Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance plays a pivotal role in the success of any company irrespective of the
kind and nature of business. Corporate govarnce is of great importance to financial
institution as it is treat as the back home of financial system. The essential four pillars of
strong corporate governance are responsibility, fairness, accountability and transparency.
Corporate governance helps in establishing system in which directors are entrusted with the
duties and responsibilities of the company`s affairs.
Corporate Governance at MCB refers to rights and responsibilities among different
stakeholders of the Bank through a set of rules, policies and practices keeping focus on
proper delegation, transparency and accountability in the organization as a whole. The
success of the Bank relies on its proven track record in upholding high standards of
corporate governance. Board composition The Bank encourages representation of
independent directors, non-executive directors and directors representing minority
interests on its board of directors.
Casual Vacancies on the Board of Directors
No casual vacancy occurred on the Board of Directors during the year 2017. Detail of Board
Meetings held outside Pakistan: During the year 2017, all the Board of Directors meetings were
held in Pakistan. Number of Board and sub-committee meetings held and attendance by each
Board committees
The Board has eight sub-committees as given below:
1. Audit Committee;
2. Business Strategy & Development Committee;
3. Human Resource & Remuneration Committee;
4. Risk Management & Portfolio Review Committee;
5. Committee on Physical Planning & Contingency Arrangements;
6. IT Committee;
7. Compliance Review and Monitoring Committee; and
8. Write-Off and Waiver Committee;
Audit Committee
Meetings held:5
1. Mr. Ahmad Alman Aslam – Chairman
2. Mr. Muhammad Ali Zeb
3. Mr. Samir Iqbal Saigol
4. Mr. Nor Hizam bin Hashim
Terms of Reference
The main terms of reference of the Committee are: Determination of appropriate measures to
safeguard the bank’s assets. Reviewing annual and interim financial statements of the bank,
prior to their approval by the Board of Directors, focusing on:
• Major judgmental areas;
• Significant adjustments resulting from the audit;
• The going concern assumption;
• Any changes in accounting policies and practices;
• Compliance with applicable accounting standards;
• Compliance with listing regulations, other statutory and regulatory requirements; and
• All related party transactions. Reviewing preliminary announcements of results prior to
external communication and publication. Facilitating the external audit and discussion with
external auditors of major observations arising from interim and final audits and any matter
that the auditors may wish to highlight (in the absence of management, where necessary).
Reviewing Management Letter issued by External Auditors and management’s response
thereto. Ensuring coordination between the internal and external auditors of the Bank. Making
recommendations to the Board of Directors, the appointment of external auditors, their
removal, audit fees, the provision of any service permissible to be rendered to the Bank by the
external auditors in addition to audit of its financial statements. Reviewing scope and extent of
internal audit, audit plan, reporting framework and procedures and ensuring that the internal
audit function has adequate resources and is appropriately placed within the bank; Reviewing
Performance appraisal of Group Head - Audit & RAR, jointly with the President & Chief
Executive Officer; Audit Committee may recommend to the BOD for its consideration for
removal of Group Head – Audit & RAR. Consideration of major findings of internal
investigations of activities characterized by fraud, corruption and abuse of power and
management’s response thereto; Ascertaining that the internal control systems including
financial and operational controls, accounting systems for timely and appropriate recording of
purchases and sales, receipts and payments, assets and liabilities and the reporting structure are
adequate and effective; Reviewing the Bank’s statement on internal control systems prior to
endorsement by the Board of Directors and internal audit reports.
Instituting special projects, value for money studies or other investigations on any matter
specified by the Board of Directors, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”)
and to consider remittance of any matter to the external auditors or to any other external body;
Determination of compliance with relevant statutory requirements; Review of arrangement for
staff and management to report to Audit Committee in confidence, concerns, if any, about
actual or potential improprieties in financial and other matters and recommend instituting
remedial and mitigating measures. Monitoring compliance with the Listed Companies (Code
of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2017 and identification of significant violations
thereof; Consideration of any other issue or matter as may be assigned by the Board of
Business Strategy and Development Committee
Meetings held: 5
1. Mian Umer Mansha - Chairman
2. Mr. S. M. Muneer
3. Mr. Ahmad Alman Aslam
4. Mr. Mohd Suhail Amar Suresh
5. Mr. Irfan Ahmed Hashmi
6. President & CEO
Terms of Reference
The main terms of reference of the Committee are to; Review and develop Vision & Mission
statements and core values for MCB both from long and short term perspective. Develop bank’s
initiatives relating to business philosophy and acquisition, strategic investment and divestment,
capital raising exercise, strategic alliances and brand management.
In particular review the following important matters: Policy initiatives; Business organization;
Oversee expansion plans; Contingency planning relating to business realignment; Review and
devise medium and long term business plans and policies based on strategy, future direction
and milestones set by the Board; Monitor the progress of the key strategy initiatives undertaken
by the bank; Keep oversight on Bank’s Overseas Operations; Undertake such other tasks as
may be delegated by the Board from time to time.
Human Resource and Remuneration Committee
Meetings held: 4
1. Mian Mohammad Mansha - Chairman
2. Mr. Ahmad Alman Aslam
3. Mrs. Iqraa Hassan Mansha
4. President & CEO
Terms of Reference
The main tasks of the Committee are to ensure that; The existing policies are reviewed
periodically, and, as necessary, revised & recommended to the Board, in order to attract and
retain highly qualified employees. The latest entry-level procedures are put in place for
recruitment of entrants. The existing training facilities for the new entrants as well as for up-
gradation of skill level of all employees are reviewed and revised. Proper classification &
reclassification of employees’ pay scales, job description, and methods of their periodical
review are put in place.
An objective criterion for work appraisal/performance is developed & linked with the annual
merit increase. A review is undertaken of the organizational structure to bring it in line with
business strategy & development plan and approve an organizational set up or any revision in
the existing set up taking into account the recommendations of the President. An in-house
human resource expertise is developed. In case there is inadequacy of in-house expertise, the
Committee is empowered to hire consultant(s), as appropriate, to undertake market analysis of
above policies with a view to developing MCB policies.
Effective management information system is developed to monitor the implementation of
policies as approved by the Board. The selection, evaluation, compensation (including
retirement benefits) and succession planning of the CEO and recommend to the Board. The
consideration and approval on recommendations of CEO on such matters for key management
positions who report directly to CEO. The selection, evaluation, compensation (including
retirement benefits) and succession planning of the CFO, Company Secretary and Head of
Internal Audit and recommend to the Board.
Risk Management and Portfolio Review Committee
Meetings held: 4 Composition
1. Mr. Muhammad Ali Zeb - Chairman
2. Mian Umer Mansha
3. Mr. Mohd Suhail Amar Suresh
4. Mr. Irfan Ahmed Hashmi
5. President & CEO
Terms of Reference
Review the bank’s risk management framework, in light of internal developments, guidelines
issued by the regulators and international best practices, on as and when required basis and
recommend to the board for approval. Ensure bank’s compliance towards Capital Adequacy
and other related Basel/ regulatory requirements on an on-going basis. Review Capital
Adequacy Ratio (CAR) in detail on half yearly basis. Review and recommend to Board, Bank’s
Risk Appetite Statement on an annual basis. Review various reports pertaining to the risk in
the bank’s portfolio prepared by the Risk Management Group. The Committee shall also
consider comments of the relevant senior management official/ Committee while reviewing
such reports and communicate the planned/executed corrective actions to the Board, if
Committee on Physical Planning and Contingency Arragements
Meetings held: 4 Composition
1. Mian Umer Mansha – Chairman
2. Mr. S. M. Muneer
3. Mrs. Iqraa Hassan Mansha
4. President & CEO
Terms of Reference
The main terms of reference of the Committee are; to develop and device an overall plan for
physical infrastructure and contingency arrangements for the bank. To review and monitor all
work in progress, including construction of premises and renovations, which shall, inter alia,
be based on physical planning. To review, monitor and recommend to the Board the building
plans, master development agreements & contingency arrangements. To review, from time to
time, as the Committee deems appropriate, the administrative structures and plans in place to
ensure the ongoing health and safety of utilities and physical assets, including land & buildings
and recommend, as appropriate, changes in plans arising from this review. To review updates
on Bank’s property purchases.
IT Committee
Meetings held: 4 Composition
1. Mr. Samir Iqbal Saigol - Chairman
2. Mr. Ahmad Alman Aslam
3. Mr. Irfan Ahmed Hashmi
4. President & CEO
Terms of Reference
The main terms of reference of the Committee with regard to governance and supervision are;
to approve an overall plan for IT system for the bank prepared by the management. To approve
the organizational strategic plan to ensure an effective use of information technology by all
departments and branches. To approve and oversee the management’s program to automate the
organization’s use of internal information to ensure that data is organized and shared in a
manner that adds value and enhances productivity. To approve and oversee a reliable and
secure communications infrastructure with the capacity to address future growth. To approve
policies those promote development of information technology resources in an organized,
deliberate, secured, and cost effective manner. To review and approve management
recommendations for IT standards for ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and
identifying and mitigating significant IT related risks. To review and approve the
Administrative IT structure. To undertake any other IT related work assigned to the Committee
by the Board.
Compliance Review and Monitoring Committee
Meetings held: 2 Composition
1. Mr. S. M. Muneer - Chairman
2. Mr. Ahmad Alman Aslam
3. Mr. Irfan Ahmed Hashmi
4. President & CEO
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Committee are: To review six monthly reports prepared by the
Compliance & Controls Group and routed through the President on overall compliance risk
management in the Bank (local as well as overseas operations) including the actions taken on
the recommendations and observations of SBP in its Annual/Thematic Inspection Report and
compliance status of AML / CFT policy; To guide the management in the matters pertaining
to compliance risk management in the Bank, compliance of SBP’s observations, AML/ CFT
regulations and review the progress in implementation of remedial actions taken with respect
to noncompliance; To carry on liaison between the Board and the management on overall
management of compliance risks with a view to ensuring compliance pertaining to compliance
issues raised through CCM, SBP’s observations and AML/ CFT issues; To make
recommendations to the Board, if necessary, for taking decisions on expedient and appropriate
disposal of compliance issues raised through CCM, SBP’s observations and AML / CFT
identified issues; To oversee the effectiveness of Service Quality functions of the Bank to
review the performance of the Service Council; To review/recommend Compliance Risk
Strategy/Policy, Compliance Program & allied
policies and oversee its implementation across the bank in letter and spirit; To recommend
appointment, any disciplinary action or termination of CCO on the advice of the President and
ensure that position of CCO does not remain vacant for more than 60 days; To ensure that CCO
has proper stature, authority, resources, support, independence and capacity to offer his
objective opinions to senior management and Board on compliance risks; To engage with CCO
on half yearly basis, to discuss issues faced by the Compliance Function (“CCG”) in the
implementation of board approved compliance program; To review the minutes of Compliance
Committee of Management (CCM) meetings to ascertain its effectiveness in managing
compliance risk; Any other issue that is deemed necessary and required by the regulations.
Write Off and Waiver Committee Composition
1. Mian Umer Mansha - Chairman
2. Mr. Tariq Rafi
3. Mr. Samir Iqbal Saigol
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Committee are: To review and approve write-off & waiver cases
on behalf of the Board of Directors. To submit cases of write-off & waiver for post facto
ratification by the Board.
Management Committees