1 s2.0 S0920586118315104 Main - Annotated
1 s2.0 S0920586118315104 Main - Annotated
1 s2.0 S0920586118315104 Main - Annotated
Catalysis Today
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/cattod
Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology, ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
FOTOAIR-Ciemat, Renewable Energy Division, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: An air purification reactor working under the standard ISO 22197-1 is studied and used for the determination of
Photocatalysis the intrinsic kinetic parameters of the NOx photocatalytic removal. A new mechanistic kinetic model considering
NOx explicitly the radiation step is proposed. The derived reaction rate expressions for NO and NO2 include the
Mechanistic kinetics dependence on the concentration of NO, NO2 and the local superficial rate of photon absorption.
Intrinsic parameters
The air purification reactor was modelled using a numerical simulation methodology to validate homogeneity
of the light distribution reaching the catalyst surface and go deep in the knowledge of fluid dynamic behaviour.
Based on these results, general guidelines of the reactor behaviour working under the ISO 22197-1 standard can
be stablished, being the first time that this reactor is modelled with a global predictive approach. Radiation
intensity over the catalyst surface was confirmed to reach the specified value of 10 ± 0.5 W m−2. Plug flow can
be applied in the studied reactor with an axial dispersion module lower than 0.001. However, the diffusion of
chemical species in the reactor was also studied, as well as the impact of mass transfer phenomena on the
accuracy of the calculated kinetic parameters. A comprehensive simulation model of the ISO reactor, including
fluid dynamics, radiation, photochemical reaction and mass transfer was developed. The simulation results
confirm that the kinetic parameters obtained without considering mass transfer limitation fail to reproduce the
experimental data, whereas a global error lower than a 17% was achieved including the diffusion of the species
in the reactor. The proposed methodology, experimentally validated, could be successfully applied to the pre-
diction of the performance of different type of photocatalytic reactors or even open systems for NOx pollutants.
1. Introduction a target contaminant since they are typical inorganic and major air
pollutants produced by the combustion of fuels, for instance, from ve-
The air-purification performance of semiconductor photocatalytic hicles in urban areas. This is why there are several proposed kinetic
materials can be achieved by photocatalytic test embraced in the ISO models for the photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) of NO and NOx [2–6],
22197 standards. Five air-purification photocatalytic methods for the with the aim to reproduce the degradation of pollutant compounds in
removal of different pollutant compounds have been published from air by photoactive materials and predict the performance of air-pur-
2007 to 2016 [1]: nitric oxide (NO), ISO 22197-1; acetaldehyde ification photoreactors. Some kinetic models are based on Langmuir–-
(CH3CHO), ISO 22197-2; toluene (CH3C6H5), ISO 22197-3; for- Hinshelwood and do not consider explicitly the local radiation ab-
maldehyde (CH2O), ISO 22197-4; and methyl mercaptan (CH4S), ISO sorption rate (LVRPA) [4], limiting the extrapolation to other systems.
22197-5. The last two standards for the removal of formaldehyde and Other kinetic models reported in the literature do consider radiation
methyl mercaptan are still in the review phase (necessary at least three absorption and reaction steps based on diverse reaction mechanisms
years after publication). [2,3,5].
All five standards cited above use the same flat plate photoreactor The most rigorous kinetic model for the PCO of NOx available in
with the catalyst being immobilized on a flat surface. This type of gas literature was reported by Yu et al [5], based on mechanistic steps
phase photocatalytic reactor is one of the generic laboratory scale de- previously described [4,5,7–9]. It involves the generation of holes and
vice designed for the determination of kinetic models. electrons by the activation of the TiO2 particles and either their re-
Nitrogen oxides (NOx, NO and NO2) have been used in this study as combination or the respective hole and electron trapping. The OH•
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Marugán).
Received 15 February 2018; Received in revised form 10 May 2018; Accepted 7 September 2018
Available online 24 September 2018
0920-5861/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
a Parameter of the polynomial equation defined for mass 1 Kinetic parameter (m2 s E−1)
transport 2 Kinetic parameter (dimensionless)
APC Photocatalyst absorption coefficient (dimensionless) 3 Kinetic parameter (kmol2 m−6)
a The active surface area per unit of air volume on the 4 Kinetic parameter (m4 kmol−1 s−1)
surface (m−1) ¯ Wavelength averaged primary quantum yield
b Parameter of the polynomial equation defined for mass (kmol·Einstein−1)
c Parameter of the polynomial equation defined for mass Subscripts
CFD Computational fluid dynamics 0 Relative to initial conditions
h Relative to transversal height A Relative to the model A
H Distance between catalytic area and optical window B Relative to the model B
(5 mm) I Specific position along the photoreactor
Ji Diffusive flux species i (kg m−2 s−1) in Relative to the inlet stream
k Kinetic constant (m2 kmol−1 s−1) NO Relative to nitrogen oxide
K Equilibrium adsorption constant (m3 kmol−1) NO2 Relative to nitrogen dioxide
LSRPA, ea,s Local superficial rate of photon absorption PC Photocatalyst
(Einstein m−2 s-1)
NOx Nitrogen oxides (nitrogen monoxide and dioxide) Superscripts
PCO Photocatalytic oxidation
q0 Incident radiation flux (Einstein m−2 s-1) s Relative to the photocatalyst surface area
Q Volumetric flow rate (m3 h−1)
R.H. Relative humidity (%) Special symbols
RTE Radiative transfer equation
r Photooxidation reaction rate (kmol m−2 s-1) [ TiO2] Superficial concentration of sites in conduction band
rg The superficial rate of electron-hole generation (kmol (kmol m−2)
m−2 s-1) [TiO2 _ ] Concentration on the catalyst surface (kmol m−2)
¯ −1 [] Concentration (kmol m−3)
v Velocity vector (m s )
[¯] Averaged concentration (kmol m−3)
Yi Mass fraction of species i in the mixture (dimensionless)
radicals produced at the surface of the photocatalyst (TiO2 _OH•) pro- limitations along the cross section of the reactor. In addition to that, a
gressively oxides the adsorbed species -NO, -HNO2 and -NO2 to finally numerical simulation model of the reactor was developed using the
be led to nitrates. The kinetic model was successfully applied in the finite volume method based ANSYS Fluent computational tool. Fluid
operation conditions of the reported study. However, as it will be dynamics and radiation transport was modelled, simulated and vali-
shown in the present work, the extrapolation of this model into some dated, verifying the fulfillment of the ISO standard requirements. The
limiting cases led to meaningless predictions. For these reason, a new photochemical reaction and mass balances of NOx coupled with the
generalized kinetic model is proposed in this study. obtained velocity field, were also modelled. Results provided some
Some efforts have been done previously by different research groups general guidelines of the simplifications that can be considered when
in the modelling of photoreactors for indoor air purification. Boyjoo using this photoreactor under standardized conditions.
et al. [10] summarized in a recent review the reactors simulated with Predicted results were successfully validated with experimental
the traditionally called Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods. data, confirming that the proposed kinetic model, parameters and
That includes photoreactors with a wide range of geometries: corru- methodology are a useful contribution to air purification apparatus
gated plate [11], slit-shaped flat bed [12], annular [13], or monolith design, scaling up and NOx conversion prediction, allowing the future
system [14] among others. However, to the best of the author’s design of more efficient apparatus.
knowledge, Pelzers et al. [15] reported the only approach found in
literature to model the radiation field of a photo-reactor following the
2. Experimental
ISO 22197-1:2007 standard. They use the RADIANCE lighting simula-
tion tool, based on the backward ray-tracing modelling method, in a
2.1. Photoreactor details
mirrored system to calculate irradiation fluxes. However, no global
modelling approach including radiation field, fluid dynamics and a
The photocatalytic experiments were carried out in a continuous flat
mechanistic kinetic model description of the PCO reaction has been
plate photoreactor designed according the ISO 22197-1:2007 (Fig. 1A).
reported yet.
The complete experimental set-up is represented schematically in
In the present work, modelling of the reactor radiation field and
Fig. 1B. The photoreactor consists of a stainless steel rectangular cavity
fluid dynamics were integrated with the developed intrinsic kinetic
with internal dimensions of 200 mm × 50 mm × 20 mm (length ×
model to predict the NOx removal reaction under a wide range of op-
width × depth) which embeds a ceramic planar sample inside with a
erational conditions of irradiation, NO concentration and volumetric
size of 100 mm × 50 mm × 15 mm (l × w × d). The ceramic sample
flow rate.
surface is coated with a commercial TiO2 synthesized through a sol-gel
Experimental validation of the developed kinetic model was carried
method. According to standard ISO the sample surface is 5 mm beneath
out using an air purification reactor in accordance with the ISO 22197-1
of a borosilicate glass cover plate with high transmittance allowing the
standard. Experiments under controlled conditions of the operational
irradiation of the photocatalytic materials. A completely developed
variables were performed to obtain the intrinsic kinetic parameters that
flow inside the reactor is assured by a reactor length double that the
defines PCO reaction rate with and without considering mass transport
sample length.
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Fig. 1. A) 3D Schematic view of the air purification photoreactor. B) Scheme of the photocatalytic experimental set-up.
Two UVA Phillips TL-8 W/05 fluorescent lamps (UV-A emission the photocatalytic oxidation process (PCO) starts. The distance between
17.5 W m−2 measured experimentally) were used as a radiation source the lamp centre and the catalyst was carefully adjusted to achieve the
with a maximum emission at 365 nm wavelength. To avoid the end- 10.0 ± 0.5 W m−2 irradiance defined in the ISO standard. The varia-
effects both lamps length 28.8 cm, being the extremes outside the re- tion of the concentration of NO, NO2 and the total NOx was monitored
actor and placed in the longitudinal axis of the reactor situated on a during the whole experiment. The results of the PCO reaction are
mobile support to set the irradiance on the photocatalyst surface at gathered once the steady state was achieved and it ended turning off the
10 W m-2 according to the ISO (distance needed 3.6 cm). lamps.
As it can be seen from Fig. 1B, the gas mixture is composed of pure Three different experimental conditions have been selected to in-
air (humidified to achieve 50% RH) and the NO pollutant stabilized in vestigate their influence on the degradation of NOx and to study the
N2 from a gas cylinder (104 ppm). The total gas flow is fed to the re- kinetic of the physicochemical process to obtain the intrinsic para-
actor, being fixed by mass-flow controllers to reach the desired NO meters:
concentration in the inlet. Two three-way valves direct the flow either
to the photoreactor or to a by-pass mode. Then, only 700 cm3 min−1 (i) The inlet NO concentration (CNO, in) in the range 500 ppb to
flow pass through a NOX Analyzer (Signal NOx analyzer, model 447) 2000 ppb fixing the mass flow of the NO/N2 and air stream to
operating under the chemiluminescence detection principle according reach the required concentration.
to ISO standard 7996 and the rest is discarded through a duct. The (ii) The incident radiation flux (q0) in the range 7.62 10−6 to 3.05 10-5
evolution of the NOx concentration with reaction time is measured and Einstein m-2 s-1 using different lamps and varying the distance to
the signal send to the datalogger (Combilog 1022). the photocatalyst surface.
(iii) The inlet volumetric flow rate (Q0) in the range 1.5 dm3 min−1 to
2.2. Experimental reaction procedure 4.0 dm3 min−1 varying the value set by the mass-flow controllers.
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
s kmol kNO CNO CH 2O 4 E photocatalyst among adsorbed species, approximating the photo-
rNO = · 1+ 1 catalyst thickness to zero,
m2s1 (4kNO CNO + 2kNO2 CNO2 ) CH 2O (1)
(iii) the pseudo steady state approximation (MSSA) for the concentra-
kmol (kNO CNO kNO2 CNO2) CH 2O 4 E tion of electron, holes, radicals and intermediate compounds that
rNO 2 = · 1+ 1 does not accumulate,
m2s1 (4kNO CNO + 2kNO2 CNO2) CH 2O (2)
(iv) equilibrium conditions for adsorption steps between the con-
Where CNO , CNO2 and CH 2O are the concentration of NO, NO2, and H2O in centration of species at the surface and the bulk,
the bulk, respectively. E is the irradiance on the surface of photocatalyst (v) no competitive adsorption mechanisms for the species above the
and , , kNO and kNO2 are the intrinsic kinetic parameters. surface photocatalyst, and
This model was able to successfully reproduce the experimental data (vi) oxygen and water concentration in the bulk are assumed constant
analysed in their work. However, the model fails to predict the ex- during the reaction.
perimental behaviour of the system under the limiting of NOx con-
centration. Specifically: The details of the derivation are shown in the Appendix A and the
kinetic rate expressions for the NO and NO2 are as follows:
(i) when the concentration of NO2 in the bulk is zero, the predicted kmol
s 2
reaction rate of superficial NO would be independent of NO con- rNO
= 4 [[NO]s + 2 [NO ]s [NO 2 ]s ]·
Table 1
Proposed reaction mechanism for the photocatalytic oxidation of nitrogen oxides.
Step Reaction Rate
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
coefficient, APC , can be considered constant for the selected material, ¯ i] + (x i + 1 x i)·a · rNO
[NO¯ i + 1] = [NO S
because all the experiments were carried out with the optimum catalyst vair (9)
thickness above which absorption remains constant.
¯ 2, i] + (x i + 1 x i)· a · rNO
[NO¯2, i + 1] = [NO S
e a, s qo · APC (5) vair 2, i
The value of APC for the studied materials was experimentally de- where rNO
,i and rNO
were calculated with the kinetic model expressions
2, i
termined to be 0.071. (Eqs. (3) and (4)).
The concentration predicted at the outlet of the reactor was calcu- These two equations (Eqs. (9)–(10)) are used in an iterative opti-
lated through the mass balance of the NOx species in the reactor fol- mization process to calculate the values of the kinetic parameters that
lowing two different mass transfer scenarios: minimize the sum of the square of the errors with respect to the ex-
perimental data.
3.2.1. Case A: the reactor is operating without mass transfer limitations
Considering that the cross section of the reactor is very thin, several 3.2.2. Case B: the reactor is operating under mass transfer limitations
authors have assumed that the reaction is not controlled by the inter- In this case, the concentration at the outlet of the reactor was cal-
facial mass transport, and a one dimensional convection-controlled culated considering plug flow in the flow direction but assuming dif-
model can be assumed [2,4,18]. fusion in the cross section of the reactor to account for mass con-
Since the reaction only occurs on the surface of the photocatalyst, centration profiles between the bulk and the catalytic surface. This
only the air volume located over the plate was used in the kinetic cal- approach allows dealing with the mass transfer problems identified by
culations, as shown in Fig. 2A. some authors during the standard operation of this reactor [18,19].
Assuming a plug flow (validation of this hypothesis will be analysed In this case, the concentration of NOx along the cross section, is
later) the mass balance was calculated as follows [5]: calculated assuming a quadratic expression (see Supplementary
Information S1). In this equation, h is the distance between the catalytic
d [NOx ] S
= a rNOx surface and cross section position, that changes from 0 and the max-
dx (6) imum value of hmax = H = 5 mm (distance among the catalytic surface
where, a is a coefficient with the purpose of change from superficial to and the optical window):
volumetric units by Eq. (7), and [NOx ¯ ], is the averaged NOx con- [NOx (h)] = a h2 + b h + c (11)
centration in the cross section. The linear air velocity is defined as υair,
being calculated by Eq. (8). In the Supplementary Information S1 is also included a schematic
representation of the boundary conditions used for the mass balance
Active surface area calculation including mass diffusion. At the catalyst surface (h = 0), it
a (m 1) =
air volume (7) is assumed that the result of surface reaction must be equal to diffusive
flux, in the transversal direction:
volumetric flow
vair (m s 1) =
cross section area (8) S
d [NOx (h)]
, i = JNOx , i = DNOx
dh (12)
Assuming that there are no mass transport limitations, the con-
centration in the catalytic surface can be assumed to be equal to the where JNOx , i is the diffusive flux given by first Fick law of diffusion, and
concentration in the bulk. Therefore, the theoretical concentration of DNOx is the mass diffusivity.
NO and NO2 at each point along the reactor can be calculated as fol- Combining Eq. (12) and derivative of Eq. (11) at h = 0, parameter b
lows: is obtained: = DNOx
Fig. 2. A) Air domain used in kinetic calculations. B) Geometry used in the radiation computational model. C) Geometry used for fluid-dynamics calculations and
convective-diffusive transport.
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Fig. 3. A) Incident radiation over the catalyst surface in the global scale and in detail. B) Velocity contour in the symmetry plane of the reactor and velocity vector
represented in the area over the catalyst frame.
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Fig. 4. A) Temporal NO mass fraction evolution over the catalyst surface. B) Normalized NO concentration leaving the catalyst area with time. C) E(t) function.
(absorption and dispersion coefficients equal to zero). An aluminium 3.3.3. Chemical reaction and mass transport modelling
reflector box cover was included in the experiments and in the com- To understand the importance of the kinetic model on the conver-
putational model. The aluminium surface has been considered to have sion of the reaction, both set of parameters were used for the simulation
diffuse reflectance. The rest of the walls, except the emitting surface of the NOx photoreactor operation under the conditions of the ISO
representative of the UV-lamp, were considered transparent to radia- 22197-1 standard. Based on the previous fluid dynamics calculations,
tion. A value of 1 K was set in all regions and walls of the model, the steady state simulation of the photochemical reaction and mass
avoiding the coupling of the radiation balance with the overall energy transport was carried out introducing the developed kinetic expression
balance of the system. for the surface reaction rate (Eqs. (3) and (4)) in ANSYS Fluent through
The model was discretized in approximately 460 000 structured an User Defined Function (UDF, external code). For each individual
volume cells using ANSYS Meshing tool. This number of cells has been chemical i in the computational domain, the mass conservation equa-
found to be high enough to give mesh-independent results, corre- tion can be expressed as:
sponding to a mean cell volume of 1.28 mm3. ¯
( Yi ) + ( vYi ) = Ji + ri
t (15)
3.3.2. Fluid flow where Yi is the fraction of i in the mixture, Ji is its diffusive flux and ri its
To confirm the validity of the use of a plug flow model for mass rate of production. The velocity vector, v , couples the mass balances to
balance calculation, the Residence Time Distribution curve (RTD) was the fluid dynamics calculations. Simulation of the NOx photochemical
determined with the computational model. First, the fluid dynamic degradation was carried out using a simplified system of reactions with
calculations were carried out by means of the resolution of the con- next global stoichiometry:
tinuity equation and the classical Navier-Stokes equation as described 1
elsewhere [21]. The simulation was performed considering a three-di- NO + O2 NO2
mensional, steady state, laminar flow (Reynolds number of 138 in the
core of the reactor). The fluid was assumed Newtonian, incompressible, NO2 +
O2 NO3
and isothermal, with constant physical properties (defined as air). The 2
inlet velocity was set to 1.77 m s−1 (3 L min−1, stablished in ISO Different initial NO concentrations were studied, as well as flow
22197-1:2007), and normal to the boundary. At the outlet, atmospheric rates and irradiance values. The diffusion coefficients used were
pressure was applied. A no-slip boundary condition was imposed at all DNO = 2.32 × 10−5 m2 s-1, DNO2 = 1.52 × 10−5 m2 s-1,
reactor walls. DNO3 = 1.37 × 10−5 m2 s-1 [22].
After that, to calculate the residence time distribution, the mass
transport of NO was simulated (diffusion coefficient 4. Results and discussion
DNO = 2.32 × 10−5 m2 s-1 [22] over the steady-state laminar velocity
field in the region over the catalytic surface (Fig. 2C). A non-steady 4.1. Light homogeneity over the catalyst surface
state simulation was performed for 2 s with a time step of 0.001 s. All
simulations were carried assuring a residual value lower than 10-6. The incident UV radiation over the catalyst surface is defined in the
The model used for fluid dynamic calculations was discretized in ISO 22197-1:2007, indicating that experiments must be carried out
around 470,000 structured volume cells using again ANSYS Meshing under an illumination of 10.0 ± 0.5 W m−2. Due to the nature of light
tool, corresponding to a mean cell volume of 0.33 mm3. distribution, is a difficult task to achieve a uniform light distribution
over the catalyst surface. Different catalyst to lamp heights were tested
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Fig. 5. NOx concentration in the outlet for the photocatalytic oxidation of NO at steady state conditions (ISO 22197-1) and predicted with the proposed kinetic
model. A) As a function of the initial NO concentration, B) Influence of the incident radiation, C) Varying the flow rate. D) Global adjustment between predicted and
experimental results.
to assure standardized conditions. Best results are obtained for the surface. The NO convective-diffusive transport over the laminar flow is
configuration showed in Fig. 3A, reaching to a value of 10.1 ± 0.4 W simulated to calculate the residence time distribution. Fig. 4A shows the
m−2 for a distance between lamps and catalyst surface of 36 mm. evolution with time of the NO mass fraction in the area of interest. In
Additionally, the uniformity index is obtained, with a value of 0.98 Fig. 4B is represented the normalized NO concentration leaving the
that represents how a specified field variable varies over a surface, catalyst area against time while in the Fig. 4C, the residence time dis-
where a value of 1.00 indicates the highest uniformity [23]. Based on tribution curve (the E(t) function) is plotted.
the results of incident radiation on the catalytic surface, a constant The residence time (RT) in contact with the catalyst and variance
value of irradiance can be reasonably assumed over the entire surface of value are calculated as described in [24]. The calculate RT value was
the catalyst, whose value is introduced in the kinetic model expressions. 0.55 s in contact with the catalyst. The variance value obtained from
the E(t) curve is 0.039 s2, a value low enough to assume plug flow
conditions. The axial dispersion module was additionally calculate as
4.2. Analysis of the reactor flow D
, the non-dimensional group that characterizes dispersion in all the
system [24]. The value obtained was 0.001, confirming that dispersion
Fig. 3B shows the velocity magnitude represented over the air path is insignificant and plug flow can be accepted.
line for the air purification reactor assuming a laminar model
(Re = 138). It is clear from the velocity vectors, with a reduced velocity
scale, that the flow collides with the ceramic plate with the catalyst on 4.3. Kinetic model validation
this surface leading to a backflow swirl. Similar behaviour is founded in
the area after the ceramic plate. Nevertheless, over the catalyst surface, Two different sets of kinetic parameters were calculated under the
the velocity values and vectors are quite homogeneous. two mass transfer considerations scenarios (see Section 3.2). The ob-
To determine if a plug flow hypothesis can be reasonably used for tained values of the kinetic parameters 1, 2 , 3, 4 with their respective
conversion prediction, the deviation of the real flow from the ideal units are presented for both models:
model is characterized in the region in contact with the catalytic
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Fig. 6. NOx concentration in the outlet for the photocatalytic oxidation of NO at steady state conditions (ISO 22197-1) and predicted with CFD and the proposed
kinetic model. A) As a function of the initial NO concentration, B) Influence of the incident radiation, C) Varying the flow rate. D) Global adjustment between
predicted and experimental results.
agreement with the expected [9]. A raise in the irradiance leads into a
Case A (without mass transfer) Case B (with mass transfer) greater number of active sites and accelerate the PCO process in both
pollutant species. The oxidation rate of NO is higher than the NO2 rate,
1= 3.58 m2 s E 1 1 = 10.4 m2 s E 1 because the increase of the irradiance on the photocatalyst surface
2 = 2.29 × 10 1 (dimensionless ) 2 = 7.55 × 10 2 (dimensionless ) produces accumulation of NO2 in the bulk. Furthermore, Hüsken et al.
3 = 3.28 × 10 3 kmol2 m 6 3 = 3.61 × 10 3 kmol2 m 6 [25] overview several studies that have reported the presence of a first
4 = 69.97 m4 kmol 1 s 1 4 = 91.60 m4 kmol 1 s 1 region where the degradation has a linear dependency on irradiance
and a second one where the dependency is proportional to the square
root of irradiance, a common behaviour in photoactivated processes.
Validation of the model was carried out under different operation Different values for the change over both regimes have been set: i)
conditions such as inlet NO concentration, irradiance on the photo- 250 W m−2 and ii) 10-20 W m-2. Otherwise, the results obtained by
catalyst surface and inlet air volumetric flow rate. The prediction of Hüsken et al. are similar to ours, with a value for the change-zone of
NOx degradation by the kinetic model using both sets of kinetic para- approximately 4 W m-2. Again, the behavior is reproduced satisfactorily
meters is represented in Fig. 5. by the proposed kinetic model.
Fig. 5A shows the comparison between the NO and NO2 outlet The influence of the flow rate was also studied (Fig. 5C). A higher
concentration predicted by the model using both sets of kinetic para- volumetric air flow causes an increase in NO outlet concentration and a
meters and obtained experimentally. The linear relation between the decrease in NO2 outlet concentration, due to a lower residence time in
NO inlet concentration and the NO and NO2 outlet concentration is the photoreactor that reduces the possibility of the NO pollutant to be
clearly reflected in the figure and previously reported [3,25]. Thus, it adsorbed and oxidized on the surface. In this case, for the lowest values
can be deduced that the kinetic model behaves as a first order model. of volumetric air flow, the experimental results for the NO2 con-
Both sets of kinetic parameters reproduce satisfactory this behaviour, centration were better reproduced using the model considering mass
although NO2 concentrations slightly higher than the experimental transfer limitations. Finally, Fig. 5D shows the experimental NO and
values are predicted using the model considering mass transfer limita- NO2 outlet concentrations in all the experiments compared with those
tions. obtained by modelling. As can be derived from the proximity of the
The effect of irradiance is shown in Fig. 5B, showing a behaviour in
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Fig. 7. Molar concentrations obtained at different planes of the reactor calculated from the CFD simulations of the reactor operation under the conditions of the ISO
22197-1 standard.
obtained results with the graph diagonal, what represents the error of experimental results can be obtained with both versions of the plug-
the prediction, the agreement between the experiments and the pre- flow model (with and without mass transfer). However, when the set of
dictions using both approaches is certainly good. kinetic parameters obtained without considering diffusion is used in the
The value of Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NMRSE) has been CFD model, a huge prediction error is obtained (see Fig. 6, solid lines),
calculated to quantify the deviation of the model. NMRSE represents with a calculated NMRSE above 60%. In contrast, this error can be
the standard deviation of the differences between the predicted values significantly reduced to a 17% using the kinetic parameters estimated
and the experimental values, normalized between the average experi- under the consideration of diffusional control (Fig. 6, dashed lines).
mental values. The calculated NMRSE for the predicted results has re- This conclusion is in agreement with those reported by other research
sulted in 13% without considering diffusive limitations, and a 13.6% groups [18,19], whose reports showed that mass transport limitations
with parameters estimated considering diffusive transport. could be only discarded when the conversion is below 10%.
The relatively small differences observed between the CFD model
4.4. Reactor simulation: kinetic model and mass transfer based on the mass transport based kinetics and the experimental data of
the reaction operation can be attributed to non-ideal features of the
The kinetic expressions (Eqs. (3) and (4)) together with the kinetic reactor flow that also affect mass transfer calculations. As an example,
parameters obtained, were used for the rigorous simulation of the Fig. 7 shows the concentration profiles in different reactor planes cal-
photoreactor operation using multiphysics CFD modelling. The CFD culated from the CFD simulations of the reactor operation under the
model considers the diffusive and convective mass transport of the conditions of the ISO 22197-1 standard. As it can be observed, in ad-
chemical species taking into account the flow distribution in the re- dition to the existence of concentration profiles in the cross section,
actor. significant variations in concentration can be observed also along the
In the previous section it has been shown that a good fitting of the width of the reactor, definitively rebutting the plug flow assumption.
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
Based on the above discussion, it is clear that a careful attention experimental data, being able to predict the influence of different op-
must be paid when using kinetic parameters obtained with simplified 1- erating conditions such as pollutant concentration, irradiance and vo-
D or 2-D models reported in the literature [2,4,18]. Even in the studied lumetric flow in the removal of NOx. However, whereas the kinetic
case, in which most of the assumptions were satisfactory validated parameters estimated without mass transport limitations fails to predict
(plug-flow in the axial direction, homogeneous radiation), not con- the performance of reactor, the use of the kinetic parameters calculated
sidering mass transfer in the cross section makes useless model pre- considering diffusional control and the application of a rigorous CFD
dictions of the reactor operation. model of the reactor coupling fluid dynamics, radiation, photoreaction
In contrast, the model here proposed demonstrated that considering and mass transfer is able to predict satisfactorily the experimental re-
the diffusion in the cross section during the estimation of the kinetic sults in the reactor with an error below 17%. This confirms the validity
parameters leads to meaningful predictions of the performance of the of the proposed kinetic modelling approach, parameters and metho-
ISO 22197-1 photoreactors for NOx photocatalytic oxidation. dology and represent a significant advance towards the commercial
application of this technology at large scale.
5. Conclusions
The kinetic model for the PCO of NOx is derived based on the reaction scheme summarized in Table 1. It is assumed that the adsorption of species
at the reaction surface take place in equilibrium conditions and through a no competitive mechanism, consequently, the adsorbed species con-
centration can be expressed as:
[TiO2 _NO] = KNO [ TiO2 ][NO] (A.1)
[h+] =
k2 [e ] + k3 [TiO2 _H2 O] (A.7)
[ TiO2 ] k5 KNO 3
[TiO2 _OH •] = [[NO] + 2 [NO2]]· 1+ 1+ ( 1+ 1+ 1 e a, s )
k8 [NO]2 + 2
2 [NO
2 +2 2 [NO][NO2 ] (A.13)
V. Muñoz et al. Catalysis Today 326 (2019) 82–93
k 7 K NO2
2 =
2 k5 KNO (A.14)
k8 k3 K H2 O [H2 O] k 4 K O2 [O2 ]
3 =
2 k2 k52KNO 2 (A.15)
The superficial reaction rate for the removal of NO and the net generation of the intermediate compound NO2 are expressed as follows:
rNO = k5 [TiO2 _NO][TiO2 _OH •] (A.16)
rNO • •
2 = k 6 [TiO2 _HNO2 ][TiO2 _OH ] k 7 [TiO2 _NO2 ][TiO2 _OH ] (A.17)
Introducing Eq. (A.13) and the concentration of the adsorbed species Eq. (A.1) – (A.5) in Eq. (A.16) and (A.17), the final expressions for the
superficial reaction rate of NO and NO2 are:
s 3, B
rNO (kmol· m 2 ·s 1) = 4 [[NO]2 + 2 [NO2 ][NO]]· 1+ 1+ ( 1+ 1+ 1 e a, s )
[NO]2 + 2
2 [NO 2
2] + 2 2 [NO][NO2 ] (A.18)
s 2 1 2 2 [NO ]2 ] 3
rNO 2 (kmol ·m · s ) = 4 [[NO] 2 [NO][NO2] 2 2 2 · 1+ 1+ ( 1+ 1+ 1 e a, s )
[NO]2 + 2
2 [NO
2 +2 2 [NO][NO2 ] (A.19)
[ TiO2 ]2 k52KNO 2
4 =
k8 (A.20)
A simplification of the dependence of reaction rates with the absorbed energy can be done by taking the first term of the square root Taylor
( 1+ 1+ 1 e a, s ) (0.5· 1· e a, s )
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2018.09.001.