BB AD STAT by Raju
BB AD STAT by Raju
BB AD STAT by Raju
::Basic Statistics::
Q:: Define Statistics. Write down its importance & scope and mention its
Statistics: Statistics as subject is barely a century old. R.A Fisher is known as the
father of modern Statistics. Statistics is a branch of knowledge which deals with
collection, classification, summarization, presentation and analysis of data in any
field of inquiry.
Meaning of Statistics: The word ―statistics‖ seems to have obtained from the
Latin word ―Status‖ or the Italian word ―Statista‖ or the German word ―Statistik‖
or French word ―Statistique‖ each of which means ―Political State‖. In ancient time
the government used to collect information about total population, land, wealth,
total number of employees, soldiers etc. to have the idea of the manpower of the
country for formation of administrative set up, fiscal, new taxes, levies and military
policies of the government.
i. Statistics as a singular
ii. Statistics as a plural
iii. Statistics as a plural of Statistic.
Function of Statistics:
In modern times, Statistics is viewed not as a mere device for collecting numerical
data but as a means of developing sound techniques for their handling and analysis
and drawing valid inferences from them.
Limitation of Statistics:
2. Statistics does not study individuals: Individual items, taken separately, do not
constitute statistical data and are meaningless for statistical enquiry. Hence,
Statistical analysis is suited to only those problems where group of characteristics
are to be studied.
3. Statistical laws are not exact: On the basis of statistical analysis we can talk only
in terms of probability and chance and not in terms of certainty. Statistical
conclusions are not universally true-they are true only on an average.
…. ….
Q:: What is Frequency Distribution ? Construction of a frequency distribution
from a raw data set.
1. Find out range by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value of
the variable x.
2. The number of class interval should not be too large or too small, usually
it lies between 5 to 20, corresponding the practical situation. Having
fixed the no of classes, divide the range by it and nearest integer to the
value gives the length of class interval. The class interval should be
exhaustive, mutually exclusive and usually of equal length.
3. The table will have three columns having names- class interval, tally
marks and frequency. The first class interval will start with the smallest
value and continue until the interval with the highest value of the given
series of data is reached.
4. Give tick marks to each of the values of the original table of raw data
and put tally marks against the appropriate class interval.
5. Count the number of tally marks corresponding to each class interval
and write the result in the respective frequency column.
…. ….
Q:: What do you mean by Measure of Central Tendency ?
1. Arithmatic mean
2. Geometric mean
3. Harmonic mean
4. Median
5. Mode
…. ….
a. Absolute measure
1. Range
2. Quartile deviation
3. Standard deviation
4. Mean deviation
b. Relative measure
1. Co-efficient of quartile deviation
2. Co-efficient of mean deviation
3. Co-efficient of variation
Dispersion tells us how compactly the individual values are distributed around the
central values. Dispersion of a single variable might not bear that much meaning,
while comparison of dispersion of two sets of variables is more useful for taking
decision. Measure of central location gives us an idea of the concentration of the
observations about the central value of the distribution. It is equally important to
know how the observations of the variate cluster around or dispersed away from
the central value of the distribution. . Measure of dispersion give the degree of
scatterness about the central location and thus giving measure of variability or lack
of homogeneity of the data.
…. ….
X 2
Y 2
2 2
Index Number: Index number is a pure number which measures the relative
change of price or quantity or value of a commodity or a group of commodities of
a particular year called current year with respect to some standard year called base
Simple Random Sampling: Simple random sampling refers to the sampling
technique in which each and every item of the population has an equal chance of
being included in the sample. Thus simple random sampling is a method of
selecting n units out of a population size N units assigning equal probability of all
…. ….
A. Randomization
B. Replication
C. Error Control
Replication: The repetition of the treatments under investigation to more than one
experimental plot is known as replication. Replication is necessary to increase the
accuracy of the estimates. The numbers of replications depend on the expenditure
and the degrees of precision.
Error Control: Though every experiment would provide an estimate of error
variance, it is not describe to have a large experimental error. The measures of
reducing the error variance are usually called error control or local control.
…. ….
Q:: What is index number ? Why Fisher‘s index is called the ideal index number ?
What do you mean by Cost of living index number ?
Index Number: Index number is a pure number which measures the relative
change of price or quantity or value of a commodity or a group of commodities of
a particular year called current year with respect to some standard year called base
Laspeyere’s price index: In this method base year quantities are taken as weights.
A German Economists Laspeyere suggest this formula in1817. The formula is,
Fisher’s price index: The Fisher‘s price index is the geometric mean of
Laspeyere‘s and Paasche‘s price indices. This formula was first used by Fisher in
1920. The formula is,
∑ ∑
∑ ∑
Fisher’s index is called the ideal index because of the following reasons:
Cost of living index number: The consumer price index, also known as cost of
living index or retail price index is constructed to study the effect of changes in the
prices of a basket of goods and services on the purchasing power of a particular
group of people during current period as compared with some base period. Change
in the cost of living of an individual between two periods means the change in his
money that will be needed for him to maintain the same standard of living in both
periods. Thus the cost of living index numbers are intended to measure the average
increase in the cost of maintain the same standard of living in in a given year as in
the base year. Cost of living index numbers are therefore, compiled to get a
measure of the general price movement of the commodities consumed by a
different classes of people.
Family Budget Method: In this method the family budget of a large number of
people, for whom the index is to be constructed, are cautiously studied, then
aggregate expenditure of an average family on various items is estimated. These
values constitute the weights. Mathematically, consumer price index in this method
is, ∑
Where, P‘s are the price relatives, that means and V is the value
weight that means .
…. ….
Q:: What is time series analysis ? Describe the components of time series analysis.
Also describe Mathematical models for time series analysis.
1. Secular trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical fluctuation
4. Irregular variation
Seasonal Variation: Seasonal variations are like cycles, but they occur over
short and repetitive calendar periods. By seasonal variation we mean a periodic
movement that repeats itself with remarkable similarity at a regular interval of
time. Seasonal variation arises as va result of natural changes in the seasons
during the year.
There are two mathematical models, which are commonly used for the
decomposition of a time series into different components. These are:
i. Multiplicative model.
ii. Additive model
Also, according to additive model a time series is the sum of its four components.
…. ….
Q:: Write down the theorem of Total Probabilities and Bayes theorem.
Bayes Theorem:
Example: Let, three coins are tossed. Then, the event ―heads on the first coin‖ and
the event ―tails on the last two‖ may be independent.
…. ….
Q:: Write down the additive law and multiplicative law of probability.
∑ ∑ [ ]
Proof: We‘ve .
∑ ∑ [ ]
⁄ ⁄
It follows that, ⁄
It follows that, ⁄
⁄ ⁄
⁄ and ⁄
Hence, .
…. ...
Q:: What do you mean by Binomial Experiment ? Find the Mean and Variance of
Binomial distribution.
( )
Now, ∑
∑ ( )
Here, ∑
∑ ( )
…. ….
Q:: Derive Poisson distribution from Binomial distribution. Find its mean and
( ) ( )
Which is probability function of poisson distribution.
We know that,
Here, ∑
…. ….
Statement: The expected value of the sum of two functions of a random variable x
and y is the sum of the expected values of the functions, that is,
Proof: Let, x and y are two random variables which can take values
and with corresponding probabilities and
respectively. Then,
∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑
Proof: Let, x and y are two random variables which can take values
and with corresponding probabilities and
respectively. Then,
∑ ∑
…. ….
Q:: State classical linear regression model (CLRM) and also state briefly its
important properties.
Ans:: The model which follows the following ten assumptions is known CLRM.
…. ….
Q:: What is multicolinearity ? Describe any method to detect multicolinearity.
Types of Multicolinearity:
a. Perfect/Exact multicolinearity
b. Near/less than perfect multicolinearity
get the values of which are known as eigen values. Now we‘ve, √ .
After calculating CI, if we get 10≤CI≤30, then we can conclude there is moderate
multicolinearity. And if CI≥30, we can conclude there is severe multicolinearity.
…. ….
Q:: What are the consequences of multicolinearity ? What remedial measures can
be taken to alleviate the problem of multicolinearity ?
1. Although BLUE, the OLS estimators have large variances and covariances,
making precise estimation difficult.
2. Because of consequence-1, the confidence interval tend to be much wider.
3. Also because of consequence-1, the t-ratio tends to be statistically
4. Because of consequence-3, the overall measures of goodness of fit can be
very high.
5. The OLS estimators and their standard errors can be sensitive to small
changes in the data.
Remedial measures:
…. ….
Q:: Discuss Farrar-Glaubu test for detecting multicolinearity ?
Farrar-Glaubu test: F-G used three test statistic for detecting multicolinearity.
(a). -test: Let us consider thecdeterminant of X‘s in thw two variable models-
∑ ∑
| |
∑ ∑
(√∑ √∑ ) √∑
(b). F-test:
Test statistic: .
(c). t-test:
Test statistic: .
…. ….
Q:: What is Auto Correlation ? Describe the sources of Auto Correlation.
One of the basic assumption of this model is that the error terms U t‘s are mutually
independent or uncorrelated i.e., But this assumption may not
be valid in case of time series or cross sectional data. Such type of invalidity is
known as auto correlation problem.
…. ….
Q:: What are the consequences of auto correlation ? What remedial measures can
be taken to alleviate the problem of auto correlation ?
Consequence of AC:
1. When U‘s are serially correlated then the LSE are unbiased.
2. The OLS variance is greater than the variances of estimates.
3. The LSE‘s are consistent though U‘s are autocorrelated.
4. But the LSE‘s aren‘t efficient.
5. Zero order AC coefficient is always unity.
6. The usual t and F test of significance are no longer valid.
7. Over estimation of R2.
Remedial measures:
…. ….
Q:: Describe a procedure to detect auto correlation ?
n2 = no of negative symbols.
k = no of runs
n = n1 + n2
1. Under the null hypothesis that successive outcomes are independent and
assuming that n1>10 and n2>10. The no of runs is distributed normally with,
b. ( )
b. ( )
Consequence of Heteroscedasticity:
Remedial measures:
a. When is known
b. When is unknown
Note: Spearman Rank Correlation test and Goldfeld-Quandt test are used to test
the heteroscedasticity. And Weighted Least Square Method (WLS) is used to
obtain parameters if there exists heteroscedasticity in any regression model.
…. ….
Q:: Explain why you want to start your career as a banker/ as a banker of BB ?
Q::Bangladesh Bank should accept equal number of male and female employees in
every department. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?
End of Part-1