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JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||02||Page 58-62||February 2018

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.379
Index Copernicus Value: 71.58
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.10

Research Article
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Nosocomial Infection among
B.Sc. Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Institutions of Pune City
Mrs. Manisha Gadade, Mr. Vijendra Singh, Miss. Rushali Toradmal,
Miss. Kirti Dhamal, Mr. Gaurav Goyal
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of Nursing, Pune-43

Nosocomial infection or Hospital acquired infection (HAI) are frequent, complication affecting
hospitalized patients after the admission within 72 hours. Now a days students are taking clinical
experience from various health care setting. globally more than 1.4 million people suffering from the
nosocomial infection complications. In India the rate of nosocomial infection in year 2010-2011 is 38.7%
of hospitalized patient.
The objectives of the study were,
a) To assess the knowledge regarding nosocomial infection among the B.Sc.Nursing students.
Material and Methods: The research approach adopted for the study was quantitative research
approach and the research design was descriptive research design. A total number of 200 B.Sc. nursing
students were selected by using non-probability convenient sampling technique.
Result and Findings: The sample under study comprised of the following demographic variables:

Introduction major source of worry for managers in health care

Health care-associated infections have long been practice, particularly in developing co According
recognized as crucial factors bedeviling the to Robert, acquisition of a nosocomial infection
quality and outcomes of health care delivery. An can prolong duration of hospitalization, increase
infection is considered nosocomial if it becomes the costs of health care, and place a serious
evident 48 hours or more after hospital admission economic burden on patients and their families.
or within 30 days of discharge following inpatient This scenario should alert clinical instructors and
care. Reported cases of nosocomial infection supervisors to the need to pay adequate attention
assumed such terrifying proportions in 2002 that to imparting knowledge to students throughout
World Health Organization member states their training period about measures to prevent
approved a World Health Assembly resolution on nosocomial infections. In one survey, 27% of
patient safety. Developing countries were reported participating health care students reported
to have up to 20 times the risk of contracting a insufficient emphasis on teaching about infection
nosocomial infection compared with developed control in their training program, whilst 50%
countries. Thus, spread of infection serves as a expressed a desire for more emphasis on isolation
Mrs. Manisha Gadade et al JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 Page 58
JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||02||Page 58-62||February 2018
procedures during their training.8 National patients. The majority of the patients had prior
evidence based guideline for preventing hospital admission to other wards before admission to
acquire infection are available in United Kingdom ICU. Males were more commonly represented
at one time 19% of inpatient will have infection than females and almost all patients had been
acquire during stay in hospital. here the health mechanically ventilated with a median period of 8
care system is already overstretched.7 days of ventilation.4
The incidence occur depends upon the intrinsic
Need f the Study host factor extrinsic environment factor. Mortality
Nosocomial infections or healthcare associated increases in order to LRI, BSI, UTI, lo5ng term
infections occur in patients under medical care. physical and neurological consequences, etc.
These infections occur worldwide both in
developed and developing countries. Nosocomial Statement Problem
infections accounts for 7% in developed and 10% A study to assess the knowledge regarding
in developing countries. As these infections occur nosocomial infection among the B. sc. nursing
during hospital stay, they cause prolonged stay, student in selected nursing institutions in Pune
disability, and economic burden. Frequently city.
prevalent infections include central line-associated
bloodstream infections, catheter-associated Objectives
urinary tract infections, surgical site infections and  To assess the knowledge regarding
ventilator-associated pneumonia. Nosocomial nosocomial infection among the B. sc.
pathogens include bacteria, viruses and fungal nursing student.
parasites. According to WHO estimates,
approximately 15% of all hospitalized patients Methodology
suffer from these infections. During Descriptive research was used to assess the level
hospitalization, patient is exposed to pathogens of knowledge regarding nosocomial infection
through different sources environment, healthcare among B.sc Nursing students in the selected
staff, and other infected patients. Transmission of institutions of Pune city. The target population
these infections should be restricted for who fulfills the inclusion criteria are selected for
prevention. Hospital waste serves as potential this study, a non- probability convenient Sampling
source of pathogens and about 20%–25% of Technique was used to select 200 samples. A 27
hospital waste is termed as hazardous. Self-Structured Questionnaires were formulated to
Nosocomial infections can be controlled by assess the Level of Knowledge. Each corrected
practicing infection control programs, keep check answer was given a score of one and wrong
on antimicrobial use and its resistance, adopting answer zero score. The score between poor 0–9,
antibiotic control policy. Efficient surveillance Average 10–18, Good 19–27 and 27 The tool
system can play its part at national and was validated by 5 experts in department of
international level. Efforts are required by all Medical surgical Nursing faculty. Valuable
stakeholders to prevent and control nosocomial suggestions were incorporated and tool was
infections. There were 663 patients admitted to the finalized. Permission was obtained from
ICU during the two-year study period. This undergraduate research monitoring committee and
represented 2891 total patient days of admission institute ethical committee.
during which patients were ventilated for 2175 The reliability of tool was established by
days. Of the 663 admissions, 114 (17%) conducting a pilot study. The data collection was
developed culture-confirmed nosocomial sepsis. conducted for one month in selected areas of Pune
Table 1 lists the characteristics of the study city. The investigator first introduced themselves

Mrs. Manisha Gadade et al JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 Page 59

JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||02||Page 58-62||February 2018
to the Adolescent and developed a good rapport disease and to remove the fallacy on nosocomial
with them. The investigators explained the infection. The findings of the study help the
purpose of the study and then gained their medical-surgical nurses and students to develop
confidence by obtaining a written consent from the inquiry baseline. The general aspect of the
samples. The data collection was done by study result can be made by further researcher to
questionnaire method a separate questionnaire was identify the level of fallacy regarding nosocomial
used for each adolescent. Approximately 27 infection among B.sc nursing.
minutes were spent for each sample. Similarly the
same data procedure was followed for the entire Conclusion
200 samples. After the detailed analysis this study leads to the
following conclusion that the overall knowledge
Major Study Findings of the adolescent of 64 % of the B.sc nursing
Table -2 Frequency percentage of knowledge students have an average knowledge regarding
score nosocomial infection and 33 % of the B.sc nursing
n =200 students have a good knowledge regarding
Sr no. Knowledge score Frequency Percentage nosocomial infection.
1. Good knowledge 66 33%
Thus the study findings clearly reveal that the
2. Average 128 64%
knowledge knowledge of B.sc nursing students regarding
3. Poor knowledge 06 03% nosocomial infection is average need to create the
awareness and instill a positive approach
PERCENTAGE regarding nosocomial

0 3%
We own a deep sense of gratitude to all those who
have contributed to the successful completion of
33% this endeavor.
First of all, we are grateful to Almighty God, for
the gift of life and this opportunity to do B.Sc.
nursing, for his immense love and protection to
POOR AVERAGE GOOD always upon us, which helped we to complete this
study successfully.
We expressed our profound gratitude to our Guide
Interpretation Mrs. Manisha Gadade, clinical instructor,
In control group majority of b.sc nursing students Obstetrics and gynecology, Bharati Vidyapeeth
(100%) having good knowledge regarding University College of Nursing, Pune for her
nosocomial infection is 33%, 64% students having valuable guidance and sustained patience made us
a average knowledge regarding nosocomial accomplish this study.
infection and 03% students having a poor We expressed our gratitude to Mrs. Praveena
knowledge regarding nosocomial infection. Mahadalkar, Principal, Research Co-coordinator,
Professor and HOD of Obstetrics and gynecology,
Implications Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of
The present study can help nurses to enrich the Nursing, Pune for her valuable guidance and
awareness through outreach programme regarding insight.
nosocomial infection to B.sc nursing. Basic
nursing education should give importance to the
medical health, infection, early detection of
Mrs. Manisha Gadade et al JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 Page 60
JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||02||Page 58-62||February 2018
We expressed our sincere gratitude to Mrs. Shanta 3. Asian Pacific Journal of tropical
De (HOD and Professor Medical Surgical biomedicine , May 2015.
Nursing), Dr. (Mr.) Suresh Ray (HOD and 4. Mayra Gonsalves Menegueti ,Siliva Rita
Associate professor community health nursing), Marin da Silva Canini , and Ana Maria
Mrs. Bhagyeshree Jogdeo (HOD Assistant Laus
Professor Child Health Nursing), Mrs. Geeta 5. Evalution of Nosocomial Infection Control
Shiroor (Assistant Professor Medical Surgical Programs in health Services October
Nursing) Mrs. Shubhangi Gaikwad (Clinical 2014
Instructor Medical Surgical) faculty member of 6. Keshni Naidu,Ilisapeci Nabose ,Sharan
the college of Nursing, Pune for their support, Ram, Kerri Viney, Stephen M.Graham,
encouragement and valuable suggestions Karen Bissell. Journal of Tropical
throughout the study. Medicine
We thank Mrs. L. Sushila Devi (Clinical 7. A Discriptive Study of Nosocomial
Instructor), Final Year B.Sc. Nursing Coordinator, Infections in an Adult Intensive Care Unit
Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of in Fiji: 2011-12, September 2017.
Nursing, Pune for guidance, suggestion and 8. Matteo Bassetti , Lucia Taramasso, Elena
encouragement. Nicco<Maria Pia Molinari,Michele
We are grateful to Mrs. Vijaya Chalukya, Mussap,Claudio Viscoli
Lecturer, Department of Statistics, For her 9. Research article on Epidemiology, Species
valuable guidance in statistical analysis. Distribution ,Antifungal Susceptibility and
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study, without their co-operation it would have Tertiary Care Hospital in Italy
been impossible to conduct this study. We extend 10. S Shalini , MD Vidyashree , A Abiselvi
sincere thanks to our parents and our friend and and Gopalkrishnan
colleagues and well-wishers for their good wishes 11. Research journal of Pharmaceutical ,
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