Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.379
Index Copernicus Value: 71.58
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.10
Research Article
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Nosocomial Infection among
B.Sc. Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Institutions of Pune City
Mrs. Manisha Gadade, Mr. Vijendra Singh, Miss. Rushali Toradmal,
Miss. Kirti Dhamal, Mr. Gaurav Goyal
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of Nursing, Pune-43
Nosocomial infection or Hospital acquired infection (HAI) are frequent, complication affecting
hospitalized patients after the admission within 72 hours. Now a days students are taking clinical
experience from various health care setting. globally more than 1.4 million people suffering from the
nosocomial infection complications. In India the rate of nosocomial infection in year 2010-2011 is 38.7%
of hospitalized patient.
The objectives of the study were,
a) To assess the knowledge regarding nosocomial infection among the B.Sc.Nursing students.
Material and Methods: The research approach adopted for the study was quantitative research
approach and the research design was descriptive research design. A total number of 200 B.Sc. nursing
students were selected by using non-probability convenient sampling technique.
Result and Findings: The sample under study comprised of the following demographic variables:
0 3%
We own a deep sense of gratitude to all those who
have contributed to the successful completion of
33% this endeavor.
First of all, we are grateful to Almighty God, for
the gift of life and this opportunity to do B.Sc.
nursing, for his immense love and protection to
POOR AVERAGE GOOD always upon us, which helped we to complete this
study successfully.
We expressed our profound gratitude to our Guide
Interpretation Mrs. Manisha Gadade, clinical instructor,
In control group majority of b.sc nursing students Obstetrics and gynecology, Bharati Vidyapeeth
(100%) having good knowledge regarding University College of Nursing, Pune for her
nosocomial infection is 33%, 64% students having valuable guidance and sustained patience made us
a average knowledge regarding nosocomial accomplish this study.
infection and 03% students having a poor We expressed our gratitude to Mrs. Praveena
knowledge regarding nosocomial infection. Mahadalkar, Principal, Research Co-coordinator,
Professor and HOD of Obstetrics and gynecology,
Implications Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of
The present study can help nurses to enrich the Nursing, Pune for her valuable guidance and
awareness through outreach programme regarding insight.
nosocomial infection to B.sc nursing. Basic
nursing education should give importance to the
medical health, infection, early detection of
Mrs. Manisha Gadade et al JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 Page 60
JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||02||Page 58-62||February 2018
We expressed our sincere gratitude to Mrs. Shanta 3. Asian Pacific Journal of tropical
De (HOD and Professor Medical Surgical biomedicine , May 2015.
Nursing), Dr. (Mr.) Suresh Ray (HOD and 4. Mayra Gonsalves Menegueti ,Siliva Rita
Associate professor community health nursing), Marin da Silva Canini , and Ana Maria
Mrs. Bhagyeshree Jogdeo (HOD Assistant Laus
Professor Child Health Nursing), Mrs. Geeta 5. Evalution of Nosocomial Infection Control
Shiroor (Assistant Professor Medical Surgical Programs in health Services October
Nursing) Mrs. Shubhangi Gaikwad (Clinical 2014
Instructor Medical Surgical) faculty member of 6. Keshni Naidu,Ilisapeci Nabose ,Sharan
the college of Nursing, Pune for their support, Ram, Kerri Viney, Stephen M.Graham,
encouragement and valuable suggestions Karen Bissell. Journal of Tropical
throughout the study. Medicine
We thank Mrs. L. Sushila Devi (Clinical 7. A Discriptive Study of Nosocomial
Instructor), Final Year B.Sc. Nursing Coordinator, Infections in an Adult Intensive Care Unit
Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of in Fiji: 2011-12, September 2017.
Nursing, Pune for guidance, suggestion and 8. Matteo Bassetti , Lucia Taramasso, Elena
encouragement. Nicco<Maria Pia Molinari,Michele
We are grateful to Mrs. Vijaya Chalukya, Mussap,Claudio Viscoli
Lecturer, Department of Statistics, For her 9. Research article on Epidemiology, Species
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Our special thanks to all the participants of the Outcome of Nosocomial Candidemia in a
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sincere thanks to our parents and our friend and and Gopalkrishnan
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this dream of doing the study could never have ,Sandeep Sewlikar and Anish Desai
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