Us 20030209635 A 1
Us 20030209635 A 1
Us 20030209635 A 1
(76) Inventor: John Quincy St. Clair, San Juan, PR (57) ABSTRACT
Correspondence Address: This invention relates to a Spacecraft propulsion System
John St. Clair utilizing a rotating octagon of trapezoidal electrically
Hyperspace Research Institute charged flat panels to create an electric dipole moment that
52 Kings Court, 4A generates lift on the hull. On the interior Side of each panel
San Juan, PR 00911 (US) are electroStatically charged rods which produce a planar
(21) Appl. No.: 10/142,239 electric field that emerges from holes in the panel to form an
ellipsoidal potential energy bubble on the outside of the hull.
(22) Filed: May 9, 2002 The rotating hull dipole moment generates a magnetic
moment which, together with the magnetic field gradient
Publication Classification developed by the rotating electric field of the electrostati
cally charged panels, produces said lift force. The potential
(51) Int. Cl." ....... B64G 1/24; FO2K 1/00; FO3H 3/00; energy field is enhanced by using a double cladding of hull
FO2K 5/00; FO2K 7/00; FO2K 11/00 material with different ranges of permittivities.
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 1
Figure 2
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 3
- - -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- - r
r - r -- ma -
T----- Y- ----- --- -------
r - -
v - -v
- - -
N. N. N / N.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 9
C F eE ta’
Figure 10
coul’ n 2
coul= coul m
Figure 11
o 4a 4
p = q y = eE TLa ---- =le Ea
3 TL 3
Figure 12
m coul. 2 2
u = p v = coulm-SCC = SCC
m = ampm
Figure 13
Z Z.
u = p X ()
Figure 14
F = V(u. B)
Figure 15
1 6E
(V X B). - re
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 16
r60 Oz 6t c ro0
Figure 17
E. Ee''
Figure 18
B =- E
Z c? r
Figure 19
dB, E, dv
dz c” dz
Figure 20
dB Erdy1
dz 2 dz
hull profile
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 21
Figure 22
Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2003. Sheet 7 of 7 US 2003/0209635 A1
Figure 23
Figure 24
US 2003/0209635 A1 Nov. 13, 2003
ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENT PROPULSION 0009. On the underside of each panel is a group of high
SYSTEM Voltage electrically charged rods which run parallel to the
panel. These wires or rods produce a planar electrical
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION potential field underneath the holes in the panel. This
0001. The invention, which is the object of my present potential energy field then bubbles out of the holes in the
application, is a Spacecraft utilizing trapezoidal electrostati panel to create a large ellipsoidal potential energy field
cally charged flat plate panels which form a pyramidal hull. above the hull. The potential energy bubble carries an
A panel contains three holes each of which produces a electric dipole moment which when rotated with the hull
potential energy ellipsoidal bubble that creates an electric generates a magnetic moment in the vertical direction.
dipole moment. The rotation of the hull generates a magnetic STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY
moment and a magnetic field gradient in the vertical direc SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT
tion that produces a lift force on the Spacecraft.
0010 Not Applicable.
0002 Gravitation, John Archibald Wheeler A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
0003) Levitron, Hones, U.S. Pat. No. 5,404,062. 0011 FIG.1. Perspective view of electric dipole moment
0004 Classical Electrodynamics, John David Jackson,
Chapter 3.12, Mixed Boundary Conditions, Conducting 0012 FIG. 2. Perspective exploded view of one panel
Plan with a Circular Hole. with the ellipsoidal domes, flat hull panel with three holes,
the charged rod grid and the planar potential energy field.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0013 FIG. 3. Flat potential energy field produced by
0005 I was reading Dr. Jackson's book about the forma electrically charge wire rods.
tion of a potential energy bubble by a hole in a conducting 0014 FIG. 4. The potential in terms of the electric field
plane, a picture of which is shown on page 134 of his book. of the rods times distance from rods.
It turns out that this bubble creates an electric dipole moment
from which it is possible to get a magnetic moment. Then I 0.015 FIG. 5. Cylindrical coordinates {t, r, 0, Z}.
realized that a rotating tilted hull having a Velocity gradient 0016 FIG. 6. Ellipsoidal potential energy field emerging
would produce a magnetic field gradient in the vertical from hole in plate. This produces an electric dipole moment.
direction. This combination produces a lift force on the
Spacecraft. 0017 FIG. 7. Computer simulation of potential energy
0006 I did quite a number of computer simulations of the
bubble using an electromagnetic Simulation Software pro 0018 FIG. 8. Centroid of an ellipse needed to calculate
gram. I found that the hole in the plate doesn’t produce a dipole moment.
very large potential energy bubble. So I created another 0019 FIG. 9. The charge of the hole.
Simulation where the hole protrudes out of the plate in an
ellipsoidal shape. This produces a much larger field. I then 0020 FIG. 10. The units are charge.
found that using a double cladding, in which each layer has
a different permittivity, confined the field to the outside of 0021 FIG. 11. The dipole moment p.
the hull for even better results. 0022 FIG. 12. The magnetic moment in terms of the
0007. The planar potential energy is created by a grid of dipole moment and hull Surface Velocity.
electrically charged wires or rods running the length of each 0023 FIG. 13. The magnetic moment in tensor notation.
panel. AS shown by Feynman, the circular potential energy
from each rod very quickly Sums to form a flat sheet of 0024 FIG. 14. The lift force on the hull is equal to the
energy which emerges from the hole to form Said potential gradient of the dot product of the magnetic moment and
energy bubble. magnetic field.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0025 FIG. 15. Maxwell's equation for the electric field
changing with time.
0008. The invention relates to a spacecraft utilizing a
rotating octagon of trapezoidal electrically charged flat plate 0026 FIG. 16. The components of Maxwell's equation.
panels to form a hull in the shape of a pyramid. Each panel 0027 FIG. 17. The radial electric field rotates with the
has three protruding ellipsoidal bubbles that produce an angular Velocity of the hull.
electric dipole moment from a planar potential energy field
created by a group of charged rods parallel to the panel. 0028 FIG. 18. The magnetic field is equal to the velocity
Because the panels are tilted and the hull is rotating, there is of the hull times the electric field of the hull divided by the
a tangential Velocity gradient in the vertical direction. This Speed of light Squared.
creates the magnetic moment. Because the hull rotates, the 0029 FIG. 19. The magnetic field gradient is propor
radial electric field produces a magnetic field gradient in the tional to the tangential Velocity gradient along the panel.
Vertical direction. This combination of magnetic moment
and magnetic field gradient produces a lift force on the hull 0030 FIG. 20. The hull profile needed to get the velocity
of the Spacecraft. gradient.
US 2003/0209635 A1 Nov. 13, 2003
0031 FIG. 21. The three vectors of the electric dipole having units of coulomb-meter. Notice that the electric
moment (A), the tangential Velocity of the hull (B), and the dipole moment p times a Velocity V is equal to a magnetic
magnetic moment (C). moment u which is what creates the lift force on the hull as
0.032 FIG.22. The magnetic moment components in the shown in the next FIG. 12.
radial and vertical direction. The dot product of the vertical 0042 8. The rotating hull creates the electric dipole
magnetic moment with the magnetic field gradient is the lift moment Velocity So that the entire hull develops a magnetic
moment. In tensor notation, FIG. 13, the magnetic moment
0.033 FIG. 23. Cross section of dome showing two layer is in the vertical direction because there is a radial compo
cladding with different permittivities to enhance potential nent of the electric dipole moment times the velocity. The
energy field. Velocity is the radius r in the radial direction times the
0034 FIG. 24. Computer simulation of potential energy angular Velocity in the Z-direction.
field around dome.
0043 9. The force on the hull is the gradient of the dot
product of the magnetic moment with the magnetic B field
given in equation FIG. 14.
0.035 1. Referring to FIG. 1, the spacecraft is a rotating 0044) 10. By electrically charging the hull of the vehicle,
octagon of trapezoidal electrostatically charged flat panels a radial electric field is produced. By rotating the hull, the
which form a closed hull (A). Each panel has three ellip radial electric field changes with time. Thus Maxwell's
soidal domes (B) of varying size centrally located along the equations will involve the curl of the magnetic field in the
major length of the panel. The purpose of the dome is to radial direction because the radial electric field is varying
create a large ellipsoidal potential energy bubble over the with time. Maxwell's equation is seen in FIG. 16.
hull which develops an electrical dipole moment. Because 0045 11. The cross product involves the magnetic field in
the hull is rotating, a magnetic moment is created in the the theta direction which is zero. The electric field varies
Vertical direction. A magnetic field gradient created by the with time as shown in FIG. 17. Substituting the derivative
rotating electric field on the hull in combination with said of the electric field and integrating with respect to angle
magnetic moment produces a lift force on the hull. theta gives the Vertical magnetic field as the tangential
0.036 2. Referring to FIG. 2, the trapezoidal hull panel velocity times the radial field divided by the speed of light
(A) contains three ellipsoidal holes (E). A group of wires or squared (FIG. 18).
rods (C) running parallel to and just underneath the panel are
electrically charged to a high Voltage at the end terminals 0046 12. Now the force on the hull is the gradient of the
(B). Said rods produce a planar potential energy field (D) magnetic moment times the magnetic field. In the equation
just under the holes in the panel. The field emerges from the for the magnetic field, the only available variable to work
holes in the shape of an ellipsoidal bubble and is amplified with in order to get a gradient is the Velocity. To me this was
by an ellipsoidal dome (F) on the outside of the hull. the surprise in this invention. The velocity had to be a
function of the height of the hull (FIG. 19) which meant that
0037 3. Referring to FIG. 3, the group of parallel rods the hull had to be in the shape of a pyramid, FIG. 20. Using
(A) are given a linear charge 2 in units of charge per meter. eight flat Sides keeps the radial electric field pointing in the
The electric field E developed by the rod is the linear charge Same direction in each panel. Each panel has three domes to
divided by the circumference of a circle of radius r around produce the magnetic moment for a total of 24 magnetic
the wire times the permittivity e of Space. The analysis of moment generators.
this arrangement shows that within a few grid width Spac
ings, the potential energy field (p has become planar (B) in 0047 13. Referring to FIG. 21, the electric dipole
the z-direction given by the equation in FIG. 4. moment (A) points in the radial direction, the rotating hull
produces a tangential velocity (B), and the result is a
0.038 4. The forthcoming analysis is done in cylindrical magnetic moment (C) along the panel.
coordinates, FIG. 5.
0039) 5. Referring to FIG. 6, the ellipsoidal potential 0048. 14. Because the magnetic moment is parallel to the
energy (B) emerges through the hole in the panel plate (A). panel, there are vertical and radial components of the
magnetic moment. The vertical magnetic moment creates
In doing So it creates an electrical dipole moment (C) shown the dot product with the magnetic field gradient, which is
by the arrow normal to the hole area. The theoretical analysis equal to the lift force, as depicted in FIG. 22.
matched a computer Simulation of this emergence of the
bubble (B) through plate (A), as shown in FIG. 7. 0049) 15. FIG.23 shows a cross-section of the dome (A)
0040. 6. Because the bubble has the shape of an ellipse, and the plate hole (B) with double cladding to enhance the
the centroid of the bubble would be four thirds the radius a field as determined by computer Simulation. The upper
divided by JL as given in FIG.8. The electric dipole moment cladding (D) has a low relative permittivity in the range of
is then given as the charge times Said centroid. The charge 2 to 40, and the lower layer has a high relative permittivity
of the hole is equal to the permittivity times the electric field in the range of 1200 to 4000. This dome and cladding
emerging from the hole times the area of the hole as Seen in configuration creates a much larger electric dipole moment
the equation of FIG. 9 with the units of charge, FIG. 10. compared to a hole in the plate, comparing FIG. 23 to that
of FIG. 7. The wavy lines are the equi-potential energy lines
0041 7. The electric dipole moment is said centroid times from the dome (C) and the upper layer (B) and the lower
Said charge, as Seen in the equation given in FIG. 11 and level (A).
US 2003/0209635 A1 Nov. 13, 2003
What I claim as my invention is: 6. Said rotating charged hull produces an electric field in
1. A Spacecraft having a rotating octagon of trapezoidal the radial direction which generates a corresponding mag
electroStatically charged flat panels which form a closed hull netic field gradient in the vertical direction proportional-to
in the shape of a pyramid. the Velocity gradient of the sloping panels of the hull.
2. Said panels each having three holes covered by three 7. Combined magnetic moment and magnetic field pro
ellipsoidal domes of varying Size centrally located along the duce lift on the hull.
major length of the panel. 8. Dome material and Surface layer cladding having
3. A grid of high Voltage electroStatically charged rods different permittivities which enhance Said electric dipole
located on the interior Side of each panel Such that a planar moment.
potential field is produced parallel to and under each hole of 9. Use of magnetic Vortex generator to bring in low
Said panel. density hyperSpace energy in order to increase the field
4. Said domes and holes in panel produce an ellipsoidal Strengths as described in my patent applications Magnetic
potential energy field carrying an electric dipole moment on Vortex Wormhole Generator and Magnetic Vortex Genera
the outside of the hull. tor.
5. Said rotating hull together with electric dipole moment
produce a magnetic moment in the Vertical direction.