Risk and Return (Part 2) : R X R R E X R E

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Risk and Return (2)-1

Risk and Return (Part 2)

Fundamental question: How measure return and risk for a portfolio?

I. The Expected Return of a Portfolio


xi = (9)

RP = ∑i xi Ri (10)

E [RP ] = ∑i xi E [Ri ] (11a)

𝑅𝑅 �
𝑃𝑃 = ∑𝑖𝑖 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 𝑅𝑅𝑖𝑖 (11b)

Vi = value of asset i
TVP = total value of portfolio
xi = percent of portfolio invested in asset i
RP = realized return on portfolio
Ri = realized return on asset i
E[RP] = expected return on portfolio
E[Ri] = expected return on asset i

II. The Volatility of a Two-Stock Portfolio

A. Basic idea

1) by combining stocks, reduce risk through diversification

Q: What determines the amount of risk eliminated?




=> need to measure amount of common risk in stocks in our portfolio

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Ex. Assume invest 60% of your money in Honda (HMC) and 40% of your money in
Lockheed Martin (LMT). How does the risk of your portfolio compare to the risk if
you put everything in Honda or everything in Lockheed Martin?

Returns on:
Year HMC LMT Porfolio Calculation
2017 20.2% 31.8% 24.8% =.6(20.2)+.4(31.8)
2016 -4.9% 18.4% 4.4% =.6(-4.9)+.4(18.4)
2015 10.7% 16.2% 12.9% =.6(10.7)+.4(16.2)
2014 -26.9% 34.8% -2.2% Etc.
2013 15.8% 68.1% 36.7%
2012 24.1% 19.5% 22.3%
2011 -20.7% 20.7% -4.1%
2010 19.1% -3.8% 9.9%
2009 61.3% -7.6% 33.8%
2008 -34.0% -18.6% -27.8%

Average Returns:
Note: Use equation 6 (part 1)

Honda: 6.5% =

Lockheed Martin: 17.9% =

Portfolio: 11.1%

Note: Can calculate in two ways:

1) Use equation 6 (part 1): 11.1% =

2) Use equation 11: 11.1% =

Standard deviation of returns:

Honda: 28.6% = � [(20.2 − 6.5)2 + (−4.9 − 6.5)2 + ⋯ + (−34 − 6.5)2 ]

Lockheed Martin: 24.6% = �19 [(31.8 − 17.9)2 + (18.4 − 17.9)2 + ⋯ + (−18.6 − 17.9)2 ]
Portfolio: 19.6% = � [(24.8 − 11.1)2 + (4.4 − 11.1)2 + ⋯ + (−27.8 − 11.1)2 ]

Note: portfolio is less risky than either stock by itself due to diversification

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III. Diversification in Stock Portfolios

A. Firm-Specific Versus Systematic Risk

Note: You will see a derivation of the math of portfolios in corporate finance (FIN 5360).

1. Firm-specific news


2. Market-wide news



Stocks differs in mix of market and company-specific risk. They also differ in how
sensitive they are to market-wide news.

Ex. Kellogg is not very sensitive to how the economy is doing since people buy
about the same amount of cereal regardless of how the economy is doing. But
First Solar (a firm that designs, manufactures, and installs solar power
systems) is highly sensitive to the overall economy since people can always
delay installing solar systems.

B. The Risk Premium

Key idea:

=> standard deviation (volatility) has no particular relationship with return since
standard deviation stems in part from company-specific risk.

IV. Measuring Systematic Risk

A. Identifying Systematic Risk: The Market Portfolio

Efficient portfolio:

Market portfolio:

1) it is common practice to use the S&P500 portfolio as approximation of market
2) I will use the S&P500 and the market portfolio interchangeably.

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B. Sensitivity to Systematic Risk: Beta


1. Real-firm Betas

Note: you can look up stock betas numerous places

Ex. You can look up stock betas at Yahoo! Finance on a stock’s main page.
V. Beta and the Cost of Capital

A. Estimating the Risk Premium

1. The Market Risk Premium

MRP = E[RMkt] - rf (12)

Note: sometimes I will provide the expected return on the market (or S&P500) and
other times I will provide the market risk premium.

2. Adjusting for Beta

𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖 = 𝑟𝑟𝑓𝑓 + 𝛽𝛽𝑖𝑖 × �𝐸𝐸(𝑅𝑅𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 ) − 𝑟𝑟𝑓𝑓 � (13)


ri = cost of capital (or required return) for asset i

rf = risk-free rate
βi = beta of asset i
E(Rmkt) – rf = market risk premium

Ex. Assume the risk-free rate equals 2% and that the market risk premium is 7%.
What return will investors demand on Eli Lilly (LLY) which has a beta of 0.37
and on Sony (SNY) which has a beta of 1.65?

rLLY =

rSNY =

=> equation 13 is often referred to as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
=> most used model for estimating cost of capital used in practice

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VI. Betas of portfolios

β P = ∑i xi β i (14)

where: xi is the xi = percent of portfolio invested in asset i (equation 9)

Ex. Assume beta for JPMorgan Chase (JPM) is 1.013 and that beta for General
Dynamics (GD) is 0.159. What is beta of portfolio where invest $300,000 in JPM
and $100,000 in GD?

xJPM = .75, xGD = .25

=> βP =

Frameworks: Finance

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