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Project- Nymagasani 2 Job Ref.

Section-Nymagasani 2-Power house-Crane beam design Sheet no./rev.

VS consulting
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Ravindu 4/18/2019


Crane Bridge

Gantry Girder
Safe Working Load, Wswl
Crab weight, Wcrab Crane bridge weight, Wcrane

Minimum hook approach, ah

Span of crane bridge, L c

Elevation on Crane Bridge

Bogie wheel centres, aw2

= = aw1 - aw2
Wheel centres, aw1
Bogie centres, aw1

2 Wheel End Carriage 4 Wheel End Carriage

Figure 1Gantry girder beam section details


Crane details
Self weight of crane bridge (excl. crab); Wcrane = 58.6 kN
Self weight of crab; Wcrab = 26.3 kN
Crane safe working load (SWL); Wswl = 269.0 kN
Span of crane bridge; Lc = 11250 mm
Minimum hook approach; ah = 1000 mm

Project- Nymagasani 2 Job Ref.

Section-Nymagasani 2-Power house-Crane beam design Sheet no./rev.

VS consulting
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Ravindu 4/18/2019

No. of wheels per end carriage; Nw = 2

End carriage wheel centres; aw1 = 3000 mm
Class of crane; Q3
No. of rails resisting crane surge force; Nr = 1
Self weight of crane rail; wr = 0.5 kN/m
Height of crane rail; hr = 100 mm
Gantry girder details
Span of gantry girder; L = 4400 mm
Gantry girder section type; Plain ‘I’ section
Gantry girder ‘I’ beam; UB 610x305x238
Grade of steel; S 275
Unfactored self weight and crane rail UDL
Beam and crane rail self weight udl; wsw = (Massbm  gacc) + wr = 2.8 kN/m
Maximum unfactored static vertical wheel load
From hook load; Wh = W swl  (Lc - ah)/(Lc  Nw) = 122.5 kN
From crane self weight (incl. crab); Ws = [W crane/2 + W crab  (Lc-ah)/Lc]/Nw = 26.6 kN
Total unfactored static vertical wheel load; Wstat = Wh + W s = 149.2 kN
Maximum unfactored dynamic vertical wheel load
From BS2573:Part 1:1983 - Table 4
Dynamic factor with crane stationary; Fsta = 1.30;
Dynamic wheel load with crane stationary; Wsta = (Fsta  W h) + W s = 185.9 kN
Dynamic factor with crane moving; Fmov = 1.25;
Dynamic wheel load with crane moving; W mov = Fmov  W stat = 186.4 kN
Max unfactored dynamic vertical wheel load; Wdyn = max(W sta,W mov) = 186.4 kN
Unfactored transverse surge wheel load
Number of rails resisting surge; Nr = 1
Proportion of crab and SWL acting as surge load; Fsur = 10 %
Unfactored transverse surge load per wheel; Wsur = Fsur  (W crab + W swl)/(Nw  Nr) = 14.8 kN
Unfactored transverse crabbing wheel load
Unfactored transverse crabbing load per wheel; Wcra = max(Lc  W dyn/(40  aw1),W dyn/20) = 17.5 kN
Unfactored longitudinal braking load
Proportion of static wheel load act’g as braking load; Fbra = 5 %
Unfactored longitudinal braking load per rail; Wbra = Fbra  W stat  Nw = 14.9 kN

Ultimate loads
Loadcase 1 (1.4 Dead + 1.6 Vertical Crane)
Vertical wheel load; Wvult1 = 1.6  W dyn = 298.3 kN
Gantry girder self weight udl; wswult = 1.4  wsw = 4.0 kN/m
Loadcase 2 (1.4 Dead + 1.4 Vertical Crane + 1.4 Horizontal Crane)
Vertical wheel load; Wvult2 = 1.4  W dyn = 261.0 kN
Gantry girder self weight udl; wswult = 1.4  wsw = 4.0 kN/m

Project- Nymagasani 2 Job Ref.

Section-Nymagasani 2-Power house-Crane beam design Sheet no./rev.

VS consulting
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Ravindu 4/18/2019

Horizontal wheel load (surge); Wsurult = 1.4  W sur = 20.7 kN

Horizontal wheel load (crabbing); Wcrault = 1.4  W cra = 24.5 kN
Maximum ultimate vertical shear force
From loadcase 1; Vv = W vult1  (2 - aw1/L) + wswult  L/2 = 402.0 kN
Ultimate horizontal shear forces (loadcase 2 only)
Shear due to surge; Vsur = W surult  (2 - aw1/L) = 27.2 kN
Shear due to crabbing; Vcra = W crault = 24.5 kN
Maximum horizontal shear force; Vh = max(Vsur,Vcra) = 27.2 kN
Ultimate vertical bending moments and co-existing shear forces
Bending moment loadcase 1; Mv1 = W vult1  L/4 + wswult  L2/8 = 337.7 kNm
Co-existing shear force; Vv1 = W vult1/2 = 149.2 kN
Bending moment loadcase 2; Mv2 = W vult2  L/4 + wswult  L2/8 = 296.7 kNm
Co-existing shear force; Vv2 = W vult2/2 = 130.5 kN
Ultimate horizontal bending moments (loadcase 2 only)
Surge moment; Msur = W surult  L/4 = 22.7 kNm
Crabbing moment; Mcra = W crault  L/4 = 26.9 kNm
Maximum horizontal moment; Mh = max(Msur, Mcra) = 26.9 kNm
Beam section properties
Area; Abm = 303.3 cm2
Second moment of area about major axis; Ixxbm = 209471 cm4
Second moment of area about minor axis; Iyybm = 15837 cm4
Torsion constant; Jbm = 785.2 cm4
Section properties of top flange only
Elastic modulus; Ztf = Tbm  Bbm2/6 = 507.5 cm3
Plastic modulus; Stf = Tbm  Bbm2/4 = 761.2 cm3
Steel design strength
From BS5950-1:2000 - Table 9
Flange design strength (T = 31.4 mm); pyf = 265 N/mm2
Web design strength (t = 18.4 mm); pyw = 265 N/mm2
Overall design strength; py = min(pyf,pyw) = 265 N/mm2
Section classification (cl. 3.5.2)
Parameter epsilon; = (275 N/mm2/py)1/2 = 1.019;
Flange (outstand element of comp. flange); ratio1 = Bbm/(2  Tbm) = 4.959;
Web (neutral axis at mid-depth); ratio2 = dbm/tbm = 29.348;

Flange classification; Class 1 plastic

Web classification; Class 1 plastic
Overall section classification; Class 1 plastic
Shear buckling check (cl. 4.2.3)
Ratio d upon t; d_upon_t = dbm/tbm = 29.348;
PASS - d/t <= 70 - The web is not susceptible to shear buckling
Project- Nymagasani 2 Job Ref.

Section-Nymagasani 2-Power house-Crane beam design Sheet no./rev.

VS consulting
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Ravindu 4/18/2019

Vertical shear capacity (cl. 4.2.3)
Vertical shear capacity of beam web; Pvv = 0.6  py  tbm  Dbm = 1860.1 kN
PASS - Vv <= Pvv - Vertical shear capacity adequate (UF1 = 0.216)
Loadcase 1 - Vv1 <= 0.6Pvv - Beam is in low shear at position of max moment
Loadcase 2 - Vv2 <= 0.6Pvv - Beam is in low shear at position of max moment
Horizontal shear capacity (cl. 4.2.3)
Horizontal shear capacity of beam flange; Pvh = 0.6  py  0.9  Tbm  Bbm = 1399.2 kN
PASS - Vh <= Pvh - Horizontal shear capacity adequate (UF2 = 0.019 - low shear)
Vertical bending capacity (cl. 4.2.5)
Vertical bending capacity of beam; Mcxz = 1.2  py  Zxxbm = 2095.4 kNm
Mcxs = py  Sxxbm = 1983.8 kNm
Mcx = min(Mcxz,Mcxs) = 1983.8 kNm
PASS - Mv1 <= Mcx - Vertical moment capacity adequate (UF3 = 0.170)
Effective length for buckling moment (Table 13)
Length factor for end 1; KL1 = 1.00
Length factor for end 2; KL2 = 1.00
Depth factor for end 1; KD1 = 0.00
Depth factor for end 2; KD2 = 0.00
Effective length; Le = L  (KL1 + KL2)/2 + Dbm  (KD1 + KD2)/2 = 4400 mm
Lateral torsional buckling capacity (Annex B.2.1, 2.2 & 2.3)
Slenderness ratio;  = Le/ryybm = 60.9;
Slenderness factor; v = 1/[1 + 0.05  (/xbm)2]0.25 = 0.918;
Section is class 1 plastic therefore; w = 1.0
Equivalent slenderness; LT = ubm  v    (w) = 49.5;
Robertson constant; LT = 7.0
Limiting equivalent slenderness; L0 = 0.4  (2  ES5950/py)0.5 = 35.0;
Perry factor; LT = max(LT  (LT - L0)/1000,0) = 0.102;
Euler buckling stress; pE = 2  ES5950/LT2 = 825.2 N/mm2
Factor phi; LT = [py + (LT + 1)  pE]/2 = 587.2 N/mm2
Bending strength; pb = pE  py/[LT + (LT2 - pE  py)0.5] = 232.1 N/mm2
Buckling resistance moment; Mb = pb  Sxxbm = 1737.4 kNm
Equivalent uniform moment factor; mLT = 1.0
Allowable buckling moment; Mballow = Mb/mLT = 1737.4 kNm
PASS - Mv1 <= Mballow - Buckling moment capacity adequate (UF4 = 0.194)
Horizontal bending capacity (loadcase 2 only) cl. 4.2.5
Horizontal moment capacity of top flange; Mctf = min(py  Stf,1.2  py  Ztf) = 161.4 kNm
PASS - Mh <= Mctf - Horizontal moment capacity adequate (UF5 = 0.167)
Combined vertical and horizontal bending (loadcase 2 only)
Cross section capacity (cl.
Section utilisation; UF6 = Mv2/Mcx + Mh/Mctf = 0.316;
PASS - Section capacity adequate (UF6 = 0.316)
Project- Nymagasani 2 Job Ref.

Section-Nymagasani 2-Power house-Crane beam design Sheet no./rev.

VS consulting
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Ravindu 4/18/2019

Member buckling resistance (cl.

Uniform moment factors; mx = 1.0
my = 1.0
Case 1; UF7 = mx  Mv2/(py  Zxxbm) + my  Mh/(py  Ztf) = 0.370;
Case 2; UF8 = mLT  Mv2/Mb + my  Mh/(py  Ztf) = 0.371;
PASS - Buckling capacity adequate (UF7&8 = 0.371)
Check beam web bearing under concentrated wheel loads (cl.
End location
Maximum ultimate wheel load; Wvult1 = 298.3 kN
Stiff bearing length (dispersal through rail); b1 = hr = 100 mm
Bearing capacity of unstiffened web; Pbw = [b1 + 2  (Tbm + rbm)]  tbm  py = 954.7 kN
PASS - Wvult1 <= Pbw - Web bearing capacity adequate (UF9 = 0.312);
Check beam web buckling under concentrated wheel loads (cl.
End location - top flange not effectively restrained rotationally or laterally
Maximum ultimate wheel load; Wvult1 = 298.3 kN
Stiff bearing length (dispersal through rail); b1 = hr = 100 mm
Effective length of web; LEweb = 1.2  dbm = 648 mm
Buckling capacity of unstiffened web; Pxr = 1/225tbm/[(b1+2(Tbm+rbm))dbm]1/20.7dbm/LEwebPbw
Pxr = 401.3 kN
PASS - Wvult1 <= Pxr - Web buckling capacity adequate (UF10 = 0.743)
Allowable deflections
Allowable vertical deflection = span/600; vallow = L/limitv = 7.3 mm
Allowable horizontal deflection = span/500; hallow = L/limith = 8.8 mm
Calculated vertical deflections
Modulus of elasticity; E = ES5950 = 205 kN/mm2
Due to self weight; sw = 5  wsw  L4/(384  E  Ixxbm) = 0.0 mm
Due to wheels at position of maximum moment; v1 = W stat  L3/(48  E  Ixxbm) = 0.6 mm
Total vertical deflection; v = sw + v1 = 0.6 mm
PASS - v <= vallow - Vertical deflection acceptable (Actual deflection = span/6783)
Calculated horizontal deflection
Due to surge (wheels at position of max moment); hs = W sur L3/(48  E  Iyybm/2) = 1.6 mm
Horizontal crabbing deflection; hc = W cra  L3/(48  E  Iyybm/2) = 1.9 mm
Maximum horizontal deflection; h = max(hs,hc) = 1.9 mm
PASS - h <= hallow - Horizontal deflection acceptable (Actual deflection = span/2303)

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