PM1907 BIOVIA Research Report
PM1907 BIOVIA Research Report
PM1907 BIOVIA Research Report
The land of
lost opportunity
Survey reveals that despite a growing
awareness of data’s value, much of pharma
has not capitalized on the potential offered
by new data management technologies
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Pharma Manufac tu rin g: Resea rc h REPORT
p Safely and efficiently manufac- and use data to its full potential. CURRENT LANDSCAPE
turing drugs is predicated on not Results revealed a need for a The pharma industry has always
only collecting, but leveraging the validation-ready, integrated been data rich. Drugmakers col-
right data. system for data aggregation, lect massive amounts of data at all
Process data, which can be contextualization and analytics, in stages of the process and rely on
defined as time series data gener- order to ensure data integrity and that data to do everything from
ated by process control systems, sound decision-making. make decisions to advance or halt
laboratory systems, and other
plant floor equipment, has EXHIBIT 1
increased dramatically in phar-
Why are you using your data management solution?
ma’s new digital age. But without
the right data management sys-
tems in place, data is nothing more 34%
Because of regulatory guidelines
than spreadsheets of wasted oppor-
tunity for improvement.
Are pharma manufacturers ade- For CPV / Proce ss and Product Monitoring
quately equipped to not only meet
industry data demands but to use 22%
this data to improve operations? For APQR creation
The technology exists — including
predictive analytics, robotic process 44%
For process understanding
automation, and AI-based tools, all
digitally connected via the Inter-
net of Things (IoT) — but many For process monitoring
pharma companies are struggling
to fully leverage all this data. 54%
For process optimization
To better understand the
pain points surrounding data
management and software For process robustness/improvement
systems, Pharma Manufacturing,
in collaboration with BIOVIA, 34%
recently conducted a survey of For process standardization
or private cloud architecture. companies report applying pre- The better news is that 28 per-
These latter responses could be dictive modeling in specific areas cent are in fact taking action,
interpreted as disconnect between only, such as adjusting process reporting that they are currently
what pharma companies expect to conditions based on raw material expanding use of their data man-
pay for a data solution and what characterization, forecasting cam- agement solutions.
vendors are able to provide at that paign outcomes for supply chain At the same time, around 41
price point. Alternatively, they purposes or correcting downstream percent feel confident that their
may simply highlight the common operations based on upstream companies are “on track with pro-
drivers in our industry and reflect process conditions (the most popu- cess understanding and meeting
the trend toward high ROI, plat- lar reason). its objectives.” This was further
form-based solutions. A shared predictive modeling corroborated by the 49 percent
environment — where teams can who report “no plans to change”
COMPLIANCE AND BEYOND collaborate effectively to bring their current use of data manage-
Predictive modeling represents the better treatments to market faster, ment solutions.
next-level in data management, at lower cost and in a way that is It’s encouraging that more than
offering an accurate and completely auditable and compliant half of respondents acknowledged
efficient method of applying and — requires giving up manual-based their company’s need to do more
interpreting data. Predictive systems and transitioning to a digi- with process understanding to
process modeling uses advanced tal technology platform. meet its objectives, and reflects
technology to make predictions a growing understanding of the
about process points, such THE NEXT STEPS importance of data as a key busi-
as performance indicators or In pharma, there is often a gap ness asset. But a large percentage
quality attributes, with the goal between aspirations and actions. of the industry still remains either
of improving and optimizing When survey respondents were unaware of or unconvinced of the
processes. Today’s predictive asked how they felt their compa- value of solutions that can reduce
modeling software allows users nies were doing meeting quality, inefficiencies, risks and costs.
to flag risks in real time, thereby productivity and profitability There is often a perception that
reducing or eliminating them. objectives for manufacturing, many the costs to change to a different
Unfortunately, pharma can’t (56 percent) acknowledged that system are higher than the poten-
reach this level of data management there were still deficiencies, noting tial payoff — in pharma, many are
by using manual-based systems. that their “company needs to do still disconnected from the value
Although modeling is relatively more with process understand- that such a change would bring to
established in API-production, ing to meet its objectives.” When their business and their customers.
most pharma plants still lack the broken down by manufacturing This value can come in many
data infrastructure required for sectors, those focusing on small different forms. In the quality
predictive process modeling. molecules were the least satisfied, assurance and control area, com-
Survey results indicate that much with 64 percent feeling that their panies can use new data-driven
of pharma has not reached the companies need to do more. This technologies to better understand
predictive modeling stage — 41 awareness is an important first step how input parameters such as
percent responded as such. Some towards improvement. machine settings, operator training
levels, or raw material options forecast demand, and automatically capitalizing on the benefits offered
will affect product quality and identify and mitigate supply risks. by new data solutions. p
outcomes. On the plant floor, dig- Big data is getting bigger by the
ital operations reduce the risk of minute, and there is tremendous — Karen Langhauser,
human-error. In the supply chain, potential for process improvement Chief Content Director,
Pharma Manufacturing
pharma operations executives can hidden in these piles of data.
leverage big data, external and Recognizing this is the first step
internal indicators, and machine — but truly evolved data manage-
learning algorithms to better ment requires going beyond this,
10.0% Product /
9.9% Personalized Medicine Process Development
Other 4.2% Project Management
1.7% Other