Philippines Volume 10 Fern
Philippines Volume 10 Fern
Philippines Volume 10 Fern
Calcium is
In a fast-paced world, proper nutrition has become a FERN-C (Retail) – Studies prove that vitamin C is essen- also needed to regulate blood pressure, maintain nerve
priority for many. The focus on health is now higher tial for a healthy life. Everybody needs protection from functions and keep our muscles healthy!
than ever, as it is essential for maintaining quality of harsh weather and pollution, and vitamin C does just Because it’s made from milk, MilkCa is more read-
life. Good health is also needed to cope with stress and that. Vitamin C also strengthens the immune system and ily and easily absorbed by the body.* MilkCa is not
a fast-paced lifestyle. helps prevent us from catching diseases, while hasten- just for bones— it is for total health and wellness!
In order to live healthy, functional lives, people con- ing the healing of wounds and damaged cells. However, *Calcium from milk (32%) vs Calcium Carbonate (24%)
stantly look for ways to supplement their daily food due to its acidic nature, excessive ascorbic acid vitamin SilverFresh – SilverFresh is the first toothpaste in
intake with essential vitamins and minerals. C may be harmful. Too much ascorbic acid may lead to the Philippines with Silver Ion particles that helps pre-
Recently, a healthy revolution has begun. People gastric irritation, bloating, and intestinal bleeding. vent the growth of bacteria. It is the only toothpaste
have grown more health conscious and started em- FERN-C addresses this problem, since it is the first fortified with vitamin E and Zinc lactate to promote
bracing the fit and healthy lifestyle. Today, it is very non-acidic Vitamin C to be introduced in the Philippine fresh breath and clean teeth.
common for young professionals to take dietary sup- market. FERN-C, the no. 1 sodium ascorbate non-acid- Its Zinc Lactate helps fight bad breath and prevents
plements to augment their nutritional needs, to work ic vitamin C in the Philippines is made with Quali-C tartar and gingivitis. While its vitamin E helps keep
out in the gyms and fitness centers, and engage in vari- sodium ascorbate from DSM of Switzerland. Being in the moisturizing effect for that fresh feel in the mouth.
ous sporting events such as fun runs and marathons. capsule form, FERN-C eliminates the need for starch AURORA Beauty Bar – Aurora Beauty Bar is
Nowadays, yuppies, and BPO or call center agents binders that reduce absorption and efficacy of vitamins. a soap that has triple A – Age defying ingredients;
who work late and irregular shifts know that vitamin (Direct Selling and Multi-level Marketing) namely, Argan Oil, Swiss Apple Stem-Cell, & Aloe
and food supplement intake are crucial in maintaining FERN-ACTIV – FERN-ACTIV contains B vitamins, Vera. These ingredients help in whitening the skin and
their health. This well-educated clique is more prod- non-acidic vitamin C, vitamin D3, zinc and calcium prevent signs of ageing to preserve the youthful look.
uct-conscious and aware that for their well-rounded which provides the benefits of increased energy lev-
nutritional needs—FERN-C, FERN-D, MilkCa and els, enhanced mental alertness and boosted immunity ACHiEVEMENTS
FERN-ACTIV are their ideal choice. levels in one multivitamin! In 2003, Filipino Entrepreneurs Resources Network,
Its unique Quali-Blends and Quali-C formulation Inc. was born. Since then, FERN, Inc. continues to
HiSToRy from DSM helps boost immunity against stress and break new grounds with innovative business strategies
In 2012, FERN opened its door to the competitive the cell damaging effects of free radicals. and world-class products.
Global Market through the launch of I-FERN. FERN-D – Recent discoveries on the benefits of vita- In 2015, IMS Philippines --a leading global I.T ser-
I-FERN engages in direct selling and network mar- min D go beyond bone health. Vitamin D is essential vices company, has ranked FERN-C as the #1 sodium
keting. Continuing the legacy of its mother company, in keeping the muscular, skeletal and immune systems ascorbate vitamin C in the Philippines. Through this
I-FERN believes in a very simple concept: spreading in optimal shape. The cardiovascular system also brand, consumers gained access to added immunity
good health while giving lucrative business opportu- benefits from vitamin D intake by keeping the heart at a very affordable price. And in 2016, FERN-C was
nities to its members. healthy and the blood pressure in check. awarded Brand of the Year by the World Branding
The company uses the latest technology to ensure Though vitamin D is available through exposure to Awards in London, England.
ease and convenience for its members who engage in sunlight, staying under the heat of the sun for long pe- This success was followed by a roster of ground
the global business. Aside from an attractive market- riods is impractical, uncomfor-table, and even poses breaking health and wellness products. These products
ing plan, I-FERN boasts of having world-class quality the risk of sunburn or even skin cancer. By taking and the visionary marketing plans propelled FERN from
products: FERN-ACTIV, FERN-D, MilkCa, Silver- FERN-D, one gets the recommended dose of vitamin a startup company of only six employees and a handful
Fresh, and the Aurora Product line. D even without sun exposure. of members into a billion-peso company by 2008.
The combination of premium products and a dynamic MilkCa – MilkCa is a bone health supplement that The company didn’t stop there. In 2012, I-FERN,
and generous compensation plan, serve as vehicles that derives its calcium and other minerals from milk. which employs direct selling and network marketing
empower the vision until prosperity is reached by all. 99% of our body’s calcium goes to bones and teeth in a global scale, was launched.
The Quali® Advantage
FERN and I-FERN products carry the Quali®
trademark of DSM Switzerland. Being the biggest
source of nutritional products next to nature, DSM as-
sures consumers of its world-class quality. FERN-C
has Quali-C® vitamin C in sodium ascorbate form.
FERN-D bears the Quali-D® trademark, while the
vitamins and minerals in FERN-ACTIV are certified
certified as Halal by the Office on Muslim Affairs.
This means that the processes and ingredients used in
producing these supplements follows the strict prac-
tices and beliefs of Islamic Law.
As a brand that embodies market dominance and
market acceptance, among other strengths, FERN-C
was awarded as a “Superbrand” from 2008 up to the
present. In 2014, FERN-D and FERN-ACTIV have
also received the honor of this recognition, while
MilkCa joined their ranks in 2016.
With the demand on personal care products continue
to rise, I-FERN launched its own personal care brand
- Aurora. Like all the products of FERN and I-FERN,
the goal of the Aurora product line is to deliver safe
and effective products while recognizing the overall
wellbeing of an individual - using ingredients that are
not harmful in any way to its users.
I-FERN believes that with the launched of the Au-
rora product line, maintaining good health inside and
out will be much easier.
Retail Promotions – Aiming to promote a healthy THiNGS yoU DiDN’T KNoW ABoUT
lifestyle to all Filipinos, the #1 sodium ascorbate vi- FERN-C, FERN-ACTiV, MilKCA,
tamin C brand, FERN-C, has launched its “Choose FERN-D, SilVERFRESH AND
to be #1” campaign to make the public aware that AURoRA BEAUTy BAR
they can maintain quality of life when they live
healthy and functional lives. The new campaign
m FERN-C is non-acidic, you may take up
asserts FERN-C’s position as the #1 sodium ascor-
to 2 capsules even on an empty stomach.
bate non-acidic vitamin brand (based on IMS) in the
It boosts the immunity, making it ideal for
Philippines while motivating and inspiring the target
people who wish to maintain an active, high-
market to do their best in whatever they do or field
resistance lifestyle.
they belong to.
FERN-C’s marketing efforts include above-the-line FERN-D by i-FERN
campaign through radio, print, out-of-home ads, digi- m People suffer from Vit. D deficiency even
tal marketing via its website, social media (Facebook those from a tropical country. Avoid Vitamin
and Instagram) as well as below-the-line activities D deficiency by supplementing your diet with
through event sponsorship, sampling, booth activities FERN-D! This is essential for people from all
and health seminars. walks of life.
FERN-C also introduced its new brand ambassa- FERN-ACTiV by i-FERN
dors to the public – Enchong Dee and Alyssa Valdez. m FERN-ACTIV provides the highest percent-
Enchong Dee is a professional actor, model, and a age for a person’s Recommended Energy and
champion swimmer. He is known for his enthusiasm Nutrient Intake (RENI). It gives the body the
in business and a man that’s always on the go. Alyssa ing their potential in building a strong network and energy boost it needs! Recommended for those
“The Superstar Phenom” Valdez is a multi-awarded successful businesses. I-FERN rewards top perform- who live in stressful conditions, or are engaged
professional volleyball player. She’s an inspiration to ing distributors with generous incentives such as the in an active lifestyle.
many because of her hardwork, dedication and love opportunity to enjoy a vacation abroad through the
for the fans. i-fly promo. MilkCa by i-FERN
m MilkCa is packed with key minerals not present
Multilevel Marketing Promotions – To promote BRAND VAlUES in other brands. These minerals are similar to
FERN-ACTIV, FERN-D, MilkCa, SilverFresh and FERN Inc. is a no-frills company with a firm belief in those found to the human skeleton, and are nec-
the AURORA Product Line, I-FERN established the a strikingly simple but effective concept: essary for optimal bone growth and maintenance.
Revolutionary Business Avantage and conducted Improving and maintaining good health SilverFresh by i-FERN
I-FERN Caravan to different parts of the country to for the Filipino. m SilverFresh doesn’t contain the harsh chemi-
further educate consumers about the benefits of taking cals found in regular toothpaste. It is Paraben-
multivitamins, especially calcium and vitamin D. This philosophy has made quality health products free, Triclosan-free, Fluoride-free, and it is
Aside from selling products, I-FERN is focused on accessible to millions. I-FERN stands by its vision to coconut based.
spreading the vision of prosperity by engraining the alleviate poverty through entrepreneurship which is
AURoRA Beauty Bar by i-FERN
value of entrepreneurship to its members. Seminars reflected in the company’s vision statement:
m Aurora Beauty Bar is Paraben-free, Hydroqui-
such as Project Phoenix and the New Distributors Sharing prosperity globally through
none-free, non-irritating, and doesn’t melt easily.
Orientation help members hone their skills in grow- entrepreneurship.