Survey About Films, T.V. Programs and Series. Interviewees by Ages

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Interviewees by ages
PROGRAMS AND SERIES. The vast majority of the interviewees are with ages
between 15 to 25 yeats old (84.6%), followed by
Pollsters: people with ages between 26 to 35 years old. None
Linda Calderón of the respondents were more tan 35 years old.
Sebastian Ospina

Performed for:
English VII class.
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

Date of data collection:

September 3rd, 2019 – September 9th, 2019.

Place of data collection:

Bogota, Colombia.
Summary and analysis of results.
Collection technique: The people interviewed had to answer the next five
Structured questionnaire via internet. questions. In the next paragraphs, we will analyze
the results of each question.
Date of report:
September 10th, 2019. 1. What do you prefer to watch?
The survey respondents were asked about what
they prefered to watch and the results were as
Demographics: follows:
The survey was answered by 26 people. 65.4% of
the people were woman and the remaining 34.6%
of those interviewed were men.

As it can be seen above, most tan half of the

respondents prefer to watch series (53.8%) this
may be because most respondents are Young.
Followed by T.v. programs (19.2%). Two of the
options got the same results, films and sports, both
options with (11.5%). Almost none of the
respondents consider another option as their chosen option was another(19.2%), maybe some
preference. people don’t use any platform to watch their series
or films, but they enjoy going to the movies.

2. What kind of films, T.v. programs

or series you like? 4. How many films, t.v. programs or
series do you watch monthly?
In the different types of films, t.v. programs or
series that exist, the answers were very close. The With this question, we wanted to know if people
most answered option was drama with 38.5%. Two spend a lot of their time watching films, t.v.
of the options got the same result (23.1%), those programs or series.
options were comedy and another. Interestingly
none of the interviewees ansewered “terror” as
their favorite option.

According to the results, we can infer that the vast

majority watch between 1-3 (73.1%), which
indicates that they spend a normal time watching
their favorite films, series or t.v. programs. People
3. What platform do you use to who watch between 4-6, probably have more free
watch films, t.v. programs or series? time.

The respondents to this question, answered…

5. What is the most recent films, T.V.

programs or series you have seen?
In this question, respondents could answer openly.

According to the previous results, the vast majority

of the people prefer to use netflix (73.1%). As it can
be seen in the question #1, people preferred to
watch series and nowadays, the most used
platform to watch series is netflix. The other most
We could infer, with this question that most of the
people have different preferences when they want
to watch series, films or t.v. programs. “Betty la
fea” and “Élite” were the most selected with

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