Evaluate The Rutting and Fatigue Potential of Asphalt Concrete Using Geo-Textile Material
Evaluate The Rutting and Fatigue Potential of Asphalt Concrete Using Geo-Textile Material
Evaluate The Rutting and Fatigue Potential of Asphalt Concrete Using Geo-Textile Material
BATCH 2013-2014
This is to certify that the following students of batch 2013-2014 have successfully
completed the final year project in partial fulfilment of requirements for a bachelor’s
Degree in Civil Engineering from NED University of Engineering and Technology,
Karachi, Pakistan.
__________________________ __________________________
Prof. Dr. Adnan Qadir. Prof. Dr. Asad-ur-Rehman Khan
Department of Urban and Infrastructure Chairman Depart. of Civil Engineering
NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi. NED UET, Karachi.
Figure 2: Rutting causing skidding and it will lead to the road accident
Figure 7: Rutting sample left (modified sample) and right (control sample)
Figure 11: Left control sample after rutting Right modified sample after rutting
Figure 17: Flexural stiffness of fine gradation Figure 18: Flexural stiffness of coarse
First praise is to Allah, the Almighty, on whom ultimately, we depend for sustenance and
guidance. Acknowledgment is due to NED University of Engineering & Technology,
Karachi for the support it has provided us for the completion of the project. We would
like to thank everyone who had contributed to the successful completion of this project.
We would like to express our gratitude to our project supervisor,
Prof. Dr. Adnan Qadir for his advice, guidance and his enormous patience throughout the
development of the work. We would like to Karam-un-Nisa Chaudary for her constant
attention and her valuable time. In addition, we would also like to express our gratitude to
our loving parents and friends who helped and given us the encouragement.
The project is especially dedicated to our parents, our supervisor and all the helping
hands for assisting us during the completion of the entire project.
1.1. General
The provision of adequate thickness of asphaltic course is vital for ensuring the
pavement bears the expected load, fights the distresses and completes its design
service life. The conventional method of preventing the distresses in asphalt
concrete has been by varying the thickness of asphalt course provided in the
pavement (Moghaddam et al., 2011). This method increases the construction
cost, thus, making it unwanted. New methods of distress-prevention need to be
investigated for making long service life pavements. Reinforcement of asphalt
concrete with materials like fibres and polymers has been found to be a reliable
option. The use of traditional techniques in asphalt pavement, such as full depth
patch, thin layer patch, crack seal/fill, and subgrades for pavements, often face
problems because of high cost and/or environmental issues. Such problems are
primarily because of the need for borrowing great volume of good quality
material (which might be very costly). No current pavement rehabilitation
techniques have need shown to prevent rutting and fatigue distresses however,
several techniques have demonstrated the ability to overcome these distresses
Application of geosynthetics (geo-composites) is one of them. In this study
tests were carried out on prepared samples in the laboratory for assessment of
the effectiveness of Geosynthetics (Geo-composite) as reinforcing material.
Pakistan road network carries 91% passenger traffic and almost 96% of the
freight traffic (Javed 2005, Nion, 2006). Highways in Pakistan are generally in
poor condition. The distresses like rutting and fatigue have degraded the
condition of the available road network making them unsafe and dangerous for
the road users. Pavement condition survey in 2010 suggested that 41% of the
National Highway (NHA) lost its structural integrity and load carrying
capacity. The survey data also showed that 58% of the NHA network suffers
from some sort of rutting that affect mobility and user’s safety. Approximately
27% of the NHA network poses a serious safety hazard where wheel path ruts
more than 25mm as shown in Figure 1 [NHA]. Different reasons can be cited
for the deteriorating condition of roads including violation of maximum
permissible load carrying rules for transport vehicles and shortage of funds for
maintenance activities. This is also may be due to under designed layer
thickness, under-estimated truck loading, severe temperature variation and/or
construction faults. Since road transportation complements the other modes of
transportation, the poor condition of roads in Pakistan is affecting the country’s
economy. Hence it is vital to keep the roads in good condition to facilitate
smooth and safe traffic flow over the road facilities.
Unfortunately, the gap between the funds required and available for
maintenance and rehabilitation activities has never been bridged since 1999
[Javed, 2005]. On the other hand, providing overlay to the destructed
pavement will be comparatively cheaper and sustainable. In this scenario it
is crucial to research for materials that could be incorporated in pavement
overlay for making them more resistant to distresses, durable and last longer.
Such pavements will have greater service life than the conventional
pavements and will, therefore, require lesser maintenance.
One method of making durable pavements is by using geosynthetic
modification. In this study the option of incorporating geosynthetic in asphalt
concrete pavement overlay is investigated. Conclusively, it can be said that
this study presents the laboratory evaluation of using geosynthetic layer
before overlaying thus it will increase the service life of flexible pavement
and also be financially feasible and beneficial for use in pavements then it
would mean huge cost-savings in construction and maintenance activities and
long-life durable pavements.
Similarly, fatigue resistance was also calculated by comparing beams of
both control (samples without geosynthetics) and modified (samples
containing geosynthetics). Test was carried out by 4-point bending testing
1.6. Summary
2.1 Introduction
Figure 2: Rutting causing skidding and it will lead to the road accident
2.3 Types of Rutting
When there is poor subsurface drainage the base and subbase may
undergoes with the further compaction and resulting more compaction. The
subgrade also undergoes with compaction resulting in rutting when the
structure above is inadequate, and it will reduce the subgrade vertical
stress/strain to allowable limits. These ruts are up to (750-1000) mm wide.
This study focuses on the reduction of rutting when appears on the top layer
of pavement with the geocomposite layer before overlying the pavement.
2.3.3 Rutting by Shoving
Air void content which is less than 4% in the asphalt concrete causes shear
deformation under traffic loading. In this scenario the mixture in pavement
displaces along the shear planes with in the mixture under traffic loading.
Shoving may be longitudinal or traverse. Rut is a depression in a loaded
area of the wheel path and ridges appears in both end of the wheel path.
Due to tire pressure the shear stress is generated in the pavement surface
and it will cause the shear deformation. Researcher also illustrate that when
there is lack of shear resistance in the mixture which is dependent on the
asphalt content, asphalt type and weak aggregate skeleton. Rate, magnitude
of wheel load and temperature are causing greater influence in rut by
Surfaces with Top-down cracks are more easily serviceable, simply pouring
a sealant in the cracks will do the job. On the contrary, cracking emerging
from bottom to top costs considerably more to repair. Since most of
Pakistan’s freight passes through roads, thus, NHA cannot afford to have
any highway out of service for a long period of time.
During laboratory testing fatigue results are depends on what methods are
being followed for testing and what type of testing is being carried out.
Also, how the loads are applied and under which circumstances, standards
setup for failure are also an effecting factor of fatigue testing results. There
are several different methods currently in practice for testing fatigue
potential. Namely, bending testing (two, three and four-point loading
schemes), indirect tensile testing, and direct tensile testing are most
common fatigue testing methods. Each has its own distinctive
2.3.5 Properties of Mixture That Effects Rutting Resistance
As reflective cracking, rutting and fatigue are the common distress found in
pavement structure. Rutting in flexible pavement is considered as the total
sum of accumulated permanent deformation. To avoid rutting from flexible
pavement many researches have been conducted. Hot mix asphalt overlays
are commonly applied on existing flexible and rigid pavements to increase its
service life. Pavement condition (structural and functional) when reach to an
unacceptable level of service. Overlay are designed to resist fatigue, rutting
and reflective cracking, however sometime these cracks appear in overlay
which is due to thermal expansion and the traffic loading .Reflective cracking
is a serious challenge which is faced by pavement rehabilitation experts, as it
lead to the premature failure of the overlay which caused infiltration of water
through cracks during rainy season, which allows stripping in hot mix asphalt
layers and deterioration in base and sub grade.. Usage of geosynthetic
asphalt-based interlayers. Table 1 illustrate the various techniques to control
reflective cracks and rutting in overlay.
Table 1: Major Type of crack and rut control treatment
Treatment Picture Function
Geogrid Reinforcement
Glass-grid Reinforcement
the stiffness of the composite surrogate and theoretically there is no influence.
Results also show that the fatigue life was increased by 16% due to the geo-
composites and by 35% because of the geo-composites. This was verified
only for similar types of materials which do not have a bending stiffness. The
fact that the experimental procedure could only be judged if the fatigue caused
by the cyclic load. Furthermore, the reinforce design could be improvised by
conducting theoretical studies. Mirzapour et al., (2014) tested the rutting
resistance of pavement structures containing geosynthetics. There is an
increase for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the roads which has become
an essential job for road engineers. Various products have been introduced in
the past years which has helped extend the lifespan of roads and pavements
thus ensuring a better performance. The roles play here by the geosynthetics is
to filter, drain, protect, reinforce and proof the pavement. Focus of this paper
is to validate the mechanical performance of the flexible pavements’
reinforcing system. Conduction of the experiment initiated with the bending
configuration at four-point of the shear test by reiterating loading cycles. By
conducting this, future analysis could also be made on the double layered
system’s unreinforced and reinforced pavements. Repeated load cycle and
interlayer shear tests were executed on the fiberglass geo-composites, in
which it was observed that grid usage produced a decrease in the interlayer
resistance of the shear test. Implementing a modified emulsion restricted the
deboning effects which provided the outcome of a stable double layered
system. The conventional and modified emulsion also augmented the
resistance of the repeated load cycle when four-point bending tests were
conducted. This yielded better results as more load cycle resistance was
resulted when compared to the unreinforced samples. A limitation observed
was the vertical deformation at the flex point which was help responsible to
the weak bond of the asphalt layers. Therefore, using fiberglass improvised
the asphalt double layered system’s performance as more repeated load cycles
could be conducted without compromising the durability and ensuring a
longer lifespan.
Keller & Berry (2015) analyzed the usage of geosynthetics on forest roads.
Geosynthetics were applied to the forest roads which includes its early use to
reinforce drainage, walls and filtration subgrades for an increase in
stabilization. Its application evolved over time, satisfying the reinforcements
of the drainage, filtration and separation processes. Pasquini et al (2015)
studied the effect of applying geo-composites on reflective cracking.
Reflective cracking is a common occurrence in asphalt pavements. Cracking
on the surface of the roads leads to various damaging effects which also
comprises the loss of water tightness. The authors focus on the geo-
composites like grid-reinforced bituminous membranes and signify a
proficient way against reflective cracking. Ferrott et al, (2011) investigated
the performance of geo-composite in flexible pavements. A very common
problem with the overlays of asphalt concrete pavements is the propagation of
cracks from previous wearing course to the overlaid pavement commonly
known as Reflective cracking. In this study the researchers have tried to
control and reduce reflective cracking with help of geosynthetics. The other
objective of the study was to find out the placement of the geo-composite at
which it will show its maximum effectiveness. It was observed that samples
containing geo-composites outperformed samples without geo-composites.
During the analysis of permanent deformation, it was observed that samples
with geo-composites placed in the middle lasted longer than placed at the
bottom. Allen et al, 1996 described different characteristics for durability of
geosynthetics for determining the strength losses in a geosynthetic for long
term applications. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects
of geosynthetics on rutting in flexible pavement structures. The location of
geocomposites at the different level is studied which resulted in the
conclusion that the most effective placement of geo-composites is at the
middle of the sample. The placement of geo-composites highly influences
elastic modulus of asphalt concrete and in turn it depends on the rutting depth.
Khodaii et al, (2009) investigated the effects of geosynthetics on reduction of
reflection cracking in asphalt overlays. A very common problem with the
overlays of asphalt concrete pavements is the propagation of cracks from
previous wearing course to the overlaid pavement commonly known as
Reflective cracking. In this study the researchers have tried to control and
reduce reflective cracking with help of geosynthetics. The test perform in this
research concludes that geo-composite must be properly embedded inside the
AC layer for optimum performance. Numerical data suggests that the
Geocomposite gradually becomes less effective as the sample experiences
advanced deterioration Proper embedment is required to achieve the energy
absorption, elasticity, and increased life attainable with geosynthetic
reinforcement. Proper strong bonding should be there between Geo-composite
and asphalt concrete to ensure the effectiveness of the geosynthetic.
3.1. General
Fatigue testing was carried out on the beams of dimension 2.5”x 2” x 15” cut out
from the sample. Size of sample was 12”x15”x2.5”, casted in the manner as for
rutting. Beams were tested in “4-point bending testing machine”.
4.1. Materials
Material plays vital role in any experiment. Experimental result changes with the
change in properties of the material. In this study three types of material were used
that includes aggregates, asphalt and geosynthetics material for reinforcement
purpose. The study begins with performance of standard tests on aggregates and on
bitumen. These materials are being discussed here with their properties, gradation
and type.
4.1.1. Aggregates
Aggregates are the disintegrated parts of rocks. Locally available aggregates were
used in this study with grading of aggregates were performed according to NHA
standards (properties are indexed in Table 2.)
(Maximum limit). The NHA’s gradation are shown in Table 3 and Table 4 while
the aggregate gradation curve is illustrated in Figure 4.
Mm Inch / No.
19 ¾ 100 100
12.5 ½ 75-90 82.5
9.5 3/8 60-80 70
4.75 No. 4 40-60 50
3.38 No. 8 20-40 30
1.18 No. 16 5-15 10
0.075 No. 200 3-8 5.5
Figure 4: Aggregate gradation chart
4.1.2. Asphalt
Asphalt is sticky, black and high viscous liquid (Fig. 5). It is extracted from
crude petroleum. Asphalt is used as glue or binder with aggregate to form
asphalt concrete. Asphalt is available in different grades according to the
local environmental condition. The study used 60-70 grades as per local
practice. The properties of asphalt are being presented in Table 5.
Figure 5: Asphalt at room temperature
A previous study provides the details about Optimum asphalt content. The
OAC was determined by Marshall stability and rice density test. Once the
entire test conducted the optimum asphalt content were determined using
Asphalt Institute manual series (MS-2) to arrive at optimum asphalt content.
In the present study
4.2% and 4.5% were confirmed as optimum asphalt content.
4.1.4. Geosynthetics
S. No Description Value
1 Category fiber glass, geo-grid composite
2 Thickness 2 mm
3 crack intensity longitudinal 30 KN/m
4 crack intensity cross sectional 30 KN/m
5 break elongation ratio % Greater than or equal to 4
4.2. Rutting test Sample
The maximum density determined from Marshal Stability Test was later used to
calculate the mass required for preparation of samples for rutting. The size of the
mould is 12in x 12in x 2in.The summary of the test sample is shown in below
Figure 7: Rutting sample left (modified sample) and right (control sample)
S. No Description Explanations
4.3. Determination of Mixing and Compaction Temperature
From the viscosity temperature data provided it was essential to find mixing
and compaction temperature of the mix. These were determined using
selected up to approximately 30kN.As the width of the roller is 350 mm, the
compaction effort of the largest static roller can be reproduced.
Slabs produced with the roller compactor measure 12in x 12in x 2in.
After the compaction, the sample was cured for allow to cool and harden
on an even surface. The currying period of the rutting was taken as one
day to allow for sufficient aging. Then it was placed in wheel tracking
(Fig. 10). The testing temperature was maintained as 60°C temperature
to simulate the extreme weather condition during summers. The test was
conducted up to 10,000 load cycles. The maximum rut depth was set as
20mm.The test immediately stop working and indicate failure of sample
when the load cycle reached 10,000 or maximum rut depth 20mm was
achieve which ever come first.
The maximum density determined from Marshall test later used to calculate
the mass required for preparation of samples for rutting. The mixing of
samples was done identically in the same manner as it was for Marshall Test;
however, the samples were compacted in Roller Compactor shown in Figure
9. Fifteen samples each of control and modified samples were thus prepared.
After compaction, the samples were tested at 60°C temperature in wheel
tracking device (WTD) as illustrated in Figure 10. Average rut depth values
were calculated for both control and modified samples. The average rut depth
values of control samples were compared with the average rut depth values of
polymer modified samples to ascertain the effectiveness of polymer
Figure 11: Left control sample after rutting Right modified sample after
capacity of 5KN and can accommodate the beam sizes of 50 mm (h) ±6mm,
63.5 mm (w) ±6mm, 380 mm
(l), span between outer load/reaction points: 355.5 mm (14”) or 420mm and
Span between inner points 118.5mm or 140mm. Machine conforms to the
international standards of AASHTO T321 (ex TP8), EN 12697-24 Annex D
, EN 12697-26 Annex B, prEN13108-20 Annex D, AST-03. The apparatus
is designed to handle dual load spacing of either 118.5/355.5mm or
140/420mm. Locating bars are supplied which position all elements
correctly for the two spacings.
S. No Description Explanations
4 Air void content 4 percent
Similar procedure was adopted for sample preparation for fatigue testing. Testing
was carried out on the beams of dimension 2.5”x 2” x 15” cut out from the sample.
Size of sample was 12”x15”x2.5”, casted in the manner as for rutting.
Procedure followed for the testing of a typical beam fatigue test was that: first,
after Powering up the system and Ensuring that the air supply is switched off and
all air taps are closed. Then, turn on the AC mains power to the IMACS, Switch on
air supply and slowly open the air taps, turn on the PC and ensure that the
Windows operating system boots up correctly. Invoke the Beam Fatigue Test
software on the PC by clicking on the shortcut icon that was present on the
Windows desktop. To enter the test setup and control parameters, a new test was
initiated, in the General data display page and AASHTO Designation: T 321-07
Determining the Fatigue Life of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Subjected to
Repeated Flexural Bending was selected. Entering the project name “HEC”,
operator name “karam” and “Factory 4Pt Bend Test Template Set
Frequency, wave shape, macrostrain as required” as comments. Measuring the
dimensions of the specimen as outlined in the test method and entering this data
into the specimen information fields on the Specimen data display page. In the Test
parameters data display page, the required parameters were entered as outlined in
the test method, then saved into an available template file. To Mechanically setting
up and mounting the specimen into a standard IPC BFA Cradle: Press the Levels
tool bar button to activate the
Transducer levels display. Pressing the Virtual pendant tool bar button to activate
Virtual Pendant window and it was used to raise the vertical actuator ram so that
the loading cradle is in its central position. The Actuator display channel on the
levels screen was around zero. Inserting the locational draw bars provided, to set
the four pivot points to the correct spacing. Raising the inner and outer specimen
clamps sufficiently so that the test specimen can be loaded. Raising the inner
clamps fully will ensure that the floating on-specimen transducer assembly is out
of harm’s way. With no specimen in the loading cradle, the weight of the loading
cradle may induce a reading on the load cell channel. Moving the mouse pointer
over the load cell indictor bar and then pressing the left mouse button to bring up a
popup menu can zero this out reading. From the menu selecting the Set zero offset
menu item. Adjusting the on-specimen transducer assembly, by loosening the
LVDT holding screw sufficiently so that the test specimen can be loaded without
hitting the transducer. Inserting the specimen through all four yokes and locate
laterally so as the overhang at either end is approximately equal. Activating the
side clamps. This will also centre the specimen transversely. Lowering the outer
clamps keeping the control switch permanently in its active position during the
entire test. Removing the locational draw bars and Adjusting the on-specimen
LVDT so it is in the centre of its stroke. This is achieved when the level on On-
Specimen display channel is practically zero. Allowing sufficient time for any
internal stresses applied by the clamping process to be relieved. Securing the on-
specimen LVDT lock nut. For temperature-controlled tests ensuring that the target
temperatures are within tolerance specifications before continuing. Closing the
Transducer levels display when the specimen setup procedure has been completed
and the test is ready to commence. To run the test: Ensuring that all test setup
parameters and calibration information is correct before running a test. To
commence the test run, simply selecting the Start tool bar button or the Run-Start
Test menu item. The loading pulses begin and at regular time intervals data is
captured from the load cell and on-specimen LVDT then transferred from the
IMACS to the PC. 10000 cycles have been completed. The test will continue until
maximum number of test cycles) are satisfied. Then, test was concluded by: saving
the test data to a data file.
The rut depth value for coarse gradation and fine gradation were noted down, for
each gradation 10 samples were tested, 5 control sample and 5 modified sample in
wheel tracking machine at 60-degree temperature. The summary of rutting
susceptibility test is illustrated in Table 10 and 11 respectively.
2 3710 20 7458 20
3 4125 20 9547 20
As shown in table it is clearly depicted that the control sample for fine graded sample
sustained load up to 7500 cycles while coarse graded sample sustained load up to
5000 cycle which indicates that fine gradation is more effectively sustains wheel
causes rutting in flexible pavements. Modification with fiber glass on rutted samples
shown that the hot mix asphalt overlay modified with recomposite delays rutting. As
in both coarse, fine graded modified samples load cycle successfully completed
10000 cycles. This clearly proved that usage of geo-composite (fiberglass) before
providing overlay to the distracted pavement can significantly reduce rutting. Fig 15
and 16 illustrates the effect of geocomposite on the rutting behavior of hot mix
asphalt concrete.
Coarse Gradation
Control Sample Load cycle
3000 Modified Sample Load Cycle
1 2 3 4 5
Fine Gradation
9000 Control Sample Load cycle
8000 Modified Sample Load Cycle
1 2 3 4 5
Flexural resistance was calculated for four control and modified samples of coarse
gradation and fine gradation and result is mention in figure 17 and 18.
1800 Fine Gradation
Flexural Stiffness Mpa
Control Sample Stiffness
Modified sample Stiffness
1 2 3 4
Coarse Gradation
1 2 3 4
The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of geo-composite as a modification in
overlay to improve the rutting and fatigue resistance of asphalt mixture. There are three
objectives of this project and conclusion has been written with respect to the targeted
objective as follows:
I. The effect of rut resistance of asphalt concrete with and without geo-composite
layer was tested using wheel tracking machine. Total 16 twenty sample has been
made.8 sample for each gradation (fine and coarse), 4 control sample (without
geo composite) and 4 modified sample (with geo composite) has been made. It
is concluded that the rut resistance for coarse and fine gradation was improved
by 2 times.
II. The fatigue resistance for coarse gradation was improved by 2.6 times and for
fine gradation 1.9 times.
The study has test 20 samples and it is recommended that more samples should be
tested to ascertain the adequacy of geo synthetics in flexible pavement.