DOI: 10.1002/bse.2047
Birkbeck College, Department of
Management, University of London, UK Abstract
Russell Investments, London, UK We investigate whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) transparency, the extent of
Correspondence ESG disclosure, has an impact on firm value. Reducing investors’ information symmetry and
Ellen Pei‐yi Yu, Birkbeck College, Department agency costs is the mechanism by which better ESG transparency potentially impacts firm value.
of Management, University of London, Malet Using Bloomberg ESG disclosure scores to assess a firm's ESG transparency, we look at a sample
Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX, UK.
of 1996 large cap companies across 47 developed and emerging countries and territories. Our
Email: [email protected]; peiyi_yu@ymail.
com empirical analyses suggest that the benefits from ESG disclosure outweigh their costs for the
average listed firm. We find supporting evidence for greater disclosure of ESG issues boosting
firm valuation measures, such as Tobin's Q. Furthermore, our results suggest that firms with
greater asset size, better liquidity, higher R&D intensity, fewer insider holdings and good past
financial performance will be more transparent in ESG issues.
1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N & Phillips, 2001; King & Lenox, 2000; Margolis & Walsh, 2003; Ruf,
Muralidhar, & Paul, 1998). Some scholars study whether ESG criteria
There has been rapidly growing interest in environmental, social and can be viewed as a potential key factor for investment success
governance (ESG) issues from individual shareholders, institutional (Richardson, 2009), and whether shareholders prefer to invest in firms
investors, governments, local communities, employees and suppliers with a better corporate social response (CSR) image, which may result
over the past 10 years (Escrig‐Olmedo, Muñoz‐Torres, & Fernández‐ in better financial performances (De Bakker, Groenewegen, & Den
Izquierdo, 2013; Hill, Ainscough, Shank, & Manullang, 2007). The Hond, 2005; Margolis & Walsh, 2003). However, there is little research
Governance and Accountability Institute (2017) shows that 82% of that focuses on a firm's ESG transparency and the quantity of ESG
S&P 500 companies had embraced sustainability reporting in 2017, disclosure. To fill this gap, our analysis is based on data related to the
while this was the case for only 53% of S&P 500 companies in extent of ESG disclosure, rather than firms’ actual performance on
2012. An interesting example is provided by how investors are ahead ESG issues. We first examine how listed‐firms’ ESG transparency can
of ESG issues. FTSE Russell ruled out the addition of zero voting impact their performance. We then perform supplementary analyses
rights stocks because of concerns raised by shareholders. to model the determinants of ESG transparency.
Consequently, the investment management industry is starting to In this study, we use the Bloomberg ESG disclosure score to assess
accommodate ESG issues. Meanwhile, to respond to growing firms’ transparency. Bloomberg compiles ESG data on publicly listed
stakeholder interest in ESG data, rating agencies (i.e., MSCI, companies globally from published disclosure and news items, and
Thomson Reuters Asset4 rating agency), financial information pro- turns it into a single number. More precisely, the Bloomberg ESG dis-
viders (i.e., Bloomberg) and firms also report ESG data, which stands closure scores measure the amount of ESG disclosure data a company
for environmental (total greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous waste, reports publicly, but does not measure the company's actual ESG per-
environmental fines, etc.), social (the percentage of employee turn- formance. Zero to 100 is the range of the Bloomberg ESG disclosure
over, community spending, etc.) and governance data (board duration, score, which shows that the higher the disclosure score, the more
political donations, etc.). information is disclosed.
The ESG literature has focused on measures of corporate ESG per- We investigate ESG transparency over time and across countries.
formance and their link to financial performance (Eccles, Herz, Keegan, The sample components of this study are selected from the MSCI All
Bus Strat Env. 2018;27:987–1004. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment 987
988 YU ET AL.
Country World Index (ACWI). We show empirically that ESG transpar- economy by setting requirements for mandatory emission measure-
ency significantly influences firms’ Tobin's Q, and confirm that there is ment and reporting. Overall, the level of mandatory ESG disclosure is
a nonlinear relationship between ESG transparency and Tobin's Q. Our growing, which may be interpreted as a sign of the increasing impor-
empirical results can be interpreted as supporting evidence for pro- tance of ESG transparency.
moting ESG transparency. The implications of this study are significant.
We provide the following recommendations related to ESG transpar- 2.1.2 | ESG voluntary disclosure
ency. Firms are encouraged to report ESG data together with the Mandatory ESG disclosure dominates, but the growth in voluntary dis-
financial information that they are required to report to shareholders. closure is also strong. Companies in the European Union (EU) are
We recommend investors pay more attention to ESG transparency adapting to the EU Non‐Financial Reporting Directive issued in 2014,
along with traditional financial statements, and to support firms to although the directive does not specify standards that firms should fol-
increase the quantity of ESG disclosure. low in disclosing relevant information, such as environmental matters,
The remainder of our paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, human rights or board diversity. However, Germany is an exception.
we present the current development of ESG disclosure and the The German Sustainability Code, which was issued in 2011 as a volun-
responses to ESG transparency by relevant stakeholder parties. In Sec- tary guidance and can be furnished using a template, features 20 indi-
tion 3, we describe our data and research design. We present the cators of sustainability performance aligned with the Global Reporting
empirical results in Section 4. Finally, we summarize and conclude in Initiative (GRI) Guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
Section 5. principles and the OECD guidelines for multinational companies. In
2011, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India proposed a guid-
ance note on nonfinancial disclosure to help firms to voluntarily make
2 | R E S P O N S E S T O T RA N S P A R E N C Y I N E S G appropriate disclosures beyond the narrow focus of financial informa-
ISSUES tion disclosure.
which cover asset owners, investment managers and service providers. conducted on ESG transparency and its impact on firm value. This sec-
Corporate reporting organizations that are independent and nonprofit tion describes the research design and hypotheses used in our investi-
also have an impact on ESG disclosure. For instance, the Sustainability gation along with the relevant literature. Our first task is to establish
Accounting Standards Board (SASB) develops and propagates sustain- whether a firm's transparency in ESG issues can influence its value.
ability accounting standards. The GRI is a similar independent organiza- We assume that all firms are concerned with maximizing firm value.
tion that helps relevant stakeholder parties to understand their impact Furthermore, we seek to model and examine the determinants of
on issues such as climate change, corruption and human rights. The SASB ESG disclosure.
and GRI Guidelines are often adopted for sustainability reports. Overall,
those corporate reporting organizations work toward making disclosure 3.1 | Firm's ESG transparency and firm value
comparable and decision‐useful for investors.
Will companies’ choice of ESG disclosure level influence firm value? To
answer this research question, we start with a brief review of the
2.2.3 | Independent sources
studies that focus on disclosure benefits and costs.
Several independent sources supply ESG data. Avetisyan and Hockerts
Eccles et al. (2014) find that high sustainability firms, which are
(2017) document how ESG rating agencies, such as EIRIS Foundation,
more long‐term oriented, have superior ESG measurement and better
Morgan Stanley Capital International, Vigeo and Sustainable Asset
disclosure practices. Other researchers (Galbreath, 2013; Margolis &
Management, provide data on the social performance of firms. Data
Walsh, 2003) document that firms with better ESG transparency are
on the impact of environmental performance of listed US firms is com-
more likely to obtain capital at a lower cost because of a better oper-
piled by investor research firms, such as KLD Research & Analytics,
ational reputation, resulting in lower reputational risk. Cheng, Ioannou,
Ceres, Trucost, the Standard and Poor's Corporation‐Newsweek.
and Serafeim (2014) document that firms with better ESG actual per-
Moreover, provides a Reputation Score based
formance‐related scores can benefit from lower capital constraints.
on an opinion survey of CSR professionals, academics and other envi-
Serafeim and Grewal (2017) suggest that nonfinancial information
ronmental experts. Overall, there has been a trend toward specialized
can be used to predict expected future financial performance of the
ESG rating agencies (Delmas & Blass, 2010; Koellner, Weber, Fenchel,
firm. Bank of America Merrill Lynch (2017) find that ESG‐based
& Scholz, 2005; Lai, Melloni, & Stacchezzini, 2016).
investing would have helped investors avoid 90% of bankruptcies in
the time frame they examined. Conversely, some scholars argue that
2.2.4 | Capital market stakeholders
there is a significant cost associated with the levels of ESG disclosure.
Norges Bank Investment Management, who manage the world's larg- For instance, Aggarwal and Dow (2012) suggest that a firm's physical
est sovereign wealth fund, can be viewed as an example of how insti- assets can be treated as the direct costs associated with regulatory
tutional investors respond to ESG issues. The Norwegian fund set compliance to reduce GHG emissions. Hainmueller and Hiscox (2012)
investment criteria focusing on three areas: climate change, water document that customers are less willing to pay a premium for green
and children's rights. By doing so, investors can place pressure on their products and services in price‐sensitive market segments. Mattoo,
target investing firms—and incentivize the managers to improve their Subramanian, van der Mensbrugghe, and He (2009) suggest that inter-
ESG disclosure and actual ESG performance. national trade makes it possible to seek and take advantage of less
expensive climate change regulation regimes.
2.2.5 | Individual firms The relevant literature review leads to the development of our
Slager, Gond, and Moon (2012) document that more companies are research design. By modeling the following four estimating equations,
beginning to value their ESG ratings and communicate with interested we assess how value‐maximizing firms shape their responses in ESG
parties about ESG issues both internally and externally. Firms are transparency issues. We predict that rational managers aim to balance
becoming more sophisticated in their communications with the public the disclosure benefits and the disclosure costs by finding the optimal
regarding ESG issues (Hockerts & Moir, 2004; Vandekerckhove, Leys, ESG disclosure level. Our model below explains why an increase of
& Van Braeckel, 2008). Eccles, Ioannou, and Serafeim (2014) suggest ESG disclosure degree beyond a certain level may deteriorate firm per-
that because high sustainability firms are more long‐term oriented, formance rather than enhance it.
they are more likely to attract long‐term investors. There has also been We start with Equation (1), which posits that the firm's perfor-
a trend that firms report information to stakeholders beyond just mance TPt is a positive function of x, measured here at the disclosure
shareholders. Corporation operations affect not only communities level of ESG. We assume ESG disclosure level can enhance firm's total
but also the natural environments in which they operate. For instance, performance.
Shell was reported to be responsible for over 20 pollution accidents in
British waters in 2013. TPT ¼ α þ αxr : (1)
TPEF ¼ −bxt ; (2) to assess a publicly listed company's transparency. The higher the dis-
closure score, the more nonfinancial information is disclosed.
where b > 0 and t > 0.
We are also interested in examining whether a firm's environ-
The overall impact of ESG disclosure on the firm's performance is
mental disclosure level has an impact on its Tobin's Q. Using a similar
the sum of these two equations, where axr represents the positive
methodology, the Bloomberg environmental disclosure score is
impact proposed by Equation (1) and −bxt represents the negative
compiled based on the extent of a company's environmental disclo-
impact proposed by Equation (2):
sure. The range of the Bloomberg environmental disclosure score is
between 0.1 and 100. Each data point is weighted according to its
TPðxÞ ¼ α þ TPT ðxÞ−TPEF ðxÞ ¼ α þ αxr −bxt (3)
Based on Equation (3), the values of a, b, r and t determine the
shape of the function of the firm's performance. A linear relationship 3.1.2 | R&D intensity – indicator of the agency and moni-
will only exist if r = t = 1. However, if r < t, an inverse U‐shaped toring costs
relationship will be formed. Otherwise, if r > t, the function of company If a firm is more transparent than its peers, its shareholders and
performance will be U‐shaped. The three equations discussed above stakeholders may have a greater ability to monitor the managerial
allow for potential nonlinearities in the relationship between ESG team. Smith and Watts (1992) state that agency costs and moral
disclosure and firm performance. hazard problems are likely to occur in firms with high growth
Therefore, we include a linear term for ESG disclosure, and the opportunities. Cheng et al. (2014) document that to increase ESG
quadratic term “ESG disclosure2” in Equation (4). Following previous disclosure can reduce information symmetry and agency costs by
studies (Aggarwal & Dow, 2012; Bebchuk, Cohen, & Ferrell, 2009; enhancing stakeholder engagement. Miller and Reisel (2012) and
Lang & Stulz, 1994; Lee, Lev, & Yeo, 2008; Shleifer & Vishny, 1997), Zhu and Cai (2014) also suggest that legal protection and accounting
we measure the firm's long‐term value by Tobin's Q. Equation (4) is disclosure requirements are likely to decrease information asymmetry
given as: between the principal and the agent. By following previous studies
(Himmelberg, Hubbard, & Palia, 1999; Lee et al., 2008), we measure
ðIndustry−adjusted Tobin QÞ ¼ a0 þ a1* ðadjusted ESG disclosureÞ (4)
the agency and monitoring costs by using the variable of R&D inten-
þa2* ðadjusted ESG disclosureÞ2 þ a3* logðfirm sizeÞ
sity. We include R&D intensity in Equation (4). We assume that R&D
þa4* ðadjusted leverage ratioÞ þ a5* ðliquidity ratioÞ
intensity is likely to be positively associated with the agency cost
þa6* ðGDP per capita based on PPPÞ þ a7* ðR&D intensityÞ related to managerial monitoring for firms that are difficult to
þa8* ðpercentage of independent directorsÞ monitor. Based on agency proxies, we can examine whether more
þa9 ðinstitutional ownershipÞ þ εðresidualÞ transparency in ESG issues can reduce agency costs associated with
moral hazard problems and information asymmetry between princi-
*where we include the key variables (ESG), (ESG)2, and control
pals and agents.
variables that have been shown to have an association with Tobin's
Finally, our discussion in 3.1 leads to Hypotheses 1(a) and 1(b):
Q. The definitions for all variables in Equation (4) are shown in
Table 1. Hypothesis 1 (a): We assume that the association
Table 1 presents the definition and our estimation methods for all between a firm's performance and its ESG disclosure is
variables in this study. conditional on agency costs and governance structures. A
publicly listed company's transparency in ESG issues can
3.1.1 |ESG disclosure and environmental disclosure – impact its Tobin's Q. We predict that the relationship
indicator of firm transparency between firm performance and ESG disclosure is not linear.
In this study, we focus on firm transparency rather than the firm's
Hypothesis 1 (b): We assume that the association
actual performance in ESG issues. We identify the Bloomberg ESG dis-
between a firm's performance and its environmental dis-
closure score as an appropriate indicator to measure firms’ transpar-
closure is conditional on agency costs and governance
ency. The Bloomberg ESG disclosure score is designed to measure
structures. A publicly listed company's transparency in
the amount of ESG data that firms report publicly, and does not
environmental issues can impact its Tobin's Q. We predict
measure the firm's performance. The score is realized based on the
that the relationship between firm performance and envi-
extent of a company's ESG disclosure. The score starts at 0.1 for firms
ronmental disclosure is not linear.
that disclose a minimum amount of ESG data to 100 for those that dis-
close every data point collected by Bloomberg. Firms that do not dis- We report our empirical results of Hypotheses 1(a) and 1(b) in
close anything are shown as N/A. Each data point is weighted Section 4.
regarding its importance (i.e., with data such as GHG emissions
carrying greater weight than other disclosures). The Bloomberg ESG
3.2 | Examining the determinants of a firm's ESG
disclosure score is also tailored to different industry sectors. Based
transparency: Country versus firm effects
on the methodology of the Bloomberg ESG score, we assume that this
disclosure score can be viewed as the reflection of a firm's voluntary Hebb (2006) documents that transparency not only aligns shareholders
and mandatory disclosures, which help shareholders and stakeholders and managers, it also allows other stakeholders to engage and to
YU ET AL. 991
TABLE 1 Definition and our estimation methods for all variables in this study
Variable Symbol Definition/estimation methods
Tobin's Q Tobin's Q In this study, firm value is estimated by Tobin's Q
Tobin's Q = (market capitalization + liabilities + preferred equity +
minority interests)/(total assets)
For each sample year, we subtract average Tobin's Q for the industry
from the firm‐level Tobin's Q. We have 10 GICS sectors in this
study. Data are from Bloomberg
ESG disclosure ESG This variable is an indicator of ESG transparency. ESG = (ESG
disclosure score/100)
For each sample year, we subtract the average ESG disclosure score
for the industry from the firm‐level ESG disclosure score. There
are 10 GICS sectors in this study. Bloomberg summarizes the ESG
disclosure score. Higher scores indicate more transparency on
ESG issues
ESG disclosure2 (ESG)2 We use the square of ESG disclosure
Environmental Environmental This variable is as an indicator of environmental transparency.
disclosure Environmental = (Environmental disclosure score/100)
We subtract the average Environmental disclosure score for the
industry from the firm‐level Environmental disclosure score.
There are 10 GICS sectors in this study. Bloomberg summarizes
the Environmental disclosure score. Higher scores indicate more
transparency in environmental issues
(Environmental (Environmental)2 We use the square of Environmental disclosure
R&D intensity R&D intensity The sum of R&D costs divided by sales for the previous 3 years
log(Firm asset size) log(firm size) Firm size is natural logarithm of the book value of assets as reported
by Bloomberg
Leverage ratio Leverage Leverage is defined as the debt/total asset ratio as reported by
For each sample year, we subtract average leverage of the industry
from the firm‐level leverage. There are 10 GICS sectors in this study
Liquidity ratio (current or quick) Current ratio or a quick ratio We adopt the current ratio and quick ratio reported by Bloomberg
as our liquidity indicators
Institutional ownership Institutional ownership The percentage of common equity owned by institutional shareholders
Percentages of independent Percentages of independent The proportion of independent directors, who are neither current nor
director director former managers of the firm
Insider holdings Insider holdings The percentage of common equity owned by officers and directors
log(Board size) log(Board size) The natural logarithm of the number of directors sitting on each firm's
board as of the annual general meeting date in the given year
Percentages of women in senior Percentages of women in The percentage of women employed in senior management positions
management senior management at the company
Operating margin Operating margin Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)
is a measure of a company's operating performance
It is an essential way to evaluate a firm's performance without having
to factor in tax environments, financing decisions and accounting
Return on assets ROA Ratio of earnings before interests/total assets as reported by Bloomberg
3‐Year average return on equity ROE3Y Average return on equity for the last 3 years
5‐Year average return ROE5Y Average return on equity for the last 5 years
on equity
PB ratio PB ratio P/B ratio = (share price)/(book value per share)
log(GDP per capita based on log(GDP per capita based GDP per capita (PPP based) is gross domestic product converted to
PPP) on PPP) international dollars using purchasing power parity rates and
divided by total population
We adopt the data from the International Monetary Fund's World
Economic Outlook Database
Corruption index Corruption In this study, Corruption = (Corruption index/100)
We adopt the relevant data from Transparency International from 2012
to 2016. The more the corruption, the fewer points are awarded to
the country. However, no corruption index data are available for the
following five sample countries: Indonesia, Colombia, Thailand,
Philippines and Egypt. We can obtain the responding date for our
other 40 sample countries
992 YU ET AL.
control behavior within a firm. Here, we model the determinants of the financial expertise of inside directors rather than to the propor-
ESG transparency and group these possible determinants into two tion of outside directors on the board, which is unrelated to perfor-
categories: firm level and country level. mance. The role of institutional investment in promoting long‐term
environmental performance is ambiguous. By examining the 500
largest US firms, Aggarwal and Dow (2012) show that institutional
3.2.1 | Country level
ownership brings a significantly negative impact to firms’ environ-
Previous contributions to the literature (De Soto, 1989; Gnyawali,
mental policy. Trucost (2009) suggests that institutional investors
1996; Husted, 2005) suggest that economic development is the key
do not consider carbon exposure to be an essential criterion in firm
driver behind environment sustainability. For instance, Gnyawali
allocation decisions.
(1996) finds that people in richer countries make more demands on
Given the evidence from the corporate governance literature, we
firms for environmental and socially responsible performance because
propose to include corporate governance structure at the firm level
they are better informed. Therefore, we examine whether the level of
as a variable in our model. This leads to Hypothesis 3. We measure
economic development can help to explain why some countries have
the degree of direct monitoring using the following four factors: (i)
better ESG transparency than others.
insider holdings, (ii) institutional ownership, (iii) percentages of inde-
To represent the economic development of these 47 sample coun-
pendent directors and (iv) board size. In this hypothesis, we examine
tries and territories, we use the natural logarithm of per‐capita gross
whether a change in one of these four factors has any impact on
domestic product (GDP) converted to US dollars at purchasing power
ESG transparency.
parity (PPP) exchange rates. This is the measure we prefer when com-
paring living conditions or when looking at per‐capita welfare across
Hypothesis 3: (i) An increased percentage of insider
countries. A nation's GDP at PPP exchange rates is the sum value of
holdings is associated with a negative impact on ESG dis-
all the services and goods produced in the country, valued at prices
closure. (ii) An increased percentage of institutional own-
prevailing in the United States. Overall, the PPP exchange rates are rel-
ership will have a negative impact on ESG disclosure (iii)
atively stable over time. We use data from the International Monetary
An increased percentage of independent directors will
Fund's World Economic Outlook Database. This leads to Hypothesis 2.
have a positive impact on ESG disclosure. (iv) A greater
Hypothesis 2: ESG disclosure is high in countries where board size will have a positive impact on ESG disclosure.
the level of economic development is high.
Finally, the estimating equation for our Hypotheses 2 and 3 is
We also adopt the corruption index data as one of our control var- shown as follows:
iables, sourced from Transparency International. Augustine (2012) doc-
uments that corporate governance has both external and internal ðIndustry−adjusted ESG disclosureÞ ¼ b0 þ b1* logðfirm sizeÞ (5)
dimensions, which can complement each other. Therefore, from the þb2* ðadjusted ROAÞ þ b3* logðadjusted leverage ratioÞ
view of external dimension, we use the corruption index to view the þb4* ðliquidity ratioÞ þ b5* ðR&D intensityÞ
larger context in which these listed‐firms operate. Nevertheless, no þb6* ðInsider holdingsÞ þ b7* ðInstitutional ownershipÞ
corruption index data are available for five sample countries: Indonesia, þb8* ðpercentage of independent directorsÞ
Colombia, Thailand, Philippines and Egypt. þb9* ðpercentage of women in managementÞ
þb10* logðboard sizeÞ þ b11* ðGDP per capita based on PPPÞ
3.2.2 | Firm level þb12* ðcorruptionÞ þ εðresidualÞ
An effective governance framework (i.e., independent board directors,
institutional investor, insider holdings, board size, etc.) is likely to The definitions for all variables in Equation (5) are given in Table 1.
reduce the agency costs associated with the separation of ownership Finally, for robustness checks, we also replace ROA with the fol-
and control. Studies have examined the direct monitoring approach lowing firm performance indicators: operating margin, 3‐year average
as one of the effective governance mechanisms that can overcome return on equity, 5‐year average return on equity and P/B ratio. We
control problems (Dahya & McConnell, 2007; Lee et al., 2008; Lee & present our empirical results of Hypothesis 2 and 3 in Section 4.
Lee, 2009; Liu, Miletkov, Wei, & Yang, 2015; Palmberg, 2015). More-
over, Bebchuk and Weisbach (2010) state that many of these gover-
nance mechanisms can serve as substitutes for one another. Chen,
Chen, and Wei (2009) hold a similar view and suggest that in countries
with weak legal protection of investors, firm‐level corporate gover-
nance can supplement country‐level shareholder protection in reduc-
4.1 | Data sources
ing the cost of equity. We use a global dataset of 1996 firms, which are selected from MSCI
Palmberg (2015) documents that independent directors of All Country World Index (ACWI). This sample covers approximately
Swedish listed firms have a positive impact on firms’ investment per- 85% of the global investable equity by market value and includes coun-
formance. However, other studies have a conflicting view. Adams tries from 47 developed and emerging countries and territories. Our
and Jiang (2016) examine the UK's property‐casualty insurance sample period is 2012–2016. We group these 1996 sample firms into
industry and find that superior performance can be attributed to ten Global Industry Classification Standard (GISC) sectors (refer to
YU ET AL. 993
TABLE 2 Components obtained from the MSCI All Country World index from Transparency International for these sample countries.
Index (ACWI) for 2012–16 Table 3 presents descriptive statistics for all key variables. We include
Our sample includes sample statistics for firms for which data are available.
Our ten GICS Firm 47 countries and
sectors numbers territories
This table reports descriptive statistics for the variables used in Equations (4) and (5). Refer to Table 1 for definitions of the variables. Our sample period is
from 2012 to 2016. For each variable, we present the full sample descriptive statistics.
TABLE 4 Analyses of firm performance with “ESG disclosure” and “environmental disclosure,” 2012–16
Model (1) Equation (4) Model (2) Equation (4) Model (3) Equation (4) Model (4) Equation (4)
Hypotheses Hypothesis 1(a): We assume that the association Hypothesis 1(b): We assume that the association
between a firm's performance and ESG disclosure between a firm's performance and environmental
is conditional on agency costs and governance disclosure is conditional on agency costs and
structures. A publicly listed company's governance structures. A publicly listed company's
transparency in ESG issues can impact on its transparency in environmental issues can impact
Tobin's Q. We predict that the relationship on its Tobin's Q. We predict that the relationship
between firm performance and ESG disclosure is between firm performance and environmental
not linear disclosure is not linear
Dependent variable Firm Industry‐adjusted Industry‐adjusted Industry‐adjusted Industry‐adjusted
performance – Tobin's Q Tobin's Q Tobin's Q Tobin's Q Tobin's Q
Estimation method Panel EGLS Period Weights Panel EGLS Period Weights Panel EGLS Period Weights Panel EGLS Period Weights
Constant 0.0451*** (0.0049) 0.0453*** (0.0049) 0.0362*** (0.0047) 0.0359*** (0.0047)
ESG disclosure (industry‐adjusted) −0.0027** (0.0013) −0.0029** (0.0013)
(ESG disclosure)2 0.0130** (0.0062) 0.0136** (0.0063)
Environmental disclosure 0.0000 (0.0010) 0.0000 (0.0010)
(Environmental disclosure)2 0.0026 (0.0042) 0.0022 (0.0042)
log(Firm size) −0.0046*** (0.0003) −0.0046*** (0.0003) −0.0035*** (0.0002) −0.0034*** (0.0002)
Leverage ratio (industry‐adjusted; −0.0029** (0.0012) −0.0024** (0.0012)
Current ratio
Quick ratio 0.0386* (0.0204)
log(GDP per capita based on PPP) −0.0010** (0.0004) −0.0010** (0.0004) −0.0011*** (0.0004) −0.0012*** (0.0004)
R&D intensity 0.0270*** (0.0062) 0.0290*** (0.0062)
Percentage of independent 0.0080*** (0.0007) 0.0079*** (0.0007) 0.0084*** (0.0006) 0.0086*** (0.0006)
Institutional ownership 0.0022*** (0.0007) 0.0023*** (0.0007) 0.0030*** (0.0007) 0.0029*** (0.0007)
Observations (firm number) 1996 1996 1444 1444
Regression residual Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed
Adjusted R2 0.2037 0.2035 0.1541 0.1552
exists between firm performance and ESG disclosure, whereas this is not the case for environmental disclosure in Models (3) and (4). EGLS stands for the “Estimated Generalised Least Squares Method”.
YU ET AL. 995
to the book value of assets. We follow previous studies (Aggarwal & Tobin's Q. We predict that the relationship between the
Dow, 2012; Bebchuk et al., 2009) by using an industry‐adjusted mea- firm's performance and ESG disclosure is not linear.
sure of Tobin's Q, because Tobin's Q can be highly industry‐dependent.
Hypothesis 1 (b): We assume that the association
Meanwhile, we control for the firm's characteristics and two country‐
between the firm's performance and environmental dis-
level factors: level of economic development and corruption index.
closure is conditional on agency costs and governance
Hypothesis 1 (a): We assume that the association structures. A publicly listed company's transparency in
between the firm's performance and ESG disclosure is condi- environmental issues can impact its Tobin's Q. We predict
tional on agency costs and governance structures. A publicly that the relationship between the firm's performance and
listed company's transparency in ESG issues can impact its wnvironmental disclosure is not linear.
FIGURE 2 ESG disclosure vs. environmental disclosure. Source: This figure was constructed by the authors and the relevant data are collected
from Bloomberg. The sample firms are selected from the components of the MSCI All‐Share Index. Our sample period is from 2012 to 2016
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
TABLE 5 Analyses on ESG disclosure with the firm performance indicator ROA, 2012–16
Model (1) Equation (2) Model (2) Equation (2) Model (3) Equation (2) Model (4) Equation (2) Model (5) Equation (2) Model (6) Equation (2)
Dependent variable ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure Dependent variable ESG disclosure ESG disclosure
(not industry‐ (not industry‐ (not industry‐ (not industry‐ (industry‐adjusted) (industry‐adjusted) (industry‐adjusted)
adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted)
Estimation method Cross section Two‐stage least squares— Cross section Two‐stage least squares— Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period
random effects Instrument with “the random effects Instrument with “the Weights Weights
average growth rate average growth rate of
of EPS in the last EPS in the last
three years.” three years.”
Constant −0.5416*** (0.1642) −0.4722** (0.1975) −0.5416*** (0.1642) −0.4764** (0.1993) Constant −0.8217*** (0.1130) −0.8190*** (0.1146)
log(Firm size) 0.0312*** (0.0035) 0.0277*** (0.0045) 0.0311*** (0.0035) 0.0275*** (0.0045) log(Firm size) 0.0304*** (0.0027) 0.0295*** (0.0026)
ROA (not industry‐adjusted) −0.0039 (0.0223) −0.1368 (0.0987) −0.0028 (0.0223) −0.1373 (0.0986) ROA (industry‐adjusted) 0.0992** (0.0411) 0.0999** (0.0404)
Current ratio −0.0122 (0.2523) −0.1250 (0.3323) Current ratio 1.2355*** (0.4210)
Quick ratio −0.1608 (0.2979) −0.2881 (0.3816) Quick ratio 0.5063 (0.4993)
Leverage (not industry‐ −0.0564** (0.0277) −0.0582** (0.0276) Leverage (industry‐adjusted)
Insider holdings Insider holdings
Institutional ownership Institutional ownership −0.0343*** (0.0101) −0.0318*** (0.0102)
Percentage of women in −0.0485* (0.0276) −0.0479* (0.0276) Percentage of women in −0.0428* (0.0255)
management management
log(Board size) 0.0213* (0.0111) 0.0209* (0.0118) 0.0212* (0.0111) 0.0208* (0.0118) log(Board size) 0.0566*** (0.0126) 0.0547*** (0.0126)
Percentage of independent Percentage of independent
directors directors
R&D intensity 0.0967* (0.0528) 0.1483** (0.0755) 0.0920* (0.0533) 0.1530** (0.0765) R&D intensity 0.2435*** (0.0540) 0.2772*** (0.0578)
log(GDP per capita based 0.0811*** (0.0176) 0.0764*** (0.0207) 0.0818*** (0.0176) 0.0771*** (0.0209) log(GDP per capita based 0.0670*** (0.0125) 0.0693*** (0.0127)
on PPP) on PPP)
Corruption −0.2583*** (0.0461) −0.2296*** (0.0535) −0.2584*** (0.0461) −0.2292*** (0.0537) Corruption −0.2559*** (0.0332) −0.2579*** (0.0334)
Observations (firm number) 1996 1996 1996 1996 Observations 1996 1996
Regression residual Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Regression residual Normally distributed Normally distributed
2 2
Adjusted R 0.1063 0.0726 0.1058 0.0712 Adjusted R 0.2462 0.2395
to (4), we can confirm that ROA and ESG disclosure are not determined endogenously. However, in Models (5) and (6) with an industry‐adjusted in the following three variables: ESG disclosure, ROA and leverage ratio,
our empirical results show that the higher the ROA of the firms, the more the ESG transparency (disclosure) in firms.
TABLE 6 Analyses on ESG disclosure with the other four performance indicators: operating margin, 3‐year average return on equity, 5‐year average return on equity and PB ratio, with a sample period 2012–
Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4) Model (5) Model (6) Model (7) Model (8)
Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5)
Dependent variable ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure ESG disclosure
(industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐
adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted)
Estimation method Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period
Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights
Constant −0.7979*** (0.1113) −0.7939*** (0.1130) −0.8079*** (0.1157) −0.8048*** (0.1176) −0.8127*** (0.1171) −0.8096*** (0.1191) −0.8065*** (0.1113) −0.8000*** (0.1131)
log(Firm size) 0.0288*** (0.0026) 0.0279*** (0.0026) 0.0295*** (0.0027) 0.0284*** (0.0027) 0.0292*** (0.0027) 0.0281*** (0.0027) 0.0298*** (0.0026) 0.0287*** (0.0026)
Operating margin (industry‐
3‐Year average return on 0.0193** (0.0064) 0.0181** (0.0064)
equity (industry‐adjusted)
5‐Year average return on 0.0214*** (0.0056) 0.0200** (0.0056)
equity (industry‐adjusted)
PB ratio (industry‐adjusted)
Current ratio 1.2809*** (0.4146) 1.3509*** (0.4339) 1.3601*** (0.4445) 1.4008*** (0.4209)
Quick ratio 0.6084 (0.5035) 0.6376 (0.5129) 0.6446 (0.5288) 0.7531 (0.4934)
Leverage ratio (industry‐
Insider holdings −0.0936* (0.0558) −0.0953* (0.0567)
Institutional ownership −0.0331*** (0.0102) −0.0307*** (0.0102) −0.0377*** (0.0101) −0.0352*** (0.0101) −0.0399*** (0.0102) −0.0372*** (0.0102) −0.0289*** (0.0102) −0.0267*** (0.0102)
Percentage of women in −0.0430* (0.0260) −0.0505* (0.0257) −0.0524** (0.0260)
log(Board size) 0.0576*** (0.0126) 0.0559*** (0.0126) 0.0511*** (0.0126) 0.0496*** (0.0127) 0.0500*** (0.0127) 0.0485*** (0.0127) 0.0630*** (0.0126) 0.0616*** (0.0127)
Percentage of independent
R&D intensity 0.2354*** (0.0541) 0.2648*** (0.0577) 0.2670*** (0.0568) 0.2983*** (0.0609) 0.2803*** (0.0590) 0.3120*** (0.0633) 0.2263*** (0.0531) 0.2557*** (0.0568)
log(GDP per capita based on 0.0658*** (0.0124) 0.0679*** (0.0125) 0.0682*** (0.0127) 0.0706*** (0.0129) 0.0695*** (0.0128) 0.0718*** (0.0130) 0.0646*** (0.0124) 0.0665*** (0.0126)
Corruption −0.2585*** (0.0331) −0.2600*** (0.0333) −0.2656*** (0.0332) −0.2673*** (0.0334) −0.2680*** (0.0333) −0.2696*** (0.0336) −0.2662*** (0.0336) −0.2669*** (0.0339)
Observations (firm number) 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996
Regression residual Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed
Adjusted R2 0.2424 0.2357 0.2472 0.2394 0.2476 0.2397 0.2546 0.2468
that the higher the “3‐year average return on equity” and the higher the “5‐year average return on equity,” the more the ESG transparency and the environmental transparency (disclosure) in firms.
TABLE 7 Analyses on environmental disclosure with the firm performance indicator ROA, 2012–16)
Model (1) Equation (2) Model (2) Equation (2) Model (3) Equation (2) Model (4) Equation (2) Model (5) Equation (2) Model (6) Equation (2)
Dependent variable Environmental disclosure Environmental disclosure Environmental disclosure Environmental disclosure Dependent variable Environmental disclosure Environmental disclosure
(not industry‐adjusted) (not industry‐adjusted) (not industry‐adjusted) (not industry‐adjusted) (industry‐adjusted) (industry‐adjusted) (industry‐adjusted)
Estimation method Cross section random Two‐stage least squares— Cross section random Two‐stage least squares— Panel EGLS Period Weights Panel EGLS Period
effects Instrument with “the effects Instrument with “the Weights
average growth rate of average growth rate of
EPS in the last 3 years” EPS in the last 3 years”
Constant −0.9212*** (0.2132) −0.8400** (0.2611) −0.9232*** (0.2137) −0.8437*** (0.2629) Constant −1.0180*** (0.1538) −1.0059*** (0.1559)
log(Firm size) 0.0400*** (0.0048) 0.0382*** (0.0060) 0.0399*** (0.0048) 0.0381*** (0.0061) log(Size) 0.0411*** (0.0035) 0.0397*** (0.0035)
ROA (not industry‐ −0.0133 (0.0323) −0.1124 (0.1096) −0.0129 (0.0324) −0.1130 (0.1089) ROA (industry‐adjusted) 0.1404*** (0.0541) 0.1388*** (0.0533)
Current ratio −0.1865 (0.3558) −0.1041 (0.4603) Current ratio 1.8766*** (0.5612)
Quick ratio 0.0589 (0.4208) −0.2946 (0.5310) Quick ratio 1.0652 (0.6525)
Leverage (not industry‐ −0.0815** (0.0360) −0.0495* (0.0291) −0.0838** (0.0358) Leverage (industry‐
adjusted) adjusted)
Insider holdings −0.1078* (0.0622) −0.1069* (0.0622) Insider holdings −0.1408* (0.0735) −0.1416* (0.0726)
Institutional ownership −0.0288* (0.0171) −0.0284* (0.0171) Institutional ownership −0.0805*** (0.0138) −0.0778*** (0.0138)
Percentage of women −0.1096*** (0.0367) −0.1052*** (0.0371) −0.1090*** (0.0367) −0.1036*** (0.0371) Percentage of women in −0.1527*** (0.0344) −0.1630*** (0.0340)
in management management
log(Board size) 0.0302* (0.0169) 0.0303* (0.0169) log(Board size) 0.0463*** (0.0171) 0.0436** (0.0171)
Percentage of Percentage of
independent independent director
R&D intensity 0.1827** (0.0788) 0.1962* (0.1059) 0.1762** (0.0795) 0.1991* (0.1072) R&D intensity 0.1487** (0.0644) 0.1837*** (0.0686)
log(GDP per capita 0.1082*** (0.0232) 0.0974*** (0.0277) 0.1088*** (0.0232) 0.0979*** (0.0278) log(GDP per capita based 0.0805*** (0.0166) 0.0829*** (0.0168)
based on PPP) on PPP)
Corruption −0.3112*** (0.0629) −0.2687*** (0.0739) −0.3110*** (0.0630) −0.2681*** (0.0742) Corruption −0.2783*** (0.0433) −0.2787*** (0.0436)
Observations (firm 1444 1444 1444 1444 Observations 1444 1444
Regression residual Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Normally distributed Regression residual Normally distributed Normally distributed
Adjusted R2 0.1021 0.0741 0.1012 0.0726 Adjusted R2 0.2307 0.2229
(1) to (4), we can confirm that ROA and environmental disclosure are not determined endogenously. However, in Models (5) and (6) we use industry‐adjusted measures in the following three variables: environmental
disclosure, ROA and leverage ratio; our empirical results show that the higher the ROA of the firms, the more the environmental transparency (disclosure) in firms.
YU ET AL. 999
We report our empirical results for Hypothesis 1(a) and 1(b) in can reduce the agency costs associated with moral hazard problems.
Table 4. Our finding confirms that increasing ESG disclosure can reduce
Our empirical results reveal a nonlinear relationship between ESG investors’ information symmetry and agency costs, which is consistent
transparency and a firm's performance. The linear term and the qua- with previous findings (Cheng et al., 2014; Miller & Reisel, 2012; Zhu &
dratic term of ESG disclosure are statistically significant. Based on Cai, 2014).
Model (1) and Model (2) shown in Table 4, we interpret our empirical Regarding the control variables, a few of interesting findings
results as supporting evidence for Hypothesis 1(a). We show the rela- emerge. We obtain consistent results for the variable of log(size) in
tionship between ESG transparency and Tobin's Q in Figure 1. Further- Table 4, which has a negative and statistically significant impact on
more, Table 3 shows that the average ESG transparency of our Tobin's Q. This may be explained by the way we select our sample
observations is 0.33. Therefore, the average score of ESG transparency firms. Companies are selected from the MSCI ACWI, which captures
is greater than a local minimum point at 0.2077, placing it on the right‐ large and midcap stocks across 23 developed markets and 24 emerging
hand side of the U‐shaped curve. Based on our empirical results markets. The negative sign of log(size) may imply that there are
(Models 1 and 2 in Table 4), we learn that ESG disclosure benefits diseconomies of scale.
exceed disclosure costs as soon as firm transparency in ESG issues
based on the disclosure score rises above 0.2077. This value is equal
4.4 | Determinants of ESG transparency: Country
to a 20.77 ESG disclosure score out of a maximum score of 100.
Overall, because the average ESG transparency in our sample is
versus firm‐level factors
0.3336 (Table 3, Figure 1), most of our sample firms could obtain net The explanatory variables that we believe will influence ESG disclosure
benefits from greater ESG disclosure. The impact of ESG disclosure can be grouped into two categories: country level and firm level. In this
on Tobin's Q is also economically significant. We find that a one‐ section, we use Equation (5) to examine Hypotheses 2 and 3.
standard deviation increase in ESG transparency can positively Firstly, we include a firm performance indicator, return on assets
enhance Tobin's Q by around 4.77% of the mean, all else being equal. (ROA), as our key control variable in Equation (5). We then check for
For each of these 10 GICS sectors in this study, we observe that all endogeneity issues that may be present in our regression analyses.
have an average ESG disclosure score greater than 20.77 points out We suspect that higher ROA would lead to increased ESG disclosure.
of a maximum of 100 (Figure 2). Meanwhile, the impact on ESG disclosure may also significantly
Our finding is similar to that of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch enhance ROA because of a possible reduction in firms’ reputational
(2017) and Eccles et al. (2001). Eccles et al. (2001) document that if a risk. We are concerned that the direction of causality between ROA
firm's market value is over its book value, additional nonfinancial infor- and disclosure could run both ways. To ascertain whether this is the
mation can provide insights into the firm's intangible assets that are case, we use the panel least square estimation method supplemented
not captured in traditional financial statements. In this study, we also by two‐stage least squares estimates. We investigate this by
find that ESG data are value‐relevant. Figure 2 indicates that better instrumenting our ESG disclosure with the average growth rate of
ESG transparency is beneficial to Tobin's Q. This may imply that ESG EPS (earnings per share) in the last 3 years (EPS3Y).
transparency can provide insightful information to investors and that Table 5 reports regression coefficients (standard deviations in
ESG disclosure can be used as one of the methods to improve a firm's parentheses) and diagnostic statistics for the ESG disclosure regression
corporate governance. For instance, as stakeholders’ expectations may in Equation 5, using ROA as the firm performance indicator. There are
shape the image of a company, firms are likely to have an interest in six specifications for this model. The first four models report the
adapting their management methods to environmental and social stan- regression without industry adjustment in the following three vari-
dards if they wish to attract investors. ables: ESG disclosure, ROA and the leverage ratio. Based on the results
Furthermore, we discuss how environmental disclosure can influ- shown in Models (1) to (4), we verify that ROA and ESG disclosure are
ence Tobin's Q. Missing observations of environmental disclosure not determined endogenously. Therefore, there is no two‐way effect
reduce our sample size from 1996 to 1444 firms. Based on Models between ROA and ESG disclosure. Furthermore, in Models (5) and
(3) and (4) shown in Table 4, Hypothesis 1(b) is rejected. Our empirical (6), we use an industry‐adjusted measure of these three variables:
results show that neither the linear term nor the quadratic term of ESG disclosure, ROA and the leverage ratio. The regression results
environmental disclosure is statistically significant to the performance shown in the last two models (Table 5) suggest that the higher ROA,
indicator, Tobin's Q. We suggest that a publicly listed company's envi- the more ESG transparency (disclosure) in firms.
ronmental disclosure does not impact on its Tobin's Q. We continue by examining transparency in environmental issues.
In this study, we define R&D intensity as the sum of research and The results reported in Models (5) and (6) in Table 7 imply that a firm
development (R&D) costs divided by sales for the previous 3 years. It with a higher ROA will be more transparent in environmental issues.
needs innovation activities to generate an impact on firm performance. The influence of ROA on environmental disclosure is positive and statis-
We use R&D intensity as firms’ agency and monitoring costs. We find tically significant. We also confirm that ROA is not endogenously deter-
that the variable of “R&D intensity” has a statistically positive impact mined by the environmental disclosure (refer to Models 1–4 in Table 7.
on a firm's performance (Models 1 and 2 in Table 4. Our results can The relevant 2SLS results are shown in Models (2) and (4) in Table 7.
be interpreted as the supporting evidence for Hypothesis 1(a). For Furthermore, for consistency and robustness, we use four other
firms with greater R&D intensity, which imply that their assets or activ- firm performance indicators in place of ROA in Equation 5. These firm
ities are difficult for shareholders to monitor, better ESG transparency performance indicators are operating margin, the 3‐year average
TABLE 8 Analyses on environmental disclosure with the other four performance indicators: operating margin, 3‐year average return on equity, 5‐year average return on equity and PB ratio, with a sample
period 2012–16
Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4) Model (5) Model (6) Model (7) Model (8)
Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (5) Equation (2) Equation (2)
Dependent Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental
variable disclosure disclosure disclosure disclosure disclosure disclosure disclosure disclosure
(industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐ (industry‐
adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted) adjusted)
Estimation Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period Panel EGLS Period
method Weights Weights Weights Weights Period Weights Weights Weights Weights
Constant −0.9882*** (0.1513) −0.9745*** (0.1535) −0.9892*** (0.1575) −0.9766*** (0.1600) −0.9864*** (0.1593) −0.9734*** (0.1620) −1.0045*** (0.1522) −0.9873*** (0.1545)
Log(Firm size) 0.0390*** (0.0035) 0.0377*** (0.0034) 0.0406*** (0.0035) 0.0389*** (0.0035) 0.0409*** (0.0036) 0.0392*** (0.0036) 0.0404*** (0.0035) 0.0388*** (0.0035)
Operating margin
3‐Year average 0.0280*** (0.0088) 0.0263*** (0.0088)
return on equity
5‐Year average 0.0317*** (0.0076) 0.0297*** (0.0077)
return on equity
PB ratio (industry‐
Current ratio 1.9391*** (0.5529) 2.0545*** (0.5739) 2.0952*** (0.5830) 2.1042*** (0.5668)
Quick ratio 1.2063* (0.6583) 1.2520* (0.6670) 1.2708* (0.6832) 1.3800** (0.6532)
Insider holdings −0.1494** (0.0733) −0.1499** (0.0724) −0.1389* (0.0752) −0.1411* (0.0741) −0.1268* (0.0766)
Institutional −0.0792*** (0.0138) −0.0767*** (0.0138) −0.0832*** (0.0138) −0.0804*** (0.0138) −0.0839*** (0.0139) −0.0808*** (0.0140) −0.0743*** (0.0139) −0.0719*** (0.0139)
Percentage of −0.1448*** (0.0346) −0.1559*** (0.0343) −0.1613*** (0.0348) −0.1721*** (0.0344) −0.1629*** (0.0351) −0.1735*** (0.0347) −0.1273*** (0.0350) −0.1388*** (0.0345)
women in
log(Board size) 0.0472*** (0.0171) 0.0448*** (0.0171) 0.0388** (0.0172) 0.0366** (0.0172) 0.0369** (0.0174) 0.0348** (0.0174) 0.0527*** (0.0173) 0.0506*** (0.0173)
Percentage of
R&D intensity 0.1368** (0.0642) 0.1666** (0.0683) 0.1665** (0.0662) 0.1988*** (0.0706) 0.1746** (0.0677) 0.2083*** (0.0723) 0.1305** (0.0644) 0.1608** (0.0685)
YU ET AL. 1001
This table reports regression coefficients (standard deviations in parentheses) and diagnostic statistics for the environmental disclosure regression in Equation 5, using the other four performance indicators: operating
disclosure, return on assets (ROA) and leverage ratio. The sample comprises 1444 firms from the MSCI All‐Share Index. If the residuals of the regression are normally distributed, our model is well specified. Our sample
period is from 2012 to 2016. The empirical results (Models 3–6) show that the higher the “3‐year average return on equity” and the higher the “5‐year average return on equity,” the more the environmental transparency
margin, 3‐year average return on equity, 5‐year average return on equity and PB ratio. There are eight specifications of the model, and we use an industry‐adjusted measure in the following three variables: environmental
Normally distributed
−0.2939*** (0.0444)
0.0805*** (0.0167)
(ROE5Y) and the price‐to‐book ratio (PB). We report the relevant
Equation (2) empirical results in Tables 6 and 8. Overall, our results (Tables 5–8) sug-
gest that ROA, ROE3Y and ROE5Y have a positive influence on ESG
Model (8)
and environmental disclosure. Based on our empirical results, we con-
clude that a firm with good past financial performance is more likely to
be more transparent in ESG issues.
Normally distributed
−0.2956*** (0.0439)
0.0786*** (0.0165)
With regard to the corruption index, our results show that a coun-
try with less corruption will be less forthcoming in ESG/environmental
Normally distributed
−0.2941*** (0.0434)
0.0805*** (0.0171)
Equation (5)
Model (5)
similar to the previous two studies (Aggarwal & Dow, 2012; Trucost,
Model (1)
***1% levels.
We also report the findings for our control variables. The effects
**5 and
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