Pandanggo Sa Ilaw - This Dance Emerged From The
Pandanggo Sa Ilaw - This Dance Emerged From The
Pandanggo Sa Ilaw - This Dance Emerged From The
about energy include variations in movement flow and
the use of force, tension, and weight.
Today most dancing is about recreation and self-expression, 3. Space refers to the way the dancer moves through and
although it can also be done as a competitive activity. interacts with the physical world
Dancing is an enjoyable way to be more physically active and 4. Time – human movement is naturally rhythmic
stay fit
Health Benefits of Dancing
Recreation - activity done for enjoyment when one is not
1. better social skills
2. increased muscular strength, endurance and motor
Physical Activity - any bodily movement produced by the fitness’ improved muscle tone and strength
contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy. Physical 3. weight management
activities enhance health. 4. stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
5. better coordination, agility and flexibility, improved
Physical fitness – the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor balance and spatial awareness
and alertness, without undue fatigue 6. improved mental functioning
7. improved general and psychological wellbeing
Health Related Skills
8. greater self-confidence and self-esteem
1. Body composition - the proportion of lean mass
(composed of muscle, bone, vital tissue and Street and Hiphop Dance Styles
organs) and fat in the body.
2. Cardio-respiratory endurance - the ability to 1. Bboying – breakdancing
deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues over a 2. Popping – forces parts of your body outwards
sustained period of time. 3. Locking – stopping the fast movement, locking it,
3. Muscular endurance - the ability of muscles to holding it and then continuing with the same speed
sustain repeated contractions. 4. Krumping – dance style to release anger
4. Muscular strength - the ability of a muscle to 5. Tutting – forming geometric shapes using body parts
exert force. 6. Shuffling - fast heel and toe action
5. Flexibility - the ability to use your joints fully 7. Waacking – stylized posed and arm movements
through a wide range of motion.
Folk Dances
Skill Related Skills
1. Itik-Itik - A folk dance originating from Surigao Del
1. Balance - the ability to maintain bodily Sur. The dance is mimicing the movements of a duck,
equilibrium while standing still or moving. specificaly how a duck splashes in the water to attract
2. Agility - the ability to change body positions its partner.
quickly and keep the body under control when 2. Tinikling - This dance imitates the movements of the
moving. tinikling bird walking through tall grasses and tree
3. Coordination - the ability of body parts to work branches. It requires two bamboo poles.
together when you perform an activity. 3. Sayaw Sa Bangko - This dance requires a narrow
4. Power - the ability to combine strength with bench. Dancers must have good balance and control
speed while moving. to perform this dance. This is a dance from the
5. Speed - the ability to move all or a part of the Pangasinan province.
body quickly. 4. Pandanggo sa Ilaw - this dance emerged from the
6. Reaction Time - the ability to move quickly once Spanish dance Fandango. This dance was performed
a signal to start moving is received. using three oil lamps: one from the head, and two
from the hands. Women usually perform this dance
Dance - move rhythmically to music, typically following a set but there are times when malles perform the
sequence of steps. Dancing can be done both competitively pandanggo.
and socially. 5. Maglalatik - A mock war cry dance which is described
as a battle for coconuts. Males wear pairs of coconut
Elements of Dance
husks on themselves and dance with slapping the
1. Body is the mobile figure or shape, felt by the dancer, husks to the rhythm
seen by others. Dancers may emphasize specific parts of
their body in a dance phrase or use their whole body all
at once.