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Web Technology Questions

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1.Multiple Choice Question(All Question are compulsory): 10*2=20

1: What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?

A.<background>yellow<Background> B.<body color = "yellow">
C.<body bg color = "yellow"> D.<body bg ="yellow">
2: The attribute of <form> tag
A.Method B.Action
C.Both (a)&(b) D.None of these
3:Which of the following attributes of text box control allow to limit the maximum character?
A.size B.len
C.maxlength D.all of these
4: Which of the following is a container?
C.<INPUT> D.Both (a) and (b)
5.If we want define style for an unique element, then which css selector will we use ?
A.Id B. text
C. class D. name
6.If we want to use a nice looking green dotted border around an image, which css property will we use?
A. border-color B. border-decoration
C. border-style D. border-line
7.How will you make all paragraph elements 'RED' in color ?
A. p.all {color: red;} B. p.all {color: #990000;}
C. all.p {color: #998877;} D. p {color: red;}
8:Which of the following Attribute is used to include External JS code inside your HTML Document –
A link B ext
C script D src
9:JavaScript is can be written –
A directly on the Server Script B directly into JS file and included into HTML
C directly into HTML pages D None of these
10: Local Browser used for validations on the Web Pages uses __________.
C JS D Java

Group-B 4*5=20

Answer any four question:

2.What is DHTML? Write its features.

3.What is Selector?Differentiate between class selector and Id selector?

4.Write the use of any five HTML Tags.

5.Write the code to design a web page containing a table.

6.What is frame?How horizontal and vertical frames are created in HTML?

7.Give the difference between client side scripting language and server side scripting language.
8. How is XML defined?Give the XML syntax and structure rules.Explain the XML components in detail.

Group C 15*2=30

Answer any two questions:

9. What is Cascading Style Sheet? Explain various types of Style Sheets with example.

10. What is JavaScript? State the difference between JavaScript and Java. How to develop JavaScript? Explain with example.

11.What is list?Explain ordered,unordered and definition list in HTML.How these are created?

12. What are the necessities of using HTML forms?What is the use of HTML Forms? Create a HTML Form page for Student
Registration Form.

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