CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

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CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

A cascading style sheet is a set of instructions in a linked external file or within the
source code of a page that tells a browser how to render page elements. CSS is
designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from document
presentation, including aspects such as the layout, colors, and fonts.

This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in
the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share
formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity
and repetition in the structural content, such as semantically insignificant tables that
were widely used to format pages before consistent CSS rendering was available in all
major browsers.

Originally introduced in 1996 by W3C world wide web consortium.

Developers of CSS.

Håkon Wium Lie - Cascading HTML Style Sheets (CHSS)

– Norway
--CTO of Opera Browser

Bert Bos - Stream-based Style Sheet Proposal (SSP)

– Netherlands
– W3C

CSS v1.0 – released in 1996

CSS v2.0 – released in 1998
CSS v3.0 – released in 1999
Advantages of CSS
▪ Pages download faster, sometimes by as much as 50%
▪ You have to type less code, and your pages are shorter and neater.
▪ The look of your site is kept consistent throughout all the pages
▪ Updating your design and general site maintenance are made much easier and errors caused
by editing multiple HTML pages occur far less often.

Three kinds of CSS definitions

1. InLine style - inside the HTML document, specified using the "style" attribute
2. Embedded/Internal style sheet - blocks of CSS information inside the HTML itself
3. External style sheet - a separate CSS file referenced from the document

Understanding Common CSS Terms

In addition to HTML terms, there are a few common CSS terms you will want to
familiarize yourself with. These terms include selectors, properties, and values. As with
the HTML terminology, the more you work with CSS, the more these terms will become
second nature.


As elements are added to a web page, they may be styled using CSS. A selector
designates exactly which element or elements within our HTML to target and apply styles
(such as color, size, and position) to. Selectors may include a combination of different
qualifiers to select unique elements, all depending on how specific we wish to be. For
example, we may want to select every paragraph on a page, or we may want to select
only one specific paragraph on a page.

Selectors generally target an attribute value, such as an id or class value, or target the
type of element, such as <h1> or <p>.

Within CSS, selectors are followed with curly brackets, {}, which encompass the styles
to be applied to the selected element. The selector here is targeting all <p> elements.

p { ... }

Once an element is selected, a property determines the styles that will be applied to that
element. Property names fall after a selector, within the curly brackets, {}, and
immediately preceding a colon, :. There are numerous properties we can use, such as
background, color, font-size, height, and width, and new properties are often added.
In the following code, we are defining the color and font-size properties to be applied
to all <p> elements.

p {
color: ...;
font-size: ...;


So far we’ve selected an element with a selector and determined what style we’d like to
apply with a property. Now we can determine the behavior of that property with a value.
Values can be identified as the text between the colon, :, and semicolon, ;. Here we are
selecting all <p> elements and setting the value of the color property to be orange and
the value of the font-size property to be 16 pixels.

p {
color: orange;
font-size: 16px;

To review, in CSS our rule set begins with the selector, which is immediately followed by
curly brackets. Within these curly brackets are declarations consisting of property and
value pairs. Each declaration begins with a property, which is followed by a colon, the
property value, and finally a semicolon.

It is a common practice to indent property and value pairs within the curly brackets. As
with HTML, these indentations help keep our code organized and legible.
CSS syntax outline including a selector, properties, and values

Knowing a few common terms and the general syntax of CSS is a great start, but we have
a few more items to learn before jumping in too deep. Specifically, we need to take a
closer look at how selectors work within CSS.

Working with Selectors

Selectors, as previously mentioned, indicate which HTML elements are being styled. It is
important to fully understand how to use selectors and how they can be leveraged. The
first step is to become familiar with the different types of selectors. We’ll start with the
most common selectors: type, class, and ID selectors.

Type Selectors

Type selectors target elements by their element type. For example, should we wish to
target all division elements, <div>, we would use a type selector of div. The following
code shows a type selector for division elements as well as the corresponding HTML it

div, p {color:red;}

<div><p>hello world</p></div>
<p>hello earth</p>
Class Selectors

Class selectors allow us to select an element based on the element’s class attribute
value. Class selectors are a little more specific than type selectors, as they select a
particular group of elements rather than all elements of one type.

Class selectors allow us to apply the same styles to different elements at once by using
the same class attribute value across multiple elements.

Within CSS, classes are denoted by a leading period, ., followed by the class attribute
value. Here the class selector will select any element containing the class attribute value
of awesome, including both division and paragraph elements.

.awesome {color:red;}

<div class=”awesome”>hello world</div>
<p class="x">hello earth</p>
<div class=”awesome”>yes!</div>

ID Selectors

ID selectors are even more precise than class selectors, as they target only one unique
element at a time. Just as class selectors use an element’s class attribute value as the
selector, ID selectors use an element’s id attribute value as a selector.

Regardless of which type of element they appear on, id attribute values can only be used
once per page. If used they should be reserved for significant elements.

Within CSS, ID selectors are denoted by a leading hash sign, #, followed by the id
attribute value. Here the ID selector will only select the element containing the id
attribute value of shayhowe.

#shayhowe, #shayhowe2 {color:red; }

<div id="shayhowe">hello world</div>
<div id="shayhowe2">ellow ert</div>
<div id="shayhowe3">ellow ert</div>
<div id="shayhowe4">ellow ert</div>
<div id="shayhowe5">ellow ert</div>
<div id="shayhowe">ellow ert</div>

Additional Selectors

Selectors are extremely powerful, and the selectors outlined here are the most common
selectors we’ll come across. These selectors are also only the beginning. Many more
advanced selectors exist and are readily available. When you feel comfortable with these
selectors, don’t be afraid to look into some of the more advanced selectors.

All right, everything is starting to come together. We add elements to a page inside our
HTML, and we can then select those elements and apply styles to them using CSS. Now
let’s connect the dots between our HTML and CSS, and get these two languages working

Referencing CSS
In order to get our CSS talking to our HTML, we need to reference our CSS file within
our HTML. The best practice for referencing our CSS is to include all of our styles in a
single external style sheet, which is referenced from within the <head> element of our
HTML document. Using a single external style sheet allows us to use the same styles
across an entire website and quickly make changes sitewide.
To create our external CSS style sheet, we’ll want to use our text editor of choice again to
create a new plain text file with a .css file extension. Our CSS file should be saved
within the same folder, or a subfolder, where our HTML file is located.

Within the <head> element of the HTML document, the <link> element is used to define
the relationship between the HTML file and the CSS file. Because we are linking to CSS,
we use the rel attribute with a value of stylesheet to specify their relationship.
Furthermore, the href (or hyperlink reference) attribute is used to identify the location,
or path, of the CSS file.

Consider the following example of an HTML document <head> element that references a
single external style sheet.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

In order for the CSS to render correctly, the path of the href attribute value must directly
correlate to where our CSS file is saved. In the preceding example, the main.css file is
stored within the same location as the HTML file, also known as the root directory.

If our CSS file is within a subdirectory or subfolder, the href attribute value needs to
correlate to this path accordingly. For example, if our main.css file were stored within a
subdirectory named stylesheets, the href attribute value would be
stylesheets/main.css, using a forward slash to indicate moving into a subdirectory.

At this point our pages are starting to come to life, slowly but surely. We haven’t delved
into CSS too much, but you may have noticed that some elements have default styles we
haven’t declared within our CSS. That is the browser imposing its own preferred CSS
styles for those elements. Fortunately we can overwrite these styles fairly easily, which is
what we’ll do next using CSS resets.

Group Selectors
When several selectors share the same declarations, they may be
grouped into a comma-separated list.

In this example, we condense three rules with identical declarations into

one. Thus,
h1 { font-family: sans-serif }
h2 { font-family: sans-serif }
h3 { font-family: sans-serif }

is equivalent to:
h1, h2, h3 { font-family: sans-serif }

Universal Selector
The universal selector, written "*", matches the name of any element
type. It matches any single element in the document tree.

* {font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;margin:0px;padding:0px;}

Using CSS Resets

Every web browser has its own default styles for different elements. How Google
Chrome renders headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth may be different from how
Internet Explorer does. To ensure cross-browser compatibility, CSS resets have become
widely used.

CSS resets take every common HTML element with a predefined style and provide one
unified style for all browsers. These resets generally involve removing any sizing,
margins, paddings, or additional styles and toning these values down. Because CSS
cascades from top to bottom—more on that soon—our reset needs to be at the very top of
our style sheet. Doing so ensures that those styles are read first and that all of the
different web browsers are working from a common baseline.

There are a bunch of different resets available to use, all of which have their own fortes.
One of the most popular resets is Eric Meyer’s reset, which has been adapted to include
styles for the new HTML5 elements.

If you are feeling a bit more adventurous, there is also Normalize.css, created by Nicolas
Gallagher. Normalize.css focuses not on using a hard reset for all common elements, but
instead on setting common styles for these elements. It requires a stronger understanding
of CSS, as well as awareness of what you’d like your styles to be.
In all there are a handful of things to be on the lookout for when writing CSS. The good
news is that anything is possible, and with a little patience we’ll figure it all out.


The term "box model" is often used by people when talking about CSS-based layouts and
design. Not everyone understands what is meant by this though, and not everyone
understands why it is so important.

Any HTML element can be considered a box, and so the box model applies to all HTML
(and XHTML) elements.

The box model is the specification that defines how a box and its attributes relate to each
other. In its simplest form, the box model tells browsers that a box defined as having
width 100 pixels and height 50 pixels should be drawn 100 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall.

There is more you can add to a box, though, like padding, margins, borders, etc. This
image should help explain what I'm about to run through:
As you can see, a box is made up of four distinct parts. The outside one, the margin, is
completely invisible. It has no background color, and will not obstruct elements behind it.
The margin is outside the second part, which is the border. The border outlines the visible
portion of the element. Inside the border is the third part of the box, the padding, and then
inside that the content area of the box. The padding defines the space between the content
area of the box and the border.

(Note that in the image above, the only border of the three drawn that would actually be
visible is the solid line - the dashed lines are added to help demonstrate the box model).

When you define a width and a height for your box using CSS, you are defining not the
entire area taken up by the content, padding, border and margin. You are actually just
defining the content area itself - the bit right in the middle. The padding, border and
margin must be added to that in order to calculate the total space occupied by the box.
(From this point on, we will use width for demonstrations, but the same principles apply
to both width and height).

box {
width: 200px;
border: 10px solid #99c;
padding: 20px;
margin: 20px;

The above CSS, applied to a box, would mean that that box occupied 300 pixels of space
horizontally on the page. The content of the box would occupy 200 pixels of that (dashed
line added to demonstrate the edge of the area occupied by the box):
In the above image, you can see that the pale blue area is 240 pixels wide (200 pixels of
content plus 20 pixels padding either side). The border is 10 pixels wide either side,
making the total width including the border 260 pixels. The margin is 20 pixels either
side, making the total width of the box 300 pixels.

In practice, this can cause some confusion. For example, if I have a 100 pixel wide space
available, and want to fill it with a pale red box with a dark red border and a small
amount of padding, it would be very easy to write the CSS like so:

box { width: 100px;

border: 1px solid #900;
padding: 10px;
margin: 0;
background: #fee;

(A declaration of 0, as used for the margin above, does not require a unit to be added. Any
value other than 0 does require a unit, e.g. px for pixels. Also, although "background" is
defined as a shorthand property, it is more widely supported than the more correct

However, that will not give us a 100 pixel wide box, as the width declaration defines the
content area of the box. The content area of the box will be 100 pixels - the total width of
the box as defined above will be 122 pixels:

In order to set the above box to only occupy 100 pixels horizontally, you would need to
set the width of the content area to be 100 pixels minus the padding and minus the border,
in this case 78 pixels, like so:

box { width: 78px;

border: 1px solid #900;
padding: 10px;
margin: 0;
background: #fee;
To calculate the overall width of a box, including all padding, borders and margins, you
would use the following formula:

total box width = content area width + left padding + right padding +
left border + right border + left margin + right margin


This is by design. There are two element types within an HTML document: block and
inline. Inline elements don't interrupt the flow of the document, but block elements do.

Block elements, as the name suggests, block out an area on the page which contains some
content. Some examples of block elements are: <p> and <div>. You can apply height,
line-height and other CSS properties to these elements in order to change the size of the
block, and subsequently, the flow of the document.

Inline elements take up the minimum amount of space required to render them, which
means setting widths and heights on these elements will have no effect. As you've already
seen, you can tell the browser to treat an inline element as a block element to allow you
to apply heights to them.

An example of this can be seen when using <li> elements to create menus. <li>s are
block elements. If you create a list, the items will display vertically on the page, ensuring
that each list item appears below the previous one. However, if you apply display:
inline; to the list items, they will now appear horizontally.

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