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Unit 4 Educational Communication Media: Structure

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4.0 Objectives

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Meaning of Communication MediaIAudio-Visual Media

4.3 Definition and Meaning of A.V. Aids

4.3.1 Definition 0fA.V. Aids
4.3.2 Meaning 0fA.V. Aids

4.4 Purposes and Advantages of A.V. Aids

4.4.1 Purposes of A.V. Aids
4.4.2 Advantages of A.V. Aids

4.5 Types of A.V. Aids

4.5.1 Classification as Projected and Non-Projected Aids
4.5.2 Classification as Audio, Visual, and Audio-Visual Aids
4.5.3 Classification as Simple and Sophisticated Aids

4.6 Factors Influencing Effectiveness of A.V. Aids

4.7 Common A.V. Aids used for Teaching of Nursing Students

4 7.1 Chalk BoardIBlack BoardIWhite Board
4.7.2 Objects, Specimens, and Models
4.7.3 Posters
4.7.4 Charts
4.7.5 Flannel Graphs/ Khadi GraphlFelt Board
4.7.6 Bulletin Board
4.7.7 Flash Cards

4.8 Let Us Sum Up

4.9 Key Words

4.10 Answers to Check Your Progress

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

a explain the meaning of communication media1Audio-Visual Media;

a define A.V. Aids and describe its meaning;

a state purposes of A.V. Aids;
a describe advantages of A.V. Aids;
a explain factors influencing effectiveness of A.v. Aids; and
a discuss the common A.V. Aids used for teaching nursing students.
4.1 INTRODUCTION Communication Media

You have read in Unit 2 of this block that the teacher and the students of nursing
will need to use audio-visual aids for effective teaching and learning. In this unit
our primary concern is to help you to understand about audio-visual aids and
different types of common A.V. aids.

According to George Bernard Shaw "The number of people, who can read is
small, the number of those who can read to any purpose, much smaller, and the
number of those who are too tired after a hard day's work to read, enormous. But
all except the blind and deaf can see and hear". This explains the importance of
using Audio-Visual Aids for teaching-learning and communication purposes. Thus
you find, Audio-Visual aids are vital weapons in the teaching learning process and
health education programme. Let us now see how communication media can be
defined and what are the purposes of using these Aids.


In Unit 2, Section 2.4 you have learnt about communication in teaching-learning.
Communication process was discussed as direct face to face communication
between the teacher and the students and mediated communication. The
teacher uses some intervening media such as motion picture, film strips, pictures,
models etc., to convey information to students. The mediated communication
generally is referred to as audio-visual communication. In direct face-to-face
communication between teacher and student, the teacher communicates the
message by conversation using words, ideas along with body movements and
facial expression (i.e., digital signs). S h e may also use object itself or the picture
or diagram of the object etc. (i.e., iconic signs). The picture of an object or the
object itself is iconic sign and a word naming the object as a digital sign. It means
that in face-to-face communication, the teacher makes use of audio-visual aids1
materials (i.e., iconic signs) to draw the meaning from words and ideas which
are used and presented by the teacher to students so that there is concrete

Thus, the educational communication media has wider scope and it is comprised
of not only audio-visual material such as educational exhibits, objects, graphic aids,
electronic media etc., but also includes, verbal signs, i.e., words, ideas; body
language; written material, and materials which can communicate through touch,
taste, and smell. Communication media and audio-visual aids are synonymous
terms. From now onwards communication media will be referred as Audio-Visual

Introduction to
Nursing Education


4.3.1 Definitions of A.V. Aids

Some of the meaningful and purposeful definitions which are given by different
authors are as under:
I Burten: Audio-Visual aids are those sensory objects or images which initiate
I or stimulate and reinforce learning.


Kinder S. James: Audio-Visual aids are any device which can be used to
make the learning experience more concrete more realistic, and more
McKown and Roberts: Audio-Visual aids are supplementary devices by
which the teacher, through the utilization of more than one sensory channels is
able to clarify, establish, and correlate concepts, interpretations, and

4.3.2 Meaning of A.V. Aids

The meaning which can be drawn from these definitions is that:

~ The A.V. Aids are sensory devices and provide sensory experience to the
learner, i.e., the learner can see and hear simultaneously. At times the
learner can also taste, smell, and touch, e.g., objects related to diet in nutrition

The sensory experience through A.V. Aids help teachers to clarify the spoken
and written words and ideas, to establish and understand correlation of ideas
I (concepts)/facts, to do interpretations and thus help her to make teaching-
~ learning more concrete, i.e., meaningful and vivid, effective and interesting.


~ A.V. aids are used for specific purposes. In the following text you will read about
the purposes and advantages of A.V. aids.

4.4.1 Purposes of A.V. Aids

The A.V. Aids can serve two major purposes:

1) To supplement and enrich teacher's own teaching to make teaching-learning

more concrete, i.e., meaningful, vivid, effective and interesting.

2) To serve an instructional role in itself, e.g., through motion picture film or

~' 94
television, information can be provided to students instead of teacher in the
4.4.2 Advantages of A.V. Aids Educational
Communication Media

The A.V. Aids are being increasingly used in modem day educational programmes.
Even very small school of Nursing with limited budget will be possessing at least a
few types of A.V. aids which are more commonly used for teaching and learning.
It has been found that A.V. Aids when properly used in the teaching-learning
situation can serve the following advantages:

A.V. aids help in effective perceptual and conceptual learning: A.V. aids
provide direct sensory experience by which one can see, hear, touch, taste, and
smell and can acquire clear, accurate and vivid images and that results in concrete

A.V. aids are helpful in capturing and sustaining attention of students: Use
of audio-visual aids result in clekr perception and understanding of concepts
through direct sensory experience. This in turn captures and sustain students'
attention in the class.
A.V. aids arouse interest and motivate students to learn: Use of A.V. Aids in
teaching-learning situations, e.g., use of anatomical models and specimen to explain
the structure and functions of organs and systems would not only help in better
understanding but it would generate interest and motivate students to learn. It would
also attain sustained attention of students.

A. V. aids help in more permanent learning: More permanent learning is clue to

motivation to learn and effective perceptual and conceptual learning through multi
sensory experience.
A. V. aids provide opportunities for students' involvement in teaching-
learning situations: There are many A.V. aids which can be handled and
manipulated by students, e.g., students can touch, feel, and see a specimen, a
model, a map or picture. Properly selected A.V. aids can provide for purposeful self
activities and students participation.

A.V. aids are helpful in new learning: This is possible because A. V. aids can
provide variety of experiences and stimuli to learner to fix up new learning.

A. V. aids help in saving energy and time of both the teachers and students:
Energy and time of both teachers and students are saved because A.V. aids help
clarify, understand, assimilate concepts, their relationships, interpretations etc.

A.V. aids can substitute experience which cannot be attained in reality:

Because it is in remote area, occurred in the past, e.g., management of flood relief
work which occurred in the past through video film, deliberations of a conference
in a distant place on television, activities of professional associations etc.

The A.V aids provide near reality experience: Which stimulates self activity
on the part of students e.g. demonstration of resuscitation on mannequin or video on
resuscitation of adult patients.

A.V. aids can meet individual demands: There are variety of A.V. aids which
can help in meeting the needs of different types of students. There are variety of
A.V. aids which can help in meeting the needs of different types of students, e.g.,
audios can meet the demands of students who are ear oriented, some other
students who can be helped by visual demonstration and while others can learn
better by doing.
A.V. aids are useful for education of masses: A.V. aids like radio, television
are used for education of population at large, teleconference or counselling
sessions for students having ed~cation'throu~h distance education.
introduction to
Effective perceptual and cbnceptual learning

Nursing Education

/ Capturing and sustaining attention of students

/// Arolusing interest and motivating the students to learn

\\\' Substitute experience which cannot be attained in


W e t individual demands

Education of masses

Fig 4.1 :Advantages of A.V. aids

4.5 TYPES OF A.V. AIDS Cornmunicatinn Media

We shall now make an attempt to classify the A.V. aids. These can be classified in
different ways as explained below.

4.5.1 Classification as projected and Non-Projected A.V. Aids

1) Projected A.V. aids: The projected A.V. aids require projection and consists
Hardware i.e., some kind of machines, e.g., overhead projectors,
opeidoscope, film projector, slide projector, power projector etc.
Software i.e., the material which is projected by projecting machines,
e.g., transparencies, film strips, slides, video film, audio-visual films, print
material floppy, CD, DVD etc.

2) Non-projected A.V. Aids: The non-projected A.V. aids are further classified
Graphic aids: Graphic aids include graphs, charts, diagrams, flashcards,
flannel, and khadi graphs, posters, flipcharts, maps, pictures, photographs,
cartoons, comics etc.
Three-dimensional Aids: The 3-dimensional aids include objects,
specimen, models, exhibits mockups, puppets etc.
Display Boards: Display boards include black board, white board,
bulletin board, roller board, magnetic board etc.
Print Material: The print material include pamphlets, booklets, leaflets,
handouts etc.
Audio Aids: The audio aids include radio, recordings, television etc.
Activity Aids: Activity aids include dramatics, demonstrations, field trips,
computer assisted instructions, programmed instructions, teaching
machines etc.

4.5.2 Classification As Audio, Visual and Audio-Visual Aids

1) Audio AidsIAuditory Aids: The audio materials are those which can be
heard. They include radio, tape recordings, sound distribution sets,
microphones etc.

2) Visual Aids: The visual aids are those which can be seen. They include
graphic aids, 3-dimensional aids, display boards, and print material which have
been listed in the previous section.

3) Audio-Visual Aids: The audio-visual aids are those which can be heard and
seen simultaneously. They include all those A.V. aids which are included under
projected and activity aids listed in previous section.

4.5.3 Classification As Simple and Sophisticated Aids

1) simple A.V. Aids: Simple A.V. aids include graphic aids, display boards, 3-
dimensional aids and print material as listed under non-projected A.V. aids
(sub-section 4.5.1, point 1)

2) Sophisticated A.V. Aids: Sophisticated A.V. aids include all those A.V. aids
which are listed under audio-visual aids (i.e., projected aids) and audio material
(Sub-section 4.5.2, Point 1 and 3).
Introduction to
Nursing Education


In order that the various types of Audio-Visual aids used for teaching and learning
purposes are effectively used, the teacher must keep a few factors in mind.

i) Preparation of Teacher and Student

The teacher should be well prepared with the topic and the A.V. aids to be used for
the class. If s h e is using a 'model' s/he should be fully familiar with all its parts and
should know how to use it. The students should be acquainted with the subject
matter of A.V. aids. The seating arrangements for the students should be such that
all can see and hear and get the benefit of learning. The aids should be effectively
displayed in a proper place.
ii) Selection of A.V. Aids
Whatever teaching aids the teacher plans to use, it should always be suitable to the
topic. This should be carefully selected and planned to add clarity to the
presentation. Consider the age, interest, and intelligence of the students and A.V.
aids should not be foreign to the students' environment. Whenever any A.V. aid is
used it should be always in a good condition and should be economical. The
rationale for using the aid is to arouse interest, hold attention, motivate, student,
stimulate discussion, increase retention etc.
iii) Preparation of A.V. Aids
Whenever necessary and feasible, the teacher should prepare A.V. aids herself. As
far as possible, she should use locally available material. She may involve students
in reparation of A.V. aids. Opportunities should be provided for training of teachers Educational
to learn to prepare A.V. aids. Communication Media

iv) Proper Presentation

The purpose of A.V aids being used can be met fully, if it is properly presented. The
aids should be visible and audible to all and used when needed. If you are using a
flannel graph or flash cards uncover only when needed to show and explain the
point you are discussing. Always use a pointer to stress your points. Display the
A.V. aids systematically and attractively keeping in mind the teaching learning
situation and use the aids effectively at proper time?

v) Evaluation

When you are using any A..V. aids for teaching purposes you should evaluate its
effectiveness. This can be done by checking the following:

Is the colour scheme and layout effective?

Is the display systematic and attractive and seen by all?

Did it serve the purpose to teach the particular subject'topic?

Was it time consuming?

Is it expensive or cheap (cost effectiveness)?

vi) Proper Preservation

All the audio-visual aids which are used by the teachers or the students must be
looked after properly for their maintenance and upkeep. It is necessary to make
up-to-date list and maintain an inventory of the different types of aids.

These should be kept away from dampness, dust, insects, moths etc. Charts,
Posters, Flash Cards should be kept flat. Film strips, Epidiascope,
Transparencies all need special care, detail of which can be learnt when

Regular maintenance and necessary Servicing of hardwares for projected aids is

essential, ensure that computer virus is not there if computers are in regular use.

Now that you have gone through the definition, purposes and types of A.V. aids
and also the factors that contribute towards effectiveness of A.V. Aids we shall
proceed to discuss the common aids used in teaching nursing students.
Introduction to
Varieties of A.V. Aids are available now-a-days. Depending on the school budget
these can be purchased and used. You have to know about the availability of these
Aids. However, much can be done by the teachers themselves at a very little cost
of the department. A little thought with genuity is all that is required. Very ofteg the
simpler the aid the more effective it is and is unlikely to go wrong. We are now
going to discuss in brief some of the common A.V. Aids used in various nursing
training institutions.
4.7.1 Chalk Board/Black BoardJWhite Board
It is one of the common used A.V. Aids. Chalk Board or Black Board is a simple
and effective visual aid used for presenting varieties of material of any subject.
Ideas can be represented on it and provides avenues for creativity. It can be used
any time as long as one needs it.
A Chalk BoardlBlack BoardNhite Board is any dark coloured or white, flat,
smooth surface on which one can write or draw with chalk or any such material. It
is one of the oldest and simplest visual aids.
Chalk Boards can be fixed or portable and can be made of materials such as Wood,
Slate, Glass, Magnetic materials, Sunrnica. Roller Boards are also there.
Advantages of Using a Chalk Board
It is simple to use with little practice.
It is economic and reusable.
Easily available and can be used any time.
It can be used in a wide variety of ways, e.g., simple outlines, drawing,
summary of main points etc.
It encourages active doing and seeing on part of the audience.
Mistakes can be quickly erased and is a natural supplement to all other aids.

Disadvantages of Chalk Board

Written materials cannot be saved or preserved.
Cannot be used for a large audience.
Requires imagination, initiation, practice, and preparation.
Cannot illustrate moving parts.
Interrupts communication.
For effective use of Chalk Board follow the guidelines as under:
When writing, stand on the left side and not in front.
Do not turn your back to the audience for a long time.
Use the board calmly. Softly written sentences very often cannot be read by all.
If you have to write many things or do complicated drawings write or draw in
Avoid crowding the board with words or figures. Write in an organised way. Educational
Writing should be legible and straight. Communication Media

Write down new words you want to stress on, in capital letters with even
pressure. Begin writing from the top down and write at an eye level of
Don't clean the black board with hands. Use a proper eraser in up and down
motion. Erase the matter you have written first.
Ask the students in the class whether they have noted down the important
points before erasing the board.
When writing on the board avoid talking and verbal discussion, as the words
are lost to the class.
Face the students always when addressing them.
Before leaving the class, make sure that the Board is clean.
The example of how to write on a black board is given below:

Nursing: What is it or I HEALTH - LIFE

i) Def. :An Art and Science Aiming at I COMMUNICKIION
Alleviation of suffering
Restoration of health
Preventionof disease
0 Promotion of health

ii) Basically deals with health and:

Life and death
All age groups
All walks
24 hrs I day, all through
iii) You therefore need: An understanding of
How human being acts and behaves
LOVE for service and fellow
To develop the appropriateValues
HEALTH, Wellness-Illness continuum

I Quality of Life

Fig. 4.2: A Sample black board work

Introduction to 4.7.2 Objects, Specimen, and Models
Nursing Education
After black boards, these are most widely used as teaching aids. Let us therefore
discuss each of these separately.
1) Objects
Objects are samples of real things, visible, tangible aid is complete in itself, e.g., a
book, a syringe with needles, a thermometer, a blood pressure apparatus, a
stethoscope etc.
Replica: Is a full sizkd copy of an object. It looks, feels, and act like the object
itself. It is useful when the original happens to be fragile or inaccessible. Examples
are chase dolls, dummy, pelvis, and foetus etc.
A replica of a written or printed document or art is called Facsmile.
The advantage of using a replica is:
One gets an accurate picture of finer points and details and it presents multisensory
approach in learning.
Some of the disadvantages are:
a The problem regarding their storage.
a Can be used for small groups only.
a May get damaged easily.
2) Specimens
A specimen is a part taken as an example of whole or a class of like things so
chosen as to represent the whole or the class, e.g., Specimen of organs of the body;
heart, lungs, kidneys, uterus etc., can be used to teach anatomy. Loose bones and
particular muscles can also be shown as specimens. In teaching about varieties of
pulses and cereals in nutrition class, a handful of each of these can be shown as
The students get first hand information by looking at them or handling them.

3) Models'
A model is a three dimensional recognizable imitation of a real object. It may be of
the same sizeflarger or smaller than what it represents. It can be handled, operated
and seen from a number of angles. This quality makes the use of models in
teaching more interesting, effective and instructive than a chart or picture which
has only two dimensional representations.
a Models for teaching can be used for various purposes such as in relation to:
Size - when something is too large to be used, e.g., a large hospital
project, a plan for a building for school of nursing.
- Time - If we want to teach something of the past or future.
- Physical inaccessibility - Places we cannot visit or see, e.g., models of
- Unusable reality - Real materials that cannot be studied, e.g., it is
easier to study models of human heart, human eyes, kidneys etc.
a Models used to simulate resuscitation procedures are invaluable and
enable the nurse. to practice the skills of external cardiac massage and expired
air ventilation.
Process - Use of three bottles suction method or the working of the ~ducational
Communication Media
wangestine Apparatus for continuous gastric suction can be taught easily by
use of models.
The advantages of using a model is that:
The size can be adjusted as needed.
Dista~ceand time do not become limitation.
It can explain concepts, structures and working of parts.
odei is help to simulate reality.
Enables class participation, individually or in groups.
It gives the learner visual, tactic and oral stimuli which increase the learning
experience. .

The limitations are:
Models are quite costly.
Wrong concepts can be conveyed.
Needs more storage space.
Useful for teaching only in small groups.
Requires talent to prepare.

4.7.3 Posters
We don't have to tell you how widely posters are used on different topics/subjects
as you come across them almost every day you are engaged in teaching your
i) Definition
A poster is an informational or educational tool to convey illustrated message to
many people in many locations. It is a visual combination of an illustration of
message conveyed to people.
ii) Purposes
The purposes of posters are:
To provide general motivation.
To create an aesthetic or atmospheric effect.
To communicate a more general idea.

- To'thrust the message for leading to action.

Used for teaching in the classroom and in the community.

iii) Advantages of Using Posters

The advantages of using posters are:

I It attracts attention.
1 It conveys the message very quickly.

It does not require a detailed study.

Introduction to Good poster leads to action with good motivation.
Nursing Education
It can stand alone and is self - explanatory.

iv) Disadvantages of Using Posters

The disadvantages of their uses are:

Poster does not always give enough information.

When a poster is seen too often, it becomes a part of the environment and
then no longer attracts attention.

v) Features of a Good Poster

Brevity: Message should be concise.
Simplicity: Message should be easily understandable.
Idea: Should be based on single idea and it should be relevant.

Layout: Few trial exercises should be undertaken to get the best layout.

Colour: Suitable colour and colour combination should be used to make the
poster attractive and eye - catching.

Display: When displaying a poster, one should be sure to find a place where
there is adequate light and where the larger population will see it.


Give example of one poster which you have liked and mention the reasons for
liking it.
4.7.4 Charts Educational
Communication Media
i) Definition
Chart is defined as a visual aid which depicts pictorial and written key information
in systematic way to summarize, compare, contrast etc., e.g., anatomical charts and
figure, diagrams etc.

ii) Purposes
Its purposes are:
To visualize an item, it is otherwise difficult to explain only in words.
To highlight important points.
To provide outline of materials covered in presentation.

iii) Advantages
Its advantages are:
It is an effective tool for teaching-learning.
It arouses interest.
It involves a low cost.
It is portable.
It is easy to make.
It is available for use and reuse.
It is used to explain, clarify, and simplify the complicated materials.
It can be used to compare and show relationships.
It attracts attention, reduces the amount of verbal explanation and encourages

iv) Disadvantages
Its disadvantages are:
Charts cannot be used for large groups.
It cannot be used for illiterate groups. -

v) Types
Charts can be of different types, meant to serve different purposes. The teacher
has to choose the type she wants to present the topic. Some of the types that are
available are: table chart, wall chart, flow chart; flip chart, pull chart etc. All the
charts are made of locally available chart paper (size 20" x 30" x 40" ).

vi) Features of a Good Chart

The features of a good chart are that it should be:
sufficiently large to be seen easily.
.; clear, simple, and not overcrowded with facts.
attractive and should tell about the theme in detail.
in symbols and words and have few comparisons.
Introduction to .a highlight the main points.
Nursing Education
be strong enough to stand the rough use.

4.7.5 Flannel GraphsIKhadi GrapWelt Board

i) Definition
These are rough felt boards covered with skin tight flanneVwoo1 or khadi on to
which cutouts, writings, symbols, figures made out of light card board pasted with
flannelkhadi at the back are displayid.
ii) Advantages
a Flexible, dynamic, portable, convenient, and reusable.
a Locally produced, in-expensive, and attract attention easily when properly
a Promote step by step logical orderly presentation and can be referred again
for classifying. .
a Simple to make; its use saves time in teaching.
a Help in communicating ideas to students. Students can use them effectively
a Add variety to visual aids and can be used where other methods cannot be
iii) Disadvantages
a Mostly useful for small groups and not for large groups.
a Not useful for abstract learning.

iv) How to use it effectively?

a Be tllorough with the script, try it out and rehearse it.
a Keep the pieces in sequence.
Tilt the board at 45O angle to stick better.
a Place the piece with little downward pressure. Educational
Communication Media
a Commentary must be used for each piece.
a Do not overcrowd the board.

4.7.6 Bulletin Board

i) Definition
It is a device for displaying study material or current news in a visualized form. It is
the work of the student by the students and for the students. This device is often
the-most effective and exciting display element in a classroom.
ii) Purposes
a Motivates the learner.
a Broadens the sensory experience and provides experience outside the
students' environment.
a Gives the correct initial information.
a Supplement and correlates the instructions and saves time.

iii) Items to be placed on the bulletin boards

Photographs, newspaper cuttings, all kinds of creative work of the students, group
activities, announcements etc. ,
iv) Advantages
a Explains important events, announcements.
a Reports special activities in the school, shares knowledge, and stimulates
m Summarize and highlight events.
a Serves as an introduction to a particular topic.
v)' Disadvantages
a Not.effective for illiterate group.
Introduction to vi) How to use a Bulletin Board effectively?
Nursing Education
The theme or message conveyed should be clear, simple, interesling, and
Arrange the information in neat orderly way using appropriate material.
Do not crowd the Bulletin Board.
Give suitable title, large enough to be seen from a distance.
Use neutral colour for the background.
Layout should be attractive, simple, and easy to understand.
The information conveyed should remain for a limited period.
You cannot compel a person to look at a Bulletin Board; the display itself must
have the power to hold attention of the looker.

4.7.7 Flash Cards

i) Definition
Flash cards are a set of pictured compact paper cards of varying sizes that are
flashed one by one in a logical sequence. Flash cards can be self made or
commercially prepared and are made up of chart or drawing paper, plain paper
using colors or ink on them for drawings.
ii) Purposes
Flash cards are commonly use to:
Teach the students.
Give health education.
Hold or lead a discussion.
Narrate a story.
Teach a process.
iii) Advantages
Attracts aftention.
Conveys messages quickly. Educational
:ommunication Media
It is dynamic and flexible, maintains continuity.
Easy to prepare, portable, and economic.
Can be used for illiterate group.
vi) Disadvantages
Cannot be used for a large group.
Prone to get spoiled soon.
It is time consuming during preparation.
vii) How to use Flash Cards?
Be thorough with the picture, illustration, and script.
Arrange cards in sequence, flash one by one with commentary, stress
important points, and review by a quick flash.
For displaying you can hold the cards against chest, or use folding easel,
frame or box. They can also be displayed on bulletin boards or on a wall.

LET US SUM UP - - - -

We have just completed the study of Unit 4 on Communication MedidAudio-Visual

Aids. For making teaching and learning process and communication effective.
Varieties of audio-visual aids can be used. It is also important to select the
appropriate type of A.V. Aids in accordance with the nature and size of the group,
the topic to be covered, and facilities available.
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages and the teacher has to use her
judgement, skill, and knowledge for using the appropriate aids. The main aim of
using audio-visual aids for educational purposes is to enrich the learning, increase
understanding of concepts, acquisition of knowledge and aid in retention of factual
information. The teachlng aids also provides stimulus for discussion. Encourage
voluntary reading. Motivate students by allowing them to share a common
experience. Foster desirable attitude and change in behaviour.
Thus, it also expands the social and physical environment of the student. Teaching
aids are, therefore, valuable for students of all ages and experience.
Introduction to
Nursing Education 4.9 KEYWORDS
Communication : It is a two way process by which people influence one
another by conveying 1 transmitting and receiving ideas,
opinions, feelings and attitudes usually involving the use
of language.
Hardware . : In computer technology, the term refers to the actual
computer or associated gadgets. In this unit we have
used this term to refer to the machinery or equipment
used for projecting teaching aids.
Software : In computer technology, this refers to the programs
used in the computer. As it is used in this unit of study, it
refers to the materials used for the functioning of a
machine, i.e., transparencies, films etc.
Wall Chart : It is a large pad of paper which may be blank or filled
with previously prepared diagrams, picture maps,
cartoons etc. The papers are clipped together by a firm
clip at the top edge of required piece of hardboard to
allowing the charts to be turned over in an upward
direction. They are hung on a stand.


Check Your Progress 1
1) Fill in the blanks

i) intervening media such as motion picture, film strips, models etc.

. ii) audio-visual communication.
iii) words, ideas etc.

iv) audio-visual aidslmaterials, words, ideas etc.

2) The educational communication media comprises:
a) Audio-visual material
b) Verbal signs
c) . Body language
d) Written material

e) Materials which can communicate through touch, taste, and smell.

Check Your Progress 2
1) . The A.V. Aids are sensory devices which provide multi sensory experience
through sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Such sensory
experience through A.V. Aids clarifies spoken and written words, help in
understanding and correlation of concepts, facts their imerpretation etc.
Thus A.V. Aids are devices which make teaching-learning meaningful, vivid
(i.e., concrete), interesting, and effective. .

2) Purposes of A.V. Aids

i) To supplement and enrich teacher's own teaching in order to make

.teaching-learning more effective.
ii) To serve an instructional role in it self, i.e.; to impart information to Educational
students through television, motion picture, radio etc. communication Media

3) Advantages of A.V. Aids

i) Help in effective perceptual and conceptual l e h i n g .

ii) Arouse interest and motivate students to learn.

iii) Capture and sustain attention of students.

iv) Help in more permanent learning.

v) Provide opportunity for students' involvement.

Check Your Progress 3

1) Examples of the following categories of A.V. Aids are:

i) Projected A.V. Aids
a) Overhead projector, epidiascope
b) Transparencies, print material
ii) Non-projected A.V. Aids
a) Flash cards, posters
b) Models, specimen
c) Black board, bulletin board
d) Leaflets, handouts
e) Radio, microphones
f) Demonstration, field trip
iii) a) Graphic aids, display board
b) Television, dramatics
iv) a) Graphic aids 3-dimensional aids
b) Audio-visual aids, visual aids.

Check Your Progress 4

Factors influencing effectiveness of A.V. aids:

i) Preparation of the Teacher and Student: The teacher should have good
knowledge about the topic and should know about the A.V. aid she is using.
If she is using a specimen, she should be acquainted with the different parts,
and if need be she should practice with the specimen before taking the
F- - class. The seating arrangements should be such that the students can see

ii) Proper Selection: It is important to choose the right kind of aid for the
particular topic so that it is effective, arouses interest and stimulates the
students to learn. One should avoid using very expensive aids for the class.
iii) Proper Presentation: To attain the purpose of the A.V. Aid used, it should be
properly presented. Use of pointer, light, layout, meaningful display are some
of the points to be considered, e.g., if a flash card is used, the cards should
be so arranged that it is in sequence and puts the theme in a continuous way.
Introduction to iv) Evaluation: It is important to get a feedback about the effectiveness of the
Nursing Education A.V. Aids which has been used. The teacher can do this by asking a few
questions, i.e., are the colour scheme and layout effective? Did it serve the
purpose? Was it seen by all properly? Did the students reply to the
questions asked? etc.

Check Your Progress 5

1) i) Model is a three dimensional recognizable imitation of a real object and

may be of the same size, larger size or smaller size of the actual real
object, e.g., model of heart, kidney, lungs.

ii) Objects are the samples of real things visible, tangible and complete by
itself, e.g., a cooking range, a suction machine etc.

iii) . Specimens are a part of a thing or one unit out of a number of like
things, so as to represent the whole things, e.g., specimen of Foetus,
Placenta, Eye etc.

2) A poster is made to:

i) Provide general motivation and to convey a message quickly.

ii) To create an atmospheric effect.

iii) It is used to communicate a general idea.

iv) Thrust a message and lead to action.

. s

v) Largely used in hospital and community setting to spread health


Check Your Progress 6

1) Advantages of using a chart:

i) It is used as an effective tool for learning which can easily arouse

interest in students.

ii) It is economic, portable, easy to make and can be reused.

iii) Can be used effectively to explain, clarify and simplify a complicated


2) A good chart should:

i) Be sufficiently large to be seen easily by the group prepared well with

correct information.

ii) Be attractive with proper colour combinationlclear drawing and not over'

iii) Use symbols and words having few comparisons.

Check Your Progress 7

1) A flannel graph is a teaching aid in which a flannel of khadi piece is fixed on a

board. The materials for teaching the topic are pasted on the board after
fixing wool or felt on the reverse side. The interlocking of fabrics (i.e., khadil
Flannel/Wool) on rough surfaces helps the teaching material remain fixed on
the board. This is also known as khadi graph or felt graph depending upon the
material used.
2) The advantages of using a flannel graph: Educational
Communication Media
i) They are flexible, portable, dynamic, convenient to use and reuse.

ii) Helps in presenting a topic logically and in orderly fashion.

iii) It is simple to make and saves lot of time in teaching.

iv) Adds variety to the available teachingaids and can be used in areas
where other methods cannot be used.
Check Your Progress 8

1) A Bulletin Board is a device for displaying study material or current news in a

visualized form. It is usually prepared by the students, can be very active and
exciting, education element in a classroom.

2) A Bulletin Board is used for the purpose of:

i) Motivating the learners.
ii) Broadens the sensory experience and provides experience outside the
students' environment.
Check Your Progress 9

1) The purposes of using flash cards are:

i) To teach students.
ii) To give health education.
iii) To hold or lead a discussion.
iv) To narrate a story.
v) To teach a process.

2) The disadvantages of using flash cards are:

i) It cannot be used for a big group.

iij They are prone to get spoiled soon.

iii) It is time consuming when the flash cards are to be prepared.

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