Rubric ProblemSolvingSkills PDF
Rubric ProblemSolvingSkills PDF
Rubric ProblemSolvingSkills PDF
Intended Outcome: the student will use inquiry, quantitative, & analytical reasoning to solve
Defining the Student states the Student Student fails to Student does not
Problem problem clearly adequately defines define the identify the
and identifies the problem. problem problem.
underlying issues. adequately.
Developing a Student develops Student develops Student develops Student does not
Plan to Solve a clear and an adequate plan a marginal plan, develop a
the Problem concise plan to and follows it to and does not coherent plan to
solve the problem, conclusion. follow it to solve the problem.
with alternative conclusion.
strategies, and
follows the plan to
Interpreting Student provides a Student provides Student provides Student does not
Findings and logical an adequate an inadequate interpret the
Solving the interpretation of interpretation of interpretation of findings/reach a
Problem the findings and the findings and the findings and conclusion.
clearly solves the solves the does not derive a
problem, offering problem, but fails logical solution to
alternative to provide the problem.
solutions. alternatives.
Overall Score = Total/4