How Important Are The Customer Reviews
How Important Are The Customer Reviews
How Important Are The Customer Reviews
Customer reviews or customer feedback is something that is taken from our
customers about our product or services. Customer give reviews about our
product when they buy product from our website. As we know , now a days
online marketing is so popular due to their unlimited facilities that’s why
Customers prefer online shopping.
Customers check reviews of any online site, before going to shop there. After
checking reviews about online site, they satisfy. If the reviews of any online site is
positive , then it’s very profitable to that site.
Product review is may be positive or negative. If our reviews are negative then it
helps to change our product according to customer reviews. Popular method for
getting reviews is star rating. People generated their reviews on e-commerce sites
and then their reviews are published on website.
Now a days customer reviews are become an essential part of each e-commerce
website. We can say that customers are depend upon reviews.
Product reviews are the best way to maintain its reputations. Also it’s a good way
to advertise their product in the market with the feedback of their customers. In
this way customers take more Interest in our website. Good reviews on website
can attract the customers.
Positive reviews help to establish a good image in market. Big companies like
Samsung , have gained huge name in the market with in short period of time due
to their positive reviews or feedback from the users.
Literature Review:
Popescu and Etzioni [1] studied the extraction of semantic orientation and
product features from such textual product reviews. Constant et al.
Dellarocas [2] discussed promises and challenges of online WOM networks.
Constant et al [3] on the other hand studied the use of expressive content in
various languages based on Amazon product reviews. The effects of Word-Of-
Mouth (WOM) in online markets were also studied by various works.
Chevalier and Mayzlin [4] studied the effect on sales of WOM-processes based on
online book reviews.
The concept of word-of-mouth (WOM) has been part of the marketing literature
since the middle of the 20th century (Katz and Lazarsfeld, 1955) [5]
but gained additional importance with the rise of the internet. Because the
conventional limitation to a local social network and the fleeting character of
WOM yielded a broad reach and long term accessibility (Breazeale, 2009; Chen
and Xie, 2008; Davis and Khazanchi, 2008; Duan et al., 2008a) [6].
[1] A.-M. Popescu, O. Etzioni. Extracting Product Features and Opinion from
Reviews, Proceedings of the conference on Human Language Technology and
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing , 339–346, 2005.
[2] Ch. Dellarocas. The Digitization of Word-Of-Mouth: Promise and Challenges of
Online Reputation Mechanisms, Management Science, Vol.49, No.10, 1407–1424.
[3] N. Constant, C. Davis, C. Potts, F. Schwarz. The pragmatics of expressive
content: Evidence from large corpora, Communications of the Journal of
Marketing Research, Vol.33, No.1-2, 5–21. 2009.
[4] J. A. Chevalier, D. Mayzlin. The Effect of Word of Mouth on Sales: Online Book
Reviews, Communications of the Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.43, No.3,
345–354. 2006.
[5]Katz, E., Lazarsfeld, P. F. (1955). Personal Influence : the part played by people
in the flow of mass communications. Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois.
[6]Breazeale, M. (2009). Word of mouse. International Journal of Market
Research, 51 (3), 297–318
[6]Chen, Y., Xie, J. (2008). Online Consumer Review: Word-of-Mouth as a New
Element of Marketing Communication Mix. Management Science, 54 (3), 477–
[6]Duan, W., Gu, B., Whiston, A. B. (2008a). The dynamics of online word-of-
mouth and product sales—An empirical investigation of the movie industry.
Journal of Retailing, 84 (2), 233–242.
Future work:
According to my opinion, build an research mechanism that increase the
efficiency of reviews to help customers in decision making process & According to
their best suggestions, we update our product. We make changes according to
their necessity.
Also we need to allow to compare the reviews of the customers & the best
reviews is published on our social media pages like Facebook, twitter, Instagram,
Linkedin etc.
And when we are asking for reviews to customers, then remember one thing that
we ask question in a very smooth manner & Obviously because we don’t reply to
every review so give some time to reviews to show your careness to customers.