WP PJD Exocad 0915 Web
WP PJD Exocad 0915 Web
WP PJD Exocad 0915 Web
The digital dental landscape is in a state of constant technological evolution. For the discerning dental professional, being at the
forefront of these changes ensures enhanced, long-term business viability. For example, exocad® GmbH’s computer-aided design
software and solutions are utilized by many dental CAD/CAM providers and resellers as platforms in their own digital design
software. The company’s versatility and breadth of solutions provide the digital dental professional with robust solutions for
the dental treatment team. Among the many solutions available, the exocad Model Creator add-on module allows a
physical model to be printed directly from an intra-oral or impression scan with different pinning modalities. This
white paper illustrates the seamless integration of the exocad Model Creator with the Objet® Eden260V™
Digital design solution providers throughout the offers seamless integration with Model Creator
world use exocad software as a platform for and easily accepts the design file to produce an
their solutions, including some of the foremost accurate, clean and smooth dental model.
(CAM) market. They selected exocad because of its An intra-oral scan of a patient’s mouth is
ease of use and shortened learning curve, which in captured with a chair-side dental acquisition unit,
turn, allow dental laboratories and technicians to illustrating a detailed rendering of the existing
minimize training costs and maximize productivity. dental topography (Figure 1). The scan is sent to
Its open-architecture CAD software platform easily the dental laboratory in an STL file format and
allows it to seamlessly integrate with other digital downloaded into the exocad software. An STL file
solutions, including CAD and CAM. The software is open formatted, which means it’s possible for
is remarkably intuitive to use and has extensive additional open digital systems to accept, retrieve
capabilities to design some of the most complex and manipulate its digital data. This output allows
solution. The user opens the STL file with the Removable dies are an essential part of the dental
Model Creator add-on module and imports model. They provide the dental laboratory with
the scan for assessment and virtual design access to the peripheral extent of the preparation
manipulation. After all of the corresponding data
identifies preparations that need restorations in the Figure 3: Auto-selection of the cut sections.
sites: the first being the shaft by which the die will
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