Roleplay Bahasa Inggris

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Supervisor: Ns. Nana Rochana, MN (NR)


Selviana Delanda (22020118120037)

Asti Munifah (22020118120041)

Tri Indriyani (22020118120043)

Devie Clarisasari Budiman (22020118120045)

Estuning Budi Utami (22020118120047)

Listiana Nur Baeti (220201181200




(Inpatient room)

Ms Dewi feel the pain because of the wound after operation has not dry

Ms Dewi : oh my god this surgery scars is so painful, it hasn’t been dried.

Mom yuni: his book forgets the old operation marks that hurt for a long time and don't dry up

Mrs Yuni: OK, don't eat fish, it causes your scar itchy

Ms Dewi: But the fish makes healthy Mom, why can’t I eat that?

Mrs Yuni: just be obedient to parent’s advision. Since long time ago, women who just gave birth
couldn’t eat fish, because it has become a tradition which is inherited from generation to

Ms Dewi : But, mom..

Mrs Yuni : you must listen to mother’s said. if something happens, you are bothered

The neighbors came to visit

Amin Neighbors : Assalamualaikum sist Dewi

Mrs Yuni : Waalaikumsalam mom Amin.

Juju Neighbors : Emm, Mrs. Yuni. How are you?

Mrs Yuni : Alhamdulillah, i'm fine but Dewi’s surgery scars hasn’t been dried, i've told her not
to eat fish but the She doesn’t care

Amin neighbors : Yes , don't eat the fish later so itching

Juju neighbors : Yes Mrs , that is true

Nurse Dina and nurse Rini entered into the inpatient unit to check Mrs. Dewi’s condition.

Nurse Dina : Hello , let me introduce my self my name is Dina and she is Rini we come to check
Ms. Dewi’s condition. Here we Will check Ms. Dewi’s condition for 15 minute. How's it Going
today ms ? Do you sleep soundly?

Ms Dewi : yes nurse, my condition is already better , but my sleep was less restful

Nurse Dina : oh, why is her sleep less soundly ? (While checking the state of the patient)

Ms Dewi : i feel a little pain in your scar

Nurse : ooo this turner out the wound has not been dried yes ma'am

Mrs. Yuni : yes Ns. my daughter is very stubborn, I have banned her to eat fish but she still
eats even though it was not good

Nurse Dina : (smile) Mrs. actually fish is good for postpartum mothers because the fish
contains very high protein to accelerate the growth of damaged tissue so that the wound will
recover faster

Mrs. Yuni : Is it true Ns? Because since I still young my parent and many people believe that
eating fish is not good for postpartum mother.

Nurse : I’m sorry Mrs. but it is an improper perception, according to health by

consuming fish the wound will dry quickly so dont worry to eat fish when injured because it is
good for health.

Mrs. Yuni : yes miss, Dewi is very stubborn. I have advised her but she does not want to
listen. I have forbid her to eat fish but she still eats, even though the fish is not healthy for
postpartum mother, isn’t it miss ?

Nurse : like this miss, actually the fish is very good for postpartum mothers because fish
contain very high protein which is useful to accelerate the growth of damaged tissue so that it
will accelerate wound healing

Mrs. Yuni : Since long ago, people after giving birth are prohibited from eating fish
Nurse : Sorry miss, actually the perception is not right, in the health sector consuming
fish will make the wound dry quickly and heal so that the mother does not need to worry

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