Translated Copy of Volve PUD
Translated Copy of Volve PUD
Translated Copy of Volve PUD
drift av Volve
February 2005
Graphic 40054_08
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Introduction and summary 6
1 6
1.1 Location and ownership 6
1.1.1 Location 6
1.1.2 License 6
1.2 History 6
1.3 Geological evaluation 7
1.4 Reservoirand recovery 7
1.5 Manufacturing technology 8
1.6 engineeringDrilling and well technology 8
1.7 Development solution 8
1.8 Operation and maintenance 9
1.9 Health, safety and environment 9
1.10 Organization and implementation 9
1.11 Closure plan 9
1.12 Economic analyzes and assessments 9 Area
1.13 assessment 10
2 History of the field 11
3 Geological evaluation 13
3.1 Summary 13
3.2 Seismic database and mapping 13
3.2.1 Provision environment, sedimentology and stratigraphy 15
3.3 Tectonic and stratigraphic developmentengineering 15
3.4 Geochemistry and migration history 16
3.5 Petrophysical evaluation 17
3.6 Geological model 18
3.7 Uncertainty calculation 19
4 Reservoirand recovery 21
4.1 Introduction 21
4.2 Well testing 21
4.3 Fluid datastrategy 21
4.4 Production 22
4.5 Production 22
4.5.1 forecastsOil production 23
4.5.2 forecastForecast for water production 23
4.5.3 Gas production forecast 24
4.6 Sensitivities and uncertainty 24
4.7 analysisDatain nsamling in drilling and production 26
4.8 Methods IOR 26
5.1 Introduction 27
5.2 Low Hydraulics 27
5.3 Production Chemicals 27
5.3.1 Sediment 27
5.3.2 Hydrates 28
5.3.3 Emulsions 28
5.3.4 asphaltene 28
5.3.5 H2 28
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
5.3.6 Wax 28
5.4 Water Handling 28
5.4.1 Utsira water production 28
5.4.2 Re-injection of produced water 28
5.5 gas handling 28
6 drilling and well technology 30
6.1 Introduction 30
6.2 Drillingprogram 30
6.2.1 Basic gas 30
6.2.2 Mud 31
6.3 Cuttings handling 31
6.4 completion 31
6.4.1 downhole completion equipment 31
6.4.2 Sand control 32
6.4.3 wellhead, xmas tree and riser system 32
6.4.4 rig 32
6.4.5 Well control and emergency 33
6.5 Time and cost estimate 33
7 Description development solution 34
7.1 Introduction 34
7.2 Alternative development 34
7.3 Basis for development 34
7.3.1 Functional requirements 34
7.3.2 Water depth 34
7.3.3 Environmental data 34
7.3.4 geotechnical conditions 34
7.4 Description selected concept 35
7.4.1 System Description and design capacity 35
7.4.2 FPF 35
7.4.3 Process plants and auxiliary 36
7.4.4 Export of oil 37
7.4.5 gas export 37
7.4.6 gas lift / gas injection 37
7.4.7 fish oil and gas measurementchemicals 37
7.4.8 Modifications, installations and marine operations 37
7.4.9 Production 38
7.4.10 Testing and start-up 38
7.5 Regularity of produced oil 38
8 Operation and Maintenance 39
8.1 Introduction 39
8.2 Organization and crew 39
8.3 Operation of the facilities 39
8.4 Maintenance 39
Sleipner PL046
East / Outside
Loke / (including
Volve Gungne)
Statoil ASA 49.6% 52.6%
ExxonMobil Exp. & Prod. Norway AS 30.4% 28.0%
Norsk Hydro Production as 10.0% 9.4%
Total Norway AS 10.0% 10.0%
Table 1.1 - Ownership in PL 046 and Volve
Page 6
Figure 1.2 - Overview of PL 046 area with area definition on Ty and Hugin level.
Concept The platform of the check-up platform is designed for the following capabilities.
Oil production 9,000 Sm3/ d Rich gas 1.5 MSm3/ d
Water treatment 10,400 m3/ d Gas lift 0.45 MSm3/ d
Total fluid treatment 13,000 m3/ d Water injection 16,000 m3 / d
Plan for utbygging
Processed og be
oil will drifttransferred
av Volve to storage - Februar 2005
1.10 Organization and implementation
the ship via a flexible 8 "pipe. The storage
vessel, with a capacity of mills barrel, is The performance of Statoil's operator
anchored to the field using a 9-anchor responsibility during the development phase
Submerged Turret Loading (STL) bend. The will be ensured by a dedicated organizational
vessel is leased from Navion Offshore unit within the Technology and Projects (T &
Loading (NOL), a subsidiary of Teekay P) business area.
Norway. The gas is transferred to a 7.4 There will be close cooperation with the
"pipeline via the seabed frame D on Sleipner Sleipner organization throughout the project
East Field and further into SLA plants. The phase as the Liability Responsibility for
gas is processed and exported as dry gas to PL046 is situated. Sleipner's Product Manager
Europe and wet gas / condensate to Kårstø. is Chairman of the Board of Directors for
1.8 Operation and maintenance At the start of production, the plan is to
Operation and maintenance of the production transfer Volve to Sleipner's operating
platforms will be carried out by Maersk organization in the Investigation and
Contractors, which owns and operates the Production business area.
plant on behalf of Statoil as operator of
PL046. Operation and maintenance of the 1.11 Termination plan
warehouse ship is carried out by Teekay When licensees and the authorities agree that
Norway. the Volve field can no longer be operated
The supply and base services will be economically, the contracts will be terminated
coordinated with corresponding services on using agreed cancellation mechanisms and the
the Sleipner fields to achieve economies of wells will be closed. The actual removal of the
scale. installations and shutdown of wells will be
carried out in accordance with current
1.9 Health, Safety and Environment regulations. The regulatory framework
provides guidelines for both shutdown of wells
The development and operation of Volve is and removal of installations.
based on the main objectives of Statoil's HSE
poster and principles for zero environmental STL bend with anchorage will be removed
harmful emissions. using an anchor handling vessel. The oil and
gas export pipelines will be evaluated. Due to
The safety objective for Volve Development is the fact that the pipes are dug, this can be
based on the authorities' requirements and difficult. Alternatives to removal and reuse
regulations, as well as Statoil's own will be to pinch the pipe ends.
The purpose of Health, Safety and 1.12 Economic analyzes and
Environment (HSE) has been central to the assessmentsanalyzes
checkout of the recommended concept and
choice of suppliers, and provides the basis for Profitabilitybased on 22 USD / barrel oil price
further pursuit of activities. Brent Blend (estimated at 18.70 USD / barrel
for Volve oil) gives a present value of 2350
Emphasis has been placed on safe, sound MNOK 2005 at 7% before tax and 443
solutions and limiting the consequences of an MNOK 2005 at 8% after tax. If a "forward" oil
accident. The installation officer consists of price of average 35 USD / barrel Brent blend
Maersk Contractor's own employees. Maersk is based, the profitability analysis shows a
Contractor's management systems are based as present value of 1190 MNOK 2005 at 8% after
much as possible, supplemented by Statoil's tax.
field-specific additional requirements. Statoil
attaches great importance to establishing a The project is not robust with low prices and
good HSE work aboard, and to ensure that the gives negative value at an oil price of 15
requirements and objectives of the authorities USD / barrel Brent Blend. The zero point price
and the Statoil for health, safety and the at 8% after tax is 17.50 USD / barrel. The
environment are fulfilled. development concept
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Page 9
Plan for
with utbyggingaog drift
renting av Volve platform with
check-in Februar 2005
processing plantVolve area. Access to own
associated storage vessels gives a positive drilling facilities also opens for cost-effective
economy at low reserves (P90). In addition, exploration of oil prospects in the area.
the risk of cost overruns significantly reduces
due to the fact that large parts of the concept There are no documented concepts that can
have already been built. economically exploit existing infrastructure in
the area with the exception of gas exports to
the Sleipner A platform via Sleipner D. bottom
1.13 Area assessment The volvo frame. The
field is located in a typical gas / condensate platform is designed to extract multiple wells
dominated area in the North Sea. In an area if findings are found in any of the prospects in
development, the chosen development solution the immediate area. A decision will be taken
is considered to be the best solution because it on the possible drilling of the nearby prospects
will establish an oilin the in PL 046 at a later date.
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
The purpose of the well was to produce gas / In 1996, well 15 / 9-19A was drilled. The
condensate from the Ty formation [by Paleo- purpose of the well was to verify the resource
age]. The formation, however, proved to be base, clarify the reservoir thickness and oil /
water-filled and the well was then immersed in water contact. The well was drilled as a side-
the Hugin formation of middle age. well well from 19SR and hit oil-filled
The Hugin formation turned out to be oil-filled reservoirs. However, the reservoir was
and had a thickness of 18 meters in the well. significantly deeper than expected and was
The reservoir was production tested and gave much thicker (88 m). No oil / water contact
a submerged 290 API oil. The test range was observed in the well. Ayielded rates up to
showed goodand flowed at rates up to 1358 528 Sm3/ d of 270 production testAPI oil and
Sm3production properties/ d and a productivity with a productivity index of 63 Sm3/ D / Bar.
index of 143 Sm3/ D / Bar. Based on the positive information from the
A new seismic dataset was collected over the 15/19-19A well, the top reservoir was
area in 1994 (ST9407) and later reprocessed. retolored on seismic. The understanding at that
time was that this well had detected oil closely
at the game point between the Volve structure
and the Theta south structure southeast of
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Page 11 Februar 2005
InPlan for utbygging
1997, well 15og/drift
9-19Bav Volve
was drilled in the Februar 2005
clean and also between the well and Sleipner
saddle area between the two structures. The East and Loke so that 15/19-19B gave a good
purpose of the well was to find the oil / water eastern boundary of the Volve structure.
contract and also to detect oil in Theta South.
However, the top reservoir was encountered The collection of seabed seismic data was
very deep in the well and was watery. made in 2002 (ST0202). The purpose was to
However, the thickness of the Hugin formation improve the structural imaging and reduce the
was greater than expected (about 120 m) and uncertainty in the resource base. The data set
had good porosity and permeability properties. has made a big improvement over the past and
Pressure measurements indicated sealing forms the basis for the current mapping of
between the well and the Volve struktu resources.
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve volumesand Volve South have been Februar 2005
3 Geological evaluation in the volume bill, while volumes in other
prospectuses are calculated in other contexts.
3.1 Summary The
An uncertainty study indicates higher P50 and
Volve field is a 2x3 km large, rejection-limited average volumes than in the base model. This
structure and is formed as a result of salt is largely due to the fact that it is more likely
movements and stretching below and to be deeper contact than a closer contact. In
immediately following the reservoir reservoir. terms of total uncertainty, contact uncertainty
The rescue voyage consists of the Hugin gives the greatest impact, but one also has a
formation of middle law age and is developed significant contribution from the uncertainty in
in the area as a package of mainly sandstone. seismic interpretation. As a result of this
The commissioning environment was tidal- uncertainty, deep-migrated data has been
dominated, which has resulted in a large processed, and is to be used for optimizing the
lateral extent of the sandstone layers. Oil has well positioning towards drilling start. In the
only begun migrating into the structure for reservoir engineering work, a dynamic travel
about 5-10 million years ago. The oil has been simulation model has been used based on
formed in the Sleipner Graben area about 10 geological and seismic mapping. The reservoir
km NV for Volve and migrating from the pressure is 340 bar at 3060 m and the reservoir
graben into the Volve structure. temperature is here 110°C. The oil has a
The mapping of the field is based on new varying G / O ratio of 111 to 157 Sm3/
seabedism. Depth conversion is carried out Smvolume3 (corrected for process simulations)
based on stacking speeds to peak crayons, and and corresponding to the formationfactor (Bo)
range speeds in the following ranges, top from 1.33 to 1.45 m3/ Sm3.
Cricket Ground Cricket, Bottom Cricket Top Table 3.1 - Uncertainty in volume present (all figures in
Hugin, and Top Hugin Bottom Hugin. The mill. Sm3)
interpretation uncertainty especially on the
Basi ave P90 P50 P10
western edge of the structure is significant, c rag
while the field is only to a small extent e
affected by the uncertainty in the depth Vol. 24.5 27.5 20. 26. 35.
conversion model. 9 7 2
Figure 3.2 -
Seismic section
from ST0202
along the 15 / 9-
19SR wellbore.
Main reflectors
are indicated
Figure 3.5 - Geosection over Sleipner East, Volve and Sleipner Graben. It is seen that the oil in Volve is formed in a local
source area of NV for Volve
Page 17
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Table for-from
utbygging og drift av Volve
the petrophysical evaluation (well average) Februar 2005
Well Top Botto Thickn Porosity Permeabilit Net sand Formulatio
M m ess y n
SVD M m (mD) parameters
SVD Water
15 / 9-19SR 2864 2883 19 0.23 1923 1.00 0.19
15 / 9-19A 3013 3101 88 0.20 522 0.93 0.21
15 / 9- 3149 3275 126 0.21 630 0.92 ------
Table 3.4 - Results from the uncertainty study (CV is variation coefficient)
Base Cut P90 P50 P10 Standard
Mill. Mill. Sm3 Mill. Sm3 Mill. Mill. Sm3 deviation
Sm3 Sm3
East 19.9 19.2 15.9 19.1 22.8 2.6 14
West 4.6 8.3 3.4 7.5 14.6 4.3 52
Volve closure 24.5 27.5 20.9 26.7 35.2 5.5 20
Prospects 6.3 13.8 5.0 9.9 30.0 11.6 84
Risked Prospects 3.9 9.4 0.2 6.7 24.3 11.1 118
Total 30.8 41.3 27.2 36.4 64.7 15.8 38
Total risk volumes 28.4 36.9 23.0 32.8 58.2 14.8 40
Uncertainty in gross rock volume is handled Table 3.5 - Probability of Different Contacts
by stochastic modeling of the uncertainties in Possible OVK Probability%
seismic interpretation and depth conversion. (m)
For each run, values have been drawn from 3105 24
each area and these values have resulted in a
new set of top and bottom reservoir maps. The 3120 21
volume in this model has then been calculated
3135 28
and a total of 2500 models have been run.
3170 14
Since no wells have encountered a contact,
there is great uncertainty in the level of oil / 3260 7
water contact. There have therefore been
3330 6 The
established 3 different models for contact and
through a weighting of these the probability of
different discrete contacts has been specified
(see table 3.5). The probability is greatest for a uncertainty in petrophysics values is low due
contact 5-35 m below oil down to the situation to good data from the wells and a good
in well 15 / 9-19A (3101m), but it also opens knowledge of the distribution of sandstone and
the possibility of significantly deeper contacts. slate in Hugin reservoir in the area of Volve.
Uncertainty is considered to be +/- 12% of
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Page 19 Februar 2005
Table 3.7 - Uncertainty in Bo factor (m3/ Sm3)
Plan for utbygging og drift (HKPF)
karbonporefraksjonen av Volve correlated for Februar 2005
Bo 1.27 1.3 1.3 1.41 1.5
all zones and areas of the field (see Table 3.6). 65 85 5
Probability 5% 25 40 25% 5%
% %
Table 3.6 - Uncertainty in Hydrocarbon
Sensitivities have been studied to assess the
factors which contribute most to the
uncertainty image (Figure 3 -7). Overall, it is
possible for a deeper contact which is the most
Pore Fracture The uncertainty of the Bo factor important factor. This also applies to the Volvo
used for conversion of hydrocarbon pore structure in isolation, although the overall
volume to surface volume is shown in ttbell uncertainty here is less and the uncertainty in
3.7. Input is based on oil and gas analyzes seismic interpretation is relatively significant.
from 2 wells in the oil zone, and assessments Uncertainty in petrophysics, depth conversion
of how representative they are for the and factor is less important. For the prospects
structure. around Volve, there is also a great deal of
uncertainty about whether they contain oil or
not (risk factor).
4.1 Introduction
In the reservoir engineering work,has been used
a dynamic reservoir simulation modelbased on 4.2 Well
the geological and seismic survey established
testing Four well tests are performed on the
in 2002/03. The model has 14 layers of
Volve field. The main results of the oil
reservoir parameters in each layer based on
production tests are shown in Table 4.1.
petrophysical analysis of the three wells. The
Highest production rate was
top of the Volve reservoir is 2750 m below
1,358 Sm3/ d with a calculated productivity
average sea level (MHN). The reservoir
index of 142.5 Sm3/ d / bar and average
pressure is 340 bar at 3060 m MHN and the
permeability at 1300 md. This shows that the
reservoir temperature increases with the depth
re- gardoar has very good production
of 106 to 110°C. The oil / water contact
properties. A comprehensive interpretation of
(OVK) is set at 3120 m MHN. The oil has a
the production tests has been carried out to
varying gas / oil ratio (GOF) from 111 to 157
sup- plement the geological modeling of
Sm3/ Sm3 (corrected for process simulations)
volumes and rejections. The result of this work
and corresponding to Bo factor from 1.33 to
has been important in establishing the dynamic
1.45 m3/ Sm3. Based on fluid properties and
reservoir model.
test results, the reservoir is divided into two
non-communicating segments, with a northern
and a southern part.
Reservoiris collected during production tests most likelytwo systems and this
and main data is shown in tTable 4.2 . The is implemented in the reservoir
PVT propertiesindicate model.
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
4.5.3 Gasforecast
established. Maximum gas production is
supplyThroughout the production period, expected on plateau to be 1.2-1.3 MSm3/ d,
reservoir pressure is expected to be higher than see Figure 4.4.
the boiling point of the oil. This means that gas
production comes from dissolved gas and no Cumulative rich gas production is
free gas is estimated at 1.5 GSm3.
3 1
.2 3 1
5 1
6 p90
.1 2 1
80 snitt p10
.01 41 mi
5 2
.0 04 p50
6 ll
5 Å p90 kum snitt
r S kum p10 kum
m p50 kum
Table 4.5 - Results from uncertainty studies; reserves and production profile based on min. oil rate of 2100 Sm3 / d
In Table 4.6, the expected salesfrom Volve gas are being processed at Sleipner A and Kårstø.
Plan 4.6
Table for utbygging
- Expectedog driftproducts
sales av Volve from gas Februar 2005
Expected sales products from Volve gas
Year Dry NGL Condens Etan
gas ate
Mill Tonn Tonnes Tonn
Sm3 es es
2012 33 5015 2006 334
Total 2008 1338 80334 133
32 89
which in turn reduces the need for artificial
5.1 Introduction
The engineering challenges associated with Reservoir simulations show that the well
producing the oil in the Volve field are potential is in the range of 5000 Sm³ / di liquid
associated with high levels of Barium in the rate, calculations show that it is optimal to
formation water, high content of asphalt in install 7 "tubing. Minimum wellhead pressure is
the oil, and production of water from the 40 bar, while the maximum wellhead
Utsira formation using electric pumps, ESP temperature is estimated at approx. 100 degrees
(Electrical Submer- sible Pumps). Produced C.
water from the Utsira formation is used for
injection to avoid deposits.
5.3 Production
No wax deposits or hydrates are expected
under normal production conditions. Chemistry 5.3.1 Deposits
Hydrates can only be formed during Barium content in the formation water of Volve
plugging of the wells. is uncertain as there are no water samples from
The Hugin formation on the Volve field is a the Huginformationen. A water sample taken in
well-consolidated reservoir where there are well 15 / 9-19A from Sleipner formation
no special challenges associated with sand directly below the reservoir has a low content of
production. Utsira formation is slightly Barium, but the content of sulphatones is to an
consolidated, so it is planned with open-hole extent that suggests that the sample has been
displays. contaminated with seawater. Unpolluted water
samples from the Hugin formation in Sleipner
5.2 Well hydraulics West show very high concentrations of Barium
and Strontium. These samples are believed to be
The pressure in the reservoir must be
representative of the Volve field, see Table
maintained by water injection. For expected
5.1 for water analyzes.
well and reservoir performance, there is
therefore no need for artificial lifting, but gas
lift is still included to ensure start-up of wells
after maintenance. It is planned for deviated
wells in the reservoir, which results in a
relatively high productivity which maintains
a high borehole pressure,
Page 28
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Plan via
form for utbygging
drift av Volve
frame. Maximum Februar 2005
same capacity as theexport
export pressure from Volve is 100 bar on
1.5 Mm3/ d. Gas leakage can be used if
export to Sleipner A. This is based on the same
production decreases as a result of reduced
maximum production from the SLD wells and
pressure or increased water content in the
Volve and a 48-bar receiving pressure on
wells. The injection compressor therefore has
Sleipner A.slip
sufficient capacity for simultaneous gas lift
At productionon Sleipner A, the gas from and injection in the D-frame so that production
Volve injected via the D-bottom frame of the does not have to be thrown down at Sleipner
Ty reservoar. The maximum injection pressure A. production.
at the D-bottom frame is 155 bar. The
injection capability that is also used for gas lift
has thecompressor
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
6 Drilling and well technology
6.1 Introduction
drilling up to 13 wells. Additional possibility
It is planned to drill 3 oil wells, 3 water for 2 wells will be considered. The wells will
injection wells and 2 water production wells be drilled through a simplified bottom frame
for the Utsira formation. The well number is with 3 x 5 well slots. The minimum distance
determined from the reserve basis, drainage (center to center) between the wells will be 1.5
efficiency planned production platform and m.
water injection requirement.
The injectors are drilled with a deviation of 6.2 Drilling program
max. 30 degrees, while the producers are
drilled horizontally or with high deviations Drilling is scheduled to start year-end
through the reservoir. 2006/2007 and planned for the second quarter
of 2008.
The location of the drilling and production
facility relative to the reservoir is chosen Table 6.1 summarizes the wellbore.
based on minimizing the risk of ground gas, as Optimization of the drilling program,
well as achieving the easiest possible including wells and casing programs, will
wellbore. In addition, the location within the continue in close cooperation with reservoir
drilling range is for all identified prospects in engineer until completion of the single drilling
the area. A wellhead module will be placed on and completion program.
the outside of the platform during the drilling
tower. It will be facilitated with well slots and
manifolds for
The following casing isfor The water production wells of the Utsira
use on Volve: formulation are planned with 30 "and 13 3/8"
● 30 "casing lining pipes.
● 20" casing (in the oil wells)
● 13 3/8 "casing 6.2.1 Basic gas
● 10 ¾" x 9 5/8 "casing Based on data from the drilling site survey,
● 7" casing. basic gas assessments have been performed for
each specific wellbore. No evidence of gas was found in the area of the planned well
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve possible to find
locations. Februar 2005 XMT
pilot hole will wellhead
be drilled to solution.
investigate 30" csg sh,
200 m MD
6.3 Borek
cuttings are
planned to be
collected in
containers for
landing for
During the
planning phase,
efforts will be
made to obtain
an injection of
cuttings under
the Utsira
formation. This
will depend on
whether it is
Gas lift valve
completions are
Top Hugin res.
shown in figures 9 5/8" csg sh: 2870 m TV D/3300 0
3150 m MD
7" liner
6.4.1 Nedihulls kompletteringsutstyr TD 3080 m TV D/
4800 m MD
30" Conductor
Check valve
13 3/8" casing
Mud line
Utsira Fm
6.4.4 Borerigg
Bore og kompletteringsoperasjonene utføres
fra den valgte utbyggingsløsning med
plattformen Mærsk Inspirer. Denne platt-
formen har en utblåsningssikkerhetsventil som
er trykktestet til 1035 bar, noe som er mer enn
tilstrekkelig for Volve.
Plan forhulldiameter
Største utbygging og drift
Volve37¼” for boring Februar 2005
6.5 Tids- og kostnadsestimat
av øverste seksjon. Riggen er utstyrt med ett
toppdrev og tre regulære slampumper og er Tids- og kostnadsestimat baseres på tidligere
bygget for å kunne håndtere oljebasert bore- boreoperasjoner i området og øvrig relevant
slam for injeksjon. felterfaring. The cost estimates are based on
contract prices for renting Mærsk Inspirer in
drilling mode and drilling and production
6.4.5 Brønnkontroll og beredskap mode respectively.
Boring, komplettering og øvrig brønnvedlike- The drilling and completion costs include both
hold vil bli utført i henhold til Statoils etab- expected downtime, technical tolerance and
lerte prosedyrer og rutiner og i overensstem- waiting for weather. Time and cost time are
melse med myndighetskrav. shown in Table 6.2.
Alle bore- og kompletteringsoperasjoner vil
foregå med to uavhengige barrierer mot hyd-
rokarbonførende formasjoner.
Tabell 6.2 - Tids og kostnadsestimat for boring og komplettering, kostnader i MNOK 2005
I5 I10 I15 P5 P9 P2 UP1 UP2 Te Tota
kn l
Dager Boring 38 36 36 40 40 53 12,5 12,5 39 307
Dager komplettering 19 19 19 22 24 23 10 10 19 165
Installasjon av - - - - - - - - - 3
Totalt antall dager 57 55 55 62 64 76 22,5 22,5 58 475
Kostnad Boring [MNOK] 88 66 65 132 91 113 25 25 69 674
Kostnad 33 33 33 70 52 56 24 24 31 356
Installasjon av template - - - - - - - - - 6
Total Kostnad* 121 99 98 202 143 169 49 49 100 103
7.4.2 Produksjonsplattformen
Mærsk Inspirer er den andre i rekken av stable oil and rich gas. The platform will
Maersk Contractors nyeste generasjon av have dry wellhead and have the
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
oppjekkbare plattformer. It was built in possibility of drilling or well intervention
Korea and was completed in 2004. The throughout the production.
rig is designed for a maximum sea depth Prosessanlegget vil bli plassert ved siden
of 150 meters and will be installed on av boremodulen, se figur 7.1
Volve being jacked up 26 meters above Boligkvarteret er i likhet med
sea level. The rig is shaped like a like- helikopterdekk og livbåter plassert på
sided triangle with a check-in leg in each utsiden av det oppjekk- bare benet med
corner. The distance between each leg is størst avstand fra bore og pro-
about 70 meters. A process plant will be
installed to process the flow of bean to
Plan for utbygging
sessmodul. og drift tower
The flame av Volveis located on the Februar 2005
vannstrømmene fra hver separator. Produced
outside of the rig bone near the process water, together with water from the Utsira
module. formwork, will normally be reinjected in the
reservoir for pressure support. After cleaning
7.4.3 Prosessanlegg og hjelpesystemer for specification and gas removal, the water
can be dumped overboard if the water
Prosessanlegget vil inneholde systemer for injection system is down. Gas from degasses is
separasjon og oljestabilisering, anlegg for sent to torch.
brenselgass, kompresjonsmodul for gasseks-
port, produsert vannbehandling og vanninjek- Power generation occurs in two 50% "dual"
sjon. (See Figure 7.2) The separation system fuel gas turbine generators. Each generator has
consists of three separate stages; the first two the capability to supply all process consumers
is a three-phase separator and while the third except the ESP and water injection pumps. If
stage is a water separator. The pressure ratios one of the generators is down, the water
in the 1st and 2nd separator stages are 40 barg injection system can be operated by the
and 0.2 barg. There is a requirement of 5 generators in the booth module if any drilling
minutes minimum residence time for the oil activity is stopped. The drilling module has 4
due to strong oil / water emulsions. There are diesel generators.
heating possibilities upstream of the 2nd stage Øvrige hjelpesystemer inkluderer:
separator. Burn gas is taken from the first
● To 100 % sirkulasjonspumper varmemed-
separation stage. The fuel system has
ium og to 100% enheter for spillvarme-
possibilities for cooling, liquid deposition and
heating prior to distribution to consumers. The
● Ferskvannsanlegg, kapasitet: 20 m3/h
gas from other separate stages is compressed
to the first stage separator press and fed to the ● Sjøvannsannlegg, kapasitet 347 m3/h
export compressors together with the gas from ● Brannvann, kapasitet: 1000 m3/h
the first stage separator. ● Trykkluft, kontinuerlig kapasitet: 350 m3/h
En sentrifugalkompressor har kapasitet til å ● Dieselsystem
komprimere 1,5 MSm3/d gass fra et sugetrykk ● Hydraulikksystem
på 40 bara til et utløpstrykk på 100 bara. ● Nitrogensystem
Produsert vannbehandlingen vil bestå av dedi- ● Oversvømmelse, skum og halon system
kerte hydrosykloner og degassing tanker for for brannbeskyttelse
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Side 37
Plan for utbygging
7.4.9 og drift av Volve
Produksjonskjemikalier Februar 2005
Kjemikalieutslippet fra Volve vil dermed bli
Det vil bli lagt til rette for bruk av minimale. A normal chemical consumption
produksjonskjemikalier for å håndtere is expected on Volve compared with other
fluidmessige problemstillinger. Mixing of oil fields.
produced water and Utsira water for
injection may result in a deposition 7.4.10 Uttesting og oppstart
potential that will require injection of the
leakage inhibitor. Uttesting til havs og oppstart vil utføres av
Maersk Contractors og tekay for respektive
It is facilitated for injection of chemicals such plattform og lagerskip..
as emulsion breaker, asphalten inhibitor, wax
inhibitor, foam absorber, methanol, corrosion
7.5 Regularitet av produsert olje
inhibitor, biocide and flocculant. There will
most likely not be a need for continuous Regularitet av produsert olje er beregnet til ca
injection of all these chemicals, but the 96 % på prosessanlegget alene. The total
possibility of injection will be present. Oil- regularity analysis for the entire plant is
soluble chemicals will follow the oil product, estimated at 94%.
while water-soluble chemicals will follow
produced water that is injected back into the
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
8 Drift og Vedlikehold
8.1 Innledning
Statoil er operatør for Utvinningstillatelse 046. Statoils andrelinje beredskapssentral på
I henhold til samarbeidsavtalen ivaretar ope- Sandsli. All logistikkfunksjoner som helikop-
ratøren den daglige ledelse av den virksomhet tertransport og forsyningstjeneste vil også bli
som utføres i tilknytning til utvinningstillatel- ivaretatt av Statoil.
sen på vegne av eiergruppen. Management Existing supply bases and heliport terminal in
com- mittee is the supreme body in the Stavanger, already used in the Sleipner area,
ownership group and the operator performs his will also be used for Volve. Det skal også
duties in accordance with decisions in the tilrettelegges for effektivt sam- arbeid med
steering committee. Statoils øvrige enheter, andre ope- ratører i
området og eiere av produksjonsan- leggene.
8.2 Organisasjon og bemanning Kontraktørene Maersk Contractors og Teekay
Volve vil inngå i Statoils enhet for Undersø- vil utføre alle aktiviteter til havs i forbindelse
kelse og Produksjon, Norge (UPN) og etable- med operasjon av produksjonsanlegget, som
res innen eksisterende Sleipner driftsorganisa- prosessering, lagring, fiskalmåling og eksport,
sjonen. Organisasjonen vil ha ansvaret for alle samt ha nødvendige støttefunksjoner på land.
aktiviteter i tilknytning til drift og avslutning Driften vil bli gjennomført innenfor myndig-
av feltet. I driftsfasen vil organisasjonen om- heters regelverk og Statoils krav til helse,
fatte 12-16 personer. Driftsforberedelser og miljø og sikkerhet.
oppstart vil ferdigstilles i byggeprosjektet. Overvåking og kontroll av prosessanlegget og
Statoil, som operatør, vil normalt være tilstede andre funksjoner ombord vil skje fra sentralt
på feltet med kun én representant under pro- hovedkontrollrom. Normal driftsbemanning på
duksjon. Representanten ivaretar Statoil og plattformen er ca. 34 personer når boring er
øvrige rettighetshaveres interesser om at ope- avsluttet og normal driftsbemanning på lager-
rasjoner utføres på en effektiv, sikkerhetsmes- skipet er ca. 14 people.
sig og miljømessig forsvarlig måte
Ved boreoperasjoner, vil Statoil ha en større 8.4 Vedlikehold
organisasjon om bord samt flere representanter Utarbeidelse og styring av vedlikeholds- og
fra våre underleverandører. inspeksjonsprogrammer i tråd med etablerte
Kontraktørene vil bli tillagt stor grad av selv- prosedyrer hos Maersk Contractors og Teekay
stendighet med tilhørende delegering av an- skal sikre at anlegget imøtekommer operasjo-
svar og myndighet til å gjennomføre oppdra- nelle standarder i overensstemmelse med
get i henhold til kontrakten. Kontraktørene vil myndighets- og selskapskrav.
være hovedarbeidsgiver for eget og underleve- Vedlikeholds- og inspeksjonsaktiviteter skal
randørenes personell. baseres på funksjonskritikalitet vurdert mot
sikkerhet og miljø, produksjonsregularitet og
8.3 Drift av anleggene følgekostnader. Optimization of maintenance
and inspection programs is carried out to
Statoils landorganisasjon for Volve vil ta hånd
ensure that production targets are met. To
om oppgaver knyttet til driften av anleggene i
achieve this, a contract has been developed
samarbeid med kontraktørene. Contractors
between Statoil (on behalf of PL046) and
will be instructed by Statoil on production and
Maersk Contractors based on compensation
injection plans as part of the reservoir
format that rewards high operating regimes
management. All contact with authorities and
that depend on a high level of security.
partners will be carried out by Statoil.
Statoil will take responsibility for emergency
preparedness and oil protection. Volve vil bli
koblet opp mot
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
9 Helse, miljø og sikkerhet sursforvaltning
9.1 Innledning
Holdninger, aktiviteter og beslutninger på alle
nivåer i organisasjonen har innflytelse på
HMS, og HMS-styring er en integrert del av
aktivite- tene i prosjekt og driftsfasen. The
plans are to deliver a total production facility
(platform, export system, storage vessel) that
meets the authorities' HSE requirements and
specific operator requirements included in the
However, some deviations from government
requirements have been identified for the
already built facilities (platform and storage
vessel). The identified deviations are handled
in accordance with Statoil's procedures and
will be addressed to the Petroleum Safety
Authority Norway during the treatment period
for this PDO.
Requirements for security include protection
of human life and health as well as protection
of facilities, production, knowledge and
material values. Environmental protection
requirements include protection against
contamination of and unacceptable
interference in nature. HSE is taken into
account in all technical, economic, operational
and administrative activities both in Statoil
and at OIC. In connection with the
construction phase, contractors are required to
carry out various risk analyzes that may lead
to corrective measures.
If changes and updates of the chosen technical
solution are required, requirements for safety
and the environment will be emphasized
9.2 Målbeskrivelse
Den overordnede HMS-målsettingen for
utbyg- ging og drift av Volve er at
virksomheten ikke skal forårsake ulykker,
personskader, yrkesre- laterte sykdommer,
materielle tap eller skade på ytre miljø.
Følgende delmål er etablert:
• HMS skal integreres i all relevant
virksom- het, strategier og planer
• Iverksette målsetningen om null skader på
mennesker og miljø samt null ulykker eller
tap (“0-filosofien”)
• sikre kvalifisert personell og fornuftig res-
HSE program has been prepared and will be
updated and coordinated with the contractors HSE
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve
program. Then the program will beFebruar 2005
revised at
• sikre erfaringsoverføring og tett samarbeid different milestones in order to get a common
med tilsvarende prosjekter position on this in both the development and
• sikre god kommunikasjon mellom prosjektet operational phase.
og partnere/myndigheter There has been a requirement for the owner of the
• stille samme krav til våre leverandører som til facility at Volve to establish a separate HSE
Statoils egne ansatte. program. In addition, any subcontractors should
be able to document their own HSE management
9.3 Akseptkriterier og krav
system with activity list.
Den tekniske løsning er underlagt risikomessige
vurderinger og blir utformet/verifisert slik at 9.5 Sikkerhet
risikonivået tilfredsstiller Statoils og
myndighetenes akseptkriterier. 9.5.1 Prinsipper
Continuous efforts shall be made to develop Følgende prinsipper er lagt vekt på i sikkerhets-
solutions that will reduce the risk of personnel, arbeidet:
environment and material values beyond • Mærsk Inspirer er et nytt anlegg og det vil
acceptance criteria. fokuseres på å begrense risiko knyttet til
9.4 Styring av helse, miljø og sikkerhet • tekniske løsninger vil bli vurdert mot beste
Volve prosjektsjef har det overordnede ansvar for praksis innen sikkerhet
helse, miljø og sikkerhet i utbyggingfasen. An • systematisk bruk av risikoanalyser og
”ALARP” prinsipper i design
Side 40
9.5.4 Eksplosjon
• Plan for utbygging
bruk og drift av Volve
av forutsetninger fra risikoanalyser Februar 2005
En eksplosjonsanalyse basert på siste kunnskap
i driftsfasen om eksplosjoner med siste versjon av simule-
• fokus på høyrisikoaktiviteter og risiko- ringsverktøy vil bli utført.
9.5.5 Beredskap
9.5.2 Risikoanalyse
En beredskapsvurdering for Volve er gjennom-
I forberedelsesfasen har Volve prosjekt utført ført, men det vil bli utarbeidet en detaljert be-
en konseptrisikoanalyse, med hensikt å redskapsanalyse basert på scenarier fra TRA. The
synliggjøre risikoen tidlig i prosjektet. exact dimensioning of the accident tool on board
Resultater viser en gjennomsnitt FAR på feltet will be done according to the results of that
på 8,1, som er under Statoils akseptkriteriet på analysis and will meet the requirements of the
10. Det er beregnet at alle authorities and the operator.
hovedsikkerhetsfunksjoner tilfredsstiller 10-
kriterier. Konseptrisikoanalyse blir brukt som The field specific preparedness for handling any
hydrocarbon emissions to the sea will be
grunnlag for forbedring av risikobilde og
coordinated through NOFO with other fields in
foku- the area and at least according to recognized
sering på høy risiko aktiviteter i standards and will be concrete in further work.
modifikasjons- fasen.
Det blir utført en total risikoanalyse (TRA) 9.5.6 Sikkerhet i det videre arbeid
med følgende hovedformål: Oppfølging av resultater, forutsetninger og
• kartlegge risikonivået etter anbefalinger fra utførte inspeksjoner og analyser
modifikasjoner for Volve er blir en viktig aktivitet i den kommende modifi-
implementert kasjonsfasen. At the same time, detailed Hazop
• kartlegge hvilke elementer som bidrar studies will be carried out for the modifications,
mest til personellrisikoen ombord which must be seen in connection with existing
• kartlegge behov for modifikasjoner for å processes and design solutions. Prioriterte emner
tilfredsstille Statoils akseptkriterier er:
• sørge for at modifikasjoner som følge av • Utarbeidelse av total risikoanalysen, herun-
nye designkrav blir utformet på sikker- der en grundig vurdering av identifiserte fare-
hetsmessig optimal måte. og ulykkessituasjoner
• Utarbeidelse av beredskapsanalysen
The risk analysis will be updated in the • Gjennomføring av en detaljert evakuerings-
subsequent modification work. Spesielt vil studie
det bli fokusert på risikoreduserende tiltak • Detaljerte gjennomganger og modifikasjoner
når det gjelder: på eksisterende deteksjons-, nødavsteng-
- Beredskap og evakuering nings-, og brannvannsystem
- Brann og eksplosjon • Risiko- og beredskapsanalyse for boring av
- Forbedret deteksjon brønner
- Implementering av tennkildeutkopling • Gjennomgang av drift og vedlikeholdsruti- ner
- Plassering av nytt utstyr på sikkerhetskritiske utstyr
• Fokus på bruk av midlertidig utstyr
9.5.3 Sikkerhetsstrategier
Planlagte verifikasjonsaktiviteter og tekniske
Det er utarbeidet en brann- og eksplosjonsstra- gjennomganger vil bli prioritert for å sikre at alle
tegi, samt en evakuerings-, rømnings-, og red- krav blir møtt.
ningsstrategi med basis i de aktuelle fare- og
ulykkeshendelser. This should be updated to
include process module for modifications.
9.6Plan for utbygging og drift avi Volve
HMS aspekter forbindelse med minst Februar 2005
boring og komplettering
9.7 Arbeidsmiljø
9.7.1 Arbeidsmiljøvurderinger
Mærsk Inspirer er blitt nøye vurdert ut fra ar-
beidsmiljø aspekter. A conformity assessment
has been conducted against Mærsk Inovator,
which is the sister giant of Mærsk Inspirer
against the current regulations. De
arbeidsmiljøaspekter som blir spesielt fokusert
• støy og vibrasjoner
• adkomst og tilgjengelighet
• materialhåndtering og transport gater
• trapper og leidere
• ventilasjon og luftkvalitet
• arbeids- og oppholdsområder
Tabell 9.3 - Planlagt utslipp av vannbasert borevæske og kaks boret med vannbasert borevæske (m 3)
Tabell 12.3 - Leiekostnader til kontraktor pr. fat oljeekvivalenter (ikke inflasjonsjustert)
Leie av 55 55 -65 65 -75 75 -85 deretter
prosessanle millioner fat millioner fat millioner fat millioner fat
gg oe oe oe oe
2,75 USD 2,25 USD 2,0 USD 1,75 USD 1,50 USD
nom/fat oe nom/fat oe nom/fat oe nom/fat oe nom/fat oe
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve merte kostnader som vil påløpe forFebruar 2005
å demobi-
12.1.3 Operatørens driftskostnader lisere produksjonsinnretning og sikre brønn-
Følgende driftskostnader vil måtte dekkes av ene er vist i tabell 12.5.
Volve eierne i tillegg til leiekostnadene til
Table 12.5 - Removal and plugging costs
kontraktør, se tabell 12.4.
Removal and plugging costs Mill. NOK 2005
Tabell 12.4 - Operatørens årlige driftskostnad ved Fjerning av Jack-up/ FSU/Stigerør 51
platårate / rørledninger
Plugging av brønner 92
Driftskostnader pr. 12. mnd produksjon i mill
NOK 2005 Totalt 143
Logistikk (helikopter, forsyning etc.) 31
Operatørens driftsorganisasjon 37 12.1.5 Kostnadsprofil til de økonomiske
Produksjonskjemikalier 12 beregninger
Brønn intervensjonskostnader 27 Estimert inntekstprofil er basert på 94 % re-
Co – avgift / Nox avgift 19 gularitet. Utgiftene er antatt med samme re-
Diverse 29 gularitet, men dag raten er inkludert med 365
Sum 1 dager pr. year. Total costs per year are
5 presented in Table 12.6.
*) Utgiftene før skatt er høyere enn inntektene før skatt i mai måned 2012. Utgiftene i tabell
12.6 i 2012 er derfor kun 5 måneders driftstid.
Plan for utbygging
12.2 Økonomiskeog driftanalyser
av Volve Februar 2005
Forventet oljepris Brent blend USD/fat 22
Lav prisbane USD/fat 2004 15
"Forward" prisbane USD/fat nom. pr. 15.12.04 35 gjennomsnitt
Pris-straff for Volve olje USD/fat 2004 3,3
Valutakurs NOK/USD 6,75
Inflasjon Norge og USA 2,5 %
Produksjonsstart mars 2007
12.2.4 Kontantstrømsprofil
12.2.3 Nullpunktsprisen
Prosjektets kontantstrøm før skatt er
Nullpunktsprisen (NPP) både 7% før skatt og vist i figur 12.1.
8% etter skatt er beregnet til 17,50 USD/fat
Before the project has been producing for
2004 for Brent Blend kvalitet.
one year, estimated cash flow is positive
(early 2007). This is due to rapid
development and that the cost of renting a
platform and storage vessel does not start
before production commences.
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Før Etter
skatt skatt
NV NV 8%
Volve med forventet oljepris på 18,7 USD/fat 2534 443
P90 produksjons profil 1520 203
P10 produksjons profil 3677 718
Investerings kostnader + 300 Mill. NOK 2247 359
Investerings kostnader - 300 Mill. NOK 2822 526
2 ekstra brønner 2295 373
Prisbane 15 USD/fat brent blend -211 -233
Prisbane 35 USD/fat Brent blend gj. snitt 5565 1196
Plan for 15.12.04
utbygging og drift av Volve Februar 2005
Side 51
13Plan for utbygging og drift av Volve
Områdevurdering Februar 2005
13.1 Innledning
fellen er dessuten avhengig av forkastnings-
Volve har potensielle tilleggsvolumer i nær- forsegling. There are also opportunities for
liggende strukturer som ligger både innenfor segmentation of the structure, so exploration
og utenfor Volve definert område, ref figur must be taken step by step, while there must
1.2. Availability of drilling and processing be great focus on exploration and appraisal
equipment at Volve allows for cost-effective wells as a producer or injector wells.
exploration, refinement and production of oil
in these structures. Further exploration is West of Volve and Volve South,
assumed to be done late in the drilling phase Huginforeningen is mapped in a number of
or while the platform produces on plateau so smaller and partly rotated rejection blocks.
that additional volumes can be phased in when The presence of oil here depends on an oil /
there is free capacity. water contact that is significantly deeper than
what has been observed so far. The probability
Volve's development plan has only included of detection is therefore relatively low. The
production and costs related to proven oil, possibility of a deep contact can be delimited
exploration costs are excluded from the using a sidestep on the injector well in the
development plan. west. Given findings, 4-6 wells will need to
develop the western prospects.
13.2 Tilleggsvolumer og avgrensnings- In the western part of Volve, the structure of
strategi high amplitude seismic reflectors is plotted
I denne dokumentasjon er det bare tatt med internally in the Upper Jura package.
olje prospekter og ”leads” i borbar avstand fra Somewhat similar is seen west on the Lok
Volve installasjonen, se tabell og figur 13.1 Structure, where the well 15/9-C-2AH has
Volve Sør er en liten, men veldefinert struktu- demonstrated the presence of porous sandstone
rell høyde mellom Volve og Sleipner Øst. internally in the Draupne formation. The
There is a high likelihood of further migration migration of oil from the source area is also
of oil from Volve into Volve South so that the dependent on being able to take place in layers
probability is relatively high. Given of sandstone internally in the Draupne
foundations, the structure can be expanded formation. There is, therefore, some likelihood
with a manufacturer and an injector. The most that the amplitudes in the west represent oil-
obvious thing is to drill a dedicated filled sandstone, but it has not been possible to
exploration well from Volve with the produce a satisfactory mapping and therefore
opportunity to complete the well as a no volume is also calculated for this
manufacturer, given findings. prospectus. Upper Jurassic prospectivity is
assumed to be delineated in the same side-step
Theta South is a structure of the size of Volve. as mentioned above.
Det er betydelig usikkerhet knyttet til
muligheten for migrasjon inn i strukturen og
Loke Loke”
Bunn Hugin
Olje prospekter
og ”leads”