ECON 3350/7350 Applied Econometrics For Macroeconomics and Finance
ECON 3350/7350 Applied Econometrics For Macroeconomics and Finance
ECON 3350/7350 Applied Econometrics For Macroeconomics and Finance
Fu Ouyang
School of Economics
University of Queensland
April 1, 2019
Recommended readings
Cointegration: I(1) variables are related such that there exists a linear
combination that yields a I(0) process.
Spurious Regression
Let xt = xt−1 + εx,t and yt = yt−1 + εy,t , where εx,t and εy,t are
independent white noise.
So, a t-test will tend to reject H0 incorrectly (i.e. α is not the correct
significance level)..
Spurious Regression
In fact, as T −→ ∞, the quantity T (βb1 − β1 ) −→ ∞.
• t-statistic of β1 increases with sample size—more data exacerbates the
problems with t-tests.
• OLS is not consistent, and there is no well-defined sampling
Significant t-tests occur because even pure random walks tend to resemble
trends; when two I(1) variables wander in the same direction for a while,
we might mistake this for cointegration.
yt = ξt + νy,t ,
xt = ξt + νx,t ,
ξt = ξt−1 + ηt ,
νy,t = −βε1,t , νx,t = − ε2,t , ηt = βε1,t + ε2,t ,
is also I(0).
Cointegration and Common Stochastic Trends
The key component that ties together yt and xt is the common stochastic
trend ξt .
• Both yt and xt actually embody stationary movements around the
non-stationary ξt .
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• GS3: ADF statistic is -2.178 (p-value 0.4995); GS5: ADF statistic is -1.977 (p-value 0.6104)
• SPREAD: ADF statistic is -5.608 (p-value 0.0000)
Definition of Cointegration
The components of wt are cointegrated of order d, b, denoted CI(d, b), iff
1. all components of wt are I(d), and
2. there exists a n × 1 vector β 6= 0 such that
zt = B0 wt
Yt = λt Ktθ Nt1−θ ,
ln λt = µλ + ln λt−1 + ξt ,
Slight extension of the Neoclassical Growth Model yields that the great ratios
Ct It
Yt and Yt are stationary stochastic processes.
Therefore, theory implies that ln Ct , ln It , and ln Yt are all I(1) but the
quantities ln Ct − ln Yt and ln It − ln Yt are I(0).
y t = β0 + β1 x t + ε t
will be superconsistent.
Normally, √
b − β) −→ N (0, V).
T (β
That is, β
b converges at rate T .
b − β) −→ N (0, V).
T (β
That is, β
b converges at rate T . This implies that when cointegrating
relationships exist, OLS estimates reliably even in small samples; when
they do not exist, OLS leads to spurios relationships.
Income Consumption Example
• ct : (log) consumption;
• yt : (log) income;
• at : (log) wealth;
and arrange them into a 3 × 1 vector wt = (ct , yt , at )0 .
Use, e.g., Cointegrating ADF with (in this case) two variables–Table C of
Cointegration Space
All examples so far assumed cointegrating vectors are either fully known
or partially known.
In the permanent income hypothesis example,
B = −1 .
In all these cases, the cointegrating vectors are unique and we can
estimate unknown components such as β1 and β2 from data.
Cointegration Space
In general, if zt = B wt is stationary, then for any invertible K, B
e = BK is
0 0
another n × r matrix that yields e zt = Be wt = K zt stationary.