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Kriengsin Prasongsukarn*


The aim of this paper is to validate Cultural Values Scale (CVSCALE) in

Thailand. The CVSCALE is a scale that has been purposed by Yoo, Donthu, and
Lenartowicz (forthcoming) to capture Hofstede’s (1991) five cultural dimensions at
the individual level. It had been developed as an extension of Hofstede (1991) cul-
tural values scale that had initially aimed to measure cultural values at the country
level (Sondergaard, 1994). The CVSCALE consists of 26-items that assesses the
cul-tural values in consistence with Hofstede’s (1980, 1991) renowned five-
dimensional typology of culture namely, Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance,
Individualism Masculinity, and the Confucian dynamism. The reliability of the
CVSCALE was tested using Cronbach’s and the validity of the scale was tested
using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) as well as Confirmatory Factor Analysis
(CFA). The results of the test showed that the CVSCALE and its items had
exhibited appropriate reliability (i.e., high internal consistency) and validity (i.e.,
face, convergent, and discriminant) to use in Thailand for the purpose of cultural
value assessment of the respondents at the individual level.

INTRODUCTION Patterson, Cowley, and Prasongsukarn

2006). As noted by Pedersen (1988), the
Culture has arrived in the business importance of culture to human society and
research mainstream. Research related to identity has been widely acknowledged.
culture is growing exponentially (Bur- Culture is not an external conception but
gess 1992), and marketing researchers integral to human society and identity, even
consider culture a critical determinant of though it may be superficially and outwardly
behavior (e.g., Aaker and Williams 1998; seen in terms of external symbols and many
Deshpande, Hoyer, and Donthu 1986; ter account for different perceptions that dif-
Hofstede, Steenkamp, and Wedel 1999; ferent people have of the same situation

*Dr. Kriengsin Prasongsukarn holds a Ph.D. in Marketing form the University of New South
Wales Sydney, Australia. Currently he is working as a Lecture at Graduate School of Business at
Assumption University. He also serves as Managing Director at Inspire Research Co., Ltd.

ABAC Journal Vol. 29, No. 2 (May-August 2009, pp.1-13)

Kriengsin Prasongsukarn

(Pedersen 1988). Patterns of behaviour are international studies (e.g. Donthu and Yoo
learned. Individuals are born into a culture, 1998; Mattila 1999; Furrer, Liu and
and they must subsequently learn how to Sudharshan 2000; Patterson and Smith
behave within their society (Triandis 1990). 2001, 2003). Finally, Hofstede’s cultural
Consumers’ cultural values play an impor- dimensions are highly relevant to explaining
tant role in formulating international market- cross-cultural behaviour on service recov-
ing strategy, for example, marketing program ery attributes.
standardization and adaptation decisions However, despite all its merits,
(Samiee and Jeong 1994). Hofstede’s (1980, 1991) measures were
Nonetheless, the current cross-cultural developed for work-related situations. From
business literature about culture assessment a marketing or management point of view it
methods is rather chaotic (Yoo and Donthu, may be more useful to measure cultural val-
2005). Due to the lack of universally ac- ues for general or consumer situations. That
cepted scales, number of scholars have been way cultural orientation may be better linked
using Hofstede’s questionnaire (S nder- to individual or consumer attitudes and be-
gaard 1994). havior (Yoo, Donthu, and Lenartowicz,
Hofstede’s metric has been popular forthcoming). Furthermore, as noted by
for several reasons. First, Hofstede’s S ndergaard (1994) the main use of
framework is very comprehensive and Hofstede’s work has been as a paradigm.
shows meaningful relationships with This means that researchers have been
important demographic, geographic, eco- extrapolating the Hofstede indices of
nomic, and political indicators of a soci- national culture to any grouping, includ-
ety (Kale and Barnes 1992). Second, ing individuals. Even though culture is
Hofstede’s works have been confirmed characterized by shared values (Hofstede
empirically through replications (e.g. 1980), this is not an accurate procedure
Shackleton and Ali 1990) and has been since dependent variable measures are
heavily cited as the most important and collected from individuals at the present
popular theory of culture types moment and independent variable mea-
(Sondergaard 1994). Sivakumar and sures are provided at the country level
Nakata (2001) have also reported 1,101 from the previous collected data. While
citations to his work in the period 1987- Hofstede administered his instrument at
1997. Explaining its growing use, the individual level, he performed all the
Hofstede’s theory has been noted as “a data analyses and indices’ calculations at
watershed conceptual foundation for the country level. This should not be
many subsequent cross-national research taken as an implication that country and
endeavours” (Fernandez et al. 1997, p culture are the same, since national
43-44) and “the beginnings of the foun- boundaries need not always coincide with
dation that could help scientific theory culturally homogeneous societies (Dawar
building in cross-cultural research”. and Parker 1994; Roth 1995). Using na-
Third, it consistently proves to be ben- tional generalisations to explain indi-
eficial when adopted in cross-cultural and vidual behaviours is an ecological fallacy

Validating the Cultural Value Scale (CVSCALE): A Case Study of Thailand

because country-level relationships are in- typology of culture. Power distance is “the
terpreted as if they are applied to indi- extent to which the less powerful members
viduals (Yoo and Donthu 2000). Finally, of institutions and organizations within a
scholars criticize Hofstede’s scales for the country expect and accept that power is
lack of associations among items (for ex- distributed unequally”. Uncertainty avoid-
ample, combining unrelated items under a ance is defined as “the extent to which the
cultural dimension and connecting unrelated members of a culture feel threatened by un-
items to a composite scale, see Robinson certain or unknown situations”. Individual-
1983). Also the items have been criticized ism “pertains to societies in which the ties
for possibly capitalizing on statistical chance between individuals are loose: everyone is
due to the small sample size (the number of expected to look after himself or herself and
data points being equal to the number of his or her immediate family”; collectivism is
countries surveyed, see Dorfman and its opposite. Masculinity and femininity rep-
Howell 1988). resent “the dominant sex role pattern in the
To address these concerns, Yoo, vast majority of both traditional and mod-
Donthu, and Lenartowicz (forthcoming) ern societies”. The Confucian dynamism
have applied Hofstede’s cultural typol- refers to the long-term versus short-term
ogy at the individual level and developed orientation toward the future. Nonetheless
a scale to assess culture values (hereaf- CVSCALE provides the flexibility to con-
ter referred to as CVSCALE) using the ceptualize, measure, and aggregate
personality-centered methodological ap- cultural orientation at any level, group
proach. Applying Hofstede’s cultural ty- or country. CVSCALE has been in sev-
pology at the individual level is reason- eral countries for example, the US, Ko-
able since the values of an individual rea, Poland, and Brazil. Yet, the authors
person were identified in terms of the urge that the scale should be validated
selected dimensions of culture. More- using larger sample and in other country.
over, culture flows from the group to its CVSCALE shows to be psychometrically
individuals members; the individuals are sound and can be confidently used for
the final destination of culture. Hence, measuring group or society cultural ori-
the individual persons internalize cultural entation for general consumer situations.
belief systems and interpret the phenom- In a specific sense, CVSCALE provides
enological world through their learned researchers with an opportunity to
lens of meaning (McCracken 1986). conceptualise and measure cultural values
at the individual level if that makes sense for
their application (Yoo, Donthu, and
CVSCALE Lenartowicz, forthcoming).

CVSCALE consists of 26-items (see

table 1) that assesses the cultural values
of individuals in consistence with Hofstede’s
(1980, 1991) renowned five-dimensional

Kriengsin Prasongsukarn

Table 1: CVSCALE, taken from Yoo, Donthu, and Lenartowicz, Journal of Marketing
Research, (forthcoming), Items 1-4 were rated on a five-point Likert scale ranging
from “Strongly disagree” (1) to “Strongly agree” (5), Confucian dynamism ranging
from “Not at all important” (1) to “Very important” (5)

Power distance
P1 People in higher positions should make most decisions without consulting people in
lower positions.
P2 People in higher positions should not ask the opinions of people in lower positions too
P3 People in higher positions should avoid social interaction with people in lower positions.
P4 People in lower positions should not disagree with decisions by people in higher posi-
P5 People in higher positions should not delegate important tasks to people in lower
Uncertainty avoidance
U1 It is important to have instructions spelled out in detail so that I always know what I'm
expected to do.
U2 It is important to closely follow instructions and procedures.
U3 Rules and regulations are important because they inform me of what is expected of me.
U4 Standardized work procedures are helpful.
U5 Instructions for operations are important.
C1 Individuals should sacrifice self-interest for the group (either at school or the work place).
C2 Individuals should stick with the group even through difficulties.
C3 Group welfare is more important than individual rewards.
C4 Group success is more important than individual success.
C5 Individuals should only pursue their goals after considering the welfare of the group.
C6 Group loyalty should be encouraged even if individual goals suffer.
M1 It is more important for men to have a professional career than it is for women.
M2 Men usually solve problems with logical analysis; women usually solve problems with
M3 Solving difficult problems usually requires an active, forcible approach, which is typi-
cal of men.
M4 There are some jobs that a man can always do better than a woman.
Confucian dynamism
D1 Careful management of money (Thrift)
D2 Going on resolutely in spite of opposition (Persistence)
D3 Personal steadiness and stability
D4 Long-term planning
D5 Giving up today's fun for success in the future
D6 Working hard for success in the future

Validating the Cultural Value Scale (CVSCALE): A Case Study of Thailand

METHOD dents for our study is appropriate since stu-

dents are real life consumers. The sampling
Translation frame for this study is undergraduate uni-
versity students in four regions of Thailand
To ensure item equivalence, a critical (North, North-Eastern, South, and
consideration in a cross-cultural study of this Bangkok). Data for this study were collected
nature, the English version was translated via a self-report questionnaire from four
by bilinguals whose mother language was universities namely Chiang Mai University
Thai (Hambleton, 1993), and then back (CU) for Northern region, Khon-Khen
translated by bilingual authors whose mother University (KKU) for North-Eastern region,
language was English (Brislin, Lonner, and Burapa University (BU) and Kasetsart Uni-
Thorndike 1973). (See table 2) versity (KU) for Central and Eastern, Prince
of Songkra Nakarin University (PSU) for
Sample Southern region. The questionnaire was
completed by 250 university students
As suggested by Smith and Schwartz from Northern region, 250 university stu-
(1997) to ensure that the differences ob- dents from North-Eastern, 301 university
tained are due to cultural, as opposed to students from Central/East, and 297 uni-
demographic differences, cross-cultural versity students from Southern region
researchers are recommended to use per- which make the total completed ques-
sons from a similar demographic back- tionnaire equal to 1,098 sets.
ground, such as students or teachers.
Using undergraduate students as respon-

Kriengsin Prasongsukarn

Table 2: CVSCALE, taken from Yoo, Donthu, and Lenartowicz, Journal of Marketing
Research, (forthcoming), Items 1-4 were rated on a five-point Likert scale ranging
from "Strongly disagree" (1) to "Strongly agree" (5), Confucian dynamism ranging
from "Not at all important" (1) to "Very important" (5)

Power distance
P1 บุคคลทีม่ ตี ำแหน่งสูงโดยมากแล้วควรตัดสินใจโดยไม่ตอ้ งปรึกษาบุคคลทีม่ ตี ำแหน่งต่ำกว่า
P2 บุคคลทีม่ ตี ำแหน่งสูงไม่ควรทีจ่ ะถามความเห็นของผูท้ ม่ี ตี ำแหน่งต่ำกว่าบ่อยจนเกินไปนัก
P3 บุคคลทีม่ ตี ำแหน่งสูงควรหลีกเลีย่ งการมีปฏิสมั พันธ์ทางสังคมกับบุคคลทีม่ ตี ำแหน่งต่ำกว่า
P4 บุคคลที่มีตำแหน่งต่ำไม่ควรโต้แย้งการตัดสินใจของบุคคลที่มีตำแหน่งสูงกว่า
P5 บุคคลที่มีตำแหน่งสูงไม่ควรมอบหมายงานสำคัญให้กับบุคคลที่มีตำแหน่งต่ำกว่ารับผิดชอบ
Uncertainty avoidance
U1 การให้คำแนะนำพร้อมรายละเอียดเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ เพราะฉันจะได้รู้ตลอดเวลาว่าฉันถูกคาดหวังให้ทำอะไร
U2 มันเป็นสิ่งสำคัญในการทำตามคำสั่งและขั้นตอนอย่างเคร่งครัด
U3 กฎและข้อบังคับเป็นสิ่งสำคัญเพราะมันเป็นสิ่งที่บอกให้ฉันรู้ว่าฉันถูกคาดหวังให้ทำอะไรบ้าง
U4 ขั้นตอนการทำงานที่เป็นมาตรฐานเป็นสิ่งที่มีประโยชน์
U5 คำแนะนำต่างๆ สำหรับการทำงานเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ
C1 บุคคลควรเสียสละผลประโยชน์ส่วนตนเพื่อส่วนรวม (ไม่ว่าจะเป็นที่โรงเรียนหรือที่ทำงาน)
C2 บุคคลควรที่จะยึดติดกับกลุ่มแม้ว่าจะอยู่ในช่วงที่กลุ่มประสบความยากลำบาก
C3 ความสุขสบายของกลุ่มสำคัญกว่าผลตอบแทนของแต่ละบุคคล
C4 ความสำเร็จของกลุ่มสำคัญกว่าความสำเร็จของตัวบุคคล
C5 บุคคลควรดำเนินเป้าหมายส่วนตัวหลังจากคำนึงถึงสิ่งที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับกลุ่มแล้วเท่านั้น
C6 ความจงรักภักดีต่อกลุ่มควรได้รับการสนับสนุนแม้ว่าเป้าหมายส่วนบุคคลจะถูกบั่นทอนไป
M1 การประกอบวิชาชีพเฉพาะ (Professional career) เป็นเรื่องสำคัญสำหรับผู้ชายมากกว่าผู้หญิง
M2 ในการแก้ปัญหาใดใดก็ตาม ผู้ชายมักใช้การวิเคราะห์เชิงเหตุผล ส่วนผู้หญิงจะนิยมแก้ปัญหาโดยใช้สัญชาติญาณ
M3 การแก้ปัญหาที่ยุ่งยาก โดยปกติแล้วต้องอาศัยความกระตือรือร้นและวิธีการที่มีพลังซึ่งถือเป็นลักษณะเฉพาะ
อย่างหนึง่ ของผู้ชาย
M4 มีงานบางประเภทซึ่งผู้ชายสามารถทำได้ดีกว่าผู้หญิงอยู่เสมอ
Confucian dynamism
D1 ความระมัดระวังในการบริหารจัดการด้านการเงิน
D2 ความไม่ท้อถอย (ความแน่วแน่)
D3 ความมั่นคงและความมีเสถึยรภาพของบุคคล
D4 การวางแผนในระยะยาว
D5 การละทิ้งความสนุกในวันนี้ เพื่อความสำเร็จในอนาคต
D6 การทำงานอย่างหนักเพือ่ ความสำเร็จในอนาคต

Validating the Cultural Value Scale (CVSCALE): A Case Study of Thailand

RESULTS for power distance, 2.864 for uncertainty

avoidance, 3.074 for collectivism, 1.878
Reliability for masculinity, and 3.478 for long-term
oriented). To ascertain whether the items
Scale reliability was assessed in terms have construct validity, factor analysis
of item-to-total correlation and Cronbach’s using orthogonal rotation was conducted
to determine the discriminative power and for the twenty six items. Five distinct
internal consistency of the measurement factors emerged in the sample and cu-
scale. Cronbach’s Alpha (1951) is the most mulatively these five factors explained
commonly used reliability coefficient as a 54.9 percent of the total variance. This
generalized measure of the internal consis- was similar to Hofstede’s (1980) coun-
tency of the construct indicators (Peter try-level analysis in which 49 percent of
1979). The Cronbach’s was computed to the total variance was explained as well
test on the reliability of each dimension. The as to Yoo, Donthu and Lenartowicz
reliability was .63 for power distance, .81 (forthcoming) individual-level analysis
for uncertainty avoidance, .81 for collectiv- in which 44.5% of the total variance was
ism, .61 for masculinity, and .85 for long- explained for the pooled data (49.0 % for
term oriented (Confucian dynamism). Thus, Americans, 47.9% for Korean-American,
the measuring instrument show to achieved and 40.7% for Koreans). Factor analysis
satisfactory levels of reliability as all items using oblique rotation produced similar
yield value of more than 0.6 (Nunnally and factor patterns, confirming the discrimi-
Bernstein 1994). nant and convergent validity of the mea-
sures (Rummel 1970). All the items
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) loaded highly on the appropriate factors
and no item loaded on more than one fac-
Factor analysis was performed and tor, supporting the independence of the
strong evidence for the unidimensional- constructs and providing strong empiri-
ity for each of the subdimensions was cal evidence of their validity. Table 3
found. Specifically, factor analysis re- summarize the result of the test.
vealed that in all cases only one factor
had an eigenvalue exceeding 1.0 (2.091

Kriengsin Prasongsukarn

Table 3: Summarize the result of the findings

Cons- Variables Unidimen- Variance Factor Cronbach Item-total

tructs sonality explained loading α correlation
.573 .3406
.495 .2900
Power 2.091 41.82% .727 .6336 .4627
Distance .685 .4183
.721 .4578
.683 .5209
.777 .6321
Uncertainty 2.864 57.23% .766 .8108 .6178
Avoidance .788 .6251
.765 .6031
.691 .5402

.694 .5448
Collecti- 3.074 51.23% .746 .8087 .6029
vism .778 .6392
.712 .5641
.667 .5166
.704 .3891
Masculinity 1.878 46.95% .760 .6105 .4580
.753 .4829
.488 .2479
.799 .6591
.830 .7005
Confucian 3.478 57.97% .831 .8467 .6994
dynamism .821 .6971
.652 .5534
.601 .4941

Validating the Cultural Value Scale (CVSCALE): A Case Study of Thailand

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of approximation (RMSEA) = .023;

normed fit index (NFI) = .97; compara-
The clean factor patterns shown in the tive fit index (CFI) = .99; and incremen-
exploratory factor analysis were consistently tal fit index (IFI) = .99. Despite the large
found in confirmatory factor analysis. Fol- number of items considered, no substan-
lowing the guidelines offered by Anderson tial departures from unidimentionality
and Gerbing (1988), we set a measurement were observed. The composite reliabil-
model to have five factors (i.e., latent vari- ity estimates, which are evident of con-
ables) with the 26 measured items. Observ- vergent validity (Fornell and Larker
ing the one latent variable per indicator rule, 1981), were acceptable: .61 for power
we specified a measured item to be loaded distance, .76 for uncertainty avoidance,
on one latent variable only; for example, a .73 for collectivism, .74 for uncertainty
power distance item was related to only the avoidance, and .83 for long-term oriented
power distance factor. A completely (Confucian dynamism). The average ex-
standardised solution produced by the tracted for each dimension was only
LISREL 8.3 maximum likelihood moderate: .26 for power distance, .42 for
method showed that all the items loaded uncertainty avoidance, .33 for collectiv-
on their corresponding constructs. Dem- ism, .49 for uncertainty avoidance, and
onstrating adequate convergent validity .46 for long-term oriented (Confucian
of all items, t-values of all items show dynamism) , but greater than the squared
significance of more than .001 on all di- correlation between the dimension and
mensions. The overall fit of the measure- any other dimension, which indicates the
ment model was excellent and similar to independence (divergent validity) of the
Yoo, Donthu and Lenartowicz (forthcom- dimensions (Fornell and Larker 1981).
ing): (d.f. = 192) = 302.08; goodness-of- Figure 1 presents the confirmatory fac-
fit index (GFI) = .98; adjusted goodness- tor analysis (CFA) model of the
of-fit index (AGFI) = .96; root mean CVSCALE.
square residual (RMR) = .050; standard-
ized RMR = .050; root mean square error

Kriengsin Prasongsukarn


Validating the Cultural Value Scale (CVSCALE): A Case Study of Thailand


The increasing globalization of markets Aaker, J. L. and Williams, P. (1998), “Em-

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ucts now cross national boundaries provides Emotional Appeals across Cultures”,
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cultural context of consumer behavior 241-61.
(Patterson, Cowley, and Prasongsukarn Anderson, E. W. and Gerbing, D.W.
2006). Nonetheless, the current cross-cul- (1988). “Structural Equation Modeling
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ment methods is rather chaotic due to the mended Two-Step Approach”. Psy-
lack of universally accepted scales. The re- chological Bulletin. 103(3), 411-
sult of this study has further proven the use- 23.
fulness of the CVSCALE. Brislin, R. W, L., W. J. and Thorndike, R.
M. (1973). Cross-Cultural Research
The application of the proposed instru- Methods. New York: Wiley.
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The CVSCALE can benefit cross-cultural and Consumer Research: An Histori-
researchers and multi-cultural business prac- cal Perspective”, Research in Mar-
titioners. This scale links cultural values to keting, 11, Jagdish N. Sheth (ed.),
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preted as if they are applied to individu- nals of Product Quality”, Journal of
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Deshpande, R., Hoyer, D. W., and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Donthu, N. (1986), “The Intensity of
Ethnic Affiliation: A Study of the
The author would like to thank Professor Sociology of Hispanic Consump-
Naveen Donthu from Georgia State tion”, Journal of Consumer Re-
University, Associate Professor Boonghee search, 13, 214-20.
Yoo from Hofstra University, and Associate Dorfman, Peter W. and Jon P. Howell
Professor Tomasz Lenartowicz Florida (1988), “Dimensions of National Cul-
Atlantic University for providing the ture and Effective Leadership Patterns:
CVSCALE to test in Thailand.

Kriengsin Prasongsukarn

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