
each), with sample buffer (Laemmeli MCP-1 was found at the highest con- TGF-b 0 47
sample buffer, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) centrations in both parotid and whole (0–2.2) (0–255)
and b-mercaptoethanol. Following boil- saliva, followed by IL-8 and RANTES. IL-1a 65.1 362
ing for 15 min, 20 ml of each sample was (0–200) (0–673)
added to the wells of a 12% polyacryl- IL-6 45.4 91.8
Endogenous levels of cytokines shown by (26.2–172) (34.8–1306)
amide gel along with 20 ml of prestained
ELISA TNF-a 35.0 85.6
broad-range molecular weight standard
(13.1–92.9) (27.2–1074)
(Bio-Rad). Electrophoresis was carried Cytokines evaluated included Th1-type
out at 150 V for 1 h in tris-glycine run- cytokines (IL-12 and IFN-g), Th2-type Saliva concentration determined for 25 sub-
ning buffer. The samples and standards cytokines [IL-4, IL-10, and trans- jects with all available samples tested for
each cytokine.
from the SDS-PAGE were then trans- forming graph factor-beta (TGF-b)],
ferred to nitrocellulose paper at 25 V and pro-inflammatory cytokines [IL-
overnight in tris-glycine buffer with 1a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-
20% methanol. Nonspecific protein- a), and IL-6]. The individual and me-
binding sites on the nitrocellulose paper dian concentrations are summarized in tration in whole saliva, followed by IL-
were blocked by overnight incubation Table 1. For the Th1-type cytokines, IL- 6, TNF-a, and TGF-b. All other cyto-
with 10% goat serum in tris-buffered sa- 12 was detected in 93 and 87% and kines measured in whole and parotid
line (TBS) with 0.05% Tween at room IFN-g in 70 and 65% of parotid and saliva were detected at lower concen-
temperature on an orbital shaker. Fol- whole saliva samples, respectively. For trations (below 100 pg/mg protein).
lowing this, HRP-conjugated-anti-hu- the Th2-type cytokines, IL-4 and IL-10 In correlation analyses, there was a
man IgA (polyclonal) was added at 250 were detected in 50 and 10%, respec- significant correlation in amount of
ng/ml and anti-human IgG (polyclonal) tively, of both parotid and whole saliva IFN-g between matched parotid and
was added at 1600 ng/ml in blocking samples, while TGF-b was detected in whole saliva (R Ω 0.6018, P Ω 0.0006)
buffer for 1 h at 21æC and washed 4 10 and 90% of parotid and whole saliva, (data not shown). None of the chemo-
times for 30 min each with blocking respectively. For the pro-inflammatory kines and no other cytokines showed a
buffer. Finally, OPD substrate (Sigma) cytokines, IL-1a was detected in 91% of significant correlation between the
was added and the bands visualized both parotid and whole samples, while amounts detected in the matched
after 15 min. IL-6 and TNF-a were each detected in samples. Additionally, the only signifi-
100% of both parotid and whole saliva cant differences between concentrations
samples. Of all cytokines measured, IL- in whole and parotid saliva were for IL-
1a was detected at the highest concen- 1a (P Ω 0.029), TNF-a (P Ω 0.022), and
The unpaired Student’s t-test was used to TGF-b (P Ω 0.0003).
analyze data in all exogenous immuno-
modulator experiments and bromelain
Stability of chemokines and cytokines in
studies. Correlation statistics of re-
gression analysis were performed on all
endogenous immunomodulator detec- To assess the stability of cytokines and
tions in whole and parotid saliva. Sig- chemokines in saliva, a preliminary ex-
nificant differences were defined as a periment using a small number of
confidence level at which P was ⬍0.05, pooled whole saliva from individuals
using a two-tailed test. All statistics were (n Ω 5) was performed. The poded
evaluated using GraphPad software sample was separated into aliquots
(GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). spiked with 1000 pg/ml of recombinant
chemokines (MCP-1, IL-8, and RANT-
Fig. 1. Endogenous chemokines in saliva. ES) and cytokines (IL-12, IFN-g, IL-4,
Results Whole and parotid saliva was collected from
and IL-10) and assayed immediately or
Endogenous levels of chemokines shown 25 subjects, centrifuged, and sterile filtered.
All available samples were assayed for
after a 48-h incubation at room tem-
RANTES, IL-8, and MCP-1 by ELISA. Re- perature, chemokines was detected at
To evaluate endogenous chemokines in sults are expressed as pg/mg protein in saliva. ª80, 4, 21 or 37æC. Each cytokine
matched whole and parotid saliva, each Individual and median concentrations of showed ⬍400 pg/ml with no differences
saliva sample was quantified for each chemokine are shown. detected between samples stored under
Immunomodulator inhibitors in saliva 103
different temperatures and those spiked an average of 75% in whole and 20% in control, whereas concentrations of
and tested immediately. parotid saliva, with cytokines in whole TGF-b (Fig.4A), IL-1a, and TNF-a
saliva again showing the largest reduc- (Fig.4B), and the chemokines IL-8,
tion (P ⬍ 0.005) (Fig. 3A). For pro-in- MCP-1, and RANTES (Fig.4C) were
flammatory cytokines, little to no re- unchanged.
Effects of saliva on exogenous
duction was seen for IL-1a in either pa-
chemokines and cytokines
rotid or whole saliva, while IL-6 and
In the light of the immediate effects TNF-a were reduced to approximately
Effects of saliva on exogenous
of whole saliva on concentrations of 50% in both parotid and whole saliva
exogenous cytokines, a formal evalu- (Fig. 3B). For all cytokines except IL-
ation of the effects of parotid and 1a and IL-6, inhibition was significantly A design similar to that for exogenous
whole saliva on cytokines and chemo- greater in whole than in parotid saliva chemokines and cytokines was applied
kines was conducted. For this, a (P ⬍ 0.03). to immunoglobulins. For this, purified
cocktail of recombinant chemokines human IgA and IgG were added to
(MCP-1, RANTES, and IL-8) or whole and parotid saliva at 100 and 25
cytokines (IL-12, IFN-g, IL-4, IL-10, mg/ml, respectively, and assayed im-
Effects of bromelain treatment on
TGF-b, IL-1a, IL-6, and TNF-a) mediately by ELISA. The results shown
endogenous immunomodulators
were added to each saliva sample or in Fig. 5 indicate that concentrations of
PBS (control) at 1000 pg/ml, and As concentrations of cytokines and exogenous immunoglobulins in either
samples were assayed for each cyto- chemokines were reduced in saliva, a parotid or whole saliva were not differ-
kine/chemokine immediately by ELI- study was conducted to determine ent than that detected in PBS.
SA. The results in Fig. 2 show that, whether the chemokines and cytokines
compared to the concentration de- were present but masked from detection
tected in the spiked sample of PBS, or, alternatively, degraded in the saliva
Western blotting of immunoglobulins in
the chemokines IL-8 and MCP-1 were sample. For this, all available whole sal-
detected at significantly lower concen- iva samples were treated with brome-
trations (P ⬍ 0.05) in parotid saliva lain, whereby the bromelain-dependent To determine whether saliva affects the
samples, while all chemokines tested solubilization of large proteins would structure but not the immunoreactivity
were detected at significantly lower be expected to enhance the detection of of immunoglobulins, purified IgG and
concentrations in whole saliva any masked or sequestered cytokine. IgA were added to saliva and evaluated
samples (P ⬍ 0.002). For all chemo- The results in Fig. 4 show that the immediately by Western blotting and
kines, concentrations in whole saliva amounts of endogenous Th1/Th2 cyto- compared to immunoglobulins in PBS.
were significantly lower than in pa- kines and IL-6 increased significantly The results shown in Fig. 6 indicate that
rotid saliva (P ⬍ 0.02). (P ⬍ 0.04) following treatment of saliva saliva had no discernable effect on puri-
Th1/Th2 cytokines were reduced to with bromelain compared to the vehicle fied IgA and IgG compared to that in
PBS. In contrast, saliva treated with
bromelain showed significant degrada-
tion of endogenous immunoglobulins.
Saliva treated with the vehicle control
(Tyrode’s salt solution) showed no
degradation (data not shown).
The detection of immunomodulators in
saliva has implications for infectious
diseases. Antibodies can be an indicator
of infection and/or convalescence. A lo-
cal Th1/Th2 cytokine profile may indi-
cate resistance or susceptibility to infec-
tion. Pro-inflammatory cytokines may
be indicative of acute inflammation,
while chemokines are indicative of T-
cell, macrophage, and/or PMN mi-
gration to areas of infection. The po-
tential of saliva as a tool to diagnose
Fig. 2. Effects of saliva on exogenous chemokines. PBS and whole and parotid saliva (n Ω 20)
health status is dependent upon several
were spiked with 1000 pg/ml of each chemokine (RANTES, IL-8, and MCP-1) in a cocktail.
Results are expressed as pg/ml detected of each chemokine in PBS, parotid saliva, and whole
factors such as detectability and sta-
saliva (with endogenous amounts subtracted). The percentages shown indicate the percent bility of the named substances in saliva.
reduction compared to the PBS spike. Asterisks (*) represent significant reductions compared Accordingly, we have shown that immu-
to PBS spike (P ⬍ 0.05). Mean concentrations and standard error of the mean (SEM) are nomodulators such as chemokines,
shown for each chemokine. cytokines, and immunoglobulins can be
104 Wozniak et al.
Fig. 6. Western blot of salivary immunoglobulins. PBS (control) and whole saliva (n Ω 3) were spiked with 5000 ng/ml (A) IgA or (B) IgG (lanes
1 and 2) and detected with appropriate anti-IgA or IgG antibodies. Lane 3: whole saliva untreated; lane 4: whole saliva treated with bromelain.
The figure shows a representative saliva sample of three tested.
higher concentrations in whole saliva, iva, thereby reducing the concentration. case of IL-1a, the lack of inhibition
TNF-a, found at significantly higher Formal studies designed to evaluate could be caused by several factors.
concentrations in whole saliva, and putative inhibitory effects of whole and First, since IL-1a is found in signifi-
IFN-g, which showed a positive corre- parotid saliva on exogenous chemo- cantly higher amounts in whole saliva
lation in matched samples. Overall, the kines and cytokines were conducted im- and is produced by buccal epithelial
lack of differences between concen- mediately following the addition of the cells (41), it may be continually replaced
trations of cytokines in whole and pa- cytokine/chemokine cocktail, based on if inhibited to some level. Secondly, IL-
rotid saliva suggests that, in most cases, preliminary stability studies showing 1a may be resistant to an existing sali-
the parotid gland is a contributor to early inhibitory effects. As indicated by vary inhibitor(s), suggesting some speci-
cytokines in whole saliva. The lack of the preliminary results, compared to ficity of the inhibition in saliva. Size
specific correlations of immunomodula- spiked PBS samples, the detection of should not be considered a factor as all
tors between whole and parotid saliva Th1/Th2 cytokines and chemokines was the cytokines are ⬃15–25 kDa.
in matched samples suggests that con- clearly reduced/inhibited following con- The inhibition of chemokines and
tributions to saliva by the parotid gland tact with both parotid (20–40%) and cytokines in parotid saliva indicates
can vary from subject to subject. It is whole (⬃75%) saliva. This reduction in that components from the parotid
interesting to note that similar levels of detection is similar to that observed for gland, at least in part, contribute to the
cytokines and chemokines were found cytokines in cervical mucus (12). Cervi- inhibition. However, the greater inhi-
in parotid and whole saliva, especially cal mucus also contains substantial mu- bition by whole than by parotid saliva
considering that whole saliva contains cins capable of cytokine and antibody suggests that the inhibitory compo-
contributions from many glands and sequestration and/or degradation, nent(s) is more concentrated in whole
from buccal epithelial cells and gingival which limits detection by ELISA (12). saliva. If the putative inhibitor(s) is a
crevicular fluid. Of the three cytokines In contrast, a smaller inhibition was ob- protein, as expected, this difference in
that showed increased concentrations in served with pro-inflammatory cyto- inhibition is not attributable to salivary
whole saliva relative to parotid saliva, kines, without any difference between protein concentration, since the protein
two were pro-inflammatory cytokines parotid and whole saliva. Interestingly, content was virtually identical in the
that are known to be produced by buc- no inhibition of any kind was found for two types of saliva. Alternatively,
cal epithelial cells (41). Where similar IL-1a, consistent with it being at the whole, but not parotid, saliva contains
concentrations were found in the two highest concentration for any cytokine mucins similar to that in cervical mucus
types of saliva, perhaps the glandular tested in either type of saliva. This sug- (12). Thus, mucins or mucin-like mol-
contributions of the chemokines and gests that saliva can affect cytokines ecules in whole saliva are expected to
cytokines become diluted in whole sal- and chemokines differentially. In the play some role in the cytokine/chemo-
106 Wozniak et al.
kine inhibition. Confirmation will re- resistant to bromelain. Noteworthy is munomodulator for this purpose will
quire submandibular saliva that is al- the lack of effects of bromelain on need to be evaluated independently.
most completely composed of mucin. smaller endogenous molecules (chemo-
In contrast to salivary effects on kines and cytokines) compared to anti-
chemokines and cytokines, immuno- bodies that are clearly affected. Perhaps
globulin detection is not affected by cleavage sites in the smaller chemokines References
either type of saliva. This may be ex- and cytokines are not as accessible due 1. Balbin M, Hall A, Grubb A, Mason RW,
plained by the difference in size of im- to tighter tertiary structure, or perhaps Lopez-Otin C, Abrahamson M. Struc-
munoglobulins compared to cytokines/ they do not contain the appropriate tural and functional characterization of
chemokines (150 vs. 8–25 kDa, respec- amino acid sequences for enzymatic two allelic variants of human cystatin D
tively). Alternatively, immunoglobulins cleavage by bromelain. Yet another sharing a characteristic inhibition spec-
utilized were purified proteins, while the possibility is that cytokines and chemo- trum against mammalian cysteine pro-
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we cannot rule out the possibility that pro-inflammatory cytokines by both hibitory activity and levels of salivary cy-
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