Programme Accreditation Requirements
Programme Accreditation Requirements
Programme Accreditation Requirements
IPENZ accredits engineering programmes against outcomes-based standards that have been established by the Dublin, Sydney and Washington
Accords to define the general academic standards for entry-to-practice in the engineering profession. Our accreditation criteria for the
accreditation of programmes to these International Accord standards are set out in Part B. Accreditation to an Internationa l Accord standard
typically relates to undergraduate engineering programmes - NZ Diploma in Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering Technology degrees and
Bachelor of Engineering Honours degrees, but the criteria are also able to accommodate graduate or postgraduate programmes th at have been
designed to systematically develop students to an Accord standard. This would include the accreditation of “3+2” programmes delivered within a
single institution, or other “conversion” or “articulation” programmes that might be developed to build on formally assessed undergraduate study to
bring graduates to an “Accord level” graduate outcome.
IPENZ has also established criteria for the accreditation of postgraduate programmes that do not deliver an International Accord graduate
outcome. The criteria for the accreditation of these programmes are set out in Part C. The accreditation of such postgraduate programmes is
intended to:
1. Validate postgraduate programmes as meeting a defined need as identified by the engineering community and New Zealand.
2. Recognise advanced programmes of study that develop a specific body of knowledge or capability that has been identified by the
profession as necessary for practice in a specialised of specific area of practice. This might include practice areas with particular legal
or safety implications.
Accreditation of post-graduate programmes provides assurance that graduates have acquired a defined body of knowledge in a specialised area,
or to an advanced level, that is recognised for preparing graduates for practice in a particular area. On that basis the following types of
postgraduate programmes will not be accreditable:
Research-based programmes that do not deliver a defined body of knowledge.
Taught programmes that allow for a broad elective course choice
The accreditation criteria (and associated descriptors of the knowledge profile and range of problem solving) are automatically updated on any
approval by the relevant Accord of exemplar graduate attributes. Any such change shall apply to accreditation activities in the following calendar
year unless the IPENZ Standards and Accreditation Board decides otherwise. Changes to the Body of Knowledge underpinning a qualification
In order to achieve accreditation a programme must have produced at least one cohort of graduates, some of whom have proceeded to
engineering employment.
The requirements and indicators of attainment set out below are intended to be interpreted in the context of the particular engineering
discipline/field of study of the programme. IPENZ has adopted the glossary used by the International Engineering Alliance and available at
Open literature – all forms of information that might reasonably be available including but not limited to published research papers, codes of
practice, reviews and textbooks, trade literature, standards and patents.
Tools – includes but is not limited to computational and modelling tools, codes of practice, standards and physical equipment.
The knowledge profile exemplar for each of the relevant Accords is set out below and referenced by the specific accreditation requirements in Part
B. Development of the relevant knowledge profile is only a requirement of the accreditation process to the extent that knowledge attributes are
referenced within the relevant set of Accord Graduate Attributes (criterion 1.3 in Part B). As a result, providers are not expected to develop specific
mappings of their curriculum or assessment against knowledge profile attributes. Rather, the knowledge profile is intended to provide additional
guidance to inform curriculum design and review.
WK1: A systematic, theory-based understanding of SK1: A systematic, theory-based understanding of DK1: A descriptive, formula-based understanding of the
the natural sciences applicable to the discipline the natural sciences applicable to the sub- natural sciences applicable in a sub-discipline
WK2: Conceptually-based mathematics, numerical SK2: Conceptually-based mathematics, numerical DK2: Procedural mathematics, numerical analysis,
analysis, statistics and formal aspects of computer analysis, statistics and aspects of computer and statistics applicable in a sub-discipline
and information science to support analysis and information science to support analysis and use of
modelling applicable to the discipline models applicable to the sub-discipline
WK3: A systematic, theory-based formulation of SK3: A systematic, theory-based formulation of DK3: A coherent procedural formulation of
engineering fundamentals required in the engineering fundamentals required in an engineering fundamentals required in an accepted
engineering discipline accepted sub-discipline sub-discipline
WK4: Engineering specialist knowledge that SK4: Engineering specialist knowledge that DK4: Engineering specialist knowledge that provides
provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of the body of knowledge for an accepted sub-discipline
knowledge for the accepted practice areas in the knowledge for an accepted sub-discipline
engineering discipline; much is at the forefront of
the discipline
WK5: Knowledge that supports engineering SK5: Knowledge that supports engineering DK5: Knowledge that supports engineering design
design in a practice area design using the technologies of a practice area based on the techniques and procedures of a practice
WK6: Knowledge of engineering practice SK6: Knowledge of engineering technologies DK6: Codified practical engineering knowledge in
(technology) in the practice areas in the engineering applicable in the sub-discipline recognised practice area
WK7: Comprehension of the role of engineering in SK7: Comprehension of the role of technology in DK7: Knowledge of issues and approaches in
society and identified issues in engineering practice society and identified issues in applying engineering engineering technician practice: ethics, financial,
in the discipline: ethics and the professional technology: ethics and impacts: economic, social, cultural, environmental and sustainability impacts
responsibility of an engineer to public safety; the environmental and sustainability
impacts of engineering activity: economic, social,
WK8: Engagement with selected knowledge in the SK8: Engagement with the technological
research literature of the discipline literature of the discipline
Several graduate attribute requirements in Part B use the notions of complex engineering problems, broadly-defined engineering problems and
well-defined engineering problems. These shorthand descriptors represent a key differentiator between programmes levels and have been
characterised by International Engineering Alliance signatories as follows:
Attribute Complex Engineering Problems have Broadly-defined Engineering Well-defined Engineering Problems
characteristic WP1 and some or all of Problems have characteristic SP1 have characteristic DP1 and some or all
WP2 to WP7: and some or all of SP2 to SP7: of DP2 to DP7:
Depth of Knowledge Required WP1: Cannot be resolved without in-depth SP1: Cannot be resolved without DP1: Cannot be resolved without extensive
engineering knowledge at the level of one engineering knowledge at the level of practical knowledge as reflected in DK5
or more of WK3, WK4, WK5, WK6 or WK8 one or more of SK 4, SK5, and SK6 and DK6 supported by theoretical
which allows a fundamentals-based, first supported by SK3 with a strong knowledge defined in DK3 and DK4
principles analytical approach emphasis on the application of
developed technology
Range of conflicting WP2: Involve wide-ranging or conflicting SP2: Involve a variety of factors DP2: Involve several issues, but with few
requirements technical, engineering and other issues which may impose conflicting of these exerting conflicting constraints
Depth of analysis required WP3: Have no obvious solution and require SP3: Can be solved by application of DP3: Can be solved in standardised ways
abstract thinking, originality in analysis to well-proven analysis techniques
formulate suitable models
Familiarity of issues WP4: Involve infrequently encountered SP4: Belong to families of familiar DP4: Are frequently encountered and thus
issues problems which are solved in well- familiar to most practitioners in the practice
accepted ways area
Extent of applicable codes WP5: Are outside problems encompassed SP5: May be partially outside those DP5: Are encompassed by standards
by standards and codes of practice for encompassed by standards or codes and/or documented codes of practice
professional engineering of practice
Extent of stakeholder WP6: Involve diverse groups of SP6: Involve several groups of DP6: Involve a limited range of
involvement and conflicting stakeholders with widely varying needs stakeholders with differing and stakeholders with differing needs
requirements occasionally conflicting needs
Interdependence WP 7: Are high level problems including SP7: Are parts of, or systems within DP7: Are discrete components of
many component parts or sub-problems complex engineering problems engineering systems
WA1: Apply knowledge of mathematics, SA1: Apply knowledge of mathematics, DA1: Apply knowledge of mathematics,
1.3.1 Engineering natural science, engineering natural science, engineering natural science, engineering
knowledge fundamentals and an engineering fundamentals and an engineering fundamentals and an engineering
specialization as specified in WK1 to specialization as specified in SK1 to specialization as specified in DK1 to
WK4 respectively to the solution of SK4 respectively to defined and DK4 respectively to wide practical
complex engineering problems. applied engineering procedures, procedures and practices.
processes, systems or methodologies.
WA2: Identify, formulate, research SA2: Identify, formulate, research DA2: Identify and analyse well-defined
1.3.2 Problem analysis literature and analyse complex literature and analyse broadly-defined engineering problems reaching
Complexity of analysis engineering problems reaching engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
substantiated conclusions using first substantiated conclusions using codified methods of analysis specific to
principles of mathematics, natural analytical tools appropriate to the their field of activity (DK1 to DK4).
sciences and engineering sciences discipline or area of specialisation Indicators of attainment
(WK1 to WK4) (SK1 to SK4).
Identifies relevant constraints and
Indicators of attainment Indicators of attainment
requirements and sets out an accurate
Identifies all relevant constraints and Identifies relevant constraints and description of the problem
requirements and formulates an requirements and develops an Gathers engineering knowledge from
accurate description of the problem accurate description of the problem sources such as standards and codes
Gathers engineering knowledge from Gathers engineering knowledge from of practice and identifies the most
WA8: Apply ethical principles and SA8: Understand and commit to DA8: Understand and commit to
1.3.8 Ethics commit to professional ethics and professional ethics and professional ethics and responsibilities
Understanding and level of responsibilities and norms of responsibilities and norms of and norms of technician practice (DK7).
practice engineering practice (WK7). engineering technology practice (SK7). Indicators of attainment
Indicators of attainment Indicators of attainment
Demonstrates an understanding of the
Demonstrates an understanding of the Demonstrates an understanding of moral responsibilities of an engineering
moral responsibilities of a professional the moral responsibilities of an technician including: the need to self-
engineer including: the need to self- engineering technologist including: manage in an orderly and ethical
manage in an orderly and ethical the need to self-manage in an orderly manner, to balance the wider public
manner, to balance the wider public and ethical manner, to balance the interest with the interests of employers
interest with the interests of employers wider public interest with the interests and clients, and to uphold standards in
and clients, and to uphold standards in of employers and clients, and to
WA10: Communicate effectively on SA10: Communicate effectively on DA10: Communicate effectively on well-
1.3.10 Communication complex engineering activities with the broadly-defined engineering activities defined engineering activities with the
Level of communication engineering community and with society with the engineering community and engineering community and with society
according to type of activities at large, such as being able to with society at large, by being able to at large, by being able to comprehend
performed comprehend and write effective reports comprehend and write effective reports the work of others, document their own
and design documentation, make and design documentation, make work, and give and receive clear
effective presentations, and give and effective presentations, and give and instructions.
receive clear instructions. receive clear instructions. Indicators of attainment
2.1 The programme is structured to provide for the logical, progressive development of programme graduate outcomes and embedded elements of
the relevant knowledge profile
2.2 The programme is structured to provide a systematic coverage of the coherent body of knowledge related to a particular branch of engineering.
2.3 The programme title is consistent with the underpinning body of knowledge covered by the programme.
2.4 The programme design is customised taking into account the advice of likely employers and target industries, this advice obtained through a
structured advisory mechanism.
2.5 Design project The programme includes integrative The programme includes integrative The programme includes integrative
project work in which the assessment of project work in which the assessment of project work in which the assessment of
the student is against a range of overall the student is against a range of overall the student is against a range of overall
programme graduate outcomes, which programme graduate outcomes, which programme graduate outcomes, which
must include design or development of must include investigation and design or must include investigation and design or
solutions (see note below). development of solutions either in development of solutions either in
separate projects or integrated into a separate projects or integrated into a
single project of at least 30 credits. single project of at least 15 credits.
Note: For programmes to be accredited at the Washington Accord level, the Design Project (1.3.3) and Student Research (1.3.4) components may be organised into
separate courses or within a single course/project, which has distinct research and design elements, in which case the overall project is expected to be of at least 45
and ideally 60 credits in size.
3.1 There are specific and appropriate assessment processes to measure graduate capability and performance relative to the programme
graduate outcomes.
3.2 Assessment tools within each course are suitably chosen in relation to the learning outcomes and validly assess the contribution made to
the development of programme graduate outcomes for the programme as a whole. (See WA5, SA5, DA5 for clarification on the distinction
between modern/engineering tools)
3.3 The provider is able to identify specific assessment activities that demonstrate students’ achievement of each of the relevant Accord
Graduate Attributes
4.1 Academic staff
Washington Accord Sydney Accord Dublin Accord
4.1.1 The academic staff devoted to the programme are sufficient to cover, in terms of experience and interest, all relevant subjects
4.1.2 There are sufficient full-time staff to provide the necessary levels of student interaction and mentoring, and staff participation in developing, controlling and
administering the programme
4.1.3 Academic staffing and teaching loads allow adequate interaction with students, support the range of learning experiences offered and to allow adequate
opportunity for professional engagement outside of academia
4.1.4 A high proportion of staff possess A high proportion of staff possess appropriate A high proportion of staff possess appropriate
appropriate academic qualifications in academic, professional and experiential academic, professional and experiential backgrounds
engineering, and experience in industry backgrounds in engineering in engineering
and/or engineering research
4.1.5 The academic team demonstrates active The academic team demonstrates active The academic team demonstrates active commitment
commitment to the New Zealand commitment to the New Zealand engineering to the New Zealand engineering profession.
engineering profession. profession.
Evidence of this will include individual staff:
Evidence of this will include individual staff: Evidence of this will include individual staff: o Maintaining membership of and active
o Extending the engineering body of knowledge o Maintaining membership of and active participation in the most relevant professional
through the peer-reviewed publication of participation in the most relevant body (note: membership of international
research outputs, and professional body (note: membership of learned societies that do not maintain active
o Maintaining membership of and active international learned societies that do not local programmes would not, of itself, be
participation in the most relevant professional maintain active local programmes would counted in this context) and/or
body (note: membership of international not, of itself, be counted in this context) o Contributing to the development of
learned societies that do not maintain active and/or engineering practice in NZ through such
local programmes would not, of itself, be o Contributing to the development of things as:
counted in this context) and/or engineering practice in NZ through such o Consultancy/contracting work with
o Contributing to the development of things as: industry
engineering practice in NZ through such things o The publication or dissemination o Participating in working parties to
as: of research outputs develop codes of practice or standards
o The delivery of industry conference o The delivery of industry o Expert witness work
presentations, technical seminars or conference presentations,
workshops, technical seminars or workshops, o Participating as practice area
assessors in New Zealand
o Consultancy/contracting work with o Consultancy/contracting work with competence assessment processes
industry industry
o Participating as panel members on
o Participating in working parties to o Participating in working parties to New Zealand accreditation activities
develop codes of practice or standards develop codes of practice or
standards o Active engagement in advancing
o Expert witness work engineering education practice
o Participating as practice area assessors o Expert witness work
in New Zealand competence o Participating as practice area
assessment processes assessors in New Zealand
o Participating as panel members on New competence assessment
4.1.6 Key academic staff teaching key design Key academic staff teaching design key project Key academic staff teaching key design project
project courses are currently competent courses are currently competent engineers in the courses are currently competent engineers in the
professional engineers in the New Zealand New Zealand context as judged by peers in the New Zealand context as judged by peers in the wider
context as judged by peers in the wider wider engineering profession. Good evidence of engineering profession. Good evidence of this would
engineering profession. Good evidence of this would include formal recognition within the include formal recognition within the engineering
this would include formal recognition within engineering profession through recent success in profession through recent success in a competence
the engineering profession through recent a competence assessment e.g. for assessment e.g. for AIPENZ/ CertETn,
success in a competence assessment e.g. ETPract/TIPENZ or CPEng/MIPENZ ETPract/TIPENZ or CPEng/MIPENZ
for CPEng or MIPENZ
NB: In evaluating academic staffing, benchmarking with other national and international institutions may be considered and provision of such evidence is encouraged
4.2.1 There are sufficient, competent technical and support staff to service practical teaching facilities and ensure student project work can include design,
construction and testing of processes, artefacts, systems or structures
4.3.1 There is sufficient capacity and appropriately equipped practical teaching facilities, reflecting current and emerging technologies, to support students’
practical and project-based study
4.3.2 There is a sufficient financial commitment to on-going renewal of equipment, software and other resources
4.3.3 Health and safety policies and practices in practical teaching spaces satisfy legal requirements, are in line with good practice in industry, are actively
enforced, and encourage an active, pre-emptive culture towards safety amongst students.
4.3.4 Students have access to sufficient literature and computer resources to support their learning.
Sufficient space and equipment is provided for the Sufficient space and equipment is provided for the
4.3.5 Sufficient space and equipment is provided investigative projects undertaken by students projects undertaken by students
for the investigative/research/design
projects undertaken by students
Students have independent access to facilities and Students have independent access to facilities and
4.3.6 Students have independent access to work areas to support project/research based and work areas to support project work and personal study
facilities and work areas that support personal study
project/research based and personal study
Note: If the provision of the programme uses distance learning or block course teaching off-site the performance indicators are interpreted by considering
whether the support facilities, as experienced from the student perspective sufficiently provide a suitable learning environment.
5.1.1 Admission standards are in place to ensure students have the educational background needed to have a reasonable chance of succeeding in their first
year of study, and thereby progress through the programme. The suitability of the admission standard is reflected in student retention rates.
5.1.2 Different entry points and pathways are available for applicants with appropriate prior learning and/or experience
5.1.3 Admission standards require sufficient proficiency in both written and oral English, and students admitted with marginal English language proficiency
receive appropriate support
5.1.4 Programmes are in place to support groups of students with specific needs and to address issues that limit the participation by under-represented groups
of students
5.2.1 There are documented processes for developing new programmes which cover programme planning, curriculum development and programme approval
5.2.2 There are documented processes for the ongoing review and amendment of programmes and their delivery and assessment
5.2.3 There are processes for securing feedback and comment from students, graduates, employers of engineers, and representatives of the engineering
community; and evidence of their systematic application to the review and continuing improvement of programme objectives, curriculum and content, and
the quality of learning and teaching
5.2.4 There are systems in place to benchmark or seek and have regard to external moderation advice to ensure suitability of the level of attainment required to
complete the programme
5.2.5 There are documented audit processes that ensure the consistent application of documented policies and procedures
5.3.1 There is an identifiable management structure that ensures engineering expertise is central to decision-making relating to the design, content and delivery
of engineering programmes, for managing associated resources and for appointment of staff and supporting professional activity of staff
5.4.1 Engineering education is seen as a significant long-term component of the TEOs activity and the commitment to engineering education is supported by
preliminary allocation of sufficient financial resources for the remainder of the proposed period of accreditation
5.4.2 The TEO has adequate arrangements for planning, developing, delivering, and reviewing engineering programmes and for supporting the associated
professional activities of staff
5.4.3 Student:staff ratios and staff workloads are monitored and the institution has adequate policies and mechanisms for funding its engineering programmes
and facilitating the generation of funds from external sources; for attracting, appointing, retaining and rewarding sufficient well-qualified staff and providing
for their ongoing professional development; and for providing and updating infrastructure and support services
5.4.4 Creative and strategic leadership is available to the engineering department, school, college or faculty.
1.1 A graduate profile or set of programme-level learning outcomes has been developed, which is aligned with a clearly defined and articulated
industry need in a particular area of specialised or advanced engineering practice, including any particular “registration or license to
practise” requirements
1.2 The graduate profile or programme-level learning outcomes incorporate the development of a coherent body of knowledge that is curated by
a recognised industry group (that is viewed to own the body of knowledge) as necessary for entry to practice and/or “registration/licensure”.
It is expected that the industry group is clearly identified and recognised as authoritative or nationally representative of engineering practice
in the area. The industry body is also expected to be able to demonstrate the capacity, capability and commitment to maintai n the relevant
Body of Knowledge over time.
2.1 The programme is structured to provide for the logical, progressive development of the defined graduate profile or programme level learning
2.2 The programme is structured to provide a systematic coverage of the body of knowledge to which the programme relates.
2.3 The programme title is consistent with the underpinning body of knowledge covered by the programme.
2.4 The programme design demonstrably takes into account the advice of likely employers and target industries, this advice obtained through a
structured advisory mechanism or regular, formal engagement with the recognised industry body responsible for maintaining the Body of
3.2 Admission material clearly articulates the relationship between the specialised or advanced body of knowledge developed by the programme
and foundational engineering knowledge and skills as typically required for general entry to practice as an engineer.
3.3 Where programme entry criteria provide for the enrolment of students who do not hold an undergraduate engineering qualificati on
recognised as satisfying general entry to practice requirements (typically a programme recognised under the Washington Accord), potential
restrictions on future practice or professional registration or licensure are clearly articulated to prospective students.
3.4 Any pre-requisite foundational engineering knowledge is clearly identified and consistently assessed.
One of the risks with postgraduate programmes is the diversity of admission routes. Depending on the TEO’s admission policy incoming
students may not have an engineering qualification, or may have one in a different engineering discipline, or have one at a d ifferent level
(e.g. diploma), or may have an overseas qualification. IPENZ is not prescriptive as to how the TEO determines and enforces it s
postgraduate admission criteria, but does reserve the right not to recognise a graduate within the profession, even if the postgraduate
programme has been accredited. IPENZ expects the TEO to manage this risk at admission and to faithfully communicate the impli cations to
As noted in Part A above, programmes accredited under this Part are not recognised under an international Accord , so graduates who do not have a suitable prior engineering
qualification are at risk of not being recognised within the profession, for lack of breadth and depth of underpinning engineering knowledge (Item 1 in the IEA graduate
attributes). Such graduates may have to undergo an additional individual knowledge assessment as part of the professional recognition/registration/licensing process. For example,
if a student with an undergraduate degree in mathematics was admitted to a postgraduate programme accredited under this Part and completed that programme, then the graduate
would not necessarily qualify for recognition within the profession, even in the specialised area of practice to which the accredited programme relates.
4.1 There must be specific and appropriate assessment processes to measure graduate capability and performance relative to the overall
graduate profile
4.2 Assessment tools within each course are suitably chosen in relation to the learning outcomes and validly assess the contribut ion made to
the development of graduate attributes.
4.3 There are systems in place for external moderation of assessment standards with industry to ensure that the level of attainment required to
complete the programme is aligned with industry requirements.
5.1 The academic staff devoted to the programme are sufficient to cover, in terms of experience and specialised expertise, all relevant subjects.
In the case of those postgraduate programmes where the level of specialisation is high, is it is accepted that ind ividual courses may be
critically dependent on individual lecturers. Nonetheless there is a requirement that the programme as a whole will be designed to be viable
with respect to the graduate profile if individual academic staff become unavailable.
5.2 There are sufficient full-time staff to provide the necessary levels of student interaction and mentoring, and staff participation in developing,
controlling and administering the programme
5.3 Academic staffing and teaching loads allow adequate interaction with students, support the range of learning experiences offered and allow
adequate opportunity for professional engagement outside of academia
5.4 Staff possess appropriate academic qualifications in engineering, and experience in industry and/or engineering research
5.5 The academic team demonstrates active commitment to the New Zealand engineering profession. . Evidence of this will include individual
Extending the engineering body of knowledge through the peer-reviewed publication of research outputs, and
Maintaining membership of and active participation in the most relevant professional body (note: membership of international learned
societies that do not maintain active local programmes would not, of itself, be counted in this context) and/or
5.6 Key academic staff teaching key project courses are currently competent professional engineers in the New Zealand context as judged by
peers in the wider engineering profession. Good evidence of this would include formal recognition within the engineering profession through
recent success in a competence assessment e.g. for CPEng or MIPENZ
Note: In evaluating academic staffing, benchmarking with other national and international institutions may be considered and provision of such evidenc
is encouraged
Note: This criterion will be deemed to have been met by TEOs holding current IPENZ programme accreditation at an Internationa l
Education Accord level
Note: These criteria will be deemed to have been met by TEOs holding current IPENZ programme accreditation at an International
Education Accord level