Usage of Plastic Carry Bags and Impact On Environment, in Mumbai
Usage of Plastic Carry Bags and Impact On Environment, in Mumbai
Usage of Plastic Carry Bags and Impact On Environment, in Mumbai
Plastic bags have been introduced in 1970’s decade and it gained a huge popularity amongst
consumers and retailers. Usage of plastic carry bags causes a serious environmental problem. In 1950
Mumbai ranked as a 17th, populous country in the world, where as currently Mumbai is the 7th most
populous mega city in the world. With the increasing population number of shopping malls, markets,
retailers, vegetable vendors are also increasing. Thus to carry goods usage of plastic carry bags have
drastically increased. Survey conducted to know the using and re-using pattern of plastic bags among
the consumers and how much they are aware about the impact of plastic bag usage on environment.
The findings of the survey indicate that irrespective of sex, age, educational qualification and
profession majority of the respondents use plastic bags in their daily life activities and all are aware
about the usage of plastic bag and its negative impact on environment. To control the environmental
damages by the using and disposal of plastic bag Government can take stricter action as well as can
conduct awareness programme.
Keywords: Plastic Bags; Consumer; Disposal; Environment; Damage
In Mumbai the quantum of solid waste is ever increasing due to increase in population, developmental
activities, changes in life style, and socio-economic conditions. Plastics waste is a significant portion
of the total municipal solid waste (MSW). Inspite of their short history plastic gained a wide popularity
in our day to day life because of its light weight, carrying strength, easily controllable, cheaper price
and outstanding durability. In India, the share of plastic waste in total solid is raised from 0.6% in 1996
to 9.2% in 2005 (World Bank, 2008). Over 50% of this waste comprises used plastic bags and
packaging (TERI, 2002). It is estimated that in Mumbai approximately 8,000 metric tons of garbage
generates per day.
Four per cent of this garbage comprises plastic. But despite having special intensified checks in the
city, the plastic pollution has been soaring year after year.
Plastic is non biodegradable in nature, it remains in environment for several years. Plastic bags are
made from non-renewable resources, where the key ingredients are petroleum and natural gas.
Polyethylene - High Density, Low Density, linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) are the raw
materials widely used for the manufacture of plastic bags. The shopping bags used by supermarkets
are mainly produced out of LLDPE (Linear low-density polyethylene) to get the desired thickness and
glossy look. For the thin bags LDPE (low-density polyethylene) mainly used. Disposing plastic bags
has an impact on soil and ground water due to its toxic chemical substances. Plastic waste became a
major problem for the civic authorities in Mumbai due to the littering habits and inadequate waste
management system. It has been observed in the city that large amount of plastic wastes are fails to