A Literature Review On High Gain DC-DC Boost Converter

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.

1, January 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

A Literature Review on High Gain dc-dc Boost

Vinod Shrivastava1*, Shimi S.L2, Abhishek Kumar Gupta3
Department of Electrical Engineering1,2,3,NITTTR,Chandigarh1,2, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi3
Email: [email protected]*,[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract-In the recent years the use of commercial sources like coal, diesel, nuclear etc have been increased. In
the coming years the conventional sources may evanesce. So, now the prime concern of the engineers and
researchers are shifted towards the non-conventional sources such as solar plants, fuel cells, batteries, wind
power etc. But the problem in most of these sources is deliver very low and unstable voltage and such sources
are not good for commercial use. So, to utilize these non-conventional sources it is required to tie the supply to
grid. dc-dc converters are widely used in PV applications. Many researchers presented advancements in dc-dc
converter topologies in literature. This paper presents the wide review on recent topologies of dc-dc converters.
Index Terms-High gain dc-dc boost converter; high voltage gain; interleaved boost converter; magnetic
coupling; switched inductor; multi-level; multistage; switched capacitor; voltage multiplier cell.

1. INTRODUCTION these techniques increases exponentially or linearly

based on the based method.
Industries have very much requirement of dc-dc
converters in now days. Variable dc source improves
2.1.1. Cascaded Converters
the performance of industrial applications. Various dc-
dc boost converters are available for conflicting power Bidirectional power flow capability is the basic
conversion applications. These dc-dc converters are requirement of dc-dc converters. Due to this property
very famous in non-conventional sources as well as regenerative energy can be absorbed and stored in the
most popular in medical, physics, military etc. energy storage system. Besides of this some
Basically boost converters having high demand where application requires overlapping input-output voltage
high dc voltage is required [1]. Based on these limit.
requirements this paper presents different techniques Middle inductor is used in cascaded buck-boost
for obtaining high gain than normally boost converter. This topology is shown in fig.1. In this
converters. technique an interfacing inductor is used between
Non-conventional energy sources increases the input and output stages [3].
electrical power magnitude. Solid fuel creates
pollution so power converter topologies are very
useful for next stage of power generation. The PV
panels gives the output voltage in order of 20-60V. dc-
dc boost converters are widely applied for interfacing
between the PV panels and inverter-load combination.
In PV panel high boost up is required for voltage gain. Fig.1 Cascaded Buck Boost Inductor
Full bridge inverter requires approx 380 volts for input
[2]. The voltage of battery is typically much lower than the
bus voltage of DC with a high voltage stage in the
2. VOLTAGE BOOSTING TECHNIQUES vehicles driven by electricity. But the overlapping may
happen between the battery voltage and the dc bus
There are many voltage boosting techniques are voltage which depends on the battery’s characteristics
available now days. This paper presents these different and its design of the system. So it is also a prime
types of voltage boosting techniques, their advantages, concern of the researcher, the converter must able to
disadvantages and applications. carry the voltage of output side and input side with the
range of overlapping.
2.1. Multistage technique The cascaded proportional integral control may lead to
This technique employs the combination of various system unstable during operating time. So to maintain
stages of converters in miscellaneous connection. This the system stability, Mukherjee et. al. [4] taken a
method consists of cascaded, interleaved and series connected dc-dc topology.
multilevel converter techniques. The voltage gain of The cascaded converters have been typically classified
in three types in the literature,

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.1, January 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
a. Some type of sources in converters like inductors, soft switching and high VGR. This
batteries [5-10], fuel cells and super topology is the combination of interleaved cascaded
capacitors [11]-[12]. buck-boost converters and the DAHB converter. In
b. Different types of sources in converters, like series connection the voltage stress on main switches
stand alone photovoltaic system with battery, reduced and voltage gain increased.
or solar/wind hybrid energy system [13]- Xuefenget.al [27] has presents A High Gain Input-
[16]. Parallel Output-Series DC/DC Converter with Dual
c. Varying operating conditions at same type of Coupled-Inductors. This topology also has a voltage
sources in converter the varying conditions multiplier module. The primary windings of two
may be the photovoltaic panels under coupled inductors are parallel connected for sharing
different partial shading [17]-[18]. the input current and for reducing the input current
A duty cycle based model predictive control (DC- ripple. On the other hand this converter has the all
MPC) technique proposed by Wei et. al [19] to features of interleaved series connected output
achieve input voltage sharing (IVS) and output voltage capacitors for large output voltage, less ripples in
sharing (OVS) for an input series output series (ISOS) voltage output and less switch voltage stress. The
converter. Wei et. al also proposed a discrete time secondary sides of two-coupled inductors are also
optimized model of an input series output series type connected in series with a regenerative capacitor with
converter and the optimized duty cycles for input a diode for increasing the output voltage. The active
voltage sharing and output voltage sharing are switches become ONN at zero current and the diode’s
predicted with a cost function. The proposed technique reverse recovery problem increases due to leakage
compared with the conventional proportional integral inductance of the coupled inductors. The energy of
(PI) controller based technique. According the leakage inductance can be recycled in this converter.
comparison of results the proposed duty cycle based Hu.et.al [28] proposed an isolated ultra high step up
MPC technique is better for input voltage sharing and dc-dc converter in matrix transformer configuration
output voltage sharing due to its simplicity, lower cost for increasing the power level and improving the fault
and higher dynamic performance. tolerant by a fly back converter. Fault tolerant
Fig.2. shows the schematic diagram of hybrid capability can be increased in this case. Voltage stress
cascaded dc-dc converter. As the Fig.2.shows a poly on switching element and transformer size can be
phase converter, in which each phase is controlled by reduced easily in this technique.
a controllable switch and constructed by switches and Prabhalaet.al [29] proposed a dc-dc converter with
energy storage device. The energy storage devices can high voltage gain and two input boost stages. It is
store some amount of energy from one dc side to other inspired from a Dickson Charge Pump [20]. The
dc side with the help of switches. The poly phase voltage multiplier cells are used to increase the voltage
arrangement is modification of single phase switching gain. The voltage gain is depending on number of
action and overcome the problem of energy flow stages and duty cycle of the input stage.
interruption in single phase switching action [20]. Zhang et.al [30] proposed an interleaved switched
capacitor bidirectional dc-dc converter with wide
voltage range for energy storage system. In this
technique an interleaved structure is added in the LV
side to reducing the ripples of current by LV side.
Similarly a series connected structure is adopted on
HV side of converter for achieving the voltage gain.
These converters also have high efficiency.

Fig.2HCDC 2.1.3.Multilevel Converter

2.1.2.Interleaved Converter As the HVDC system is very popular, the voltage
The traditional bidirectional buck-boost (CBB) source converter based high voltage direct current
converter is low cost non-isolated and simple system also gaining importance. Voltage source
construction. Chen et. al.[21] proposed a topology converter based HVDC has more advantages as
consists bidirectional buck-boost converter with the compared to thyristor based HVDC system. It has
coupled inductor. Mohammadi et. al.[22] proposed the active and reactive power control, black start of
family of soft switching bidirectional converters with converter, high output voltage and current with no
high ZVS range. Non-isolated bidirectional dc-dc ripple. These types of converters also have some
converters have been discussed in [23]-[25]. disadvantages e.g. switching losses and less fault
Bahrami.H [26] et.al proposed a novel technique tolerant capability to dc side fault. For removing all
which provides reduced ripple current during the these problems some multilevel converters have been
operating at the battery side in the high current introduced [31]-[37]. Out of these converters the

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.1, January 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
modular multilevel converter has gaining more 2.3. Voltage Multiplier technique
importance compared to others because of its low
400 V DC supply system gaining most popularity now
dv/dt, low harmonics, scalability and modularity. It
days because of their higher efficiency, better
also has low switching losses.
reliability and most economically as compared to ac
Fault tolerant capability is more in important in
supply system [46]-[49]. Telecommunications, data
converters which is a reason for high attention towards
communications, commercial and residential are the
fault tolerant multilevel converter for HVDC
best example of dc distribution system [50]-[52]. In dc
applications. These topologies use full bridge sub
supply system or dc distribution systems, the most
module. Due to this, this topology uses large number
challenging task is dc-dc converters for 400 V
of semiconductor switches. Mathew et. al [38]
systems. The range of PV panels is between 20 V to
presents a generalized cross connected sub module
40 V DC. For boosting up these voltages high duty
with less number of switches with same features of
ratio is required which results high voltage stress on
FBSM as shown in Fig.3.
components, voltage ripples and low efficiency.
For overcome these drawbacks [53]-[56] have been
proposed topologies for dc-dc boost converters
followed by the voltage multiplier cells. Based on this
technique Table I showing the comparison of different
converters with respect to number of components,
Fig.3 5 level X-SM structure voltage gain and voltage stress on switches.
Bin et. al [53] proposed a hybrid converter for high
2.2. Switched Capacitor (Charge pump) voltage gain but gives low output voltage as compared
to its own VM circuit. It also has a large ripple in
Non-conventional sources like solar and fuel cell input current. Table 1 shows the comparison of
preferred low voltage range for operation but grid tied different converters based on voltage gain and
systems requires high voltage range. These high components used. The table has been formed using
voltage ranges affects the efficiency. To overcome the topologies presented in literatures [53]-[56].
low efficiency problem Das et. al [39] proposed a
novel high voltage gain with high efficiency dc-dc Table 1: Comparison of different converters
converter, based on coupled inductor, intermediate
capacitor and leakage energy recovery technique. For Topology [53] [54] [55] [56]
reducing the losses the input energy of converter is No of 1 1 2 2
stored in coupled inductor and intermediate capacitor Switches
in lossless manner. No of 1 1 2 2
A variant Dickson converter is proposed [40] as the Inductors
name (n/m) X converter. This configuration can give No of 4 3 3 3
the required voltage gain with high efficiency. Capacitors
Many other advantages and limitations of converters No of 4 3 3 4
based on switched capacitor based circuits have been Diodes
discussed in [41]-[43]. Dickson based converters gives Vout/Vin
best performance as compared to these switched
capacitor based converters [44].
The (n/m) X converter is derived from a common Vswitch/v (1-D)D
structure of (k/m) X is shown in Fig.4. There are n out
arms and n legs in this converter which become total Input Discont Contin Discontin Contin
2n limbs. Each arm has a series combination of two Current inuous uous uous uous
capacitors [45].
Gang et. al [54] proposed switched capacitor based
converters which also boost the low voltage
comparatively to its component count. A switched
capacitor base converter is proposed by YU et. al [55]
which produce ripples In input current in
discontinuous form. Rosas-caroet. al [56] proposed a
transformer less converter which gives continuous
input current but high stress is experienced by
switches higher than two third of the voltage. A new
converter topology is produced by Baddipadiga et. al
Fig.4 A generic (k/m) X Converter [57] in which the input side consist a two phase
interleaved boost converter and output side having a

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.1, January 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
VL-SL Cell

Vin S Co

Fig.5 Voltage Lift Technique

Dickson charge pump based voltage multiplier. isolated dc-dc converter. There are some coupled-
This converter is most useful for 400 V dc bus. This inductor based dc-dc converters have been designed to
converter also has a tendency to extract power from offer the freedom from the complexity of the switch
both single source and two independent sources. Due duty cycle [61]-[68]. Due to leakage inductance of
to low voltage rating of capacitors for VM, these coupled inductor high voltage spikes occurs on device.
converters leads towards the size reduction.
It also induces large energy losses. RCD snubbers can
2.4. Switched Inductor and Voltage Lift control the voltage variation or current and clamp
technique voltage overshoot. RCD snubbers are composite of
resistor, capacitor and diode. Leakage energy is still
For increasing the output voltage in dc-dc boost dissipated in this case so that these converters are also
converter, voltage lift is one of better and approved proposed [65]-[66]. In this case the number of
method or technique. A capacitor is charged to a switches increases which results the complexity in the
certain value by source voltage in this technique. circuit. Wai.et.al [67] proposed a passive regenerative
After that the output voltage is boosted with snubber. This converter has higher voltage gain than
voltage of charged capacitor. On adding more others which are based on coupled inductor
capacitor the voltage level can be increased more. technology. In the same channel khalizadeh [68] et. al.
When two capacitors are used, it is called re-lift, proposed a converter with single switch by using three
on three capacitors it become triple lift and winding coupled inductor. Leakage energy of the
similarly quadruple-lift technique [58]. Luo et. al inductor can be reused in this converter and also
[59] introduced some boost converters based on reverse recovery problem of diode can be reduced.
this technique. Zeta, Cuk and SEPIC converters This converter is designed for high voltage gain with
have been used with Voltage Lift technique [60]. high power density and efficiency. It consists of a
Fig.5 shows the basic structure of VL technique. single switch and two voltage multiplier cells. Besides
this it is also have two regenerative snubbers for high
2.5. Magnetic Coupling voltage conversion, recycling the energy of stray
inductance and reducing the voltage spike.
Magnetic coupling is most preferred boosting
technique. It can be used as both non-isolated and
3. Comparison of Different Techniques

Table 2: Comparison of different techniques

Voltage Boosting Advantages Disadvantages Appropriate

Technique applications
Multi-Stage/-Level Compatible structure, Complicated control HVDC transmission,
High power density, technique, more numbers Renewable energy
stable and efficient and of components, and system,
High voltage/current comparatively heavy, Photovoltaic, fuel cells, dc
ratio. large and heavy. grids, large power dc
supply, electric vehicle,
hybrid electric vehicle and
fuel cell electric vehicle,
and Space automation.

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.1, January 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

Switched Capacitor Cheap, Light weight, Comparatively Energy accumulation,

(Charge Pump) Small size, high power complicated modulation, Mobile displays
density and Fast response. Sensitive to the ESR of (AMOLED), Automotive
capacitors and Lack of and vehicular applications
output voltage regulation. and High gain dc-dc
Voltage Multiplier High voltage capability High voltage stress on X-ray, laser, Military,
topology, Cell based components, and need plasma research and
structure, and also it can several cells for high particle accelerator.
be integrated to various voltage applications.
Switched Inductor High boost ability, and Need more passive Mid-range dc-dc
and Voltage Lift biddable in many elements, and not suitable converters and High gain
converters. for high power dc-dc applications.
Magnetic Coupling High design freedom, Negative effects of High power/voltage DC
Versatile in boost ability leakage inductance, High supply, High voltage
due to tunable, turns ratio voltage spike, and applications (military,
of magnetic coupling, Relatively bulky. physics), DC micro grids,
Switch can be Telecommunication and
implemented at the low data centers, Bidirectional
voltage side help to (FC, PV, UPS, P-EV, H-
reduce conduction losses EV, V2G), Regenerative
and High efficiency in (elevator,
soft switched type. tram/trolleybus), and
Avionic and space.

4. Conclusion
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